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tv   [untitled]    May 13, 2011 10:30pm-11:00pm EDT

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we met in a party. led . me to wonder well. we'll be getting. him safe getting ready for freedom. hey guys welcome michel ancel on the a lot of show the part of our guests not to sound the topics now i want to hear audience has gotten you seem to video responses or to twitter for part of the question that we've posted on you tube every monday and on thursday the show is gone responses. your thoughts eight hundred.
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fifty six ft seven fixed. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so poorly you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else here's some other part of it and realized everything you thought you knew you go i'm sorry.
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are dissatisfied schooltime award as not to go to oklahoma senator jim inhofe the republican senator was appearing on fox news this morning to talk about guantanamo bay and a host of brian kilmeade asked inhofe if the u.s. should allow the detainees to get mel i visit from their families so here's what he added say. keep in mind these detainees they had things they'd never had before you and your biggest problem get billy's right you know what it's obesity you're eating better than they've ever eaten before they had better medical care they're better they have legal counsel i mean you know you got to draw the line somewhere. here's senator inhofe talk about it i mean you get most sounds like club med they get great food to fatten up awesome medical care and the city is located in a nice warm tropical climate sound like a dream vacation spot right ok obviously i'm at
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a loss for words here the flippin attitude of senator inhofe kind of makes me want to puke there one hundred seventy two captives still being held at the facility and while they may have access to some legal counsel they're still being held without due process now if senator inhofe thinks that being held for years and years in prison without any charges or a trial is less of a problem that obesity i say needs to have its head examined never mind that some of the detainees are transferred from secret prisons overseas where they were tortured and because of that they've been deemed on trial mean that they could a rot for the rest of their lives so i without so much as seeing a courtroom but apparently senator inhofe doesn't really think that that issue and fact he thinks these people are being treated just by so fine that he scoffed at the idea that they should be able to see their families after all as inhofe says we need draw the line somewhere now the international committee of the red cross has been pushing the pentagon to allow for family visits of get motivated eighty's and they already provide phone and video conferencing for some of them but senator in
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office friends are going to list stick over the proposed idea apparently hitler was almost paradise so for his embarrassingly dumb and glib statement obesity is a larger problem and the absence of due process republican senator jim inhofe of oklahoma wins tonight's till time award. and now a short while back we first told you about how google are taking it upon themselves to censor any words they were sociate of the piracy sites and they're so. we also spoke of whispers that congress was working to ensure that the federal government would be able to unilaterally order those search engines like google to block sites that they put on a blacklist and it turns out those rumors were true the senate has now officially introduced a bill that would give the government legal power to either disrupt or shut down completely any web sites quote dedicated to infringing activity and it's a bipartisan measure brought forth by eleven senators called the protect ip act and there are three key points to this bill first like we just said is to bring down
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file sharing piracy websites but it also allows the government to present the sites with lawsuits and the measure would also make it illegal for a search engine to even post a link to these sites which we should know has a lot of people up in arms already and rightly so now it also gives copyright holders the power to seek a court order or order and take legal action against the site themselves so in other words it gives the government the ability to blacklist piracy websites now this isn't the first time an anti-piracy bill has been discussed similar measure it isn't as last year called the court it's however that measure want to allow suspected domains ending in dot com or dot net to be able to be seized and well we all know how good the government is seizing the right domain and that's why it was thrown out before it could be voted on but back to the project i.p.x. this is a big moment for movie makers recording studios anyone else out there who's a veteran who gives copyright infringement they've been trying to take legal action against those who are pirating their material and it looks like they finally have
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congress fully in their pocket so this would mean a new era in copyright law it gives the government power to go after any one high reading material and it encourages encourages search engines to become more vigilant against these sites and it gives movie and music powerhouses the ability to go after these pirates themselves a little scary right broadening censorship making a link to those sites an illegal act and encouraging black. it seems to go against everything that the internet was created for like free and open expression when it comes to everything and i don't really think you'll be out of line to say that this measure could be described as draconian again very very scary so i guess we're just going to wait and see how congress and the rest of the u.s. feels about this one because if it does become law you're going to notice a lot of changes on the internet. now today congressman ron paul made it official he's running for president but while he's long been considered
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a fringe candidate could this time around be just right but the country reeling from an economic crisis the housing bubble that imploded and weary from fighting nonstop wars opinions are definitely shifting but what's going to be the biggest obstacle for his libertarian ideal that in some respects seem rather radical for average americans or the g.o.p. establishment that's hell bent on keeping the status quo here discuss it with me is my creates associate editor at reason magazine my thanks so much for being here and i think you know like i said ron paul he's been preaching about the same stuff for the last thirty years or so those years on capitol hill and nobody really listen for a while he was always the outsider but he said today when he was announcing that he was running again that he feels the timing is right this time around what do you say yeah i mean we're in the middle of a crisis and the ideas that he's always been talking about the haven't had the same urgency you know all the sudden don't sound so irrational i mean the idea of reining in federal spending in
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a big way reforming entitlements and the wars that have cost us over a trillion dollars in the last ten years all that stuff suddenly sounds less radical more common sense i think i mean unfortunately does it always have to take something of this proportion you know a financial crisis of this magnitude nonstop wars the longest war in american history to get people to actually start looking at other ideas looking at third party so yeah i think so i mean the g.o.p. wants to preserve the status quo i think i mean so does the democratic party because the status quo works for the american middle class which were i mean this is lawmakers appeal to you and so you know it doesn't really matter too much throughout how bad immigrants are being treated or you know what's going on with invading the sovereignty of pakistan by sending a navy seals bin laden or where we're spending our money i mean as long as things are fine the stuff doesn't really matter i don't think that makes americans particularly bad but it does mean that they wait until now to look around at other options now i wonder though you know because if you look at some of ron paul's.
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ideas here some of the policies that he likes yeah it makes sense right now for americans to say hey we need to rein in government spending we need to stop some of these wars but he already has said himself he would that the idea of not seeming compassionate is going to be a big problem because when you think of the fact that you're in a recession and you have a candidate out there that doesn't believe in welfare or unemployment or even you know the civil rights act or anything like that how are americans going to think that he has any compassion you know exactly and i have problems and you don't want to help me fix that yeah it's this is an interesting thing i mean this is why people have tried to cast the idea of like personal responsibility as a as a positive for everybody instead of you know the idea is we are not taking away we're not taking away your benefits we're basically teaching you to like them for yourself sort of for yourself when we're in a recession when the wealth gap is one of the largest ever been in the country when african-americans fifty percent of them almost are unemployed like you just talking about and you know it is it's definitely hard i think it it has to move beyond
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soundbites for instance there has to be a discussion of how maybe the u.s. response to the housing crisis hasn't been very helpful i mean we've kept the home prices are falling yes with the same time or like some of our economic policies are inflating home prices keeping first time buyers out of the market keeping houses from changing houses from changing hands so i think it would have to move beyond soundbites there would have to be some sort of justification of for instance gary johnson was asked at the south carolina bee and i think ron paul the same thing that wage floors minimum wage laws can be harmful because they can keep more people in a household from working if they're not eligible to meet a minimum wage paying job so it definitely has to move beyond just say personal responsibility over and over again i mean i've not sure the pause a chance of winning the over the g.o.p. nomination but if you want to influence the debate if you want to influence policy from what it essentially has i mean this is going to be the biggest platform he's going to have for next four years is running for president it's going to have to move beyond soundbites but the question that i was asking and getting to was what's
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going to be the reason why. he is going to win this g.o.p. nomination is going to go to the g.o.p. it's going to be do you know the idea is going to be the well i mean it's going to be a combination of the two i mean the g.o.p. wants somebody that can make their candidate for instance ron paul's magazine that he has it is not people do not flock to rome because he is a republican candidate they flock to ron paul because he's ron paul so what the g.o.p. needs they need they need two things they need one somebody who's platform and whose history as a legislator as a governor who witnessed that the g.o.p. has set out on abortion on maybe on social issues definitely on the military but then they also need somebody that they can then try to around the country for you know the months of the campaign season and say like this is the guy you vote for not because he's themself but because he's a republican they need to get republican voters out not just people who identify with a care but why do you think it is that young people flock to me and he's not a young guy a president obama is much younger yeah and then ron paul but is it because they
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have grown up with you know with this corporatist government if they've grown up during this recession they've grown up during this war on terror and they're the ones that are really willing to look for something different they're the ones that want to change the most because let's face it things aren't getting any better you know i think it has i mean you introduced ron paul as somebody who has a lot of radical ideas i think young people are drawn to him for that very reason i mean we have a country that is you know the drug use is it's not the highest it's ever going to be among young people but certainly the penetration of drug use and culture is much more mundane than it was during the one nine hundred sixty so you have a lot of people coming out to say like god like is this stuff really that bad i mean we have reality television that taught us about that maybe prostitution is maybe not the worst thing in the world to have you basically you have a culture of telling young people what your politicians are telling you it's really harmful is not really and you have certain states doing it too i mean how do you know that it's going to fifteen states actually have already legalized it lastly
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though a thing is ron paul is still running as a republican and i we. just age is decades away from a real third party candidate i think i think we are i think what i mean if that's if we want what i mean i dearly i think you know we have two existing infrastructures the democratic republican parties does it make more sense to basically sort of blow those parties wide open so that the you know the biggest possible field can run and i think you see this more often in the democratic party and their primaries you can see people like in the senate you know who's kind of a perennial candidate make me who had a better have better success getting out these like really write messages for a party if we want to see third party stuff we not only do they have your stronger develop better infrastructure sort of tied together all the localities we also see the two main parties get a little weaker at the time i want to thank you very much for joining us and we'll see how the campaign goes from here on this iran he definitely has a legion of fans that are dedicated but the any expand that basic rock star thanks so much yeah i think you know now coming up we have our fireside friday and then
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stick around for happy hour some of the nodding was in support and the arrival of in our burger in fact those leaves one wondering here you create your county sheriff and jim hansen military blogger for black dot net join me for all that just and. let's not forget that we are in a park right. i think. well. we haven't got the shows they're safe get ready because their freedom.
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john berman here broadcasting live from washington d.c. coming up today on the big picture. new website with twenty four seven live streaming news towns what to do about the ongoing financial heart unlimited high quality videos for download. and stories you never find you. post on aren't.
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you guys welcome to shower and tell me alone a show we've heard about our guests have to say on the topic now i want to hear audio just go on to you tube to video respond or to twitter for part of the question that we post on you tube every monday and on thursday the show long response if we let go of what he. did some nights by inside your home. well it's another week and there's more bad news before we get started let's just walk through a few basic principles when it comes to the u.s. government let's remind ourselves of the idea of checks and balances the three branches of government that have been set up to make sure that no one branch holds too much power these checks and balances have been nearly demolished in our country especially when it comes to the expansion of the executive branch and obama has turned out to be one of the worst offenders not only has this president
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unilaterally decided to get us into a war and lead. tor decided that he can place american citizens on the sasa nation list he's also signed an executive order to create a formal policy for indefinite detention so now he can keep holding people without any regard for the law for as long as he wants what we've seen this week goes farther and goes much farther in some of these cases obama has actually asked for congressional approval or as the courts but i think it's pretty safe to say that neither one is going to say no to the commander in chief this week obama asked congress to extend the normally ten year limit on the position of f.b.i. director for another two years you see robert mueller has been in charge since before nine eleven and according to our president because we're in a war on terror it would just be too stressful to change horses midstream so obama claims that he wants to extend this extension only to robert mueller only to his administration but of congress says yes that's a that's a very dangerous president i speak all too often on how this creeping war on terror
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works so how long until we see a president to extend his own term limits because we are in a war tell him to give you another example in the case of thomas age rape a former n.s.a. executive who is accused of funneling documents to an unnamed reporter the obama administration's department of justice seeking it on presidential request from the courts they want the judge to withhold a sensor on classified documents about the n.s.a. so not only have they waged a war against whistleblowers for leaking classified information now they want to be able to pick and choose what else can be kept off the record forget about all those labels of it being classified they just don't like it but by far the most dangerous move this week is coming from what we in congress itself republican lawmakers are trying to slip into the defense budget for two thousand and twelve an expansion of the authorization of the use of military force that's something that would allow
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the president to wage war. on anyone he wants at any time i mean when i hand that authorities am on a silver platter they want to be able to declare a constant state of war so who needs those pesky restrictions the ones that say that we can only go after people the world over a detainee and bomb them because they were directly involved with nine eleven you know this new language up for debate says it applies to the taliban al qaeda and all associated forces do you know what an associated forces if anyone the president decides it is this is absolutely crazy the war on terror is the most detrimental most dangerous lie in the modern history and it backs the constitution the rule of law the morals and the logic of this country and if it passes you can say goodbye to the america that you once knew but just remember that i warned you.
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all right it's friday and it's time for our happy hour joining me this evening is argue producer jenny churchill and jim hansen retired special operations master sergeant and military blogger for black by www dot net thanks for joining me you guys now there was some really breaking news coming from the new from the new year . coming out from the media today regarding the treasure trove of intelligence that was gathered most of a lot of power and if i didn't give away you can take a look at what a bit is. some breaking news on the stash of documents discovered inside some of these million dollar compound and no these are not documents that members of congress want to view and b c news can now confirm that a stash of pornography thought was found inside the terror leader's live collection
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said to be rather extensive of pornographic videos. well counterterrorism officials still going over the drives the hard drives of computers that were found at the compound of osama bin laden we're now getting word that among all of the other information that they have been able to uncover they have also found pornography stashed on the computers and hard drives at the big log compound in a bottle bog fox all right so bin ladin had an extensive stash of porn i guess we should really find out all that surprising you know foreign isn't completely alien in the arab world and the guy you know it's not like he's a saint he's the terrorist and a killer but my question is do you think it really belonged to all solidarity think it belong to the three lives that are sitting around really bored and cooped up in the compound all the time i think absolutely belong to osama and i think that this explains everything literally everything he's so mad at the western world because he's battling a serious one addiction much like much of hollywood i don't know i'll tell you i
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can actually confirm that this was been logs porn just based on the titles that some of my friends especially community when he had deep throat he had a group back mountain go you had to go to one cult this was osama's porn and it just says a little something about al-qaeda overall we have been having all your day long a believe me with the possible titles. of what i was i was born it may have been but the thing is too you know we didn't have internet in this compound so you're assuming that i guess it was the courier that was bringing it to him so that makes me wonder you know was it kind of. the seventy's part let's be honest it was probably really odd stuff but ridiculous music and mustaches so i mean roger and he was definitely yes. that's an obvious well i guess we may never know but i really do hope you know if the government is going to give us a picture of osama's dead body i hope they give us a least a few more clues as to what kind of porn he watched let's move on to this other story that really caused us there were some guy that decided to make
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a list of these. top ten hottest female sex offenders in texas and then i think you apologize that i realized the bad idea because people were offended and because it first you think like you know sex offenders maybe they're drunk college girls that flash somebody that's why they have a mug shot you know these are actually really sick people i mean i went there and i looked at the list and their victims were you know a four year old boy or a thirteen year old girl and i mean ok but obviously i know what i really want. and. i mean what i really want to see is the ten ugliest female sex offender i think behind that we're a funny guy and you know spring chickens are that cute i just want to go on the record see the were the trippy teachers and i was in school you know all these teachers sweeping with their fourteen year old students that would have been the highlight of my own career but new so i don't feel that's all this is this is how
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this whole thing started as he was trying to draw awareness he thought that this would be funny and we live in such a mrs robinson culture where a boy has sex with his female teacher and everyone's like. oh buddy good show is one of the does that give you that you back on and say if you fall on those who would you give him jim. i don't know if you guys ever had it i'm from california and in and out burger is you know we're famous for it properly delicious i love it and it texas was just blessed with their very first in and out but i mean there are you know cars lined up for a mile or two and some people really really freaking out take a look at this clip. i just i mean it just so overwhelming. they all night you can see it's so real you know you were there because.
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she was at the time. i mean. it's really good to keep some points in until they're ready to you know it's i'm living in california. you know you might not be able to get americans to protest a war and be passionate about that but when it comes to a burger the way you know wine for miles and then cry about it you know this speaks volumes about america like we cry actually you know she wept tears over a cheeseburger it's not there i mean the cool thing about in operators a secret you know if you want secret hansen and all this you get peacocks. i'm just speaking this lady was a little out of control. even go there i'm hoping that she was either drunk or pregnant i mean something house to explain this i do want to say however if a skyline kid was running pregnant that's possible too if it skyline came to washington d.c. . i have no idea what i would also get in
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a way better than five guys alaska lee yesterday we made fun of her congressional candidate in southern california and it turns out he's releasing a number of these ads and they're supposed to be really ridiculous and this time he even got some celebrities to help him out so take a look at one of the latest. are you supposed to be out there campaigning. but. you're so full of crap you just don't get your fun of putting up enough wanted nothing good on us political experience and you hung in there with the same politicians the system offers up year after year since you got into this campaign in this life you don't have nothing to prove and nobody except yourself and the voters of the thirty sixth district so what do you see. ready for this ready for
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this my boy. i don't know about you but i think i'd rather vote for rudy even then albert i don't want a word for him tools. you should be i don't need separate is it. did you see that one yesterday with the korea going on asia i dated asian woman couple is married to lady lets family here and you ask her how does it is created his family i want to know where he was during our campaign war last year when we were making our own i am nobody else he would've been perfect well we're just going to have to start that one all over again maybe it's not how are you guys about it for tonight's show thanks for tuning in to make me come back on monday i have our mind made it was a happy hour for you and much much more in the meantime don't forget to become a fan of the a lot of show on facebook and apollos on twitter and if you missed any of the night's show or any other night you can always catch it all you got your life show worthless the interviews as well as the show in its entirety coming up next is adam versus the night.
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download the official policy allocation chobani phone the i pod touch from the i choose our. life. video on demand oxys my bold colors and r.s.s. feeds now in the palm of your. question on the call. if. me please please please. please.
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