tv [untitled] May 15, 2011 3:00pm-3:30pm EDT
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it's circles photo in the big building so closer till i see it ski corinthian have skipped this medicine this is room in pinsky go twenty two look you because come on . now so it's in. the week's top stories as the u.s. appears ready to denounce the syrian government for its own lawful as a lawful for his brutal crackdowns on protesters but we take a look at what's next for the country. libyan rebels leave washington disappointed empty handed after the white house dashes expectations of official recognition and cash from the colonel can often it's frozen assets. as the head of the international monetary fund is detained on charges of sexual assault r t explores the repercussions of the arrest. and grandiose military displays marking victory day across russia while ukrainian veterans face a new battle with nationalists who assaulted them on the holiday.
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eleven pm in moscow i met treasure bring you today's top stories in a look back at the week's news here on r t thousands are fleeing syria where violence is raging despite the government's promise of dialogue with the opposition international pressure is mounting on syria over brutal crackdowns on anti-government protesters with some eight hundred killed and more than a thousand arrested in two knots the e.u. and u.s. have imposed sanctions on the country washington is even said to be considering declaring president assad's eleven year war on walpole as artie's guy may change a key on reports many believe the u.s. may be laying the foundation for drastic action against the regime. who easily jim an international leader and who is not it seems america will decide a white house source said the obama administration is edging. declaring assad's
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ruling syria illegitimate and that it would be just the first step and we will continue to work with our international partners in the e.u. and elsewhere on additional steps to hold syria responsible for its gross human rights abuses sounds familiar united states is helping lead an international effort to deter further violence put in place unprecedented sanctions to hold the gadhafi government accountable when the u.s. says it's going to hold someone responsible expect action once the u.s. has officially declared the syrian government illegitimate. it it would open the door. true various steps taken to remove that government but the south proclaimed position of the us as the world's policeman and judge of which government is legitimate or not doesn't sit well with
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everyone who has an. arrogance. in government are not worthy in order to americans good luck. it was some of the u.s. long time allies like the yemeni president seem to be intimidated by those that's the white house to act as the arbiter of who falls power in the world. are you president of the united states or president of the world when can get a government atrocities in different countries in the middle east and north africa the us claims the higher moral ground the clearing human rights is the basis for its involvement but the critics say this is a smokescreen for the real reason for interference in their d.n.a. of us foreign policy if you or our and economics were obviously based. in a movie with a. story. how he was. you crossed
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a country where. america's self-proclaimed humanitarian involvement has led it to take sides in the libyan civil war the us has pledged extensive support for the rebels newly released wiki leaks cables show the u.s. had been funneling money to syria's opposition for several years now but some say the help comes with strings attached and nobody gives away money for nothing more arms and the u.s. sees the opportunity of putting in a friendly pro-american government responsive to american interests the coalition efforts in libya have reached a dead end with the country now in military stalemate in the meantime civilian casualties there continue to grow. analysts say foreign involvement in syria could trigger a much worse conflict syria's in the heart of the arab world and if it explodes or
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implodes it will affect all its neighboring countries iraq saudi arabia jordan israel lebanon. they're in they're all likely to get involved in a collapsing were a war torn serious serious partnership with iran has long been irritating washington yet another recent say some to go after our side relying on iran as your best friend in your own least pretty chick ally is not a viable way forward critics say the us takes on the role of world policeman not based on its inherent altruism but rather out of self-interest and the bigger question is whether those interests have been at the wall safer or have to stabilize the more i'm going to check our reporting from washington r.t. . arrest is already spreading beyond syria with casualties reported at the lebanese and israeli border and with people trying to escape the violence film activist filmmaker says the sanctions imposed on syria are more about a struggle for world dominance than protection of civilians. the west would like
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the syrian regime like the libyan regime like with hizbollah and the palestinian resistance to disappear yesterday and now even that is a whole different kettle of fish i think where the west is now in this historical moment everyone knows that the world has finished entering into a multi-polar world and the west is panicking about how they can sit back and allow the bric nations of the global south just to rise up or for them to just go without go without a fight so now is really the historic opportunity for western germany to try to pull back a little bit of a world domination that they've lost in the last decade but frankly even if they did go into syria which i don't think they will i think the syrian regime will hold tight but even if they did i mean what's happened the last decade iraq and afghanistan yes they got rid of saddam hussein yes they got rid of the taliban but
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what is the net result the net result was they were bogged down morally politically economically diplomatically they were completely completely outmaneuvered by the global south and our rise of the global south and the bric nations in particular and this what happened in the next several years are coming as well. this week the u.s. dashed hopes for a lot of libyan rebels for official recognition the white house gave this message to a libyan opposition leader during his visit to washington he was also dragging its feet are releasing khadafi has frozen assets promised to the rebels but it's not the only of the opposition that's feeling the cost of the war as archy's are for bennett reports. for those who joined the fight in libya the cost of conflict is quickly taking off denmark's one of just six nato members conducting air strikes so enforce the no fly zone it's six f. sixteen fighter planes racking up a hefty bill of thirteen and a half million dollars a month we are anticipating a number that was considered go up and out we aren't that many nations that is using fighter planes. they say u.s.
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for example they're using ground they had had tomahawk missiles but i don't have any either. denmark dropped one hundred twenty six precision bombs in the first four nights of the campaign or each one costs on average fifty thousand dollars on top of that there's one point six million a month the station the jets in sicily along with one hundred thirty personnel at this rate denmark's annual cost will be one hundred seventeen million dollars four percent of its defense budget the danish air force refuses to comment on the money saying it's too political a topic that parliament says it can afford it these people have come to the american embassy to show their opposition to the war it's not just the conflict they're protesting against though it's also denmark's willingness to follow the u.s. into battle they do this because. i don't know all some people say they have an inferiority complex and they follow big daddy and yell the united states and france what's this
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war in guess so they go on very junior partner a danish parliament was unanimous in backing a bombing campaign in libya the first time ever on a military action but since then cracks have appeared with the far left red green alliance withdrawing its support it says nato has gone beyond its mandate by taking sides in a civil war now the party is denmark could follow suit again with a ground offensive looming i think it's likely because the prime minister wants to be a strong man is precedes this upcoming election. and also that is the policy of the current government to be as close with the us as possible at the moment the government's against sending ground forces six f. sixteen s are already costing the same as denmark's troop deployment in afghanistan
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and they've been there for ten years. but as afghanistan kosovo and iran showed when push comes to shove the country's more than willing to join america whichever the cost other than its. copenhagen. stay with us much more headed your way here on our t.v. including this storming the un european m.p.'s called for a permanent sixty eight up a seat on the security council but their hopes aren't shared by. find out why finish authorities release one man behind a website serving as a mouthpiece for terrorists. but first the head of the international monetary fund has been charged with sexual assault attempted rape and unlawful imprisonment new york police pulled dominic strauss kahn from a plane minutes before he was due to fly to paris and interrogated him on suspicion of assaulting a hotel maid french politics expert and he says the hopes of strauss kahn to head
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the french presidency are now effectively over. he was going to announce his candidacy for the clinton twelve presidential elections and i think these allegations will come as a huge blow for french socialists who really saw him as the great hope to succeed president sarkozy in next year's presidential elections and i don't think that the stage or the next close kind will even think of running for president because i think will prove extremely difficult to juggle i think ations of sexual assault. and rape and with the presidential campaign i think president sarkozy is an obvious candidate can benefit from from the scandal although he's very low in the poll or the man with the lowest opinion of the noblest rate in fact for any french president in the history of the fifth republic but i think this will benefit hugely hugely less he will be able to hoop that he will you know you
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will reassure him give him more confidence to tackle the presidential elections when much more strength than the current situation for him. at least sixteen people have been killed as israeli troops shot a proposed to me and protesters out the lebanese syrian and dollars of borders clashes broke out on what palestinians call not by day marking the anniversary of the founding of the jewish state when many palestinians lost their homes their perspective on this we're joined by political activists. joining us from tel aviv so israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu is trying to explain the actions of the country's troops as a defense of its borders but do you think the violence can be justified in this case. course not not with. the day in the south in the north somewhere just as well as the continuous growth has to be. just the palestinians who were expelled from their houses
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sixty three years the group until now the third of the three g.'s in these parts of the arab world just wanted. to develop these events into what happened and the killing of fifteen citizens is the ramps another ground the divided government is doing. but saying that relations between israel and palestinians are strange strange is an understatement but israel and the palestinians aren't making the matters much easier are they i mean israel fires against protesters but protesters were also on mosques storming the gates across the border so i mean what does that leave us. what has been happening since nineteen forty till now is that we are having millions of refugees and they are not allowed to come back to their homes while you know that you have this all just jewish immigration from all over the world coming to the land of israel that was promised to them by got two thousand years ago
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a little bit more the people who were expelled during the war of one hundred forty eight sixty three years ago part of them are still alive i'm not allowed to get back. while the war has ended it's the three years of not just that the whole israel society not just the government are denying the fact that the palestinians had a catastrophe in the establishment of the israeli state this israel is that was established on the account on the palestinian people i come for a city called jump on you're just a city just nearby to love and according to the partition declaration to be part of the arab state it was occupied in one thousand forty ninety eight percent of the population were expelled or their property was going to secure these people are still refugees still today all over the world and now this is right it's also don't want them to commemorate this catastrophe that happened to them in nineteen forty the fact that the palestinians want to get back home is the most common thing i can
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think of with the israeli violence against this and the prevention of these people to get back home for the last sixty three years is a serious ghattas or for that most of the world unfortunately don't know enough about and they are believing all this really lies to think that israel's actions can be brought to justice in in the past we have seen them for example the deadly boarding of a gaza aid flotilla last year do you think there will be any kind of resolution to that. unfortunately i don't believe any more than the international community and bring israeli. responsible for all these killings not just what happened today and yesterday all the killings and protests of his of that happening lately by the israeli army and the israeli government also don't believe that someone can bring them to justice i think one of the main problems is that these people are not being brought to justice and the israelis are having to do any contest they want to do this is why
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they are continuing to behave in this way towards pro palestinians or in the peace activists or anyone who wants to do any demonstration in gaza or in the north or in jerusalem in what happened yesterday and the day before in jerusalem was also another that this particular young man eighteen years old because he was in a demonstration or saying that the these people were throwing stones so what people might be ending. is on the borders what would happen to this huge massive forces of israel if people saw some stones on the borders so here i would justify the killing of innocent people not in the north nothing does not in jerusalem so we're so we have israeli troops firing at protesters occasionally we have palestinians lobbing rockets and mortars back into israel what do you think is going to move the peace process forward. i think not
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if the israeli society would continue denying the neck and ignoring the fact that the most important component of the palestinian issue is the refugee issue i think we are going to have this conflict for a lot of other use to come i think first of all in order to get to any normal solution and historical compromise between the palestinians and the israelis which will be good for the whole middle east that the israeli society and the israeli government should first of all stop denying the palestinian nakba take responsibility for the death of the palestinian people in the manner in forty eight and the normal solution and the just solution for that if you do you shoot without solving the refugee issue you can't solve anything in the palestinian case and most of the palestinian people are refugees still today in the whole world and what we are having in the west bank and gaza are only part of the palestinian people the rest of these people are refugees spread all over the world because of the nineteen
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forty eight war it's not going to deal with the serious issue which is the refugee problem nothing is going to get to a normal compromise all right the words they're political activists. the ninth of may russia was celebrating victory day one of the most important and memorable occasions in the country's history it marks sixty six years in the soviet allied soldiers defeated nazi troops in world war two a spectacular parade in red square saw twenty thousand troops march alongside military hardware a minute of silence was observed in memory of the twenty seven million soviets who died during the war in while in western ukraine veterans who fought to free people from the nazi invasion were attacked by violent nationalist parties let's say ourselves and witness the events. that holiday for millions and street brawl for some unlike most of the posts on monday night this ukrainian city became vicious display of neo nazis and. some of thousand activists
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from radical nationalist parties book the engines the red army soldiers cemeteries preventing war veterans from getting inside and paying tribute to some in this part of ukraine do not see my ninth as a reason to celebrate believing the soviet period to be worse than enduring nazi occupation the st george's ribbon is usually worn as a traditional way the nine to commemorate those who died in the great crash or to war but on this day in the west ukrainian travel security was putting this on your lapel would have meant serious risk regardless of whether you're a veteran or not. likely to make up the ribbons were forcibly ripped from the chests of those who were heading to the graveyards along with the use of chances such as death to the most rights nazi salutes hurling rocks and smoke bombs that is how involved marks made the ninth. here in this picture emirate greatest in life to liberate this land from the fascists but these people here do not let me come inside this century to lay flowers and he's great this is it is grace. such seeing
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surprised even the locals who had grown used to protests on victory day these were the scenes from last year when the nationalist wipe their feet on the red meat three banner. we spent thirteen years in detention in siberia my two brothers were killed with me could something like this had happened in a new country. their heroes our people regarded worldwide does nasa collaborate as replica shirts with the founders of the one nine hundred forty s. insurgent army stick around london and there are some here that are a big hit here there are seen as freedom fighters even though for a while the fort alongside the nazi army and kill civilians jews and russians in the gruesome manner how the mainstream political parties deal with the thought of movements today in cairo. as we're seeing in a crane when step in my life is going to have an elevated status of
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a hero cold or it appeared to be an anti russian protest but really it was a protest of the. ukrainian society in this case has to deal with and this is only part of the wider picture the perception of the past is making waves in other former soviet states namely as as marches and glorifying nots indigents in the baltic states such as large and the stone age the danger is that people begin we forget what we fought for what the veterans died for as we are seeing the reemergence of the far right forces and nationalist forces that really in many states resemble exactly over the merge with hitler in the one hundred thirty such behavior still only applies to the minority most people in this country still celebrate history with proper respect but the ugly scenes in the board should definitely allergic crane's leadership especially after demands for revolution were clearly voiced by the and we more or less the russian ascii art scene reporting from divorce in western ukraine. earlier this week european m.p.'s decided to
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request their own permanent seat of the un security council. it's part of a planned overhaul of the common defense security and foreign policy but the move hasn't been met favorably by member states which already have a seat on the council including britain and france the u.k. said it will not give up its own place of the body for the sake of putting illuminated europe there any ph charles things britain like to defend its u.n. influence. there's no way that the british government or the british can serve the delegation and i speak for the conservatives in the european parliament we would support any move which weakened our ability to project our foreign policy interests and clearly being founding members of the un security council with a veto as a permanent member this is a major plank in being able to project our foreign policy interests and indeed we were so successful recently in collaboration with our french colleagues in securing un security council resolution nineteen seventy three over libya so no we would not
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give our car seat in favor of the need to use seat because at the end of the day the common thorin security policy of the european union is only when we all agree and sometimes we don't all agree as was the case over iraq and has been the case regrettably in some ways over libya when the germans of staines so you know it's essential as a defining characteristic of a nation's foreign policy the ability to speak when they want to in their national interest and clearly the seat on in the un is one of the most important things that we can have as a nuclear power as a founding member of the security council that is the united kingdom and i can really can't see any traction for the u.k. government to want to do so. i finished journalist believe me the organizer of an internet mouthpiece for russia's most wanted terrorist has walked free but the trial of michael had nothing to do with his possible links to terror he was accused of smuggling chechens into finland which officials later called a humanitarian action he rights activists believe authorities turned
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a blind eye discourses activity because he has high profile supporters. website he set up and sponsors regularly errors in the use of wanted terrorists whom are of when i finish pastor spoke out against the site he was immediately detained and defrocked johan bachmann who was pasta roller reis defender tells r.t. the case shows there is a pro terrorist game a thought in finland. the process against me close to showing the feeling was show trial the judge and the prosecutor didn't want to send them to see a movie they wanted to only to give some kind of justification for going for the sec typically as well he's an activist who is actively promoting islamistic terrorism against russia he has several websites he has on all face and he's a reporter sentinel for you surely all model in finland he's an extremely dangerous individual and i'm very sure of that and he has very strong political support in
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finland and he's a he's a giving political space for islamistic extremism in the north and nordic countries in northern europe and also far all the stories we're covering on our website regular updates night hatching videos all awaiting you would argue dot com here's what's a put her way right now. the u.s. congress proposes cutting funds for controversial body scanners in airports and detectors were slammed as an invasion of privacy while some have also questioned their effectiveness books. classical music goes underground moscow's metro prepares a treat for a late night commuters as a lucky five hundred get tickets to a special concert as part of a hospital's museum like experience all this and more at art and dot com. take a look now at some other stories making headlines across the globe the u.s. eyes open the massive flood gates in louisiana to avert in nation in cities along
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the mississippi river thousands of square miles of land will be engulfed in the flow for the first time in four decades decades the level of the river as forced the flood gates to be opened official say twenty five thousand people and more than ten thousand buildings could be aversive the affected. at least six passengers have been killed. after a bus was hit by a roadside bomb or a garrison town in eastern pakistan twenty others were wounded the second major attack on pakistan this week friday twin blasts targeted a paramilitary base killing almost one hundred taliban officials said the bombing was to avenge the death of osama bin ladin. the united nations has suggested north korea and iran have been exchanging ballistic missile technology in violation of sanctions to lead to reports that a regular transfers have been happening through a third country most likely china sanctions were imposed on pyongyang after it conducted nuclear tests in two thousand and six and two thousand and nine there's
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been increasing western concern over iran's atomic program tehran has always maintained its nuclear ambitions are peaceful. this week russia needed the right to host another major sporting event this time the twenty sixteen world ice hockey championship countries already scored with its big for the next winter olympics and the twenty eight hundred football world cup prime minister putin pleasure first rate tournament and also shared his experience of getting on the ice and i should use the course through these children should not just. no igloos choose mince and not just because we have not been good at it he's indicates. because of great. great leave him and for me the idea itself wasn't cheap and flip these them. really. in fact today we need a new start and when to revive this beautiful kid and i do find
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to learn to skate. and i must admit it was not easy and not even for a person who had been practicing sports for decades and i had even harder time learning to play ice hockey but now i have first hand experience of playing with just julie grade game. stay with us here on r t an update of our top stories in a few minutes don't go away. for
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