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tv   [untitled]    May 15, 2011 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT

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week's top stories are right here on our t.v. their deadly repression of demonstrators continues in syria despite government promises to end of the violence while the u.s. looks ready to condemn the president assad as illegitimate. washout in washington for libyan rebels on the voice as they depart without diplomatic recognition and of the promised financial aid from these frozen assets. the head of the international monetary fund is charged with sexual assault in new york after allegedly attacking a hotel maid. and russian nationwide of military displays of mark sixty six
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years since the defeat of nazi germany but similar commemorations in ukraine were marred by nationalists attacking better when. you're watching archie with a recap of the talk news stories that shaped this week in news i'm shawn thomas glad to have you with us thousands are fleeing to syria where violence is raging despite the government's promise of a dialogue with the opposition international pressure is mounting on syria over brutal crackdowns on anti-government protesters with some eight hundred killed and more than a thousand arrested in three months the e.u. and us in the meantime have imposed sanctions on the country washington is even said to be considering declaring president assad's eleven year rule unlawful and as our he's going to change you can comments many believe the u.s.
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is laying the foundations for drastic action against the regime. who easily jeered him an international leader and who is not it seems america will decide a white house source said the obama administration is edging closer to the clearing assad's ruling syria illegitimate and that it would be just the first step. we will continue to work with our international partners in the e.u. and elsewhere on additional steps to hold syria responsible for its gross human rights abuses sounds familiar the united states is helping to lead an international effort to defer deter further violence put in place unprecedented sanctions to hold the gadhafi government accountable when the u.s. says it's going to hold someone responsible expect action once the u.s. has officially declared the syrian government illegitimate. if it would open the door to various steps taken to
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remove that government but the south proclaimed position of the u.s. as the world's policeman and judge of which government is legitimate or not doesn't sit well with everyone here and this arrogance if you want for an american president. in government you gentlemen are not. the americans. it was some of the u.s. long time allies like the yemeni president seem to be intimidated by those that's the white house to act as the arbiter of who holds power in the world. why are you president of the united states and president of the world when condemning government atrocities in different countries in the middle east and north africa the u.s. claims the higher moral ground declaring human rights is the basis for its involvement but the critics say this is a smokescreen for the real reason for interference you know sourcing and their
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d.n.a. policy. and work on our we're obviously. in a movie. or story. or homos. he crossed the country. because the program america's self-proclaimed humanitarian involvement has led it to take sides in the libyan civil war the us has pledged extensive support for the rebels and newly released wiki leaks cables show the u.s. had been funneling money to syria's opposition for several years now but some say the help comes with strings attached and nobody gives away money for nothing or arms and the u.s. sees the opportunity of putting in a friendly pro-american government response of american interest the coalition efforts in libya have reached a dead end with the country now in military stalemate in the meantime civilian
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casualties there continue to grow. analysts say foreign involvement in syria could trigger a much worse conflict serious in the heart of the arab world and if it explodes or implodes it will affect all its neighboring countries iraq saudi arabia jordan israel lebannon. in they're all likely to get involved in a collapsing more war torn serious serious partnership with iran has long been irritating washington yet another reason say some to go after are silent relying on iran as your best friend and your only strategic ally is not a viable way forward critics say the us takes on the role of world policeman not peace on its inherent power prism but rather out of self-interest and the bigger question is whether those interests have made the world safer or have to stabilize the more i'm going to check our reporting from washington r.t.
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the head of britain's armed forces says nato must intensify its military campaign in libya with direct attacks against targets supporting colonel gadhafi regime it comes just days after reports of eleven muslim clerics killed in the alliance strikes on the country anti-war activist kate hudson says the coalition's intervention is an insult to international law. when the u.n. security council voted to take action against libya it was designed as they said to protect civilians and now it seems that with the escalation of the air attacks they are hitting as it seems more and more civilian targets we've heard from a u.n. agency expressing to the security council that civilians are suffering in a number of ways shortages of food and so on as a result of the airstrikes this again raises the question of international law it's not legal to intervene within civil wars and i think inviting. those leaders to
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washington for talks shows that obama is disregarding that aspect of international law it's trampling the court on the very legal structure that our states have built up over decades it is a regime change war that's absolutely apparent that of course again it's illegal in the international law but they will do that until they achieve their ends and frankly it does look as though now that they may intend to target and execute exactly this week the u.s. dash the hopes of libyan rebels for official recognition the white house gave this message to a libyan opposition leader during his visit to washington the u.s. is also dragging its feet on releasing colonel gadhafi frozen assets promised to aid the rebels but it's not only the opposition that's feeling the cost of this war as i've read it reports. for those who joined the fight in libya the cost of conflict is quickly taking off denmark's one of just six nato members conducting
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air strikes to enforce the no fly zone it's six f. sixteen fighter planes racking up a hefty bill of thirteen and a half million dollars a month for anticipating a number of i was considering that we aren't that mini nation delis using final plates. let's take the u.s. for example for use in grown ups they have had tomahawk missiles but i don't have any fighter planes involved. denmark dropped one hundred twenty six precision bombs in the first four nights of the campaign for each one cost on average fifty thousand dollars on top of that there's one point six million a month the station the jets in sicily along with one hundred thirty personnel at this rate denmark's annual cost will be one hundred seventeen million dollars four percent of its defense budget the danish air force refuses to comment on the money saying it's too political a topic that parliament says it can afford it these people have come to the
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american embassy to show their opposition to the war it's not just the conflict they're protesting against though it's also denmark's willingness to follow the u.s. into battle they do this because. i don't know all some people say they have an inferiority complex really follow big daddy and the united states and france wants this war against that of it so they go along her junior partner the danish parliament was unanimous in tackling a bombing campaign in libya the first time ever on a military action but since then cracks have appeared with the far left red green alliance withdrawing its support it says nato has gone beyond its mandate by taking sides in a civil war and now the party fears denmark could follow suit again with a ground offensive looming i think it's likely because the prime minister wants to
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be a strong man is preserved there's a coming election. and also that it's the policy of the current government to be as close with the us as possible at the moment the government's against sending ground forces six f. sixteen s are already costing the same as denmark's troop deployment in afghanistan and they've been there for ten years. but as afghanistan kosovo and iraq shows when push comes to shove and countries more than willing to join america whatever the cost are bennett's artsy copenhagen let's now take a quick look at what lies ahead for you in the program he's thought to have escorted even children through gas chambers during the second world war. we report on the outcome of the trial of john demjanjuk who was accused of helping to murder almost thirty thousand jews in nazi concentration camps. also find out why finnish authorities released the man behind a website serving as
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a mouthpiece for terrorists. the head of the international monetary fund a has been charged with sexual attack attempted rape and unlawful imprisonment in new york police pull the strands from a plane minutes before he was due to fly to paris and questioned him on suspicion of assaulting a hotel maid french politics expert danny says the hopes he hopes strauss kahn had of landing a french presidency are now effectively over. he was indeed going to announce his candidacy for the twenty twelve presidential elections and i think these allegations will come as a huge blow for french socialists who really saw him as the great hope to succeed president sarkozy in next year's presidential elections and i don't think this stage presence kind of will even think of running for president because i think will prove extremely difficult to juggle allegations of sexual
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assault. and rape with a presidential campaign i think president sarkozy is an obvious candidate to benefit from from the scandal although he's very low in the poll at the moment the lowest opinion and the no worst rating fact for any french president in the history of the fifth republic but i think that this will benefit him hugely as he will be able to hope that he will you know he will reassure him give him more confidence to tackle all of the presidential elections. with much more strength than the current situation for him. on the ninth of may russia celebrated victory day one of the most important and memorable occasions in the country's history. it market sixty six years since soviet and allied soldiers defeated nazi troops and
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world war two a spectacular parade in the red square saw twenty thousand troops marching alongside military hardware a minute of silence was observed in memory of the twenty seven million soviets who died during the war meanwhile in western ukraine and veterans from far to free people from the mounting invasion were attacked by violent nationalist parties alexia ashesi witnessed the events. a holiday for millions and street brawl for some unlike most of the posts of the region amazing mind this ukrainian city became a vicious display of neo nazis and. several thousand activists from radical nationalist parties book the engines the red army soldiers cemeteries preventing war veterans from getting inside and playing tribute some in this part of ukraine all see may ninth as a reason to celebrate leaving the soviet period to be worse and during nazi occupation the st george's ribbon is usually worn as a traditional made
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a nine to commemorate those who died in the great crash or to war but on this day in the west ukrainian capital city of involved putting this on your lapel would have meant serious risk regardless of whether you're a veteran or not. if you like it when you don't let the ribbons were forcibly ripped from the chests of those who were heading to the grave yards along with abuse of chances such as death to the most quite nazi salutes hurling rocks and small bombs that is how involved marks made the ninth hero who are here in this picture i am a great person like the liberation of this line from the fascists but these people here do not let me come inside this century to lay flowers and he's great this is a disgrace. such seemed surprised even the locals who had grown used to protests on victory day these were the scenes from last year when the nationalist wipe their feet on the wrecked victory banner. teen years in detention in siberia my brothers were killed when. something like this have happened in
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a new country. their heroes are people regarded worldwide does not see collaborates as replica shirts with the founders of the nine hundred forty s. insurgent army state funded and unsecured which are a big hit here there are seen as freedom fighters even though for a while before alongside the nazi army and killed civilians jews and russians in a gruesome manner how the mainstream political parties deal with the sort of movements today in cairo. as we've seen in case you crane where. nothing major has ever been to terrorist acts of the hero although it cleared to be an anti russian protest but really it was a protest of the. ukrainian society in this case has to deal with and this is only part of the wider picture the perception of the past is making waves in other former soviet states namely as as marches and glorifying nots indigents in the baltic states such as last year and the stone age the danger is that people begin
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to forget what we fought for what veterans died for as we are seeing the reemergence of far right forces and nationalist forces that really in many senses resemble exactly those the merge with hitler in the one hundred thirty such behavior is still only applies to the minority most people in this country still celebrate history with proper respect the three of you seem to differ mentally alert ukraine's leadership especially after demands for a revolution what clearly voiced by the and with a look see russia ascii art scene reporting from divorce in western ukraine the german court has sentenced a ninety one year old man to five years for nazi war crimes in a death camp john demjanjuk was found guilty of helping to murder almost thirty thousand jews during world war two years while serving as a guard he is currently have been taken to a nursing facility while he appeals the sentence or he's a couple of a med the relatives of some who perished under the nazi regime. you only
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want through the gates of sobibor once there was no return and like an out of concentration camps such as alchemists there was no slave labor people were sent immediately to their death. he also expecting jews were welcomed by a band and fiery speeches from the not seek ananda sometimes the rapture of even one applause then came an invitation to shower after the long journey but it was all exactly deception a quarter of a million jews preceded a long based chorus called him of caution that was straight to have an assessment of scores of the victims down the track to the gas chambers only the ukrainian s.s. guards and the german s.s. opus's were allowed to take up the task they were considered the most well trained and the most reliable among those standing guard was john demjanjuk complicit in nearly twenty eight thousand counts of murder many of those he schools had to the
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gas chambers were children and not my friend and of course in recent years he was here but these invocations are interesting i know eighty four. i had my very first and. i could build a primer if you don't you're going to save a lot of them sure you can even take you have to remember gassed and. before being sent to work at sobibor all guards underwent intense training demain you went to the tragically camp where the s.s. carried out weapons drills and combat training and even taking german language classes it is difficult to say very had. training here and during the investigations against them off of war nobody from them told about us on the team training or on this and getting training. soldiers army training here in the county they were surprised that this was kind of a duty which we had done. had to do in the death camps. but victims'
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relatives believe all those who signed up as a sas man were well aware of the duties they'd be carrying out mariam whose mother was one of the lucky few who survived so people pushed for the prosecution of any new she may be in her eighty's but she made it to every court session she wants him to admit that you will see him and what soviet war is it's not a war it's not soldiers against each of it's killing people in a factory every war criminal they served it's been a free for. all never have never how many years should pay for this in writing or they have to be punished. video of a new trial is a sign that the twenty first century is still pre-packed to deal with the evils of the twenty a warning that there is no expire
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a date for crimes against humanity it's in the direction of r t c b board poland. and you can follow the stories we're covering here on our web site regular updates and i counted videos are waiting for you at our t.v. dot com here's some of what's online for you right now. unsigned ruben's painting for less than ten thousand euros resells for near a million hard to believe. but more information on that for you on our website. if you're looking for a sensation of the cannes film festival a documentary about the controversial death of diana princess of wales gives you something to talk. they finish a journalist believed to be the organizer of an internet mouthpiece for russia's most wanted terrorist has walked free but the trial of me kyle store had nothing to do with is possible links to terrorism he was accused of smuggling chechens into
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finland which officials later called a free man a tarion action human rights activists believe authorities have turned a blind eye to store sales activity because he has a high profile supporters website which he set up and sponsors regularly airs the views of the wanted terrorist or doku umarov when a finnish pastor you how moderate spoke out against the site he was immediately detained and the fraud. was passed from the recent defender told r.t. the case shows that there is a pro terror again at play in finland. court process against me close to show in finland was show trial the charge of the prosecutor didn't want to sentence him the way they wanted to only to give some kind of justification for him for his activities well he's an activist who is actively promoting islamist terrorism against russia he has several websites he has an office and he's
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a representing officially. in finland he's an extremely dangerous individual and i'm very sure of that and he has very strong political support in finland and he's a he's a giving political space for islamistic extremism in the north and nordic countries in northern europe. president medvedev said this week that the killing of osama bin laden by u.s. special forces was beneficial to russia's national security too but he warned that the death of the al qaeda leader was not the end of terrorism as the organization is still sending agents to russia and other countries the president vowed that special forces will continue to take a hard line against extremism russia's anti-terrorist drive has recently killed two high ranking al qaeda operatives in the north caucasus. now let's have a look at some more international news making headlines this hour. sixteen people have been killed as israeli troops shot at pro palestinian protesters at the
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lebanese syrian and gaza borders the clashes broke out on a day that marks the anniversary of the founding of the jewish state when many palestinians lost their homes security officials said there were injuries as well the forces fired at protesters to prevent crowds from crossing the israeli border. the u.s. has opened a massive flood gates in louisiana to avert inundation in cities along the mississippi thousands of square miles of land will be engulfed in the flow this is the first time in four decades the level of the river has forced the flood gates to be opened officials say twenty five thousand people and more than ten thousand buildings could be adversely affected. at least six passengers have been killed after a bus was hit by a roadside bomb near a garrison town in eastern pakistan twenty others were wounded and it's the second major attack in pakistan this week on friday twin blasts targeted
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a part para military base killing almost one hundred taliban officials said the bombing was to avenge the death of osama bin laden. this week russia granted the right to host yet another major sporting event this time the two thousand and sixteen a world ice hockey championship the country has already scored with its bids for the next winter olympics and a twenty eighteen football world cup prime minister. pledged a first class tournament and also shared his own experience on getting on skates russia deserves the course through these championship not just. glorious children's and not just because we have not been. indicates. because of our great. great and from the ideals of sportsmanship eslick to use them where. in fact today we need a new start and we're in. this period of what you and i do
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to learn to skate. miles did meet it was not easy nor even for a person who had been practicing sports for decades. and even harder i am learning to play ice with it but now i have first hand experience of only truly great. well the russian premier still has plenty of time to polish his heart and skills if he wants to sparkle ahead of the world but the clock is already taking for the next sporting extravaganza in the country the two thousand and fourteen winter olympics in sochi russia has started an official countdown with less and then a thousand of days to go before the grand opening hundreds of volunteers took to the streets to celebrate the milestone here in the capital roller skaters took part in a fun run flying at the flag for the olympics other celebrations impeded drawing the
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mascots for the games and for those who wanted to get in shape for the event special outdoor exercises the festivities wrapped up with two concerts held in moscow and simultaneously. i'll be back with a recap of the headlines after just a short break.
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which is that so much of a taxpayer is with me because i says he's going to really create. what do we use the word west is a place a state of mind or even a specific time in history also. a cluster munitions. and inside a container you have to make small bombs and you can have anywhere from dozens up to hundreds of them there's a huge market right now for cattle area clearance because there are a lot of countries in the world that are contaminated by unexploded ordinance. and so you got these companies and n.g.o.s that have basically sprung up that how the expertise to get rid of these weapons what they do is they go to these places they will hire local train the locals how to do the clearance let the locals basically
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take ownership because you know they have a vested interest in clearing their homes and they're putting themselves at risk every single day when they go out there to clear areas of the law. a bit better. than a big. rock hard. wealthy british soil. that's not on to the tightest. markets why not. come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy
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with much stronger run no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to cause a report on our g. motion would be soon which bryson if you knew about someone. months to. come.


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