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tv   [untitled]    May 16, 2011 4:30pm-5:00pm EDT

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right it's never dr mark i've got a guy who's out of time i want to thank you so much that was raj goshi the founder and president of capital managed or it may have kept a capital eight pardon me and that is going to do it for now but we will have much more news at five pm so ten back in a half hour and until then follow me on twitter at war and let's hear what our website r t dot com slash usa. repairing a broken thing should. i wait construction and humanitarian aid. shady officials forget the spoils of war it's the people the price. satiric here is no longer just down to drug traffickers. afghanistan.
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will. remain you the latest in some instances. from the in. the future covered. the red carpet and t.v. cameras the lights are on. june two thousand and eight the countries of the coalition are presenting their spending program for the reconstruction of afghanistan. the friendly side of the war.
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americans french germans afghan politicians congratulating each other. after the photo they all disappear behind a partition. it's access is closely guarded so journalists are welcome to attend the conference on television it is still france is not only acting as the host in power the president as usual has planned a spectacular announcement. a simple question and that is why i am announcing off an increase of french aid for reconstruction and so french aid to the afghans will be more than double it is of course. more than doubled just ahead of the aga khan private foundation france is now the twenty first donor . the first donor being the united states.
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has displayed to the press put the emphasis on the positive results of reconstruction especially for schools for which the u.s. government announces impressive figures. in education under the taliban seven years ago there were less than one million children in school now there are six million children in school in the u.s. government has been pleased to be able to help the government of afghanistan to achieve these quick results by reconstructing or building a new six hundred eighty schools. were not cushier the french minister for foreign affairs triumphs that he's just announced a very high figure and so we weren't expecting such a large sum of twenty million dollars in fact. a for a country such as afghanistan twenty billion dollars is a lot of money but how will it be spent. when members of the conference there cross
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the partition that separates them from the press unpleasant questions start flying around. with my will corruption and opium trafficking before mr president first see any kind of guarantees you offer in the international community we really would call for all they're going to say that these people fuss is just a myth no it's a joke only just a little bit on this is to kill people to deliver their services to get out of corruption that eruption and drug trafficking condom to be followed by us the afghans also have to be also we're going to focus on ways to make good use of this assistance we must to give it to the afghan people by bringing everything in a concrete examples that remark of pete sampras and the cost to the local locals into these things not so good in fact it is and that stand that queensland stands back on.
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kabul winter two thousand and nine we have come to afghanistan to follow the dollar train. the billions in international aid the mysterious fortune of an upstart caste living in dollars where the dollars come from where do they go how much is really can vested in schools and hospitals. we are about to discover a country where in every poor population has lost all confidence in the authorities . a country where the taliban gained ground every day. this morning in the secured zone an american convoy was attacked by a suicide bomber. the marines have lost one man they're panicking. and.
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they seem afraid of being attacked by someone in the crowd for passers by were killed by the blast. time eighty percent of the victims of the taliban are innocent civilians or. war is becoming more intense and poverty is an all time high afghanistan remains one of the four poorest countries in the world and people in the streets do not believe the billions of international aid will change their fate. the problem is even that good that money what money the money does not reach the people who know it stays up there up to us that it's in the pockets of the government there for you where is the money that do not need enough. starving out of work people meet every morning on this cross roads they wait here for days hoping to earn three dollars for a day's work. do you work yesterday and the day before
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but i haven't worked in a week so money junk times were better during the war paul would die from bullets today they die of hunger that my pleasure my children and i haven't eaten anything in two days i swear i haven't eaten anything in two days that's a good good is your body fish people are dying of hunger but who's going to help us anyway if i tell you i'm starving will you help me. where are the achievements put forward by the donating countries we want to see the schools that were a priority of international aid. here is one sound at random in a working class neighborhood of the capital. it is roll call for the girls in the south of the country girls are attacked by the taliban but they can. new to flock to school they're determined and come in numbers in large numbers here a few minor details missing from the situation to be perfect. details like walls
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and a roof that sat up was that i met this. young man to fish. that i would have. to go now working in the ninety's you didn't want it to if that is nothing more to add a bit where outside of you now there are no chairs no table list just some the help and the girls learn anything in the schools and you know when i let you go i still only want to still want to listen to the teacher i was. just the man she wanted him to lose big time to grow my stuff how can they be happy. winter is coming and the morning is cold. a light snow is starting to fall. i guess as it goes on we'll have to leave now but for now it's not much it's all right when the snow falls like this we stay outside of it. you study under the snow
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. you know what it is but we don't have a choice. because i meeting for. learning. all of the afghan people want to do our country good supporters they coming here for making go would things work who eyed this cover it's rare. but now we are trying to make a vision for the school because there's room for. expensive for the school. one thing is certain funds for major national aid were not invested here. because there aren't enough classrooms this small school welcomes its ten thousand students over three shifts i. was the prince of. however i spotted a piece of land where the school could settle and expand. was. this piece of land is owned by the state. but most of it was seized by people who have
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friends in high places well the rest of it belongs to the ministry of defense. put in a request of the school. off camera a school official hints that the man who confiscated this land that is vital to the school is a commander in chief of work. the school official remains silent in front of the camera because he fears the warlord. this is his house it overlooks the slumps. to make the situation clear the warlord has put up a military barbed wire even around the small garden on the sidewalk in front of the house. it's true afghan students are back in huge numbers where the school the hundreds of schools allegedly built thanks to international. reconstructing who are building a new six hundred eighty schools. we
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contacted us a united states agency for international development. their offices are located behind these walls. a perimeter reserved to those holding the bag for those outside the walls it's traffic jams and danger. we want to see with our own eyes one of the six hundred eighty schools. we've been talking to julia the press agent for ten days. she's having trouble finding one not always calling you because i have to have some addresses of schools to be able to feel much. to put the address on it right. now berent. i know that great but that's. ten days to get the address of a school in kabul a girls' high school that is under construction. we rushed to it. and we find
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ourselves in front of a magnificent billboard picturing a truly beautiful building. ok so where is the school. the school the kids. who board were. oh you know are that. the board's been here for one and a half years sort of my work when they put it up that it was the construction would start and everything would be completed. the summers looks like it's almost two years now and still nothing. to me i've been calling saying the girls are freezing to death yes i've been here since six o'clock this morning we couldn't get was my hands are completely dry from the cold but that's how it was and the silly to. go.
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so far the american donors have only build restrooms and the schools surrounding walls and have inaugurated a beautiful billboard. we call back usaid and this time we insist where the school's out of the six hundred eighty there has to be one in kabul we receive one last email from the agency it states that most of the schools were built in rule just tricks. too bad for us and for the afghan kids. the rural districts are swarming with taliban who sometimes burn the schools down and often kidnap journalists for the more because of the war many villages have been deserted their inhabitants fleeing to the capital whose population has doubled to about four million. case in point campbell is the. the place where schools are needed the most . i don't want we need so many construction must go faster it's really necessary it's going to slow but as
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a mark we lack so much space in our school that we have to refuse our admissions that this was an occupation is very high headed of us at. yet there is one neighborhood in kabul where construction is thriving where there are no delays. welcome to ship school the stronghold of afghanistan's new lords. for the past three years fortified tosses a mushroom to ensure. each still has its own private security. of course there's the taliban threat but that's not all. cheer for us at the heart of the conflict that the new authorities would like to conceal. a war between those who are close to power and thousands of poor people who have lived in the area for several
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generations. and know you'll put them into comedy. you're going to have these people came with the american system and the police and it wasn't for their planes and tanks but the minute they would have never made it here you know quite well by michael mchugh and you were because the american economy they should have built public housing for everyone but they would instead go take if they took the area by force with weapons but i didn't but i say the truth honestly wouldn't like. to find out about but yes it happened one house as well enough some really have three or four. who are the owners of these houses the secret is well kept by guards armed with machine guns. you got body aware of private security firm you cannot fill me up. with books names
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i mean if i did that upset the soviets to know that. they. were here he was a great problem that's what is saved. we meet with a man who is having his house built. on the beach. he's one of the architects who has designed the neighborhood still and. his rich clients have paid him in full and now it is his turn to have his own palace built. as they discussed at length. all together it came to four or five hundred thousand dollars from the top of the villa a splendid panoramic view over the slums which are scheduled to be demolished but. says all because of the sad these old houses are illegal only that these people leave the state will relocate them elsewhere that's the way it is but if the
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government wants to build a road and a house is on the path that is the house is raised and the land requisition. to speed up the evictions the couple chief of police showed up one morning in two thousand and six with a bulldozer. and up on the lead but it was that i mean how about on the bulldozers came without warning. on the top on it and they came to demolish the houses that were on the path of the road that i started raising here. that i got him and then we were told we had to leave them on the tough economy. they threatened if you don't leave we'll be back tomorrow and will the square go to town i was just on our particular wish to make a. position the man comes out of one of the fellows is he one of the mysterious owners. he's a businessman back from exile he rents one of the palaces and uses it as an office
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for his company. it's really the most is. that you see the city really this is the new. came in. just think in this latest model cause in other facilities came with the security guards appear they're on edge but what is the problem this is a middle of the street it's a public space why don't you want us to film explain to this is a house this is a street this is public this is i'm sorry this is this is a street this is public this houses don't own the streets you know we are regular journalists we're doing our job we're in the middle of the street i'm sorry i'm not doing anything wrong tell them to shut the camera down because the journalist want to show that there are rich people also in kabul ok ok ok if you. don't film the house ok. because of the people here just building here in this
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thing many houses and they're giving it in because it is very high note in you. know in europe all much as it was like this this. twenty thousand year as though it was. but it's hard to know who receives the money and in this case you know who the owner is is someone from the government or. just . especially this is because this is which was. taken by people in the us or some other people from women in the poor people who are from the cd and the truck and the swimming disk that make this also. pushed this man who was one of the very first to inform on the ship or situation like a member of parliament was waging a war against corruption. just by
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a little nationalist is a gandhi like character modest and extremely popular some call him a populist in terms of number of votes his number three in the country today he's going to create quite a stir in parliament. indeed winter is here and with it comes famine and extreme urgency as he has just discovered the food aid hasn't reached the villages yet. monitor. it was too much. to go it was i protest that for the same reasons as last year i got to hear remember i was expelled asked you if i'm not mistaken the money you asked will last year has not been cleared by the budget if this is illegal. they don't to avoid a scandal the president of the assembly cut his microphone any good measure just goes. through this to see any thoughts i thought after they go first and we've heard the figures you're quoting dozens of times i me out quite a lot but if you want to be considered right now i'm of the school villages and the
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local authorities to see if the food supplies have a right to get what it. is exactly the same as last year thought they had lived and they continue to do so caught up with that people dying from hunger and here you are talking about millions of dollars i cannot believe this these are nothing but life. is a foreign minister four years ago he resigned to protest against the squandering of international aid. from his stint as minister he's kept a highly sensitive document concerning the ship or district. the list of all those who were sold land for almost nothing. for a quandary if you saw it in the first time i saw this document i was the planet he was at this i open it to you i was alone and i became terrorized i could not believe the matthew was so calm and more precise sit up clearly shows we see the
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imprisonment of public funding the fraud and the outrageous religious see it's the first scandal of the cause administration. to look for misc of those who did karzai . sinestro this is the area nine hundred four square meters us a douche if this is the foreign secretary is chief of staff is a fit washer. see who is the governor of a province a city official here this is the son of the general just the general here and ambassador luke isidore president of public radio and television. four hundred fifty square meters sushi's is the chief of police. this is a journalist for afghans. it is an afghan. people but you're right they can't be critical of the government. it's the basically how can they put. up with you can say with. i'm laughing but i should really be crying because you can fulfill it
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specifically those gifts or do they still have to pay how to they were killed because they paid something like two or three hundred dollars or something but it could three hundred dollars for nine hundred square metres just about. who had enough power to award such gifts to friends of the regime. since the land officially belongs to the defense ministry the generous donor must have been a military. officer to sit there and all this all this land was given by a national fire him who is defense minister and the first ice person to respond is . one of the most powerful and feared men in the country. i take for chief who first came to light during the soviet war which he fought alongside commander must food then against the taliban in september two thousand and one my suit is assassinated by al qaeda and is replaced by fate.
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fame and other afghan war chiefs become the best allies of donald rumsfeld also known as mr war in america. they received millions of dollars to oust the taliban. after the fall of kabul in two thousand and two fame the former war chief is named defense minister then. this allows him to distribute land in the ship or district. we tried to contact marshall fame several times he did not wish to give us his side of the story. one question. remains how do you earn five hundred thousand dollars when you're a civil servant. the question looming in the streets of kabul. and where does the money for the palaces come from from the mother's belly the
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daughter that's all to muddle through that you wanted to get the money to build it they will fall like me. how do they do it people in the streets are not the only ones who have become suspicious the rule of the human rights commission is to monitor the government the commission's lawyers have officially requested that sheer poor as wealthy be investigated. to newell's else the subject is way too sensitive. or should goes for you if you should it makes everybody as it were. not more than two thousand of our own does. that cause truth. well some of those houses are a million dollar. there it is there and that's the big question there is no base these people. for own legal. we know that indicate something new
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there is a high level of corruption and misuse of public property and misuse of those monies all the development and at the same time there are. discussions about truck traffic when i look to some of these expensive how's that it can't demand even a measure of corruption because one million dollars is just building for in this town the other is very much high. corruption and embezzlement. but also drugs. it's impossible not to think about opium trafficking when you come across afghan nouveau riche. the country produces ninety percent of the world's heroin. seven thousand tons per year. sure the taliban profit from the drug trafficking but according to the american press so do afghan government
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officials inside the administration. under the pressure of the international community the government has set up an anti-narcotic special unit its means are considerable for such a country. even in the area of public relations in this laboratory we are shown the tricks used by drug mules that were caught by the police of my. first. shot as that i need to see did opium money fine in some of the luxurious villas i'm sure. that's a question no one wants to answer. we meet with the prosecutor in charge of finding money laundering. the official seems rather reluctant to talk more limited and was the only one of the but impossible and we cannot afford to not come at it but all well and ask people how they go the house but if someone comes up with proof i insist if anyone can prove that
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a house was built thanks to drug money then we go at it one hundred percent of the law says we need proof so if someone finds that proof then yes we work at it with no problems but can include all knowledge base of who is looking for the evidence if it's not you and the according to the law we don't have the right to investigate people's private property none of it and we can't touch them everyone is allowed to have asked. him are in here broadcasting live from washington d.c. coming up today in the big picture.
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wealthy british style. markets finiteness scandal. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike's concert run no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to kaiser report on our cheap. it's it's. it's .


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