tv [untitled] May 16, 2011 10:30pm-11:00pm EDT
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web site which twenty four seven live streaming news times what to do about it ongoing financial part unlimited free high quality videos for download. and stories you may never find on mainstream news. media so. the political. posts on our teams are such bad. guys welcome to shower and sell on the i want to show we part of our just stop the sound the topic now i want to hear audio has gone to you tube the video response for the twitter first part of the question that we've host on you tube every monday and on thursday the show long response is going to leave your voice.
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time for tides tool time award and try to go see glenn beck you know it's been a while since we picked on the chevy crybaby over aughts news but his actions today have earned him the award on his radio show this morning that made a major announcement about a summer event that he's planning to take a listen it is time to return inside the walls let's around jerusalem. and stand with people of all saints all around the world this august joining me for an event i have named restoring the courage. and all of that here glenn beck is taking his message to the people of israel and calling on everyone to join
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him in a restoring it courage rally in jerusalem thank god the world has glenn beck to restore everything that we're missing and i think we all remember last summer he came to washington d.c. to host the restoring honor rally and he claims about a half a million people came out to listen to his message nobody else estimated the crowd to be that large but i will admit the d.c. was packed that weekend but mostly overweight large white people wandering around all the monuments now not sure of all those folks are going to be able to make the trip to israel with you glenn so good luck with that one unless of course the tea party might be picking up the bill but let's get to the meat of this story you might be asking yourself why on earth would glenn beck hold a rally in israel things in israel are going to get bad. they're going to spread across the middle east and things that i've told you are coming will come it's only a matter of time and there are forces in this land and forces all over the globe that are trying to destroy us but remember we are the great see israel is the
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little see. they are going to attack the center of our faith our common faith and that is jerusalem. wow so glad nothing for the disaster is imminent for israel now to be fair after what happened this weekend he might have a bit of a point not only of the arab spring changing the leadership of the make up of middle eastern and north african nations this past weekend protests took place all along the israeli border from lebanon to syria commemorating nakba day which marks the declaration of israeli independence over sixty years ago now these happen every year but this time clashes including a firing by israeli forces left more than a dozen people dead and many more injured while the middle east still rages on over sixty years after israel declared statehood glenn beck thinks that he's just the guy to finally solve the whole middle east peace process just like that and the sheer arrogance is absolutely impressive but the best part about glenn's restoring
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courage rally the says people of all faiths and all nations are welcome so i got a question for you glenn where the palestinian people stand there claiming a two state solution would be the death of the christian faith so are the palestinian people really welcome at the rally i'm going to go with the big no one looks like after being booted from his fox job later this year but it was decided to green his pathetic message to an international audience so let me just end this with saying world we're really sorry and that's why glenn beck is tonight's all time or. now it's been discussed at length but now it has finally arrived. may sixteenth it marks the date of the government has reached its debt ceiling of fourteen point three trillion dollars but thanks to treasury secretary tim geithner's clever maneuvering we're going to be able to extend our deadline until august second of this year however geithner has warned in order for the deadline to be extended he had to implement several extraordinary measures to ensure that the
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u.s. doesn't default so what extraordinary measures might be asking well let's look at this way back on may sixth the treasury stopped giving out state and local governments series treasury securities the government is also going to start investing in the civil service retirement and disability fund which is going to twelve billion dollars the u.s. is also going to slow investment in the government securities investment fund for federal employees' retirement so that's going to free up another hundred thirty three hundred thirty billion dollars another option geithner is considering as having the treasury stop reinvesting its exchange stabilization fund in trade he said carries so that would be used to buy and sell foreign currencies that's going to free up another twenty three billion dollars and just to postpone the inevitable a debt deal which will be a long and painful political process now we've heard from experts who have warned that raising the debt ceiling would be absolutely catastrophic. it would be catastrophic not just for the united states but for global financial markets if the
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u.s. did not we haven responsibly these are the instead if we hit the debt ceiling that's the essentially defaulting on our nations which is totally unprecedented in american history the impact on the economy would be catastrophic i mean and there would be a worse financial economic crisis than anything we saw in two thousand and eight. then again there are still a lot of politicians and many members of the general public who disagree according to a recent gallup poll forty seven percent of the public thinks that their congress members should vote against raising the debt ceiling and if this is anything like the previous budget battle republicans are not going to go down without a fight over spending cuts that is so obviously we can expect several more rounds of contentious debates all while threats of defaulting loom over congress has had but we propose our own explanation as to why the government is agreeing to keep
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stalling on this deadline clearly they've heard about the rapture which we're being told by metro signs and leaflets is going to head on may twenty first so that means the politicians only have five days left until the world and at that point not reaching an agreement on dead well that's just going to be a small tiny little problem so i guess they lucked out five days left no pressure on their shoulders and the country gets away with being fourteen trillion dollars in debt just spend spend spend spend spend and we don't actually believe the world is going to endure on the alone or show but i think at that point. now let's discuss a different kind of effect in this country personal debt reason associated press poll shows that forty three percent of americans are suffering from debt related stress and a good chunk of that stress comes from debt collectors and the claim of these collectors are going to extreme lengths issuing threats all to get americans to pay up artie's marina has more. imagine a call coming to your home you pick up and your demands your money and threatens
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your life they had said that we know where you live we know your wife is you're not going to get away with this before you. brian ski's he was dealing with the mafia and i called them back to find though exactly who they were they were the voices of debt collectors harassing the fifty year old music producer over a small debt belonging to his son. with a record number of americans drowning in unpaid bills losing homes and searching for jobs of use in the u.s. debt collection industry has reached record highs one hundred forty four thousand complaints were filed with the federal government last year among them collectors resorting to racial slurs anti-semitic remarks and threats of rape certainly any
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threats of violence or illegal legal contact with third parties somebody other than the consumer is illegal unless it is on the very specific circumstances however a debt collector is routinely violate the third party disclosure rules and contact made between relatives as a means of putting pressure on consumers to pay attorney joseph morrow says most collection agents work on commission only getting paid when it gets been recovered a climate of economic justice peroration intensifying the use of the legal and aggressive tactics just to net a bounty paycheck there are to my knowledge about four or five cases of suicide coming from that collection harassment there's also been heart attacks and strokes ironically a lifeline is always extended to the biggest of them all the u.s. government with an exceptional debt of fourteen point three trillion dollars i marry spending money printing more cash and relying on creditors like china who own
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one point one trillion dollars in u.s. treasury bonds i want to make it perfectly clear that congress will raise the debt ceiling washington gets a safety net wall street gets a bailout and the working americans facing financial hardship gets harassed is it unfair yes it is the economic environment disasters right now yes it is but there's been traditional. to work your way out of these situations and those mechanisms are working and there was. a sound on likely to be heard on wall street where the rich and powerful have lost billions in past years while poor americans on main street continue dealing with all the consequences. according to the f.t.c. next identity theft complaints about debt collectors were the most common complaints they received in two thousand and eight and that's
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a seventeen percent increase from just two thousand and nine so we know this is happening more often thing is profane abusive insulting or threatening language is all illegal according to the fair debt collection practices act so why are that collectors getting away with all this and what can you do if you're a victim here to discuss this with me is the legislative director of the national association of consumer advocates alicia thanks so much for joining us tonight you know like i said we can see by the numbers of providing that these cases are starting to go up but why do you think it's happening is because of the recession and more people are in debt than we've seen a really long time is it because the information is easier to obtain for some of these back to lectors because the internet. i think you have to look at the larger context if you look at the last recent years economic growth and then downturn the last few years recession we see. incentives for collectors
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a lot of people forget how that plays out on the ground which is there are huge incentives. created by financial institutions credit card companies around that collection because that was so you know the mortgages were broken up and so credit card debt was also so basic. and so what this created is a whole marketplace where that is being sold their soul for pennies on the dollar. and what this means is there's a growing industry of companies who are out there with insufficient information and proof who are harassing consumers and so they have every incentive because they've bought some that haven't even verified it to harass consumers on a legit death so it's becoming this never ending herbal trickle down effect against them also some of the factors but the build up to the financial crisis here is now we have the purchasing a lot of the information is wrong there harassing people which like i said is
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illegal so why do they get to keep doing that because the government isn't going after them or are not enough people doing well and fortunately. this behavior is incredibly intimidating some of the abuses that we've seen out there we've seen debt collectors calling people's relatives calling their place of employment frankly even talking to people's neighbors and asking questions so these intimidating practices often we consumers feeling like they're helpless but you're right these practices are definitely illegal and there are some things that consumers can do to protect themselves but one of the reasons why you see this practice so rampant is because there's not enough and enforcement mechanisms the f.t.c. can't catch up sufficiently to all the deck collectors that are out there and frankly by the time some consumers find out about it that there are cases already been filed in some cases there's judgments against it and those judgments are being
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collected against what are some of the worst examples that you've heard in terms of these horrible things that these tax collectors say to people. they say all sorts of things they purport to be government officials so i've talked to consumers where they received calls from the department of justice that doesn't even know who actually these kinds type of plea but they'll be on the phone where people are saying yes it will be the department of justice has filed this claim against you. and you know if you don't work out a payment plan with us we're going to file this claim against you tomorrow morning and it's with the state attorney general that you may make a bogus claims and they really intimidate persons will call a person at their place of employment and i have to speak to their supervisor. i mean they do all sorts of things and situations where persons have had been subject to racial slurs on the phone. gendered slurs all sorts of abusive
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practices all of which are. are illegal and we saw some of those examples and his story just now it's you and you know i've even read that sometimes they tell people that they should commit suicide and you know i mean if you look at it some people actually have committed suicide over the massive amounts of debt that they have so it's incredibly dangerous and of course if you listen to the debt collectors their trade associations they'll say that this doesn't represent their industry as a whole these are just a few bad seeds but is there any proof to that i mean you know like do we know within their offices are the debt collectors actually encouraged to threaten people i wouldn't say they're encouraged per se but the lack of a force and frankly there's nothing to stop and there's. you know frankly we've heard from industry experts that there's that these companies they basically do a cost benefit analysis right so there's a lack of enforcement out there and they know that. behaviors get the results that they want all it takes is one horrible phone call where someone's
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yelled at screamed at curse that. the result is that you pay them money it's ridiculous but how do you think that makes americans feel i mean we were just talking about today we've reached our debt ceiling and this government just gets to use a few extraordinary measures they always get to push it on pass it on and we just keep raising our debt limit rather than actually paying any of it back and you know people are going after people so aggressively over what could be. just a few dollars how do you think that makes people feel i mean it makes people feel utterly hopeless especially if you use you think about what's happened in recent years with the foreclosure crisis americans were pushed into pushed to consume post nine eleven one of the ways that you frequently heard our leaders talk about how they can support the economy with the spend more right and so the recession also you know it didn't just hurt the banks it hurt consumers who are unemployed who were pushed into situations where they could only pay their bills on credit right
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you have consumers paying medical bills on credit rent mortgages aren't credit and now when they need. they need to be bailed out they're told and you know it's going to be there to ask them how much i've really angered situation thanks so much for joining us tonight thank you. now coming up it's time for a happy hour congresswoman michele bachmann is challenge to a debate by at tenth grader over the constitution as appears the disney is going to cash in on the navy seal team that killed osama bin ladin matt welch editor in chief of reason magazine and r.t. correspondent lauren mr will join me in just enough. but given that we had in the first part. i said. well.
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we haven't got the movie safe get ready for freedom. hey guys welcome to show and tell on the i want to show we part of our guests not to say on the topics now i want to hear audio it's just going to be you tube video response or a twitter first part of the questions that we post on you tube every monday and on thursday the show long responses we play blog will be.
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welch out there and chief of reason magazine and artie correspondent lauren lyster thank you for joining me with evening if you're having i am going to let you get happy i was going to write out very i don't know if i'm don't play with all of you play with all the waiter down there you guys can have my let's move on to michele bachmann who obviously likes to rant and rave and preach about the constitution and how much she loves well it turns out there is a tenth grader who decided to write a letter and she wrote a letter as i amy myers do hereby challenge representative michele bachmann to a public forum debates and or fact test on the constitution of the united states united states history and united states civics i think that's pretty great i bet it is. tenth grader would absolutely has to school i mean i think that you see the late breaking news bachmann's in a few days you know you are you messing. around the world you know what all you're busy doing your show
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a senior adviser said now the huckabee bachmann is it breaking news here for are you really i think i mean you don't think he just very sarcastic i am not. going to . like this more teams that was there is a debate going to take place is going to moderate i can't believe he will even tell you you know he had already i'm going to go oh running for president. i'm sorry you're going there but i said you know you've got to be going to jail and you're talking about a presidential run this is all in favor of this of. every waking second we're going to have her to kick around now for the next at least several months but they are kids to read the letter that the kids got a little something coming to her she criticizes someone says you're misreading the constitution doesn't cite a single example she defends new jersey. you know and then she says names michele bachmann for bringing down women yes you have to be a credit to your gender and then she also was says as a typical new jersey high school student and i'm sorry when you were
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a sixteen year old girl anyone and i'm a as anybody why did i call it very good you know that we can i was a sixteen year old girl. as an editor of a magazine i recognize false humility and so for go on more than most well she's willing to put herself up you know in a debate in part of the cameras and she said i need to get that really hasn't been a lot we were all attacks that tenth grade and for you know actually caring and following what politicians are saying i feel like come on these gaffes are made on both sides of you know the aisle with elected not all but with you know many elected officials and i think that as much as people like him michele bachmann i think it's a little unfair one time greater write a letter and it's a story all over the i'll tell you why because michele bachmann because the republican party in general they first of all when they were sworn in this new congress right now in january they did. sighted to read the constitution word by word and yet they constantly make moves make statements pass legislation that is really you know up to par with her supposedly constitutional law is a little light hearted bible you can use it to justify almost anything i don't tell
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you give me the whole of me read every single word. actually. i want to say that actually going to move on to this thing i'm going to michele bachmann sorry i'm. going to be in turn on as well my son. has decided to rake in a little on the field team six team that killed osama bin laden they've actually trademarked it now and that means that they're just a start making i know it'll make halves with field team six next thing you know the little mermaid point or part two of her shells are going to little seal team six things on him i think up a little ridiculous disney company have more interested if it becomes a ride or are they going to deal with the osama bin ladin portion of this are we going to see little of solid bin ladin figurines in disney stores that now little kids are going to be coming for christmas they are starting out a little more and i thought of the about seal team thing but. i have a two year old daughter and so i've been making the rounds on youtube with all disney cartoons and i got to tell you like one nine hundred thirty s.
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disney big bad wolf are some of the biggest like nos jews you've ever seen in your life so maybe they're going to change but they are seriously it's a horrible life and place of medicare for years and the baby airbrushed whenever they release them on t.v. so i wonder if we're going to replace those with holcomb knows osama bin. laden what it led to heard of being replaced by. a team leaders that you're not a kid anymore nobody nobody smoking cigarettes anymore and no one is thankfully you have big horrible anti-semitic or. i'm sorry bring everybody. up yeah. well let's move on to something the new york times decided was really important to write about today is that apparently in iraq a lot of the buildings are being painted in bright colors in candy straights colors and it's all because they have no taste really i encourage everybody watching this to go and read that article it's like after years of war and pestilence and
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sectarian violence iraq is facing another. you know as i read more. of the. you know bad taste literally i mean there's like they're using phrases like the anarchy of taste and with no central authority dictating what buildings should look like and the main complaint is that the buildings are colorful old my god they used purple i think there were some stripes that is so absurd for the new york times to be writing about something like that when i write about the fact that we still have troops there we haven't ended our war by declare to you radium hundreds of thousands of millions that have died you know let's talk about whether they have good taste or not depending on what color they paint the building that i feel like it's just that will lead us it's not enough that the united states that the west has it's imposed its troops and its will on the iraqis and on our country now we have to impose our you know what we think is tasteful and what we consider to be stylish and appropriate for you know aesthetics of a city i've ever walked around i don't know the city that we live in you seen the
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f.b.i. building recently that like would be right perfectly in romania the port of energy . fascist building objectively i mean this is an ugly. face our government needed to have our later need it all together general ajami as you know many of those islands i love looking around in other buildings very nice fellow travelers are good italy you could look down a street in every color of a house is different kind of makes me feel happy. but i'm going to china all right they ran away they were act. really look pretty nice and i don't know how quickly to judge but all right i've got to wrap it up thank you guys for joining me tonight i think for tonight so thanks for joining in may she come back tomorrow a recent study shows that they think seven percent of americans don't think that college was worth it so should we be educating argues in a different way to look into it in the meantime don't forget to become a fan of the a lot of show on facebook and on twitter and if you missed any of the night's show or any other nights you can catch all the you tube dot com slash the launch very
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