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tv   [untitled]    May 17, 2011 6:00am-6:30am EDT

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full points and i would. discipline the hotel in touch with the hotel in touch of both the photo and kooragang how would international house change every hotel room . russia hosts of the envoys of the libyan leader colonel gadhafi who say they are ready for a ceasefire if nato stops forming the rebel forces sit down for talks. doomsday dominoes for the e.u. spain looks like the next possible victim of the euro crisis after portugal's massive bailout package is unanimously agreed. moscow's one hundred dollar. police capture accountable redhanded by following the trail of human body parts and the balkans leading to his home. china is ready to spice up the space race making public an ambitious plan to launch its own orbital station to rival the i.r.s.
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. worldwide news live from moscow this is a hearty welcome to the program from moscow has called on the regime of colonel gadhafi to stop killing civilians and observe the u.n. mandate in libya but envoys sent by coffee to moscow say they will meet at these times when a nato stops its bombing campaign russia's foreign minister sergei lavrov has been meeting the libyan leader's representatives right here in moscow an artist has been a father now joins us live and hi to you so much has been quite outspoken over the military action in libya criticizing both sides of the conflict for going far beyond international. but also we heard from russia's foreign minister. both russian foreign minister sergei lavrov has said that he said over the productive
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dialogue with representatives of the living authorities he's managed to convince them to follow the resolutions of the u.n. security council meeting safety zones in the country or incorporating with the u.n. security council in distribution of humanitarian aid throughout the country to those who need it all c t b. the vote now presented by the african union as well as letting international observers in libya to monitor how those resolutions are being fulfilled of course libyan leaders in response to that have stopped and they are willing to do so but under their conditions i believe they can now listen to what for mr barak had to say on that. number was frozen motion from tripoli is willing to consider approaches based on the african union road map for peace. over there ready to fully meet the requirements of the un resolution only. used but said it was necessary for the
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opposition to make similar moves you know for nato to stop bombing relationship. over from foreign minister sergei lavrov has once again stressed that nato is actions in libya go beyond resolutions of the un security council and the only solution to the crisis is a non military one another condition that so we did authorities have said they're willing to fulfill the resolutions of the u.s. a u.n. security council is for the opposition members to also sit down at their to go sheesh and table now the opposition members have said that they willing to come to moscow they were supposed to come to moscow to morrow but they're postponing their visit nonetheless they are going to come to sit down and to talk about what they have to do to find a peaceful solution to have produced that was a dialogue with the. libyan authorities and although russia is not immediate yet
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a mediator in this particular conflict it certainly supports the roadmap presented by the african union and the pool was what is the driving force of the opposition in libya here's this report by my colleague diana she. washington's perfect many really be. the leader of libya's transitional national council leaped and studied in the u.s. for years and on his latest visit to washington he didn't fail can show how devoted he is to american values we. really believe and we really aspire to. cross to the american public that we are really here to join hands to build a democratic a dream in the libyan soil and why. they join hands with those seeking to replace gadhafi and take over power in libya to help prop them up the u.s. pledged to funnel billions of dollars of conduct is frozen assets to the transitional council i am currently drafting legislation at the request of the
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state department and the administration that will authorize the trails for of available cash assets to the council but the support from washington comes not only in money and tomahawk missiles but also in military command one of the commanders of the libyan rebel army is gen calif i have heard a long time khadafi to factor he leave it on washington suburb for the last twenty years just minutes away from cia headquarters although any intelligence connections have never been officially confirmed at the moment we have cia operatives over eastern syria and i can cia agents all are there even before obama recognizes and has been for install use in libya along working alone sites french intelligence and british s.e.'s as well they are made eucalypts in the agenda of this transitional council some cannily say the u.s. is using the turmoil in libya to propel to power people who would be loyal to their
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interests you look at this collection of jew grill judge yunus and if there are these people are foreign agents they're nato stooges they're completely controlled and they will never be able to assert any kind of independent autonomous libya the risks of the puppet regime of that this will degenerate into chaos and number of leaders who were propped up by washington have faced popular discontent in egypt hosni mubarak had been extensively supported by the u.s. the decades despite domestic disapproval of his policies yemen has seen violent protests over the rule of its president who many believe has managed to hold onto power only things to us. and the government of hamid karzai in afghanistan has been struggling with public discontent for years the u.s. and its allies will go into the scale of some sort of a regime that we approve of but the process is not going to be a democratic one and in the war run the odds are overwhelming that the libyan
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people will reject the regime having clearly taken sides in the league and civil war boston is now seeking to forge strong ties with where my country power they are but analysts say such an overwhelming support financial military and political never comes without strings attached and they mistake our reporting from washington r.t. . meantime on the ground in libya nato airstrike caused fires at a security services building and the headquarters of the country's anti corruption agency officials claim the coalition was trying to destroy files linked to corruption cases against the rebel leadership the two buildings are close to the residence of libyan leader moammar gadhafi which has been constantly hit by nato bombs british investigative journalist tony gosling says it's not could or should be targeted but rather the alliance itself. nato has shown in other campaigns around the world that it starts off with this sort of pretense they want to have
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a sure shot war and what it happens is it turns into a long protracted. war where actually who does want out of this the military industrial complex these massive military companies who are supplying all this weaponry to nato and the people who do best out of it in fact both sides. military can we should both sides do well so i think i don't think that the nato side really want to make this a short thing at all they actually would like a long protracted conflict and they would like ultimately to take control of libya's oil and libya's finances which is what this is all about we don't see purnell gadhafi going into foreign countries invading them bombing them attacking them we don't see these long protracted wars carried out by colonel gadhafi i think he's the least of our problems and we should see tony blair and george bush in the dog or the international criminal court. you are with r.t. and still to come here in the program a space timetable. the chinese hoping to land
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a man on the moon by twenty twenty five and a man on mars by twenty four c. china joins the space race with an ambitious plan and it's ready to offer some stiff competition to the other superpowers. he you finance ministers unanimously backed a one hundred ten billion dollar bailout package for debt stricken portugal the ministers are also to discuss extending loans to greece which despite already receiving a one hundred fifty five billion dollar bailout is currently in no better shape but there's a growing concern that slain one of europe's biggest economies might soon need a financial lifeline of its own done a bushel has more on this. the eurozone is in serious trouble there's a storm of controversy already growing over the seventy eight billion euro rescue package for portugal which has just been agreed by the finance ministers of the european union here in brussels several states have already come out and openly criticized finland being among them one bell chimpy here told me it's really not
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the the job of the prudence states in the european union to be restoring those countries which have been more ridiculous for example portugal now the i.m.f. the international monetary fund is supposed to be coordinating this rescue package is also supposed to stump up a third of that cash but its head dominique strauss kahn has just been arrested on sexual assault charges in new york so there's two more there as well greece is a country that's already received a bailout but it's already are asking saying it needs more cash now we're clear how taxpayers across the rest of the e.u. will react this time of economic difficulty to having to bailout those countries and the belgian finance minister has said that he really wants to see greece sorting out its problems first before it gets more money now the four critically ill economies of the european union and known as the pigs that's portugal ireland
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greece and spain and by far the biggest economy and therefore of the biggest concern is spain is really growing concern over the economic situation there we've got horrible statistics like almost one in two young people in spain are out of work the question is being too big to fail that may be a saving grace that the euro zone countries simply called the forward to let a big country as spain go by the wayside and fall as well how do you turn your bushel right there while the regular saw starting cuts are going to preserve an already flawed euro that's according to retirees a member of the european parliament from portugal. but i will say that the writing is on the wall says a year ago since these grasses starts us and the original sin is we have the architectural weaknesses of zero that the year itself he said in a complete experiment the other one says that we can you know fart our way out of this through austerity and that we can service our vamps through such cats here in
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public budgets what has he got to the ultimate we will carry the response is it is reality this is clearly and sustainable so it will break the back of the camel sooner or right there and you know it should be sooner that the european governments especially france and germany is once a regular mass that's reality. attention away from europe and also the u.s. which is a reached its debt ceiling of fourteen point three trillion dollars and is not making emergency cuts to avoid it defaulting the government is likely to take loans from two pension funds to help keep it afloat for just a few more weeks earlier this year the i.m.f. warned washington that it really needed to deal with this national debt congress has now to go shooting with the white house to see what america can borrow investment banker roger daltry told us here at odds here that the country doesn't have leaders brave enough to tackle the american crisis over all this will amount
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to was eventually the death of the dollar you know when the united states doesn't have a revenue problem you know we have a real spending problem you know the doctor mark probert said you know we're really in the end game here you know unless we really start to rebalance ourselves there won't be anyone to show up at treasury auctions i mean this isn't by the way style economics pretty soon if we don't get this issue in order no one is going to be showing up i mean what kind of message are we really sending out to our creditors here i mean if you were the leader of a company whose triplets competence just about every quarter do you think your creditors or shareholders will continue to finance your business i mean what this will amount to is a decrease in standard of living if we don't raise the debt ceiling but that's reality you know we're broke i mean i know women has already been raised ten times over the past fifteen years and meanwhile the national debt is you know it's clear that these politicians have no real intention of going to the real fundamental issue at hand and that's where overspent and we're really ever is here as a nation and it's clear that they have no intention of paying this bag we would have monetized you know from germany sex crimes of the tax evader himself to me gee you know we don't have
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a real leader out there was really really ready to talk about the real issues at hand here. us dollar has surged recently sparking speculation over what's causing it and that's why saudis max keiser has his own take on the situation you can follow the latest scandals from wall street and around the world with the kaiser report coming away in about an hour's time. like the dollar enjoying a bit of a bounce recently time exactly to the moment when bin ladin spectacle a stance of glee pakistan's violent film that eleven american state sanctioned terrorist blood guts pentagon military conflict the military industrial complex i.e. u d r u d it's a huge splatter fest that we've seen which is the basis for the rally in the dollar there's no jobs there there's no manufacturing there going back in the dollar this
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brick in the states tension terrorist acts that's what the polls all about. you with us here live from the heart of the russian capital now kind of has been arrested right here in moscow just as he was about to eat the liver of his dismembered victim he's pretty well has all the details on this a similar story for us and hi peter so tell us how did police actually manage to track down the kind of. well over the past two weeks dismembered body parts of turned up in the rivers around moscow as well as hidden in basements in this part of the west of the city where i am right now note those dismembered body parts included a hand which allowed police to use fingerprint forensic technology to positively identify the victim as forty year old. now an investigation into the circle of friends that you go to let them here to the apartment building i'm
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standing outside of the apartment nicholai shot in now upon entering that apartment they confronted shot in and arrested him he admitted to having murdered he got off as well as dismembering him placing his body parts around the city and eating part of the policy now police discovered at the scene the tools used to dismember dismember you call it off as well as a stew that was supposedly made from the liver of a human and they also recovered it's part of a human liver as well now shut in has a had a history of mental illness there was a registered schizo phrenic he had spent time in a psychiatric asylum in the past and was well known in the area somebody who suffered from mental problems. who just when he was taken to hospital from time to time because of his strange behavior he was
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clearly dangerous. well look after speaking to those neighbors as well as talking to the manager of the apartment building with the manager who was his presence out the rest we heard a disturbing tale of a deeply disturbed human being in the didn't they reported bouts of heavy drinking causing anti social behavior as well as the horrific tale of the gruesome torturing of a dog that was then thrown from the balcony of judgments apartment into the courtyard. of twenty killed to not fall shattering was reportedly known to bring back homeless men to his apartment for bouts of drinking and he said himself this was how he got you got to have to come back to his apartment for a night of drinking which he subsequent decided that he was going to to murder this forty year old man and later dismember him in places body parts around the city
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before eating parts of the corpse. all right he's better off without a moscow thank you. why not escape some other international headlines for you here on r.t. and the irish army is made safe a functional pipe bomb close to dublin after an anonymous caller took off police it comes as the british queen and her husband prince philip began the first royal visit to the country in one hundred years has been allayed all historic following decades of animosity between the two countries police say a number of other bomb threats have been called in but they all turned out to be hoaxes. and the pakistan will return the debris of the unmanned helicopter which went down during the raid on osama bin laden's compound the choppers sort of been equipped with a secret stealth technology the american seal team tried to destroy it but some parts were later gathered up by pakistani troops. the space shuttle endeavor that blasted off from cape canaveral yesterday has it successfully reach orbit on its
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sixteen day mission it will reach the international space station on wednesday delivering a two billion us dollars cosmic ray detector that scientists hope will help them discover the origin of the universe the flight was initially showed you on april but was postponed due to problems in a power unit nasa is about to end its thirty year old shuttle program in its last project the shuttle atlantis is expected to launch in july. but just as the u.s. comes back on a space program china has announced plans to put its own space station in orbit the sixty ton construction will be almost seven times lighter than the international space station if all goes to plan with a focus on experiments in space however the involvement of the chinese military is causing some concern. paging space city opening its doors to the media as china announces its intention to build its own space station by twenty twenty to rival the international space station and while some see chinese advances in space travel
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as a potential for it officials here are keen to stress the spirit of cooperation they say is behind china's space program then and woods will only we're looking forward to cooperate and other countries in the field of space exploration and we're also looking forward to having more countries join this club so we can promote the common goals of mankind honestly for the moment though china's space program is doing very well on its own since becoming only the first country in the world to send a man into space in two thousand and three the chinese also carried out a space walk in two thousand and eight and the country isn't going to stop. trying as extraterrestrial ambitions go far beyond the launching of the space station the chinese hoping to land a man on the moon by twenty twenty five and a man on mars by twenty forty an ambitious timetable by anyone's standards however it's the very speed and nature of china's space program that has some including the
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u.s. worried most of the tens of billions of dollars that the chinese have spent on these projects has come from the country's military budget and with china's downing of a damaged weather satellites using a ballistic missile back in two thousand and seven some are now talking of the potential for a new space arms race. janus is developing against like any other superpower this technology is the most advanced and mostly used during peacetime but if needed some dignities could also be used during wartime. chinese officials deny the country's manned space program has any military uses several european countries are expressing interest in using any future space station for research and beijing says that it's currently working with russia and its mission to put a man on mars henri more than forty beijing. well europe is another space power with growing ambitions despite the economic crisis the continent aims to
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increase its missions to orbit and beyond r.t. talks to the european space agency chief carter ten minutes time right here on art or whether it is actually a flight to mars but we have the work cropped up. from planet earth. to us and this is a. few of the poitou but manned spaceflight is little for up to orbit it's not only do but it's an important part of space because us hundreds of albert best converse a lot of space and play the earth and their hope is a future of the or of the world they are working together there is no more notion that the all baba's play station. the moscow court has postponed an appeal hearing launched by jailed former oil tycoon mikhail khodorkovsky and his business partner until may twenty fourth and appeal against a guilty ruling in
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a second that money laundering trial was set to start on tuesday morning but the judge says the court needs more time to study the large volume of complaints in the sentence and cut across the former c.e.o. of oil giant you costs was arrested in autumn of two thousand and three and later sentenced to eight years in jail for fraud and tax evasion. part of this i was a business news with katrina. thanks rory hi there and welcome to our seas business bulletin for this hour b.p. and rosneft share swap and arctic exploration deal has collapsed so it is close to rosneft say it'll be looking for a new partner to explore the arctic dmitri medvedev has all the details. so far rosenhaus has not made any official comment on the deal but sources close to the company has quoted by the impacts news agency say that they're just dropping out of the deal with b.p. on how to get to the ration and the share swap however it is now illegally opens
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a look for new partners and is saying is not continuing negotiations with b.p. as the conditions offered by b.p. and t. and k b b were quote unacceptable b.p. them official statement has said is still looking to continue negotiations and is still looking to find some kind of satisfactory resolution to the case even though the deal as we know it is invalid as it is overdue t m k b.p. the main stumbling block in this case has now said its russian partners have said that there are certain conditions in which they would actually agree to sell their stake which they refused to do during the negotiations in an attempt to salvage the deal so it's now hard to say whether negotiations are continuing right now but is definite that the deal as we know it as the russian government title bit the deal of the year has apparently collapsed. it's time to look at how the markets unfolding this hour prices are blacks to positives out concerned continue that the
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debt crisis in greece and grates will move you mean growth turning to a quick easy asian markets closed with mixed results today as well in commodity prices and concerns i think you would think prices played on sentiment however tokyo electric power lost more than eleven percent on concerns over compensation payouts after the recent disaster and fukushima daiichi nuclear plant. european stock markets after last negative this hour as concerns of the european financial crisis continue there as well however for out of town shares rose run point four cents in london are reporting annual revenue above market expectations and here in russia does the r.t.s. and in my sense continue to train the red this out on the back of other worldwide market trends. i would. have a look at the individual families on the i said it's precious metal miners are on the rise as gold price for a verse from losses claim it lives up more than four percent the sound meanwhile shares of rosneft and b.p.
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are in the red on the news of a share stop agreement has collapsed. banks is not still produces seven has posted a one hundred thirty one million dollars profit in the first quarter above analysts expectations back in paris with a net loss of seven hundred eighty five million dollars in the same period last year the result was supported by high prices and restructuring of the company's assets. such as equity markets have seen significant falls in the past few weeks but peter weston isin capital does believe that a rebound is on the cards once the shift back to less risky assets diminishes eventually there will be a bounce back in particular of looking at a card or person's hundred ten dollars per barrel where the my sister is right now where it was at the same level a couple of months ago the apostles into dollars so you know there's some kind of level that we need to talk about when to consider all price but i think rather than looking at all present now people are looking at global factors i do expect us to
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see volatility over the next coming weeks and i think the trend will be on the downside maybe for another week and then of course reaching the summer months when you really think of how far we've had very active summers of a very sort of summer to talk a lot when it comes to correct what is i think in terms of the emerging market universe what is interesting right now is that there is a shift back towards developed market risk we saw that a couple of months ago as well. as we have risk aversion on the rise and i think it's very easy to make the argument to stay in more liquid and more sort of what is perceived as less risky risky markets. russia's power generators are struggling to attract investments promised to the sector and then after the massive privatization program in two thousand and eight demand hasn't quite grown as expected and think it's gross. country's third richest man mikhail prokhorov was reported to be yet another investor looking to get out of the sector his own neck some great board over half of the generator t g k four before the crisis for almost
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a billion dollars the stake is worth now less than half that but prokhorov says he's not planning to sell here. the most vocal in the world the winner of this company is our strategic investment we have a program to put triple it's good to lizzie's and by twenty fifteen so with a lot of companies come to us and say they want to buy even some say they want to swap shares we're not rejecting anybody in their investment program might be more interesting for all shareholders but we don't have any concrete office for now well as i just business for this hour we'll have more for you in just under an hour's time stay with us.
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wealthy british style. time. market why not it's time to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike's concert for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into kinds a report on our cheap.


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