tv [untitled] May 17, 2011 7:00pm-7:30pm EDT
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as of yesterday the supreme court decided it was ok for cops to bust down your door if they are toilet flushing if they claim it is on the grounds that they suspect you may be destroying evidence specifically drugs our legal system is now a complete failure in other news the attorney general of the united states is completely delusional and we have the exclusive footage to prove it we'll get reaction from two members of law enforcement against prohibition executive director neil franklin foer d e analyst on down again so far molyneux our friends in the north joins us to get an understanding of what's behind this decision to make
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a fourth amendment to the constitution of the united states of america effectively are relevant and in times like these you can be glad you're watching the adam vs the man. in an eight to one decision yesterday the supreme court of the united states decided that law enforcement officers had the legal right to kick down your door. if they suspect that you are destroying evidence in almost every case in which this is been relevant specifically drugs standards of reasonable search and seizure have been debated since before the fourth amendment of the constitution was even proposed but this really takes it to a new low this has rendered it practically irrelevant justice samuel alito jr and
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right in the opinion of the majority that is eight out of the nine justices said that quote destruction of evidence issues probably occur most frequently in drug cases because drugs may be easily destroyed by flushing down a toilet. this isn't an issue for drug users this is an issue for people who live in areas with police officers and use toilets if a cop once again your door for whatever reason professional ambition run amok a personal vendetta to steal something they can get away with in court and all they have to do is say they are to toilet flushing and other might be destruction of evidence this sends them president in power supplies who have struggled against restrictions on their ability to serve civilians as outlined by previous to this this will decisions for years the reason this one is so huge is that it doesn't just apply to home invasions by police if suspicion of destruction of evidence is
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the new standard for forcible entry this applies here vehicles will and by the standard set what's to stop a cop from arresting someone putting something in their mouth and claiming it was destruction of evidence or to deceive and say it cops get away with lying under oath in court all the time and if a cop can justify forced entry into a home which is supposed to have special protection if anything from precedent or fourth amendment doesn't some ask then this can be used to testify i mean thing your honor i have reason to believe the defendant was destroying evidence. but you kicked down the wrong apartment door i thought i smoked weed. such was nearly the scenario the exact case in kentucky vs king the subject of yesterday's superior court ruling which cops were chasing a suspect in a crack bust another crime that was reported with a victim and
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a complaint and some need for police intervention but a cell if all this person into an apartment building and just guessed it which door to kick down because it's really where i want to know it was the wrong door they got lucky in this case the cops in that they happened to be smoking a lot of behind that door too but it could've just as easily for the next renown it could this is well have been someone smoking outside it might as well have been the door to your apartment or your home or your car so here's how the rules have changed if you're at home and you're using a toilet and you hear a knock at the door and you're not expecting anybody or even if you are go answer the door before you flush. and you might just lose the only evidence of what our system of justice has become.
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growing out of ontario canada host of freedom unrated dot com the world's most popular philosophy discussion so far and honest a fine thank you so much for joining us and i think scrape to be all right we just learned of the supreme court decision in kentucky versus king in which the supreme court affirmed the legal right of so called law enforcement officers to forced entry upon simple suspicion of destruction of evidence now i was genuinely surprised by this and i was i was really offended that it was an eight to one decision but i couldn't think of anyone other than you that would find a way to not be surprised by this were you surprised at all by this decision no neither of the one in illinois where they can you where it's unlawful to resist unlawful entry into your home by police it's not surprising at all that i'm this is the natural state of affairs when governments begin to run out of money with which to bribe their citizens they end up you know that the dollars run out and the fists
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come out the best way to control the citizenry in the absence of being able to bribe them is to threaten them and that is a natural for states at the end of their lifespan well specifically whole i got a presence if you're saying bribes in this context being offset by somehow an increased incidence of home invasion how does that work to serve the interest of the government. well you keep the citizenry as a whole fairly placid in the old roman model of bread and circuses by giving them lots of free stuff free i.e. paid for by future and by debt and by future generations and i bet and so the government is at the moment of course running out of its ability to continue to bribe the population into a kind of stupefied obedience and so they need to begin to bring out arbitrary power switch which they can use to threaten and frighten the citizens who are there who otherwise might get restless and begin to question the nature of the system
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they live under doesn't work it works perfectly it works beautifully and still philosophy like yours and has come along it works beautifully into the up until people remember their general application of the non-aggression principle of restore their human dignity restore their human pride and begin to philosophically resist these endless incursions into our personal spaces aren't something get back to the thoughts off the ground here why are privacy or rights important and essential to liberty. well they are literally i mean the sanctity of your person the sanctity of your home the restrictions upon law enforcement officers from arbitrarily entering your home and go back to the magna carta from seven eight hundred years ago and the reason for that of course is that your home is supposed to be your castle and the police and the soldiers are not supposed to have the right of entry into your castle without good reason and this is all being eroded the fourth amendment has been eroded for many years and it is largely driven by the drug war and illegal seizures are people and eminent domain and this is just
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a natural progress and it's going to continue and it's going to get worse until we remember the foundations of human liberty which is the resistance of violence on philosophical terms not on the violent terms and not in political terms but a simple restatement of the non-aggression principle over and over until it sinks into people's heads ok as he said the police officer and have the right to come in a friend to come in without or without a good reason and i assume that with accepting the current framework of one force and the paradigm that somehow law enforcement is there to serve the people but this isn't this is a supreme court decision that said now suspicion simply saying well we smelled something we thought we had suspicion of destruction of evidence how what does this decision absolutely practically affect individual americans right to privacy. well i don't think it's going to affect a lot of people's right to privacy of the police of course are a very limited resource and the degree to which they are going to harass and bother
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people for non-crimes such as drug use and gambling and prostitution and so on the degree to which they can actually go and baby and so on this is pretty small i mean so i always suggest you know don't speed stay on the right side of the law and if a cop stops you be very polite and positive and helpful because you don't want to get caught in the machinery of this kind of system if you're in a bad neighborhood and you can move out move out if you have friends who do drugs you might want to try to convince them not to don't do any you sell the sort of my argument and then you can at least stay on the sunny side of the street because once you start going into that kind of world it can be very very difficult to get out outstanding thank you so much stuff on a host of freedom reign at radio con last friday was the national law enforcement officers memorial fund twenty third annual candlelight vigil which is part of national police week i was hoping to catch up with a few members of one force and against private prohibition to interview there but got lost in a sea of cops i was
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a little higher the time so's unnerving to say the least considering we were expecting a friendly crowd of former and current anti-prohibition police officers and ended up here instead. yes i failed to do enough homework and ended up deep behind enemy lines however as any good spy what i decided to get interviews with the police officers intendant some were very forthright once they got in front of the camera some froze when i started asking real questions and most of those i approached said talk nice boss one way or another and i ended up interviewing some pretty high ranking police officers but then we noticed that attorney general eric holder was at the event as well as a guest of honor seated right by the podium and i mean he had to sit through hours and hours of speeches songs give a speech and self and then personally lead off the reading of slain officers names that were to be added to the memorial which alone took
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a couple hours it was after all this that we were able to catch up to him i think and of the event so to get a quick question with. my right ok so you're. you're right it was you sir i don't cook your search in america would you have so you know law enforcement against prohibition would say that any of the war on drugs would lower the rate of deaths of law enforcement officers unnecessarily line of duty i don't think it's right. i don't think the less also is a dyna line of duty afloat drug use and it's a. goal. really got pushed away after the attorney general pushed this away in the column to him the camera. we backed up with. this is priceless obviously the forces necessary to do it was a sort of put your hand in the camera. or. maybe not. so you need to be on the road or your tax dollars at work. now police telling us
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what our job is. well the man in the suit is a scored away and drives off in a black s.u.v. never to have to answer to the public this is the man in charge of the united states department of justice this is the measure of the failure of our entire legal system in this country the man cannot even face basic facts you may be entitled to your own opinion of the drug war mr holder you may go against the stated policy of the obama administration and continue raids against state legal medical marijuana dispensaries you may ignore the second amendment you may refuse to prosecute the crimes of the bush administration you can let the black panthers violate civil rights you may dispense of the constitution you swore an oath to in your own heart but you are not entitled to your own facts and the officer that you
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see here pushing the camera away might not look particularly fit or intelligent or deserving of your unflinching obedience but thanks to attorney general holder and the supreme court we have given law enforcement officers legal privileges only suitable for the baptist country we have become this man who knocked down your door because he heard a flush beat you with an interest of your life for resisting steal from you in the name of collecting evidence even rape you are a family member and there is usually at least no legal recourse this is the measure of failure of our system of justice because the very mechanisms intended to protect our lives and liberties have become the greatest threat to them and we've heard mr holder. i did catch you off guard what he really meant to say i think was mr progress the drug wars purpose is to supply a never ending stream of citizens into incarceration leading to a never ending stream of tax dollars into the corporations that run prisons it also conveniently gives us an excuse to pretty much ignore your rights. when we come
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back we'll get a reaction to eric holder statements from two members of law enforcement against prohibition executive director neill franklin was lost several colleagues to the war on drugs and former da analyst john donnegan will also get the reactions to some of the more enlightening comments from our interviews at the vigil you don't want to miss this you're watching adam vs the man. repairing a broken. highway construction and humanitarian aid. buses shady officials look at the spoils of war it's the people who paid the price. profiteering here is no longer just down to drug trafficking. afghanistan and the
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the mission. critical three. three. three. three. three. three. for your immediate. welcome back to adam vs the man drawing me now in studio with sean donnegan who served as an intelligence research specialist for the united states drug enforcement administration from one thousand nine eight of two thousand and eleven also designs from philadelphia's major neill franklin a thirty three year law enforcement veteran of both the maryland state police and baltimore police forces he worked the streets investigated who supervised and
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trains up trained others and oversaw seventeen drug task forces he has seen colleagues die in the line of fire unnecessarily in the war on drugs and is now the executive director of law enforcement but a website up to fifty. so i got leap saying see government thank you so much for being with us tonight neal first to you the response from attorney general holder yesterday when presented with the promise of law enforcement against prohibition about saving officers' lives and ending the war on drugs was met with a very curt response just that's not right were you surprised by his condemnation of leap. i was really surprised risings we were expecting a little bit more and i expected a little bit more thought i expected in more information especially since this was friday you know believe this the right. and. you know for for the top cop in our country to not have that information about how many of
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us who are dying and don't. let me say this so billions parts those in the beginning. people are dying every day by the hundreds across this country in south america mexico obit as well but as it relates to police are really surprised that he did not have that information or at least had some sense of the numbers that are going across this country and i can tell you one thing the f.b.i. doesn't occur. it's estates as it relates to this. but we're going to say no no it wouldn't make a difference any warrant growth would not make a difference and you know. he's missing a lot of information said you know it's really one thing almost if you acknowledge the facts and said i understand there's
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a human cost here let's debate if it's worth it but not even to that point sean for the for the big picture from your perspective from from the the d.a. perhaps is there any way that attorney general holder could be telling the truth here is there any conceivable way that ending the war on drugs might increase the liability or the risk for police officers now absolutely not in the to mulch of this one nine hundred sixty s. we lost about one hundred fifty five officers a year in the line of duty that was that the average for the decade nine hundred seventy is the drug war comes along with nixon and that figure shot up to two hundred twenty nine a year the same thing happened during prohibition that was the most dangerous time in our history to be a cop in this country we lost about two hundred forty a year during the thirteen years of prohibition and the ten years after its repeal that figure dropped to about one hundred forty six so it has completely been dishonest or hasn't bothered to look at the statistics it's amazing meal yeah you know sean variation on how you don't go there you. don't well see that's what i like showing some work for you so those numbers. actually well you know i thought
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we were at the vigil as well on friday this is where we ran into the attorney general and we got to interview some of the law enforcement officers there about whether or not the vigil itself seen this tragedy close having that. moment of remembrance spurred any conversations about changing the policy for them if that led to any reconsideration of the policies that they were lead and force as you have with we got some really interesting answers i like to play a couple and get your responses some were speaking more freely than out of the others this was the first one from a gentleman that was a little bit reserved in his comments the first clip i'm not seeing that wound jones is making this risk and i think it's a lot of work to be true with the doing and we're going to do with the best of abilities do you think that this kind of denial at the bottom of a bottom up level within the law enforcement community is really that problem or is this just a guy because he's talking to the press oh no of course we don't really risk our lives for the drug war. well i think you know he's an officer
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appears to be a recompile officer so he's going to kind of follow the party line so to speak you know that's what they're there taught and that's what they have to profess and it's very difficult for an officer that's currently serving to come out and say anything to the contrary and that's what that means you've got a little more experience on the streets with this kind of mentality is this really problem is this what most law enforcement officers believe in or is there is there a deeper understanding settling in with the ranks well it is probably one thing you know where it is nice for me i was there i was exactly where. most marked rear was in force and i had their respect that you know you know we're soldiers we were given our orders you know what the law is or we're going to force that's what we do . know of these but when you get the information when you sit down and look at the numbers now just financially but body count when you look at waste when you look at the waste of our young people in our communities and process that then you come to
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the realization that you know what. this is not working and it is costing this country a great deal so i think when we have the opportunity to give them that information and get them the opportunity to really think about it then it is only to relieve that pressure and if they feel the party line will get completely different there will we have from perhaps the party line generator in south we have a firm a high a very high ranking officer i apologize i don't remember the department he was a but the head of one of the new york city departments and we have a clip of him talking about how policies have changed over time in law enforcement's role related to that let's play that clip. police officers not so very long ago on one day would be arresting women walking into fortune clinics and the very next day were arresting people trying to prevent them from doing that it's
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not a job that the police to tell society what to do it's the job of society to direct please specify what the police should do and once that decision is made the police really have no choice no choice is there really no choice left the law enforcement officers on the ground being asked to do things they might consider on and they'll well this is a complex issue here but this is the case once the people really are policymakers decide what law enforcement once it is what they want just like you said that what we're charged now with was it we all had limitations that were raining in which we can. i mean we can and i need to give an example here marijuana is illegal i'm all in your community we're going. to go out there in. one try to collect. however we can look at the policy and the latitude that
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we give you that the police officer i can get your information i think. and i can you know as long as i'm comfortable with your identification knowing who you are i can probably little comment for you i don't have i don't have. or i can if i want to. ok so i get i could take you to the other end of the spectrum because when you take you in and maybe you have to spend a day or two in prison before you can make bail or add your initial there is some latitude there now neal it may be patently obvious how wrong headed eric holder statement on friday was an hour absurd it was just on face of the fact that you have a personal story that the drive home some of this was a character that with us. and that that's what really disturbs me in court that's why i was there on friday i was there celebrating the life of it so late and
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you know it was just a couple of miles from where we had this ceremony that we're totally was and that's and they were he was killed ten years ago and in the half years over ten thousand. i received a call in the middle of the night and it was a comrade telling me that it's totally. different than a close friend of mine worked for me on a couple occasions and he told me that italy had been shot and that it didn't good and immediately i knew what it was from. just a couple weeks prior that at a conversation about this final purchase of cocaine that he was about to make a mid-level dealer in washington d.c. so it was working with the f.b.i. that night when the path for us and.
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kofi orleans and then the thought is that he wanted money and so when he turned his call or where he should have had a. shock when we went range and. one of the worst night. one of the worst nights my life and i know wife and i drove down to the hospital and. or it's not a time we got there you know tons of friends another comrade. you know and. we had three kids in this one case of many and when that happened it i immediately thought about more you war when i was working undercover nine hundred eighty he was assassinated in baltimore city i thought about killing martin another baltimore police officer who was killed the night. and then after that summation we had two more dogs more police kill. michael cowdery
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was approaching. two drug dealers on the corner park over. to do an interview and one of them shot him. and gad in its core was. when. the police were chasing. being drug dealers get them in is more probably this one tends will bring it into the. group. but listening. heavily on it just. so you know eric holder you know me in. your case in your so many other. cases neal thank you for sharing your story and i shant from the d.a.'s perspective is there any connection with the top end of traffic cops on the sea every day with the drug war oh sure i mean it's a dangerous job and it's a dangerous job because of the prohibition scheme you know people aren't shooting
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each other over a liquor distribution or beer distribution they're shooting at you over other over drug distribution so you know all of these tragedies are really a function of the policies that are in place and and i would dare say that eric holder is aware that absolutely absolutely thank you so much really appreciate examinant neil franklin executive director of law enforcement from philadelphia pennsylvania and former analyst again here in studio with us tonight in writing the opinion for the majority in kentucky versus king just the same really a legal genius so that when cops burst in residents who quote attempt to destroy evidence have only themselves to blame so if you flush your toilet after a cop comes to the door and you get raided by accident according to the supreme court it's your fault police in this country have an incentive in their job security is still for the establishment and perpetuate the myth that the laws they enforce of the divine will of the people as expressed by our elected representatives as you know nothing could be further from the truth and the danger of this is that if we allow the meant to be perpetuated we have the benefit of the
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doubt to all of the immoral cops and take advantage of the system i thought i had a toilet flush i thought i smelled me we he seemed like he was resisting i was on. only following orders that's what makes the men and women of law enforcement against prohibition so brave and so valuable they have decided to stand up as examples to so many on the force struggling every day with solutions that could make them cops or peace officers conscience comes first before the law before the system before your orders if you are a police officer or no one who wants to make a choice to be a police officer not a cop please consider joining and supporting law enforcement against prohibition leap that c.c. your rights are at stake if we allow this un-american prohibition to continue that's our show tonight and tomorrow when we'll be joined by carolyn hellman and susan organizer of the rally in the end of the protest there supreme court decision they're out of vs the man talking are.
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