tv [untitled] May 17, 2011 8:00pm-8:30pm EDT
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three. three. three. three. three. videos for your media drug free media card. sacking goldman sachs along between right and wrong might look great at times but for financial investors it's a green all the way to the bank even to hear how foul play is lining the pockets of wall street. and manufacturing in the usa once the heart and soul of this country now just a faded memory of the middle class so will the u.s. ever be able to reassemble. and it's a tale of two princes the first founder of blackwater the second the leader of al gadhafi and as these princes prepare to create an army for hire in the u.a.e. we explore whether the contracting words used lie with the because.
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good evening it's tuesday may seventeenth eight pm here in washington d.c. i'm lucy captain of you're watching our team. now in a just world those who break the law by lying cheating and stealing are usually tried and prosecuted for their crimes unless of course we're talking about well heeled executives of say i don't know goldman sachs you know in his latest piece for rolling stone magazine back to the revisits the wall street firm that he once called the vampire squid and he got a case for why goldman exactions be plucked from the boardroom and sewn into court earlier i spoke of not about goldman's role in the financial crisis and here's part of that conversation. this report really lays bare a number of instances where it's pretty clear that the jacket is from from goldman lied on national television to senate investigators i'll give you an example the
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c.f.o. of the company david many are one point he was the guy who coined the phrase the big shorts in other words they had a big short position in two thousand and seven when asked about that he told congress it was not a large short c.e.o. lloyd blankfein said we did not have a massive short bet and we did not bet against our clients but we know both of those things are true i think there's going to be a lot of pressure on the justice department to do something about it about some of these things. and at some point because they can't just let it completely go the same time when you yourself have written about how the justice department department is so reliant on the f.t.c. because the stuff is complicated there's difficult details here to sort of hard to dig through all the leaves on the fox do you really think that there's going to be some sort of action and prosecutions of the folks who are supposedly the backbone of our economy. well i'm not going to hold my breath obviously but i mean that's
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why we we focused on the line to congress aspect of the speech because. yes the whole question of lying to investors and what's legal and what's not legal and can you sell somebody something while betting against it at the same time what you have to disclose when you do that all that stuff is definitely complicated and prosecutors are definitely wary of bringing cases like that into court but line to congress is not complicated it's something virtually any voter or any juror can understand and the evidence in this case i think is really overwhelming. and so if they're going to take roger clemens or very volunteer martha stewart to court for lying to federal investigators or or to the senate there's absolutely no reason why any they can't do that with executives from a company like goldman sachs well that would be a rational approach i don't know if the folks on capitol hill really share that you know i don't know if you're personally aware but there is a bad guy a terrorist dude named bin laden who was recently killed not
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a really big deal but outer it raises the broader issue of the fact that there's this warrants are going on there's you know i serious fights that has real consequences in terms of the lives of americans that our country's fighting at the moment and so at a time like that it's not sort of difficult to to hone in on rich white guys in suits on wall street as the bad guys and really go after prosecuting them. ok i understand that argument and i have heard it said look we're we're doing important things overseas and when you know the bulk of the united states enforcement effort is against terrorism and therefore we can't we can't focus on what's going on on wall street i completely disagree with that that point of view i think what went on on wall street and that is still going on is a direct threat to the national security of the united states. our economy is in is in danger of turning into a completely corrupt system and that would impact the lives of every single
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american and in a negative way if people were to lose face to face in the american economy the capital would flee out of this country and so i think they have to focus on on the crimes that were committed on wall street and direct and continue to direct energy there because those people obviously there are not a physical threat to the well being of of new yorkers are not going to blow up buildings but they can do a lot of damage and they already have and i think it's incumbent upon us to do something about of these financial terrorists in any your view what's more of a threat these companies that are making a giant profit that expands the and there considers or maybe of the close connections that a lot of these folks have to the white house and to congress. well i think i'm never going to say that the you know somebody like you know lloyd blankfein is more of a threat to the united states than a saddam bin laden but you know these these companies do have a profound impact on on the way everybody lives their lives people don't realize
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that they're affected by wall street in a dozen different ways today whether it's you know how much you pay for gas how much you pay for electricity how much you pay for your credit cards. your mortgage is how much you're paying in taxes and how much your of your tax dollars are going to debt service there's a dozen two dozen things a day that happen that wall street does affect different ways that they're affecting your lives and so when these guys are corrupt when they're doing bad things and when they when they're committed to stealing and not playing by the rules it has a profound effect on society and i think it's it's something that people in this country don't lightly understand i think they will eventually but but right now it's just it's poorly understood now is matt tavi the political reporter for rolling stone magazine the thing on the economic issue it's no secret that jobs are on everyone's mind these days and you numbers from the fed today show that the united states factory output actually dropped for the first time in nearly ten months and although some is more evidence that the housing market is continuing to
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slump but these little details do miss a bigger global shift that is actually much more dramatic than any since the industrial revolution because that's according to former british prime minister gordon brown who had this to say and unusually op ed wrote this here for the first time b. in an industrial history the combined forces of both america and europe are being helped produced out manufactured out exported and out invested by the rest of the world where manufacturing jobs used to be the backbone of america's economy but the parties christine for south reports these days this is to be more of a relic of the past. at one time it was a familiar scene for so many americans a job along the assembly line for millions of men. and women this is a portrait of the american dream like individual vertebrae dotting the nation factories like this together once forms the backbone of this country in some
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cities in towns manufacturing plants where the sole industry on which everything else rested and according to president obama it's an industry that's still alive and well and central to the american economy america still home to the most entrepreneurial most industrious most determined people on earth and i love. visiting places where people are actually making stuff america's economy is always going to rely on outstanding manufacture one for others it's an industry on the brink of extinction u.s. senator jay rockefeller of west virginia says his state has suffered immensely over the last decades as plant after plant has shut down and we must regard all our efforts to make it in america. manufacturing is critical and not critical apparently to anyone else on his committee the senate commerce committee as they
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met to discuss the topic manufacturing our way through a stronger future invited to testify mike rowe host of the television show dirty jobs on the discovery channel. i like your manufacturing used to be the thing that people would think it's awesome and now it's not something really that we pay much attention to a trend that worries union leaders like leo gerard we should have been greater chemical engineers aeronautical engineers mechanical engineers we should have been building things like the rest of the advances like the rest of the developing countries and investment that could have kept this country more competitive and a pretty improved america is the legacy we should leave our children and grandchildren out of the crippling falling infrastructure but that is what you see across this country both in rural towns and urban centers where the only signs of life are the vegetation growing up the sides of unused buildings and perhaps it's
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decided to set up camp if you want or own a mini van there's a good chance it may have been assembled here what is now a one hundred eighty five acre empty field in southeast baltimore but are used to how the huge manufacturing plant employs the worker now all that remains is this g.m. bridge going over the highway one for a chosen few like this wonder bread factory in washington d.c. there is a chance for chapter two it's now owned by a development corporation and there's talk of it being turned into condos. but most of them look like this candy new jersey has seen one of the worst domino effects in the nation after several factories and a shipbuilding plant shut down leaving much of the city jobless and homeless in america what is made in america is no. longer the norm in the end we're going to get a call or we suddenly get a close we still have everything we need which is not celebrated people perhaps
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once because they are no longer our neighbors or friends instead they live in faraway places those cheap five screen t.v.'s and skinny jeans this week all jeans are one thousand bucks come at the cost of jobs and industry and what was once the foundation of america's future christine frees out our team. now politicians love to talk about reviving those manufacturing gigs bringing back made in america and campaigning on promises to restore an area with this country was once strongest promises are promises and numbers well they're kind of graham in two thousand and nine the number of unemployed americans was bigger than the total number of people working in manufacturing and over the past decade the united states has lost an average of fifty thousand manufacturing gigs per month i mean is that really something that we can turn around where we simply victims of yet real political rhetoric and that's just a question i posed to bill fletcher earlier today he is the author of solidarity
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divided the crisis and organized labor and a new path towards social justice here's his response. the cyclone in manufacturing is something that you begin to see in the late sixty's actually. but it became it reached a crisis point early eighty's and has been you know increasing ever since the problem is. a we're dealing with a globalized economy with dealing with politicians who are more concerned about deficits and putting investment into the creation of new infrastructure and new manufacturing so as long as the main discussion is that the sits you're not going to see any policies that really focus on the creation of manufacturing jobs but what's to blame for that i mean. these jobs are professional you talked about and as an infrastructure i think there's a recent report that that something like two trillion dollars it would cost to get our our infrastructure to be on par with the bric countries brazil and china india . but it's very difficult for
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a politician it seems to decide hey i'm going to spend more money on something now that's going to give me a long term benefits when they're running for office that a few years that's true but part of what we've noticed over the last number of years is the rise in the importance of finance and finance has eclipsed manufacturing so there's more. money that's being produced for the for the rich through the manipulation of money and investment speculation and cetera as opposed to thinking about long term investment and when you have companies that really put down the long term and really looking for media turn around and profits there's no incentive for management to think about ok we're going to look at is rebuilding camden new jersey and what will that take and maybe we will not get the kind of super profits in another ten years so you need it very different approach towards economic development and in the united states this is almost allergic reaction to
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the idea of planning which is what we really need we need a manufacturing. well i am that looks at not just the currently depressed areas but historically depressed areas the reality is that we are in this race to the bottom so we've refined the cells in a situation where you and i are looking for cheaper goods we which is watch occur but in looking for cheaper goods we're we're looking for goods that are produced in places other than the united states for the most part we're not thinking about what that's going to mean what the ripple effects are for our local economies until it has an effect on us until we lose that auto plant because we're buying cars from somewhere else we lose a textile plant because they've moved to the dominican republic of china and they haven't had that that's already are only there and that's why it's getting worse and until we have a situation where we have political leaders that have the courage to say we need
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a plan we need to rebuild our camden's i've been traits are you saying lewis's until we are colleges that are saying we're going to do that despite the opposition from wall street we're going to see a continual slide and i'm not going to hold my breath until they they do that on for actually but you know you also hear a lot of these folks say that there's a shortage of skilled labor in the united states right and i want to get up and i mean isn't that kind of just a euphemism for i don't want to pay more for certain jobs i mean if i don't want to pay nine dollars nine cents for diner and it doesn't mean that there's a shortage of diamonds so part of the issue is that we're not really willing to compensate workers justly necessarily for their for their part absolutely and also what happens is that the owners are looking for how can they produce without putting the investment in to bringing forward new workers you know the kind of preparatory work it's like in baseball it's easier for baseball i wanted to say
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we're going to grab a pen a pitcher from. kuber who has been brought up in a cuban system we didn't put any money into their training but we're going to grab them and bring them into our system so that our team succeeds as opposed to saying what are we doing in the streets of new york and san francisco to produce younger players it's again it comes back to the short term turnaround we've got to get a profit now as opposed to saying oh this is a long term commitment to look back to the cuban player analogy and we also had a shortage of the skilled worker bee is a so we're not necessarily helping this country develop economically in that sense to exactly and so what they do is that they'll bring skilled workers from other countries when it's not to put down skilled workers from other countries but it is a say the theory of many workers here that would love the opportunity to work in the computer industry for example but when you have the climbing schools and when you have a failure to put money into public education you're not going to have the kind of
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workers that you need for twenty first century economy that still fletcher junior the co-author of solitary right now all americans industrial output meeting down defense contractors aren't exactly in the red rover at a time when unemployment continues to soar those same contractors are helping some americans make ends meet by providing well much needed jobs so how do you argue for cutting military spending when that money in part helps keep some americans employed that's just a question that we posted here once he's the author of war is a lie and here's his take on the issue. economists tend to agree that you put the same dollars into nonmilitary factory infrastructure or even energy education and you produce more jobs and better paying jobs and have a broader impact on the economy so while it's true that there are people getting jobs making weapons and working for the military and the whole complex there will
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be more jobs putting those same dollars into just about anywhere else and in fact the gun rights tax cuts for working people will produce more jobs so it's actually worse than nothing so there's there's quite a bit of deception here well there haven't been any defense spending cuts there haven't even been any military spending cuts as of course most of this has nothing to do with defense and these people who are proud to go to work in whatever wars the us government might approve of have to understand that much of what is industry here getting a job in the us is provide weapons to foreign dictators they they have to be happy to be provided to countries we will be fighting future wars that gets we are the big armor all of that world and these cuts they get talking about including in state of the union addresses are cuts to dream future budgets they're not actual us the military spending in this country has gone up in my town in charlotte or in across the country year after year after year and while there may be some cuts
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happening in some location those same big employers you named are in their spin a full page color at every baby asleep in charlottesville daily progress on another another job fair well i don't disagree with you that their profits are up at the end of the day these dream cuts obviously have real implications of this for these thousand guys so i mean as a supply by the contractors to scare lawmakers out of dream defense cuts or real defense cuts. wouldn't surprise me but i have no idea so i shouldn't say but. we're out of get your urls across the country there are there are not any cuts happening there there are cuts being talked about we might see cuts in the coming years but we haven't seen any yet and when we do those same people will be given jobs it and in fact we're not cutting and we ought to be cutting we could cut eighty five percent of this machine and still have the world's biggest military we know we don't need to throw people out of work we need to convert we need to convert these industries to peaceful industries a factory that makes weapons make trains make solar panels there's no reason we
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can't do better economically in other words i was able swanson the author of war is alive. from syria to yemen anger in the middle east continues to put popular uprisings against well armed arguments and all of that one rest has not yet spread to the united arab emirates and u.s. citizen named eric prince you may remember him as having the crown prince of the be prepared that's right according to a new york times reporter the man who founded blackwater a company probably more famous for slaughtering iraqi civilians has set up a private for profit army of mercenaries but happens to have a no muslims hiring policy now i get the whole concept of reinventing yourself but we're not really talking about the artist formerly known as prince here coming out with some sort of new cd this is erik prince and his crew are former soldiers and special ops commandos are training hired guns from colombia and south africa in the middle east i mean what could possibly go wrong well anyway according to
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a contributing editor at harper's magazine scott horton a lot take a look. the arab world has been swept with people from morocco to game and to bahrain and in fact it's it's largely people that spoke this to on the graphic rulers now most people have identified agu dopy in the emirates as what may very well be the single most stable state ne entire arab world i think that's probably correct but nevertheless i think the rulers there are very concerned about these troubles and how they manifest themselves there and what we've seen in the gulf now with many of the states and the girl is a reach to mercenaries do outside soldiers who have no emotional ties to look at the little population that may be rising up and therefore who can be
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counted on absolutely to follow the commands. of the leader in fact we can think of one country in the world where this is doing on an a very brutal way and that's libya of course but no more copy is propped up his regime drawing heavily on mercenaries who've been brought out of sub-saharan africa you don't say that market hockey is doing something similar that one of our citizens that my goodness. at the end of the day i mean we heard the state department on sunday say that they were supposedly investigating this issue and we know that the u.a.e. is a close ally of the united states but what's different about the legality of things do you think that the state department or the us government knew about this and is it even legal hard to imagine the space partment didn't know about the course of the core of his contract with the asian ship with the u.s. government was in fact with the state department and he's had a number powerful supporters there a fact i did some research earlier and under pressure i'm sure when it's done
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number of other countries of which i found u.s. diplomats have been out actively peddling. erik prince as well. there's trying to persuade local governments to hire and use him so that may have even been the genesis of this relationship and i will die now as to the legal side it's a very complex situation we have a neutrality act going back to the early days of the american republic but essentially says american citizens are not too important. in military matters and complex outside the united states other than in connection with the united states and u.s. armed forces that's the law it has penal sanctions on the other hand us imports member or has been i was selective i always insightful analysis from scott horton contributing editor of harper's magazine now yesterday evening you may have caught a rather interesting collision of two worlds on television jon stewart and miracles most trusted newsman appeared in bill o'reilly show to debate one of the most
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pressing issues of this country now it wasn't the economy or wars or even the future of this country now the hot topic of that evening was a rapper's appearance at a white house poetry slam it went something like this you know we thought inviting a rapper name common to a poetry reading at the white house was a big mistake by the administration that's because common has openly sympathize with two convicted cop killers but our pal jon stewart disagrees with the criticism of comics so i challenge him last week to a debate and he answered the call. to it i'm shocked i am shocked shocked you you don't understand why people like me and millions of other americans right. noid and looking for answers that a guy like common would be entertained is the way to know who's pettifogging no i can't even believe you. know that is exactly the same ok bob dylan wrote
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a song about a convicted killer named hurricane carter he's been to the white house. why are you drawing the line of common there is a selective outrage machine here at fox that petty fogg's but only when it suits the narrative that suits them ok so there were some good points raised despite the fact that the entire thing was clearly meant for entertainment and ratings but the discussion took a somewhat unexpected turn this guy is controversial all day long with this stuff not only did he support this car killer which celebrated cop killer he celebrated another one in philadelphia again he's celebrating someone he thinks was unjustly he's not celebrating this is perry mason we're talking about now is this the most brilliant lawyer of all time this and let me ask your question are you familiar with leonard peltier yes ok leonard peltier was convicted of killing and you know we're going to wounded knee it's a similar no it's not you know why is it because you pay you five in you should
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it's the exact same thing it's a guy convicted of killing a law enforcement official now guess who wrote a song about leonard peltier yeah donna ok yes where he was right who you are that's a rapporteur. peltier and the average of all names and faces that you might be familiar with if you happen to watch this network. and the stacks of pardon applications were those of prisoners like native american activist peltier it's staying all the way but u.s. government is letting this out it's a letter peltier was sentenced to two life terms in prison for allegedly killing two f.b.i. agents but the initial trial was corrupted some argue peltier's only crime was his political activism i have no evidence at all but he that he killed anybody would do more with a member of the black liberation movement he too was charged for
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a crime the world dignitaries and members of the european parliament insist he did not commit the reason maher uses in jail now is because he was free some argue these convictions are simply the most known cases of a systematic attempt to silence those seen as a threat to the establishment. and it struck me as a little bit strange that jon stewart and bill o'reilly in some ways the ideological figureheads of the mainstream left and right we're talking about peltier and mahler's of there are cases where i don't know as i won't go in as leaders drug problems or charlie sheen for that matter the fact of the matter is that mainstream news jon stewart o'reilly all of them included too often devolves into a meaningless echo chamber fanning the flames of whatever pointless controversy that's dominating that day now this network has been accused of many things critics say that by questioning the status quo by discussing uncomfortable problems facing this country like i don't know soaring incarceration rates flaws in the justice system
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the erosion of civil liberties the economy by doing all this this network is somehow the enemy of america now you may not agree with some of the viewpoints expressed by guests that appear on this channel i certainly disagree with many but at the end of the day at least we're willing to have those discussions to ask those questions to question assumptions and to look beyond the a subject point of view and at a time when most mainstream newscast simply sweep serious issues under the rug but with a smile i mean that's got to be worth something anyway that's just my two cents unfortunately that does it for now but for more on the stories that we've covered please r.t. dot com slash usa and check out our you tube page as youtube dot com slash r.t. america you can also follow me on twitter at lucy catherine of one word stay tuned and we'll see you tomorrow.
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you know i'll sometimes you see a story and it seems so for like sleep you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realized everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm john harvey welcome to the big picture. let's not forget that we have an apartheid regime right now. i think barack obama is beatable and want to well. we're never government says leave or keep you safe.
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