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tv   [untitled]    May 17, 2011 10:30pm-11:00pm EDT

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the official publication. called talk from the. heart it's time for tonight's tools on award and how to go through this new male hosts of boxing frantz steve doocy and brian kilmeade were discussing donald
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trump's decision to val out of the two thousand and twelve presidential race on their show this morning and they believe the only reason donald is now running for the white house today is because the mainstream media was so hard on him take a listen. you know what i think he probably was running too in his head until he asked for the birth certificate of the president the president delivered the mainstream media attacked him i don't think any candidate whether it's my car could be john mccain or herman cain would have been able to withstand the attack that he has gotten from it was withering from the s n l speech of the correspondents' dinner with the president attacked him for about a half hour seth meyers' attack and by the half hour s n l attacked him the daily show attacked him on a regular basis every late night shows attacking him every of the network was attacking him and then the capture of bin laden he never just really answer because he was in the next i think the mainstream media really was attacking him and they didn't really go after him until he was number one in the polls yet as soon as
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suddenly he represented threat to perhaps barack obama and the mainstream media went right you know i just mean stream media. you know r.p. listening to stephen brian todd you were playing the donald trump was a victim and then badgered by the mainstream media is so hard for his belief that he simply couldn't take it anymore from his one little problem with the narrative that stephen ryan are pushing donald trump at or the media spotlight how his eagle craves the spotlight he became a full fledged were there and he was more than happy to discuss that topic on every single t.v. network that asked. don't you think it was more in this country i am really concerned kerry with this i started a week ago i used to say look you know actors don't remember you have to know nurses the president of the united states the rich they have a little they're just a little because you could be nobody knew when you interview people if i ever got
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the nomination if i ever decide to run you may go back in there to do people for my kindergarten there remember me nobody ever comes forward nobody knows who you should drill later in his life very strange the whole thing is very strange i have people that actually have been studying it and they cannot believe what they're finding you have people now out there there was virtually i mean in hawaii absolutely they cannot believe what they're finding. so as those clips just prove it stephen brian donald trump agreed to all those interviews he answered all the questions but we forced him in anything and then media completely all loved it so stop with this over the top dribble of the mainstream media was too hard on him and for the record you guys are both members of the mainstream media pox news is the number one cable news channel so stop playing the victim card and blaming other media outlets out there all the time so that's why steve doocy and brian kilmeade are tonight's top times winners for trying to blame the media on the donald on the
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donald fall from politics. as our country continues to fight what's becoming a chronic level of high unemployment there's more bad news coming to stick from the fed show that the u.s. factory output dropped for the first time in ten months so in a country where manufacturing was once considered the backbone of our economy is the time we realize that it could be a relic of the past artie's christine for south takes a closer look at the current state of our factories. at one time it was a familiar scene for so many americans john belonging. for millions of men. and winning this is a portrait of the american dream like individual vertebrae dotting the nation factories like this together once formed the backbone of this country in some cities in towns manufacturing plants where the sole industry on which everything
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else rusted and according to president obama it's an industry that still alive and well and central to the american economy america still fall into the most entrepreneurial most industrious most determined people on earth and i love visiting places where people are actually making stuff america's economy is always going to rely on outstanding manufacturing one for others it's an industry on the brink of extinction u.s. senator jay rockefeller of west virginia says his state has suffered immensely over the last decades as plant after plant has shut down we must redouble our efforts to make it in america. manufacturing is critical and not critical apparently to anyone else on his committee the senate commerce committee as they met to discuss the topic manufacturing our way to a stronger future invited to testify mike rowe host of the television show dirty
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jobs on the discovery channel. i like your new factory used to be the thing that people would think it's hosted and now it's not something really that we pay much attention to a trend that worries union leaders like leo gerard we should have been great green chemical engineers or not people in tears mechanical engineers we should have been building things like the rest of the advanced society like the rest of the developing countries and investment that could have kept this country more competitive and approach improved america is the legacy we should leave our children and grandchildren not a decrypted and falling infrastructure but that is what you see across this country both in rural towns and urban centers where the only signs of life are the vegetation growing up the sides of unused buildings and perhaps a pigeon that's decided to set up came if you ever own a minivan there's a good chance it may have been assembled here but is now a one hundred eighty five acre empty field in southeast baltimore but it used to
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house a huge manufacturing plant and employ the worker now all that remains is this g.m. bridge going over the highway a month for a chosen few like this wonder bread factory in washington d.c. there is a chance for chapter two it's now owned by a development corporation and there's talk of it being turned into a condo. but most of them look like this candy new jersey has seen one of the worst domino effects in the nation after several factories and a shipbuilding plant shut down leaving much of the city jobless and homeless in america what is made in america is no. longer the norm in the end we're going to get the call we said we got to close we still have a meeting which is not so good. perhaps that's because they are no longer our neighbors or friends instead they live in faraway places flat screen t.v.'s and
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skinny jeans this week all jeans are one thousand bucks come at the cost of jobs and industry and what was once the foundation of america's future christine for example. there are those who will try to tell you the death of u.s. manufacturing is a myth or that it's been greatly exaggerated after all we're still the number one manufacturer in the world and the us comprehensive database will show you that in two thousand and nine the u.s. manufacturing output was two point one five trillion dollars compared to china's one point four eight trillion but worse during world war two at the peak manufacturing made up twenty eight percent of the u.s. economy that number is now down to just twelve percent so the jobs are still vanishing even of productivity is moving up and the things that we like to produce like fighter jets are not what your average consumer buys at the store so how do we make manufacturing the powerhouse that it used to be in america and how do we make things that all americans and not just the pentagon want to buy joining me from our
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studio in new york to discuss that is gregory white of the business insider greg thanks so much for joining us tonight now for starters you know i think if you ask a lot of americans they're just going to say nothing is made in america anymore because the things that the average consumer buys all greens that target you know the toys the clothing they normally do say made in china on them but you know the things that we still do produce here like i said like fighter jets or airplanes you know is that really is that sustainable for us to continue to make things that are used by the average american but the only big companies or that the pentagon wants to buy or even perhaps other countries they need to beef up their military. well there are a lot of things we do make here actually the american consumer does does buy one of those cars and that was the biggest downturn this past month was about certain components they put into cars not being sent from japan to the impact of the tsunami so we do still make things here but is it possible to have the level of employment in the manufacturing sector we had before many of these jobs and things
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like toys and clothes were shipped overseas no that's that's never going to come back you think there's no way that manufacturing is ever going to come back to the se what does that mean for the future of our economy well there are ways to find more people jobs in high tech manufacturing the sort of things that we produce here that so great around the world i mean that's fighter jets but it's also some computers it's also solar technology it's high tech stuff and i do country like germany is showing the way for that they're focusing on how they can educate their youth through both university and prior and prepare them for jobs in high tech manufacturing and prefer them for jobs in low tech manufacturing no longer exists so we really need to think about how we can change our education system to give opportunities to young students now to get into the high tech manufacturing sector and do you think about something that's a realistic goal i mean if you look at recent reports that come out you'll see also
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that china is moving ahead when it comes to education you'll see that you know that education a college education in particular is becoming increasingly expensive in america not everybody can afford that and we're seeing you know one of the largest divides in wealth we ever seen we've seen the we're seeing the middle class start to fade away so how realistic is it to actually have an entire group of young people or you know perhaps even older people they can go into high tech manufacturing. well it's realistic if that's where the government wants to put its money and i know the government's priorities for spending right now are a little bit out of whack in terms of how much we spend on defense and military expenditures abroad as well as other expenditures for the u.s. government if they were to refocus that on training young people for high tech engineering positions and other jobs in manufacturing that are of high tech either through postgraduate schools or through state colleges that already exist giving
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them grants and support we can get there but that's not the government's priority right now even though they talk about it like it is and so then what do you do with all their workers the ones that used to work. at all the car plants where do they go. this is the problem i mean these older workers they need to be retrained but the government isn't willing to spend money to do that they don't they can't get their you know their heads together on how to build programs for these people so what's happening is they're just dropping out of the workforce and you can see that with the broader unemployment rate it's now much higher than the regular unemployment rate and that's because these people are simply choosing they can't find jobs and they're just choosing not to work anymore now and say that things do continue on the path like we said even though the government pretends like they want to look at more innovation and focus on education they're going in the opposite direction how soon until it china does overtake the u.s. as the number one manufacturer in the world. i don't know i can't put a date on that but certainly the u.s. company arab country has something to be afraid of and they can look right across
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the britons to see it you know that's the kind of country that all they really do it seems is financial services and some tack and there is one term institutionalized unemployment there of cities that have been involved in manufacturing for decades prior that is the fate of the u.s. if we don't refocus our energies now and certainly china will will best us in you know the next twenty years if we don't get control of that but let's say the government does refocus its interests let's say they do start educating more americans let's say that you can start really educating older americans are businesses going to hire them are much cheaper is a lot labor is a lot cheaper in china that's definitely true labor is a lot cheaper in china right now but that's changing wages are going up in china and they're going to have to make adjustments that's going to see prices rise there too you know some manufacturers are already moving their their low cost goods to other places like bangladesh and vietnam and china but what's important for the
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u.s. government to do is not just really educate people but also provide the opportunities for businesses to start here or to move high tech manufacturing back home you know this needs to be a real coup or to our policy strategy for american growth in the next five to ten years but no one seems to have that sort of long term vision at the helm right now whether that's in congress or in the white house and i think it's a lot about just within the people we like our deals and we like our get them quick deals you want to go into any store you can and get that. for sale so all secret thanks so much for joining us tonight. so after the concert i have the i.m.f. is facing a sexual assault assault charges here in the u.s. but wait until you see how the story is being covered in the unrest and then stick around for happy hour jon stewart and bill o'reilly squared off over musicians who sing about convicted cop killers and censorship over a logo showing a male model who's topless back in just about.
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a charmer in her broadcasting live from washington d.c. coming up today on the big picture.
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eve. in the. mission is. going to take three three. three. three. three votes. for your. seat we are cheap drugs tom. so night i.m.f. chief dominique strauss kahn remains a locked up at rikers island in new york facing sexual assault charges he was
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arrested on saturday j.f.k. airport just before his flight was about to take off to paris and he's accused of sexually assaulting a maid at the sophie tell hotel in times square no more sordid details about this alleged assault are coming out it's been pretty interesting to watch how the story's being covered both here in the u.s. and overseas let's just take a quick little look if you newspaper headlines here in the u.s. a story below the fold in the l.a. times today is the headline says the i.m.f. chief denied a bail in sexual assault case now all the rest is the top story in the new york times and they have a headline a judge denies bail for i.m.f. leader over sex charges but the most sensationalist headline we could find here in the us came of course from the new york post which simply said he did have sex with the mate so those are just a few of the headlines here in america surrounding the arrest of i.m.f. chief dominique strauss kahn but the story is being covered pretty different if you
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go overseas this french headline reads america won't be tender to d.s. kate and the writer goes on to rehash the bill clinton and tiger woods sex scandals and talk about how hard america treats men who cheat on women when remember first of all that this man isn't being put through the ringer for infidelity he's accused of sexual assault i think those two are different things now in italian newspaper had the headline strauss kahn a career threatened by women though does not sound like the paper's blaming the baby for the sex scandal and the arrest now another italian headline a different paper has that line. the parable of strauss kahn a powerful man obsessed with women sounds like this paper might be excusing his behavior because he just loves women sounds so much you know does not sound like something newt gingrich would say and it also points out that his american wife is standing by her man but one thing is very clear from these headlines overseas they seem to think that dominic strauss kahn isn't getting fair treatment here in the
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u.s. and the navy is probably not telling the truth so if all else fails apparently it still works in europe just blame the woman. right it's time for happy hour this evening and joining me tonight is nikki neely executive director of the independent women's forum an r.t. producer jenny churchill girls thanks so much for joining me tonight let's first of all start off with the story i just did about this sex scandal of a different headlines but i honestly find it i don't know if it's hilarious or it's absurd or it's just depressing that in europe it's totally fine to be like this poor man his entire careers is being ruined by women i mean that is just that's old as the hills to say something like that i mean if you go back to the bible they're like oh eve ruined everything for adam that when good woman seduced him including
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my life yeah and this is you know there is definitely precedent here remember the whole roman polanski thing and how everyone jumped to his defense i think there is it's important to know how the us papers have been really neutral in the whole thing because we did have a probably the duke lacrosse rape case a few years ago where we initially assumed that the men were guilty but you know to really good victim blaming is really not cool crimes as i'm just over and i really don't want to hear it anymore like come on guys he just seems to be way if you look at his past you know what i thought even more tasteless was that you know foreign newspapers were discussing whether or not she was high or ugly i think that there was one person who was quoted as saying she had a nice bosom and while another person said she wasn't much to look at this is like a news article ok like but if she has nice boobs that are nice but it's totally her fault ricky shoots her that she's turning him on it obvious that makes for his doctors there have been some really interesting conspiracy theories around this one
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too that you know the number of his hotel room was actually have the same number as the dates of the upcoming presidential election in france there. or it must have been raped let's move on bill o'reilly and jon stewart had an epic debate last night over the entire common controversy of course every watched and jon stewart has just been destroying fox news for being fed up over common but then they actually use some really interesting examples that i think you don't necessarily well actually not a so you never ever end up seeing in the mainstream media so let's take a look at a clip of that. are you familiar with leonard coulter yes. leonard peltier was convicted of killing you are you know we're going to need similar or no it's not. because you should it's the exact same thing it's a guy convicted of killing a law enforcement official no you really think he's ignorant in believing that a sort of course of mission you may think he's ignorant and believing that money is
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. first of all i think it makes a really good point if you can just draw a line in the sand because you know now bato can never come to the white house because at one point he defended leonard peltier but they also talk about leonard peltier people like would be a good you all as if everybody totally knows what they're talking about you know so you have these media figures that know the stories that just throw them out as an example but then again you never actually see their stories covered so for of course there are key well i think the only reason that this common thing and his visit to cuba and this black panther story is being covered is because they can use this incident the impulse of a scary black man coming to the white house to hang out with another black man and they're clearly taking over they're just trying to scare people and it's straight racism and that's the bottom line for me it's the thing with newt gingrich saying that he's the most successful food stamp president but it's not a coincidence that most people use food stamps are single black mothers i don't know if i would go as far as racism but i do think it shows that fox is pretty
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inconsistent on the culture war thing and that makes me really uncomfortable i would rather not have the president hosting events like this so i would rather have been focusing on the economy and not on letting go is really how we're treating it's kind of guys come on to bring some culture to the white house and the first lady actually you're right the first lady was the one who was doing it not the president he is busy with plenty of others to michelle obama's also fighting obesity and i think a little poetry slam probably good probably good stuff for the white house i just want to say this poetry reading wouldn't gotten any press for weren't for this so i think in the end is the. good thing i don't know i'm sure that you know common's albums must be flying off the shelves right now i'm sure the sales picked up and now everybody knows about the poetry slam but it's just really funny to me and we talked about this the other week to the how a bunch of people that are all admitted to the over some rapper that they've never even heard of they probably can't name any rappers just because somebody told them these are bad guy. yes sarah palin what can she say droppers to life.
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let's this is just ridiculous there are now androgenous models and something we have to deal with in this world that you can't tell really whether they're male or female because they're just really really really skinny and so there's a cover of one out of magazine and that is a dude let me just clarify for the audience out there and it actually had to be censored at barnes and noble and they may have to cover up the top. actually there's been an update to the story since we went on air and barnes and noble is disputing saying that they didn't do anything to censor but then the magazine disputes that and says that there were retailers that were censoring it because he looked too much like a woman and it might cause some confusion i mean who cares if you look like a woman you're a man i mean you know my my personal take on this is i don't think women should be running around topless and therefore i don't think i meant should be running around topless because i'm an equal opportunity and i think everybody should be running around topless you know i'm a libertarian i'm opposed to censorship and if i think if
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a company wants to do it great i think you know that my played well for their sales in kansas city i'm probably not as over there is the only new york be the androgynous models these days i mean it's got people all confused because you can't just just put these really easy labels and draw lines down the middle anymore you're a man girl woman i think that it's good for the world to have to deal with this ok our last story real quick tell a fornia is trying to propose a law that would actually force parents or force kids to have to have their social networking profiles be accessible to their parents and would force anyone to. i have the strictest most strict privacy protections on excuse me losing my words i think that's really i think it's unforeseeable but i also think it's just ludicrous well first of all i think that everyone should automatically go to the default of the most private profile in the way of putting their stuff out there even they get to choose that i think it's actually ludicrous that companies like facebook put all
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your employer out there in the make it possible it's click this tab and go to that option and unclick this one it seems like you're clicking that and it's almost impossible to make things private so i think that that's actually a good thing now as far as you know parents and whatever what i don't understand is you know we give parents the ability to regulate their children everywhere but the internet why don't they have that option there will i think that this law will solve once and for all the problem of negligent parents and you know end of story either year that either you're a good parent or you're not and so criminalizing this you know if this is not going to be the switch that makes someone actually become involved in their children's life to be that only one easy way out i don't think it's going to pass so if he doesn't thanks so much for joining me tonight all right that's it for tonight thanks for tuning in and make sure to come back tomorrow sebastian younger who co-directed the documentary restrepo with tim hetherington is going to be on the program at the time don't forget to be a fan of the a lot of show on facebook and follow us on twitter you missed anything you can catch all. flash heal over shall we have next versus the next.
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hey tom our been here broadcasting live from washington d.c. coming up today on the big picture. we'll. bring you the latest in science and technology from around the world. the future of coverage.
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