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tv   [untitled]    May 18, 2011 12:00am-12:30am EDT

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asked the president to meet to madrid to prepares to face hundreds of journalists in his biggest news conference ever since taking office three years ago. revolution and religion the downfall of egypt's president sees the danger ship were placed with face based violence as muslims and christians lose a common enemy that united them. u.s. defense contractor was prospering in war deny accusations of corruption saying they are the only means to survive the financial crisis.
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you're watching r t coming to live from moscow i'm marina josh welcome to the program all the very heart of russia's ambitions for a high tech future will host around eight hundred journalists today president mitterrand vienna has chosen a skulk a bit of asian hog as a venue for a water supply far use biggest q. and a session since taking office three years ago or he's now always following the final preparations for the major news conference and we'll talk to her live now good morning here any so well kiran a session of such scale will be the first of many that is three years as president it's no secret he prefers interviews and meetings with smaller groups as happened before so why is a change of format now. according to the president's press secretary in recent months there's been such a surge in request for one on one interviews. with the president that they decided
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to gather as many journalists as possible at the scope of a venue and a lot some two and a half to three hours of the president's time that's not something you see very often to answer as many questions as possible also in terms of the timing let's not forget that two thousand and eleven eleven of course in six months has been the year tracks with i developed think of dance around the world japan for the issue of the future of nuclear energy back on the table certainly we'll hear some statements and questions on that of the death of osama bin ladin for terrorism back in the international spotlight although of course russia never left center stage this is an issue that has always been a major fred and a major priority certainly will hear. that issue being touched upon and what's happening in the arab world the spring uprising what's happening in libya on the international stage there's a lot of criticism and not much consensus especially from those countries that aren't taking part in the operation but very much have important voices on the
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world states a lot of issues internationally going to be touched upon in of course the most pressing russian to mystic issues as well. colonies the crown is the traditional venue for major news conferences but this time it's interesting we did it has chosen the congress call at this call core business school by staff. this venue most certainly was not chosen it by mistake but just to tell you a little bit about the project is a plan to develop my tax town very similar to that of silicon valley right here in russia bringing the best minds the greatest minds of the country together it's somewhat of a gem of dmitri medvedev and it's all part of one of the main priorities of his presidency which is his plan to push forward modernization in the country so it's no mistake that this was chosen it's somewhat of an international projects really they're looking for global investors there are international investors we've seen very well known faces speak there before including arnel sorts. egger and former
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secretary of state come to lisa rice so that is why this venue was chosen we're hearing bad all eight hundred of the journalists are there so many of them there they will be able to all fit into that hall but they'll be several rooms where journalists can all watch what's happening in this press conference and hear what the president has to say now speaking of modernization and the president's main priorities in his three years in office of course one of those eight hundred journalists is bound to ask the question of whether to meet your needs to pull a run out for a second term in office it's something he's hinted how it is possible really prime minister putin has as well there's a bit of intrigue surrounding the whole process but let's not forget if there isn't a direct answer to that question which most certainly will come up that it's only in the united states that a year and a half before the actual vote that the campaign begins in most countries including russia of course it only begins just a couple of months before the vote at the same time the analysts next words that we've been speaking to say that need to be made they didn't gather so many
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journalists to say nothing so some kind of big statement is expected we of course are not sure what it is to train and we're going to be showing the full news conference live here in our teeth that begins at one pm moscow time. with me thanks very much indeed for bringing us the very latest on this and as we said we'll be showing it live so. thanks very much we'll be crossing to you for more. well still to come on the program standing up to big brother. she is. the c.e.o.'s of the rock a c.e.o. or a free society faces legal action for refusing to give up the right of its citizens to speak to each other without being spied on. in cairo muslim christian leaders have met to try and ease religious tensions that have split over into deadly violence they called on egyptians to unite religious clashes
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reportedly started because of an interfaith marriage number of people have been killed and two christian churches burned down since the trouble started christians say they are not being protected by the interim government place following the revolution that oppose president hosni mubarak are these wary of international reports and oppose the pater ship reality. president mubarak's going but there is leaving the satisfaction of duty to free egypt. seriously unified on the square through a common enemy barak's resignation so egyptian muslims and christians turn on each other so. that we want justice we want equal rights. in institutions in business news release an army imposing its will for centuries the coptic christian minority has felt discriminated in a country dominated by eighteen million muslims the revolutionary euphoria has brought in a desire for change. people have to sit freedom and they like it now we are kind of
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fed up with the situation. but it's opened a pandora's box tensions in the past month have left dozens killed schools injured and several churches burned these muslim woman and her entire family have been welcome in liberation until her twenty four year old son was killed in the street by a brick thrown during sick terror in clashes in baghdad and more than flashpoint as years of simmering religious tension boil over so how do we know. mubarak was a dictator maybe he was corrupt but at least we have been able to sleep and our children were alive we never saw the before we couldn't have even imagine something like this happening yes from this point of view i mean the old regime. others glorified the january revolution among them the muslim brotherhood bench under mubarak today it's the country's only well organized political group with the
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president gone they moved from jail cells to this luxury building in central cairo the revolution given them a long awaited voice that. radicals are triggering their term they saw how the revolution united people and they want to ruin that they don't want to see egypt strong and independent but i'm sure they will disappear after the parliamentary elections this time. in batteries chiros poorest district is home to millions of people surviving on just a couple of doors a day covering the fear revolution egypt's immune system has been a weekend dramatically its economy is in critical condition this ruling the country when this happens the symptoms strike the most vulnerable first and the question now is just how far the damage. and whether egypt can ever recover. rich notion of. cairo. live from moscow you're watching our teacher our web
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page already dot com for more stories here is what's there for you now. well an alleged cannibal is arrested in moscow police say and for his apartment to find a man making us do out of his drinking buddy. their child joins the space race with some far reaching plans to put its own station in orbit by twenty points and set a man in juarez that are more. this spikes two draining wars and a financial crisis it's boom time for us to france companies critics accuse the industry of being loaded and karate supporters point to create a job stability but above all profits and their teams came in for record security
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is now a product for export whether it's needed or not. it's career day and for one industry business is booming business has been great as a small business a hundred percent pro revenue increase since two thousand and four were now going into this year with a significant revenue increase defense contract. from missile defense maker northrop grumman to chemical and biological weapons producer patel three weapons builder pragmatics to work fighter supporter be a all of the big names are here charlottesville community job fair business is very good for be a systems currently we're the second largest defense contractor in the world. we have anything the department of we do as well to support them so we've been fortunate over the last several years to experience a considerable amount of. growth in iraq. afghanistan and that the u.s. has more than one thousand military bases worldwide we are located ever sees in
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iraq afghanistan germany south korea and so we have a lot of opportunities in the united states as well as overseas and with the pentagon budget of over six hundred eighty five billion dollars in two thousand and eleven there are plenty of defense scholars to go around northrop grumman is the second largest defense contractor in the united states with nine point nine billion dollars in contracts in two thousand and nine ilona i would more and more people here in charlottesville so they don't mind taking a piece of a defense contract. i'm a pacifist but i am a realist to mean sometimes war is necessary just because we want to be peace listen you know people obviously others don't see us presence in iraq and afghanistan as negative at all with there to help you know but a lot of them they don't they don't know to just look at a murtha like a. chyron but we're not there to help realize they did by their michael o'brien went to iraq as
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a defense contractor to do just that help but i realized the affair had been there you know nearly a year i was there fourteen months i was just a warm body to collect fees for my company o'brien became disillusioned with the corruption and mismanagement and they were taking land from iraqis without securing total and when i brought this to their attention i said what would you build a house in the united states on a piece of land that you didn't know the guy kicked me out of his office still o'brien says americans won't see the end of defense contractors anytime soon without a draft the military depends on hundred thousand contractors to support its two wars abroad and the defense tried tractors where he came in. and you know when dwight eisenhower talked about the military industrial complex in one nine hundred sixty one were there now analysts say that without the defense industry america's nine percent unemployment rate would sort through eleven point five percent and facing those odds for many in charlottesville military contracting
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is the best defense given for it our t.v. charlottesville virginia. author david swanson doesn't buy the defense industries argument that it is creating jobs and he says the money being spent on weapons could be used to far greater benefit elsewhere. but honest since you agree that you put the same dollars into non military factory its infrastructure energy education and you produce more jobs and better paying jobs that broader impact on the economy so well it's true that there are people getting jobs making weapons and we're going to look scary and all conflicts there will be more jobs getting those same dollars in just about anywhere else and in fact you don't write tax cuts for working people would produce more job suits if you were still nothing. the us middle class once a symbol of prosperity and capitalism has been hit by the financial crash as much
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as anyone peter will bail and his guests today discussed why recoveries taken so long and whether the government is helping l r t's crossed are coming your way at seven thirty g.m.t. . we have to look at the numbers and the numbers tell the story of the united states spends far more on health care than other developed countries think it's far worse in outcomes in terms of overall state of health in terms of mortality rates morbidity rates we're not getting the job done care is radically different among different social groups so we have a broken health care system that's extremely expensive it's like a shiny cadillac that doesn't go anywhere in terms of the numbers when what we really need is a good sit there and they can get people back to. sweden
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as a dedicated protector of its privacy to the stand that there are very few security cameras on the streets that's why the government there is picking a fight with the e.u. over plans to monitor and store all telecom and internet traffic r.t. as i read that reports from stockholm. every e-mail. even every text will be watched if the e.u. has its way it's forcing members to impose a law to store all telecom traffic data it will know where you are and who you are talking to sweden's refusing and is now being sued by the e.u. or the safe information probably will be in some case misused isn't injuring their foundations and. c s s e l or a free society the law was meant to combat terrorism and sweden should have been tracking calls since two thousand and seven but parliament just postponed it the yet another year one of just five members standing up to big brother the has been
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wrong in many cases before and also in this case there of course were through the chase criminals and combat terrorism but we should not build up a big brother society going under the radar could land sweden a fine of up to sixty eight million euros a small price to pay for a country that doesn't like being watched it's not something you notice at first glance but c.c.t.v. doesn't actually exist in sweden the only security cameras on the street are cashpoints but there aren't any public places like this one that sound portions and well guarded previously is here. at the moment sweden is free from the watchful gaze but it's not about cameras the data traffic can be stored for up to two years it's already kit for three months why operators for billing reasons they say that's enough for the majority of the requests that are coming from law enforcement
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authorities actually concern communications which were made within the first three months so it means that it is really disproportionate the extra storage will cost operate is an estimated twenty million euros in total i would say that it is a problem. it's a big burden for all operators they cannot give me a hundred percent guarantee that they see information will not leak into their hands so it would be even the european commission that meets changes are needed last month found the right to privacy was being threatened so there is room for improvement in the country to retrench and directive these shortcomings are some sort of considerable concern for citizens and. hopefully later this year will present amendments to this. has taken sweden four years just to get that there's a long way to go before the. police give you the bit artsy
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stock. you want to know if you also take a look at some other stories from around the world i.m.f. director general dominic strauss kahn arrested in jails on attempted rape charges has been put on their suicide watch according to records draft card is being held in rikers island the tories new york prison known for its gang violence will stay there until at least friday when he is due in court again on charges of sexually assaulting a maid in a new york hotel. that's available lisa found five hundred thirty migrants hiding inside two trucks bound for the u.s. discovery was made by x. ray equipment at a checkpoint in southern mexico it's the largest group found in years and included people from nine countries mostly from central america but he's also arrested four people accused of people smuggling. well there are signs that to further react there is edge of pan's crippled fukushima nuclear power plant may have gone into meltdown similar problems were earlier confirmed at the number one reactor the
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company in charge of the facility is facing accusations of failing to properly call them after they were damaged by an earthquake and tsunami radiation risk expert professor christopher busby says while there are indications were there long before the word minute. amount of fuel and so the reactor. it's got so fraught it's melted and there's a sort of raging radioactive inferno taking place inside the reactor we believe actually probably outside the reactor now because the reactor pressure vessel is certainly breached and in fact so you may recall i was right from the beginning there were lots of indications that this was the case actually that although they've admitted this now the real situation is in fact far worse because there have been nuclear explosions we now know so we do know that it's very very radioactive particles are not appearing in the united states and certainly is a lot of radioactivity appearing as far south as tokyo this is very serious not beat my feeling is that seppo never really miscalculated anything it was just
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trying to cover everything up from the very beginning but the problem is that enough people are out there not measuring things for them no longer to be able to sustain the idea that there's nothing happening there which they which they presented from the beginning and i think yes of course it's time for the japanese government to take control but having said that it's very hard to know how you could take control of the situation the situation is essentially out of control. ok up next the latest business news with katrina hearts. and i want a very warm welcome to our sees business policy russian oil major rosneft is looking for a new plan not to explore the arctic after its deal with b.p. fell apart and the minister said again outlines just that it's not going for. we are interested in a partner if we find one which will be able to bring to the deal what b.p. has been bringing is crucial for us to get access to state of the art technology
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working on offshore oil shells but the most important thing is that russian have can proceed in working in the direction the deal had covered. the failure of the deal between b.p. and rosneft came after b.p.'s current partner in russia they are reportedly rejects of a thirty two billion dollars offer to buy its stake in t m k b.p. sources suggest they are still prepared to negotiate if certain conditions are met but christine to sky from standard and poor's thinks they are has confused negotiations to a point where continuing offers little prospect of success there were too many issues at stake and i'm glad that i actually did collapse because it showed the having financial maturity and he's not going to be carried away just to get the deal there were too many words still uncertain in. our words not willing to give in too so i don't think that even though it's out there that's
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a collapse of the deal i don't think it's the end of the deal i think it's the end of the deal under the conditions as how we've existed but going forward i think they can continue to negotiate that is assuming that it is really interested in negotiating because it doesn't look like it from the outside. for its part rosneft is saying little about potential partners you know which uncover from your also says that the arctic resources are attractive and there is no shortage of candidates. bos'n have to is now will continue negotiations or start negotiations with other strategic partner between january and march first now it has already received proposals and expression of interest from shell exxon and chevron and also from cheney is an indian company as such so i believe that crossing over to turn to those companies and the first of all to exxon shell
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chevron to continue negotiations and try to push the project forward. let's take a look at the markets now oil prices are up slightly from tuesday those concerns continue over the uncertainty of the future of greece's economy like sweet is trading around ninety nine dollars a barrel range is around one hundred eleven dollars a barrel the time to that's take a look at how the stock markets are performing asian stocks are trading in the black on the way this day and saying it's helped by buchan bottom in energy and property starts that's after the market declined from the last of the previous fourteen sessions human impulse gratian of china is adding around one percent on stronger commodities energy stocks are also on the rise in japan with index corp up nearly three percent in the tech sector going to see its electronics is up more than four percent and it reports about its plans to restore chip making capacity after recovers from the earthquake. and here in russia both the r.t.s.
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and the my six closed in the red on the back of worldwide market trends in my six or eight point eight percent the pattern slightly from earlier losses of as much as one point two percent. russia's high tech hub in the scope of i will play host later on wednesday to dmitri medvedev for the first extended press conference of his presidency spoke about has been a favorite project of medvedev so far little in the way of construction that has taken place however now it's possible to see what the future city might look like following the presentation of the design concept earlier in the week. congress hola business center and its acknowledge apart now these are just some of the features that skolkovo will boast according to the designers but that comes with a hefty price tag and that is one hundred and twenty billion rubles which is about four point three billion dollars not half of the funds will come from the state and the other half from private investors the government has already agreed to
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subsidize the purchase of construction materials as well as the equipment and in order to attract foreign investors stoeckel provides tax costumes and visa incentives companies from all around the world have already signed up to take part in this project and some of them include cisco which has allocated one billion dollars over the next decade to transform skolkovo into russia's first smart connected city then we have boeing which is establishing a design center so employ three hundred i.t. specialist to support commercial aircraft construction then we have private equity firm sigil or gaap and that is investment seal hundred fifty million for digital infrastructure and i see services the other big names include ta ta insult and microsoft dell scoble is expected to be completed by its one superfine and the payback period is expected to start in five to seven years during the call serve a business artsy. where you update the business for this out but we'll have more
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for you in just an hour's time stay with us. a little.
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more news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada after. corporations are on the day. you didn't start all of a sudden. it's a long story of destroying the living there how much out. there are constant. something leaks out here when they get done with it it's just if you took every fisherman out of the water and do something about that water and. protecting the
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habitat the fisheries it's going to collapse nature's steps making way for the talks accustomed to look around and see the solar system obviously everybody here must be well off income must be high road systems great number that's true. and yet billions of dollars oil and gas state. real baby drill. one needs from their new customers and one of my frustration to consider potential areas for development in south atlantic and the gulf of mexico. and.
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if. someone from phones to. train starts on t.v. . in. toto service a luxury hotels bangkok's. fine call. marriage cool shot. by. the imperial queen's. new supply and spawn just said from the golden. hotel the cruiser town a repeat.


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