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tv   [untitled]    May 18, 2011 7:00am-7:30am EDT

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best to get the guy has made good progress and they told me as soon as they did they will fully investigate the circumstances of the death of sergei magnitsky but the idea that the piece itself but including possible tax fraud and other crimes that may be involved because it's not as simple as it may seem or there's not as media reported we need to sort that out and. we need to figure out who is responsible for those crimes i mean both russian people and foreigners and so i'm all for it for. effective investigation of this case and then the results of this investigation should be presented to the public all right we now go to use the yellow sign actually there are two signs there but we'll go to you look in here it's like a lottery we don't know. that's good so who
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who wins because we know it was almost one question which. comes our blogger. blog about the skulk of our nation i think i'm entitled to this what if any your neighbor. is. in charge of one of our projects it's not a project it's your neighbor put him in your models but. the question i want to ask myself i think we deal with. what you're doing right now for a country what do you think main and russia's history is not just for years to come we have long term long term goals for the short term girl goals and we have goals for eternity which what's which things are what you're doing almost need to think are really important so he gets to ask a question after all. when you're speaking to draw. the russian. so
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winter net. is as of today defenseless it doesn't it's not intended against hacker attacks but as we've seen over the past two weeks of getting comments on what the state is doing. to fight hackers and russia find the most personal use of them to give water like all of the criminals should be persecuted they do you know the moment you were a different question you asked was veering towards another difference if you don't mind. answering that lead through me to go now about the internet you know recently i had a meeting with some people from the internet community some bloggers and some captains of the internet industry. what i'd like to say is this is a new area and there are all of the problems. even the diagnostics of what is happening to deal with. who is to blame and what happened
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with the focus and how can we prevent kept her attacks including that we need ours attacks that you're probably referring to fish if you know what the other time the problem is if there is no effective answer to this question in the world knows about it since through law enforcement agencies i just should have kept legal and legal means to you find out who is behind those attacks and prosecute them. so we have agreed. that its members of the internet community will have been living with with. the internal affairs ministry in apas be chiefs and discuss. methods and means that we could use this is the right in fear and i hope meeting will soon take place and i remind. those of us working in the law enforcement about that now let's turn to you oh look at those national issues in the sump
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additional. commerce son doesn't come as something that's ok commerce and you sleep here and you can assume you're not congress and you're also congress and right sure you can put in session is there a kind of competition the distance going to suffer because of you too much can go by the. president is harder kosky release. reasoning wait. what was. going to be question is short the answer is also short no he doesn't pose any kind of the threat. they should notice the new version with well like i promised you has been few hours since we started talking this can go on forever but this so i think . they're going to see it was a time when you need to send off of course it's very interesting to be here with you i can tell you frankly but you know because we have
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a very fraying which is again in discussion and i know all of you want to ask a question some of you had a chance to do so easily while the seats left my it's a shot but no actually i have some questions that i have selected. because i knew there was an education over here ok how to say few words about that i have a question about that. so what shall we do. what all right all right let's do this will see if i knock a police seaview or use westerns for later in life does not stop here in fact i think they should think we're not people and we'll have many more meetings in the future and i will travel to regions and i will travel to other countries to put. them together going to go to resist. after talking to some of my colleagues you can
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really see the light at the other not as new york is not i really talked to regional me and of course among several choices well i have regular meetings with them. so she did but if you don't mind let me know it's her and just some questions and you can slowly. happen sanders and you could begin to sense and i think. you can see a. lot of things that we haven't discussed yet and just some interesting questions and things that are interesting to me i don't know if you'll think they're interesting i'll just mention her name the author of the questions there is a question about nato. and good european missile defense system we actually talked about that already so i would like to think one question. correspondent of this western has been asked by different media outlets he so i'll
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just skip over that western there's another question which i think is very important and this is something that we didn't discuss that much in detail question from ormskirk these are you here yes you are all right so you're a little bit morning morning. mr president i live in siberia and like meeting other people who say periodically. that it is very easy for me to travel to moscow or st petersburg well it's difficult because you go to a neighboring region. to go through chalabi in school it will take years to fourteen hours by train. to me as opposed to give him a call to the situation has not improved dramatically because the government. should money billions a lot of transportation projects we definitely we do have problems and there is
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not being implemented and we'll see some positive results not this year not next year but in the long run there is a program to develop railroad transportation and there is another program for. we have a federal program for the development of all good media trends for you i need. billions in those programs and they will be my investment and community and i realize that this is a very serious problems which people in our country because it isn't the most that we've just witnessed there it's sad when you have to go from to transcend to do so you have to go through moscow we really need what's changed we cover our system of regional transport we need a lot of leads and you suppose you have airplanes that use it for regional transportation for railroads but just usually as with. the program.
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railroads afford a little overlook to be tedious to me i think probably has a better generally fifty billion rubles a year and while this is a lot of money when you can you still should be used properly and i think we'll see some results in the u.s. than the time when i recently went to china and i saw how they're developing their transport infrastructure between the various cities. and they have to have high speed trains the muslim is it needs in mind we definitely need to see just say between it wouldn't need to be we should not make those with abandon you know our national identity is competitive advantage is going to do that and we will definitely invest money in developing those. then there is another good question i hope you like it and question you know when. is this yet how you hear. here you are.
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actual here we're close so you actual sent in a very good question pneumonia to the show probably more so i learned some problems with. yours. it's the only animal that is being used and is more than one hundred percent on your plate human the so it's interesting that you. should be sleeping at a question about how to remove your dirty midis i'm sure he's asleep because schools will discuss computers can see used to she. were used even in the space industry but today they're just being discarded mozambique and the question is how to go when they can't support it in the traditional arts if you look at the rain here in the arctic and sideris it's called being a matter of climate change and this may sound very exotic you me but actually i selected this western on purpose for two reasons first. this is
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a matter of the lifestyle of many about people living in the arctic. and the second reason. in the past i used to think this was something theoretic but then i started working on our national priority projects and while doing so. well of the deny deny that we had special programs we see that in the world and you were developing. you were developing the show the purina spirit awards. birding in new york. city. and we now have a one point five million words here said it will definitely keep investing money in developing those programs what at this same time we should also pay special processing. and i think work in regional much needed to find my teachers because most of the day we do central government should not subsidize the processing
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companies so talk to your regional leaders about that and they should find money for that we should you mentioned now another important question which is a lot of media good for which a closer for european media group yes new. to see you have any filler words that you're trying to get through you know it is in your speech. because you know when i thought about that i thought i'd say competent. people yes there are some of the words that i want to get treated. like i'm going to get. you to get studios. i think is but seriously. i'd like to. turn to you now and i want to say that you have a very important. mission as you're pretty well used to are people and the kind of language you use will determine the kind of language that our children will use an
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interview which so i think it's very important for all of us to do our best to use almost. kind of. language proper language properly these russian language and we should promote it. must mean you and finally you mom. and finally there is one more question the scale of the school cause the bubble actually going to. call the last part of that and you were caught from. you has the same question mr president bush it's a wash. here until to your first term the protest shortly in toronto. but he said. there will be a number of important events during this year but was nation love need when you say
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what are the meaning achievements that you and even they were a need for years and i think the question from our colleague over there was about the seeing thing. i do it and don't think i can see something say chanel but there are some obvious children and suffering and important achievements during those three years and those include i think it's somewhat solution yield. to the puritanical period in american history when we've had in the global financial is that i write this. as if we were still able to see the development drags us will be preserved all the mean grams and we did not have a ready color change with the worse on the contrary we were able to recover it quite quick question us and we are moving on i think this is very important thank
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you matt specially. remember on the kind of situation they have in many european countries in some ways they can be more successful than we are you can see why we don't have the same problems that they have in spain or portugal which remains mostly conciliate and it is very important that we were able just will be stingy you overcome this difficult period another important the achievement i think of it is that we were evil. to have a well balanced foreign policy analyst that's the limit of this policy that the ocean interests are tensions with many other countries and this is how associated sell it without being distracted for other of social problems. at the same time we were able to defend ourselves defend our interests and the ship we are still doing their business we can defend our independence our sovereignty
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yang is to do some motion is referring to the most difficult events including the people of august two thousand and eight and i think it was very important with them for our country cascade benighted body to feel strong actually disability no matter what it used to. it interpretation but i think countries may have a dose of pence this was important first and foremost for us in our body saliers the region i think it is quite obvious it's not believe we wore an evil that bulis and kind of you know you will be failed to achieve heretical you meant it as well as millions of numbers live forward people we were not able to develop as and as recently as we wanted to we had to deal with social issues but we still have a lot of problems or meaning. we have problems with our poverty we have people and it's a. living so this mission could. you build
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a. power to live that that was the only thing about national thirteen percent and it's a lot as it were in countries tickets and even though quite recently at the pension city where they were thirty percent where still use much remains are serious problems and with we were unable to diversify our economic situation the way we would like to see what else we were unable to you is meet the medium since only please get away from relying too much on the raw materials that the exports are up with and this is something we will definitely need to work on in the future. thank you. thank you and finally i told when i get sick i hope that it's that all those of you who are unable to ask your questions will get a chance to do so by.
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ok we'll be listening for the last two hours and seventeen eighteen minutes to present to me to medvedev answering journalist questions and his biggest question on secession since taking office. took our correspondent and they said now if she's been following the forests a lot of subjects were talked about in this and now it is now and it's so good to see you as a wide range of questions were put forward to some of them particularly to russia some local matters but also some very big questions answered as well but the one big one that the media are listening out for the majority of the speculation the president's plan for the next election so i'm keeping his cards very close to his chest. that's right that was the biggest anticipated question of the day in fact it only came forth and president medvedev himself there commented that he part it would most certainly be the first question but it became very clear at the beginning of the session that today wasn't going to be the day the president made
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it if he does announce his reelection campaign that it wasn't going to happen now he did hint that he will decide soon and make the announcement but he feels the time is right of course a lot of intrigue surrounding the process especially his relationship with prime minister vladimir putin this is what he had to say about the chew and their relations. blushes machine yes my name my relationship with my colleague my political corner let's hear putin it's not just something that people call a turndown actually we have been together for over twenty years and we know each other a lot and we think alike in our views on key issues our countries to build a very close but this doesn't mean we always think the same way but on strategic issues we are very close otherwise it would be impossible for us to work together and then this political partnership would fall apart in that we would have a different political landscape. the t.c.
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put i. know a lot of domestic russian issues were covered but some three hundred almost a third of those eight hundred journalists were international journals and of course the big issue that concerns the international media is the case of mikail for the pope ski this is what the president had to say on what it would mean if he was ever released from jail just doesn't establish some you know. the time frame we don't have those words from president we will have them for you a bit later in the program and throughout the day in terms of speaking of other international issues that certainly the media were interested in our brushes relationships with the west they develop and change severely over the past decade or so but still president medvedev talked about nato and the fact that russia is still wary about their plans for missile defense and pointed out that in til they have guarantees that russian interests are being taken into consideration they will
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be ready to develop their own defense systems. that the spoils of missile defense is a way to block the strategic capabilities of other countries when they tell us it's not against us of course three with that but i realize at the same time the likely this is actually going to work against us and i would like to ask oh my poor sinitta to seriously consider this we are ready for call for mission and at the same time we hope that we will have guarantees that those capabilities are not going to be used against us you know otherwise we'll have to take measures and we don't want to do that but as you know when you speak then we'll have to the weekly to develop our incident strike the potential for our nuclear arsenal and this is a very bad scenario this is the kind of sunni area that would send us your back to the cold war era. well staying on the global issues of course all
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eyes now on libya and what's happening there r t in fact absalom iceland about whether or not russia would support a resolution to intervene in syria now that we're seeing uprisings and last year i went there it was a midget have made it very clear that russia would not be ready to before but a resolution to intervene in syria because of what happened after the resolution to intervene in libya. to the clues are now on syria will not support the resolution because resolution nine hundred seventy three nine hundred seventy three is frankly speaking they were disregarded by the actions of some states took and even though initially russia supported first resolution and could not veto the second resolution what happened afterwards demonstrated that these kind of resolutions can be me you put it and this is deplorable because this undermines the
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authority of the united nations. of course so many issues were covered that the president spoke for over two hours about two hours and fifteen minutes to a lot of time for the head of a country to give to the media the first time ever and of course you would because he was taller friends asked to be said that there were a couple of light hearted moments a couple of times when the entire hall burst into laughter i became very clear once again that president mutated isn't even president meaning that he's very involved in technology and in the internet at one point he took out his i pad and he talked about how when asked the question of whether he sees the world through rose colored glasses because he's a president who travels and it's to eat good food and doesn't really know the problems of the people whether or not he really understands what's happening in the world today and his answer was it's it's it's networks like twitter and through the internet that he does and is able to keep in touch i. with the people so that was an interesting moment which goes back to you kevin i know you have two more and now
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listen for us of what the president had to say today from our moscow studio ok just now i thank you for that so we'll get more thoughts on it now and talk to ego's eveleth he's a political scientist and also head of the macarthur foundation in moscow mrs eveleth thanks for coming on to see well as we mentioned just now the most anticipated question whether or not it will run in two thousand and twelve or not was sidestepped by today to make a response do you think he does have a plan with the prime minister or do you think both will run. well the message was very clear it's not time yet to declare that he will stand for reelection however the whole format and the whole spirit of the press conference was there i'm the president of the country i'm in full control and i actually would like to run for reelection at least this is my reading of the main message of the
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press conference. what do you make of the session as a whole hundreds of journalists in the president's largest head of the conference what was the reason for holding it now it's taken three years to to get. well yes president bin video has been the president for three years and he analyzed they achieved minutes of the spirit of time and also emphasized that some issues where not resolved and he emphasized that russia survives the year playing national global crisis without siddhis if you drop of living standards and its international position today's much better than say in two thousand and eight and he emphasized that. bilateral relations between russia and some of the conference have improved the living standards have knocked him through it and that
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was a massive that a lot of issues did and i am on the impression that president video is ready to continue his job and just dress those issues that stand on the agenda of political and economic development of russia what about the tone of the news conference and compared to the ones held previously by vladimir putin when he was president well there were some similarities and some of the differences the similarities was the nature of many questions there were a lot of questions from regional media focused regional issues this is exactly a lie of a previous events held by prime minister putin at the same time his questions where probably a little bit shorter they told him was it is a little bit different this is
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a lease to the princes i would say. what you expect to get was the detail and some of the responses. he says me well you expect to get in more detail in some of the responses maybe. some of the response was very detailed in. some of the responses. a very broad without many details especially when the questions. still run for reelection. ok good civil and political scientists have a confrontation in moscow thanks for your thoughts here on r t the time is now coming up to twenty seven and a half minutes past three o'clock with south node my name's kevin owen i'll be back with a headline update for you here on r.t. international in just a couple of minutes time. today
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violence is once again flared up. these are the images. from the streets of canada. trying to corporations are today. it didn't start all of a sudden. it's a long story of destroying the living and their homage chops. there are. something leaks out here when they get done like that it's just if you took every fisherman out of the water and do something about that water in avatar protecting the habitat the fisheries it's going to nature's the steps by making way for the
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talks of the desert you look around museum and see that all the solar system obviously everybody here must be well off the incomes must be high road systems great number that's true. and you have billions of dollars oil and gas state. real baby drill. one needs from there are problems and one hypospray should consider potential areas for development in south atlantic and the gulf of mexico. and. assures that so much of the taxpayers' money i mean i would like to see if it real treatment.


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