tv [untitled] May 18, 2011 11:00pm-11:30pm EDT
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well i'm john martin in washington d.c. and here's what's coming up tonight on the big picture. congress may soon vote on an act that would let any president functionally engage in with warfare anytime and anywhere without the approval of the house and some of this is a vision of the potential of. the swiss banks the u.s. is becoming the hot spot for offshore accounts for foreigners and yet this is tax free how much longer will we let the narco traffickers around the globe use american banks toure's to launder their cash and indiana governor mitch daniels is adding fuel to the republicans were against women cutting mandatory reproductive screen for planned parenthood of patients who rely on medicaid so what's the feet
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of needy women who can stay. here longer cayman islands united states is the world's biggest offshore tax that's right even though the i.r.s. is looking for tax dodging billionaires and stash their cash in offshore bank accounts the truth is america is actually home to some of the biggest tax free offshore bank accounts in the world a department of commerce study revealed that the u.s. banks are holding three point six billion dollars belonging to foreigners positives as under u.s. law and nine u.s. citizens can deposit as much money into banks as they like with out paying taxes and without having to read their deposits revealed to their home countries and it's the only exception is really. act of the united states so what kind of foreign
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money is holed up in u.s. banks and what effect is our tax haven policy having around the world or offer some answers on this issue is not the hudson staff writer at the center for public integrity and author of the book the monster our gang of predatory lenders and wall street banks bankers fleeced america and spawned a global crisis michael welcome. all said banks toure's it's. part of my life so what's going on here people put money in u.s. banks. in ways that they couldn't do in their own home country and that you and i couldn't do here right you know latin america is a big market for american banks lots of folks in mexico venezuela and other places are putting their money here they don't have to pay taxes on it it doesn't have to be reported there are certainly some narco. traffickers in other public officials who are doing the sort of typical money laundering there's also a lot of average folks you know plastic surgeons janice architects who are you know
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a fluid lot americans who who are putting their money up here because they don't trust their banks or is it because they're trying to get out of the clutches of their version of the i.r.s. well it's probably a comment from for some people it's probably a combination of both and for many people it's one of the other i mean definitely there's concerns down there of the stability of the banking system so they believe the political system. but there's also a lot of folks understand that just one bank i my recollection is it was well copious for this news story a couple of weeks ago that that one bank that had more money as i recall is claudia than a quarter of the country's g.d.p. i didn't see that but it would be surprising if it was some just incredible number . if i did go to a bank and used to be ten thousand dollars and five thousand dollars if i go to a bank and i've got more than five grand in my account and i just say i'd like cash please. or if i take five thousand dollars cash and say please deposit this right
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my account my bank by law has to notify the part of homeland security and the internal revenue service and if you've got fifteen hundred dollars in the bank and they pay you interest on that during the year they have to send it. to the i.r.s. at the end of the year so right if i'm a narco traffickers from colombia or if i'm a weapons dealer from mexico or pretty much anywhere else i mean you know and so this is not limited to south america if you know if i'm some rich you know buddy of silvio berlusconi's in italy and i want to stash my money in the united states and bring it in the suitcases whatever it's there's no problem. well they're supposed to be looking for the for the real for the truly bad guys for the narco traffickers in the money launderers but it you know it sometimes is a needle in a haystack kind of thing it's hard to find these folks was anybody actually looking . i mean we had a situation here in the banking you know the arguably set up of a increase or banks were aggressively looking for people who couldn't afford to buy
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homes right just so they could make the commission i mean. these banks are actually having interest in weeding out potential clients who could be very well they have an interest and not being caught not doing their jobs not much you know checking for money laundering and you know there are banks that have gotten in trouble like riggs bank here in washington. have been taken to task for that kind of thing but there are also financial incentives because the more money you get in your bank the bigger you are in them the more money are made and the more you can lend the more you know all the right stuff what impact is this rather bizarre banking policy here in the united states having on other countries and is this something that's is this been as it always been this way well it hasn't always been this way but it's really going to problems since the one nine hundred seventy s. most of the experts i talked to said it was in the seventy's it's citibank and other american banks really started going aggressively to latin america to start trying to do. right capital to bring it to the u.s.
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and even though you know there was a lot of ink spilled a lot of a lot written about. big banks lending to latin america they were actually in many cases taking out more than they were lending out very interesting and you said it hasn't always been this way this is how when when and how did it change as the consequence of the deregulation craze of the late seventy's and even this that with that was part of it part of it was just just banks looking for you know looking for new markets looking for ways to make money so it started really they began getting aggressive about it in the seventy's eighty's ninety's and have continued to this day trying to solicit deposits in and bring money in from. from latin america including drug runners and gun dealers whatever is there any what agencies responsible for oversight. you know there are various agencies including homeland
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security that are supposed to be watching out for for for money laundering and money that's that's being pushed through by terrorist and narco traffickers in terms of just the average sort of sort of. fluent tax evader from from mexico there's really nobody in the u.s. who's really watching out for that right now you know there is a proposal right at this point where there are us would like to require that the banks report interest paid to. foreign nationals living outside the u.s. that has created kind of a firestorm the banking industry is really upset about this they believe it's going to drive capital way and they say and you know they also argue that it's going to put people at risk because if the information gets leaked then it would put put their customers at. at the mercy of kidnappers the same argument that u.b.s. was making and when we discovered there were sixteen thousand american millionaires and billionaires who were literally hiding money there to avoid taxes i mean most
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of the you know the sort of tax evasion experts i talked to said there's really no difference between what your b.s. was doing to us than what we're doing to mexico and other countries i mean it's amazing michel thanks so much for coming by thank you for sharing the information with us or moving american jobs in factories overseas and then letting foreign billionaires use our banks as to actual tears you know what else i think we're being used in the global economy since when did america become the sucker that's right since reaganomics. well as we can the governor mitch daniels signed a bill that bars state medicaid funding from being used to planned parenthood i mean poor woman can't get past smears and breast exams of planned parenthood clinics anymore this is in the could affect the health of nearly ten thousand women in that state it's just the latest assault the republicans war on women from
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restricting abortion rights to ignoring workplace discrimination to cutting to safety nets for single mothers so conservatives just throwing women out of the party katrina pierson doesn't think so she represents the dallas tea party and is the national grassroots director of the tea party review trained as a washington d.c. today to hold a press conference and child lies to the left wrongs of the right focus on how the tea party is handing over its leading roles to women to shape the agenda trying to joins me now to talk more about the issue katrina welcome thank you for having me pleased to have you for your press release for your conference that is what the tea party movement is showing is the leading role women have in creating and promoting the tea party agenda yes well i think it's fascinating because i've spent so much time over the last two years traveling across the country and what i have learned is that the majority of the active tea partiers out there walking the precincts making the phone calls and educating their communities have been women and women are highly undermined in the community these days and and so what we wanted to do
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with the magazine is to show just how important conservative women are to this movement for example if you look at sarah palin and how she was treated so poorly by the media but women's groups were not supporting her even though she was you know by all means treated completely unfairly and then we have those of the likes of michele bachmann now who's bucking the establishment just as the tea party wants the republicans to do and yet she snubbed by the leadership true little concerned about michele bachmann same things like you know the fall. this country ended slavery you know she just but she keeps coming out with these propositions well i think everybody does when you're under so much pressure to perform and to really get your point across i think everybody says things that maybe come out the wrong way i've met her i like her i think she's she's very strong in her views she votes conservatively and that's really what i'm more concerned about you're talking about women playing a leading role yes you've already moved on and you know i get to a lot of the foot soldiers shall we say probably off an awful military got
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a four of them talking right when but almost a black another are women and i'm guessing that's probably from the left as well you know a lot of people who walk precincts are women. but so much of the money that created the tea party came from the koch brothers david jones koch billionaires and dick armey and multimillionaire and their funding so many of these groups that are pushing the tea party the big p.r. firms on the west coast and here in washington d.c. are the tea party i don't see any women in the actual leadership well i think that's where you're wrong i don't think the koch brothers are funding the tea party or anybody else for that matter i have it's been a paycheck and i've been doing this since the beginning i think that dick armey has freedom works which is not the tea party movement but they do work collaboratively with tea party groups so tea parties are not funded by any particular republican group or any particular you know brotherhood as such we are self funding and if tea
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party groups choose to work with those groups who can provide additional resources to help get our message out i don't see a problem with that though we welcome funding if there is any out there for why would women work for a group. and not just the tea party but the more conservative agenda in general but you can look at the legislative record here trying to redefine rape as you know you have to prove that it was forcible. fighting equal pay for equal work. the doing you know defunding the women in from the wic program when you know temporary assistance for women infants and children in crisis i mean literally defunding that so they can give tax breaks to people like the koch brothers and dick armey i don't understand why anyone would say well i don't think that they're defunding those programs to give tax breaks to those i think what they're talking about is the principle of defunding the whole social life agenda in a whole because when you do look at let's say where i come from the welfare state built those systems out in texas i came from the other side of the tracks i grew up
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you called on the wall first to tell welfare state yes i come from the welfare side of things public funding food stamps medicaid you name it we had it in my family and what happens with those programs is it creates a codependent society where you've done pretty well i've done pretty well because i have not been absorbed to my environment but i will tell you that i had the opportunity to be around others and adults who had different ideas and i was exposed to those the not everyone is so lucky but the women who fought for you to have that right and for that matter i mean you know lyndon johnson he cut poverty in this country for years and with the great society it created to a large extent created much of what is today and particularly in african-american communities a middle class that didn't literally never existed the united states. i don't see where. what am i missing here you know what you're missing is the african-american
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community day is not that of the days past and that's part of where the confusion comes in as we keep it in the i mean the large number of your wooden parvenus is actually white it's theirs it's yeah but you're trying to make a correlation of times of the sixty's and sixty's as opposed to two thousand and eleven although what i'm saying is that is that lifting people out of poverty doesn't keep them in but that's the des moines you're not lifting people out of poverty by keeping them in poverty that's the point the system the programs are the people who fight the minimum wage keeping people in part no i don't think so i really what happens when you fight the minimum wage is you you expand the great big gap actually between people who have the have nots and we talk about poverty which poverty level of the times reporting. well that's fighting the concept of the minimum wage increase but if you look at in general what we're experiencing as far as raising the minimum wage what does that do we raising the minimum wage as they
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will spark it doesn't put more money and we sometimes an economy that doesn't stimulate three years every single time the minimum wages increase g.d.p. is going up with mr mckay so if way if raising the minimum wage is so important then why did they answer pelosi exempt the people that work for her for the wage increases i have no idea i don't even know that that's the case but i'll take your word for katrina thanks for dropping by thank you very heavy with us to stop women around the country are paying close attention to the political landscape of washington yes he will be moving to the democratic party in droves. after the break details about a provision that would allow any president functionally to engage in warfare anytime anywhere.
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let's not forget that we are right. i think. one. whenever the government says to feel safe get ready for freedom. you know how sometimes you see a story and it seems so silly you think you understand it and then you give them something else here's some other part of it and realized everything you thought you
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google unveiled a new you tube channel that honors journalists who've been killed in action the risks and sacrifices that many have made in order broad as with accurate information our remarkable said you tube bloggers do you grow channel features the work of fallen journalists and can be found at youtube dot com slash journalists memorial check it out without rick santorum the republican presidential hopeful fired back at john mccain who said that enhanced irrigation techniques like waterboarding simply don't work santorum responded that mccain doesn't understand how an answer works. the guy who's actually been tortured doesn't know how torture works but santorum who's been a career politician knows everything about torture santorum is also the guy who's still in. as we found a new m d's in iraq i think we found a new campaign platform for santorum both santorum is a frothy mix of law is a nonsense and it will go on and the very very ugly eric cantor yesterday the
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house majority leader spoke to the c.m.e. group the world's largest operator of two riveted markets you know those secret markets that played a big part of the financial collapse a few years ago and what the cantor promised these banks jersey do make sure they can ruin our economy again. we want to help if we. go to where or where you see a case. like this very early trade we want to know so that it's. sensible oh. i don't know by you but i don't want you guys who just wrecked america to continue to lead america publicans are paving the way for another financial disaster and that's a very here. it's time for our daily poll your chance to tell us what you think here's today's
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question you get rich and john edwards both had affairs while their wives had cancer so why does the media treat gingrich differently your choices are a republican seem to be more easily forgiven than democrats or b. the continue to ignore this apocrypha see we're going to target dot com let us know you think the poll will be open until tomorrow morning. crazy alert meet don gorske the man who owns the girl us world record for eating the most big macs owes me a few years although my first thousand big macs and it's kind of like i thought like a man you know how long we were here. and inflict more of a time ago twenty five thousand i'll be all the retired well what's annoying i'm not well thought for all i'm fifty somebody i'm retired and stuff and it's kind of
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like you don't dream of living in full on the reach of milestone i. started yesterday to find a lack of donald's gorski said daddy does twenty fifth two thousand big mac. a feat thirty nine years in the making my bag a nine hundred seventy two year three big next to purchase so as to celebrate purchasing a new car since then he's only gone eight days without a big macin most of the day needs to a day. i wrote for quite a while have been just to buy a six on monday here on thursday and come here on monday ever been in my path and you can see my big macs the acronym for it or you can see i'm stacked in the freezer and i use the martin and there is the i'll go back and buy it and i'm good for a week and if i get my fourteen week i plan big until i die. and for those of you think that they will be sooner rather than later consider is diet think again gorski is actually a pretty good health issue and build local austral i think that's because he
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represents the next evolution in humankind an animal that actually thrives on junk food. after the break conservative strategist heather ceremony reporter for the daily caller amanda kerry join me for tonight's alone a liberal mid week robert. let's not forget that we had an apartheid regime right. i think. either one well. we have the government says to feel safe get ready because their freedom.
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you need to know this is a perpetual war about to become a law the land the house arms services committee recently passed a national defense authorization act a bill that authorizes funding to the department bounds and the constitution actually requires must be passed at least every two years and very deep within the bill in section ten thirty four there's a provision that reads congress affirm. terms that the united states is engaged in an armed conflict clicked with al qaeda the taliban and associated forces and that those entities continue to pose a threat to the united states and its citizens the president has the authority to use all necessary and appropriate force during the current armed conflict pursuant to the authorization for the use of military force until the termination of hostilities with that in english it lets our president commit our nation to endless war and so every single terrorist on the planet is that and if president obama doesn't want to take advantage of it you can bet if we get another bush in office he will a.c.l.u.
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calls this provision the single biggest handover of unchecked war authority from congress to the executive branch in modern american history. of american history frankly section ten thirty four was slipped in by republican congressman buck mckeon only one and only one member of the armed services committee voted against the bill democrat john garamendi garamendi offered a an amendment to strike section ten thirty four but it was shot down paving the way for endless war and endless profits for defense contractors who throw around huge campaign contributions so will this bill fundamentally change how our nation goes to war for more on this i'm joined by a man who knows war well a decorated war veteran and longtime congressman from new york charlie rangle congressman welcome. thank you thank you and what do you make of this part of the provision are you concerned that we're becoming a perpetual war machine. it is so scary but the nation and the people of
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this country have accepted presidents going to war and i think mainly because they haven't lost the need of their loved ones this been no scream you know it's not only unconstitutional but it's absolutely immoral and un-american to say that any president without notifying the congress without sharing what threat there is to the united states this doesn't require any it goes things it's not against the nation in the face in the flag is just that if you if it's like the cato to taleban i hope maybe you know they didn't have any hearings on this at all and as you pointed out it was just bowled a digital fence or it was asian but it is so immoral that is the protection of human life and the ability for anybody you know america's the good guys but a lot of bad guys do these things and we're critical of them to just take up or
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observe against people without any justification and as you pointed out you can trust obama but you have to love and trust the constitution this is so bad well article one of the constitution which defines the powers given to congress as opposed to article two for the president article three for the judiciary article one explicitly says that all the congress has the power to declare war the president doesn't why would congress hand this power off to the executive branch for ever i mean is this the result of defense contractors just you know why are some congressmen or is this some kind of temporary insanity i don't understand where this came from. well i. either i hate to believe that the value of human life goes below the interests in contributions from defense contractors but i tell you this if we don't hear now from our spiritual leaders whether they're rabbis priests ministers
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a moms' the you know they should be screaming out that any country especially our beloved united states of america so this give this type of a thirty to one person you know it's not that the congress the brightest people in the world but they represent the entire population of the country for thirty five of us we have to answer to our constituents and when they go when we have to go to the funerals as i often do i have to explain to good luck once what it was all about and now the congress is even cut out from just following the president wherever they've taken as we have not had a constitutional declaration of war since franklin roosevelt and it's shameful and his son because the two should know in fact i think the last president to not have a war during his presidency was jimmy carter. you know some some kind of conflict it's really quite astounding.
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