tv [untitled] May 19, 2011 9:30am-10:00am EDT
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it's all paul's moscow may so use it she says the minute she operation in libya will continue until colonel gadhafi and goads contrary to the original legs all become paying because getting boring is a brad pitt scenario in syria the u.s. builds pressure on president al assad with fresh sanctions so. it's going to limbo consider whether to lose the lease or with a referendum on separating from a national candidate national as
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a majority in the country's devolved all of its own something the stance of survive on its own oil revenues. on moscow and will stay with geoff all that cooperation and investigation the crash which killed president kaczynski and ninety five others requested also like neil de moscow is already running so before don't give it some promises to hyundai the de vry from the plane by the end of the song. justice is facing a jury in st petersburg it's what's being discussed in spotlights next.
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hello again and welcome to spotlight the answer michelle in our take i'll get all bent very my guest in the studio is alex out of that come out of. the international just as far as kicking off at st petersburg itself for the first time but it's managed to sign big names to its list after this of the forum is blessed by the russian president a lawyer himself and is managed by the justice minister the conference comes just in time as making the bed of press is modernization of the country's judicial system so what ideas is the gathering going to generate here's the russian justice minister alexander come along that. doesn't think that it has set a goal to recruit the largely outdated russian justice system the young and energetic alexander kind of all it was sent to spearhead the justice ministry which has already introduced a range of softer penalties and
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a contemporary approach to crimes but some experts say further liberalizations of the justice system could cause an undesirable kickback and make the legal process more lenient the criminals will reform is badly needed polls show how russians simply won't see justice in the courts. in a sort of welcome to the show thank you very much thank you very much for being with . the same economic forum which is well known around the world and its annual and it already forced national red. you know holding your for the first time that any karmic form is usually you're judged by the number of contracts signed during this form so what will be the criteria of judging your for of the judicial for i should say it will be the cause of the discussion on the law a little forum because of course we are not expecting sign agreements in contracts we are not the economists but. judiciary and war in general is
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a thing that should resign and the life of a robot it constantly and that effect could become obvious years later so the call to the discussion of the quality of the of the discussion and what's the the source of that quality the names here surely we tried to attract to this event a top level top notch specialist and different directions of practice and law. you need four months of his form be in health for the very first time and put his book is that we're trying to get together the good of the same place in the same time people of a different legal professions not every year advocacy investigators prosecutors judges scientists. all the good advisors state employers it's very important opportunity to discuss practicing law in different aspects is the kind of since
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since they form the sold for the first time can we say that its final goal the purpose for launching this international event is the harmonization of different legal system that dream that that law is there have been having for for centuries i think whether we like it or not little or as everything important in this world right now is becoming more and more global and. is but to try to do it earlier then later and that's why the. lawyers of all the world should have an acute to discuss their present their threats the present day dangers for the security of the countries for practice in law and for rule of law or along with the world and we have to find the proper answer and that's why we have to talk to each other but not the harmonization of legal system different countries is it possible is it
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a dream or is it a possibility i think it's burke's already in some aspects for a bra for a poor example the british commercial or it's been practiced in most of the countries of europe nowadays and the big business of russia as well it's a reality but we also see some problems nowadays when some judiciaries some legal systems for example the u.k. system particularly the united states system i've tried to solve very difficult very serious problems with their own institutions and opportunities at the same time sometimes they need some global talk and global instruments like conventional instruments that do exist now but they have to be modernized we speak of harmonization judicial system of different countries you mentioned the example of great britain but as we discussed earlier even england and scotland have different judicial system england has its own unique system scotland is based on.
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roman law so. well it's a nice in some aspects is a tradition you know but when. the real is serious things being global are about that means the lore also becoming more and more global and that's not a chance to try to struggle what is fact let's talk about russia in order to facilitate economic front in order to better defend their protects its citizens should russia. for example try to achieve certain uniformity of war with state the european union well actually russian law is becoming more and more common ised with european law and the decisions of your european human rights courts is also very important stand in for us and we are doing quite a lot to try to put the level i would usually rate was plans of european
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international traditionally votes also reality. different media in this country for example very misty daily claims that this forum is supposed to become a quote a place for dialogue between government and business over modernization of law and quote doesn't mean that the existing means communication between the society and the government in russia are inefficient of course it doesn't work well talking about different formats of the discussion when the bomb and different people go in together and arguing and discussing the laws every day but such a quanto lawyers of top lobel lawyers of different specialisations gathered together is a unique opportunity as well. russian president dmitry medvedev has called on that commission of legal experts to look into high profile court cases such as
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the case of because half scared to death in custody of sergei magnitsky a lawyer so does that mean this this address by the present doesn't mean that the judicial system itself is unable to deal with allegedly wrong decisions of investigators or of judges verne's was no game and why then why did the president does the same time practice of the courts is also an institution it's also part of our soul society and the soul society. of course should every right to disperse this court's practice because discord practice i can i can recall you as been published in internet from the first of july previous year and everybody can discuss it real together with you can discuss it we can discuss the ice bucket championship results and we can discuss the future as a result as well as our right as i was all right but i should say i should stress i
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would like to stress that it should not be by all means that definitely should not be the. opportunity to pressure the courts so all of the decisions of the courts being put into power mean old executing should be discussed but at the same time if they could be discussed that's quieten. and i was about hundred of say minister the public opinion poll conducted by famous leave that its energy in russia indicates that only eight percent of russians trust our judicial system completely while forty three percent have no trust at all in the russian national system is it a matter of considering the years as a minister for the ministry of justice of course is a matter of concern a matter of justice believe this is the us yes i should say that but i think i'm sure it's a matter of concern of you as well it's
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a matter of our listeners' everybody because when such a quantity of people do not believe the judiciary are in their own country it's a great threat to the country's security top and of course we have to do all possible to improve this level of trust to the to our court system to all our political systems are state authorities. actually said some kind of street. traffic in both directions because. the state should make everything it's can do to improve the trust of the society but the society also. has some part of this way as well. according to the same public opinion poll eighty percent of russians have no knowledge that the war is out of the function how they work and about procedures still and so forth so how air is the government going
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to act what's the government what can the government do to to to similar change the situation well the first dances for example or. concern in their very important document been adopted by president just recently i mean the basic policy in the sphere of informing and promoting knowledge of lore and following the lore in russia it's a very important thing that later on it could be a valid in a proper way but. a question i should say and. probably some provocative thing me as a lawyer is i'm also not. i also do not know in all the details all the codes exists and is in this country and in as well of course but i have a respect to the lore and have fun and knowledge of my basic principles of law so
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all the policy of the state all the policy of the society should not be aimed in turn in every person in the country into a lawyer but at the same time every human being should know his basic rights as basic duties and. this person has to have an opportunity to address to a qualified lawyer together efficient legal advise and legal aid in this or a moment and it should be a culture of the society to use their help of the lawyers and the proper moment not too late. just like we you do normally and i will contradict now for was always is also tonight always available or maybe that's right that's right from sun just a reminder that alexander is kind of violent the russian justice ministry is our guest on spotlight today will be back shortly after the break so stay with us we'll continue this interview in less than a minute. wealthy
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two types free. download free broadcast live video for your media projects a free media don carty dot com. welcome back to spotlight i'm not been just a reminder that my guest in the studio today is alexander can of all of the russian justice ministry. this is kind of out of. this year there was several allegations about the the judges that they are they are influenced and they are not always. taking decisions according to their own knowledge and their own will but they are they are influenced both by the state and just by ordinary people writes this
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it would talk about corruption and state influence will these facts be investigated on these facts investigated and is it hard to. corruption in courts. i think of course it's rather hard to find is corruption because first of all because the people who are. participating in this corruption schemes are being greater in sort of in preserving the situation because they are satisfied with it because they get in and punished in a not in a proper way when the case is generally so that it's simply hard to find these people and to. enforce them to cooperate with the state with its police with special services but by the way this problem was discussed just recently just yesterday in a special or four months headed by a president of state and i should say that. in some respects this problem
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is to my mind is them and eyes because nowadays the courts are becoming more and more independent actions speak but at same time the problem is still preserved and of course one of his. one of one of the attempts to choose to change the station is to make the system of recruiting the judges different from the knowledge stage how different will you be for example attract and recreation some people from the advocacy from an artery from science from some other private practices not only from the prosecutor's borders right just to become to the company judges are ok now through another question and it's about. that process not. far away but two thousand and ten in two thousand and ten russia was the second country to turkey by the number of appeals to the european court of human rights
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what should be done and should something be done to change the theories to make more the people's possible and to be to be says right within the country not giving . knowing him. first of all i should say that this figures this is just who did not correct because. our correspondent in the quantity of population in the country we are only probably on the eighteenth or nineteenth place and your counsel of your not going to italy is a grades is a leader and what i tell you keith smart relation with morgan. is also it is legal you know whether that's right but. on the other hand i should say that approximately nineteen ninety percent of all the appeals are. finally becoming admissible in the courts so they're there now it's becoming a process and all this appeals but at the same time that doesn't mean that we you
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do not see a problem and i will try to answer your question in the begin our conversation today that the moving of the standards all of your place and close look closer to the standards of the european human rights courts is so important that one of the ideas that is becoming true and reality already is an opportunity of the russian people to get the compensation for not efficiently jittery in this country right now. the reform of our penitentiary system which you are pushing forward there is being criticized by some experts by many journalists they say that the liberalization of the panel per would will create favorable conditions for further rise in the number of crimes so what do you personally experience from this reform of the punishment system a first of all would like to say that labor is asian all the system is not the proper word because the strip turns of wire punishments are still exist in the
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criminal code your reform is not about liberalization no it's i would like to call it bring light is ation of their system because during the recent than a few thousand years the courts had very few less opportunities how to practice the lore in the criminal cases then normally used to have only two or three opportune just to punish people and of course all this line is not enough nowadays because. we have to investigate the cases more. and more seriously more correctly and punish the people according to their dangerous danger to the society and to the serious how serious crime. committed is nowadays but i should say that the critics is quite not the right thing for all democracies everywhere people are. afraid of the criminals everywhere people are
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suggesting we're going to punishment to punish them as surprised as possible but we kind of understand a very simple thing when a human being being punished really seriously girls to the jail and when he comes back after eight or ten twelve years of staying in jail especially in such a jail that exists in russia are still exists in russia nowadays it's becoming more much more dangerous to the society. iran as if he is right now a policeman friend of mine commenting on your reform said that day one of the outcomes of this reform is that today if a person is stealing money especially if he is not stealing from the state but from each other from companies all he is risking is money. and that's it is it isn't true and do you think this is this is the right way you're stealing money and you know you're risking to give give back the money you still nothing else no of course
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not that is not the case i don't think that's really truth sometimes probably canonical punishments are really actual and sometimes really should punish. some criminals that community economical so-called economic crimes with the money but should be very serious fees great very big fees enormous fees. that could be a rather serious punishment but at the same time when they're. one of being committed a crime is really serious not only money should be talking about ok i'm not quoting my policeman friend anymore i'll be quoting my president mr medvedev proposed that i quote the banks must give all the information about those who see civil service posts and many would have also said now i quote again it is not their fee it's their free will as to whether or not they provide such information it's now their
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responsibility for people to to disclose their. income from which state will this law become effective and do you think it will become a law more i think probably it would be a law but i should say this draft laws are you prepared by our ministry probably by the presidential administration. i think it's proper measure because state also established some limits for this for the states surveillance for the cells services quite normal and much. more criticism about about your ministry the justice ministry is often criticized for being repressive for example an april eleventh you refused to register a party. called rock front it's over the fifth time and you said that and the reason is that the party's emblem and placed fist it symbolizes extremism that
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sounds like a pretext for not letting them take profits in the in the election these think that your ministry may may become a liberal in such cases this this plan she did become a liberal well i should say that of course i can and come on in the details of all the cases because thousands of them happen every week and sometimes probably my colleagues that are in charge of this work are rather strict probably most rigorous necessary but generally speaking i should say that all our policy years been held according to the lore and to all were courteous as i would like to suggest just an ordinary and so wise way going to the courts and trying to. argue with us in the courts that of the word of the day also obey the laws that he said that need more strict than those three do you think that the current law on political priorities should be changed to liberalize your person wrong probably my personal opinion is
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that. corporations and their non commercial organization of innovations should exist probably more freeway should be registered and more freeway but there should be much more serious responsibility for the breaking of the laws and the police and the special services should investigate this case fine now these cases and go bring them to the courts to the minister of justice of the brave a lawyer to bring their own documents so this is the point to my mind but frankly speaking from my mind to my mind tonight personal opinion i'm not a politician just try to understand me on bureaucrats and i have to follow the law strictly but sometimes i can see that our opponents are not trying to go to the courts and it seems to me sometimes that a pro says is not. more important for the members of the senate says that yes yes i know what you're richard cheney that another thing i want to ask you about the use of drugs the use of drugs today in russia is not against the law you can't sell
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drugs you can't produce drugs but you can use them if you find it in the street you can you can use them smoke eat or whatever do you think that your ministry the suggesting to make the use illegal would also appeal to tend to like terms like grass like ron and so on this may become a presence i would like to come and broadly to this fact because it was just my own opinion being. pointed out during discussion that happened. a couple of weeks ago. and it was only part of the discussion and most important idea being discussed was opportunities to treat the drug users who are really sick or really ill already and one of the opportunity has been discussed was criminalizing the using of the drugs but only with only one on one go to inforce
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their real a sick person to follow the treatment because nowadays a simile hard to make them for this way thank you very much for being with us and just a reminder that my guest today was alexander kind of of the russian justice next and that's it for now from if you don't sell yourself spotlight just drop me a line we'll be back with more from the comments on what's going on in and outside russia until then am i to take a. listen. she's
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