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tv   [untitled]    May 19, 2011 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT

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more news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. operations around the day. how can the lower show get the real headlines with none of the mersey but we live in washington d.c. now today people from all over the world listened to president obama's speech on the middle east was there anything new in his message and who was he really addressing then hollywood continues its war on piracy but at the cost of the fourth amendment california is working on a bill to allow warrantless searches of companies that produce babies and d.v.d.'s
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and the move makes us wonder are these lawmakers really willing to go against the constitution all for the sake of copyright protection then we have a number of culture wars being waged here in the us you heard war on drugs the war on poverty but is obama waging a war on fun his ministration has attacked smoking poker drinking and that's just naming a few that you might not have heard this from the mainstream media but another good mo detainee has committed suicide or bring you the details on this detainee will shed light on how often this is happening in the past stay tuned for all of that and for our happy hour segment on tonight's show but first we have our top story. it's been nearly two years since president obama gave his cairo speech and since then we've seen revolutions in tunisia in egypt we've seen protests break out and yemen bahrain syria and jordan all violently suppressed by their governments and we've seen the u.n. and nato launch a war on libya for the purposes of a humanitarian intervention safe to say that
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a lot of changed but the thing is obama's rhetoric and a new speech that he gave today to the muslim world sounded redundant just as vague and broad as ever before united states of closers the use of violence repression against the people of the reach of. the united states supports a set of universal rights. these rights include free speech freedom of peaceful assembly freedom of religion equality for men and women under the rule of law. and the right to choose your own leaders. so what was the point after a speech and will it make a difference will it change any minds in the way that the u.s. and middle east and northern african countries interact earlier i caught up with british political rapper low key and i first asked him if he thinks that this speech will change anything. not very much and there are
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a lot of people whose there was absolutely no mention of the killing of twenty one on. israel this weekend and you know the fact is if you are talking about the ships and you talking about tyrannies new talking about regimes which are unwanted in the region israel all of them israel goes back sixty three years which is even further than a few dollars so i think that's something the obama when talking to the middle east that when talking to people has to be aware of well obama did bring up israel and he did bring up palestine obviously and took that out basically that you have to go back to the borders in the one nine hundred sixty is that the status quo right now is unsustainable that both sides have to change and you know for some people that's not enough for other people i guess you could say the israel lobby or many israeli donors to campaigns here in the u.s. that was taking it way too far but even that has not been repeated by presidents
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before obama. what he said take it back to the sixty seven borders something that george bush said as well but what also obama said is that the palestinians have been walking away from the peace process while actually the papers which were released by which is iran show us in fact the opposite that the p.a. negotiators in the words of one of them were offering is road the biggest jerusalem in jewish history you know this is ridiculous this man is meeting with benjamin netanyahu tomorrow he's speaking in front of a park on sunday and if people really want to know who owns obama today just ask jeremiah wright just ask ali i would name just ask the chicago activists who are now being harassed by the f.b.i. who are getting subpoenaed who gain their houses raided these are people that knew obama before in his chicago days and they will tell you owns mr obama he is still
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a part one hundred percent but i prefer mr obama also didn't bring up saudi arabia huge us now live line with which the us recently made a sixty billion dollar arms deal with saudi arabia that also had troops going to wagner in the saudi arabia that supposedly reportedly the u.s. is working on a air and missile defense system with how can you give a speech and talk about change in the middle east and north africa talk about women's rights and never even bring i'm sorry arabia. well like i've said before the region it has regimes within it who have all capitulated to u.s. interests what some more than others you will never hear mr obama come out and condemn the saudi government or the yemeni government but you will hear him condemn the syrian government and the libyan government and there are reasons for all of these things he talked about the reigning in. interference in bahrain it's not the
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military which is in bahrain it's the american military which is based in bahrain it's also the saudis who are based there as well and he talked about the rights of women why not talk about saudi arabia where women are currently mobilizing because they want to drive it's not even illegal for them to drive why don't talk about that why and i'm totally with you there and i think that often that sheds light on some of the hypocrisy of these speeches so what exactly is the problem do you think that president obama is trying to please people also he's trying to tread a very careful line here or is it also just as common mistake where everyone chooses to lump every single muslim or arab country into one. i think he's the handsome face of an. eloquent voice he is somebody who's there for a reason you know to. legitimize. the last
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ditch attempt to save the empire to keep us. give it some type of. some type of plastic surgery cheer up. and i also wonder if he went out and was giving this speech today. he could say right that this is one directed towards the muslim world but do you really think that's what he was talking to or was he talking to americans to pundits to politicians here in this country just so they can gauge and they can dispute where he stands. i think yes it was it was. to be recalled on quote unquote the right side of history most definitely. the actions speak far louder than words and pretty words are not really mean something in this situation well let's talk about some of those really were including well it's all good to talk about there should be
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a contiguous palestinian state he said as well as how is that even possible the west bank. and gaza is here it's not possible for it to be contiguous piece of land for him to talk about how. it must be hard for the israelis there's no way they can. recognize israel's existence as a jewish state lieberman the deputy prime minister of israel and the foreign minister of israel lives on an illegal settlement in the west bank how is that for not recognizing palestinian people's right to exist and that's in your who has consistently ignored obama and continued to build these settlements and obama has done nothing but run the settlements he has funded this expansion of israel and people know that they are not stupid and they will not be fooled by nice speeches and nice words when i think you touch upon something important there when we talk about funding and we talk about money because words obviously are never enough just
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to say that we support democracy we support everyone's freedom all over the world know obama today also touched upon the need to tap into resources in the middle east which are the people in need for trade and not just aid by. can you ever you know is any of that possible unless the u.s. stops making weapons deals with other countries. oh well you know we've seen us in action in egypt this is the reason why of egypt should military was stopping their people from marching into gaza this weekend this is reason partly why the lebanese military were helping the israelis to stop the lebanese people from entering what is quote unquote israel is because of you military aid u.s. aid is never unattached it always has strings attached to it this is what we're seeing i don't think the egyptians need any more u.s. aid they don't need any more trade liberalization as obama said i mean this is ridiculous how liberal how much more liberal can they trade we than it was under
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hosni mubarak i look i want to thank you very much for joining us tonight and giving us your take on this speech and it's one that's definitely going to be criticized and analyzed across the board thanks so much. thank you. well still to come on tonight's show we say goodbye to the fourth amendment stick around for a special remembrance of what worth our rights discuss the case out west where police could soon be allowed to search companies that press copies of c.d.'s and d.v.d.'s without a warrant then has the white house started another of war not talking about military action but war on fun here in the u.s. a look at why the obama administration is trying to regulate some morals here in america but for not. let's not forget that we are in a park right. i
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think. we're going to go to the shows to see. get ready for the freedom. page on our been here broadcasting live from washington d.c. coming up today on the big picture.
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new web site with twenty four seven live streaming news times what to do about the ongoing financial hardship unlimited high quality videos for download. and stories you never. knew. so. it's. hard to do such. a guy's welcome michel and tell the obama show we part of our guests not to say on the topic now i want to hear audio just to video response or to twitter first part of the question that we post on you tube every monday and on thursday the show long response if we let go of what he. said i would like to take a special moment out to say our farewells to
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a friend of ours one of the very near and dear to the hearts of all americans if the fourth amendment i'm sorry to say it but we hear all the a lot of show we think that it just might be that the there have been instances. popping up all over the country or courts of all shapes and sizes have stripped away and sure rambled on the fourth amendment as we know it and in the bill of rights the fourth amendment is designed to protect people from a reasonable search and seizures and requires a warrant to be sanction from a judge with probable cause and that's an amendment designed to secure our privacy to protect the people from law enforcement overstepping their bounds and preventing them from carrying out on lawful searches and seizures on view your home your place of business you name it but alas it looks like those protections as we know them have come to an end let me just give you a few examples that are out there out of many that are first example of this tragedy as a ruling that we told you about earlier this week or is declared that police can now for a century into a home without
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a warrant if they smell marijuana and if they hear sounds of destruction of evidence that's right burning plants sounds of a ruffling behind a door is all that a cop needs these days to bust in and take charge all without a warrant now this case kentucky the king ultimately made it to the u.s. supreme court and in eight to one decision the justices ruled in favor of giving police more off already and in fact a justice alito defended this ruling claiming whether the person who knocks on the door and requests the opportunity opportunity to speak is a police officer or a private citizen the occupant has no obligation to open the door or to speak so the silly guy here if he has properly used his constitutional rights according to alito and there would have been no problem but he made a noise so the caps cops get a bust right in the brief state of indiana decided to take it one step further see a recent state supreme court ruling ok police using force to enter a person so if the police deem it necessary no real reason needed and you can't
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even resist and yes that also means that a copy to rescue without cause on your own property but here's the worst part of that indiana really knew county sheriff john hartmann says the decision is going to be better allowed to leave. this could be able to conduct random house to house searches so frankly if i was a resident of indiana i think pretty angry right now i want to mention scared the cops are going to knock on my door at any second i'm speaking of the police their methods of keeping tabs on what they deem to be or who they deem to be suspicious persons is also wrote of the fourth amendment as we know it you know those g.p.s. tracking devices that were placed on cars by beds without warrants over the u.s. seventh circuit court of appeals made a ruling in favor of those devices saying that obtaining a vehicle coordinates is just the exact same kind of information made available when you're driving on public roads and only one justice of that court opposed that decision arguing that that ruling leaves open the possibility of mass surveillance of the sole discretion of the police department now this issue is expected to make
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it all the way to the supreme court but the obama administration is also expected to ask that court to allow for the warrantless tracking so i think it's become pretty clear the fourth amendment was the victim of unofficial wars being waged here in america we have the war on drugs the war on privacy the result of our war on terror that's just a few of them remember it was created by the founding fathers to protect us from all of those fear mongering tactics but the good news is the fourth amendment isn't really going down without a fight average americans journalists out there have come forward to clearing be in fantasy around these court decisions and they made comments like supreme court carpet bombs fourth amendment supreme court speech on fourth amendment goodbye fourth amendment and hello search and seizure you know sadly the outcry from the general public hasn't been enough to save our privacy thus far and our right to be protected from those unreasonable searches and seizures but here on this show we
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would like to dedicate a moment to the founding fathers who has instilled the bill of rights thank you one last farewell to the fourth amendment i hope one day we can bring about from the day before now may it rest in peace. well as if all of those examples weren't enough bad news for the poor at the moment let me give you one more thing lawmakers in california are moving a bill through their committees to allow warrantless searches of companies that process copies of contact if. here's a big shocker it's being backed by both the recording industry and the motion picture association and according to them net sales of c.d.'s fell eighteen percent in the last decade sales of rentals of movies or sales and rentals of movies declined by nineteen percent in just the last year but i just have to wonder are there other ways to combat piracy and stripping away your constitutional rights joining me to discuss this is julian sanchez research fellow at the cato institute chilling thanks so much for being here tonight was
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a pleasure i mean am i right or am i right i understand there is a need to combat piracy but this feels like a bit of a drastic measure to take. actually feels like an industry that is not really come to terms with the fact that it enjoyed this incredible boom in the ninety's when lots of people were buying their entire second actions on cd and then once that was done and people can just transfer their c.d.'s to you to form that kind of boom of people rebuying a whole collection again one format change wasn't might happen again so they're sort of failing to come to grips with this and trying to pretend that somehow if they can you know to clap hard enough and stamp out piracy you know the industry will be saved in this case and it's a really unusual kind of measure there are all kinds of situations in which there are warrantless inspections but it's usually not in the context of just ordinary criminal law enforcement usually it's something like if you need a license to be a doctor if you need a license to serve food to the public there are inspections associated with that regulatory scheme but this idea of of something is really just clearly an ordinary
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look search for criminal evidence under that rubric is pretty unusual they can point to a case from one hundred seven called the burger that i think incorrectly authorized something similar and you were. for junkyards but i think such and this is a really kind of unusual you know that thing they have a for junkyards they have a massage parlors for you know it's back to an alcohol shop when i guess that's the argument they're using here is oh come on there are so many other industries that are already regulated why not just throw one more in but you know i think that you really hit upon a good point there that i feel like they're kind of living in the past because when they put out these figures and say that cd sales dropped eighty two percent over the last decade i think they're just denying the fact that hey maybe the internet came along and nobody actually goes to the store and buy c.d.'s anymore but how do you know are there actual statistics there don't go lawmakers get these figures they just listen to anything that you know there are eight mph. two things one
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thing is just we recognize that we license doctors we license establishment sort of food and alcohol in this country we don't license publishers. that invest in important distinction here this is not you know see where you where you can be required to have some sort of government license and need a regulatory scheme to be allowed to be a publisher but persistent see i mean a puts out crazy numbers every year about how massively damaging piracy is at this point i think if it were twenty eleven i'd double check your calendar the numbers they put out range from wildly exaggerated to completely made up but i was a journalist and in a previous life i reported on some of the circulated for decades about piracy was costing two hundred fifty billion dollars a year to the u.s. economy and seven hundred thousand jobs and i'm going to run these down the numbers have been going around for years and years and repeated and repeated and they had really just come out of nowhere they had really been made up with no basis and repeated by the f.b.i. and customs and legislators so you know i just don't take any claims being made
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about the magnitude of the harm it face value anymore why i think that unfortunately lot of people who really soured on them and their tactics now of course they stepped back from going after individuals that are going to. i'll load a couple songs and trying to you know sue them for millions and millions of dollars worth but there's one other problems here is if cd fails the d.v.d. sales if that's really a dying industry then is that what these companies that actually pressed the c.d.'s are going through the back channels they now can go through if they're not selling it up is to try to print black market stuff but ironically there's at least anecdotal evidence it's hard to have statistics on a kernel industry that you know file sharing online downloading is actually have more of an impact. laggers and cd counterfeiters that has a legitimate history the idea being you know look people who are willing to buy the cd in the first place are actually the same people who instead of buying a bootleg are going to you know are going to download on bittorrent so they're actually i think probably suffering more than legitimate music industry also you
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know a lot of what they're calling counterfeit see these are pirated c.d.'s or things like mix tapes that are you know often made by you know up and coming d.j.'s or hip hop artists that involve their remakes is of various songs it's not like a whole album being ripped off it's a bunch of different songs from different people that they've we arranged or done something interesting with you know technically copyright infringement for a long time there was sort of informal understanding that this was good for the up and coming artist and good for promoting you know the copyrighted works as well again technically not legal but for a long time to get history you know turned a blind eye because they recognized but now it does seem like they're being a little desperate so do you think a fourth movement is dead after our entire meal that we've done or is there some still some semblance of i want to i don't know there are always trends in both directions we're seeing in terms of some time tracking stuff but legislators and courts starting to push back after a long time we're trying to we're seeing courts pushing back on decades when your e-mail and remotely stored files for a long time under many circumstances be obtained without
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a full blown probable cause warrant so there's trends in both directions i'd like to say that it isn't that it's merely resting i hope we're going in the direction of resting resuscitating it whatever it takes feeling thanks so much for joining us tonight. all right so we've gone into the ways that our civil liberties are being stripped of year of war on drugs that's been going on for forty years in this country of the war on terror that's been waged since nine eleven but we have to ask if obama has begun his own metaphorical war since coming into office some of our acclaiming of the obama administration has waged war on fun it was of the things like smoking drinking gambling the usual how it is that habits that are looked down upon in our prudish and moralistic society but what has obama specifically time to clamp down on them further and how do we beat it here discuss this with me is fred smith president of the competitive enterprise institute fred thanks so much for coming back on the show and. her stars do you think that obama is waging a war on fire and his administration i mean what is fine anyway is not subjective
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for the subjective but you know i grew up in a very backward secular louisiana and about as fundamentalist as you could then we've been dancing to be the kissing and so on you know and those areas actually enjoyed life better than we seem to want to do it and then our. colonel is think libertarianism i mean you know let's just go through the whole idea that essentially they decide what fun is for us to be happy but they want to go with that happiness is but how do you see the obama administration do it specifically is that you know by being down on certain poker sites online gambling as if by going after menthol cigarettes or easy grants all of the well every case could move those cigarettes and it might attract the wrong people or maybe our children we were rushing out and making cigarettes like that or they're you joking but coloring food you know we want to have all over the land right oatmeal brule i mean there's that it didn't seem to say that it was not absolutely rather than nutrition or health
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and it's wrong well many of the things of life are to make life a more fun and more pleasant cosmetics colorful color the decorations are ready the red kidney beans or dark pools are a part of daily occurrence and keeping kids. from smoking or keeping kids from eating foods that are in some sugary or too salty we do have an obesity epidemic in the country how proud is that well being of years don't like the way that they're going around it are you hiding behind our children you take away our freedoms like it's it's good that we just feel good children lost why their children so there they're not fully able but there's a role that parents from the government gets that role all of a sudden what is a child child killer eighteen to twenty what is it all restraint so there is could release those things slowly over time and gradually acquainted with how the responsibilities of being an adult growing up are cries that you meet responsibilities over time gradually and to ban anything harmful when your child being hopeless when you become an adult but let's talk about this why is it always
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the way to this country or the society approaches things is that we have to wage a war on everything right we have a war on poverty a war on terror a war. why is it always a war is it because we let things go so far they've been suddenly realized oh my god there's an epidemic and now we really have to tackle it maybe we didn't have to allow fast food to feed us you know fake chicken all these years you could have asked them to do it nicely i think this because americans basically have common sense and the only way you could make them do stupid things is to panic over going to war we've got to terrorism you know if he actually said you know it would be a little bit people who are eating french fries or you know why do we have to have all this money spent on cosmetics no evidence at all that it makes marriages better no evidence of all that already betterly difference between cosmetics where that's you know i will buy whatever cosmetics i want and i might read the label to see if they were tested on animals or what kind of chemicals are going in i mean i don't know i think really my skin but i do want to know what's in my food and oftentimes
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nobody tells us within our food nobody tells us how much salt how many genetically modified you know ingredients there might be away with and you haven't read the labels the labels and the reading and four point type of reading you're giving us so much data that the. having less information of course we want to know some things and if we care like we're jewish and we want kosher food we look for the kosher label but we don't expect everybody to know where there's kosher or not the whole argument that by trying to put every thread on every label we're giving people more information we're not we're basically trying to scare people out of their food out of their clothes out of their cosmetics you say you were to fix our data out and how does it really scare people right if you have common sense the data is not going to scary doubters who we found in spokane we decided ok we'll just warn people well we're now warning people that i say take the cigarette and you die is the really and so and and when it doesn't work we don't stop and say well people have made an informed decision now we rush in and say well now we have to take a flavoring out they will have to take the paper off and we will have to make make
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the make the rapping look ugly the whole goal is to nudge us into the paternalism they're looking for their take on about one another but i don't know that paternalism to our government i think that religion has a lot to do if you believe that the current religion is lutheran or religious or classic paternalism the father figure could be god of the father figure could be the president but the idea that we're children comes across strong on the secular side and on the religious side it's one of america's problems we're not a we're a passionate country that is result to all that i've passions lead us into that daddy take care of and let daddy whoever they want forty i want to play that out in the field in tax dollars going there fred i want to thank you very much for joining us tonight here. now still to come tonight t.v. host thanks for the internet is to blame for the arnold schwarzenegger sex scandal and he's the winner of partial times of war then another detainee has allegedly committed suicide on time of day she had again it raises questions about the treatment of the detainee facility i discuss the case with scott horton
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contributing editor on legal and national security national matters for harper's magazine just feel me. we. were never as safe ready because their freedom.


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