tv [untitled] May 19, 2011 9:30pm-10:00pm EDT
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when students after a same sex couple was seen and locked in the hallway the ugly face of discrimination to behind the ban and from hands to cell phones the council of europe is calling for schools to ban i phones droids blackberries and anything else the transmitted electronically waves out of fear of health problems for students after kerry kroft breaks down the potential side effects and later in its daily take explain why republicans just don't have an appreciation for art. europe is taking a hardline stance against wireless technology the council of europe committee released a report arguing for a media action to curb the risk of wireless devices causing brain cancer in kids reported by zz's nations to ban cell phones and wireless computers from classrooms
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altogether introduce clear labeling on wireless devices spelling out the health risks and invest in research to manufacture less dangerous antennas report cites the late recognition of other dangers like asbestos lead to bacco and urges public health officials to not make the same mistakes again with wireless technology while the council of europe has no real power to enforce the laws it does strongly influence european policy so what are european researchers seen in wireless technology that we're not hearing about here in the united states our phones and computers are radiated us joining me to answer some of these questions is dr carey crofton out educator and director of wellbeing international he's also the author of the book wireless radiation rescue craft and welcome being here american researchers don't seem to be worried about cancer risks the world health organization said the risks are slim to none but are they missing. well there are
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some researchers that are concerned and i was quite horrified actually when i began researching this topic today with its cover that there not only hundreds of studies showing clear evidence of harm current back how's of things so there is evidence there is cause to be concerned. excuse me i've got to take a cell phone call here it's not a threat it's not i want to know i'm wired connection as we speak ok that's probably quite wise. is this a case of scientists then given that there's thousands of studies and we don't ever read about them in the newspapers is the scientists fudging the numbers is this the the giant you know the there's basically five or six corporations are controlled well over eighty percent of the media in the united states including over a lot of magazines are they basically you know the scientists the media acting like corporate shills or is have we just somehow overlooked what's
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it's a complex situation and i think you know in some years when we look back on. if we do have a global pandemic of pediatric illness. people are going to ask how did this happen well one of the reasons it happened is that the regulations are not in line with the science and not protecting and so the industry will say these exposures are low or that they're also low but nobody is looking at a combined effect could be exporters my concern is if we have a factory beside a school and the fields from this factory had been shown to cause a series of biological effects we can do the blood brain barrier damage to d.n.a. suppression of the new system cardiac of facts and cognitive impairment how long would that factory stay decide the school there is evidence that this electric
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pollution of course we can't see it we can't smell it most of us can feel it but there is evidence that our children are going to ski. if this is true and wireless technology causes cancer how can society manage it now that everything's worlds. it's everywhere isn't this is the dilemma that surrounds i mean if you don't have a cell phone you're being rated by the by the hours that's right i call upon parents and grandparents to realize that for now we can't wait as the council of europe pointed out to help regulators have not been quick off the mark to protect public health from tobacco as vast as lead number lead in gasoline well it also found lead in b. and in children's toys so as a parent i really call upon your viewers realize that we have to take steps there
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are safer solutions we can keep the technology kids in schools can have internet access but it's a wired hookup or a fiber optics hookup so i put a plan in place for my family with the input of world leading experts i really encourage parents and grandparents anyone really cares about their health to realize we have to take action this is what the council calls the precautionary principle and i really feel it is well worth our children's risk at the health to our children is at risk i mean do you think that we could take action to protect them if it seems like a quite a rational thing to do and also to take some of those thousands of studies that you've identified and and get them a little wider public city thank you so much for being here with us tonight dr crawford thank you so much for letting people know what i call the wireless wake up call there you go ok too often scientists and researchers sacrifice their trade to become shills for corporations when that happens federal health risks of new
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products are swept under the rug make room for high profits let's hope that's not what's happening when it comes to our cell phones and computers. but p.t.a. police are patrolling. a high school in south florida controversy was sparked at pompano beach is why aren't you why or why ellie i'm not sure high school this week and two students were threat was suspension by the school principal for get this holding hands but this just isn't about public displays of affection because it turns out the two students were both girls who happen to be dating causing many to believe that it's not really about holding hands it's really about squashing gave me a year at school take a look this is a mom of one of the girls her daughter is a junior with a three point five grade point average who happens to gay girl i felt like she was being discriminated against because it was two girls so here it's. many students of
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blanche's high school have admitted they see students holding hands all the time but only recently when two girls started over and the school officials start cracking down so what's going on here should high school band holding hands just to prevent any chance that you boys or girls might show affection to each other joining me to talk about this issue is jamila salvia co-founder and executive director of go proud jimmy welcome nice to be here tom. go proud is in g.o.p. right conservatives ok with the recent spate of gay teen suicides in this terribly timed well i think you know there are a lot of things that we don't know and so the bottom line is i don't know when the policy was put in effect or how it's being in force but i agree with actually the student body president at that school who said the school is for learning and nobody should be holding hands or anything like that in school series or the bottom
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line is use them force the policy equally. and kids will hands come up to me you know listen you should be learning in the classroom you can live here talking about it in my experience us and we are going to talk about it it's always going to classes right well here's the thing. the principal should be enforcing the policy across the board with everybody they shouldn't be suspending kids for holding hands i think we can both agree that that's ridiculous put them on double secret probation let them get to you know summer vacation where they can make out on the beach all summer but when they're in school they should be learning and the teachers should be teaching them well in the classroom i don't disagree you know kids holding hands or making out a classroom is not appropriate but when they're you know walking down the hall between classes or before or after any are you know wisconsin recently banned same sex visitation rights and the governor there says he wants to stop defending all
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was in the state that it was to stop and forcing. all laws in the state that defend gays or gay rights. were seen the same thing in. there the house is about to pass a ban on gay marriage these are all republican driven what's up with the you know if you identify yourself as a gay conservative group what's up with the non-gay conservatives whatever you know . they're not going to you know the rest of america is kind of waking up to this is a civil rights issue that we're all people here well i think one i disagree with those those actions that you talked about but i think one thing that we're seeing and this is happening all across the country and you just touched on it is that more and more gay people in in the last number of years are coming out and living their lives openly and honestly and that includes teenagers used to be you know you know nobody came out in high school you know nobody came out in middle america and so as more and more people come out and more and more americans know that gay
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people are in their lives more and more people realize that a lot of these things are silly and that we shouldn't. do some of these policies that you know affect but when you when president obama said that he was no longer going to defend the defense of marriage act or doma. which is basically an anti-gay law law you know that was signed into law by bill clinton and made that legislature . he said we're not going to fund that anymore so you know if it doesn't get a federal probe get knocked down john boehner went out and took our tax dollars yours and mine and spent a million bucks to hire one of the fanciest law firms in washington d.c. to defend it in court. it's it seems to me like that might politically backfire might work for the base for the primaries but when we get to general elections i think there's been such a change in the united states just the last decade and particular the last two decades is this what's going on inside the republican party so i think politically
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i think we'll have to see how this plays out i know that. the message of the last election and the message. in wisconsin even in union protests than i would but the size and scope and got of government is what people. are concerned about and the spending and the jobs and so i think that when it comes down to it at the end of the day politics are going to are going to be affected by the economic conditions in this country and how your government being run but on the defending doma you know i happen to this really doma i don't support that law and i think that i think that you know whether it's scott walker in wisconsin or president obama if an executive believes that was unconstitutional then they have an obligation not to defend it because they have an obligation to uphold the
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constitution when they take care of that but i think it seems to me that a lot of these guys are just taking gratuitous shots. you know install it makes this historically we've had groups that. you know have been the victims of the demagogues basically and and you know we over the last decade you know the jury falwell era you know it was gays i mean you know gays are responsible for nine eleven and now it's also muslims right so it's well well i don't think i don't think that it's just republicans or just democrats who pander to one community or another but it's how actually it largely is partisan and also most democrats are lining up behind gay rights most republicans are are saying no way i think. you're seeing most republicans now focused on fixing government you see the leadership on the hill you know paul ryan offering policies to rein in the size and scope of government to try to engage and rather than talking about all that stuff there are lots of leaders out there who are focused on the issues that people care about and
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and those are the issues that ultimately elections are won and lost on jimmy which is a best a lot of how if you haven't seen your compatriots well i think. well i hope the girls can stay in school and this big deal in florida is not blown up anymore because i think it's a lot of hullabaloo about not much but i agree i think public schools have enough to worry about than controlling handholding like kids being kids or girls or whether they're gay or straight this can get really absurd i've seen it my own life back in the one nine hundred eighty s. we lived in suburban atlanta. and newt gingrich was my congressman and he was running for reelection as the education speaker of the house and our youngest daughter was in in middle school and they and it was a you know an upscale white suburban middle school in a new district and so the word came down no talking between classes because they figured that this would probably be the school that the camera crews would show up
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for for newts ads or whatever i don't know what the deal was and so they wanted the kids to be just you know marching to class all enthusiastically were learning you know newt gingrich the education speaker where the kids didn't like there's no talking to classes deals so they started hugging between classes and so they then the it school ministration put a ban on boys and girls hugging each other and so our daughter and a couple of her friends organized a hug and where it was same sex hugging because that had been banned girls and girls boys boys and you know when the folks saw that you know realize that was it they were even more not so right you know oh my god this is this is even. even worse and so we ended up you know louise gets this call from the from from the principal's office you know your daughter's in trouble. we were very proud of her and still are and i think that this is one of those learning moments for america
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but what happened with these girls in the school. is is such this is such a great opportunity for americans to realize that gay or straight. we're all just you know and regardless of race religion nationality whatever we're all just people here and and regardless of age as well and it's time to start treating them. after the break forget about a brain drain courtesy the republicans education cuts why there is a looming culture drain too and sides daily take. let's not forget that we had an apartheid regime.
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i think. one well. whatever government says there keep things safe get ready because their freedom. you know sometimes you see the story and the scene so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realized everything you saw you don't know i'm sorry there's a big issue. for
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dogs and cats that will be left behind by their owners ascend into the sky as their website says you've committed your life to jesus you know you're saved when the rapture comes what's to become of your loving pets who are left behind at all pet rescuers that earthbound had sort of shared potential customers that they are indeed atheists and will certainly be left hanging around earth will walk in feed everyone's dogs when the rapture comes nice job looking out for those who can take care of themselves during the apocalypse i doubt senator chuck pull the plug on grandma grassley speaking on the for the senate yesterday grassley attacked president obama's nights. circuit court judge nominee goodwin lu wrote an op ed six years ago about how corporate interest groups use the word free enterprise as a code word for policies that can harm workers in the environment lou was a respected law professor of berkeley extremely qualified for the job also happens
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to be asian american snatch really grassley rich resorted to an ethnic attack. does he think for the communist run china that the government runs everything that's how out of place this guy is when he talks about free enterprise private ownership or private and limited government being something somehow if they are but if you get government born like they do in china is somehow a better place. doesn't think that at all senator but since he has an asian last name republicans like chuck grassley believe he must be a communist operative these guys are way too paranoid and little too racist to be in government and the very very ugly south carolina state senator mike fair here is the chief sponsor of another one of these anti shari'a law bills that are sweeping the nation and on the record this week to say this in defense of his legislation.
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but most. honestly most. many see the. problem of the. acts of terrorism around the world says. it least the. the killing of the two hundred plus marines and. other whatever. have occurred all these acts of terrorism occur the hinson middle eastern. have to be islam. and you can see. islam. so how is banning shari'a law in south carolina going to solve in the last ten years by the way in the united states there have been twice as many terrorist plots by non muslims. so maybe state sen fair should look into banning some other
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religious laws too but that's unlikely because believing in politics pays off at the polls right that's very variable. can you imagine an america without art while the republicans can either started a new war on move over war on the working class move over war on women it's time for the right wing war on art as think progress noted republican lawmakers in kansas south carolina arizona florida hampshire virginia maine and new jersey are pushing legislation that cuts deep into school art budgets and public radio and television outlets as well these republicans claim is necessary to cut
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funding for the arts because of huge budget deficits but in reality these cuts are just nickels and dimes compare the amount of revenue that's being wasted on tax cuts for transnational corporations in the google rich tax cuts that have absolutely no effect on american culture that is unless you want to marry culture to resemble charles dickens world to bob cratchit poverty. it's this i and rand objectivism the republicans cling to arguing that if you can't think about something or rationalize it or if you can't make a bunch of money off it then it has no value it's essentially meaningless that's how they justify cutting off funding for the arts by saying it's wasteful as governor of south carolina nikki haley said well shutting down that state's two and a half million dollar art commission when you release government from the things that should not be responsible for you allow the private sector to be more creative and cost efficient. because cost efficiency has
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a whole lot to do with art and as for the private sector stepping in i guess he's talking about all of our it's like the koch brothers same guys who funded a wing at the museum of natural history right here in washington d.c. that kind of at the end ends up raising questions about global warming so they can keep pumping pollution into the skies and maximize their profits i don't know about you but the idea of corporate art that's created solely to generate profits for oil barons frankly doesn't sound very appealing to me why is governments throughout history have given brilliant artists the support they need to change and enrich the lives of citizens a tovan and made mozart's works were often funded by the government by kings and princes who understood in belial the role of the artists played in a community but i suppose republicans think that beethoven and mozart would have been better off if they were only funded by corporations and out the right jingles
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for the east india company the truth is those who rail against arts today just don't understand art and it's a shame they weren't exposed to it as kids to be able to see just how art can impact people's lives especially as in times of crisis like we are today and that's why it's a worthwhile investment by a government. the impacts are have on a community are clear as the philadelphia department of human services noted in a study in the one nine hundred ninety s. poor neighborhoods with high cultural participation are much more likely to have very low delinquency and truancy than other poor neighborhoods not only that study after study has shown that art classes in elementary schools improve critical thinking and problem solving and they give young students a sense of identity and belonging who knows how many future ancyl adams's or
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georgia o'keeffe says or norman rockwell's will never pick up a camera or a paintbrush because republicans defunded their schools art programs during the great depression president franklin roosevelt knew how important our it was in fact it was just as important as putting people back to work and turning the economy around that's why in addition to building the works progress administration it created millions of jobs during the great depression he also built the federal our project the federal our project the f eight pete put tens of thousands of starving painters musicians well leased out of work painters musicians writers filmmakers and dancers to work and gave birth to over two hundred thousand unique pieces of enduring american art cultural additions that are invaluable jackson pollock was a product of f.d.r.'s federal our project an estimated eight million people were
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exposed to the depression era art thanks to over one hundred arts centers it employed thousands of art teachers all across the nation during the great depression and his book dancing in the dark famous cultural historian morris dickinson wrote the mood of the depression was defined not only by hard times in the coming coming world crisis but by many extraordinary attempts to cheer people up. those poor economically a decade created a vibrant culture this is the split personality of depression culture on the one hand an effort to grapple with unprecedented economic disaster to explain an interpretive on the other hand the need to get away to create art and entertainment to distract people from their troubles f.d.r. made sure that are provided much needed distractions from the hardships that americans are going through and today just like in the one nine hundred thirty s. americans need not only to know the reality of the poverty reaganomics assiduous
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with but also the beauty and harmony that art can inspire even in the midst of crisis republicans aren't offering any. instead they're offering up ways for oil barons or there are some other industries to keep punching holes in the gulf health care executives to keep screwing sick people over banks gambling on of all street and so-called conservatives say forget about art and culture doesn't make anyone money let's focus on finance the republicans still realizes for example that we're the nation that created jazz an art form and the lives and souls of billions of people whereas exotic financial instruments that we also invented on wall street basically ruined our nation as well as most of europe and today as republicans try to push artists back into the shadows to starve as we watch our culture wither away we need to make
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a choice do we want to be remembered as the nation that brought the world jazz or the nation that brought the world credit default swaps. and that's the big picture first night for more information on the stories we covered visit our website hartman dot com and r.t. dot com. you can also check out our you tube page as a you tube dot com slash the big picture artsy and eater dot com slash top are from and this entire show is available as a free video podcast on. and no forget ocracy begins with you get out there get active show up tag your it soon enough.
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