tv [untitled] May 20, 2011 5:00am-5:30am EDT
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it's really happening to the global economy is a report on r.g.p. . the now former head of the international monetary fund was granted bail and placed under house arrest on charges of attempted rape but it appears the euro probe survived without a. regime replacement obama says he wants an immediate transition of power in syria was given a keynote speech outlining americans want to see at least. outrage in bell a roof over the case of an opposition leader jail for allegedly insulting on the restaurant next sunday the supporters say was a set up the country's simic permanent president. and the business news russia vs
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the e.u. is the third energy package directed against russian gas companies find out more in our business both in twenty minutes time. and online twenty four hours a day this is r.t. the former chief of the international monetary fund he used of sexually assaulting a hotel maid almost a week ago has been granted bail of one million dollars so many stars can one hour swap his prison cell in the taurus gangland jail for house arrest and run at an apartment and those to be tracked by g.p.s. and watched twenty four hours a day on armed guard. was the driving force behind bailouts to save the ailing economies of greece portugal and ireland and armies result into some european states for efforts to protect you could finally be sunk so worsening economic
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downturn. has more. no strauss call no euro but because the whispering of the police charge the now ex i.m.f. course with the attempted rape of a hotel maid very differently the possibility that some countries could decide to leave the euro pushed out of the euro and there were you got to understand that. belief that the euro could and should be saved in the face of nor still resistance from richest states stross kong live this week's bailout of crippled portugal germany and france insist orland raises its low corporation tax t.s.k. as he's known as the man arguing it's what is saving the irish economy these allegations are going to be. of the i.m.f. as an institution. is different than going to be missed i think.
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stross call even persuaded greece's leader to stick with strict spending cuts despite royals on the streets here. you had a state of government so that made it different yes good context for example to the greek prime minister so on thursday greece asked for more loans on better terms but no heavyweights europhile the s.k. has gone few back another bailout. should leave the eurozone that has put under strain the euro joiner is one of the top bikers contributing tens of billions of euros the reward it wants is an asian chief he's not likely to be friendly strolls because he has been very personally very important in getting the i.m.f. involved. and assisting in designing these bailout packages but also coaxing and encouraging politicians to do the reforms necessary now you may not get the
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equivalent behind a person with the same kind of convictions coming from the emerging. when one of the world's biggest investment banks built three years ago it triggered a global recession we're still reeling from today but it's still the driving the euro to extinction will only make matters worse the consequences probably would be higher and naturally that was for instance as a bankruptcy of lehman in two thousand and eight with e.u. economies that this is all this a team warns that toppling the world's leading banker comes at the worst possible time this is not just the end of a career dominick's just calm was instrumental in rescuing the eurozone most troubled states is a risk does seem to threaten the end of the euro itself r.t. paris and the resignation of dominic strauss kahn has put the global financial community in a spin economic sense of geopolitics right adrian so says his dell for may well be
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well plans to use alternatives and u.s. dollar as a reserve currency. his having left the international monetary fund in sochi dramatic way shows that the powers that be were not very happy with mr starr's car was promoting the special drawing rights which in a way are the mechanism that would make the dollar suffer i think that we are going to see that whoever found we were the whole of the i.m.f. will keep away from india too strongly participation in doing away with the us dollar in other words the u.s. dollar needs to be the keep currency and anything which is seen as competition automatically puts on warning lights anything that will trigger countries to sell off the u.s. treasury holdings is a sign of trouble for the united states because as i say those treasury bonds us treasury bonds is what allows boehner lanky to have his printing presses going on
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twenty four hours a day if that were to be stopped and if america were to stop printing currency well our burgher could at least financially collapse. coming up in a few minutes so we continue our series of reports from antarctica discover why many tourists are at all scared of the dangers of a cold cold that. more than a month. to one of the most extreme environments on the planet this is antarctica and people have to be aware of that they are far away from civilization sean thomas discovers foot makes antarctica so special and interactive the wildlife in antarctica is both if you live in the fragile. expedition to the bottom of the earth are today. they target has hit eight of them to colonel gadhafi is false since a number of different what's. the balance says the missiles were trying
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to prevent the different of aden posed a threat to our forces the strikes came as president barack obama was outlining america's stance on the uprisings and the rest of the world saying time is working against gadhafi and. libya but also to the ultimatum to syria's president assad telling him to allow a transition of getting out of the way because. it felt like he was talking from a position of a decision maker when it comes to syria painting that the u.s. could get involved if president assad doesn't step down earlier the u.s. has added the syrian leader to their black lace by imposing sanctions or any personally where it's all heading is unclear now there may be a debate within the obama administration. between those who want to overthrow the syrian government and those who are afraid that whatever comes next after the assad
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government were to fall would be stabilized syria or perhaps an even more hostile syria and i think those three. upper hand the u.s. is now involved in the civil war in leone where he is clearly taking sides and getting full support for the opposition leader but we have a large what a large portion of the levy on population is very much opposed to any foreign intervention in washington's attempts to push certain people to power there could mean years of conflict ahead experts say foreign intervention could create a much worse conflict in syria which means the heart of the area which is in the period part of the arab world if you rance closest ally in the region and he could send shock waves throughout the whole region on the israeli palestinian issue and part of the speech was very much anticipated obama pushed harder for these release to make concessions. building settlements in the east he suggested israel go back to pre nine hundred sixty seven border line and that would mean that what happens
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is giving up completely the west bank is truthful and i gather straight. he was very careful to say that the us is soley an advisor here and cleared washington and basically any responsibility to act there have been words before but never any action to really push for the two state solution solution that president obama was talking about the fact that israel is the protectorate of the united states and these three lobbies very powerful here makes it even harder to extract balanced approach from washington. to tinker with obama's comments on the israeli palestinian borders and israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu insisted that returning to pre-one nine hundred sixty seven lines and make it impossible to protect israel i don't there are a professor of international relations at york university says the u.s. presidents and their concrete proposals for the peace process sixty four percent of
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the american public support israel and in an election campaign year no president is going to ignore what the american public wants and wants to see happen so he is not going to go into details about what is required what is going to grow but i think he would be talking in general terms about the need for a two state solution but they need to compromise on both sides there but they need to. be expression of settlement but he would not be willing for that matter to draw any specific roadmap as to how to go about to achieve these objectives we have to be clear here you know when you see when the palestinians look at the whole arab world and see their counterpart rising against their own government they are asking themselves why should not we against our occupation and i think this is. that the rationale behind it the day of israeli independence was there for the both in a call the knockabout is a provided the momentum will give the palestinians the opportunity to demonstrate
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that they had enough of occupation and they want to bring it to an end but i pray to say that this is maybe only the beginning. i'm very concerned what will happen say if in the next week two or month instead of one thousand or two thousand marching from each side. how about if there are fifty or sixty or one hundred thousand american from a serial killer good noise well i'm going to come out from lebanon. so this is a major problem for israel and israel's going to have to be prepared and better that let's be willing to address these issues sooner than later but you can find a more analysis on the relevance in the middle east on our web site that's. also on line to night if we stand on our team picture gallery see muslims and christians joining together rally against despondence ejector. of the chances of
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even dependent state here in europe scottish nationalists consider using recent political gains engineer breakaway u.k. . consultant got. two russian presidential candidates saw facing lengthy prison terms for speaking out against the corruption of the down xander. described as europe's last tater he's rules for almost two decades defying condemnation and sanctions while gagging your position will result in his alexia reports challenging his reign never to be leads to a stain. one of the state's detention facilities he was running for president in belarus but ended up behind bars wealth or just plain bloody murder you can live
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was among the organizers of election night street unrest in minsk unrest which was brutally discoursed by police his wife was complaining for justice but does not have much faith that it will happen. the little thing will because we haven't lived in belarus we've already got used to judges being told from above what i heard them was delivered in the first course hearings of my husband's case the prosecutor named no evidence no facts which could prove the dimmers guilt and on the claims by the defense where i denied by the judge they should need the country's president has been dubbed europe's last dictator but isn't represent over the way he rules the us for this opposition they will get hit in the head all right and they start stabilizing the situation in the country the clashes during which several journalists including our g.'s crew were injured by the police led to a number of arrests all the no forty two people who were charged with plotting a coup there are possible prison sentences varying from three to fifteen years.
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because. these housing authorities take their revenge on those who criticize them during the election campaign they had their say and now they go pay for that as an example has once again been brain stated so you put it that way but like on these repressions caused uproar around europe most countries condemned the crackdown and even contemplated sanctions against minsk. stand firm and charging admission there will give them maximum prison terms with later it will use them to bargain with the european union and this happened before the previous election mr because lula was released from prison and contact with europe as a result of that was the idea look up at the experts say the timing of this case. this could not be worse belew snow faces a serious or konami crisis with its currency on the brink of total devaluation with
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the opposition trials being seen in the west as a strong evidence of human rights violations the export of the russian goods to the european union has halved that along with international loans has been the country's main revenue stream for the past two decades it is the first time in seventeen years that alexander lukashenko has been a power that he finds himself under severe pressure both internationally and at home and even if the opposition leaders get short of prison terms that initially planned many experts say that unless they are set free the public unrest will only expand especially with this financial turmoil. let's hear a sharp ski r.t. reporting from minsk in belarus. some of the stories making headlines around the world and first we have pictures from cancer space live pictures here of two members of the international space station's trying out the first spacewalk since the shuttle endeavor. interview with pictures and a camera installed it seems on the helmet of the. well they're trying to install
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new antennas for a wireless communication system as well as carrying out other much needed maintenance is expected to take around six hours. massive out of all fracturing australian city of dozens of fire crews battling flames caused by right one thousand liters of burning motor oil. last night before one of the internal to me known as thought that. the pakistani car bomb was detonated on a u.s. consulate vehicles like. the blast killed a passing severely wounded several passengers and one of the. taliban's responsibility for that. and to meet targets that's from the states a lot of crosstalk program which is. focuses on the turbulent relationship between
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pakistan and the u.s. . the state is fighting the taliban and its associates in afghanistan why pakistan and its army and intelligence service supports some of the groups who are killing americans that are. inside afghanistan and also victimize into practice any people inside pakistan as well so what's important at this time is for both sides to align their interests and rethink their relationship because this is not sustainable. now we continue our special series of reports from earth's something this continent but antarctica lacks a luxury resorts and still attracts many people who are ready to spend thousands of
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dollars on a ten day trip that. thomas reveals why antarctic tourism this version. we just saw on board this cruise ship get ready to come ashore to experience something made. on arctica is an area to visit the young imagination i mean you can reach books look at t.v. shows and try to be prepared to be experienced every trip again once you take people down here they are only way by the set up of nature landscape and weather and whatever is out here in this environment so it's it's a very rich beyond imagination tourism in antarctica is a major business but because of the antarctic treaty system an international agreement that limits exploitation of the continent don't expect to see any luxury hotels down here any time soon excursions are mainly limited to cruise ships and small charter flights from the tip of south america. are really coming down here to
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see something unique as an ecosystem like no other. and also for the people who do come on these chairs i think they get spellbound because really it's it's a vision of the world before man had anything to do with it and passengers on board the national geographic explorer can truly get a one on one up close and personal experience with the scenery and wildlife of antarctica but keep in mind this is antarctica and people have to be aware that they are far away from civilization i mean our talk today here to mexico day was not planned but we developed a medical emergency last night and now we appreciate you being the assistance of the james here that have an airfield in here and then a international association of an r t two operators has developed in iraq ration scheme for such a case because of the intense logistics involved in operating in such remote environments and antarctic experience can be quite costly and eleven night adventure on this ship can cost anywhere between ten and twenty thousand dollars
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and a day in antarctica flight package from points out in history les costs around five thousand people who make this journey say the experience is worth it we just got back from being able to go look at some penguins looked. some seals and you know they don't have like the real fear of humans that animals do in most parts of the world and as you can see there's a lot of just like stark natural beauty out here and it is interesting to see you know the colonies out of parked out in the middle of nowhere at the bottom of the earth and those that facilitate these trips say there is more to the antarctic tourism industry and then making a buck it is not only invented in adventure for everybody we are very careful actually also telling people that they should take something home that may change their life we try to be aware of how special this environment is in a global climate change and here. changes we're coming year down here for twenty years or even longer and we see those changes hopefully creating ambassadors that
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will spread the message about this important part of the world in antarctica sean thomas archie. brown abandoned cub us turn to an unconventional mother figure in a siberian caring cat natural mother refused to feed the world and was close to death close and keep instant outside the box when they brought in the unexpected feline helper as a last resort and seemed more than happy to list the little card to health so is there more crying for this world for thanks to his new family life a story that stuck out there since he is now intimately. thanks gary hello and welcome to business on scene in the south stream gas pipeline will be completed on schedule by the end of twenty fifteen according to its chief executive speaking of the european gas forum in berlin marcel kramer says the
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project will go ahead despite problems getting agreement from turkey to allow the pipe through its territory. with regard to the various countries participating or not this is a voluntary project it's a commercial project a number of countries have signed up. a number of companies have signed up as well at least to come to a joint venture that's what they're working on. i don't hear today of anyone dropping out or changing the schedule but of course you know the final decision will come when the actual final investment decision is made and it's always possible that there were no to change the project in its totality definitely take place in a schedule. also from the gas for and new european rules on pipeline networks have been greeted with vigorous objections from russia the so-called energy package is
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intended to prevent a gas supply from also ending the means of transport companies such as gazprom claimed this will undermine investment in the sector however affinities the head of energy at the european commission says the intention is not to him to russian companies. the networks and pipelines in you are of need to be managed in a way which allows congress to come in the knowledge that you you can try to make good on the lives of others just one but that includes very much russian companies who can really benefit throughout europe from being able to offer ground up with acres of the everywhere in new york i've said however that there must be protection for any new investment with me because of the break in the reservation of the us that we are. so good at the markets now light sweet crude is trading in the black that's up to one point seven cents luckily for us they are down the ripples from us on
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existing house sales and leading economic indicators light sweet is up over ninety nine dollars per barrel brant is just over one hundred and twelve. european stocks are trading on a positive note b.p. is up four percent after you will company reached a settlement with the no x.l. short of the deepwater horizon disaster restaurant operates the mitchells about this people see is down five percent from disappointing forfeits banking stocks are leading the gains in frankfurt with commerce bank up two percent. here in moscow the markets up also trading in the black the r.t.s. is putting on point seven percent my six point six. is one of the biggest the need is it's up point nine percent almost one percent this burbank is up point three percent of the bloody move which improved the sale of seven point five. the estates are set in the largest lender and was telecom is also trading. the merger of two russian bosses the r.t.s.
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and m i six could be announced as soon as next week that the deal goes through it could result in a substantial payday for the major shareholders and i say. the shareholders have come to a decision to pay three hundred thirty million dollars of deal with it however the biggest part of that money will be paid shareholder meetings of my six an r.t.s. agree on ledger and the engine monopoly service except these three admins should be completed book toda. and scoffing prices have set a thirty four year record high above three dollars a pound arabica coffee prices traded in new york have doubled in the past twelve months and robust the beans traded in london have climbed eighty four percent i thought the prices may encourage international farmers to boost output for the next year's crop this could help to make up for a drop in supplies from brazil the world's biggest but before that can happen the price of green coffee is to reach an all time high by mid summer according to the
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head of the russian coffee party his association. agree the core market growth of the crisis grows so intensely and we will radiate reach practically the peak of pricing since seventy six to seventy seven and by summer time we probably will be an all time high one of the major contribution to the increase in price. in particularly free spirit and it's really been years consumption is higher than for the production in the world and this is mostly due to old markets they're produced for federal court they usually give the green color for the day the situation changed brazil for example the insurers are currently of the very little that will consumption now it's a second in the world of the u.s. and probably will overcome believe the largest consumer country say we can say
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good didn't start all of a sudden. it's a long story of destroying the living and their homage shots. there are constantly also feels something down here when they get done with it it's just that if you took every fisherman out of the water and you don't do something about that water while living in habitat protecting the habitat the fish roost means it's going to collapse nature's steps by making way for the function does or does it look around museum and see the solar system disembodied you must be well off income must be road systems big number that's true. and yet billions of gallons of oil and gas state. real baby drill.
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