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tv   [untitled]    May 20, 2011 9:00am-9:30am EDT

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trying to tell you learned this ritual telling us it's like the hotel points pleasures and i would bring certain discipline vitriol in touch with sufficiently to let your agent agree with good international. every green lowly chilled intro. million dollar bail for the exile in memphis chief accused of sexual assault but there's concern his downfall has already cause irrepairable financial damage to the euro zone. all eyes on israeli u.s. relations with prime minister netanyahu due to be to president obama after wrapping on his comments of years backing of palestinian borders. plus cruising to be edge of civilization of new look at what lures tourists to the coldest time to witness continent on earth. and from the business desk
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a queue of russian companies is lining up to hold i.p.o. in the foreign markets find out more about what's pushing the demand up business bulletin and about twenty minutes from now. watching r t coming to you live from moscow welcome to the program now the former i.m.f. chief who's been officially charged with sexually assaulting a hotel maid is to be released on bail of one million dollars the many extra scot will now swap his cell in a tough new york prison for house arrest in a luxury manhattan apartment he'll be tracked by g.p.s. and guarded twenty four hours a day to stop him from seeking refuge at the french embassy. was the driving force behind the bailouts to save the debts of greece portugal and ireland but some economists now fear his resignation will put the rescue of any economies. question
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and even put the euro currency on the block as daniel bush l.t.l. explains evaluating. called no euro that's what bankers are whispering off the police charge the now ex i.m.f. course with the attempted rape of a hotel maid very differently the possibility that some countries could decide to leave the euro pushed out of the euro and then when you got to understand that. belief that the euro could and should be saved in the face of north steel resistance from richer states stross kong led this week's bailout of crippled portugal germany and france insist on oil and raises its low corporation tax t.s.k. as he's known was the man all doing it's what is saving the irish economy these allegations are going to be. of the i.m.f. as an institution and is definitely going to be missed i think.
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strauss kahn even persuaded greece's leader to stick with strict spending cuts despite royals on the streets here as. some of the new heads of state governments made a different. context for example to the greek prime minister so on thursday greece asked for more loans on better terms but no heavyweights europhile the s.k. has called few back another bailout. in the euro zone that has put under strain the euro china is one of the imus top bikers contributing tens of billions of euro he ruled it wants is an asian chief who is not likely to be as europe friendly as. he has been very personally very important in getting the i.m.f. involved. and assisting in designing the bailout packages but also coaxing and encouraging politicians. to do the reforms necessary now you may not get the
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equivalent behind a person with the same kind of convictions coming from the emerging markets when one of the world's biggest investment banks fell three years ago it triggered a global recession was still reeling from today but it's still the driving the euro to extinction will only make matters worse the consequences probably would be higher and. that was for instance as a bankruptcy of lehman in two thousand and eight with e.u. economies death's door there's a teen warns that toppling the world's leading banker comes at the worst possible time this is not just the end of a career dominic source column was instrumental in rescuing the eurozone most troubled states is a risk does seem to threaten the end of the euro itself. see paris styles cons downfall facts not only europe's financial plans but the entire global monetary system around us writer agents told r.t. changes at the top of the i.m.f.
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might also scupper efforts to use alternative reserve currency to the u.s. dollars. his having left it's a muscle wall it's very firm and socially dramatic way shows that the powers that be were not very happy with him mr stows was promoting the special drawing rights which in a way are make it isn't that we make the dollar suffer a thing that we are going to see that who are fine be i'll tell you sort of a whole book at the i.m.f. we'll keep away from it in the street too strongly participation and you in a way with the u.s. dollar in other words the u.s. dollar needs to be cheap currency and anything which is seen as competition automatically puts on the warning lights anything that will trigger countries to slow all of the u.s. treasury bond holdings is a sign of trouble for the united states because as i say those treasury bonds us treasury bonds is what allows boehner langley to have his printing presses going on
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twenty four hours a day if that were to be stopped and if america were to start printing currency well our burgher could at least financially collapse a large has been here a reaction from france to be a dummy card scandal and the majority of people believe we're former i.m.f. chief arrest was set up it's what our correspondents read on our genes twitter feed i'll say a top of this story by probably hasek arts and underscore com. if . you believe.
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all the strains definitely showing us israeli relations after president obama called for a palestinian state whether or not nine. sixty seven borders in this middle east policy speech about comments has angered israel's prime minister who said it would make it impossible for his country to protect itself well back in september the issue of the israeli settlements of the disputed territories stalled peace talks with the palestinians and later on friday been given a new who will beat president obama at the white house parties go ahead and check out reports from our washington bureau the obama pushed harder for the israelis to make concessions to stop building settlements at least he suggested israel go back to pre nine hundred sixty seven border lines and that would mean what that means is giving up completely the west bank is jerusalem and the gavels free. he was very careful to say that the u.s. is soley an advisor here and cleared washington of basically of any responsibility
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to act there have been words before but never any action to really push for the two state solution solution that president obama was talking about the fact that israel is the protectorate of the united states and the israeli lobby is very powerful here makes it even harder to expect a balanced approach from washington. oh and his also said colonel gadhafi has no control over libya hours later made to have eight libyan warships accurate in a number of the country's ports where the alliance says the vessels were trying to prevent the delivery of aid into libya and posed a threat to allied forces libyan officials did now sporadic obama's claims see it's the libyan people who should decide that off the state obama also delivered an ultimatum to syria's president assad telling him to allow a power transition worked out brownback are for the antiwar answer coalition says it looks like the american is pushing for regime change in syria. there may be
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a debate within the obama administration over between those who want to overthrow the syrian government and those who are afraid that whatever comes next after the assad government were to fall would be stabilized syria or perhaps an even more hostile syria so there's a debate within the administration but i think the logic of that position is the united states would personally sanction assad the government but the president and his closest advisors and offered him the option of either leading the transition to democracy or being swept aside while it appears to be an alternative i think the organic tendency within the obama administration now is they carry out regime change in syria and i think those who favor regime change have gotten the upper hand within the administration. well archie dot com is where to go for reports and
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videos of the world's biggest stories and here's what's there for you on life right now muslims and christians in egypt joined together to try and put a lid on the religious violence that's wearing up in the wake of the country's revolution all the details are at r.t. dot com. president medvedev has restated his concerns about american and nato led plans for a missile defense system on russia's borders a lot of forum in st petersburg he called on the west to consider russia's interests to avoid a return to cold war style relations if you've got something good lots of them got in twenty twenty new missile defense system will appear in europe let us agree now on what it should be like in this case in twenty twenty we will have
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a modern europe well adjusted to life in the soviet union but if we do not agree what we will get will be the europe of the early one nine hundred eighty s. i don't want to live in such europe and i hope that neither do you. well russia has already said it intends to take action if the u.s. and nato plow ahead with their plan without taking moscow's views on board but the u.s. is moving ahead with plans to build a missile base in romania washington and the alliance say the shield will protect europe for missiles from countries like iran or north korea but russia sees it as a security threat and is insisting on an equal say in the project. palestinian factions fatah and hamas are coming to moscow for talks following their story conciliation russia is hosting discussions between palestinian political forces as they prepare to bid for u.n. a recognition later this year our first has more on this. question here is why are they choosing moscow. well the representatives of the rivals.
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along with a number of palestinian factions represented arriving today in most. continue into palestinian dialogue now after four years of severe hostilities between. the two organizations signed a reconciliation agreement in cairo at the beginning of the month in the plan is for them to establish an interim government. and hold elections and to appeal to the u.n. for recognition of an independent palestinian state now there are still a number of very serious hurdles full of that could happen the situation does remain complicated when the reconciliation agreement with lines. and the welcome it welcomed and it was noted russia along with egypt in particular had been instrumental in their efforts to bring about the signing of that agreement and so
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it's the most comfortable environment of these objectives and very important talks to be held. all right thank you very much for that sara for their reporting from moscow. and coming up in a few minutes that's horace with a passion for the polar. the beauty of antarctica is something that not many people on this earth will get the opportunity to see which is why it's one of the world's most exotic tourist destinations i'm john thomas in antarctica and coming up on our jeanne explore why some people are willing to pay big bucks to make it down here. siberian capsules motherhood knows no bounds find out why her new cover just loves of walking are all that's on our t.v. shortly. now the operator of japan's a crisis here focusing right nuclear plant has made a record the loss of fifteen billion dollars was the country's the biggest ever corporate loss which forced the firm's director to quit let's discuss it with
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philip white former spokesperson for the citizens nuclear information center which is a science based group that campaigns for a nuclear free world thank you for joining us mr white now the head of tepco took responsibility for the disaster at the plant and while he resigned well this is a catastrophe that happened it's more than just one man's doing that was it yes of course the whole nature of. situation. is a company which of which he's just. he has he's rolled. his wrists resignation is the story. having said that yes they have been heavily criticized over the response of the nuclear crisis you're saying is resignation is not the answer the crisis if they do replace them so can there be any change. if you look. at chain years two thousand and two.
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and all three the top executives resign. his resignation. some symbolic thing in fact if anything he's. taking responsibility. ok well as we have said has had a national loss a massive for national laws there they have to worry about this now this is coupled with its obligations of course compensate thousands of refugees and pay for further work at the damaged reactors do you think the company can survive this. i think it's essential that the company does not in its current form. if it is allowed to survive in its current form in japan's nuclear industry continue to repeat the sort of problems at its head i think it's. it's quite unclear. what the government is thinking the government has offered or packages or set up a process of setting up
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a framework but it's quite unclear whether the government intervenes in the end to allow to continue to support it so it can continue with all its current major functions of course it will for some of it some of its assets will be so but the key issue is will they may break up the electricity generation section from the transmission and distribution system and separate them that's the key thing if they do there then they create the cost of building a significant change in the electric pair industry but it's quite unclear at this stage with the government intends to go there and said you hope they don't survive this current form so what exactly do you mean what what alternative are you trying to propose here what i'm getting here is that there are probably various options but the most important thing is to separate off the. transmission and distribution section which. is acting as
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a road block for alternative. renewable energy etc they have control of the grid the grid is a natural monopoly and lists that green can somehow be taken away from coal which is resisting access to our players then we will be no progress on introducing renewable energy and giving. so if they actually take away their monopoly. from. the quick part of their this last question now they said that they can battle the crisis until next and that's the principle now that we know that they are reactors actually went into a meltdown. i know they give anybody that was highly likely. to go. to danger what they mean under control anyway. i think it's going to be very difficult for them they haven't changed the original
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timetable and they found. holes in the reactor in some place or other and it was just flowing through there and the fact that it's incredibly high. given the meaning if you work is to actually get actually it's really the charm to actually do the trick well to install the system circulate the water through the plug it's going to be incredibly difficult really hopes they succeed but it's a very very difficult task in front of them all right thank you very much for your insight a philip why former spokesperson for citizens nuclear information center. now for some other world news this hour first let's take a look at this spectacular footage of two american astronauts on a space walk their six hour stroll outside the international space station is to carry out experiments. it's one of the astronauts first time in orbit and he says
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it's a dream come true but governor trouble with the talk yesterday it's on its router for retirement. and in pakistan now the taliban has carried out in bomb attack in their two armored u.s. consular vehicles the blast killed a passing motorcyclists and wounded passengers in one of the cars the taliban says it will continue targeting nato diplomats. today a panel focuses on the turbulence between pakistan and washington. well it may lack a luxury resorts beaches but a target has frozen barren lands are still hot spots for some of our next report from the southernmost tip of the earth sharpest meets those spending thousands of dollars to swap five star. the guests on board this cruise ship get ready to come ashore to experience something magical an article that is an area to visit beyond imagination i mean you can reach talks look at t.v.
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shows and try to be prepared but the experience every trip again once we take people down here they are only way by the set up of nature and landscape and weather and whatever is out here in this environment so it's it's a voyage beyond imagination tourism in antarctica is a major business but because of the antarctic treaty system an international agreement that limits exploitation of the continent don't expect to see any luxury hotels down here any time soon excursions are mainly limited to cruise ships and small charter flights from the tip of south america. are really coming down here to see something unique it's an ecosystem like no other. and also for the people who come on these charities i think they get spellbound because really it's it's a vision of the world before man had anything to do with it and passengers on board the national geographic explorer can truly get a one on one up close and personal experience with the scenery and wildlife of
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antarctica but keep in mind this is antarctica and people have to be aware that they are far away from civilization i mean our stop today here to the next well baby was not planned but developed a medical emergency last night and now we appreciating the assistance of the chileans here that have an airfield in here and then a international association of arctic to operate us has got oped in the operations for such a case because of the intense logistics involved in operating in such remote environments and antarctica experience can be quite costly and eleven night adventure on this ship can cost anywhere between ten and twenty thousand dollars and a day in antarctica flight package from what our industry lay costs around five thousand but the people who. his journey say the experience is worth it we just got back from being able to go look at look at some penguins look at some seals and you know they don't have like the real fear of humans that animals do in most parts of the
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world and as you can see there's a lot of just like stark natural beauty out here and it's interesting to see the you know the colonies out of popped up in the middle of nowhere at the bottom of the earth and those that facilitate these trips say there is more to the antarctic tourism industry then making a buck it is not only invented in adventure for everybody we are very careful that she also and telling people that they should take something home that may change their life that we try and be aware of how special this environment is and it will get climate change and media via video link changes we are coming here down here for twenty years or even longer and receive those changes hopefully creating ambassadors that will spread the message about this important part of the world in antarctica sean thomas archie. more thrills and shells or marty's antarctic expedition here tomorrow so if you join us for about. more than
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a month. in one of the most extreme environments on the planet this is and large accounts and people have to be aware that they're far away from civilization in the film thomas discovers flight makes antarctica so special and attractive for many the wildlife in antarctica is a bonus if you lived in the front of. the expedition to the bottom of the earth on our team. now for a highly unusual tale of motherly love well this feline a mom that you can see here has taken an abandoned building both in her heart to come have been rejected by his actual mother shortly after he was born in the cycling and zoo of her disastrous zookeepers their last hope was the only form rocket wetnurse course i have now the canine cop banks's new long as the cat's whiskers. oh now we have a lot of expert opinion on big money issues coming your way in our business bulletin do you see this.
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zero. international film festival in the event of russia from may twenty third to twenty ninth featuring two hundred films from forty eight countries thirty five russian premiers and fifteen tries winners from the burley in venice film festival appearances by ray fines hundred. dozens of forums discussions of workshops desert below he international film festival fine cinema for a demanding audience. thanks for joining me host of russian companies are lining up to hold on foreign markets up or down russian company are going for a long search engine a list on the nasdaq in new york next week however the recent track record for
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russian i.p.o.'s particularly in london has not been great with several having to cancel due to low investment in mont now for more i'm joined by tom blackwell from consultancy and communications russia thanks for coming tom. i've been just saying that the you know several russian companies announce plans to hold our heroes but these attempts were unsuccessful and recently why yeah well i think we're certainly there are many of us that are looking forward to read more vibrant russian capital market story that we had in the past you're absolutely right several of the deals recently happened happened as people would have hoped they would have done but i think the issue is less with a fundamental problem of the russian i.p.o. story in fact post-crisis a lot of the growth is back on average it's much lower than it was a lot of the fundamentals look good so perhaps in some of the recent cases it's more helpful to the specific company or industry issues that played a role in this particular to be more specific here such companies as russian helicopters forces or euros. slow invested in. and as we know is that
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a general trend with russian companies on for not i wouldn't necessarily call it a general trend although certainly there were some themes that we have seen in various deals and i think perhaps in the case if you're a stats what you have suddenly seen over the lot over the last couple of years this investors have been less receptive to stories where the i.p.o. has been driven by a stronger primarily a secondary component with shuttle to settling down and i think potentially in the u.s. that case that may have played a role in russian helicopters was a very different story you had a company that was coming there were no helicopter companies that had previously gone to market in anywhere in the world and so when they were going to market there wasn't an obvious group of peers that investors could value value them against and also as a company that was relatively recently formed investors haven't had a lot of time to see how that business with perform so i i wouldn't exclude the possibility of them coming to a much more receptive market in due course as they have more time to see the benefits of consolidation and the synergies that have been derived from that process so i think well let's touch upon the most expected was an i.p.o.
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so far. do you expect yannick side to outperform melgar you for instance. this very well search out mail room might be a challenge but i mean i think if you look at the mail room experience but also just what's happening around the world in the internet space you had linked in that listed that went up one hundred nine percent on its first day of trading it's an unprecedented amount so i think if you test the global appetite for exposure to new internet stocks the demand seems to be fairly high so i would expect that probably a positive outcome to be on backstory what does make sense for the investor to buy into russian company during an i.p.o. or it's you know it's more likely should wait and see what's happening with probably over the years you've had a policy. probably a number of investors that are put into rushing my peers over the years that might intuitively say to you probably best to wait next i think you bought it for me i'm telling you years ago to rush and see more recently and certainly there are those investors out there that might. that you having said that i wouldn't draw
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a broad conclusion from that i think that there is still potential to make money internationally pos and quite frankly we do use we are still seeing a gap between valuation between the bid ask spread on valuation i think that perhaps going to narrow over the course of the coming months and i think we will see some very successful deals later in the air and early next year and maybe some will be about performance but interesting performance post and some companies are preferring to trade in hong kong rather than london i mean national companies well but you've had a number of statements by russian companies saying that they're considering the hong kong markets in reality the number of companies that actually this is there is still is still rather limited and the performance hasn't perhaps been quite what people would have hoped for so i'm not sure that that's necessarily a trend that has it's proven yet although globally that's certainly the case that there's sort of the center of power in the financial market it's certainly moving eastward but by the way that also includes moscow ok well. communication thanks very much for joining the program and that's all we have time for i'll be back with
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more about forty five minutes from now stay with us for headline news up next.


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