tv [untitled] May 20, 2011 10:00am-10:30am EDT
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ensure you can seal it since original micro ropes are children granted legal neutral maternal emission marco result regional result of the snow geography humid cold and low commitment will result much will never be closer to its own look at libya original material centrifuge will make no. million dollar bill for the next i.m.f. chief of houston sexual assault but there is concern his downfall has already caused in the parable of the national damage to the euro zone. all eyes on is really us relationships with prime minister netanyahu due to meet the president obama after a rather long his comments on his backing of palestinian borders. and a prison term instead of a presidential one two opposition leaders in belo rusa get a jail sentences for inciting election under arrest but supporters say they're being punished for standing up to the country's longtime leader. plus cruising to
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the edge of civilization we look at what lures tourists to the coldest and windiest continent on earth. or on air and online twenty four hours a day are watching our t.v. thanks for joining us now the former i.m.f. chief who's been officially charged with sexually assaulting a hotel maid is to be released on bail of one of million dollars the many extra will now swap his cell in a tough new york prison for house arrest in a luxury manhattan apartment well he'll be tracked by g.p.s. and guarded twenty four hours a day to stop him seeking refuge at the french embassy so called was the driving force behind the bailouts to save the debts of their greece portfolio and in our web site it must be and his girlfriend. yes you know this economy is not the
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question. a euro currency on the block as explains the value. called no euro that's what bankers a whispering off the police charge the now ex i.m.f. course with the attempted rape of a hotel maid very differently the possibility that some countries could decide to leave the euro pushed out of the euro and then when you got to understand that. belief that the euro could and should be saved in the face of north the resistance from richer states stroll scorned led this week's bailout of portugal germany and france insist on oil and raises its low corporation tax t.s.k. as he's known as the man all doing it's what is saving the irish economy i think these allegations are going to be. for the of the i.m.f. as an institution. is definitely going to be missed i think.
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stroh's call and even persuaded greece's leader to stick with strict spending cuts disappoint roy it's on the streets but he has a good card so some of the heads of state governments are. different he has good contacts for example to the greek prime minister on thursday greece for more loans on better terms but no heavyweights europhile d s k has few back and not the bailouts were arguing that we should leave the euro zone that has put under strain the euro joiner is one of the imus top backers contributing tens of billions of euros he ruled it wants is an asian chief he's not likely to be friendly because he has been very personally very important in getting the i.m.f. involved and assisting in designing the bailout packages but also coaxing and encouraged. politicians to do the reforms necessary now you may not get the
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equivalent of the same kind of convictions coming from the emerging markets when one of the world's biggest investment banks fell three years ago it triggered a global recession with still reeling from today but it's still the driving bureau chief stiction will only make matters worse the consequences probably would be higher and not sure that was for instance that the bankruptcy of lehman in two thousand and eight with a you economy that dates to all this it seems the top billing the world's leading banker comes at the worst possible time this is not just the end of a career domenic source code was instrumental in risk during the euro zone's most troubled state is a risk does seem to threaten the end of the euro itself i know bush will see paris . all the angles tracking developments in france and you can follow what he finds r r t's twitter stream where he says the majority of french people believe the former
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i.m.f. chief arrest was a set up and that's according to a poll also on top of the story by following us back up to underscore coffee. it's good to get. how the strain is definitely showing in the us israeli relations after president obama called for a palestinian state with an at nineteen sixty seven borders and his middle east policy speech above call that has angered israel's prime minister who said it would make it impossible for his country to. protect itself well that's
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a september the issue of will be subtle most of the disputed territories stalled peace talks with the palestinians and later on friday have been made netanyahu will president obama at the white house will artie's going to turkey joins us live from our washington bureau there what we heard some harsh rhetoric ahead of their meeting what are we expecting well you're right this thursday obama said something that many israelis would find unacceptable is suggested israel go back to its pretty nine hundred sixty seven borders and according to president obama that could be the starting point to negotiate land swap with the palestinians to create a new borders going back to nine hundred sixty seven would mean giving up the west jerusalem excuse me the west bank is crucial when they gather three israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu who will be meeting president obama later this afternoon sharply disagreed with the u.s. president said he wanted to see washington's commitment to decisions by congress
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and president bush in two thousand and four that israel would not have to give up the occupied territory after the speech after you know the speech that obama gave yesterday it could be hard for him to feel such commitment at least publicly by the way he's the first u.s. president who was explicitly supported the idea of going back to the nine hundred sixty seven borders as the key to the peace process in the middle east. ok well it is obvious that obama is trying to revive the peace process that stalled last september but realistically what are the chances that he will actually succeed. well having said all this obama was nonetheless very very careful to say that the u.s. is slowly an advisor here that it is not going to force any decisions on israel because it is up to these really some palestinians to decide and so on and so forth so you basically cleared washington of any responsibility to act experts say washington's policy of nonintervention in the middle east peace process looks even more
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inconsistent considering america's willingness to intervene in other places in the region making demands to be leaders pushing them to feel those demands and occasionally bombing those who don't but when it comes to israelis and palestinians there have been words before many words but never any action to really put the two state solution that president obama was talking about the fact that israel is the protectorate of the united states and that the israeli lobby is a very powerful here a base that even harder to expect a balanced approach from washington one example of words but not actions are the settlements the united states earlier this year vetoed a united nations security council resolution condemning continued israeli settlement expansion illegal that happened shortly after secretary say that secretary of state hillary clinton explicitly called those settlements illegitimate but when it came to actually teaming up with the international community to condemn
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it the u.s. blocked the resolution the security council vote was fourteen countries in favor and one country against them that was the united states all right thank you very much for that to go to the reporting from the u.s. capital. now in his speech obama also said it colonel gadhafi has no control over libya and hours later nato hits eight legged warships i created a number of the country's ports will be alliance as the vessels were trying to prevent the delivery of aid into libya and posed a threat to allied forces will liberate officials denounced iraq obama's claims saying it's. the libyan people who should decide gadhafi spates obama also delivered an ultimatum to syria's president assad telling him to allow a power transition or get out brian becker from the antiwar answer coalition says it looks like the american is pushing for change in syria there may be a debate within the obama administration between those who want to overthrow the
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syrian government and those who are afraid that whatever comes next after the assad government were to fall would be the stabilized syria or perhaps an even more hostile syria so there's a debate within the administration but i think the logical position is the united states would personally sanction. no new government but president and his closest advisors and offered him the option of either leaving the transition to democracy or being swept aside while it appears to be an alternative i think the organic tendency within the obama administration now is they carry out regime change in syria and i think those who favor regime change have gotten the upper hand within the administration. oh r t a dot com is where to go for reports and videos of the world's biggest stories and here is what's there for you right now muslims and christians of egypt joined together to try and put
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a lid on the religious violence that's where about the breakup the country is revolution a lot of details are at party dot com. t.v. . now president dmitri medvedev has restated his concerns about american and nato led plans for a missile defense system on russia's borders well at a forum in st petersburg he called on the west to consider russia's interests to avoid a return to cold war style relations. lots of them go in twenty twenty new missile defense system will appear in europe there's agreement now on what it should be like in this case in twenty twenty we will have a modern europe well adjusted line. but if we do not agree what we will get will be
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the europe of your early ninety's. i don't want to live in such europe i hope that neither do you russia has already said it intends to take action if the u.s. and nato plow ahead with their plan without taking moscow's views on board or the u.s. is moving ahead with plans to build a missile base in romania washington and the alliance say the shield will protect europe from missiles from countries like iran or north korea but russia sees it as a security threat and is insisting on an equal say in the project. i've honestly factions and hamas are coming to moscow for talks following their historic reconciliation well russia is hosting discussions between palestinian political forces as they prepare to bid for un of recognition later this year r.t. sara for a thousand details of her moscow. the representatives of the x. rivals hamas and fatah along with a number of palestinian factions represented
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a rising in most gave teaching tinney be into palestinian now after four years as the hostilities between fatah and hamas the two organizations signed a reconciliation agreement saying carre at the beginning of the month and the plan now is for them to establish an interim government to try and hold elections and to a pill to the un for recognition of an independent palestinian state now there are still a number of very serious hurdles at the full that could happen the situation does remain complicated but when the reconciliation agreement was signed most cases that's nice welcome that wealth and it was noted that russia along with egypt in particular had been instrumental in their efforts to bring about the signing of that agreement and so it's felt that most gave it is comfortable in fireman's at these objectives and very important tools to be held. and coming up in
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a few minutes the tourists with a passion for the color. the beauty of antarctica is something that not many people on this earth will get the opportunity to see which is why it's one of the world's most exotic tourist destinations i'm john thomas in antarctica and coming up on our to explore why some people are willing to pay big bucks to make it down here. in the siberian cat who is a mother of knows no bounds find out why her new kitten probably just loves while picking up this baby that's on hard to you shortly. now the operator of japan's crisis hit a focus nuclear plant has made a record loss of fifteen billion dollars it's a party is the biggest ever corporate loss which forced the firm's director to quit well how did you clear campaigner philip white says changes at the top will not make a difference if you look a chain years two thousand and. all
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three the top executives are resigned. his resignation will make no significant difference a symbolic thing in fact if anything he's escaping responsibility rather than taking responsibility i think it's essential that the company does not suffer. if it is allowed to survive in its current form the. nuclear industry will continue to sort of problems that is essentially take away that monopoly. from. five o'clock g.m.t. r.t. shines a spotlight on another major catastrophe but this time it's not a year off of the biggest oil spill in human history we examined the impact it's had on people's lives in our special report. getting started all of a sudden. it's a long story destroying the living under. there are.
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something leaks out here when they get done with it it's just that if you took every fisherman out of the water and do something about that water and protecting the can protect the fisheries it's going to make sure that the steps making way for the function. of the solar. body are missed well income the road system is a number that's truly. billions of dollars. a. real baby drill. two cultures. consider potential areas for development in south atlantic the gulf of mexico.
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now losing a presidential election a sudden now for the beaten cabot's added bellow it could even land you in jail also opposition leaders have been handed a prison sentences for causing election day on the arrest of verdicts on two others have been postponed well the ex how did it say challenging the country's president because it's costing their freedom now let's say your shots get reports from next she was running for president in belarus but ended up behind bars she's claimed it was among the organizers of election night street unrest the minsk unrest which was really discouraged by police. painting for justice but does not have much faith that will happen so that the little thing with how little bellerose we've already got teased the judges being told from above which verdicts they must deliver in the
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first court hearings of my husband's case the prosecutor named new evidence new facts which could prove the dimmers guilt and all the claims by the defense were denied by the judge the country's president has been dubbed europe's last dictator but isn't represent over the way he rules the us for this opposition they will get hit in the head all right at the start of stabilizing the situation in the country the clashes during which several journalists including artie's crew were injured by the police led to a number of arrests but that is how this story has take their revenge and those who criticize them during the election campaign they had their say and now they will pay for that has once again been reinstated these repressions caused uproar around europe most countries condemned the crackdown and even contemplated sanctions against minsk experts say the timing of these court cases could not be worse. faces a serious economic crisis with its currency on the brink of total devaluation with
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the opposition trials being seen in the west as a strong evidence of human rights violations the export of the russian goods to the european union has caused that along with international loans has been the country's main revenue stream for the past two decades it is the first time in seventeen years that alexander lukashenko has been a power that he finds himself under severe pressure both internationally and at home and if the opposition leaders get short of prison terms that initially planned many experts say that unless they're set free the public unrest will only expand especially with this financial turmoil. let's hear a sharp ski artsy reporting from minsk in belarus. let's look at some other world news now in fact aside the taliban has carried out a bomb. in the two armored u.s. consular vehicles the blast killed a passing motorcyclists and wounded passengers in one of the cars of the taliban
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says it will continue targeting nato diplomats and artist crosstalk later today the panel focuses on the target was moved to pakistan and washington. allowed to take a look at the spectacular footage of two american astronauts on a space walk where there are six hour stroll outside the international space station as a carry out experiments and maintenance work it's one of the astronauts first sign of orbit and he says it's a dream come true but for the endeavor shuttle which stopped yesterday its final journey before retirement. now it may lack a luxury resorts are pawns from beaches but i'm talking because frozen barren labs are still a hotspot for some and our next report from the southern most tip of the earth thomas meets those spreads and clouds of dollars to swap five star for frost. the guests on board this cruise ship get ready to come ashore to experience something magical an article is an area you can visit beyond imagination i mean you can reach
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books look at t.v. shows and try to be. but the experience every trip again once you take people down here they only way but this set of nature landscape and weather and whatever is out here and there isn't by any means so it's it's a voyage beyond imagination tourism in antarctica is a major business but because of being in charge a treaty system in an international agreement that limits exploitation of the continent i don't expect to see any luxury hotels down here any time soon excursions are mainly limited to cruise ships and small charter flights from the tip of south america. they're really coming down here to see something unique it's an ecosystem like no other. and also for the people who do come on these journeys i think they get spellbound because really it's it's a vision of the world before man had anything to do with it and passengers on board the national geographic explorer can truly get
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a one on one up close and personal experience with the scenery and wildlife of antarctica but keep in mind this is antarctica and people have to be aware that they are far away from civilization i mean our stop today here to mess with day was not planned but a medical emergency last night and now we have a p.c. aging the assistance of fiji lands here that have an airfield in here and then any international association of an arctic to operate us has got hope in the scheme for such a case because of the intense logistics involved in operating in such promote environment and antarctic experience can be quite costly and eleven night adventure on this ship can cost anywhere between ten and twenty thousand dollars and a day in antarctica flight package from fourteen is chilling costs around five thousand but the people who make this journey say the experience is worth it we just got back from being able to go look at look at some penguins look at some seals and you know they don't have like the real fear of humans that animals do in
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most parts of the world and as you can see there's a lot of just like stark natural beauty out here and it's interesting to see the you know the colonies out of popped up in the middle of nowhere at the bottom of the earth and those that facilitate these trips say there is more to the antarctic tourism industry than making a buck. it is not only and then in adventure for everybody we are very careful actually also and telling people that they should take something home that may change their life we try and be aware of how special this environment is in it all the climate change and the fitness and changes we are coming year down here for twenty years or even longer and receive those changes hopefully creating ambassadors that will spread the message about this important part of the world in antarctica sean thomas archie. elmore thrills and chills from our teens and talk to the expedition here tomorrow so do join us for that. more than
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a month. in one of the most extreme environments on the planet this is antarctica and people have to be aware that they are far away from civilization sean combs discovers flight makes antarctica so special and attractive for many the wildlife in antarctica is a bonus if you live in the front of the. expedition to the bottom of the earth on our team. well now for a highly of the usual tale of motherly love we'll take a look at this a feline among his take about a bandit a baby involved in her heart all the coveted rejected by his actual mother shortly after he was born and made siberia zoo now for the desperate zookeepers and their last hope was the only horse a good witness close to her and now the canine called thinks is a new mom as the cat's whiskers. for the capital x. five this is explored go shopping in a few minutes but first kareen is here with
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a business update. i don't welcome to business thanks for joining us our new european rules on the pipeline network have been greeted with vigorous objections from russia the so-called third energy package is intended to prevent a gas supplier from also owing the means of transport companies such as gas pump claim this will undermine investment in the sector however philip lowy the head of energy at the european commission says the intention is not to hinder russian comp sci. fi networks in the pipelines in you are in the you need to be monitoring the in a way which allows one hundred years from going on now is the new thing you can bet you that you can make it on the earth where the simplistic one the government lose very money russian companies that who can really benefit throughout europe are moving even threw them off the ground and they're going to be everywhere in europe
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the five said however that they must be protecting the border any new address of the universe so that they can be reservation to the us of a. look at the market's performance u.s. stocks edge down after gap in other retailers same come signs that consumer demand is weakening dow jones industrial average is news and point six percent actually point two percent the south gap is down fifty percent after the clothing chain reported the twenty three percent fall in profit for the first quarter a huge week tonight across the peach chains in europe stocks are mixed enough in trading the dax is losing nearly half a percent b.h.p. is up over to a half percent after the oil companies reached a settlement with noise well short of the deepwater horizon disaster restaurant upgraded michel's that was his down five percent on disappointing profits banking stocks are leading the games in frankfurt with congress cranked up over to accept. and here in moscow the markets are trading deep in the red as commodities ease on
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worries about global let's take a look at. individual share moves now cast from as among the losers while it was top stock all morning down two point six percent as the company maintains its staff can stay in the news energy package burbank is down over san stop for the reporting approved the sale of seven point three percent of the state's share is the largest lender bucking the trend as well telecom adds up over a quarter of a percent. the successful sale of fifty billion rubles of euro vons has been hailed by the finance minister i would say quoting as a step to making the russian ruble a reserve currency russia now has ninety billion rubles of your accounts placed on the market that's more than three billion dollars making it one of the world's largest placements and a local currency the larger two main russian bourses e.r.t.'s are nice excuse me announced as soon as next week if the deal goes through it could result in a substantial payday for the major shareholders and
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a lot. of opportunity to shine able to shareholders have come to a decision to pay three hundred thirty million dollars or do you believe it's going to have the biggest part of that money will be paid to the shareholder meetings up my six years grill manager and if the engine monopoly service except these three of them should be completely booked. that's the latest we have for you but don't forget you can always buy most stories just log on to our website i think accomplished best that's for.
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twenty years ago in the largest country in the disappearance of. one hundred each. instance began a journey. for where did it take the. wealthy british science books and sometimes the title. card. markets why not scandals. find out what's really happening to the global economy in these kinds of reports on our t. . the.
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