tv [untitled] May 20, 2011 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT
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hey guys welcome to showers hell on the a lot of which part of our guests have to say on the topic now i want to hear from our audience just go on to you tube the video response part of twitter for thought of the questions that we've host on you tube every monday and on thursday to show your responses we've played your voice a whole. to.
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get some closure see the story and the scene so. you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else here's the part of it and realized everything you saw. the charge is a big. part of time for tides tool time award and tonight it goes to the washington post if you haven't heard the post is going to start offering online courses for their readers and the post master class is going to cover a wide range of subjects and will be taught by experienced post writers and editors and the post says of these online classes are ideal for anyone seeking a personal and professional enrichment and the first courses cover a pretty wide range of topics there's introduction to economic literacy how the
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federal government budgets and operate neither of those all that exciting and incredibly broad i mean whose economic theories are they going to be teaching but there's also inside china it's a pretty big place so i'm really curious as to what part of that inside they're going to be revealing but let's keep going for those of the taste for the finer things in life they'll have a course on the wines of bordeaux so these are the first master class offerings of the washington post. and the courses are going to take about fifteen to twenty five hours to complete online and will only cost you anywhere between ninety nine it's two hundred ninety nine dollars but it looks to me like the washington post might be taking one to win too many nodes out of its ugly stepsister auckland's book here and to everyone who wants to go to college and everyone started college but never finished couldn't finish their commission new play to college and we live full time mom and everything is good it's something that wants to be great. temple university
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university to changing the face of education. now last december having the post investigation looked at kaplan university which we spoke about here on this show and the investigation detailed gorilla registration topics were students often are rolled in classes without their knowledge their emails or happened by advisors who then used their passwords to do so and then come the bills now many people see the washington post involvement in a for profit colleges a big concern and i'm guessing that these master classes just might add more shame to the once famed washington post name but since newspapers are dying anyway the post should add a few new courses while they're still around how about columnist mark thiessen he could teach an online course called waterboarding for dummies it would be easy class for him to teach in his book courting disaster he made the case for the u.s. government to use and have enhanced interrogation techniques maybe he'd even teach
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you how to perform some of that then again maybe the coach should have columnist charles krauthammer teach a course on how to make bombs not france i mean really how many times has krauthammer said that we should bomb some middle eastern country business loves a good war and you can too and then the last chorus we're suggesting could be top as a reply how about blogging for babies this fresh faced twenty seven year old is the darling of the media circle here in d.c. he's on m s n b c every single day he's got to have some tricks up his sleeve on how you can get taken seriously in this town at such a young age and those are just three of the classes that we think the washington post should add to their master class series in the months to come but we're still going to give them our tool time award tonight for their latest sellout to make a little cash. now it's a topic we've spoken about at length but the problem of police brutality just doesn't go away and in fact it seems to be as prevalent as ever and there are two stories that are so insane we decided we absolutely had to share them with you and
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let's start in arizona or a swat raid went wrong and left a two tour former marine dead you see swat teams have targeted a series. of houses and ongoing drug investigation and when they got to the house of a former marine jose karenna he had already been alerted by his wife that someone was outside so he grabbed his rifle but before he ran it could remove the safety from his rifle he was greeted by more than sixty bullets from law enforcement and sadly the incident gets even worse turns out that as the wife was trying to help her dying husband the swat team refused to let anyone attend to grant leaving no hope for him to survive after requests from the local press the ice nine one one call was finally released to the public. for our enterprise writer for the parents.
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after the raid and after shooting the arena sixty times because it's in find any evidence of drugs in their wake we should point out that a lawyer hired for the swat team says that the raid did uncover handguns a body armor and even a law enforcement uniform but the sheriff refuses to release any details about the search warrants despite the investigations and allegations of improper conduct by law enforcement so law this could easily become a he said she said incident with no real answers we can report that it took days before law enforcement even spoke out about the shooting and it made several accusations about corrina which is we are tonight regardless of what was found we have to ask did they really need to great into a hole where no drugs were found in proceed to kill a former marine by putting sixty bullets into his chest ballers wife and child were
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inside and well details get sorted out on this story let me introduce you to another incident this one in virginia officer woolens is being. user abuse after an encounter with two young men with mental disabilities who are riding their bikes after initially stopping the boys for not having the proper lights on their bikes but it comes claim that willems detained one of the boys by holding on to his arm but he held the arm so tight that it was broken in two places and his mother spoke after the incident to a c.b.s. affiliate w.t.v. are in here you know. and you can't reach him is a focus on the two cases the boys got away maybe at home and their mom called for an ambulance but she says seargent willems learned of that call and without a warrant went into the boy's home and rescued both of them for obstructing justice . and pretty scary right after a local c.b.s. station started investigating the incident they found out of this police officer had a history of violent encounters with members of the community and that well as is
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facing a twenty million dollars wrongful death last lawsuit after he shot another man dead back in two thousand and six so keeping all of that in mind you got to wonder how is it officer woolens gets to keep his job after repeatedly finding himself involved in internal investigations even lawsuits who really gets to me as how we have to report on these issues over and over again shows how often law enforcement the ones who swore to serve and protect take their job too far but no why should an officer be able to break a suspect or for not having proper lights on his bike there's certainly no excuse for the swat team to put sixty bullets into a man's chest and for what hell they didn't find any evidence of drugs in the house and even if they did is that really something to kill a man for now wife and two kids are without a husband and a father and we continue to bring these kinds of stories as a message and as a reminder that just because you're a cop doesn't give you the right or the ability to be above the law that's what happens when your government chooses to wage wars on social issues. on this
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friday evening many of us are looking forward to a nice little spring weekend but a group of believers out there think that tomorrow is the beginning of the end of the world that is the rapture. reports on the predicted rapture by a group of christians here in the us. have you heard the awesome news watch watch what the world is venting death destruction that's all you can see tomorrow. nine months ago eddie and jessica ramos hit the road to tell people just that so what i did is i shut the business now. i've got the. target of basically the same with family where i had theirs and you know what i mean my wife agreed that this was the best way. to do what we're supposed to do according to what the bible was telling us to go to warn
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the people their three daughters travel with them i homeschooled they were in school for a little bit and then now that it's towards the end we decide it's a program. much as possible also gives us more family time jeff again abby aren't alone there is just one of four caravans roaming the country preaching the apocalypse they believe the world ending may twenty first and that it's their duty to warn the people here old camping the eighty nine year old founder of family radio used a series of biblical calculations to arrive at may twenty first two thousand and eleven basically we have a statement bible guarantees that the bible guarantees it that we have enough information out to show that this is going to happen although camping did predict the end once before in september one thousand nine hundred four camping's prediction has since been branded on buses billboards t. shirts this is the greatest and the biggest advertising campaign in the world.
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there's never been anything like this before since god proved this world. the bible promised that everybody all nations will get this message were made for the first world and everything in between including jerry bombers s.u.v. which he drives every day to his job at the department of homeland security this is a vehicle i had wrapped it was about two years ago i actually had worked on it and . it's pronounced in the lord's work of judgment day we actually have a depiction here this is actually a depiction of a california plate actually sinking into the ocean as we walk around the vehicle on the hood the hood has a theme on it this is a mass burial ground this side of the vehicle here is the opposite depiction of the far side this is actually a depiction of fire and it's talking about how the lord is going to bring down fire and brimstone upon the earth and the day of destruction and suppose both sides of
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the corn of the day destruction according to camping the day of destruction will begin with a giant rolling earthquake at the international date line and travel around the world killing millions but before that happens all the true believers will be calling on you with christ and they want to spirits what's going to happen here five months. of sorrow suffering wien while those who know they'll be left behind like these atheists are already making plans of their own offering to buy on craigslist raptured people's possessions and dogshit for those called up to heaven gary says that he's still here tomorrow it means he's been left behind but he isn't worried to us as it says it's also news you know it's salvation it's life and to life for some and death or death for others just like an eddy can't say the same they worry that their three daughters won't follow them to having to worry because there's they're going small we pray for them and simply for hosley praying with them and for them the listeners of family radio say it's impossible the world won't
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end tomorrow but for now we'll have to see what tomorrow brings killing for and r. t. washington d.c. . trucks t. shirts billboards signs on the buses and on the metro those who believe the referee is coming have to advertise it but house of those of us who aren't necessarily rapture believers look at this entire spectacle too i mean discuss this is david silverman he's the president of american atheists david thanks so much for joining us tonight so i have to know as an atheist how do you look at these end of the world theories. well there all those things and we're getting kind of tired of them this is the or the brash rejection and we're all in nineteen ninety nine this is going to change that we really didn't actually hurting people we're about because the people some are all being hurt because they believe their creature without thinking very much they looked and they were so desperate for the end times
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that happened because. whatever cycle going on in their head that they actually had given up their lives their dignity and all their money for our campaign and tomorrow they're going to have nothing because of harold camping's part of the spec and it will take a second absolutely sure as a robot harold camping it is going to be about road just going for a lot going just like that really when you need a prediction and people are going to get it and it's our opinion that society in america will look good and in somebody's face largely government intervention if they have a gambling addiction or if they have a drug addiction but if they glow absolutely crazy with religion we step back because religion had more thoughts that it was trying to protect now twenty hours a day when you think that people are going to get hurt tomorrow what do you mean by that i do think that it's going to be that areas that people night you know what i
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take their own i perhaps i i think start yes i do and i hope not i would love to be wrong on that and if you're out there and you're sitting with recording claro and you've given all of your money and all your possessions but are you a pretty i want you to understand that this is the on the right and not the interest of not think you'll know i. stand up and you can make it from the street is not you know it is not back in the life and well being is never thought of good stuff again i learned from that first. if you have to. remember going to make sure it won't be well i mean everybody will be talking about a very again next year and don't fall for that one. all break again all. the twenty twelve days i'd say the big one but if the rapture has been any sign of what's to come in terms of all of the merchandise in terms of people even atheists cashing in on these things telling people that they'll take their pets or
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they'll take their stuff on craigslist i bet twenty would be a lot crazier david i'm really sorry if that's all the time that we have and i want to thank you very much for joining us and hopefully i'll talk to you again soon i don't think i think. also still to come tonight we have fireside friday and that it's happy hour if yours most americans don't give a damn about political reporters and a gay icon from star trek takes on a tennessee bill that makes saying the word gay illegal in the classroom argues moralists rant. speak media joy i mean for some of. the years that we in the fourth quarter. i think. well. we haven't got the. safe get ready because.
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and stories you may never find on me me me. me. me. post aren't. just. hey guys welcome to sheldon tell me alone a show part of our guest stop to say on the topic now i want to hear audio just go on to you tube to video respond or to twitter first part of the question that we post on you tube every monday and on thursday the show long response if we let your voice be. six nights by your side for ideas be your. i've got a great piece of news for all of you on this friday night as if you needed another example to prove the true intentions of your lawmakers who believe me as a good let's start by examining the situation in our country right now congress is
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fighting over budget cuts but they can't agree on what to cut our country has hit its debt ceiling and the reason we haven't defaulted yet is because of a few extraordinary measures taken by the treasury we can't pass comprehensive immigration reform we can't agree on health care or climate change you know all of those big issues that are very important and sometimes get the feeling that we aren't going to get anywhere congress is just too divided or too polarized there is not a single thing they can agree on. not a single thing except for expanding our surveillance state and trampling on our civil liberties that's right last night john boehner and harry reid reportedly came to an agreement over the upcoming expiration of key parts of the patriot act the provisions that allow for roving wiretaps wiretaps of non u.s. citizens as well and they agreed to simply extend those for the next four years the changes not taking into account any of the proposals for
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a greater auditing or public reporting of these measures just to extend them just pushing it along kind of crazy as part here is that when explaining why they came to this conclusion john boehner simply said that the idea is to pass the extension with as little debate as possible to quote prevent a protracted and familiar argument over the expanded power of the law gives to the government oh really john are you not a fan of those pesky debates over government power they must make their jobs so difficult has anyone else out there think this is absolutely ludicrous the patriot act was passed as an emergency piece of legislation after nine eleven now it's been ten years osama bin laden has been killed and our lawmakers are refused to take the proper time out to examine whether or not this invades into the lives of the citizens if they're supposed to represent whose interests they're supposed to protect these are your elected officials leading ladies and gentlemen the ones that take your money then let the financial future of the entire country hang on
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a string but don't even bother to call out the president out of war the wage unconstitutionally on his own and you find it incredibly easy to legislate away your rights under the guise of the war on terror you know the whole point of our government system the three branches the hundreds of members of congress is to have baits to not let a tyranny rule that's exactly what's happening right now and you know how people say there goes the neighborhood well i guess now we can start saying the exact same thing about democracy. ok it's friday at it's time for what may be our very last happy hour let me to the very last alone a show of the rapture doesn't do you happen but hopefully it doesn't do any reason
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why does matthew co-founder of devil speak media and r.t. correspondent lauren lister thanks for joining me guys let's start with something i guess you could say is a little bit serious people were asked to name their who did the most trusted political reporter was and apparently the most popular answer was. it's just that you know it's not that when you look at the other ones that were chosen because none of them are political reporters there are no you know the people who are writing the you look at the big anderson cooper. you can second or bill o'reilly came first and mike huckabee even made it on the list mike huckabee it is that they are let's just say i have not to use a reporter he is all i did did you see did see that announced tonight wolf blitzer is changing his name to known. what it would always come back to wolf blitzer that's why that's a good i thought well i guess people like wolf blitzer are unfortunately what i think what is what if you were going to watch that is me let alone trusted because
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i think they're watching it they're watching fox news on this i would never want what i say that's another issue really scary which explains why fellow brightly is their favorite and their archer but yes let's rock you found. george takei we've spoken about this bill before basically a people are calling it the don't say gay bill because it wouldn't allow teachers to teach about homosexuality apparently all they had are a sexuality that's the only thing that exists and george takei said that there is another option for that's a crock. anytime you need to say the word gay you can simply say it could be for example you could safely proclaim you are a supporter of tecate marriage if you're in a war that's you could march into take a pride parade. even homophobic slurs don't seem desert full of someone says that is so thick a way. i got to love that i made
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a note. to carrie i had no idea until this happened most pretty oh yeah he was it's ok right you know i was saying the word gay. you didn't know that i didn't i thought you were talking about the actor but you didn't know that that was. i knew as a starter guy i didn't know that he was i mean again brings up. a ridiculous that is that apparently kids if you just tell them about it they're never just. like i like the idea of maybe you can just change the name of the lawmakers will never know it and i like that but not so subtle he's actually trying to market t. shirts and buttons and so it goes to charity. web site ad but when you go to the web site it doesn't name a single charity so i just wonder who's trying to accomplish on this i say we call it bieber instead because if we called bieber that's going to be that's going to be mass appealing to lots of kids would not understand the tory. family that would be there is no need to say so anyway ok let's move on to something
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a little more thought we were just talking. with us about the around thirty games radius about the rock if you ever take it turns out a new study says that atheists actually have better sex than religious people do because you just don't have that feeling of guilt i guess not sure if that really doesn't shock me one single bit because i suck you more wish shocked me or what i thought was a little bit funny was the source of information that a lot of the religious people that they surveyed get their you know sex sure information from is porn and i was thinking that that might explain a little bit of guilt i mean i don't know when you watch but it's not exactly the kind of guilt free that i have never i never watch or i've never. i don't believe that no one second i think this is a message for the rapture believers out there tonight is your night to have guilt free sex because tomorrow it's all over they don't know if under a pen you know they were there's no time tomorrow i don't know what time there are for. starts that morning that's after grinding i keep trying to figure out like you
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know what time that beside my alarm for to see if i don't even talk to so your alarm so i say. tonight really good sex and tomorrow it's all over and if not if you are any really good sex anyway because you're going to hell anyway. ok when i do it i like that why also my favorite stories are that people are going to start messing with rapture people tomorrow just leaving piles of clothes on the streets that it looks like selling disappeared. little skin it's true it's true. i made it through a couple drinks and. i get a set lastly i just wanted we spoke about tennessee's anti shari'a legislation that they've been trying to pass before on this show and it's joining the ranks of a number of states they climb under a lot of fire because basically they said that any two people that are muslims that work together if you want to start you know a charity dinner or something like that if you want to pray and that's a sure reorganization so they came under a lot of talk from civil liberties groups so they decided find one just rewrite it
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so now it's an anti-terrorism bill and basically now everyone is labeled a terrorist and have their assets frozen and i mean actually there's no way to challenge it i don't think if you take away from this stay away from tennessee i was going to go right out of your right to infringe upon and yet they get. their barbecue and truly this is one of those things where it's a state completely irrationally in the federal government if if something does happen here the federal government's going to step in because when you mess with terrorism laws and you know i mean that's where you can say there has. been a horrible example in terms of where you can label various that are necessarily tell us as a mom now that it's going to start doing yeah i had a rap about you guys but thanks for joining me that's a very nice fellow thanks for tuning in and make sure to come back on monday hopefully if there is no round for obvious are going to line the pockets of private prison owners by pushing for strict immigration laws. in this case that was
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absolute i heralding co-creator of question a and i mean scientific it's become a fan of a lot of snow on facebook and all of us on twitter and the misalliance nights or any other nights in his cast all the kids who got call a flash heal on a shelf and coming up that says adam versus them. download the official t.m.p. cation job on the phone the i pod touch for me i'll choose i'm still. life on the go. video. on cheese in mind bold colors an r.s.s. feeds now in the palm of your. machine. the
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