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tv   [untitled]    May 20, 2011 7:00pm-7:30pm EDT

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happy friday everybody you made it to rap to see that's right if you believe in the christian math of family radio worldwide the end of the world is morrow so be sure to drink a lot and i don't want to be sober for this site we got this one time at boot camp and we'll check in with luke it out on the road joining me tonight throws in the youth of the conservative movement against the establishment is none other than the southern avenger mr jack hunter because tonight the southern underwrites again only person the man.
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as we move into the presidential primary season tensions between different republican camps are sure to heat up while indistinguishable six foot candle republicans with shiny hair will pretend to disagree with each other for a few months while they argue about putting a steeple on the capitol building or cutting out of control spending by a fraction of a percent they will inevitably try to discredit ron paul one of the first shots across the bow this time came right after the first g.o.p. debate none other than the newly appointed director of c pac two thousand and twelve christopher policies the attacks paul and a washington examiner editorial and titled ron paul wins the democratic presidential debate await opening with this gem why do republicans let people like
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ron paul and gary johnson participate in republican presidential debates they're obviously trying to win the who's more libertarian or who's the least republican debate vote you did admit that ron paul won please ron paul whether mr likes or not is part of the conserve discussion as followers most of us republicans aren't going to. way and the republican party wouldn't survive a poll purge period never mind the fact that the g.o.p. leadership likes to talk about following the constitution you know the one we all swore an oath to were wrong calls the only candidate who actually does as analogies he himself said the republican party as a whole though is based on five fundamental principles individual freedom limited government free markets a strong national defense and preserving our traditional values and heritage i don't know but i ran through a checklist in my head and it seems to me like ron paul is the only candidate that actually consistently follows those principles and here we are trudging through the theater of the absurd once again as we listen to insinuations that
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a devout christian who was delivered several thousand babies in remain led to the same woman who are over half a century is somehow a morally depraved and pro-drug using abortion fanatic we know that in an interventionist foreign policy is the only kind that will keep us safe and is based on true conservative ideas so far mr mallock easy to continue continue insisting that liberal nation building is somehow conservative tells you just what kind of big government shill he really is i want a large segment of the tea party anti-republican that's a no no the g.o.p. can't win without the libertarian leg of the party but the new director of c. bet is already alienating us by calling our champion a republican seriously ron paul won the straw poll two years in a row and the best the corrupt us tell us we could do to fight this trend is to put
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you in charge. you think they could get someone who could at least right now tack article against ron paul with some logical consistency in a coherent these this christopher you represent everything that is wrong with the g.o.p. not only have you lied multiple times about congress and paul your kind of petty attempts at political manipulation or bad for conservatism it's shills like you and the republican party that have hijacked it away from its own principles whether you like it or see it or can face up to it or not american conservatism is shifting back to libertarian principles i guess you just can't handle the fact that the majority of under thirty g.o.p. voters support pollard johnson so if you want to hijack the libertarian movement by hurting the state of the g.o.p. only to slaughter us by asking us to sacrifice our conservative principles by
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supporting your big government collectivist candidates i would think so as aaron betterment of the republican liberty caucus himself said if politicians in any conservative libertarian coalition are simply going to use libertarian supporters to advance a liberty crushing agenda they will not be able to count on support from libertarians for long we've invited chris on the show multiple times no dice i mean come on man it's really not nice to facebook d friend my production staff for cordially extending an invitation sirius the bag behavior there always a way to say you were on the a lot of the show you. you'll talk to howard t. america's resident liberal but not the conservative what kind of coalition are you trying to build a one man. i know you can go on fox and friends and have neo-con smoke blown up
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your butt when you're ready to have a big discussion will be here so there's a chorus you're still welcome to come on the show anytime and we'd love to talk with you but remember it was road rage himself but said libertarianism is the heart and soul conservatism there you just got reagan spanked republicans. join me now is conservative commentator and political analyst jack hunter a frequent columnist on the american conservative and the charleston city paper in south carolina a key primary state he recently released a report a report to knowledge of his article entitled who's a republican and which makes his own assertions about ron paul's conservative credentials on foreign policy and social issues jack thank you so much for being with us tonight good to be with yet i understand what's happening here i see it i
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can i can watch it unfold and i think i understand what's happening but i don't know how it got this way why it is why have we come to this point. well you know mr maliki and his tea which he attacks wrong as you know he's running for the democratic nomination for perhaps the libertarian party nomination that he had to be reminded republican debate and your feelings of influence and respect for ok were given for mileage easy standard republicans here are two guys who supported every bit of bush's big government medicare and b. entitled expansion they couldn't possibly l.b.j. of course no child left behind was part of education doubled the size of the national debt that's what he considers good old fashioned whining in islam but the remember there is a tea party bus from our g.g. the reason that a guy like ron paul is so popular with young people will carry him certain is
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people are tired of the same old republican party but hasn't shown that anything different from both the democratic party is due if your car or bus from allergies boating for example a thing or rick santorum i would look forward to even having a bigger national debt that we had but mr bauer do you the initial vote conservative you know just the passion most republicans of this. is a conservative compared to george w. bush if we judge it just because god and scope of government erode i don't think that's from our d.c. but really that's ok. if i'm reading into this too much because i see c. pack leadership. appointing biology c. to this position. i'm i'm i'm kind of encouraged that they couldn't find someone more competent to drive ron paul out of the party i die are you encouraged by this around my reading incident to my going to make any aspersions that's of the storm all biology competence or his qualifications for vision. well done then allow me i
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think is entirely unqualified to build a conservative coalition to take out obama in two thousand and twelve. i think. if you but if you go to the about there he wrote the column for the battered rock but that ron paul is not running a republican primary can probably get a democratic primary there somebody who represented true provisional conservative values on that stage if not in the style of barry goldwater in the better way can not george w. bush by. ron paul i mean it looks like that but. you know the sad thing about this is we just saw from the survey from c.n.n. last week that ron paul in a general election are the best chance of breaking out brock obama but let me ask you i'm not i want to focus here on on the new understanding the nature of the republican party and its relationship to the conservative movement how did the republican party get so far astray from its own platform what is what is the real
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source of that corruption to me it seems like people like knowledge easy are the reasons that corruption that we get big government republicans that we get the kind of corruption we've seen in the g.o.p. in the first place so they're comfortable with all the republican caucus addiction that conservatives endured during the george bush here that people like senator rand paul for example are up and they talk about cutting spending for the tea party conservatives should be on the left you have the math to think about the military on the right you have people who want to back at the military the wrong bending when you have a person might wrong all you that you're like it's problems to get oh what you're saying is great conservatism but we have a george w. bush republican party that is the standard republican party as representative of we've got a great that for them our duty just think the second. that we've gotten back is the same old thought it government and the party that got up with this situation and
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the folks i'm sorry but that's just so what's next for the southern avenger jack. well i would think. a lot of that if they called it off until i get. the american. public if your doctor are outstanding that was southern avenger jack hunter of southern avenger got calm now i just love the way he talks i might even retire to south carolina just to be surrounded by people that talk like him all the time and now the end of the world yes once again the end of the world is here ok so it's tomorrow but that doesn't mean you shouldn't get ready by repenting or holding a rapture party which many christians are doing openly mocking pastor harold camping who for the second time is predicting the end of the world so don't worry this probably doesn't mean that i'm a source and yours illegitimate locks are going to be bringing down sign it in
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twenty thirty one campaign is the founder of family radio worldwide and this time his prediction that the earth will open up tomorrow in the dead will rise from their graves is actually getting serious wallowing this time his prediction which he assures us is for reals this time is being picked up and promoted by like minded christians spreading the word by radio satellite t.v. websites billboards subway ads even r.v. caravans sit in dozens of cities across this country and missionaries all over the world is it because of the president of the united states is now critical of israel no is it because planking is the sign of the end times no by the way the first international playing days coming up next wednesday if you don't know what that is check link on my facebook page you'll be glad that you did is it because of the biblically proportion flooding of the mississippi. no that's not it either is that our government has made melons now we're officially
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a monsanto invention no maybe it's that we found a cure for aids with the berlin patient no not that either believe it or not the recent campaign thinks the world is going to end tomorrow is drum roll please janet we i'm in a real drama we don't we don't we don't have a real drama are ok this time campaign believes the world will end tomorrow because of math i guess he forgot to carry the three when he predicted the end of the world in one thousand nine hundred four but this time he's got it spot on so if you don't you can read trick parties in the d.c. area probably line of sunni mail adamant adversus the man dot com will let you know monday how the parties went in what absurd rationalization these people come up with for how their actions promoting route through awareness. actually cause god
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calls on it. it would be so great to have all the true everywhere in the world are going to be that's going to require a grand daddy your great. when we come back we'll get to the viewer this one time with take negative deliberate one second with you're watching out. what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions compelled to break through that sort of if you have made who can you trust no one who is you know you'll be with the global machinery a city where we had a state controlled capitalism it's called satchels when nobody dares to ask what we do our tea question more. into
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a little bit more military mechanisms to do the work to bring justice or accountability. i have every right to know what my government surely you want to know why i think traction is. what i would characterize obama as a charismatic sort. of american exceptionalism. a new website which twenty four seventh's live streaming news counts what to do about it ongoing financial hardship unlimited free high quality videos for download. and stories you never find the name streaming. from the cell of the political. person most aren't done such and such.
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and now you yes. it was. viewer our first comments and i comes to us from you tube in a reaction to tuesday's episode in which we covered the supreme court decision in kentucky versus king which gave a legal right not an actual right to get down your door if they hear a toilet flushing make complex rights you are americans are left that's not what you actually wrote now you will know how people in other countries feel when your soldiers kick in their doors you deserve this well i don't know of any americans deserve this but your comment does point out a certain tragic irony here especially in wake of the death of were in combat veteran jose who was killed by a swat team serving a drug war it's quite possible that as a marine who is a kick down the doors of iraq he's in contributed to the deaths of innocents us to some degree every taxpaying american has contributed however no one ever deserves
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to die at the hands of a fellow human being sometimes that is just but never deserved next for facebook they friedman writes adam you're so lucky that you put up all your shows for free on youtube because we pirate the f. out of them otherwise bud. and our viewers sure like the cuts that there wasn't exactly what he wrote either but i can support that there's also a thing as a thirty word and i support you pirating stealing burglarizing or even shoplifting anything from the show or any other intellectual property that i may produce to rich cher remakes or even make me look stupid however are the so yesterday about the scam this country referred to as intellectual property seems to have touched off a firestorm of comments and debate i've been responding on our page on facebook but i can't keep up i know the topic of ip is a it's a tough one to get your head around and it was for me too but it was really
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liberating once i figured out i can't blame anyone for finding yesterday's show insufficient introduction to the topic but on facebook today laurie l. rod wrote it takes an open mind to understand this i get it now thank you oh well certainly encouraging some of us have asked me to do a weekly podcast since when i was going to radio anymore but instead because i love responding to feedback and questions i'll try doing an extended video of nothing but you the viewer this weekend and yes i will address every objection that has been raised to the abolition of intellectual property law from my personal youtube channel on monday so back to the subject of intellectual property called the riddle on you tube wrote music copyrights are dead now they made sense before technology made it irrelevant either learn to perform an appeal to live crowds or put it out there on line for the ideas your music there are about ten million people way ahead of you on this and they are younger and realize that the markets have changed they don't hold onto the old image of millionaires from c.d.'s it was stupid in the
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first place and at night the revolutionary wrote excellent program another show that blows the media propaganda paradigm out of the water i love that comment quote government is only good at two things destroying things and bamboozling people into believing they are necessary see how that works and it was. two comments one a once a week over obama's obama raiding federal retirement accounts and archaeologic had this to say to be honest i really have a hard time feeling bad for the federal employees getting their money taken from them for retirement by the very politicians they serve as well no they don't serve the people anymore so it would seem by their actions or lack thereof it's like watching a lawyer who's always money in a lawsuit kind of fitting from our interview with stephen schoolmate on wednesday we got some enthusiastic responses and i'm really excited to be able to use the show to promote and encourage new activists this e-mail comes from dan hadley as a libertarian and resident of indiana i was ashamed of quote our supremes court
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decision the young mr school next who has to organize a protest was heartening. then i think i think you meant coho nice there this old vet wouldn't mind making the journey to join him next wednesday but not enough information righted please advise then i emailed you the link to the event page on facebook so you got that and i posted it on my page so whenever we cover topics like this that necessitate main points and more information to get involved those links will always be there on our facebook page finally from you tube one more intellectual property comment neo plasma x. wrote adam used food as an example but genetic food is as it also and there are some companies using it to their advantage just read up on the monsanto soybean patents and all bull surrounding that exactly and that's why we're planning on covering that next week and now this one time at boot camp.
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was. and so you remember this one time a boot camp where we sat down and the senior drill instructor came out and sort of you know it was the senior drill instructor started remember that i had to sit on the floor where i was a platoon cross-legged hands our knees and sit still for an hour until my butt fell asleep in the my legs fell asleep in. everybody's. sleep right ok so if you remember that well it seems that there's some of that going on again except i don't know if you've heard but we've got a war going on in afghanistan still still still get the longest war a nation's history war forgotten korea. perhaps and you know how much it cost by
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the way just out of gas is more than a penny just a little bit little bit more to pay it's one of the numbers are so big as to be irrelevant at this point i think ten million dollars an hour. i can't even get my head around that and i think it's ten billion ten billion a month ok all right well anyway some more big government stuff which is well anyways in afghanistan there's a new interesting study that's called yes yes and it is bun done by the joint mental health advisory team number seven and the first six couldn't figure out that combat causes p.t.s.d. well we'll get to that but here we go and this is what the new study found is that number one guess what there is a dip in morale oh surprise there are more by the currently deployed troops than ever before right ok fifty percent of the troops interviewed felt that there was no theme to the war so the other fifty percent have been somehow convinced by their commanders that there's actually a purpose to them occupy enough now is i think that they just don't have an opinion
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to be honest ok fair enough going to game there is more direct contact in ever before it's ok whoa there we're supposed to be surprised by obama sends more troops to afghanistan results in a more vile yet we thought we were winning winning would be well we got some charlie sheen how did it well things own afghanistan well and perhaps this is sort of should be most shocking is that more people are dying now than ever before but and let us not forget the real tragedy behind this well which is p.t.s.d. and the suicides yes absolutely and that this case point out that veteran suicides are at the highest point ever but guess what get ready for sea or drill instructor time or i also remember how it sucked in boot camp yeah well. it's such that afghanistan too but with the report says that the troops are doing better than expected but it still sucks better than expected better than expected you mean our policy makers haven't figured out that keeping
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a military intended to blow things up and kill people in liberal nation building exercises for over a decade is bad for military readiness is making enemies faster than we can kill them and makes us less safe as a country well i personally haven't figured out but you know it's shocking thing about when you and me when we made the petition when we signed up we swore an oath to protect the constitution i guess probably is for domestic and in my opinion based upon this report the biggest enemy right now is in the oval office of the white house right on. praise us. always like you were. asking oh oh you mean that left wing maybe right
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a word or is lou i'm going to land oh i think you're going to europe we're in atlanta you're missing the so to be this lance bass that face work you've been lucrative. i've been here in beautiful atlanta georgia right now i'm actually in an undisclosed location would a very dangerous dangerous dangerous single mother that wishes to remain anonymous and her location secret because the government has actually persecuted her and seized her chickens away from her so i. feel i blew it you are reporting from an undisclosed location who do you think you are to understand hooper oh yeah i hope i don't get beat over the head by somebody if you. don't worry you won't get a scratch on your pretty little face if that happens the way it happened to him over what have you been up to. and i've just been having a crazy week releasing a lot of videos but just right now john i think a weak minded lapdog that newsweek
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a new york times along with the rolling stones had just launched a hit piece against me and i will this is all this is what this is this is huge you know take this i mean this is this is really big there is they do this this is great i mean what's amazing about this luke ten years after nine eleven or. almost we're almost ten years ten years after nine eleven the truth movement it's like i know you're going to object to me put it this way luke but i think it's going mainstream like i'm still with you but you can't object to the fact that even if it's not like it hasn't been at all mainstream what it's like it's still getting more mainstream where you know yes but this is a big accomplishment. this rolling stone cover to tell us about that yeah i mean i don't know what they're trying to accomplish but to me the article in the bloke are just a childish take on you we're becoming the mainstream media and successfully taking away their audience and this is them replying and they can't attack richard gage founder of architects and engineers who has
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a thousand five hundred professional architects and engineers that question the story so they call him saying that he has a midlife crisis they attack me and say i'm a wooden who's only seeking attention but all i'm doing is asking questions that the mainstream media never does and i guess if you just don't return of it you're right though their fans are all go to the story of building seven h.d. of media you're just raising conspiracy theories when in fact these questions never ever get answered and that's why i'm asking and with luke in her all those defense he did do a story on building seven so so just just what are all the say i like her and i have to say that you know you are a hooligan who's. but at least who we're going to is only seeking attention for the truth and you know what i lot of people have accused activists like yourself and i don't even like the intake for activism and this is kind of the sad thing about about this world of politics anybody who's successful or gets out in front of any kind of message or cause it's like oh you must be in it for you but you know i mean i know from watching your work i know from from working with you personally that
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you're in it for the causes a beautiful thing and i should get your cause what your but i never ever ever considered myself a leader of anything it's that or a leaderless resistance it's not about the person it's about the ideas that repression out there so again i don't know why that is but for some of them they say look i have i am part of the mainstream i am a republican yes ok yes and i support i support your efforts to bring a new investigation we need to have that we had twenty sheep from the pro he said the same thing so it's good we need a new investigation i'm not always your camp but it's glad you're out there getting the word out and we're bringing people like take on board issues too how is the story been received. the story has been received where you well i mean everybody's just not going to save me story and everybody gets it that they're just make and some weak attempts they're failing because they're actually promoting me in my videos and they know about this is just a weak attempt by the mainstream media to get back their audience and their crowd that they have been losing because they have been failing at you in their jobs they
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failed us but iraq would not alive and they failed us and so many other media reports it is just sick seeing them reading government lines and just obeying and worshipping our government meanwhile they're supposed to be short branch which supports the questioning and minute by what little i will say when you get your butt to europe we'll get an update from you when you're there and we'll get your little known back on screen or as you said you're gone by the time and i miss you guys too i'll be in france next week today tomorrow speaking and we are changing the way it's about comes going to be a great debate hope you'll come out outstanding thanks lou our own traveling know from atlanta georgia and that's our show for tonight thanks for tuning in to adam versus the man's our web site adam vs the man dot com to vote on guests and topics and find me on facebook and twitter as always you can e-mail me adam and adam vs the man catch this broadcast lives it is hard to. say. this is from life.


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