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tv   [untitled]    May 21, 2011 7:00am-7:30am EDT

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revolt. against the free media are keep. the u.s. and israel fallout over palestine as prime minister benjamin netanyahu rejects president obama's pop to peace in the middle east. illegal bods the white house sidelines the us constitution by skipping that outside to keep its forces in action over libya without approval from congress. plus we'll take you to the harsh were fragile for interior of antarctica where the environment is bearing the brunt of climate change.
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watching r t coming to you live from moscow thanks for joining us now iis rail has rejected a u.s. call for a to retreat behind pre-one nine hundred sixty seven war borders and withdraw from the occupied palestinian territories prime minister benjamin netanyahu who is in washington for talks says it's a concession he will not make well archy's christine for sa explains why america's efforts have for decades failed to bring peace to the middle east. it is a scene all too familiar in this region a protest on israel's border that leads. to violence. here it was the may fifteenth protest marking what palestinians called not or catastrophe the creation of the state of israel on this date in one nine hundred forty eight because for israel it was a matter of security according to dan pollack co-director of the zion. organization
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of america i don't know what any country would do when people gather on your border and come across it in violation of the law. but for palestinians it is the continuation of a seemingly endless fight for an independent palestinian state a fight in which u.s. leaders try time and time again to play a chief negotiator from president carter to reagan to george h.w. bush to president clinton george w. bush and now the obama administration he said we believe the borders of israel and palestine should be based on the nine hundred sixty seven lines with mutually agreed swaps. so that secure and recognized borders are established for both states an unusually blunt endorsement of an end to israeli occupation of arab land by u.s. president the idea was immediately rejected by prime minister benjamin netanyahu israel argues peace cannot come at the cost of its security with continued
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palestinian rocket attacks but there is one thing both sides actually agree on when it comes to the u.s. role as mediator it approaches they say is all wrong american policy is built on misconceptions a wrong view of the causes of the conflict and a prescription that doesn't stand up to even the most casual scrutiny of the question is not right i don't we have a solution at this point but why on earth should we expect to have a solution with with this system as it is the use of money your with the jerusalem project says talk is cheap when the us says it's engaged in the process of a two state solution but is funding and supporting behavior by israel that simultaneously working against it somebody bribing somebody to change their behavior doesn't work when you've spoiled them rotten a recent example in november the us offered several billion dollars in military assistance to israel if it put
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off the construction of jewish settlements for three months regardless of what obama says or how he says it and he says it better than bush but what he does is can say the costs of peace are high high cost of broad and at home pro israel many accounting for between one quarter and one third of all donations to the major political parties a concern for many including former u.s. congresswoman cynthia mckinney they were at the executive branch a what the legislative branch pro israel campaign contributors totaled nearly twelve million dollars in two thousand and ten far higher than other. major donors making increasing the pressure on israel a politically daunting prospect especially with the elections eighteen months away political season and this is over there but with the need to show support for the arab spring and a reconciliation between the two palestinian factions u.s.
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leaders need the feeling the pressure to make a push yet again christine for south r.t. well despite reiterating their friendship writer william and all believes that the u.s. and israel are going through a period of misunderstanding u.s. agenda is not the agenda that barack obama claims it to be one of peace i think we're in the midst in my opinion of the most profound shift in israeli washington relations since nine hundred forty eight recognition of israeli statehood the basis of the trust relationship between israel and washington is being drastically challenge to by the u.s. support of these be stabilization from egypt tunisia libya and the entire middle east since the end of two thousand and ten has created a tremendous sense in israel of insecurity and the stability they thought they had is suddenly looking very very unstable so the those nice words that obama said
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yesterday are window dressing the content is one of the continued tension between israel and washington under the guise of so-called peace. well r.t. wants to know what you think about the u.s. suggestion that israel should withdraw to its pretty one nine hundred sixty seven borders well you can log on to our website that's r t dot com and take part of the poll and so far the majority believe it washington's initiative is pure rhetoric or some twenty percent think it's a price israel needs to pay in order to live in peace while another fifa see it as a method of directing public attention away from other new verse in the middle east while fifteen percent believe the plan is impossible i'll share your thoughts with us and you log on to our dot com. and to libya now where the nato led bombing campaign against colonel gadhafi ruggles on it two months after it began the u.s. which led the operation is still engaged without official consult from congress well according to the constitution american military action over libya is now
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illegal but as artie's lord lister reports few on capitol hill seem concerned. fifty eight. fifty nine. sixty said at the outset that this was want to be a matter of days and weeks. and days have turned to months in libya the battle rages on but in washington time has run out. and this rhetoric is running up against a real growth block. and think there's a war powers act war powers act a resolution that says sixty days marks the deadline for an american president pull u.s. forces from hostilities or get congress's approval for a formal declaration of war yet neither appear to be happening and according to the president publicly time seems to be the enemy only for someone else now time is
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working against gadhafi. he does not have control over his country but it's unclear who or what has control over this one the law or the will of the president the president did not seek in a war begin with. nor really has there been much discussion of the war powers there nor does it seem there will be when pressed by the majority of congress not with leaders of the senate foreign relations committee saying there are no plans for action and top lawmakers like john mccain saying quote he's never recognized the constitutionality of the war powers act nor has any president which is only sort of true according to legal and political experts every president has expressed some concerns about its constitutionality but interestingly not a single president has questioned the sixty day rule or happy way says if obama does this would set a new precedent for calm that by
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a president who campaigned on ending u.s. wars and abiding by constitutional law. still when it comes to work powers there's enough blame to go around absolutely congress doesn't take it seriously and presidents haven't taken it seriously and u.s. navy how it's going to take it seriously need while u.s. drones fly over libya dropping bombs and the laws governing this type of mission seem to have flown out the window to it makes a joke of the whole idea of having laws that you can still go out and give you the full speeches as the president seems to do and talk about peace and justice and principles. as the clock strike for days sixty in the libyan intervention and the bill had to reported three quarters of a billion dollars in the u.s. this third war with no congressional oversight or end in sight time is working against rhetoric and the rule of law in theory in reality in the nation's capital
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though no alarm appear. to be going on lauren lyster our team washington d.c. political analyst ivan eland told r.t. that congress is shying away from a decision on libya to make obama the scapegoat for any possible failure yes it's illegal and unconstitutional and it's not the first president to do to have done it but it's clearly a move in the direction of more executive power and more executive you're so patient in the. congressional war making power people they want to take credit if it goes well the praise the president or if it goes well badly they can criticize him but if you have a vote on a declaration of war or anything sort of authorization for that they have to go on record as either opposing it or supporting it and therefore you know they can get blamed by their constituents one way or the other so just let the president take
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responsibility and we'll you know we'll be kidded servers on the side and say he did a great job or he didn't do a good job george bush brought his failings he did get congressional authorization for afghanistan in iraq and he was the champion of executive power but obama has really gone further in this case than bush ever went. if you're watching r.t.s. we have a lot more stories lined up for you this hour including in the southernmost tip of the earth our team meets the animals about tartikoff that are slowly watching their heart attack or disappear. aaron to be end of the world is calling today thousands prepare for doomsday believing armageddon is due at six pm sharp g.m.t. . russia's foreign minister says talks on a proposed joint european missile defense system are being stalled by moscow's partners sergei lavrov was speaking at following a meeting with his german and polish counterparts while he insisted the joint
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missile defense system in this will be proposed by moscow puts the future of the entire continent at stake. actually there so it's a bridge with your global movement we would like the issue of european missile defense to be resolved by taking the interests of all european countries into account we should start going green to create a joint european missile defense system at the moment this process is moving slowly across the board we would like to see a document stating that the system will not be made against any country taking part in it. see we don't need to because some people see it's an obvious thing this refusal to answer our request does raise some concerns and we hope it will be laid to rest in the near future you know the greens we come to will determine the future of europe and change time it can argue be a common hill for assault or we can end up throwing it back in time and thirty years so obviously has some other world news for you this hour a taliban suicide bomber was rolled up inside the main military hospital in central
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kabul close to the rest of the sea the afghan defense ministry says at least six people were killed and twenty three wounded one of the attackers detonated the explosives while the other is thought to have gotten away alive last month the taliban promised a quote spring offensive against foreign and afghan troops and government officials . and nato oil tanker has exploded in northwest pakistan killing at least sixteen people the tropic transporting fuel through pakistan to nato forces in afghanistan was headed by a small bar where some locals gathering to collapse built fuel were burnt to death while another fire broke out while many others were injured. he when rights groups say the number killed by syria security forces during anti-government rallies has risen to at least forty four people the protests came a day after barack obama called on syria's leader to reform or step aside while in
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response the syrian government accused the us president of inciting that eight hundred fifty people or. not to have died during the two month uprising. tens of thousands of spanish protesters have defied a government ban on nationwide demonstrations imposed ahead of regional and local elections people camped out overnight in madrid central square cheering and chanting anti government slogans or the protests began a six days ago when spanish youth took to the streets frustrated by a graduate unemployment rate of forty five percent of the crowd has grown to some twenty five thousand in the capital and spread to cities across the country. but world leaders are gearing up for a g. eight meeting in france next week the situation in libya and the uprisings in the middle east and north africa will be sadder of attention because r.t.s. laurie heartiness torso known as a resident asked people on the streets of new york what else they think the world
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leaders should be talking about. as world leaders gather at the g eight summit what do you think they should be focusing on solving collectively this week let's talk about that after they should be focusing on. greening i mean just saving the planet and also humanity politics and more people and more communication and more truth do you think they'll do that no not in a hundred years do you think that they'll be looking out for the global best interest or just their country's own interest suspect most countries come to the table with their own best interests in mind i hope all that and that those aside at least enough to come to some compromise i'm hopeful that my retirement savings is were something when i retire would it be better if they just chose one so work on and fix that i think multi ability is able to talk about
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a few issues they're able to talk about i don't have the able to solve them all in one time or the problems will never go away i don't believe the world leaders can fix them seem to be trying to fix. the problem so why do they have the stomach. fixing the problem. lord i just wish people would get along a little bit better together just all the nationalities all the different religions and i think we'd be much better off maybe the summit should be more like a retreat where they talk about how they can get along and less about the economy well the economy's important but others the economy all over figure out everything else straight out i think no matter what you want the world leaders to solve the bottom line and let's just hope they can set aside their differences so they can work collectively for change.
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and now we continue our special series of reports from and talk of what would tough weather conditions in subzero temperatures all year round you would think nothing could inhabit this called world but in fact i'm dark because home to a range of hardy animals that was already shown thomas reports many have become endangered because their habitat is slowly melting away. john at the bottom of the earth there is a land of ice and volcanic rock so different from the civilized world that it is hard to imagine that life can be found here. but in fact a closer look reveals it is one of the most interesting ecosystems on the planet and he's a really unique position on turkey he's elated for for a long time for a continent that means following as a half year starting from a tiny crucial is up to seals i'm. unique and you can never find it anywhere
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else only here. but extreme temperatures and stark conditions mean that you won't find any polar bears down here so we don't have any trust real animals like polar bears or nothing like that occurs down here we only have marine mammals and marine birds that come ashore to breed and the only trust your life is limited to the vegetation and maybe some impervious to any progress that's about it and if you want to experience some of this exotic wildlife the antarctic peninsula is a good place to start well as everything here in this tremendous range of seals and as for different types see what you can expect to see six if you're lucky and the pain leads to the mystery of the brushtail pain which you expect to see in a financially but a most trips we're lucky to see up to six different species including a lot of life in antarctica. and run one of the main areas of study down here on this continent is the environment to make sure that they can learn how to protect.
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we are saying it will be adelie penguins which are the most abundant penguin species in the antarctic and a true isolating species they are declining in the antarctic peninsula seriously and may disappear in the peninsula in the next fifty years because of the warming and the loss of sea ice which is just part of their habitat with scientists witnessing such dramatic changes in such a short period of time that concern is. what to do in the future to prevent such a rapid change in the environment there's a very big message and there's nowhere on the planet for us to talk about it is one of three sites which has the fastest growing increase in average weather particularly winter temperatures. western siberia alaska i mean antarctic peninsula which is warming five times faster than any of the plane leaving many to wonder what is to become of the animals that call this place home in antarctica sean thomas r t. and we've got more from marty's antarctic expedition throughout the
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week so do keep a lookout. for. one of the most extreme environments on the planet. and people have to be aware that they are far away from civilization. special from. the from the. expedition to the bottom of the earth. well it's going to be a tough saturday that's according to one religious group in the u.s. by the calculations of family radio today is judgment day at the end of the world scale and for follow them on their mission to spread the doomsday prophesy. have you heard the awesome news watch watch the world is ending get destruction that's all you see. nine months ago eddie and jessica ramos hit the road to tell
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people just that they were in no way great that this was the best way they were to say well we're supposed to do according to what the bible is telling us to warn the people there are three daughters travel with i homeschooled they were in school for a little bit and then now that it's twice yeah we decided to pull down. much as possible jeff are going to have you aren't alone there is just one of four caravans roaming the country preaching the apocalypse they believe the world ending twenty first and that it's their duty to warn the people here old camping the eighty nine year old founder of family radio used a series of biblical calculations to arrive at me twenty first two thousand and eleven camping did predict the end once before in september one thousand nine hundred four campaigns prediction has since been branded on buses billboards t. shirts this is the greatest and the biggest advertising campaign in the world.
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there's never been a thing like this before since god created this world. the bible promised that everybody all nations will get this message before before the first world and everything in between including gary bombers s.u.v. he drives every day to his job at the department of homeland security this is a vehicle i had wrapped it was about two years ago i actually had the work done on it and it's pronounced in the lord's work of judgment day we actually have a depiction here this is actually depiction of the california plate actually sinking into the ocean this is actually depiction of fire and it's talking about how the lord is going to bring down fire and brimstone upon the earth and the day of destruction according to camping the day of destruction will begin with a giant rolling earthquake at the international date line and trap. around the world killing millions but before that happens all the true believers will be called on to do it right and they want to steer it was going to happen here for
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months. sorel suffering meanwhile those who know they'll be left behind like these atheists are already making plans of their own offering to buy on craigslist raptured people's possessions and dogs for those called up to heaven the listeners of family radio see it's impossible the world won't end but for now we'll have to see what tomorrow brings ill informed artsy washington d.c. . now watching space shuttles and rockets wafting off for orbit has become almost commonplace but actually making it into space is still something reserved for a lucky few arty star barton but an american astronaut ahead of his mission to the international space station next week to find out what it's really like. we're here in the countryside part of star city because of the training center north of moscow and we've managed to catch a rare moment where the cosmonauts and astronauts gets relax after all their exams of training before going off to python or to be fired up into space to the
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international space station and i lucky enough to be here with mike fossum he's been on shuttle missions twice and this is his first rocket mission to the i assess and we'll be talking a bit about some of the every day life up on a space shuttle so every day life in an extraordinary setting everything in space is typically harder than it is on earth things as simple as going to the bathroom work on earth gravity helps things go where you want them to go and they're flushed away with water in space the gravity doesn't work we don't have a shower on board the space station because the water wouldn't know how to find the drain you can wash your hair completely close and get a little soapy water on your here and then scrub it up the water didn't then under your clothing it just sticks to your head when you must size it gently if you'd massage it with a lot of energy then you have droplets of water in a pig pattern spring around your head and what happens is some of those things
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break how do you cope with that when you're working on equipment we start picking apart and you take out all the little screws well you can't just set him on the on the workbench the float away so you have to hold them down in some way and not into being probably the most frustrating thing easy to lose to on earth when you're working on something and you drop it. you know where to look because it's right around your feet someplace up there it can go in any direction my first space shuttle mission i lost my fork we each have our eating kit i lost my fork in the second pay of the mission. i don't have my fork and so i ate with a spoon in a knife for the rest of the flight as we were packing up to come home two weeks later so i came floating out from some corner and what about the food these days that's a challenge food is not like camping food most of the u.s. food is pre-strike so if you add water and let it sit for a bit and it we hydrates and become something you recognise like vegetables or
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mashed potatoes or shrimp cocktail regular bread has crumbs you finish eating a sandwich on earth and on your plate you have these problems in space they don't go to the plate they go into the air and so they're there and you know soon your eyes are in the air conditioning filters and so we don't use regular bread much we use tortillas. well you can follow the preparations are r t v dot com as well as other news stories and videos on our website and here's what's on my white tower of conflict from a female perspective freedom interview with the iron lady of the middle east from the front for the liberation of palestine. arabs are not like cats and dogs need to feel like mom will answer the cry of war to nurse a little car back to help me save your good suit. thanks.
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just a few moments i'll be back with a recap of our top stories today so do stay with us.
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