tv [untitled] May 21, 2011 5:30pm-6:00pm EDT
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here is no longer just down to drug trafficking. afghanistan and the drug. hungry for the full story we've got it from the biggest issues get the human voice face to face with the news makers on. good morning from our team moscow manager kevin owen it's now one thirty am this in the sunday morning and our top stories israel in the u.s. stumble over palestine as prime minister netanyahu rejects president obama's proposals on the middle east who says the u.s. indorsement of a palestinian state built on israel's one hundred sixty seven boundaries is indefensible and. the u.s. action in libya passes its sixty day deadline without congressional approval which
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makes the campaign formally illegal but few on capitol hill of the white house seem to be too concerned. about thousands of protesters take to georgian cities to demand president sappers release resignation is reports police of fire the demonstrators fueling fears a repeat of previous pardon confrontations could take place. that would take it to the u.s. state of louisiana where water pollution is the disastrous cost of doing business the first part of our special report coming right up. everywhere you look inside in the reason there is one. rivers creeks swamps the gulf of mexico the mississippi river. and because of this abundance today everyone in louisiana has a water start. almost three.
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a little place like this one and i have my own little swamp and on the wall long it's a really is a magic place to live. in the space of about five to seven thousand years all of coastal louisiana was built through the mississippi river every year the river delivered tons of sediment which silly but surely built onto the sea creating a very biologically diverse ecosystem. they're . very wide in lower coastal flood plain created by the mississippi became an ideal place for people to settle because of the fisheries for animals and so on and also navigation and trade
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because of this pedro. well unfortunately because of the nature of the land and the terrain being close to sea level. flooding is a big issue. so the europeans who came in from from the western part of europe had grown up if you will build a levee systems to think about the levee systems in the netherlands so we had the the birth of new orleans and i levee system associated with it and then levee system continue to expand. utilizing the existing natural banks or levees of the river system until nine hundred twenty seven in nineteen twenty seven we had a major flood on the mississippi river where a large number of these levee systems were breached huge sections of louisiana were flooded and thereafter congress passed the nine hundred twenty seven flood control
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act they've called for control of the mississippi river and control of the flooding . nine hundred sixty five hurricane betsy came calibra for storm and it flooded lawns marsh of new orleans. and from there we started to develop the hurricane levee system so we had a river levee system and now we will ball the in i hurry came protection system there immediately started to interfere with the natural land building capabilities of the mississippi river. and so i'm probably beneficial in a physical sense they are our number one protection.
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and we destroyed them. katrina to put this all in perspective was was barely a category three storm at landfall most new orleans by thirty five miles new orleans was on the weak side new orleans didn't even experience hurricane force winds. and yet we destroyed a major american city and twenty four adults. and because of a political. millions
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around the world have heard hurricane katrina stories of death survival and rebirth . from. what has received far less attention is how the storms devastation was intertwined with a handful of questionable decisions made in recent years across southern louisiana . in two thousand and five ivor was named director of the louisiana state university hurricane center. louisiana chose him to lead its investigation into the levee failures during hurricane katrina. led than me very long to realize that there wasn't one agency to blame and i was a corps of engineers for shoddy shoddy engineering.
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that after i've had published his official levee report his university contract was terminated. before. the levees lock them in a superior entered schools before we cut out the everything with all and gas taxes canals we used to have very extensive cypress swamps all the way along the coast. cities like new orleans used to have almost thirty miles of moss as wants to go you can knock the surge down and maybe as much as six feet within one mile of healthy cypress for.
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protecting the museum this coastline and its people in the future will require some difficult choices coastal erosion must be slow and the remaining cypress swamps must be protected the mississippi river may have to be diverted again. but cannot save every single community we can build a wall of town across louisiana. witness but take the levees the levees protecting . the easy honest coastline is quickly disappearing at a rate of
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a football field every thirty minutes or about twenty five square miles every year . by two thousand and fifty it is predicted that another seven hundred square miles will be lost. when people think of the swamp and if in color and awful of mud and dirty for by then insects and skeeters and and and then you know. this completely for me is you
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broadly we have more live around you in itself a la basin the system anywhere in of america. every year like twenty three years. i can give oxygen i was in love with the domicile in force and i wanted to get used to the haven mosquitoes before aguada leave within his analysis so i can through. that went to the swamp was there in the form once we thought of all the errors. a spear. fellow destruct. and there went to the amazon. that's a lot of bases one performer in
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a. more than forty percent of the us coastal wetlands are in southern louisiana is one of the wonders of america he's one of those days it's a must ride in. the. name of another how are a hundred species of feast and trophies do we have it finished is your birthday leaving the tough love basin in the mini avenger will migrate through his woodlands and house the move on to the rest of the country so that people could already by nothing. give us try to study that serious business birds will begin to think. because need to go for senator what proportion of the birds used these a long time ago there in the lodge and. compared to the everglades you know there is a little marsh that's awful aves in his manly faeces and straw just way more by the verse in the everglades way more important for the nation america rebirth and levitates. you know.
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i'm. going to want to watch it and like to read he gets music by the trees and the need for that what it was that all of whose job it is actually but also all the mobile altar makes the plant trees and misty holdings. since nine hundred twenty one tens of thousands of miles of canals of from cut through the wetlands to extract oil and natural gas.
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is manmade oil and gas canals have reshaped southern louisiana as wetlands and contribute to the rapid erosion washing more land out to sea. this used to be someone right here that used to be thought regular was the wind up nice like an up. for several years dean went undercover spying on lumber yards and following knocking trucks. he infiltrated cutting sites and confronted the large retail chains selling cypress mulch illegally and. this dialogue in this op assumption is kind of rubbish and watch
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a movie of the folks. i want on the water logging them away to twenty thousand acres a year between the us and as he seeks to lower eighty thousand acres that month of all this up the force in coastal louisiana. you know they got serious and c.n.n. political comedy legal logging in brazil you know illegal logging is happening here in across states and the discovery and the difference is you go to a country like brazil and they poor people drug to make a living. there isn't a lot of real news in the world leading roles thought into that because they come across as a screw soul creek. people go to wal-mart only paulo's in the woods when i bought they would have a florida address and they would say made for environmentally harvest. and actually was going to lose iana and overcoats the swamp the american but so they've lost their lives across systems and son of a somali the harbors. of the illegal logging operations
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have stolen tens of thousands of acres of trees from salinas coast. cutting down the natural barriers that once helped protect the coast from devastating storm surges and hurricanes. well. we do fly all the bases. from what's looking for those kind of violations. right now we only do to do them one can slowly the log. books were really really on a group based on the meeting that alters the books that.
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you've been drilling off the coast of louisiana for a number of years any oil spills to worry about you know that's one of the great unwritten success stories after katrina and rita these awful storms no major spills . the truth is three days after hurricane katrina and september of two thousand and five. coming to call from mexico. and they just spill is considered anything over one hundred thousand gallons. after the two thousand and five hurricane season the louisiana department of environmental quality estimated that at least nine million gallons of oil spilled across the state and in the car.
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spills have been considered business as usual in the easy for a long time. the policy of coming. up to to model itself. call it a good name. to tell you what it was that they wanted. yes july twenty third there was a down taker that ran into a wayward barge that the tanker pierced the barge basically cut it now while was covering the river from bank to bank for miles this isn't a uncommon occurrence for us with the willing gas industry that we have here is
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a predominate environmental factor. mississippi river is used as a drinking source for metropolitan new orleans and for of point south of here so immediately we shut down those water intakes and started the process of bringing in drinking water for the residents of this area after a couple of days we found loyal almost all the way to venice louisiana which is. eighty miles from here.
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for the last of these times blessing. other nets on their of their lives on the resource that they harvest. we pray that they will have a safe and abundant harvest here after. the fishing is everything and fishing is the way of life you know fishing is a source of food fishery is the industry it was only natural that they would have come to us here in the work of the resource and command of who do the work and
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harvest the resource. we're in the trial of of an issue here. between all the different conflicting interests the art interest the natural gas in there's you know so many conflicting groups. traditionally have it the big old fisherman they're more interested in in the fish that i was in the open top of the slaughter fisherman is interested in the bayous the wetlands stall makes a small craft can function. and that of course the economic factors that have taken their toll. the globalization of the economy the import of practically everything
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from overseas countries. there's no way that people here in louisiana can compete you know with wages against such such mega size competition. the cost of running a simple family business it was the family business small fish and then his wife and his children they can't compete against his giant call for asians that you know can produce phenomenal amounts pay almost no wages. it's a hard life please take this tall in the family life here it's often the land to sized it's a harsh way to make a living in real fighting the elements to seize the waves the wins that's all that we have a vessel of the fleet to invoke god's help to carry through the hard times in a challenging time.
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right. now but his boat and april are someone down with the ship has just wanted us to do . the first our fish from the start and on a boat with mo follows brought up and one nine hundred seventy seven and i was eighteen years old went out on a boat eighteen days come hame to get me a check afford to spend her dollars on doubles rich eighteen years old got a check for eighteen days i got for eight hundred dollars and you know what to do with that you know a man owes a lot of money and i stuff what i love is like a challenge earth i'm left to go out there was a as a child to see but that's more from the net a boat i. don't want no handles we just want to make honestly.
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of born here raised in morgan city and when my cousin and i were married we moved to new iberia. this is just the kind of people there are in louisiana they live for the life they have here they're very happy living here they've lived here for generations whatever is negative they deal with it may just move on when. they live off the land they have a fish they eat a seafood i wouldn't live anywhere else. it's a wonderful place to live it's a wonderful place to raise your family. other than getting shot up. over time my office would get broken into and they would steal the fax machine they would steal. food out of the chair and the sheriffs would tell me you know it's just somebody's caressingly. well summer of two thousand and six my husband was
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working out in the flower bed my house is around the corner and he could see on the scandal up and down the road and i was trying to get out a bunch of things because i was to really go to d.c. and give a presentation on the impacts of the hurricane and he saw them come back and the guy put the gun out the window on the passenger side and she took my off. the shelf stopped the car before they even came to us the passenger was gone the gun was gone and we couldn't find out who the driver was because it would violate his rights.
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