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tv   [untitled]    May 22, 2011 8:30am-9:00am EDT

8:30 am
welcome back here's a look at today's top stories and a review of two thousand strong anti-government protests have been massing in spain for a week the country's highest unemployment rate in the european union raises fears it could be next in line for a bailout after ireland and. in georgia angry protesters take to the streets demanding president saakashvili steps down claiming they've been robbed of their freedom or their calls are a matter of tear gas and rubber bullets. and the question of whether he made better
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will be running for the presidency and twenty twelve it remains unanswered the russian leader sidestepped the issue in this two hour long q. and a session with the journalists and since the two hour long media conference has left some questions on as sir artie caught up with medvedev press secretary at the end of the mccall the sheds light on some of the most pressing issues of russian politics. it was the sixty four thousand dollar question but we're all still waiting for the payout and his biggest ever news conference president the midterm the dreaded to be backed into a corner on his plans for twenty top sitting in the front row among hundreds of journalists the president's press secretary was equally tight lipped nobody another lead example of hello and thank you it's not a secret the answer to the main question we're all expecting was whether the president made very good an ounce his candidacy for
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a twenty two hour or not well he didn't what message do you think his sound by this . i think you just didn't happen the way you expected it of course then you broke the expectations and media hand i think the president said very clearly at the very beginning of the press conference this is not the right place at the right time for such an announcement you didn't get an answer to your number one question i still think the journalists who came to school could have heard a lot of interesting things jim johnson was going to say no but the longer we wait for an answer the more speculation rises has it got to the point where speculation could impact on decisions made at the top. that's the last i don't think so like the president said responsible politicians make decisions based on what's good for their country not based on some speculation with ideas like it or just was because someone i've one prominent russian businessman or rather a tycoon recently announced he would be willing to head up the just cause party
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does this mark and you diversity in the russian political arena. there's a lot about the word of a president who said on more than one occasion that he was in favor of political competition he believes the russian system is still developing in order to develop a political system and party representation we will certainly need several different parties that reflect what's happening in our society i think that the right leaning pretty much walking will find its supporters i think the party is quite promising in that sense. of the what only ization has become the chief objective of russia's political leadership which area needs modernisation the most with his as a review that actually goes modernizing politics president often talks about those things as well we need new political competition we need an open society and civil liberties all of that is part of the modernization at it but we want to have a country that they will to compete a competitive society if we want to develop new technology and people who work in those areas have to feel free and confident you see. there is only one
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problem unsolved it said we have two bad roads and foods. and corruption which is the third one why for so many years does it remain russia's unsolved problem and could undermine the whole water in ization movement has been the bottom of the the president has talked a lot about that in fact he started his first term as president by announcing an anti corruption campaign a campaign against legal near listen as a key priority a lot has been done in this area but it's also clear that the results are not as impressive in quick as he would like this does not mean who are the. we should give up many laws have been poems which allow for instance monitoring the expenditure in income of government officials also high requirements have been introduced and those seeking government employment for example law enforcement is being formed and there's more to it than just changing the name to police there's a huge performance assessment campaign underway there and the president said today
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that this country will see quite a large number of high ranking interior ministry officials lose their posts and one of the reasons the concern that they've got to hide their posts long enough and it's time to renew the stuff which is one way to counter corruption if this. is the month prior to these press conferences are many events of international importance including the killing of osama bin laden hasn't changed anything in the struggle against terrorism in the north caucasus. another of the president touched on this northern once we all know that terrorists from different terror organizations think losing our client or have been active in the kook isis so the news and not instead they have a jewel effect and they undermine this terrorist network or on the contrary boost its activities in some areas which may pose a serious terrorist threat not only to the us or europe but to russia as well the president held a security council meeting on this issue in order to make sure we do our best to
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prevent potential terrorist attacks in case archive it decides to intensify its activities because there was a cover up what are russia's priorities in relation to the upcoming g. eight summit. one of the key issues russia is going to bring up for discussion at the summit in late may as a proposal to try and international nuclear security controls the tragic events that occurred in japan a catastrophe if the question a nuclear power plant the world put a new case acuity under closer scrutiny by the president mentioned that this tragedy exposed a few serious gaps in international law russia has drafted a proposal and sent it to the heads of the new g eight nations as well as us they as partners a proposal contains russia's here for the international community could control and provide nuclear security was not out of it would expect a breakthrough on the arab middle east settlement. that russia is one of the parties in the peace process and the president has been paying a lot of attention to the issue we are in constant contact with the leaders of
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israel and the arab states but of course the situation there is deteriorating and i think it would be premature to expect a breakthrough. at the press conference the president clearly stated among other things that russia would not support a resolution on syria similar to the one passed on libya could this mean that russia might criticize nagel's actions in front of the g eight summit celeste i don't think the g eight summit is an appropriate place to severely. resizing nato we have other more suitable formats for communicating with nato but i'm sure that the situation in libya will inevitably be in the g eight agenda. as the president's press secretary what do you think about the results of these first major news conference that the you know i think the press conference is a form of lively communication there were forty two questions in total thirty three of which were asked by journalists and the microphone and some had been previously selected by the president it was
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a dynamic event which enabled regional journalists to ask their questions which is particularly gratifying because the journalists working for the federal channels and printed media hotel excuse me saying have much more access to the president their press conferences in moscow as part of patient visits they also accompanied the president on his trips across the country and abroad of course reporters from the regions have fewer opportunities to as the president question and i think the scope of the questions asked by the regions of course is in a way to pickle on the one hand they're interested in things that may seem quite exotic from moscow guitar in fact essential to their lives such as the prospects for reindeer breeding but on the other hand they asked other questions too there's a question from the cutie here about governor elections this means that leader in the regions keeps up with the developments in the civil society we have now as regional me here interested in issues of both local and global importance i think it was an interesting experience i probably didn't do well in that the president himself got to do my job even as did the news conference himself but i think it
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contributed to the live in the sort of dialogue i believe no one got the impression that it was a reversal staged event and i think that's important because it was actually unusual to see that the president not only answered questions but also performed as a moderator of the press conference and you were sitting among the journalists and shortly before the press conference he joked that you were curious where you will end up working afterwards what you mean by that. first of all i meant at my service this is the press secretary after this conference might no longer be in great demand previously press conferences the moderated by the press secretary but this time the president expressed a wish to moderate it himself to inspire an open dialogue so i was worried that should the president do a good job of it he might no longer need me i think the president did a great job i know it's a very hard thing to do to manage an audience of six hundred people with lots of cameras on all the time it's a challenging audience to manage in terms of finding
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a way with it and in terms of its energy i'd like to express my hope once again it's all reporters who came to skulk of including those who never got a chance to ask the question are happy with it. we did this we saw at the press conference how the president tracks news online here and now i want to ask you as his press secretary how does that influence your work when he's such an active internet user and a blogger does it happen that you come up to him with a news digest and he says i know it i've already read it. this happens a lot fortunately very often especially when it comes to some hot news that represents is that the press service the right want to convey to him it turns out he's read all about it on the internet it demands more attention and concentration from us because it's not pleasant to be informed by the president on the issues considering the nature of the work we're doing of course it's brought about some changes it started to work more with the internet since dmitri medvedev became president so what you may also find his personal blog kremlin thoughts are you and
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his blog appears on live journal and facebook a year ago the president took to twitter account first it was entirely official and then we split it into two parts official and person and we've worked with various internet resources to give the president a feeling of feet and an opportunity to keep up with what people think them what's going on in the country to know what concerns people what problems they think important the president said at the press conference but it's an issue of major importance to him which helps him to assess impartially thank you very much and good luck to you and all of the team working with the president. repairing a broken. highway construction and humanitarian aid. budget
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the official in charge of the spoils of war it's the people who pay the price. for tearing is no longer just down to drug trafficking. afghanistan the drug. odd. above.
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twenty years ago the largest country in the. surveillance of books. full. of. one hundred. men. each began a journey. where did it take. more than a month. in one of the most extreme environments on the planet this is antarctica and people have to be aware that they're far away from civilization sean thomas discovers flaws make sounds article is so special and attractive for many the wildlife in antarctica is the closest and the flood zone. expedition to the bottom of the earth on our it seems. to. me eve.
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to. see. for the full story we've gone to. the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers.
8:45 am
today's top stories in a review of the week thousand strong anti-government protests have been passing in spain to for a week now the country's highest unemployment rate in the european union resist the use it could be next in line for a bailout after greece ireland and portugal. in georgia angry protesters take to the streets demanding president saakashvili steps down claiming they've been robbed of their freedom but their calls are never good to hear about us and rubber bullets. and the question of whether dmitry medvedev will be running for the presidency it's going to all that remains are now certain the russian leader sidestepped the issue it is two hour long session with picture of waste. time now
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for sports with. so are the modern legendary boxer roy jones jr was knocked out of moscow saturday night there was a favorite the russian opponent was a favorite what's the reaction so far to the outcome that's right well despite that russia's top fighter the you mentioned that he's slated to join john still has plenty of fans right here in russia and who knows the boxing better and could be back with more of that in just a moment. hello and welcome to score an r.c. come and see you live from moscow i'm on call for them starting as always with the headlines. at the time lynne malcolm alex roy jones jr in his account the sand seconds from the gong in moscow losing it set round that's all for russia's number one boxer didn't slater. and bats all in the thousand year old says he the russian
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called will become says a little later in the ancient city of god a slob that's when says come last fall and lower division leaders. and the rising of the red light skull some are in zimbabwe spartak moscow a couple went over across the dark opened them up to third in the russians premier league. and also our top story denise let it be the legendary arroyo jones jr in saturday's ballots right here in moscow russia's top boxer knocks out the american and the tie and moments of the fights maintaining his rep as one of the world's toughest cruiserweights robert harding on his more full belief thank you. he might be forty q and was his best but he soon rated as being one of the greatest players of the two and a truly chimp and over four different weights lloyd jones jr as ever jewels he grows to follow champ and still been loudly in the books and.
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this what it takes to face one of the most deadliest punchers in the division russia's cruiserweight played in this limited to self-will slow left helping claim sixteen bodo he's twenty one we'll explain him in the skills with new titles his take let me get in through the point is the coach favorite but brutally proved that he skipped some of historical and he's good there in career suits continues. and spectacular it turns even look to have there in st paul but he's younger rival but live with it heart is in his youth and go work to pull the former champion and keep him on the ropes julius remain defiant but a couple from wonders of his prime i could do the most the good i can expose the finish from the russian wars to decide the butter at blues or the pope punches sendings jones to the canvas in
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a new kilt when in the last seconds of the tenth room i don't know how came as a surprise not only for oil but from a of well. i thought about trying managed. to forget the ground and hear the people hear the final bell and that little girl is caught in here god knows what the brothers would have said and how they could have gone are the right side of the shell shoulders of all first of all the good show and he kept his words he did his best on times to the great wrong i've become a better fighter through this buyouts even i was constantly trying to hit wrong with my left hand counterpunch but always failed to look and designs told me that he'd figured out my plan was right hundreds were too fast and spontaneous but it worked with my sparring partners who did more control. i. really didn't want to tell us about his and his weight
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ah he's a great powerful a power and i knew it coming here so yes i think he is a pretty tough guy a part of it is a challenge for the title again several little around going to shake his hand with huge respect. i a blessing like this for a legend the book saying that for many books or strength along with a title robert pulling your own party must go. on. moving on the little over two hours from now it says come all school play second tier leaders in the final of the russian caught in the thousand year old city of got a slot now on paper this is a one sided contests and in the stands as well as a line of salt only five hundred six it's for the showpiece game and you're a slob now bizarrely alon you have reached the final without scoring a goal in open play getting through the previous round on penalties the medals have no injury concerns for the game well says scuds offender doherty shen it both will
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miss out. premier league match was postponed this week due to the cup final but said the rest of the teams continued the regular season sparred salk moscow have gone third in the league assets trashing us cross are at the capital's luzhniki stadium striker already open for the muscovites twenty eight minutes in rising above everyone in the box after a cross and his header hit the bar but the brazilian was percy's already down firing home an empty netter passports out double the lead early in the second half out of jones you've put them suniel ahead the same and zubaan made it had braced twelve minutes later with a neat shot into the left corner and also scored his second on the night sealing sports hochstein sweep before the win propelling them into third place in the table . meanwhile. missed their chance to go trough after a three one. in the story called open for the hosts with a powerful header after thirty six minutes this joy was short lived however so within minutes
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a big fight zoomed in had fed along passably say on off the disappointed the home crowd with an equaliser but city's goalie and even more will in the second half they fail to collect the ball after a scrappy corner particles of the pick weakest once rebound giving them their biggest victory so far this season. elsewhere three second have goals so rosoff thrash encore on hold serve romana dissolved getting a somewhat surprising opener strikers header hit the woodwork but it did get in alexander got stranded out of the store in the pinpoint strike into the roof out of reach for some people but the public told steve dragon blotting out seal the deal for rostov making it three nothing and handing them their third victory in ten games. moscow one fifth with a one you'll win and holds above and see the previous and that's all placating karami provided the on the line pinpoint cross for andre ward in the one or three
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minutes after the break. now while football in russia is not even close to half a season after european clubs are nearly olds and ready for the summer break in france are the new champion securing the league title for the first time since one thousand nine hundred fifty four they see needed only a point heading into saturday's game with our essential remaining who they beat in the french cup final just a week ago ludovico bright young scored the winner in that match was instrumental once again as he put neil in front five minutes and forty censure made for back in the end of the first half though it all her role equalizing after ney's free kick but the holes were just send men right after the break freddo sent off after receiving a second below for diving on the hour mussa solo made it to one so little with his twenty second goal of the season ten man for a century may responded with an equaliser twelve minutes from time but that was
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this meeting with secure the title. well we're in burnin shock in the fields of knowledge second division duesberg in front of the sold out of the stadium crowd to claim their fifth german culture ofi goals aplenty in this one including a brace from whence a large with the final result five nothing to this year's champions league final despite it was goalkeeper manny all noir who lifted the trophy for what may well have been his last game for charlotte as the german international is expected to join by in munich in the summer. and english champions manchester united take on really gauge and threaten blackpool in the season's last game later on today despite the upcoming champions league final with barcelona manager alex ferguson says you'll feel the strong team for sunday's match blackpool are locked in a battle with blackburn wolves birmingham and wiggins avoid being relegated along
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with the west ham but the seasiders have the hardest task of the five as know what seem has what it manchester united in the premier league all season long. elsewhere liverpool manager ken it's all bleak just prepared for any outcome as his charges travel to aston villa the reds are six in the table just a point behind saddam who entered same birmingham so liverpool's hopes of clenching a europa league spot all rests in their own hands the most important for is truly a machine. push in the arsenal which were there. so there is usually one more more murchison going to much uncertainty from the premium this is a feeder. but for a new leader for know what's going on with it now let's turn our attention to tennis where same with us gosh really is among the russians looking to get their real long term pain off to a solid start it's out in andhra seppi looking to send gabashvili home early and
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that opening round clash now that their hats. blitzer there are two matches in head to head competition playing on clay ball times hellishly hoping to put his side's advantage to good use against the italian meanwhile seventh seed prayer took care of business against yar couldn't even and the spaniard has never been past the quarterfinals at roland garros and creation marin cish meanwhile was surprised by another spanish better and revenge from years ago and over in the ladies' action two thousand and nine championship lineup who's not solvable vassal slovak rebar recall in her opener get out the seven i would need to get task in adult to progress into the next round while honest the c.f.l. for the chancellor takes on kazakhstan's jaroslava she dead or alive today asked about meanwhile failed to prolong her stay in paris with the opening round loss to remain seated on a holiday now eight seeded samantha stosur meanwhile continues her quest for a second straight for a longer all spinal destroyed in russia no way to check it better than
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a sell by in the opener six two six three how about one finish. now go more sports just a couple of hours however you can rates and comments and sell the story seen here whenever you want to just head so are you to channel at arts and sports and yes thanks for watching. we'll be. bringing you the latest in science and technology from the realms where. we've got the future coverage.
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the. machine would be soo much brighter if you move bounced around from funds to freshen .


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