tv [untitled] May 23, 2011 12:00am-12:30am EDT
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hoping for peace breakthrough the russian foreign minister and steps hold talks with libyan rebels and palestinian officials in moscow. this comes as u.s. president barak obama keeps on pushing on israel to start talking and to reach agreement. all the details are coming up shortly. and largest antigovernment protests two years gather strength in georgia with the opposition promising to see president because many wednesday. plus the e.u. turns up the heat on greece not doing enough to stop driving down in europe athens
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russia's back claiming it's pushing itself to its limit. so you're watching on t.v. broadcasting live from moscow welcome to the program well nascar is offering a helping hand to both libyans and palestinians in efforts to negotiate peace agreements some of which and presented to libyan opposition and palestinians is a whole separate talks with the russian foreign minister but. for more on this what the delegations hoping to achieve. it's definitely going to be a very busy day here at the foreign ministry in moscow first of all what we talked about the libyan delegation this is going to be the delegation from the revolutionaries from the. from going guys he and he are expected to discuss the
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preconditions for a cease fire would tripoli and it is going to take place the meeting after another meeting earlier last week between moscow and representatives from tripoli and during that meeting tripoli said that they are ready to go by all these un resolutions any or ready to consider a ceasefire if the rebels put their guns down and nato stops its shelling now it's important to stress here that so moscow has been saying it doesn't want to be a mediator in this conflict says this is an internal matter for libya it's just trying to help all sides try to find ways to move forward towards our ceasefire for peace to finally be established after months of awful violence in the country now talking about some of the palestinian delegation we don't exactly know
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which delegations are coming but it's a very all likely have dads they are going to be representatives from fox and hamas the two most powerful political movements in palestine and the west bank and they've just just earlier in may be decided to reunite after years of animosity and so they are also expected to discuss the preconditions for establishing an independent palestinian state this matter is going to be taken up to the united nations in september obviously this question has been discussed for decades it's a major problem so that's going to be discussed here during that meeting as well but indeed and what's the latest prospects you think for the second between palestinians and israelis. it's a really difficult to say. it is quite
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a difficult question like i say this issue has been continuing for decades since one nine hundred sixty seven pretty much but just recently it took a new turn when the us president barack obama made a proposal that to the boarders all for this possibly new independent palestinian state should be based on the the one nine hundred sixty seven borders before the so-called sixty war and that would mean that the borders of the future independent palestinian state would it go through jerusalem and east jerusalem would be along to the palestinian the lands while this proposal was greeted by the international community by the middle east quartet which is composed out of the united states russia the united nations and the european union but it was strongly criticized in fact rejected by the israeli prime minister who cited
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that such borderlines would make israel totally harmless and defend one's against the policy as well as the palestinians are saying that they are even ready to consider a cease fire if israel goes by this proposal but after that spark a bomb on also met with the most powerful lobbying body to israeli lobby body in the united states the apac and he also made some changes in this proposal saying that apart from the fact that the border line will have to be based on the one nine hundred sixty seven border lines there are also good goals or could be some adjustments which would mean some swapping off lands between israel and palestine. all of this caused a mixed reaction among the international community because it seems that with mark obama. trying to please both israel and the international community is actually
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creating even more tension and for more on that here's my colleague. when addressing the powerful pro israel lobby here in washington president obama has made sure we affirm the i'm wavering support of the united states to estrella he also made sure his thursday speech did not leave anyone uncomfortable in that speech he suggested that israel go back to prison on nine hundred sixty seven borders with mutually agreed land swaps many swayne least found the mere idea of going back to nine hundred sixty seven unacceptable face really prime minister said it was unrealistic so there was some tension there and given how important the support of the jewish lobby is in the u.s. presidential elections president obama had to do some explaining i know that study these principles on the issues of territory and security. generated some controversy over the last few days. i wasn't surprised.
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i know very well that the easy thing to do. particularly for a president preparing for reelection is to avoid any controversy. so let me reaffirm what nine hundred sixty seven lines with mutually agreed swaps means. by definition it means that the parties themselves. israelis and palestinians will negotiate a border that is different than the one that existed on june fourth one nine hundred sixty seven. to what president obama basically said at the apec conference was here's the solution that the united states adjusts but washington will in no way put any pressure on israel to advance the process it's not the first time washington talks about the two state solution obama is the first us president to express it explicitly in a speech but they were similar suggestions before but never any action to really push for it one example of the policy of words but not actions are the settlements
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u.s. administration has called these really settlement expansion illegitimate but when it came to actually voting at the u.n. security council to condemn the settlement expansion as illegal to the u.s. the solution as we're going back to nine hundred sixty seven borders as a basis for negotiations the solution is not new all the other members of the quartet of middle east peace negotiators have long been supporting it that's the u.n. the european union and russia president obama was popularity in the arab world is now as low as ever is facing pressure from both the international community and its all time ally israel for whom obama's mentioning of nine hundred sixty seven alone sounded unacceptable so president obama's attempts to please both the international community and its will seem to have resulted in yet another nonstarter in the middle east peace process were put on the list john mearsheimer told r.t. if this road doesn't soften its approach towards a peace deal consume for itself the isolated middle east. there's no
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question that the united states is well beyond losing patience with netanyahu and with israel more generally well on closed doors the united states is furious with israel because israel is pursuing a policy that is not we american national interest this is disastrous for us and that's why obama wants a two state solution to the problem that obama faces like all american presidents face is that you can't put any pressure on israel because the lobby in this concrete is so powerful the great damage to obama's political future and when president obama was saying very clearly is that israel is being isolated around the world and the palestinians are gaining the upper hand in terms of world opinion and what's going to happen here is that it's going to be israel and the united states against the rest of the world this is just as true as the united states and
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disastrous for israel and that's the message that obama is sending today and young but unfortunately the message is not getting through. well still ahead this hour huddling of course is the greek way. sometimes staying out drinking coffee is this country's grocers it's the only thing that's left. about why goose is out to cheat mr parsons is putting a new strain on its relationship with the e.u. . particle georgia with thousands of anti-government protesters are carrying for a third day of the instructions opposition leaders are calling it a revolution which they claim ousting comment president peacefully wednesday described as from his government from the regime. from the freedoms thousands rather than the capital tbilisi we tend. to put it some of the protesters
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the largest public events that since two thousand and seven opposition leader and that's a total region's actions are infuriating people. evolution is still to go we go and it's not up to us the government to be generalists into a new government be good to terrorize people like government. convict so still it seems that people blame the government it beats very seriously. look if people would say confiscate property of the citizens and its last legs a credit balance four times peaceful my goodness they should i would like to remind you that basement of the stations sanctioned by the side of the government we have fighting for democracy we are fighting for the n.p.a. elections are fighting against noble citizens we want independence of judiciary we want to just strengthen the place in the least in this country get a good try growing will supply solution
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a few forms of people especially it really will work for what we have fighting for india fighting for real democracy in this country. really. since the day he came to power that's according to political analysts and. the problem has been boardings seen strange or forced off life when saakashvili came to . his predecessors the. georgian public is increasingly dissatisfied with saakashvili if he is a way of breaking down any kind of opposition freedom in georgia was. all for once i personally came into power and during the years of the opposition there was freedom of speech political party is the difference to use both for internal and external policies of the country. has been doing for the last several years he's
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cracking down one position and actually he has managed to alienate not only all the political parties but most of the pollution of the conscious. well coming up shortly the program in the sense of victimhood but what's good both in their writing section their children disability is told to move out. as the eurozone economic crisis deepens greece is being criticized for not doing enough the country is facing fresh ultimatums from new members as its debts continue to spiral out of control. and forms to what jesus huge national deficit but the greek prime minister has admitted there are meet their obligations hit back at some patients to excess commonplace and there are growing rumors the country may leave the bureau together as a way out of the process since governors are reports of tension between the e.u.
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and me since last march and boyhood's. as famous greek businessman aristotle onassis once said to be successful keep looking tanned live in an elegant building even if you're in the cellar be seen in smart restaurants even if you only nursed one drink and if you borrow borrow big. three certainly grow big but it hasn't helped its success a modern country built on a glorious ancient civilization is on the brink of national financial disaster and some e.u. members which helped bail it out are no longer happy with the anti-crisis measures taken by athens. we can't just choose solitary and then say that these countries can't continue as before we can't have a common currency where some get lots of a case in time and others very less so that won't work in the long term. to the people of greece already suffering from severe job and wage cuts this statement was
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a slap in the face. of all of these that greeks are those guys who lie in the sun and don't work well the reality is not that greeks and you have statistics. very serious that this tax produced by the european union which proved. work at least as much as other europeans and sometimes war because. of president must have another work your salary is too low you must find some way to. compensate for that so you have to work in other jobs also. at the same time i think. the german government is that we should sell everything to them because we owe it to them to see the situation but in the end produces a very uneven relationship inside the us supposedly. a union of states that were meant to you know in
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a way. form common policies or some kind of solidarity there. so even the slightest rumors that greece might leave the euro have already been flatly denied by athens and brussels some experts believe this would be best for the e.u. even claiming it could be less painful then being warned experts from abroad they try to make us clear but no country that has that's should escape the euro area because they would lose money but this shouldn't be our problem it shouldn't be. program for the wealthy european countries our research has shown up greek could leave the euro area without any big problems the greek people are facing big problems the total out of work is expected to hit around eight hundred cows and this year with an unemployment rate of forty
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percent among the young it seems people strolling through the city's markets are just putting on operation face. sometimes just staying out you know drinking coffee as the world is a country with prices it's the only thing that's left. just have a coffee outside and you'll avoid being always you know kind of. the despair is evident in the shuttered stores all across our friends despite the fact that it's a tourist high season business and the birthplace of civilization looks pretty dead certain even members have accused the greeks of simply being too lazy and while it's true that some shop owners will reopen after a few days on the beach for many these windows of opportunity are permanently closed. ironically it seems that this time it's the greeks who should have been aware of those bearing gifts the e.u. bailout of one hundred billion euros has mired the country in crippling debt and
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cost the developing political challenge between athens and its european partners over what's to happen next the rising tension between the two is causing fault lines which some say now threaten the entire unity of the european union itself catherine is r t athens greece. rushers atop a search engine spotted this today on that stock in new york some experts believe the cowboys are hoping it will outperform last year's day you of another russian giant l.w. for more that's. the business desk you hear what does this mean for you this what her again it's a result to one point three billion dollars from its nasdaq i.p.o. if the price is new and existing shares at the top of their price range well this would make it the biggest i.p.o. by a russian internet since google and. order book is
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a rate of five times over subscribed internet. stocks have been particularly hot property again recently as demonstrated by a rush of interest in russian internet investment company mail dot ru and its stake in facebook and us corporate social networking firm. and that's different from both linked in the generates ninety seven percent of its revenue from online advertising and the company has sixty five percent of russia's online search market and this would. lead to google's only seconds in this emerging market well. well definitely i think it is likely to encourage other russian companies to see you getting a list listed on the nasdaq but we'll have more business in just about ten minutes . from now. international stories in
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brief for you this are up to par to start first with government have tracked one of the country's most heavily guarded literal cities in the city of algae killing at least injuring none of the others or well armed militants from eight holed up inside a measure that hours after his guns and grenades late night assault also destroyed the u.s. supplies a presence a growth there where the scale responsibility suspicion is becoming something which the town about it's about very much there isn't some. plan backed by the us you are an arab states to engagements political crisis has collapsed of the president in a sorry refused to sign it it's the very time he stopped the paper so it's still which would see him leave problem among the newton would lead to civil war the area the western men have been buses trying to grow to be. tracked and seen by
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no more violent crackdown has claimed more than one hundred fifty since mr gently. sprains the governing socialist party suffered heavy losses in the open of regional elections a center right party cheating ten percentage point lead the crushing loss of the ruling party comes off to meet a vision about protests that ended up with responsible government into money process and record high unemployment. and flights remain suspended in iceland following an eruption of the country's most active volcano the main international airport has been closed to internal flights grounded since a plume of smoke and dust rose twenty kilometers into the sky one of the present there remains no impacts on flights further and while the ash cloud could reach europe in a few days experts see the chance of a. peter last year's mass closure best place when
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a different muslim brotherhood. a moscow dolphinarium which offers a therapy to children suffering from this incredible rental disability this is. building repairs a center has nowhere to go so presenters. they match a few months ago by new it timid six year old with a developmental disorder and casper ideations beluga whale is slightly asymmetrical thins forty minutes in the pool twice a week and one is mother can already see the difference is it even though i can see that she's opening up to the world has become more confident and most sociable and it happens without any drops of side effects. on it is one of several thousand children who have received dolphin therapy at the moscow dolphinarium that is until the city authorities ordered the dolphins and their trainers out of this bulls
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sighting on a view to bills and crumbling infrastructure so this building wasn't designed to handle large quantities of shell for the soldiers ravaged structures and the building could collapse like a house of cards at any moment. but still it is indeed in need of repair yet while asking the dolphinariums of a kid it promises city hall which owns it is not offering any alternative. addiction notes can make even humans feel like fish out of water but these sea creatures it's much more than just an uncomfortable situation. some are shipped to other aquariums others are still waiting for their fate to be decided. ok this is one of our last remaining performance his name is skip well this is the first time in his life that he has the middletons so it's very distressing because go and whales are very social animals we don't know what to do with him there are some of
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the only options to take in these two big kitchen stewards legally speaking city hall has every right to vick the dolphinarium and it looks like it's going to be a little regard for the animals or the children they're helping. one reason dolphins are so good with children is because they're eager to please their team to their little patients needs the limitations that can feel well intentioned at a congregating exhibiting all the qualities that people would look for in everybody who is involved in this dolphin of action scandal but so far failing to find. its capital is mokhtar all the one who stays is the one who peace and children's therapies not the most profitable business but his plan like ation no matter how valuable it is but you good doctors are still skeptical about how effective its treatment is. the richard with autism cerebral cool see who's tried this therapy
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tell you that it works every little tissue trust it's one of the constant clues the dolphinarium. but these arguments are so far being drowned out in a cd it's thousand south to be more suitable for sharks and for dolphins. r.c. moscow. will start the business with. hello and a very warm welcome to the business news russia's flagship airline is getting bigger our thought will be the new owner of six regional airlines worth nineteen million dollars yes as currently belong to a russian to colleges high tech corporation the company will receive three point sixty one percent of their thought stock in exchange consultation will see the flagship airline by a seven million more passengers which will put it in the top ten carriers in europe
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are thought officials hope this will help boost its competitiveness with its foreign counterparts years ago if we take the entire russian fleet of passenger jet how many people did it move last year fifty seven million what's the average figure for air france cans or a british airways seventy to one hundred million use means if we want to retain a russian national airline and make it competitive we have to reduce the number of companies on the market that has to be competition but at the same time all national airline has to be able to compete with major western airlines after russia games w t o accession our sky will be open to foreign carriers and we may well lose our own player on the market but we still have time to prevent. it. but such a look at the markets now asian shares began the week with an across the board sell off investor sentiment was hit by friday's losses on wall street. the european
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sovereign debt in japan or to make a master is down two percent while most like the produce of kawasaki surrendered almost five percent while the resource center property stocks are among the main losers in hong kong or china cold down three percent. and here in moscow the markets will start the week's trading in two hours time but closed in the red on friday asked about it as he's done more is about global demand. curve this time from much of the live cd says the chances of a rebound in russia which is depends on the stability of the commodity markets. ok for a look at the charts for the last five weeks russian market underperformed the global markets and all the emerging markets by the tree and three to seven percentage points which is significant so a devaluation so for the russian starts now a little crazier attractive and i think investors are paying attention so again you've come already prices stabilize where they are now and there is a i see
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a high chance that they will russian markets has a strong chance to rebound and russia stop search engine ganda this is not to be listed on the new york they would have to go for its own one you know is five times i've subscribed to the show as likely the opposite end of that range tom blackwell from communications russia believe scam tax cut out for last year's successful debut mailed out are you. now or a price that was heavily oversubscribed price at the top of the range as i recall it will be a difficult performance to match i don't say it's impossible i mean and my basis for saying that is that if you look not just in russia among russian stocks but what's happening globally in the internet space you have maintained and one shot up one hundred nine percent on the first day of trading in terms of the overall atmosphere it's means that you have acces is going to be listening in an even more positive atmosphere in the internet space demand is clearly strong and so i think that you have access
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