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tv   [untitled]    May 23, 2011 8:00am-8:30am EDT

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an. pushing for peace moscow breaks truck tire and hamas together to cement ties between the reconcile palestinian factions and pave the way for talks with israel. a revolutionary mood in georgia the opposition largest to overthrow president saakashvili within days i mean violent anti-government protests. and with greece's debt spiraling out of control the rift with e.u. lenders deep pits further endangering the unity of the european states.
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watching r t four pm here in moscow thanks for joining us political unity among all palestinians is needed to achieve a peace deal with the israel russia's foreign minister voiced this view on the conflict as he meets the two main palestinian parties in moscow are coming when a support elections were also on the agenda as pilots palestinians seek help to resolve their regional problems let's now get more on this from our correspondent nick or hi there you go or so what has been discussed in moscow today. and hamas are that the most powerful political movements in gaza and the west bank and there in moscow discussing the various issues with the foreign minister and with the russian diplomats in general now that they've been they've managed to set their differences aside earlier in may after years of animosity they're planning to form a joins government and been saying that before for russia support on this issue of
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sigil of all the foreign minister has said that russia has an active member of the u.n. security council and the middle east quartet which also includes the united states the european union and. if you when it supports the idea of all political movements and force in this election another issue on the table is discussing the preconditions for establishing an independent palestinian state and city office also commented on this matter saying that basically if you read the facts of that time hamas were able to set their differences aside and stressed that only as a whole nation unified nation and palestine and negotiate this issue with israel we know that hamas and plenty to take this matter to the u.n. in the september and also we've been saying that they're counting on russia's support for all us president barack obama has also come out to explain his vision
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of where the israeli palestinian peace process should be moving but he did take care to remain cautious didn't he. well this whole dispute has been going on for many decades and over the years it became clear that the international community including the middle east quartet. was just one solution and that is a two u. street solution so just previously us president barak obama publicly backed this idea he met with the israeli prime minister and said that the borders of the future independent palestinian state should be based on those in one thousand and sixty seven which basically means that they would go to jerusalem this was rejected by the israeli prime minister who said that such a scenario would make israel i guess palestine so at another meeting after that with israel's biggest oil lobby in the united states barack obama softened his
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stance saying that the voters one has to be exactly as the war in one thousand nine hundred eighty seven so now mimi and i was say that the u.s. is trying to please both israel and the international community sort of to. going to sit on two chairs at the same time as that is actually creating even warts tension and for more on this here's my colleague image ago. when addressing the powerful pro israel lobby here in washington president obama has made sure to reaffirm the i'm wavering support of the united states he also made sure his thursday speech did not leave anyone uncomfortable in that speech he suggested that israel go back to pray nine hundred sixty seven borders with mutually agreed land swaps any swaim least found the mere idea of going back to nine hundred sixty seven unacceptable peacefully prime minister said it was unrealistic so there was some tension there and given how important the support of the jewish lobby is in the u.s.
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presidential elections president obama had to do some explaining i know that stating these principles on the issues of territory and security generated some controversy over the past few days. i wasn't surprised. i know very rome that the easy thing to do or particularly for a president preparing for reelection is to avoid any controversy. so let me reaffirm what nine hundred sixty seven lines with mutually agreed swaps means by definition it means that the parties themselves. israelis and palestinians will negotiate a border that is different than the one that existed on june fourth one hundred sixty seven. so while president obama before he said at the apec conference was here is the solution that the united states suggested washington will in no way put any pressure on israel to advance the process it's not the first time washington
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talks about the two state solution obama is the first us president to express it explicitly in a speech but they were similar suggestions before but never any action to really push for it as we're going back to nine hundred sixty seven borders as a basis for negotiations the solution is not new all the other members of the quartet of middle east peace negotiators have long been supporting it that's the you when the european union and russia president obama was popularity in the arab world is now as low as ever is facing pressure from both the international community and its all time ally israel for whom obama's mentioning of nine hundred sixty seven alone sounded unacceptable so president obama's attempts to please both the international community and its will seem to have resulted in yet another nonstarter in the middle east peace process barack obama has also wanting israel that if it doesn't work towards a credible peace deal it could soon find itself totally isolated political analysts job here she says america's getting tired of adultery everywhere. there's no
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question that the united states is well beyond patience with netanyahu and with israel more generally one called united states is serious with israel because israel is pursuing of commerce and that is not we american national interest this is disastrous for us and that's why obama wants a two state solution of the problem that obama faces like all american presidents face is that you can't put any pressure on israel because the lobby in this concrete is so powerful going into great damage to obama's political future and with president obama was seen very clearly is that israel is being isolated around the world and the palestinians certain gaining the upper hand in terms of world opinion and what's going to happen here is that it's going to be israel and the united states against the rest of the world and this is just is just the united
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states is disastrous for israel and that's the message that obama is sending to netanyahu but unfortunately the message is not getting through russia has called for a cease fire between the libyan government and the opposition in order to end the bloodshed in the country this as foreign minister sergei lavrov prepares to meet with rebel representatives in the russian capital to help establish dialogue between the two sides or very the visit to moscow by libyan government's envoys last week russia declared its support for year round of african union efforts their representative said that he was ready to withdraw from conflict areas but only when the rebels drop their weapons and. moscow says the alliance carried out its campaign to rabi'a has so far failed to act in accordance with the he will have solutions. and still ahead for you this hour a veteran of moscow's dolphin could move to
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a week therapy that's helping disabled children across moscow but you can find out more in a few minutes. the government opposition in a georgia vows to overthrow president mikhail saakashvili by wednesday thousands from protests against what demonstrators call a criminal regime have to brucey in a vice like grip for a third day in a row on monday the crowd marched to the headquarters and drove the state television demanding the values broadcast by president sarkozy is a long one and seems to be a real hurry to interrupt his visit opposition leader mobile did not sit told our team that people are ready to fight until he resides. yesterday night we're waiting serious serious provoke asians and we knew that it was their readiness from special forces the bread downs a demonstration again but thanks to the international community you and does this personality teach here then give information when there was a critical approach been saving tricking down the demonstrations in tbilisi and in
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but to me in verse thanks to any wall mentor of. kolo diplomatic representatives from different countries so it was possible to avoid any provocation from last night people are just more t.v. teachers to continue political struggle and we will continue this struggle we want to show to everybody that we will achieve our results we need right now concrete steps in your wrist two days which are absolutely peaceful we share in court international standards and international rules of fighting for democracy and once again we want to say that we are fighting for democracy we are fighting for. the new this country and we are not going to lie late democratic norms which are important for everybody. or discontent has been building up in georgia for the past seven years as political analysts in your whole cloth told us. the problem has been
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boardings and the scene strange all forced wage all five. came to power. criticize them about another georgian problem he's increasingly dissatisfied with. who he is a way of cracking down on any kind of a position in the country freedom in georgia was. for one socially came into power during the years of the opposition and so there was freedom of speech to political party is the difference to use calls for internal and external policies of the contrie. has been doing for the last seventy years is creating a. position and actually has managed to alienate not only all the political parties but most of the pollution in the conscious that was political analysts of giving his take on the situation in georgia. greece is facing fresh ultimatums from members amid criticism it's failing to meet its obligations athens needs to
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step up its economic reforms to help reduce its huge national deficit but as our. reports tensions between the country and its creditors are fast approaching boiling point. as bemis creek businessman aristotle onassis once said to be successful people looking to live in an elegant building even if you're in the cellar be seen in smart restaurants even if you only nursed one drink and if you borrow borrow big three certainly broke big but it hasn't helped its success a modern country built on a glorious ancient civilization is on the brink of national financial disaster and some e.u. members which helped bail it out are no longer happy with the anti-crisis measures taken by athens. we can't just show you solidarity and then say that these countries can't continue as before we can't have a common currency where some get lots of education time and others very less so
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that won't work in the long term. to the people of greece are already suffering from severe job and wage cuts this statement was a slap in the face of the ideologies that greeks are those guys who lie in the sun and don't work well the reality is not that work at least as much as other europeans i think would be ideal for the german government is that we should sell everything to them because we owe it to them to see to pronounce the situation but in the end produces a very uneven relationship inside the us supposedly. a union though even the slightest rumors that greece might leave the euro have already been flatly denied by athens and brussels some experts believe this would be best for the e.u. even claiming it could be less painful than being warned experts from abroad they
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try to make us clear. no country that is that's should escape the euro area because they would lose money but this shouldn't be our problem it shouldn't be the problem for the wealthy european countries our research has shown are. greek could leave the euro area without any big problems but the greek people are facing big problems the total out of work is expected to hit around eight hundred thousand this year with an unemployment rate of forty percent among the young it seems people strolling through the city's markets are just putting on copper a face. sometimes. drinking coffee is this country's crisis it's the only thing that's left. just have a coffee outside a void being always. the despair is evident in the shuttered stores all across our
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fence despite the fact that it's the tourist high season business and the birthplace of civilization looks pretty dead certain even members have accused the greeks of simply being too lazy and while it's true that some shop owners will reopen after a few days on the beach for many these windows of opportunity are permanently closed. ironically it seems that this time it's the greeks who should have been aware of those bearing gifts the e.u. bailout of one hundred billion euros has mired the country in crippling debt and cost the developing political challenge between athens and its european partners over what's to happen next the rising tension between the two is causing fault lines which some say now threaten the entire unity of the european union itself. r t athens greece called the view that greece should quit the euro zone is echoed
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by some european countries but politicians say the move will be beneficial for both the rest of the. i think that the euro must limit its members it's unavoidable that those members those countries who cannot and who won't reform into the same economical life that we see in germany that we see in finland in netherlands and other i like countries they simply don't belong because they will never have the economical challenges or requirements which are necessary in order to maintain or to keep up the speed with the with the german economy and therefore if they maintain the euro they will constantly they would permanently be behind and therefore be depending on money from other countries tax payers obviously that's quite sums on satisfactory for these even these two countries that are receiving the money but especially of course for those countries whose taxpayers are paying the bill so there's only one way if you want to rescue the euro in the realistic
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world and that is to exclude or even more positively freely let them go these countries in the south who so obviously should have never have been in the euro from being. well if you go to our web site that's r t dot com you can read the greece is far from being the only troubled european economy spain follows as soaring unemployment and harshest thirty measures triggered mass protests all over the country. a classic american corvettes and soviet era ball goes cruising the streets of moscow find out where these antique automobiles are having our teeth dot com. let's check some international news making the headlines this hour an operation to recover control of a pakistani mabel base attacked by insurgents has ended after almost sixteen hours of priding troops cornered a group of gunmen after a raid on the complex the night before we left at least goldfinger is dead you talk
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also destroyed several who are supplied surveillance aircraft of the pakistan taliban says the raid was to avenge the killing of osama bin laden. the european union has imposed sanctions on the syrian president in response to the crackdown on anti-government protests assets of bashar al assad have been a frozen and he's now bound to from entering e.u. territory earlier the block blacklisted thirteen other senior syrian officials brussels called for a national dialogue and demanded a concrete timetable for political reform almost a thousand people have been killed since anti-government uprising began effectively . severe weather conditions continue to batter the southern states of america bringing totals out of station and widespread damage at least eighty nine people were killed in the city of joplin after in a massive tornado last of its way across the southwestern state of missouri officials fear the death toll could cried much higher the storm left behind piles
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of brick and wood are home schools and churches stood. all the u.s. presidents has a row. did arlette for the start of his sixth a trip to europe or iraq obama will break for business to make a pilgrimage to a village that used to be home to an ancestor of his mother but the trip may come as a welcome distraction from the global attention paid to the country's financial woes obama will also visit the u.k. poland and france the world economy the arab uprisings along with afghanistan and pakistan are all on the agenda. now in moscow dolphinarium that provides a therapy to children with physical and mental limitations bases closure employees along with the marine life have only two weeks before they're effective artie's of sun a boy has the story. they matter a few months ago vanya a timid six year old with
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a developmental disorder and casper vibrations beluga whale is slightly asymmetrical thins forty minutes in the pool twice a week and one is mother can already see the difference is it even though i can see that he's opening up to the world has become more confident and most sociable and it's happened without any drugs and side effects. one it is one of several thousand children who have received dolphin therapy at the moscow dolphinarium that is until the c.e.o. of the ridges ordered the dolphins and their trainers out of this bulls citing unpaid utility bills and crumbling infrastructure so this building wasn't designed to handle large quantities of. the soldiers ravage supporting structures and the building could collapse like a house of cards at any moment. the facility is indeed in need of repair yet while asking the dolphinarium to vacate the premises city hall which owns it is not
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offering any alternative. addiction notes can make even humans feel like fish out of water but these sea creatures it's much more than just an uncomfortable situation. some are shipped to all their carry ons others are still waiting for their fate to be decided. this is one of our last remaining artists his name is step on this is the first time in his life that he has the pool all to himself and it's very distressing because dolphins and whales are very social animals we don't know what to do with him now so far the only option is to take him home and he's too big for my tub. legally speaking city hall has every right to vic the dolphinarium and it looks like it's going to it's little regard for the animals or the children they were helping. one recent dog princess a good thing is because they're eager to please their team to their little patients needs and limitations their gentle well intentioned and accommodating exhibiting
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all the quote is that people would look for in everybody who is involved in biz they're all for an eviction scandal but so far failing to find. its capital is now after all the one who stays is the one who peace and children's therapy is not the most profitable business for this plan location no matter how valuable it is but you're good at. treatment is the. reason a certain group will see who's tried this we know your very words every little piece huge for us that's why we can stand to lose the bill scenario. but these arguments are so far being drowned out in a cd it's thousand south to be more suitable for sharks and if we don't. aren't see moscow. well now it's time for the business update with kareena.
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her welcome to the business thanks for joining me this hour russia's top search engine yardsticks is about to be listed on the nasdaq in new york the one billion dollars i.p.o. is up to ten times oversubscribed so much so there were increased price range to twenty four twenty five dollars a share. and communications russell believes younger acts could outperform last year's successful debut of male got the world. mailroom price was heavily oversubscribed price of the top of the range as i recall it will be a difficult performance to match i don't say it's impossible i mean my basis for saying that is that if you look not just in russia among russian stocks but what's happening globally in the internet space you had linked in that list and when shot up one hundred nine percent in the first day of trading in terms of the overall atmosphere it's not the means that says he's going to be listening in an even more positive atmosphere in the internet space demand is clearly strong and so i think that your index has a good opportunity to perform very well. and russian oil exports
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a new iraq production might not be enough to stop rising prices has started developing the new oil fields in eastern iraq this new production along with that of other international companies is unlikely to step in that. we have all the projections. from two and a half million barrels per day at iraq's produces now so we'll add women as was promised by all the crown prince when they sent me to that town their proposals gives you a dish know what eight million girls per day are almost eight to ten percent towards the world is pretty amazing right now and i would swing issue so iran is a member of opec and there will be an issue within opec how they will regulate the volumes no one would ever try to predict what the oil price could be even though you supply outstrips demand you still wouldn't bet that the oil price
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will be lower now is greater later than the current one price if you look at the. paper boardrooms and real boardrooms barrels of oil that are traded probably the differences over ninety percent this paper ten percent is a real one so what the speculative part of the price of oil anywhere is yes. now a second look at the markets for prices are down amid signs the u.s. economy is slowing and concern greece may default on its that all that is stroking speculation demand for few maybe european stocks a shot in the red that's also downgraded greeks that ratings by theory on a weekend downgrade of the output italy's rating by standard and poor's airlines are under pressure amid news of nubile caddick activity in iceland germany's dax is losing one point eight percent with shares of dorsey moved off around four percent . here and also the markets the start of monday's trading session the red on
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negative news from brought the artist is currently losing over to help percent and my six is one point eight percent in the red. now let's take a look at some individual shelves most of the good chips are seeing losses promise losing to. point three percent eighty b. is also down on the two percent oppose gold is among the red gain is on the gnostics shares are up more than one percent on stronger gold prices and it plans to double production and three years. also to get complete control over bell roses pipeline network with chips russian gas to europe prices hit country plans to sell its stake in bell trans gas for two and a half billion dollars one thing receives a bailout loan from russia has already paid the same sound the heart of the country's part i met work week means to sell the state assets to to compliment a planned free billion dollar loan that could help the former soviet republic overcome its financial problems. and russia's flagship airline is getting bigger
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therefore it is using a share swap deal to buy six regional airlines the deal is worth around nineteen million dollars the cargo those russian technologies will get three point six percent of their flight stock in exchange the consolidation will see the flagship airline acquire seven million more passengers which will put it among the top ten carriers in europe hopes this will help us as competitiveness against foreign competition. if we take the entire russian fleet of passenger jets how many people did it move last year fifty seven million what's the average figure for in france look times are in british airways seventy to one hundred million it's means if we want to retain a russian national airline and make it competitive we have to reduce the number of companies on the market there has to be competition but at the same time all national airline has to be able to compete with major western am lines after
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russian games w t o accession and sky will be open to foreign carriers and we may well lose our play on the market we still have trying to prevent. as late as this is for now i have no fear less than one hour but meanwhile stay with us for headline news coming up next.
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more than a month. in one of the most extreme environments on the planet this is and charge it up and people have to be aware that they're far away from civilization showing thomas discovers faults makes sense articles so special and attractive for many wildlife in antarctica is close and the friends of. expedition to the bottom of the earth are to. wealthy british style. sometimes violent. markets financed scandals find out what's really happening to the global economy.


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