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tv   [untitled]    May 23, 2011 7:30pm-8:00pm EDT

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facebook and twitter as always you can email me out of adam vs the man at dot com and catch this broadcast live as it airs f.r.c. got us a xenophobe at the washington d.c. . twenty years ago the largest country in the us to certain places of. the fleet must have been translated to ghana jerks where did it take. the lead mission in three to critique should be free coupons for charges free. maintenance three risk free stooges free. the old free broadcast clothing videos for your media projects a free media and gone to our t.
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a report on r t. if. he. thinks. a country where some take pride in our wine. french wines other worlds best but most of the warnings are not much different from down. others have to select
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kidneys to support the family. needed money now because of the money my health is gone in the first year of independence a country went through a civil war. nobody believed the war was possible at the end of the twentieth century the moldova could of yet become another former soviet republic to experience the color revolution. what will be the outcome of the put trucks and crisis in the country what future course will it choose for itself and then even signed an outside moldova. the answer to those questions. i. am. a polish seventh two thousand and nine central question now. the capital of moldova several young people made their way to the
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roof top of the presidential residence took down the national flag and in its place raised the european union's flag protesters announced that the revolution the taken place in moldova and the president had fled the country. president vladimir voronin was addressing the nation from his second floor office at the presidential residence. the model was a visual hallucinations and the ones behind these burek so-called demonstrations just whose interests they serve. and who benefit from them are only too obvious to the ear. we will certainly find out who has planned and masterminded these disturbances that obama did indeed. just the thought much for the moldovan flak place. andre a student at the kitchen now polytechnic was among those who stormed government
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buildings he had joined a rally without any idea of how it might work out in the end at the time the young man was sure the police deliberately allowed protesters to seize the parliament building and set it on fire. just as you can see now police are well equipped. but at the time they were ill prepared to deal with such things. they were only twenty or thirty policemen on hounds they certainly couldn't have coped but i'm sure there was a special purpose unit nearby. if they had used force everybody would have gone home right away. meanwhile preparations for widespread unrest were underway throughout kitchener a slavonic university only russian language institution of higher learning was the source of greatest concern it was fair the crowds might go on the rampage there by . midday
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a large mob of nationalists had gathered in front of the university students were determined to defend the university and by any means possible. thanks. for the start worrying after learning that a crowd was heading in here about getting the hoses we intended to use them as a last resort they came here. the fact is that high school children as well as university students come here to study. on that day april the seventh many believe that another so-called color revolution was unfolding in downtown kitchener several former soviet republics had already shared the same fate everybody expected pro western politicians to come to power on the back of protests against communist president vladimir voronin but the following morning everything fell into place around him and emerged victorious this is sort of. if that evening
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vision with somebody had results. in the crowd why and for whose sake they had come there. and what they knew about the outcome of the election. the story i'm certain that ninety nine percent could not have answered those questions enough and here it is the region would. be better off but our discussion today will focus on what caused the events of a perilous seventh two thousand and nine and their aftermath our guest is we tell the public leader of the national liberal party the leader of the ultra right programme mainly in party we tell you. is really invited to speak over the radio national liberal party's manifesto echoes the motto of the people who rampaged from parliament moldova and remain here are a single country. but. we want to join nato and the european union so that's the. no the national liberal party but that's can only be achieved
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through a union with remain handy and this should be done without doing a village we do not hesitate to voice what's on the minds of larry many people in our society with. the town of several k. two hundred kilometers from chris you know it is the informal capital of the romany people in moldova stands on the high bank of the nice to river as romany population is nearly twenty thousand. not too much a robbery is a room in a barrel a needs to be in the know about the problems facing all runny families help them deal with them and add their grievances to the authorities leave them
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a bit of a. although most people inside ok change their old cars a plush german and japanese makes auto prefers to drive his old soviet made digitally copy. saraki is the maca whole room many of the former soviet union holes in the schools and this fact affects their culture civilization and traditions. the cradle of the room many people use here the grounds of in the. room many traditions on it and so rocky the baron enjoys public respect romany seek advice from him on any matter of importance or that they intend to build a house or give a name to a baby. that hello hello. if you did not buy that appearance like the baron. at.
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yes that says they did nice to or is in the shape of a horseshoe you know saroj. we settled on this sacred land more than five hundred years ago it may seem at least the minute. the large been dairy forest is two hundred kilometers downstream the denise to river. yuri outpost a lucky a businessman is the most important person here breeds hogs the ex president of moldova and big time business women have been known to join him on hunting expeditions in the forest but nobody has offered help in resolving his main problem is hogs are in one country but his office in the forest area minister is in another . of. this really it was a dividing line between the two warring policies. and moldova and volunteers were here for the trans mr was thrilled that saw.
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the part of the moldavian republic on the left bank of it's nice to declared its independence even before the breakup of the soviet union was officially recognized the fact of the matter is that what is now called trans to nice to became part of moldavia when it was a soviet republic because you now did not recognize a self-proclaimed trans the nice to republic after moldavia achieved independence tens political standoff degenerated into an armed conflict the first shots were fired in the spring of one nine hundred ninety two. by the summer of ninety ninety two massive. hostilities had already broken out the bitterest fighting took place in the translates to town of ben derek an enclave on the right bank of the denise to river. if the gold was in that small forest
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over there they set fire to the military hardware the. monument in the distance i remember about their work to bus loads of dead bodies before the from the from police a gift which is love most of cough and his mother often come to the bridge as an easter it was on this patch that the bloodiest clashes between moldova and troops and trends in east of volunteers took place which islam served in the russian fourteenth army deployed in trans denise to his father served in the cossacks imagine ben derek the russian soldiers hunting maintain neutrality even though most of them troops constantly find on their positions it was then which a slap aside to join his father's unit i told him i was going to take part in your i said if you don't allow me to join your unit i will sign up for another so he took me on because he knew that i would the police be close at hand. moldova's
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leaders insisted they were not at war with the self-proclaimed republic rather they were trying to establish law and order in reality what happened in the summer of one thousand nine hundred two was a full blown military standoff on the verge of the coming the bloodiest conflict in the territory of the former soviet union everybody waited to see which side the russian troops would take. cultures the same might have been a huge music a shared power by the mark of the arab awakening is often referred to as revolutions in the arab middle east there can be no doubt something in court is a nature. a telemarketer broadcasting live from washington d.c. coming. up today on the big picture.
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wealthy british. markets. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mikes concert for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines and two kinds of reports on our cheap.
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thank. you then just click of a is a kitchen are sober. moldova's principal treasure is tucked away on the ground. with forty million liters of wine was kept to mature here demand generates supply now you can find french and gary in rimini and moldovan barrels here each contains up to one tonne a wine. one likes barrels meat a book white wines are normally aged for eighteen months or two years some are kept
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from the six months red wines are kept here for two three or four years the labyrinth is a hundred and twenty kilometers long on this one or a looks like a town complete with streets and avenues it's the only place that was kind in the world people here were not prone to modesty when talking about the miles upon miles of tunnels hiding fountains of barrels of red and white wine they said well i would say that it's the eighth wonder of the world. there was a time when wine making was an important part of the moldavian economy and first came under attack conservative leader mikhail gorbachev declared war on hard drinking then yards over the total area of thousands of actors who cut down after the old over achieved independence the industry could not be restored to previous levels either in terms of quantity or more importantly quality. was biggest customer russia stopped importing its produce at the turn of the century.
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in raw and no longer conforms to strict russian senator standards moreover the russian market was drowned in for jews and european one because. thanks pamela french wines are the world's best most open warrants are not much different from down old always situated at the same latitude as france in this season only a short distance away so russia certainly lost out in this case. does your way steak sometimes and this is the post-surgery one the stitch and the scar could get you but the doctor at this hospital in the village of men gere has catered to several patients likely gauri people in the surrounding villages might
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report about a hundred cases of this kind they share a common fate some have sold one of their kidneys for money others would keep them to selling them criminal gangs would spot potential donors in moldova and take them to turkey for back alley surgery we had thirteen people in our village who went through this. and one of them has already died of kidney failure. patients selling their kidneys for money in order to be able to support their families was the only option open to most of the employment in moldova's regions is hard to come by the villagers were paid from one thousand five hundred to three thousand dollars for the operation but. i heard that one kidney is worth ninety five thousand dollars around one hundred thousand they just cheated us if you want to shouldn't have gone to turkey but i needed more now because of the money my
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health is gone there's nothing i can do i can't go back and change it all i can do is go on. raghuram spent the five hundred dollars he was paid for his kidney in turkey a long time ago the money was just about enough to mine a house repairs and clothes for his family despite protests by his doctor to go is again toying with the idea of going abroad to look for temporary employment he sees no other way to get money for his family according to various estimates the money moldovans earns in foreign countries accounts for approximately one fourth of the republic's g.d.p. up to one million citizens of moldova permanently reside outside the country. my older daughter wanted to go to college and i had no money i had to get some money for her education. eventually she did not go and.
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the romany baron has his hands full now holdovers romany have been increasingly involved in the country's political life once our torture are even run for president but he says it was more a showy political gesture than anything else nowadays the romany people take politics seriously they have founded a political party and they expect to get several seats in parliament after the election. we're only always understood the meaning of politics. when you much about it you merely allegedly but we never tried to get involved in it when you could when you did. this is what the political campaigning of the newly founded romany party looks like folk songs and dances in front of government headquarters of the best publicity stunt of the new political association however the deckers sees a session of the moldovan parliament nearby paid no attention to the running of the
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fashion of. the country has been in a state of political crisis for a long time communist president vladimir voronin did retain power after the events of april seventh two thousand and nine but his party lost subsequent elections deputies in the republic's parliament have so far failed to agree on a future course for the country because none of the parliamentary parties has the necessary majority of votes. than our or the people of moldova want to hear nothing of any merger with anybody or more people in sovereignty is increasingly becoming an integral part of the normal life as an eleven society and the mold of an state for the chick a businessman yuri a post a lackey has been a member of parliament for some time in modern day moldova it is impossible to do business of any significance without political assistance yury opposed to lucky
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runs a small enterprise. is a rare example of a successful businessman in moldova during breeds hogs creates jobs and protects the natural environment things would be even better for him were it not for a boarder cutting his forest into. there are new poll numbers nearly i find it hard to draw a dividing line between in derry and moldova or between the left bank and the right bank i still do believe this is one country and i regret what has been going on in those banks. the narrow denise the river divides moldova from the unrecognized republic but the political and economic gap between the two countries is much wider kisha now until last fall i have no diplomatic relations there are no direct telephone communications between them. to has its own currency economy and political system. no
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there he just look at him coming here. for. a treats me as one of his own. he goes near north has been the hallmark the unrecognized republic for more than twenty years he is unwilling to talk about the one nine hundred ninety two war and prefers to demonstrate the republic's economic progress. exist because there will always be an adequate supply of food to do because people know how to work this land is but they can support themselves without outside help the problem is where can we sell what we produce reasonable. despite all efforts the population of the unrecognized republic has dropped from seven hundred thousand to four hundred thousand since the on conflict and trans needs to twenty years ago some have moved to moldova others to ukraine still more to russia this is the result of widespread unemployment most of the leading
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industrial plants built in the service union have been shut down then there is over there. is beyond then the area that is where the fighting took place. reminders of those dreadful days are still evident in the enclave town on the right bank of the denise to the pockmarks walls of the administration building but traces of bullets locals take people on guided tours to show the positions of moldova sharpshooters. the snipers killed all civilians because they couldn't help but troops. but it didn't matter if it was friend or foe the only thing they cared about was the body count. the more people they killed the higher their pay was. telling me. nobody at the russian fourteenth army stationed in trans nice truck could stop the bloodshed the army's commander general yet. but declared ben derry
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a demilitarized zone today the russian peacekeeping force is about the only guarantor of peace that more than two thousand people on both sides lost their lives trying not to conflict. with just about nobody expected any hostilities to kick off air nobody believes a war was possible at the end of the twentieth century but if you're. on the other side of the border a former trans needs to volunteer which is life mulch a cause of flex on what caused a brief war on his way to his mother's house with. mission armed people entering your home triggers your self-defense reflex people were defending their homes. but there is no hostility now. we need many moldovans over a glass of wine they are normal people like anyone else. in the autumn of one nine hundred ninety two virtuous love not a cause father went missing that was when heavy fighting had already come to an end
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. clearly my husband was abducted when he and another man went to inspect the territory. there was a law in fighting at the time. for muslim authority it was clear that it would soon stop altogether and. i'm very relieved ducted both of them when i try to find my husband for a year and three months. each summer war veterans and bullets of the fallen come to cemeteries on both sides of that mr to light candles. scores of people have gathered in central kitchen now for the anniversary of the raid on the parliament building they tell it countless. it
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is noteworthy even though that only a few of those who would be involved in those events turned up. in april two thousand and seven dmitri was poised to defend his university from a crowd of thugs today he takes his first steps into show business he writes songs up and coming moldavian singers after quitting university spent a year in europe then he realized that his country is his home yet for the accordance with this area i am a patriot of my country my friends and relatives live here this is my land there is no point to linger in europe what can we give you reports from wine with those terrible incidents died down a long time ago but the feeling of resentment is still with me today i still can't . figure out what's going on and it all society has become insensitive to politics
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and they get upset if there's a place with what is. andre was among those who retire and the parliament building two years ago today he has a much more peaceful disposition since then he has graduated from university and given up politics now he has other priorities. my friend and i have founded a small organization in our town it is called eco shame. we are in the business of making minor ecological projects you know but they are only small projects because we are still in the initial stages with. a group of young people gathering in the center of the moldovan capital call that rocked the hyde park project a reference to the british tradition of open at public debates anyone can add their views on the political situation in the country speaking through microphones the
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project was launched hot on the heels of the events of april two thousand and nine initially people queue for a chance to speak up but their enthusiasm rapidly petered out nowadays passes by a more likely to ignore the speaker's. question is the same way to handle the huge musician finding that the mark of the arab awakening is often referred to as revolutions in the arab middle east there can be no doubt something in court is a guy that's new to the. us .


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