tv [untitled] May 24, 2011 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT
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look of the loan to show the real headlines with none of the mercy or can live out of washington d.c. now today and yahoo went to congress and as he addressed a bipartisan crowd he received a whopping twenty nine standing ovations so does the israeli prime minister have more friends in the u.s. government but our own president that's the d.o.d.'s going green all the military is touting its environmental friendliness to the press well ask isn't the greenest thing you can do is to stop waging and listen wars then is the government on the
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hunt for activists to arrest record for activists under the obama administration has skyrocketed we're going to find out why and then you know about the g. eight but have you heard of the g eight the biggest names in the tech world coming together to give politicians their take on how to keep the internet growing financially but the thing is the governments of the g eight are pushing for regulation so will this meeting of minds and with a real solutions or just become a major clash i'll get to the bottom of these issues and throw in some happy hour for you at the end of the show but right now let's move on to our top story. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu addressed congress today here in washington d.c. and he got quite the reception receiving not one or two or three hundred fifteen but twenty nine standing ovations congress that applause the spoke about the long standing relationship between israel and us there tandem move to spread real democracy in the middle east and when he flatly rejected the notion that israel
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would return to the one nine hundred sixty seven borders as president obama suggested in a speech last week it was a sure sign of the power that israel exerts over us politics but this is an area where partisanship flies right out the window. and i do see a lot of all friends here. and i see a lot of new friends you will democrats and republicans alike. but how many of these friends democrats and republicans alike really love b.b. and how many just love the campaign donations the flowing from a back to the skies this with me is allison we are the executive director of if americans knew allison thank you so much for joining us tonight you have first starters i mean this is have you seen anything like this before i definitely haven't seen president obama not even in his state of the union addresses get a bipartisan standing ovation twenty nine times what does that mean does that mean
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that these really prime minister has more power than the u.s. president doesn't friend of his own lawmakers it's so obvious isn't it it's shocking to every do to those of us that know what's going on what's amazing is that this is constantly denied a lot of people like to say oh no the israel lobby is not powerful it's not significant that and yet here you see a clear demonstration where both parties are standing as though they are welcoming their leader and that's what they're doing but so that's the thing. i guess you could ask is that because they just how such a strong admiration for benjamin netanyahu or does it not really matter who's in charge in israel is it more about about the lobbying about the money that flows into their campaigns it's very much about the lobby you could have either a number any kind of party leader from israel coming in and speaking before congress and they would applaud the exact same way ironically it could be the opposite party it could be is political and taken this there would be the same result so it is very much about the lobby about apac which coordinates these
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massive donations to candidates based on what they do about israel do you think that most americans really know the amount of influence that a pac has when it comes to domestic politics because at the end of the day like i said if you look at these are our congress members are allies our. did officials but the thing that they will applaud the most is a country in the middle east so do you think americans have any idea that this is what really unites them perhaps over many domestic issues i think most americans have no idea this is going on that people loving on behalf of a foreign country are basically writing are our middle east policies these are critical policies for the u.s. they're critical to our safety to our prosperity to our moral standing in the world they're extremely important for all americans and yet very few americans have any understanding that it is this tiny but extremely powerful special interest lobby that dictates to both parties to the president to congress to the senate what will
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be done but how many americans to listen to what benjamin netanyahu said today is that the u.s. and israel are partners when it comes to enabling supporting democracy in the middle east that israel is not a problem in the middle east israel is the right thing in the middle east but we've heard you know even some of our officials leaving her general david petraeus say that it's true that israel u.s. foreign policy towards israel does put us at more risk when it comes to you know our relationships with the arab world how come that doesn't get fed to the american public when you think about the fact that we're in a war on terror that we're in a war in afghanistan which has been the longest war in u.s. history how come none of that gets put together is it the media's fault it's very much connected to the media the lobby is is more pervasive than most people even people who know about it often don't know how pervasive it is it means that it is very influential and powerful in the media and academia in numerous institutions so what happens is we consistently as americans and this is what i have studied to
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a great degree degree we've been massive studies on u.s. coverage of israel palestine and we find an astounding level of israeli centrism we find the people that are writing the reports that we read in omaha nebraska. seattle are written quite often by people living in. israel who have family ties to the israeli military and yet these are given to us as though this is the objective news from the region and it's not it's a very very slanted news that's what analysis shows want but is that really is that because these people are considered experts and the ones that really you know pertain themselves to be non-biased there is also because there is this it's inherent unspoken fear that if you say anything critical about israel that makes you anti israeli rather than just someone who is allowed to be critical of any type of u.s. foreign policy or maybe even you know anti-american i would i would posit the other thing i would say i would dare say that is anti-american if you can't question the
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type of policies that we have abroad especially in our foreign affairs and especially if they put some of our lives more risk around the world absolutely my other position and that is president of the council for the national interest we believe that we're working trying to work for middle east policies that are in the best national interest of the united states and that also reflect our founding values of democracy of fairness and we consistently find that these lobby driven policies are extremely destructive to americans to the united states on every level strategically financially on every level they're extremely damaging to americans as well as being tragic for the entire region and dangerous for the entire world they are irrational they are immoral and yet we have this really said media we have people that are fearful sometimes with valid reasons for job security if they do tell the truth about israel palestine we have massive consumer organized consumer pressured by the special interest lobby we have advertising pressure there's so
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many factors that result in a very damaging very dangerous situation so if we talk about the money where's it coming from because like like we mentioned today that says i have friends republicans and democrats this is a bipartisan effort i think if you look at the the voting record at least of most american jews that they. more democratic but this flows all around so where is this money flows everywhere you know everybody gets almost virtually everybody gets some candidates get more. mostly it comes from very wealthy individuals they give to what are called political action committees that supposedly have a ceiling on the amount of money that they can donate to a candidate however the israel lobby has managed to circumvent the spirit of the law which is they create numerous pacts they give them names such as northern california as for good government which is actually not a lobby for good government for california it's a pac for israel so they have sometimes it's thirty sometimes it's one hundred
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sometimes it's two hundred packs very rich individuals who give money then the money is delivered to the we subpoenaed often by a pack a pack doesn't give it to themselves but they carry the checks there they deliver it to the candidate knows where that money came from and what is expected in return for that money so it's the same thing that we're seeing i guess you could say across the board with many corporations with certain industries big oil but here it's definitely affecting us. when a foreign nation sometimes supersedes what really should be priorities i think for some of our lawmakers any thanks so much for being here and i thank you for having me. now if you've read any of the major newspapers or media websites in the past few months then you've probably heard that the military is going green from reducing energy and water consumption a basis to launching initiatives to make sure that half of all energy that the navy and marines use afloat ashore and in the air will come from non-fossil fuel sources and all sounds like a positive step in the right direction
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a money saving energy saving overall environment saving military but what would be saving a lot more of all of that if we weren't involved and was for you and me to discuss this is david sirota author of the book back to our future how the one nine hundred eighty s. explain the world that we live in now david thanks so much for joining us. let's start with the way i guess our military likes to say that it's going green do they do this and you you actually in your piece also compare this to something arnold schwarzenegger did it's not like they go out and they get rid of the big heavy machinery and equipment and no quite the opposite they like to keep all that and then they just retool it or refurbish it is not right but that's exactly right i mean what we have here is of military that that i think is is going through an exercise in green washing which is the marketing term for saying that you're going green in order to sell yourself but not necessarily doing the things that are necessary to actually go green so you get a military that says oh we're not going to stop using tanks we're simply going to
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make our tanks a little bit more efficient and i told the story in the piece about how a large fortune a year when he ran for governor of california and he said he was an environmentalist so we drive around of fleet of seven harbors and he said well here's how i'm going to be an environmentalist and i've got to get rid of the hummers i'm not going to trade him in for a hybrid or a sidenote is going to retrofit one of my hummers to be a hydrogen however which is sort of a commentary on the larger issue which is that americans don't really like the idea of having to change their behavior it's the same thing that the pentagon is doing and saying we're going to go green in ways that don't ask us to really change our military's behavior even though the military's behavior and in specific its policy of what it now calls persistent conflicts is the biggest energy drain of all so is that why you think that more americans don't call out the military on this one because they themselves don't like change they themselves will prefer some kind of a facade rather than then truly changing their their activities or let's say our
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policies including our war making around the world you know i mean i think look i think americans do have some deeper and deeper concerns about why we're always deployed now because it's taxpayer issue and spending issue but i do think the military is trying to. meet criticisms head on and one of the criticisms is and will inevitably be as energy supplies become shorter will be how much are we actually how much energy we're using to simply run the military and specifically how much energy are we using to wage war because because i have all of the things the military does waging war actually occupying countries is the biggest energy drain about i mean it's takes a lot of fuel a lot of resources to run those tanks i think that the estimate of what i said i think two thousand and six was that every u.s. soldier on the ground in occupation in an occupied country every u.s. soldier is using nine calends of fuel
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a day that's enormous. so i have seem so obvious right that seems so a logical that if you think about well if we really want the military to be green maybe we should now have wars that are lasting ten years longer maybe we don't need the largest military in the world maybe i mean that we probably still would be the largest consumer of energy on the planet even without that but you know you mentioned also why we see all these headlines coming from the new york times coming from usa today from n.p.r. that are quite the opposite telling the stories about how the military is going green why are media outlets start asking that obvious question i think that's a that's a very good question look i think the answer frankly is that the american media has been complicit in beating the drum for war the american media to the iraq war certainly after in the aftermath of nine eleven and the patient of the invasion and occupation of afghanistan the media takes a posture that teach the drum for war because i guess in part because we're mixing
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that story and the media has not been very critical you know asking questions about the underlying posture of a military again according to its own general general casey i came to colorado springs and said we're in a state now of persistent conflicts it is that issue that posture if you were looking at the military and its use of energy that's the real problem not the fact that a particular take take your base may not be as energy efficient as it could be simply using all of those techniques being deployed in such a way that's the real energy drain. you know one of the things that we saw today as well is that defense secretary robert gates who we know is on the way out and at one time kind of painted the case that he might be this champion of reducing at least a wasteful of military spending quite the opposite today he gave a speech at the american enterprise institute that the less we have the more vulnerable we are and the political less of an army and military capabilities that
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we have that the less we're able to do around the world do you think that we're constantly going to be stuck in that more is more mentality rather than the less is more mentality well it's a self-serving mentality from the head of the bureaucracy and robert gates is as the head of a bureaucracy is interested in preserving that institution one of the ways to preserve that institution is to continue saying that the only way that the country can survive is if the institution in this case the pentagon sees as big or gets bigger than it already is that one of the ways to justify it really is so actually cycle we need to be deployed in a forward way you know order to prevent the threats against the united states of course being deployed in a forward posture and it militaries cost or creates more threats against the united states would said creates more of a justification for us to have an even more forward posture so there's really a so perpetuating cycle here and ultimately it's going to come down i pick to it's actually your issue well typically more and more americans are going to realize we
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can afford this simply the dollars and cents that doesn't make sense and that's the point where this cycle i think ultimately will break when that happens that's anybody's guess yeah unfortunately i think if that seems to be the only way to invoke any change here in this country sometimes is when it really starts coming down to the taxpayer and they start feeling the pinch and you hear the same thing about adapting to climate change or green energy as alternative energy is reducing our. dependence on foreign oil is that it's going to come down to when americans actually reduce their use of it because it comes to expensive they want to. thank you so much for joining us tonight thanks for having me. now still to come on tonight still going out there activists the number of people arrested in demonstrations here in the u.s. is on the rise since president obama took office but what's behind the spike in arrests heavens he's co-founder of voters for peace and the executive director of come home america joins me in just a minute. we
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heard by the lead i said. well. we haven't got the nuclear safety ready because the freedom. hey guys welcome michel ancel on the ellen show we've heard our guests not to say on the topics now i want to hear audience is going to use you to video response or to twitter the first part of the question that we impose on you tube every monday and on thursday on the show long responses we play local eight hundred.
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this july an annual event is going to take place here in washington d.c. the christians a united for israel conference it's being billed as the premier pro israel event of the year side of course from a pac now on their website they claim to bring together the most influential leaders and thinkers to discuss recent developments in israel the middle east and washington d.c. then they go to congress to share their support for israel directly with elected officials who try to change the way the washington views the jewish state which i don't really think they need much help doing but anyway some of the headlines speakers of the july events are u.s. senator joe lieberman fox news host glenn beck and another man getting attention for appearing this year at the conference along with the likes of southerly lieberman is while he shot or at least that's the name he goes by converted from islam to christianity in one thousand nine hundred three and he's lived in the us since the one nine hundred seventy s. and he's got
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a pretty interesting story to tell and he's making big bucks telling it is are the foundation warning about the dangers of islam has become a talking head about terrorism islam issues on several major t.v. networks here. this is the problem when you hear this love most potent at the moment i get killed you want to tell you. quite the opposite. of what this is the english language you juggle five years old going to school reciting the song all the schoolchildren so i get out of it but no you know that laughter which means a lot of jews are dogs that in aisle of the holocaust is the premise of this education palestine has become sort of a psychosis and away this is why we have the us and i was escalated to the point that it's growing its tentacles all throughout the middle east. now those are just a few many interviews talking about the dangers of islam but in recent months the media's been digging more into his past and his radical statements on islam and
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what they're finding is quite interesting first of all claims that when he was sixteen he was recruited by the p.l.o. to carry out an attack on a bank and he was supposed to detonate a bomb in the doorway of that bank but he claims that he couldn't do it because he saw a group of arab children nearby so instead he threw the bomb onto the roof the bank where that exploded only problem with that story is that nobody can find any media coverage of this bombing and the bank says that it never happened now as i mentioned he now travels around the u.s. and talk about the dangers of islam he collects a lot of money for speaking about it so he set up a web site to collect money for his travels but shopper this site is pretty shady when you click to donate your links to a completely different web site and the state of pennsylvania also has absolutely no record of his foundation which is required under law well under what makes the story even more interesting just this month was paid five thousand dollars by the
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south dakota office of homeland security to speak to law enforcement on terrorism issues now this is a story we've covered before here on this show the fact that local police across the country are being taught about islam. and the talk our terrorism and more often than not these so-called experts who teach them are hardly such now in fact there are people that come in and instead tell our police that all of islam is the devil and she is one of the worst examples that's thousand dollars for she bought to speak in south dakota came from a federal grant that means your tax dollars that my tax dollars went to a man who lies about his past to spread spread fear about islam and when asked about federal money going to a man with such questionable credentials the h.s. folds along dot com that they had absolutely no role in inviting shot to the conference but rather the state of south dakota invited him for they just passed on that issue does not make him feel good about your tax dollars but there are agencies giving money to a man who makes
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a living taking advantage of scared americans to spread hate and islamophobia here at home not to mention the irresponsibility of having people like this tutor law enforcement does that sound like a successful war on terror to you. now here's an interesting number for you since president obama was inaugurated research has shown that over twenty six hundred activists have been arrested for protesting in the u.s. and that number has inched up every year since two thousand and nine which makes ask are more people beginning to show resistance or are all forty's just more willing to lock them up joining me to discuss this is kevin zeese co-founder of voters for peace and the executive director of come home america kevin thanks so much for joining us tonight now before we get into some of the issues here do you know are these figures correct or are there numbers that aren't even counted in these twenty six hundred when it comes to the arrests of activists well you know your article. says it's under as the. words more of these
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demonstrations involving kids from she are not colored by the. most people don't know. what's going on. yes so. why is it though that the mainstream media doesn't cover these issues is it because these protests are so disjointed are these arrests few and far between so they can't put the picture together to realise that it's a larger problem going on. i guess all of that's the key point is that two things first i think the corporate media which dominates the traditional media doesn't want to put up on the a or protesters are challenging corporate power and that almost at the least of all these issues of nurture isn't war of the banks not paying taxes of foreclosures of all you cannot make it just as is corporate power and so is not uncover that further i think if you start to see the extent of these
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protests they really are happening every day around the country you start to see america is in revolt where we have a widespread cultural resistance of people start me up on almost every issue that confronts us from climate change to bank foreclosures to loss of jobs to collect their bargaining toward their bradley manning was an aversion by the way the rest is now all of these issues i think are bringing people out given all active were what we saw was a doubling it was ninety thousand ten of the normal arrests in the media we're seeing this this year already we're beyond two thousand and nine and we will be able to dozen. ten records so we're going to be seeing more arrests because people are going more fed up they're sort of feel the pain of the economy they're tired of the wars and the good feelings of president obama have someone warn or giving people more encouraging the protests so then you know as someone who is that an activist you yourself then you see the fact that we see these arrests and as rise
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as a good thing is they have and more people are out there willing to risk arrest or are credibility that law enforcement is deciding to be tougher on the people as well stepping out of the stuff and not law enforcement leads offered in fact we're seeing some of the protests leave the u.s. uncut you covered you know we've gone through our organization it's our economy got us then protests we go in to go lobby the bank the police are called they come in and they're meanly and they don't do anything they watch their smiling. they're enjoying the protests that's it's almost like they're on our side i know we did health care protests during the effort to you know earlier in terms of corporate insurance as the control of health care we protest of a single payer we block the entrance to my office building russian you see the police would not arrest us why because they're in there their income was held back in order to keep their health insurance or police face the same problems we do so it's not because more arrests in fact is many more people risking arrest and who are getting worse and what it is is people realizing that the voting system is not
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can solve the problem we have to be citizens every day of the year where there is writing letters making phone calls but more more relays and even that isn't where congress is well off by corruption of corporate power and i now we see anonymous donations in the hundreds of millions of dollars coming up in the next election people don't trust government and so you know if you are for us is the organized into going to hooven's and resist and so a cultural resistance will start to develop and what you see twenty now clearly is america is in revolt because the government no longer works now do you think that there's any chance on perhaps looking back to the bush administration comparing the amount of protests arrests that we saw that are looking at partisan politics or like you said is this really all of america that's trying to come together beyond the parties. well you see it across the political spectrum you're seeing right wing cultures as well between the bush administration you may recall before the iraq war we had some of the largest antiwar protests in history if you can do with stopping
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the war because none of the people protesting were bush voters even ordered the protest but there are people who are angry who have said we're trying to stop the war and in working hard us for the world our approach is that when obama came in he kind of undermined the movie that was developing the movie for economic justice for end of militarism and he undermined by surprise promising hope and change but now after several years of a bombing office that's kind of worn thin people are seeing the reality that's more status quo and corporate power that we're seeing and hope will change and so people are again back in the streets and i think we're going to see more than you know people are talking about the tenth anniversary of you know its new war in october it's talking about the austerity budget what's going to take place in october and you begin to approach this much larger knoebels i would not be surprised if we see something like in tahrir square or some sort of washington d.c. that's how much this is really developing so quickly and many people thinking the same things it's time to resist it's time for cultural resistance and it's one revolt against this court where government off we see a tahrir square
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a washington d.c. of i guess that'll finally get the media wake up and start paying attention if they're as well thank you but i thank you very much for joining us tonight thank you. also to count on tonight's shelf the campus lawmaker thinks that women should always be prepared for a break point his outrageous comment coming up in our whole time segment and then the new verse of the old platters of hating life world leaders and it's time to spur economic growth i can't emphasize actually work together on the world leaders want to regulate if i can get straight. to not. let's never forget that we had an apartheid regime right here in the us. i think the rock beautiful and on oil.
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