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tv   [untitled]    May 24, 2011 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT

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we never got the look says we're going to keep you safe get ready for. a charge in here broadcasting live from washington d.c. coming up today on the big picture. new website it's twenty four seven live streaming news tells us what to do about the ongoing financial part of unlimited free high quality videos for download.
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and stories never mainstream news. so. the political. posts aren't touched. you guys welcome michel ancel on the alone a show we've heard our guests not to say on the topic now i want to hear audio just go on to this video response or to twitter the first part of the question the police post on you tube every monday and on thursday the show long response is we will avoid. dishonors night school time award and tonight it goes to a state lawmaker from kansas republican pete the graph is coming under fire today for comments. but he made during
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a debate over abortion rights in the final days of the kansas legislative session lawmakers were discussing a bill that would ban insurance companies from offering abortion coverage in their general health plans except when a woman's life is at risk so the bill eventually passed but during the debate a fellow republican female lawmaker questioned whether women would really buy abortion only policies and that's when the graph said that we all need to plan ahead to which his female counterpart asked so you mean women need to plan ahead for issues that they have absolutely no control over with the pregnancy and listen to graphs reply he said i have a spare tire on my car now i caused a few people in the chamber to gas and he went on to say i also have life insurance i have a lot of things that i plan ahead for. so apparently peta crowd feels that all women should plan ahead for rape but how does one plan ahead for such an event maybe all women should be required to be on birth control just in case you know if
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we got that far maybe all women should be required to keep most of their body covered so they don't entice men better yet why not just make women stay at home all locked inside for their own safety i think that every woman in kansas and around the world would be livid that peta graph is using his elected position to assert such a really does discuss the statement to believe that a woman should actually have to prepare for a possible rape is appalling how the lawmaker feel if his wife was raped and she didn't have the insurance needed to pay for an abortion i'm pretty sure he would be making the stew wouldn't be making stupid comments but then again this guy might actually believe his own despicable right wing rhetoric and that's why i can't answer public and graph is tonight's tool time later. now if you thought that the attack on poker sites by the obama administration was over think again just a month ago we told you about the seizure of three major online poker websites which has now been dubbed black friday poker circles of their new revelations in
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this battle that left ten more domains with that dreaded f.b.i. logo on their page one of which we should point out is associated with poker star doyle brunson who's been working hard since black friday to distance himself away from all that online controversy but out of maryland a judge has issued two indictments of three individuals for money laundering after it was determined they set up a fake web sites to process can bring money all the online gambling world is take another massive hit poker communities are working hard to lobby for the government to let their hobby be legal and this weekend kicks off the wildly popular world series of poker annual tournaments in las vegas where many are expecting to see a larger turnout than usual all thanks to those online options being seized by the government it's become clear to avid fans of gamble. are sick of having the government determine what should be available for gamblers and what should the people choose to spend their money that way and why not well what are we to do to anyone else of seventy prefers to spend their free time of
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a computer screen our obama i would seriously reconsider this attack on online gambling fanbase is much bigger than his administration probably realizes on the site two thousand and twelve is just around the corner. it's the meeting of old and new but could it turn it into a clash for the first time ever a either g eight conference is going to be held to perceive the g eight meeting of industrialized nations now the aim here is to get the movers and shakers and painters of the tech world to advise governments on how economic growth on the internet can continue all. of that internet just as well now just like the g eight brings together the leaders of the world's richest countries the igi age is bringing in the leaders of the biggest tech giants that now rule the world in their own respects talking about not mark zuckerberg of facebook google's eric schmidt jeff bezos of amazon microsoft is going to be represented and rupert murdoch for some reason we're also be in attendance but is there any chance of the two we're
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going to see eye to eye or is this the beginning of an internet versus a government war on a global scale you and me to discuss this is aaron swartz executive director of demand progress dot org eric thanks so much for joining us tonight for starters is this tell you really how big these tech giants have become in this world that now they're meeting with world leaders of the eight largest industrialized nations i mean that's that's pretty incredible right there now at the highest political level that you can possibly achieve you think it deserves. oh i think it's definitely deserved i mean we've seen our economy now on the minute he runs around these big companies they're some of the biggest companies in the stock market in the industry and so it's just natural that of course the way car companies met with political leaders of old now are meeting with the people who run these internet companies or the big difference is that each of these companies are international. on a global scale and they can't be sort of feathered by one regulatory government
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which is why it's so crucial they go to these international gatherings do you think of this is really a consultation process do the leaders from the g. eight countries really want to look at this statement that comes from the e.g.a. are they going to take it in or is this just kind of an excuse for them to encroach and create more regulations on the internet but. you see i think a lot of people in government don't understand the way of your networks they have this very superficial notion that it's this thing but you just kind of be regulated the same way real space is regulated the problem is a lot of the laws a lot of things they devise don't make sense on the internet and so they end up just not working and so i think of anything positive can come out of it it could be that the people working at these in a company's could explain to some of these political leaders a little bit more about fundamentals of the internet so they have a better understanding of what makes sense to regulate what seems pointless well eric schmidt that i did a little bit of explaining today i mean the guy obviously is known for making odd
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statements every now and then but he basically said that governments can't regulate the internet era technology because it just moves too fast and governments just move to slow us we have technology versus bureaucracy do you think that eric schmidt is right i think there's definitely a lot of truth to that i mean. what has to be understood is that the technology kind of frames the debate the way there's some things that are really easy to do on the internet share files and how people use and there are some things that are really hard like censorship and so if the government is going to try and come up with censorship regime the way the u.s. government is planning to work on this week in the senate i don't think that's going to fly because there's so many ways to run around it phonology is developing so that since they shut down one with file sharing the new one sprout up on the other hand there are things that can be done to increase our privacy to make sure that e-mails that are sent through g.-mail don't get spied on that things will post
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on facebook that we can't share and i think there's a legitimate role for bills to play in protecting our rights online but what has to be understood is the way these things work because because it's probably one of the above well that's the interesting part right because a lot of these tech giants collect all of our private information they have no problem giving it away when it comes to making money off of it and then the government wants to stop that of the government still wants for there to be back doors so they can get the information if they need to spy on us it's a very complicated web but tell me this do you think of this is you know drawing a few parallels the way that these tech giant c.e.o.'s are acting with i don't know wall street or oil industry executives kind of the the threats that they say they say that if you dare regulators that's going to stop economic growth but they are too big to regulate essentially. i mean i think there are some parallels but i think what's most engine posting is how you have been listened to a lot less than the jones' of all the burning pages because they've gotten so big
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so fast so you know the oil companies always get millions and millions of dollars and subsidies in here but the tech companies seem very little in the way and much more hesitant to engage in washington they don't have a fleet of raw vs the way other industries and so often go there really think they're the real thing those have lobbyists i mean that's the thing that i would see in that move of the government and the tech giants becoming closer and closer some people would say that this is the next great war of capitalism that's only beginning you know i mean we're pulling beginning to see it start and you know it's a worrying thing in some cases the way companies for special pleading the way to companies do but on the whole it's hard to point to a lot of bills where you know one tech company or another tech company has ram something through at the expense of the public interest on the whole or at the moment what we've seen in general are you know maybe there's not enough privacy regulation but mostly we're there are a lot of bills trying to censor the internet regulate the internet control the
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internet and not a lot of people standing up to protect to keep it safe i am going to thank you very much for joining us tonight and we will have to wait and see what the statement is that comes out of this e.g. eight and i speak about thanks so much thanks. the sky. the line will come down. some last few carriers will be singing. oh. well appears as if there might be a glimmer of hope when it comes to the obama administration it's exhausting how often we call out obama's team for not only carrying over unfavorable bush powers or powers on the bush era but also expanding that i'm talking about indefinite detention for the on time of detainees military tribunals versus civilian courts american citizens on assassination lists i believe me that list goes on and on but
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could it be that the president has had a change of heart let me explain the defense authorization bill for two thousand and twelve which we've discussed at length on this program has gone through several drafts and they finally come up with some clear provisions some of those include resist redefining the authorization of the use of military force to be a for ever war banning the use of funds for civil trials for good detainee confines an indefinite detention system with less rights for those detainees and making the attorney general require permission from the secretary of defense before prosecuting any terrorist offenses in civilian courts now the obama administration says that if these provisions are included in the final draft bill presented to the president his senior advisers would recommend a veto the reason is that it's officially due to fears of any legislation that could challenge the author already of the executive branch but could also be efforts of the obama administration to draw a line in the sand encourage congress not to wage a forever war against the entire world we've already told you how the original
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anatomist of the authorization of the use of military force with a knee jerk reaction by congress to expand the president's powers after nine eleven and as we've spoken about in the past congress wants to expand the a you have to include any and all militant threats as. in the taliban and al qaida and a very big wording of all associated forces i would also empower the president to detain to wage war against pretty much anyone in the world so i was a little taken aback when he actually threatened to veto this bill i mean if anything the president has been demonstrating that he has absolutely no qualms with expanding the powers of the executive branch so forgive us for being surprised by this talk of a knowing provisions that seem to follow the president's recent history now while we wait and see if the president really is going to veto the defense authorization bill we do in the meantime want to hope that the obama administration is offering us a real glimmer of hope. now still to come tonight we have my eye on flood violence
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or supreme court issues a limitation when it comes to the use of state secrets but will this limitation really change the questionable buddy buddy relationship between the supreme court and the government and then stick around for happy hour preacher who predicted the rapture he says it's still going to happen and should work if he'd be declared a world heritage site by the u.s. artie's laura lister and christine for his hour join me for some time in just a moment. we. will. show you. the freedom.
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hey guys welcome to shell and tell the obama show we part of our just stop to say on the topic now i want to hear audio just go out you tube the video response or the twitter profile of the questions that we post on you tube every monday and on the first day of the show going responses. fun fun fun. fun.
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you know how sometimes you see a story and it seems so poorly pleat you think you understand it and then he lives something else and you hear see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm sorry welcome to the big picture. the same. tonight i'd like to revisit an issue that we've discussed recently state secrets and the supreme court here member we first told you how the justices opted not to hear a case regarding extraordinary rendition with five people who were or still are detained in guantanamo bay but when the government chose to invoke the state secrets privilege that well structured and legitimate lawsuit died on the spot passport this week or the supreme court heard another case this time involving defense
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contractors boeing and general dynamics who were taking on the government contract for eight twelve stealth fighters back in the late eighty's early ninety's and that i'm going a little bad because of finances and a lack of proper technology and the government wants their money back all three billion dollars of it over the appeal from boeing in general dynamics was greeted with a state secret privilege from the government the supreme court made a surprising move the justices claim that the privilege cannot be invoked it would be used to give the government monetary awards which was the situation in that case now walter fetching to see the highest court in our country recognize the state secrets privilege doesn't protect the government across the board i just can't help but wonder why they agreed to hear this case over the case involving extraordinary rendition yes sino the government has a really tight relationship with the fans contractors and obviously even tighter relationship with money but how serious is this case in comparison to one involving inhumane treatment and torture the supreme court turned a blind eye to those five people who were victims of rendition lamely showing that
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they are rather a side with the government than any instance which violates human rights should we look at this current monetary limitation as a real milestone or do we call out the justices for making a meager attempt showing that they're not really about protecting they really are just about protecting the government i think the answer there is obvious hell even the u.s. solicitor general neal katyal argued that the government's interest in national security must be deemed paramount to the interests of private litigants in pursuing civil actions so he. to be admitting that there is a hierarchy in our country where national security is more important to protecting civil rights so anybody really be surprised the supreme court chose to respect the state secrets privilege of future lawsuits no matter how legitimate the case might be like i said that's just my prediction frankly i'd love to be wrong on it.
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it's time for happy hour on this tuesday and joining me tonight is r t correspondent lauren lyster and archie correspondent christine freeze out my two favorite ladies. like ok so we're all obviously really happy when it's six o'clock on saturday we're told by the world didn't end and i think we get it today or yesterday i think we did a little celebrating or that yesterday harold camping seemed a little upset when people reporters are not on a story of the week and he was ready to talk about the issues that he had a really tough weekend but now he's back and well the end of the world is still coming he just made a new prediction let's take a look. now let me back up let me. play a key is what you're going to find out that i'm going to be saying. it's not a new day it's not a new big we've already been talking. about the end of the
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world. were twenty one in two thousand and eleven. oh well obviously the whole time it was october twenty first two idiots you do think those would be twenty first i mean i just can't believe this guy just pushed it back it's still coming to the thing that bothers me is that it's always about quoting the bible the bible told me this and there's he's got a whole host of followers that spent all this money that sold their homes that you know expensive meals which by the way i would do the same if i actually believed the world was ending too but people who believed him and it's funny to say to hear them say the bible told me so and to be so being who they will this is what i said all along it's a little like when famous people just can't step out of the spotlight when their time has come you know they just keep trying to put out a new song keep trying to even you know they are not anymore entirely past their prime and like he can't let it go maybe he's just hoping that he is postponing it he won't have to deal with i mean he's eighty nine now maybe he's thinking you know maybe he will. run for everybody oh maybe you know the end of the world before
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you know it's a little over the world one thousand nine hundred four so i actually thought we would have another couple decades or you know fifteen years or so before we have to listen to this again unfortunately it's going to be five more months but i want to see if the media watches on that's a really good point you know he's not giving him very much time to recover maybe he's like feeling like i might as well capitalize on this press and keep it keep the train writing because all those people did you know take their kid the other day a little anything and yeah john if you're one of these people one hundred million dollar guy you just sold all your money you quit your job you moved your kids and then you find out that you're six months too early what do you do for the rest of the time you get you do you know i try again until it's over twenty first it's b.s. anyway i'm let's move on i don't know if you guys are flown ryanair. no i haven't but i'm not going to they are living on the edge you know and ryan air let me just put it that way right here became really popular when i was studying abroad while i
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was in college and in france i mean excuse me italy and spain and it's the airlines you can go to that you can just get really cheap tickets to fly all over europe but they never fly you into the real city bureau is it like a tiny airport outside of the city this is the airline also that makes people now pay for the bathroom this is also the airline has suggested having people paid for standing seats but i think you really might like their next thing let's take a look at to see what it is that they want to start flying through to look at this . well from the erupting icelandic volcano is causing further disruption to travel as it sweeps over europe more than two hundred kilo users and consolation sobering important parts of scandinavia and scotland while the threat things over the services and it being whether it follows it such as a reaction to all of us learned so much like you call kind of the lowest such a right you get a good look at that volcanic ash that looks pretty thick and scary to me but
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ryanair in order to protest the fact that they've been canceling flights and we flew one of our planes right through it right through the think it was no big deal it's all good just keep arms are going to be cool you gotta keep those fares low we're going to get you going through those clouds in order to keep our fares going on the percent discount let me why. i might actually do that just so you know give the other side perhaps i mean the last time there was this volcano it shut the airlines down for i think seventeen days or something like that and i mean it was a very long time and i think they were just trying to be safe they hadn't seen something like this in a while of course it disrupted air travel and it certainly disrupted moneymaking and business so perhaps they're just trying to say you know what we're going to fly through it at its worst any not look horrible but did they ask the passengers that were on the plane i had a time hey guys do you mind if we experiment to lee fly you through the think as part of the volcanic ash i wonder i wonder if that is out of here at least not very much but i do think it's like you know you got to pick your poison depending on the continent you know in the united states have to deal with your air traffic
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controllers falling asleep in your plane crashing as a result over there you need to you know fly through some volcanic clouds in order to get where you're going because one of them had never know you're going to get ok now let's go back to dominic strauss kahn in his sex scandal we haven't really talked about it in a little while but we were in iraq time and he's got a lot of people that are supporting him majority the french population thinks that he's been set up we've heard french officials say that they think of this but we've seen as absolutely ridiculous and one of his strongest supporters has been bernard and henri levy i don't know if i'm saying his name properly but you have lost the kurds basically just been supporting him every step of the way this is one clip of him. and. so you know sort. of. world wide.
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ok before we get into the story the funny part is he was talking to eliot spitzer i'm like so now he's saying this or be with them he's written a new piece basically and he's still just so taken aback somebody with dominique strauss kahn status has to deal with this now he's decided to make all the howlers is in the media shut up but i just maybe go away i think it's really interesting because there did seem to be that school of thought especially in france that this was a witch chimes that stand up but i guess i thought that once they found the d.n.a. evidence on the maid's outfit well that then refuted though i feel like that is something that the needier was reporting this morning and then i saw reports of the n.y.p.d. said that that's not true and that's where i guess you can understand you know some of the the media the constant circus it was only time and time again and especially this happened you know in the united states it happened in new york it was you know
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pull off his plane just as he was about to head back there might be a little bit you know a sticky situation between the french and how they feel that they're treated when they send their highest most important people to the united states and you know to be fair i know that there's been a lot of criticism of levy that. it's a levy i don't know. about right but i think he makes some fair points i do have to say i mean the way they don't express kahn has been paraded in handcuffs and in these purple hearts i mean he has to feign you know whether he is found innocent or proven guilty like the damage is done and i think that you know and also because aaron he was actually a fair point he's already been convicted in the well that's something that's something that we that we see. a lawyer you wonder how a lot of these celebrities that then get put all over the media can you really get a fair trial in that sense does it even matter you know what the sentencing is or what the conviction is at the end because the often people remember the very first thing that they see but it's an interesting balance between believing in the
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freedom of the press to say whatever it is they want to say to follow a story versus you know believing that there is some type of sensitivity that should be had and i liked his argument about reverse classes. i mean i was seriously i mean i was a little mad i don't claim there is an. audience because people were siding with the be poor or immigrant made versus the rich old white guy these things just never and our girls thanks so much for joining me tonight. now that's it for tonight's show thanks for tuning in to make sure you can back tomorrow defense secretary robert gates wants out of the need to reduce waste going to military spending that's a change his mind doesn't mean that nobody out there can cover the fence but it will look into that tomorrow in the meantime don't forget become a fan of the lower show on facebook and follow us on twitter and if you missed any of tonight's show or any other nights you can always catch it all the you tube dot com stealing a show or post the interviews as well as the show in the coming up next is adam vs
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the math. the. wealthy british scientists sometimes.
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