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tv   [untitled]    May 25, 2011 9:30pm-10:00pm EDT

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my progressive stance. let's not forget that we had an apartheid regime. i think. even one well. whenever the government says there's keep him safe get ready because their freedom .
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you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so sleek you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear see some other part of it and realize that everything you saw you don't i'm sorry welcome to the big picture. i.
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bought a bag of the big picture i'm tom hartman coming up in this half hour we all know money can buy a lot of things but it can a buy innocence as the very thing family and friends of former in jail or the jailed former i.m.f. chief dominique strauss are trying to do it is so-called news couldn't get any more biased with the reporting yes again exposed to crazy motives there sunny your parts business. is what is there means it's time for the liberal wrong taken to expert conservative commentators and some of the biggest news stories of the week are panels and i
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daniel helper from the weekly standard and jamie weinstein from the daily caller editor of the daily caller. that is pretty awesome. deputy editor ok thanks for joining us yesterday the white house threatened to veto the defense authorization act which is headed toward passage in the house of representatives the purpose of the bill is to fund our military operations around the world but republicans loaded it chock full of controversy over provisions including restrictions on the president's ability to reduce nuclear weapons as part of the start treaty to laze towards implementing don't ask don't tell repeal and section ten thirty four which gives the president the authority to wage endless war around the world until every single terrorist on the planet is. perpetual war if the republicans push ahead anyway without making changes and the president says he's going to veto the bill and our troops will get funded so why is it that the republicans are playing games the legislation affecting our troops why not just a straight forward funding bill could find tom to quibble with with the congress
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and to suggest oh you're not doing things exactly right but what they're doing president is quote yes it's fine for the president to do what he's doing but what but but what is actually doing is dangerous and it's undermining the war policy there's a provision in there as you said that extends the war but actually forever it actually puts what we're doing what we're currently doing in pakistan and afghanistan in a legal framework in fact it legal framework was established in two thousand yes and it to it's been established in two thousand and two and the same interpretation has been carried over into the obama administration so what they're doing tom is they're undermining the war if this effort is to say not a declaration of war it's not a declaration of eternal hostility it's not even against god even wasn't already doing i would think that you guys as conservatives would be saying this isn't a declaration of war the constitution says congress has to declare war this is an authorization for basically high still it's the war doesn't separate so you don't actions and so in that area you don't want the president to have this expanded authority but you're upset with the limited authority that there's also the bill is
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also trying to put in i don't really have a good nominalist know what we're going to but you're ok with him having unlimited priority with whether. expander decrease nuclear weapons not nuclear weapons it has nothing to do with whether or not he can chase every single target because part of the deal with there's a lot of things they're trying to limit and limit his authority as it goes as it relates to what he can do with nuclear weapons whether he could be actually decreased nuclear weapons so in some respects this bill limits his authority and i respected expanses authority as it with this provision which seems to legalise what were the further you are generally speaking you know that the constitution is really clear that the power of the congress is to make and declare war and the power of the president is not i mean it's just it's right there in fact the founders were so hysterical about this they were so worried about the prospect of perpetual war in article one section eight it says congress can't fund the military here's the for more than two years here's the problem if you see it could not it was alive today or if we see al-zawahiri in afghanistan or in yemen god forbid we
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don't have time to call the full session of congress back in here at recess for the past hour and hours through our resident sixty nine and so so he was in this is he has never ever and the president to him. target is george orlando are going to run i don't know if you know we're in the middle we're middle of wars we're in the middle of what we're going to say we're his road islamic jihadism we're in the middle of war in afghanistan and iraq and they're they're all relativity for saying go whether you're going with this stuff as a formalizes what we're already doing it takes care of what we're doing with your cause we need to complete what we're doing here is forest there's no water we don't expiration date holes were just it's just innocent other things and people here think the point is what you're doing and then we can roll back this provision but first let's finish the war let's win it here's why here's why we can't what we're doing war but you know what every single arrestees as you want to see the lambs the other hand is dead here there is no you can't win or lose or not here is these are not wars these are ours are documented his are not wars there is no desire to be here and there is not just a fight is not is not here you know who it was it is
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a shock there's no tojo who's going to surrender this is not overarching here we're trying to clear. the problem here's the problem tom this is why we can't and this war is so simply because even if we ended this war whatever that means the war is not could be ended on the other side because they won't be happy until they defeat us so it would destroy the universe to do you think that a guy who makes sixty dollars a year in afghanistan and owns a forty seven because the soviets left that over there you know it's not twenty five years ago he's going to go off on a plane and come over here and take out the american military post nine eleven world the threat is no longer on the radios one thousand guys read access by right but if the wreck is no longer armies positioned on a border but the threat of terrorist with a stealthy terrorist will have a nuclear weapon in the next you wouldn't you want to be some that is like that all american nine hundred seventy two million doesn't really want it or they've joined again they've pledged to defeat america sure and even then we've if they had our say about it either it's their that or the president's constitutional obligations
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supreme court ruled this week that prison overpopulation in california is so bad that it violates the eighth amendment protection against cruel and unusual punishment there are currently hundred forty thousand people in prison in california way above that prison systems pastie and the court is now forcing the state to reduce its inmate population by thirty thousand people has the highest imprisonment rate in the developed world and most inmates behind bars more than fifty percent are nonviolent people who are busted and locked up for just getting high so how much more money is going to be wasted and how many more lives ruined before we need to see that it's pretty clear that the war on drugs stay with the supreme court it is they they released three roughly three brigades worth of criminals it is really set up against the california but what they didn't really say they said you've got to move a lot of these gauges and put them in real what do they call we have to outsource it's an event of it you've got to do something kate the practical implication is that three brigades worth of criminals will be released back into the into california let me go busted for smoking pot as a criminal this is not about somebody that got brussel for smoking pot this is not
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the supreme court this is a brat across overreach of the supreme court i got the supreme court rule to say are you. much of the constitution it's not displayed all right you don't think that had the same convicted of a nonviolent crime being locked in a cage without even a toilet for forty eight hours where they dedicate all over the shelter making a cat it's like i don't think it's a great idea to do cruel and unusual to randomly released so many thousand created what are really what they have to do they have to they have to be if they did it would have a great day i mean you have to be reduced and you know we're thirty eight about that populations in those specific prisons have to be reduced one of the options that california has is what a lot of states do there out there a lot of prisoners from for example south carolina in vermont they could outsource my point was that it would be beyond the idea of letting prisoners go which maybe they will or maybe not is that i agree with you i think we should end the war on drugs and redirect the funds to the war on terror ok back to the first topic i have right there so what they are opposed to i'll leave it at that snow but your post is
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reporting this week that friends of former i.m.f. chief and alleged rapist dominic strauss kahn are reaching out to the family of his victim new york hotel maid in hopes of pain them off to avoid charges against. family lives in a remote village in guinea and a payoff from strauss kahn make them rich is this the way justice should be done in america or if you're rich enough you can just buy your way out of anything i mean this village they didn't even know that she'd been raped until the reporter showed up because they have no roads no electricity well i mean he would use the ledge to have a gun is a terrible thing looks pretty suspicious that heat from what we know looks like it seems like he did that of course we believe in him somehow to go through a d.n.a. and so and so i think i think he should be brought to the what he should be prosecuted if somehow if unfortunate he gets off he's a shoo in probably to be the next president of france because this is probably got his this is ruined it for president friends i think he i think he would have been had he not better a poster of alleged rudeness or whatever dan you know this is
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a socialist politician who feeds off of capitalism and free markets and here he's trying to use his for. it was your row about yes who who uses his friends to get encourage it's pretty disgusting. i agree innocent till proven guilty this so there's always a question seem a little more guilty brooke i've heard you have heard that the family is holding strong they're proud they're proud of their relative who stood up to dominic strauss kahn and they're not they're not going to the larger question in this play and i think in a political one i mean this is may not even be an argument that the larger question is in the united states you can sue somebody you can you can go to the police and say i want to prosecute somebody or you can said don't want to prosecute them i'll take it to civil court and i'll sue and of course the city settled out of court before it even got to civil court shouldn't there be a and some states have have this with this victim restitution laws should there be some way that someone like this woman can both have her rate was prosecuted and get
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restitution because otherwise rich people can basically take a pass on anything if they can simply buy off people so that they want to i think that's an interesting question i don't know the answer to it but let me let me just say this is that i think we need to figure out the as it would as a society is right now the rich are immune but there is something great about america in this story and it's that a chambermaid. after having something terrible happened to her can go to the cop and we will arrest a sitting you know big high international profile person with all this power on the word of a chambermaid because this is the kind of country we are as a rule of law absolutely are you kidding me and you know and you know why she could do it because those one of the strongest unions in new york city and honestly i don't know maybe only saw one of the strongest unions in new york city is the is the hotel workers union and they have in their contract that if any other workers come forward and claim that they've been sexually harassed by guests that they cannot be fired for that because typically in the in the hospitality industry and i but i do this on the radio get calls from all over the country from maids who were
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talking about how they got home fires up literally forty so i mean as women but a year of you're right it was a very wonderful thing and was because i heard you had said this if. you don't need that union contract if she's you know if she was fired for reporting that no one in their right mind would go to a soap and tell in new york the business would be shut no i would never even know they would go to the press tom no one would have grabbed it and then he would you go to the rest in charge of the head of the i.m.f. for the rape you have threatened to tell would lose tons of business if they fired someone because something despicable like that happened jamie i you know i hate to break your bubble but it happens in america all the time there's there's another point here to the french love american television shows and american cop shows in particular and here they are they're seeing one of their politicians go down the road of american justice after their politicians have been notoriously known for womanizing and massage any and and and it's a good thing it's a strong sign that we as americans should this is what we stand for yes or no you
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are has spent in france french culture i say larry we will change dramatically from this and i think it already has and i think i think you're right there are there are positive things that will come from this. excellent point thank you i'm under the senate voted overwhelmingly to pass a four year extension of the patriot act the surveillance monster created by george w. bush after the nine eleven crime that means four more years of phone wiretapping laws and snooping our library records and details of everything you do on the web without any suspicion or lines only eight senators voted no three democrats and she got four democrats three republicans and the independent senator bernie sanders the house is expected to pass their version of the bill sometime this week and i mean the patriot act will be put in a lot for twenty fifteen so what does this say about our nation if teen years after nine eleven we're all still so afraid that we need to keep shredding our constitution i can't believe there is no we're not even ten years after nine eleven so let's not get ahead of ourselves let's let's worry about it now which is a former there's a reason the patriot act has been has been voted on almost in the last year and
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then it's it's reauthorized every few years this is the price for a few months last yes it was a very horse it was a it was a universal it was the year prior that's. the reason the reason is that it's a temporary act because as we talked about earlier we're in the middle of war and we need to take temporary acts in the middle of a war time for income tax back in one hundred. years look i'm fine with rolling down one back to i'm just saying i'm not i'm not in favor of disadvantages i'm on the deployment of this patriot act forever all i'm suggesting is that in the middle of war certain provisions need to be taken for twenty one air corps occupying two creature has to keep america safe and this is the president's primary constitutional duty when did congress and declare war any any serious look at the patriot act in comparison to other kinds of conflict in american history world where one of the alien and sedition acts world is what we're going to inherit camps which was wrong this is the greatest side we're going to get we're going to go to the third wrong let me finish we are so far on the side of freedom as opposed to security compared to those things that i can't understand why why there is so much
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complaint here we have we have defended civil liberties for a large part in this in this time of great conflict we should be proud of how we've done this compared to many other countries around the world just out of you guys are opposed to this and i went door to door for barry goldwater nine hundred sixty four i know i remember what conservative values were you know i read conscience of a good servant and no apologies and i still frankly appear a fan of goldwater why he would never have gone along i venture to guess that there isn't there isn't a single provision in the patriot act that's ever affected you speaking for myself there's not a single one that is a to ever take and watching them doing the internet they could put rove in jail so i don't think they care if you're going to do it overnight or your argument is that those of innocent i should say we're just going the years possible already and this is directed at terrorism and that's how it's being mostly being utilized and that's what we need to do and that's you know like i said in the middle of war you need to take certain provisions in order to keep keep america safe and use it as if you're
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in it and i'm not burdensome provisions either these people are not being heard and because of these provisions check out what you get from the library and you know what a. it's a day oprah winfrey ended her quarter century long daytime talk show with a tearful goodbye to her global audience so now there's an open time slot in the afternoon t.v. lineup what new republican talk show will be the next big hit for the networks or will it be the happy hour with john boehner which only airs three days a week at the speaker's discretion or republican blind date see all the high jinx that go on when republicans with lives go on blind dates or see three men or an aborted baby louie gohmert steve king and rick santorum join together and hillary is news that come palin the paling ballot of the veil and it's going to be a good week you're right i think she's coming and i'm not sure what i'm not sure what the why the republicans are taking over oprah's spot she endorsed barack obama i'd venture to guess that it's a fictitious world and it's really good there you go i think i'd venture to i've never seen oprah before in my life and there was you know episode are over i'm one
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of the few americans i venture to guess it's katie kirk you know it's going to look ok i say who wants to get health care with a paul ryan or senior citizens have the answer fifteen questions in a row to win an all expense paid all expense paid trip to see the doctor and i would have to pay taxes on that maybe just like to give that over to build up their deal jamie thank you thank you have for showing up tonight after the break i daily take on five so-called news role in the republican war against the working class. let's not forget that we had an apartheid regime right.
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i think. the to be. we have a. safe ready. freedom. of movement of the movement. of the will are all from. a meeting with. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so sleek you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything you saw you don't. charge is a big. fat
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. four. five. crazy alert need a new person was this the u.s. marshal's office is currently holding an auction on many of the unabomber ted kaczynski his personal items it's been a rolling in and things like yes the unabomber is typewriter that's currently up to eleven thousand bucks i handwritten copy of his manifesto more than seventeen thousand but the hottest item right now is of course the aviator sunglasses and the
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ladies' white shirt at the unabomber was wearing in the now infamous police sketch video at over twenty thousand dollars the auction ends in a week with lots of other items up for grab like a pair of hiking boots personal photos of the unabomber hanging out back in the sixty's i'm guessing the items that don't sell could be put up on a new upstart web site e-bay for terrorists. any good war effort needs an effective p.r. strategy campaign to specify just who the enemy is and why they should be defeated i'll still rally support so when it comes to the republican war on the working class who do you think they turn to for help with messaging actually use your
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business channel actually been close enough all this week fox's running segments named entitlement nation makers versus takers it was. a week this week fox business presenting a special series called entitlement nation makers versus takers well the nation's growing dependence on government handouts and the feds give away more money than they collect in taxes the money is doled out primarily in the form of entitlements like social security medicare and medicaid that only are these problems on cuts are these programs unconstitutional as the federal government is not authorized to take money from one group and give it so went out there but they make americans dependent upon big government kicking off tonight for several weeks now scoreboard has been featuring a segment called makers and takers which we think of bodies with great divide this country between the folks who actually make things and those who actually take what others make. they say it is a war going on in america
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a war that pits the rich or the makers against the poor the republicans are foxes calling the takers and republicans accuse democrats of playing class where from. first off the promise of this war is completely absurd as if people are having anything taken away from them today in america their tax rates are at historic lows the richest americans billionaire walton heirs paris hilton's hedge fund managers sitting on the butts by the pool collecting their dividend checks in the mail paying only fifteen percent in taxes far less than you and i pay and you name one thing that any of those folks are actually making other than a boatload of money today the rich are richer than they've ever been since before the great depression and wealth inequality is greater than it's ever been since before the great depression the makers as fox calls them have never had it so good in america so why does fox make it look like they're under assault by so-called
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takers it's simple republicans need to read grand paul ryan's radical blood budget plan that privatized his medicare and destroys our social safety net america thought all politics and singling out an enemy ronald reagan was the first to single out poor people as the enemy with his welfare queen campaign and today republicans have picked up the same message with their acres mean as though the millions of people who lost their jobs and homes thanks to the banks on wall street crash in our economy really want to be on welfare as though they enjoy the stigma attached to welfare unemployment they enjoy scraping pennies together to feed their family their they're so happy about not being able to buy their kids christmas presents ok not warped view of america these right wingers have when they argue that tens of millions of americans are nothing but moochers i don't know about you but i don't see that when i look at my country these people don't enjoy poverty and
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welfare people have fallen on hard times want to get back on their feet again they just need some help and as franklin roosevelt said the best welfare program is a job. but guess what the makers aren't making any jobs. at least than in america they're not they're making millions of jobs overseas with barely any here and the policies that do create jobs like closing tax breaks that ship jobs overseas republicans actually filibustered in fox news bashing the last session of congress the problem in america is not that the takers have taken too much from the makers it's that the makers had taken too much from everybody else. without anybody really making anything but this makers versus takers war is not anything new at all i and rand referred to the conflict as producers versus losers richard realists versus workers of the poor despite her disturbing ideas in rand is
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a hit among republicans right now in particular paul ryan take a look. he ran more than anyone else that fantastic job of explaining the morality of capitalism the morality of individuals and so if we're here today i think she would do a great job in showing us just how wrong what government is doing is because it's that kind of thinking that kind of writing that is sorely needed right paul ryan also makes his staff read iran's books so please don't burst his bubble by pointing out that iran herself went on medicare when she became eligible and now fox is taking the same radical philosophy and devoted an entire week to promoting it so let's tell it how it is the real makers in our society of the people creating demand by buying things are more george w. bush said after nine eleven go shopping even bush understood that the real makers in our society are the consumers and the wage workers not the guys out playing golf
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on wednesday even people on social security are unemployment are makers because there's spending every penny they get and their consumer spending is what drives the economy this is a nation of makers and takers. it's a nation of makers with a couple thousand millionaires and billionaires living what's left as the richest man in america warren buffett pointed out there is a class warfare going on in america and his classes when it are the real takers at least buffett is honest enough to admit it and even try to work to change it if it's going to focus group for the republican party and the nation's billionaires the least they could do is take the word news out of their name. as the big picture for tonight for more information on the stories we covered visit our web sites of child marvin dot com and. also check out our youtube pages at youtube dot com slash the big picture arts and youtube dot com slash tom hartman also this entire show is available as a free of video podcast on i tunes and no forget the mock receive begins with you
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when you show up and participate when you get active it all gets going to your it sort of. mission free critique free. for churches free. arrangement free. three stooges free. loading videos for your media projects media party dot com. all. right i'm arriving here broadcasting live from washington d.c. coming up today on the big picture.
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the official implication. from the.


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