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tv   [untitled]    May 26, 2011 1:30am-2:00am EDT

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arrangement three. three stooges three. old freeboard just plug in video for your media project a free media our teeth dot com. gorging on the live from moscow was on take a look at the top stories today and dozens injured in a bloody day of rage as police fired tear gas and rubber bullets at those calling for president saakashvili nation. to us judges are convicted of dishing out dodgy discipline making millions by throwing teenagers into private prisons for only very minor offenses. the world's wealthiest nations margin of war time battle grounds to
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thrash out today's conflicts as the g. eight summit gets ready to kick off in france. for the top stories here on our t.v. next russian presidential aides are caught even college assesses the summit and widespread pessimism over its decision making abilities. for the fleet we've got. the biggest issues get the cuban voice face to face with the news makers.
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oh again i welcome to spotlight the interview show on our t.v. i'm now going on the name i guess. is what are called. the french city i'll do feel famous for its film festival and always tourist has turned into the hot spot for global politics the silliest house think the g eight summit and the leaders of the world's biggest economies are there to discuss global peace and security challenges however some critics found first a mistake about the decision making ability so is the g.i. process facing a crisis here's how to tie the carnage paid to the russian press and. the host city of the g eight summit is welcoming its guests the heads of state of the world's wealthiest countries and its interest of piecing groundbreaking decisions on the global challenges are going to be taken here but the whole city can be mistaken at least some experts believe there's no point in waiting for g.h.
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to solve problems they say the high profile event has turned more into the film festival deal normally hosts than a serious political gathering. thank you so much for being with us today well it's always a pleasure well first of all you you're one of the one of the pioneers of new technologies and. russia here you are one of the great fallacies computer communication tweeted whatever as i know the question of cyber security is going to be very very high on the agenda and vale what makes these questions so important for the presidents and their what's more important for use it for ordinary this is are the leaders ready to guarantee the freedom of those means of communication the freedom of speech freedom of using the first time in the history of our partners the french presidency. and just the leaders of this class.
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all kinds of issues related to the internet the world is a new reality and iran understands that. internet affects business internet traffic security and that i think social life internet that acts what will go on. and the. same time. all kinds of issues related to internet including cross-eyed a security. discussion about internet. is going to be. immediately rejoined by the leaders of internet community. and zif of the sonnet. e.g. forum. her health in paris and the. leaders will receive suggestions from internet community here in about
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a glacial in about access to internet content about the protection of intellectual property rights in the internet our present position is that the new reality requires new approaches and we cannot simply transform the distant roles of. for instance about facial property rights to the new reality we need to find new approaches to. protect our interests of right holders but. preserve freedom but there are a few there's the internet fountain and for cyber security is concerned our kids truly protect that interest but it's not be used. by terrorists military criminals or drug dealers. etc to build many issues but really. all you mentioned is there the idea is for either storm signals that we need a common approach or the we need the legal asians in practices. consistent in
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that we need to act together to fight against the threats can we fight this. without without. censorship without sort of our. making it less free me and he i mean the. our freedom was an absolute same and. limited think in the practical. matters exist and. the most difficult thing is to preserve freedom while. protecting the rights of people to think privacy or they can people from harmful content are we truly believe the. limitations to freedom are not nice there in the internet because of this issue
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thirty five logically result by limiting the rights of people honestly have to but the. establishment. also the people will want to follow through on the stance of the certain interests so for each particular person for the source wasn't you either one of the very very intensive users of the internet but internet has no such thing as the eyepiece so you're an ordinary user are you exactly so what are the problems that you see in the internet and that you would like the russian president to go and help you solve number of problems are at least from the russian perspective and interest of internet russia still developing country and not the developed country one is political content international. doesn't mean of people not. real
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legal access to white ranger for internet fountain and. some people might want to use illegal content. at least technologically or sometimes it's very difficult and easier to steal exactly theory still and this will change the second thing is the protection of for privacy. it's important to be protected from aggressive behavior in the internet. is accept it to some extent but what i personally don't want to see is a greater for. a person for myself for inventing a. but majority of people are friendlier. issues related to. excessive aggression and this whole thing is our presence of harmful illegal content in the internet child pornography if you're exactly i would like to be
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protected from that and pay for the not most people would be you or your family ok let's get back to the g eight summit in russia was extremely proud once has joined the g eight not long lived like now the relevance of the g eight is being put in doubt so there's the g eight really matter today as compared to the newly born forum such as for example the g g twenty this is still relevant. we believe that discussions in any art form and we're our leaders the world will develop and the present are important and security should develop and they should still great countries are among leaders and. topics like middle east and north africa are for nuclear security. some of the shifts are very
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much of the discussion of great leaders none of the stuff that can be resolved none of the issues can be the result the dialogue with other countries that's clear but . finding common approaches within the draitser. helps a lot to make progress in the resolution of most crucial issues around the world can you give us an example when the decision taken at the g eight summit really changed the course of world history of the change the world events. are mostly talk talk talk and exchanging views. is an informal leaders. for negotiators for our formal organization to reach formal decisions. it's important to have signals from readers with a result of the signals cannot be given. so there's a i'm sorry this is very important so the decisions taken at the summits are not
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really this is there are signals exactly to societies to to take for the decision of society is the global community to people who need to treat the actual decisions and. again without leaders commitment result declaring declaring in sticking to principles. in many organisations this you cannot take. france has declared a reform of the international monetary system as the major priority of this presidency in the g eight and g g twenty which coincided this year so what has been achieved have a since the summit in korea of the global economy issues briefly discussed at the g eight summit leaders for not but too much ground given that you can because she is a central. art of the just trying to engender. and. various will limit
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themselves as we expect to do. the broad discussion about the risks. of the existing europe i view the deaths of some of the european countries or budgets that the united states or consequence or so for tragic events in japan and our instability in the middle east africa how all the things we were the global economy i thought as far as my three system is concerned. in the aftermath of hurricane simon our finance minister some central bankers. help a number of meetings and agreed with peak trachea are in principle for stability from the national mind that is system and also. the pillars of the future development of the international mind body system including the way for occurrences are including. them so development of the i.m.f.
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instruments including for special drawing rights is the ours and we expect the discussion to continue before the g twenty summit then. in the june twenty summit in november so i see that russia is supporting the first group was also last year for us is there to full participants of those discussions and we believe that the especially the very timely russia. actually proposed to have a discussion even before france when you're trying to start the nation so be aware that france took over our initiative and suggested. discussion at the time says the college aid to the russian friends the spotlight and we will be back shortly after we take a break so stay with us we'll continue to simply read the last.
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more than a month. in one of the most extreme environments on the planet this is antarctica and people have to be aware that they are far away from civilization and sean thomas discovers what makes antarctica so special that attractive for many the wildlife in antarctica is both elite and the fragile. expedition to the bottom of the earth on our team. welcome back to spotlight on al gore and often just a reminder that my guest here in the studio today is the one according to the aides to the russian president and we're talking about the summit in the world that will that is gathering the leaders of the g. eight countries. how fear of god the so-called currency war
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was a very big issue discussed discussed at a summit in south korea does it remain to be and is she when he will be discuss. saying in france this time the naturals are economic recovery. in this mall on the station. in international mind the system is relatively stable while still exist. mainly in a way to. place a bet in in number of countries. mindfully storage is took actions stabilised for the overall. good will environment. but. other issues came into power and are. or big concern for our leaders including the consequences so for japanese he
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rants and station middle east and north africa in particular relation to a commodity prices if they want to prices we'll stay. excessively. high level this can turn into our food inflation and instability. in the markets thought leaders will. express their concern about the station and may construction are the experts in international telecommunications to prepare decisions for the i think in discussion at the g twenty summit in france in november. vision is the creation of a little trinity of the universal instruments of international prien instead of these dollars is it still on the agenda is russia supporting that idea and how extensively will it be or intensively will be discussed in the view russia's
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position is that we don't need to substitute the dollar is there any other instrument that we're looking and we believe the dollar. continue to play a role in porton trawlers interest in mind for the system but for those of this plan for. one with the other instruments are you or is playing a higher all eastern europe or image this role at the moment china really transformed its financial system more to the world and. all aspects and political leaders believe that at some point the chinese currency will become an important one in the international system and feel that in other instruments it will be widely used in the global community also ruble can play a role given the site. the russian economy and its neighbors. will not be.
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that all of rubble will be as high as a four dollar euro or you i mean but. certainly that role and being given the ruble if you will disassemble in our economy development in the world before international financial center in moscow i also believe that to have. more discipline in the international financial system we also need the i.m.f. instruments including as the arse. the play the player all. if you will have is they are. as a basket of currencies. an instrument that the choirs carbonation i'm on campus instrument that being used in the our global financial system this will lead to our higher degree of stability in the system but if there wasn't should be an. expanded
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and free believe that our struggle for the mother comes from be added to the basket you mentioned the difficulties in europe will actually be increasing my macroeconomic this balance between countries are a very serious thing and connected so that the outflow of currencies the unpredictable and rapid movement movement of money. should countries do something to make the flow of money more predictable what's russia doing to make a mockery because russia is suffering to this. beautiful those events in europe because of europe with our. close partner and our our three big europe our investments the force of the biggest. among any other country and certainly we are concerned by thousands developments but still the strongest european countries in particular. germann year are france u.k.
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italy have sufficient capacity to stabilize station in europe and. recent actions taken by the european union european central bank holds a they're committed to preserve for the stability of the european mind clear. to make the station predictable and. our officials our finance minister our son from our pretty point of the discussions and in the show. different promotion of his european partners on that. they're all for is to continue to be a stable partner in the. past wrong in particular in the energy sector is to belittle the engine markets as one of key preconditions for stability or for our of the mind is that of the financial station that are around the world in third place
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at this point. and i continue to play this role well the international monetary fund has been is becoming a pretty hard issues these days well partly because mr stress can have a very my form had turned out to be very hard man but but anyway we discussed with the united states but this goes the i.m.f. unself france which is presiding at the g eight summit it wants to give the i.m.f. under the new leadership the right of oversight over capital movements with the right to allow states to intervene and quoting in cases of massive in and out flows of capital and quite well what's behind it and is russia also a supporter of the free trade. but our position is that. in. a piece of this point in year our actions anyway to do the regulation of critical moments are in the solver and. the storage room in seoul and the
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main and i don't want to give out of the story and transfer the sort of the poor anyone else but the same time believe that the i.m.f. should prefer a clear armed a storage into one police station to signal about the problems. for consultations with countries. where the station. is. giving a. concert of story to the. global community. contests. and is sponsored minor. would include. the international monetary fund. in one very functional way. to some extent the carbonation crawl the suspect bizarre out. quite their national sort of pool.
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to take renia decisions so higher off i'm a. sort of a decision well as far as i remember russia didn't support mr strauss candidacy for the head of the i.m.f. now today when he is no longer than to the organization and when he turned out to be really challenging the americans inside the i am a circus he has the president of france yes he has many very many enemies but how does russia assess his term in office and what has been done by mr. v. believes that. i may have. well being. before the crisis emerged as one of the important the instrument to deal with is the
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crisis. i was a few years especially on the all sides of the different. countries initiatives that had been agreed by leaders within the different circle. influenced the international my mind for the fun. very strongly in the form of i.m.f. what was developing of new instruments under the i.m.f. authorities here are all the things that to him more stable global financial institutions. but again he believes that. choirs further reform russia will insist on reforms of higher transparency and to get hold of the new. i.m.f. executive director bill. bill for will fall as the sea of real i actually am to make them more efficient and more responsive to the me
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it's not just the. big guys but also a large number of other countries ok last question russia is supporting the candidacy of a cousin guy named billy goody march in care for the position of the i.m.f. and the high post is it is it a candidate from a joint candidate of the brics countries or just the russian camp. we were not in full support by serious confidence. we still have some patients within the brics so according to his other partners. in action if you think so it will. work more with our partners. doing what is the best thank you thank you very much mr garbage for being with us and just to remind them that my guest here in the studio today was a kind of the. aide to the president of the confederation and that's it for now from all of us here if you want to have your say on program or have someone in mind
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for you think i should interview next time spotlight please drop me a line of albert our past r.t. t.v. dot are you and let's keep spotlights into rafts we'll be back with more comments on what's going on in and outside the show until then stay in part seat and take. plenty. of. review the latest in science and technology from the realms. we've got the future covered.
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