tv [untitled] May 26, 2011 3:00am-3:29am EDT
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the. old. mission street. view. should. have bloody hands of george's day of rage against president saakashvili as heavily armed police put a brutal stop to public dissent. the world's wealthiest nations storm award time battlegrounds as rush hour today's conflict weary fourth from the g. eight in france. to us judges are convicted of dishing out dodgy discipline making millions by throwing teenagers into private prisons for only very minor offenses. and hot stuff in subzero season our latest on target to report we need to the creatures calling the icy ocean home. francais separation of russia's oil and gas
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for arctic is back on track with sheldon likely the place to be in the deal we'll bring you more on that story in business at around twenty minutes time. eleven am in the russian capital you're watching r t with me arena joshie welcome to the program at least two dead and dozens hospitalized protesters in georgia have found out the hard way why they shouldn't speak out against their leadership but we showed a little restraint in a crackdown on crowds who turned out for what's been called georgia's day of rage demanding that president saakashvili resign sarah ferguson is gauging the mood in tbilisi for our team. certainly this morning after the scenes of violence that we saw break out last night as the police violently dispersed that crowd of protesters
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extremely quick for the police to break up that's how this where a lot of the vests even after the clouted in the main area they were still pulling people out bleeding from some of the buildings and hanged for a lot of old people carrying some quite significant injuries that we saw really very shocking indeed we can change more now from these events because we were there at the same as the violence some photos. it was held by the opposition is the day that would determine children's future. ousting president saakashvili ended in violence and. a huge pools of riot police moved in on the crowd just minutes after midnight on judges day. and that. was by everybody was. a bit we've got to leave colin that in the background here we go one on the other
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spike they began to say to the surrounded. as the police closed in water cannons were fired into the crowds rubber bullets and gas seriously injuring demonstrators and. a police officer was killed when he was run over by a car and a protest in front of the parliament. the scenes of violence the most shocking given that many of those involved were of an older generation. we were standing peacefully when riot police to the ground and started beating me my relatives also suffered they smashed one of my friend's face and left another one. you can see from my face the kind of force they used and i think i'm even alive these people don't value human life it had been dubbed the silver revolution due to
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the older crowd they turned out demonstrating against late pensions and rising prices for five days they held the main t.v. building in tbilisi before taking their protest to the main. high initial numbers a protest this is the weekend of this peace among the opposition party since. that is they will lead through the streets a wednesday the crowds once again turned. to this force. of them traitors. demonstrators were vastly outnumbered witnesses to the vendor two thousand and seven protests in which six hundred were injured this time around police presence was even greater and they used just the. questions already being asked about whether the scale of pools used was justifiable many were arrested and many more injured it's
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a real on the streets in remnants of the violent clash you can see a place that's up and then bang from which the leader of the opposition gave us a look at you now say earlier on just before the fighting broke out with thanks she would maybe be holding negotiations that didn't happen they wanted out but it's really if that's the price and then how it started and things the violent surface. even so when i had to add to a previous brutal crackdown by georgian police four years ago tear gas and water cannon rolls to use to disperse thousands of demonstrators who turn against saakashvili is regime change during six hundred people are these guys we know there are was there and recall of the chaotic and terrifying scenes there are members that we along with many other journalists were just outside the parliament building and then the next thing we know there were tear gassed grenades flying everywhere immediately we couldn't see anything couldn't really brady it was chaos people
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running in all kinds of directions are being met by riot police actually started hammering down on them with their butt tongs just kicking people to the ground beating them on their heads as mass chaos everywhere it was people blocking it they couldn't even see anything because the tear gas was every where there were dozens of ambulances immediately on the scene just carrying people away a little those that were injured in the first wave the tear gas attack and then later our producer got hit in the head with a rubber bullet our camera crew also got struck by some of those or or it was utter chaos and madness but the most frightening thing an out it perhaps was the fact that it was literally so unexpected the protest had been going on for days and nobody expected it to turn this violence this suddenly as
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public anger at georgia's government boils over president saakashvili may be taking his lead from others similarly unpopular leaders investigative journalist and r.t. contributor wayne madsen explains. well like mubarak we certainly know that one of the criticisms by the opposition is the corruption rampant in his government it's a very negative stick and ministration he runs so we're seeing a lot of people saying you know enough is enough leaving. his government joining the opposition now saakashvili on the other hand is claiming that somehow russia is behind these these rebellions he says he's doing the same thing that could die off he did in libya by blaming al qaida and mubarak of course blamed everybody for his problems except with his big difference the u.s. supports this they catered to shows the hypocrisy of the obama administration when it comes to georgia or bahrain or any of these regimes that we support for military and strategic purposes these popular uprisings get no support from washington. our
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full coverage of the developing situation in georgia is online right now at r t v dot com we've got names videos and alice is as follows round on demonstrators demanding president's august release resignation there's always our to use twitter stream and facebook which will keep you updated as events unfold. i ferried eyes for the french and meet and storage world war two sites well today see an invasion of the g.s.
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machine the latest summit gets going in the normally resort of the village shortly and while leaders from the world's biggest economies prepare for business and so now we preview this what lies ahead. on the table the situation in libya the economy especially concerning the euro and of course the spring arab uprisings in fact for the first time delegations from tunisia and egypt will be taking part in discussions but the working sessions will only begin much later today on the second day tomorrow the beginning of the summit has been allotted for leaders to meet on the sidelines and bilateral meetings president will sit down with barack obama their missile defense is expected to be discussed russia has raised concerns post signing of the strategic arms reduction treaty that america is not as and as transparent as it could be when it comes to its missile defense systems in europe also once again coming up the situation in libya russia raising concerns there that the resolution has been manipulated and it's now not just a mission about protecting civilians that will come up when president medvedev sits
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down with french president nicolas sarkozy of course france was one of the first countries to intervene and as host of the summit this year we here at r.g.p. have been analyzing how france's position on the world stage has changed and it's now playing a much bigger role. the g. eight has gone full circle the last time the summit was held in france eight years ago the agenda looked almost the same. war the economy and somewhere in the middle aged africa on the table then iraq in boosting the euro now it's libya and saving the euro. two thousand and three france had a very different stance on global politics than it was staunchly opposed to the u.s. invasion of iraq french fries quickly became freedom fries after france u.s. relations soured despite summit smiles but with a new french president came a new friend circle is a has rejected entirely the possibility of france playing
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a constructive role in a multi multi-polar world and has aligned himself with the single superpower the united states nowadays france is barking much louder with more soldiers involved in foreign military conflicts a growing bent ever before it's a globalist modern. it's not just the friends it's the whole. global plan to change governments as they want. france played a central role in ivory coast's bloody presidential stalemate and is considered the on smoking leader of the intervention in libya this great. to participate and to be one of the first. ruler western ruler to to go there and just for his political agenda critics say this new global policy was meant to
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win over french voters but hasn't worked france is a kind of small united states with many interventions that are very costly and very little thinking about the relationship between rhetoric and the cost. and cost is the killer european countries are facing more and more protest over huge spending cuts in an attempt to lower deficits and save a drowning euro sex scandal involving i.m.f. had done an extra one might have knocked out a top contender competing against sarkozy for the presidency but experts say d.s. k. was toppled at the wrong time when you've still got worries about whether the euro will still be the currency of all these european countries in the next twelve to twenty four months and at the same time spending hundreds of millions forcing their way into the libya conflict they don't see eye to eye but they going to try to
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regroup around. the idea that it's a humanitarian intervention and the u.n. resolution a resolution that china and russia didn't veto but it claims has been manipulated to suit western interests perhaps there will be an appearance of agreement but if there is an appearance of agreement in my mind it won't be an appearance appearance at the g. eight is hard not to notice the venue is usually some exclusive resort town where you can't hear protest over the euro and it's easy to forget bombs are falling in the this year france is beautiful normandy was chosen to house leaders as they sit down to debate some of the world's ugliest problems and once again are faced with the question of whether the g eight can regroup on splitting its years and he's now a r t v france. and around five minutes time artes and rabbit sean thomas gets hot on the trail of the south pole scientists. cited research in antarctica is not
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over the laboratories in fact most of it's done out here in the field or this case the ocean i'm john thompson coming up we look at the lives of the scientists here. with well over two million people in jail the u.s. has the highest prison population in the world but some are seeing the inside of a cell because dodgy judges are getting payback from the private sector. reports and those dishing out justice for feet. two pennsylvania judges have made a killing out of juvenile prisoners mark ciavarella and michael conahan were convicted of receiving kickbacks for more than two million dollars from the developers of several private detention centers but the real crime according to parents is that these judges and sent more than five thousand children to those very facilities for crimes as small as finding on a school bus or posting
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a parody of their teacher on the web my kid. my son was. a god the size of sandy fonzo seventeen year old son edward was a bloody student and sportsman when he was arrested at an under-age party judge ciavarella locked him out for six months shortly after he got out edward committed suicide he never looked in you know the whole picture of the kids like i said he wind them up one by one and one son came away. to places. you know god knows what went on and then he throws them back and how does a kid there were about you know my son just never recovered from it eric stefanski was twelve when judge ciavarella sent him to jail for two years for scratching his mom's car while joy writing for this young man was a teenager was locked up for months for throwing
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a piece of steak it is mom's boyfriend so i really can't believe that being accused of something like the real story was all that was needed to be put away the case of the to cancel venia judges in bed with local private prisons could be just the tip of the iceberg a recent report revealed america's largest prison corporations poor hundreds of thousands into the campaigns of governors state legislators and judges in the hope of advancing their agenda and it seems to be working the number of private. as in the u.s. is growing rapidly oh their money every penny they get is a taxpayer dollar that they get from the government and so what they do is they get bigger money from the government to house prisoners then they turn around and split and spend some of that money by giving it back to the politicians who push the was and the policies that we need to build more people being arrested more people being right there isn't so it's almost a money one where your tax dollars are making contributions to judges.
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politicians it's sort of like a closed circuit you're making contributions to people who are breaking the laws and then you're making contributions to who are of course with the number of prisons out goes the number of prisoners the us has around two point three million people behind bars more than any other nation you've seen prison populations pretty consistently over the last three decades and move up a couple of percent a year and you know unfortunately as a citizen that that's not the most exciting statistic however when you look at it from a business model perspective for the private operators it's clearly good news the good news for the prison business turned into a nightmare for thousands of under-age victims of the two judges in pennsylvania there is an incentive in private industry obviously to make money that's what private industry is for so there's an incentive to have more cursors and incentive
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to keep those prisoners incarcerated for longer periods of time there's really no incentive for rehabilitation the incentives are reversed this so-called kids casing and sylvania just reversed the incentives to meet and raise the question with jack is actually interested in sending people away for a longer term thing keeping their benefactress private prisons for what justice can one. i'm going to check out reporting from washington. well as i'll take a look at some other stories from around the world and a suspected bomb blast in turkey has learned at least seven from the explosion happened at a bus station near a large shopping mall in a stamboul and stana was rocked by a terror attack seven months ago when a bomb injured more than thirty people. from there around new ones as crashed into a crowded residential area near india's capital killing ten people the aircraft was
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flying in the critically ill patients to a hospital in new delhi when it came down and minutes before its scheduled landing the plane broke apart and caught fire before plunging into your house the. crowds of the greeks have showed they won't take further cuts quietly as fifteen thousand to say ended on the parliament building in athens protest in spain where demonstrators gathered in a similar display of anger a week ago heavily in debt to greece is struggling to meet the terms of its massive bailout with creditors like germany demanding more cuts in the beleaguered country . well it takes a certain kind of stamina to plunge into an icy ocean but it's all in a day's work for the determined divers of antarctica and his latest report from the south pole john thomas meets explores keeping their cool in the name of science. but the. frigid and tortured waters certainly is not for that timid but these crews
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making a regular experience all in the name of science. the main purpose of our trip to antarctica is to establish a foundation for monitoring different species living on the bottom of the ocean and we are studying the distribution of animals that live there and we are studying their nature each day during the short summer season as crew makes multiple trips out to sea where they get a firsthand look at what's below the surface. of this case one of the same biological communities stretches from a depth of five it's almost fifty meters there are certain variations but mostly the picture is the same it's impossible to say anything now it's too early to draw any conclusions we've got too little information just one sectional view working out of the coastal waters of antarctica will not only help scientists identify the types of animals living here but i coming back over time they can study subtle changes in the environment and how the animals are affected by those changes in three to five years we will repeat our data collection and we can establish whether
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there have been any changes some animals might have gone and others may have replaced them we can establish why maybe there are some climatic changes that lead to changes among the populations so it will indicate whether it goes colder or warmer here what they come up with can at times seem a bit questionable if not simply messy while other times they're catch is quite clear but in all cases important to their research so what is logon ships to russia what is then catalogue and still sometimes new discoveries are made constantly what i'm cataloguing many new types of muscles my colleagues are doing the same we're always finding you and that salute we are no one species proving that there is still much more work to be done and one of the world's coldest ecosystems in antarctica john thomas fourteen and charles got more stories from the south pole for you i will bring you his reports over the next few days here on our team.
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more than a month. in one of the most extreme environments on the planet this is antarctica and people have to be aware that they're far away from civilization sean combs discovers quote make some tar tickets so special detracted from any wildlife in antarctica is close if you live in the front the. expedition to the bottom of the earth are changed. and raise up and here in our thinking hobbes will bring you the latest from the world of business in just a few moments.
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hello and welcome to business here on r.t. the exploration of russia's oil and gas rich arctic shelf is back on track as british oil major b.p. falls by the wayside state run rosneft is considering shell as a backup the talks come days after russia's energy minister said the strategic alliance between rosneft and b.p. is unlikely to be revived after the break off rosneft said it would look for a new partner with the proper technology to drill the arctic but unlike b.p. shell says the shares with rosneft is not under consideration shall already hold a stake in the gazprom shop holland to project in russia's foreign aid let's let's take a look at the markets now crude prices are trading moderately higher this hour weakness in the dollar is weighing on the market despite the us for rising oil inventories and disappointing economic data. across asia japanese stocks closed almost one of
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the saints in the black and energy majors among the top gainers riding on an overnight recovery on oil prices japan befalling corp and the world's five percent hong kong shares are also in the black after i read a losing streak the resource sector is in the leaves bolstered by high commodity prices petro china heading almost one percent this hour. and here in moscow the trading session on the card has gained almost half the since this hour my six has opened up around point one percent in the in the red in the black sorry but current prices while crude prices are floating around their record highs russian equity is trading at mid november levels. from b.g.p. capital says there's still positive sentiment on the markets which are likely to raise this second quarter losses. we see a bit of strength in the russian market we see the market. and hence. we don't feel the market is going to be we any correction is probably going to be short lived in our really significant negative generally we expected the market to start drifting
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over a piece of a macro picture which is of importance it is not showing a really good sign that there are some sort of clarity integrationist ration is going to be paramount to the markets feel. a bit of risk because with no clarity markets are trying to be a little bit risk averse while russia is dominating gas company gazprom debates deals and prices with belarus and ukraine small independent companies are growing seemingly unnoticed the russian national gas market has plenty of options for customers and not all of them a government owned or in a car sort of a travel to the country's gas capital of no u.v. you are going to find out more about the smaller players. and this is where ninety percent of russia's gas production takes place and about swelling two percent is the world's outputs not gas from a people king here but it's not the only one as small independent gas companies are also part of the game and we'll find out how.
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this is one of the fields of significance it holds licenses to develop the one fields and the company slowed the search amounts to months of being. now it's partly owned by robert sets which is the largest in the gas company russia another market which is owned by its parent which is slightly smaller but still one of the like. that either it sold the winning bid or. like it was given these companies the chances of that place to hold new exploration then they can make decisions so it's really your parents in the seats are going to love the signatures and the rules and also they can suck it this is something that is no longer interests against them for example the one simple choice the company's
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sydney yes no but so it's there may not be giving grants for everyone for its money but it's definitely creating the book that this is something that is a great step forward for russia during that monster of a business card. and that's the latest business for now we'll have more fuel in just under an hour's time stay with us the headlines next.
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wealthy british scientists scientists sometimes tirelessly. markets. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mikes concert for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars a report on. the commission's free couldn't take three months for charges free coming from the free risk free. to types priests. the old free born can come in video for your media projects and free media john to our tetons tom.
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comes. more than a month. in one of the most extreme environments on the planet this is it and charge it up and people have to be aware that they're far away from civilization sean thomas discovers what makes sense arctic is so special and attractive for many wildlife in antarctica is a place and the sun's a. expedition to the bottom of the earth our team is. looking well fluently. renewed the latest in science and technology from around the russian please dump the future coverage. please. more news today violent.
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