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tv   [untitled]    May 26, 2011 6:00am-6:30am EDT

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the photo points pleasures and i would print certainly the splined in touch with the who tell me touch of the roots of the google how would international floods achieve every green local food chill in total. bloody end of two georges day of rage against president saakashvili as heavily armed police put a brutal stop to the public. the g eight leaders gather at the french seaside to see if they can turn the tide over their divisions on the urgent financial and security issues. to us judges a convicted of dishing out dodgy discipline making millions by throwing teenagers into private prisons for only very minor offenses.
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just after two pm here in moscow you with a hearty welcome to the program at least at least two dead and dozens hospitalized hundreds detained the result of a brutal crackdown on anti-government rally on the eve of georgia's independence day it's just a few hours for the government's a sentence and one thousand protesters to nearly three weeks detention finishing off what was a bloody end to george's day of rage let's cross live now to police you speak to r.t. sara furthur sara i think speak for themselves i tell us what is the situation like now where you are. well the independents military grade is going ahead. president really speaking at that now he was talking about freedom of speech the children people but that talk comes on the back of a show of extreme force from his police forces last night as they dispersed the protesters gathered at the main parliament square now he also said that he was
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going to defend the country from external forces and the protesters yesterday didn't want freedom of speech will they wanted was a victim of violence well whatever the case that certainly happened we saw a violent clashes breaking out the dispersal happening very very quickly indeed but you know the lead that rally yesterday and she was giving the people throughout the day and just. came into the crowd she was mentioning something about perhaps coming some agreements with the police forces didn't happen in the end and we saw them entering the crowd and the violence breaking out that what the government has said is that they had offered alternatives spaces alternative penney's that wouldn't interfere with the military parades today that wasn't accepted and individuals escaping arrest in the end the ninety people we've heard have been put under administrative arrest and that carries a sentence of up to two months at the moment oh it's
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a very sadly some people dying in the violence as it very can and we were actually at the scene throughout the whole of that event as it was happening one of our correspondents actually go ahead by one of the rubber bullets of course they were firing water cannons gas in the residence into the crowds and we can show you more now about what happened as the violence unfolded. it was held by the opposition of the day that was to george's teacher in people. ousting presidents package delayed and in violence and bloodshed a huge pools of riot police moved in on the crowds just minutes after midnight children's day of independent. thought. that the only thing to be thankful that the right of every right was quite happen to start the even we got
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police call and here we go one on the other side so began to say to the surrounded . as the police closed in water cannons were fired into the crowd rubber bullets and gas seriously injuring both demonstrators and journalist a police officer was killed when he was run over by a car and a protester dies in front of the parliament. the scenes of violence all the more shocking given that many of the. older generation. we were standing peaceful you were right police came to the ground and started beating me my relatives also suffered they smashed one of my friend's face and left another one and. you can see from my face the kind of force they used and i think god i'm even alive these people don't value human life . it had been the silver revolution due to the older crowd they turned out
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demonstrating against lake tensions and rising prices the five days they held vigil outside the main t.v. building into police say before taking their protest to the main parliament. high initial numbers a protest this is the weekend of this piece among the opposition parties and so it is they will lead through the streets the wednesday the crowds once again turned. on the police to use force. part of the street to show. demonstrators were vastly outnumbered and witnesses to the name then the two thousand and seven protests in which six hundred were injured this time around police presence was even greater and the force they used just this is the. questions are already being asked about whether the scale of pools used was justifiable. many were arrested and many more injured if the debris on the streets
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in remnants of the violent clash you can see they set up the main band from which the leader of the opposition gave me a good you know the earlier on just before the fighting broke out was saying she would maybe be holding negotiations that didn't happen they wanted out but it's really instead the price and then how it started and things of violent surf city. well with our soldiers political situation on the edge let's look at how this might develop political analyst mccullagh xandros is in moscow to talk more about this and so the pictures clearly show the police taking extreme crowd control which is why such a heavy handed response to. well i think it actually a demonstration of course on the part of psycho street is it is him i think this is him it is a bit worried about what's happening in the middle is and the situation is georgia
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in judge is very similar to what happens in tunisia egypt and libya unfortunately we don't see and i did watch reaction from the international community as it was in cases of the middle east. but now i think russian minister foreign affairs expressed concern about the inadequate use of force by the police i don't know what that song is western media and western politicians we do not see any criticism actually of the second street his regime and in fact the american ambassador in this election decided with the with a gallon mount saying that. demonstrates a walk away he didn't say and using gal like that the power to leave when he vows action it took a control of a military os an os killed several police officers and so on and so forth so we see again this double standard sport this is. all the west oh you talk about these
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double standard policies of the west you're drawing comparisons here to the region on the grass in libya and syria you're saying a lack of international intervention but the clashes took place in the early hours of georgia's independence day what kind of message should the georgian government take from that as. well in fact i think that the georgian government should have. and into it now of course with their opposition i think they have an agent of concerns about the. state of democracy in georgia and i think if they've got that negotiating with that position this meeting would have been stopped before they mean it. now the blame game has already begun president saakashvili blames foreign influences for the on the rest as it's unlikely to think. well i actually think that it's a usual excuse when it since two thousand and six told us foreign some foreign
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foreign interference into internal situation you're a member of the southeast us military. russian military personnel that was stationed in georgia in those days it was a sham they most espionage and floor to door was told to go months on to this predicts several opposition figures where rested and then two thousand and seven and not family when he passed another meeting the same excuse was a given and now again in fact that it's all of course not serious because what we see here it sure is that position and leaders in georgia have almost the same. flavor and it is my. western oriented. most of them and the difference is i should be. democratic president democratic congress should be right not the crowd of four and forty story based so i do not see any
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reason why i should for an internet interference now took place in georgia all right so you're saying the common excuse paul. really is that isn't blaming external influences is just the run of the mill traditional excuse but let's let's talk about the future how do you see this developing in the governments or the protesters favor. well actually. no way doing more sacrifice really by peaceful democratic means i told this almost four years ago when he cast to the. meeting on not bound by those solemn bensalem i sat down that's i guess really is using now good force against opposition and on it i'm da prize and can overthrow him but there's only one way back i surely can be moved by democratic means if it is saved. if this is my own fees and allies in the west if the west is
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united in criticizing saakashvili and russia goes and i buy from my friends i think it can't be enabled by fact i do not believe in that scenario though i political analyst i call alexander often live from moscow thank you. well our full coverage of the developing situation in georgia is online right now. if you have a look at your screen of the moment we've got to news. because the news videos and analysis please take a tough line on demonstrators so you can actually see the pictures here these are protesters demanding president saakashvili is a resignation right of course as always also use twitter stream phrase which will keep you updated as the events on. its.
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you with r.t. live from moscow now a paradise for the french elite and historic world war two site today sees an invasion of the g. eight machine but i just it's going to be a she could normandy it was sort of the deal that's going to happen shortly let's see what is and is an hour to get some more details of what's happening over there and i nice of the g. eight includes not only group discussions but also bilateral fringe meetings are there been any statements coming out so far. yes there has for the first day it's certainly been set up as i day for the leaders to meet almost sunrise face to face and really get down to the issues in a frank and open discussions and that has already happened there's been many meetings already in the summit has just begun but the strongest statement so far interestingly enough has come from herman van rompuy in a briefing here of course is the president's european council and he said quote
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that we will not let the euro fail now this is the strongest crankiest statement we've heard about the situation concerning the economy in europe in quite some time will be so. analysts throughout the day about what exactly that means it could be assumed but it means that it is a possibility that the euro could actually fail and that european officials are going to do the best they can to try to save it certainly that will be a hot topic over the next couple of days after the summit also the situation in libya we've already heard a statement from president meets page after his meeting with nicolas sarkozy they spoke about libya interesting they were quite vague in their briefing but they did speak about how the g. eight is a great format for leaders to meet one on one and really get down to the issues and speak openly with each other of course russia and the west see the intervention in libya very differently russia tends to be very careful when it concerns getting
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involved in any kind of internal affairs of a sovereign nation as we speak president is made of is sitting down with barack obama obama there against libya most certainly will come up it's expected they will focus on missile defense really cosigning off the strategic arms reduction treaty nevertheless russia has concerns that america is not as transparent as it could be when it comes to its missile defense system plans in europe and we are expecting a joint statement from barack obama and to meet you had made it within the hour like i said president medvedev sat down with nicolas sarkozy and france is a very important player these days it's certainly being assumed that they spoke about the situation in libya like i said very different views hopefully we'll hear more from them throughout the day but france again a major player and this year some of the theme is new world new ideas and that is certainly the case when it comes to france's position on the world stage. the
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g. eight has gone full circle the last time the summit was held in france eight years ago the agenda looked almost the same. war the economy and somewhere in the middle eighty. africa on the table then iraq and boosting the euro now it's libya and saving the euro. two thousand and three france had a very different stance on global politics then it was staunchly opposed to the u.s. invasion of iraq french fries quickly became freedom fries after france u.s. relations soured despite summit smiles but with a new french president came a new friend circle as he has rejected entirely the possibility of friends playing a constructive role in a multi multi-polar world and has aligned himself with the single superpower the united states nowadays france is barking much louder with more soldiers involved in
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foreign military conflicts of brawn then ever before it's a globalist more than call them it's not just the friends it's the whole. global plan to change governments as they want. france played a central role in ivory coast's bloody presidential stalemate and is considered the unspoken leader of the intervention in libya this was he wanted us to participate and to be one of the first. ruler western ruler to to go there and just for his political agenda critics say this new global policy was meant to win over french voters but hasn't worked france is a kind of small united states with many interventions that are very costly and very little thinking about the relationship between rhetoric and the costs and costs is
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the killer european countries are facing more and more protest over huge spending cuts in an attempt to lower deficits and save a drowning euro and at the same time spending hundreds of. williams forcing their way into libya conflict they don't see eye to eye but they going to try to regroup around. the idea that it's a humanitarian intervention and the un resolution a resolution that china and russia did veto would have claimed has been manipulated to suit western interests perhaps there will be an appearance of agreement but if there is an appearance of agreement in my mind it will only be an appearance at hearings at the g eight is hard not to notice the venue is usually some exclusive resort town where you can't hear protests over the euro and it's easy to forget bombs are falling in libya this year france is beautiful normandy was chosen as house leaders as they sit down to debate some of the world's ugliest problems and
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once again are faced with the question of whether the g eight can regroup on splitting issues and he's now a r t v fronts. well with two million people in jail u.s. has the world's biggest prison population but some of the inside of a cell because judges are getting payback from the private sector is garbage to crime reports on those dishing out justice for three. two pennsylvania judges have made a killing out of juvenile prisoners mark ciavarella and michael conahan were convicted of receiving kickbacks on more than two million dollars from the developers of several private detention centers but the real crime according to the parents is that these judges then sent more than five thousand children to those very facilities for crimes as small as finding on a school bus or posting a parody of their teacher on the web my kid i mean. i.
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was a size i know sandy fonzo seventeen year old son edward was a budding student and sportsman when he was arrested at an under-age party judge ciavarella locked him out for six months shortly after he got out edward committed suicide he never looked into you know the whole picture of the kids like i said he wind them up one by one and some from away. some going to places that you know god knows what went on and then who throws them back and how does a kid you know my son just never recover from it eric stefanski was twelve when judgeship around listening to jail for two years for scratching his mom's car while george writing for this young man was a teenager was locked up for months for sawing a piece of steak it is mom's boyfriend i really believe that being accused of
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something like the real story was all that was needed to be for way the case of the two pennsylvania judges in bed with local private prisons could be just a case of the iceberg a recent report revealed america's largest prison corporations poor hundreds of thousands into the campaigns of governors state legislators and judges in the hope of advancing their agenda and it seems to be working the number of private prisons . the u.s. is growing rapidly all their money every penny they get is a taxpayer dollar that they get from the government and so what they do is they get they get the money from the government the house prisoners then they turn around and support and spend some of that money by giving it back. all see we were people be perswaded were people being forced rated right prisons so it's almost of money want where your tax dollars they're making contributions to judges
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and electoral politics it's sort of like a closed circuit you're making contributions to people who are making the laws and then you're making contributions and who are worse than that with the number of prisons out goes the number of prisoners the us has around two point three million people behind bars i've seen prison populations pretty consistently over the last three decades move up a couple percent a year and you know unfortunately as a citizen that that's not the most exciting such a state however when you look at it from a business model perspective for the private operators it's clearly good news the good news for the prison business turned into a nightmare for thousands of under-age victims of the two judges in pennsylvania there's an incentive in private industry obviously that make money that's where crowded street is for so there's an incentive to have war chris there's an incentive to keep those prisoners incarcerated for longer periods of time there's
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really no incentive for rehabilitation inceptive sought reversed this so-called half for kids casey and sylvania just out reverse the incentive scheme and raise the question with jack is actually interested in sending people away for a longer term thing keeping their benefactors private prisons like just this one count on and had a check out reporting from washington r.t. . crowds of greece have show that they won't take cuts quietly as fifteen thousand descended on the parliament building in athens heavily indebted greece is struggling to meet the terms of its massive power with creditors like germany demanding more cuts in the beleaguered country economists alexander go explain to us here and see whether this could be the beginning of the end for the eurozone club. the chances that greece exit the eurozone announcing by the day there are two ways out just be very frank about this so the first way out is the way out
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where you go down the way say where greece is we can't take the austerity measures we've something's got to give and we're going to default on our debt and leave the euro area if not the only other solution is be extreme to about the. european countries agree to bailouts. indefinitely each and every country which has got problems is in fact in effect a fiscal year year and for that we need a lot what do we need where we need the country from northern europe to say we accept to pay for us of the neighbors that however appear to be extremely unlikely so i think that the issue of greece exiting the euro is probably going to be. an outcome which is going to happen you with our team now it takes a certain kind of stamina to plunge into an icy ocean but it's all in a day's work with a determined diver's of antartica in his later report from the south pole shaun
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thomas meets the explorers keeping their cool in the name of science. kick back would plunge into frigid antarctic waters certainly is not with him it but this crew is making this dive regular experience all in the name of science. the main purpose of our trip to talk to is to establish a foundation for monitoring different species living on the bottom of the ocean we are studying the distribution of animals that live there and we are studying their nature each day during the short summer season as crew makes multiple trips out to sea where they get a firsthand look at what's below the surface. in this case one in the same biological community stretches from a depth of five to almost fifty meters there are certain variations but mostly the picture is the same it's impossible to say anything now it's too early to draw any conclusions we've got too little information just one section of you working out of the coastal waters of antarctica will not only help scientists identify the types
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of animals living here but by coming back over time they can study subtle changes in the environment and how the animals are affected by those changes in three to five years we will repeat the it's a collection and we can establish whether there have been any changes some animals might have gone and others may have replaced them we can establish why maybe there are some climatic changes that lead to changes among the populations so it will indicate whether it's got colder or warmer here what they come up with can at times seem a bit questionable if not simply messy while other times they're catch is quite clear but in all cases important to their research so what is log in ships to russia what is then catalogued and still sometimes new discoveries are made constantly because i'm cataloguing many new types of muscles my colleagues are doing the same we're always finding new and that salute unknown species proving that there is still much more work to be done in one of the world's coldest ecosystems in antarctica john
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thomas or team. now it's time for the business update with katrina. thanks rory hello and welcome to business with r.t. the exploration of russia's oil and gas rich arctic shelf is back on track as all major b.p. falls by the wayside state run rosneft isn't talks with shell about becoming a new partner of the rail or the coffin of the b.p. deal came with the russian energy minister saying the strategic alliance between rosneft and b.p. is unlikely to be revived after the split rosneft has been looking for a new partner with arctic drilling experience but unlike b.p. shell says a share swap deal with rosneft is not an option shell already holds a stake in the goes to projects in russia's far east so a second look at the markets crude prices are giving out there earlier gains and are currently in the red the european equity is showing mixed dynamics the footsie
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is up almost half a percent as our rejects it is down the rate the market's been pulled down by the we can create products on the other hand giving broad support is the news that china is interested in buying portugal's bell our bonds in the auction next month. here in rocks here in moscow the much of the markets are also makes as our p.r.c.'s is up around point three percent while the my six is down around point four of a percent and here the market moves on the my six all energy may majors are heavily in the red due to the low crude price bucking the trend that was after the that's all news it's considering it not paying out differences here instead using them for company growth. not necessarily certain gallic flavor heading to the russian caucuses france is due to agree to a deal which would see tourism investment in the troubled region. i bet in most news paper says the countries may create a two billion euro joint venture to build new results but the deal will come with
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conditions russia will have to ensure greater sixty some terrorist attacks french president sarkozy is due to sign an accord to develop the caucuses during the g eight meeting on thursday. and that brings the outside of the business for now i'll have more for you in just under an hour's time stay with us for headlines next.
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