tv [untitled] May 26, 2011 8:00am-8:30am EDT
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russia and the u.s. agree upon the need for a missile defense system that meets both country's security demands and president dmitry medvedev holds talks with barack obama at the g eight summit in france. also breaking news at this hour one of the world's most wanted a war criminals is arrested in serbia the fugitive of both new and general. faces charges of genocide. a taste of independence in georgia as the national holiday is marked by an armed crackdown on crowds demanding an end to president saakashvili as a regime. and a boom time for private prisons in the united states but some judges are making
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a financial killing by throwing teenagers behind bars for the most minor offenses. a very warm welcome t.v. this is r.t. live from moscow the u.s. and russia need a missile defense system able to meet both countries' security technologies and it could happen by twenty twenty that's what russian president dmitri medvedev said after meeting with the u.s. president barack obama both in the french town of to feel for a g eight summit any so now we can bring us the latest live from the summit and. so missile defense it's a sensitive issue between if your country's history of ongoing for months now a moscow insisting that both parties must work in unison on this so they are now any closer to finding a solution. but missile defense has always been
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a tough issue for the u.s. and russia and from both presidents today what they said during their briefing to the press after they met face to face was basically that they are going to work together but they don't think that any kind of solution will be able to be reached . within the recent future president made major pointing out that he doesn't think it could happen until twenty twenty but he did say that what can be done is that obama and medvedev can lay the groundwork for future politicians because this is an issue that is very important to both countries of course last year a new strategic arms reduction treaty was signed basically the differences on the way they see the issue is that the u.s. is constantly trying to persuade russia that one of its missile defense systems despite previous plans to happen just outside their borders is that it isn't directed at russia russia finds this hard to believe and feels that america despite signing the strategic arms treaty that it's very big that they both signed the treaty but they hope will have different ways of analyzing what actually the words
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in it mean for the future of missile defense we know that the u.s. is continuing to try to build defense systems in europe and russia of course has very many concerns about that but like we've heard from the two presidents work is going to continue on this very tough issue they also spoke about russia's accession to the w two you know this is something that the country has been trying to do for for years now president obama mentioning that dialogue needs to be intensified on the back and of course the situation in libya was brought up of the two presidents on that it has to be said for quite vague at least once speaking to the press they did mention that with each other they were very frank and basically they exchanged opinions it's no secret of course that russia and the west have very different approaches to how to deal with the situation in north africa and it certainly seems though some optimistic small steps between a full on the issues of a. douglas all the friends of a sort of the tree has kicked off with some fringe meetings of what's been said and what lies ahead for the leaders. well one of the statements that most stood out to
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me was about the european economy and about the euro it came from herman van rompuy who is of course the president of the european council and it's probably the strongest statement we've heard about to go in a long time i just want to quote him saying we will not let the euro fail we'll be trying to speak to analysts about what exactly that means throughout the day but it could be assumed that if back kind of strong statement can be made that it is very possible that the euro could fail and therefore european officials like we've been hearing throughout the day are going to do their very best to make sure that doesn't happen and of course again the situation in libya that is going to be one of the top priorities of this summit and most more precisely rather actually getting on the same page i mentioned before china russia have very different views on how to deal with getting involved in the internal affairs of a sovereign nation that the us does that's going to be really a hot topic over the next twenty four hours here in france at the g. eight and speaking of france of course the host this year the theme of new world
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new ideas and that is especially the case when it comes to france and its stance on politics. at the g eight has gone full circle the last time the summit was held in france eight years ago the agenda looked almost the same. war the economy and somewhere in the middle aid to africa on the table then iraq and boosting the euro now it's libya and saving the euro. two thousand and three france had a very different stance on global politics then it was staunchly opposed to the u.s. invasion of iraq french fries quickly became freedom fries after france u.s. relations soured despite summit smiles but with the new french president came a new friend circles he has rejected entirely the possibility of friends playing a constructive role in
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a motor co mo. polar world and has aligned himself with the single superpower the united states nowadays france is barking much louder with more soldiers involved in foreign military conflicts the brawn then ever before it's a globalist more than koizumi it's not just the friends it's a whole. global plan to change governments as they want. france played a central role in ivory coast's bloody presidential stalemate and is considered the unspoken leader of the intervention in libya this great cause he wanted is to participate and to be one of the first. ruler a western ruler to go there and just for his political agenda critics say this new global policy was meant to win over french voters but hasn't worked france is
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kind of small united states with many interventions that are very costly and very little thinking about the relationship between rhetoric and the costs and postes is the killer european countries are facing more and more protest over huge spending cuts in an attempt to lower deficits and save a drowning euro and at the same time spending hundreds of millions forcing their way into the libya conflict they don't see eye to eye but they going to try to regroup around. the idea that it's a humanitarian intervention and the u.n. resolution a resolution that china and russia didn't veto but it claims has been manipulated to suit western interests perhaps there will be an appearance of agreement but if there is an appearance of agreement in my mind it won't be an appearance but here and at the g. eight is hard not to notice the venue is usually some exclusive resort town where
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you. here protests over the euro and it's easy to forget bombs are falling in libya this year france's beautiful normandy was chosen as house leaders as they sit down to debate some of the world's ugliest problems and once again are faced with the question of whether the g eight can regroup on splitting issues and he's now a r t v fronts and while the world leaders gather in france to deal with the new world in greece part of the old world threatens to collapse. the chances not greece going to exit the euro zone mounting by the day as thousands expressed outrage over austerity measures we ask how likely is it that greece will drop out of the euro zone that's coming your way in just a few minutes right here on out. or independence day in georgia it started with a violent crackdown to put an end to five days of mass protests in the capital tbilisi dozens of those demanding that president nicolas sarkozy's resignation were
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hospitalized after police used tear gas and rubber bullets to disperse the crowds ahead of a military parade sarah furthur is in the middle of the events. well the independence military parade is going ahead. president sarkozy in a speech that he was talking about freedom of speech the georgian people but that comes on the back of extreme force from his police forces last night as the. protesters gathered at the main parliament square now he also. said he was going to defend the country from external forces and the protesters yesterday didn't want freedom of speech what they wanted was a victim of violence well whatever the case that certainly happened we saw all those silent clashes breaking out the dispersal happening very very quickly indeed also a very sadly some people dying in the violence as a breakout that we were actually seeing throughout the whole of that event as it
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was happening one of our correspondents actually go ahead by one of the rubber bullets of course they were firing water cannons gas in the rubber bullets into the crowds and we can say more now about what happened as the violence unfolded. it was held by the opposition is the day that would determine judges teacher instead is a traitor saying that ousting president saakashvili ended in violence and bloodshed a huge force of riot police moved in on the crowd just minutes after midnight when judges de independence but then russian might leave and that actually seems to be it was the right on the clash and the militia are the main event we've got to leave cullen on the balcony and we've got one on the other side it's a bit understated surrounded as the police closed in water cannons were fired into the crowd rubber bullets and gas college seriously injuring three demonstrators and
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journalists a police officer was killed when he was run over by a car and. protest that died in front of the parliament building the scenes of violence all the more shocking given that many of those involved were of an older generation. we were standing peacefully when riot police kicked me onto the ground and started beating me my relatives also suffered they smashed one of my friend's face and left another one. you can see from my face the kind of force they used and i think i am even alive these people don't value human life. they have been dubbed the silver revolution gita the older crowd they turned out their mistreating against late pensions and rising prices for five days they have been maintaining the building in tbilisi before taking their
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protest to the main parliaments that. high initial numbers of protests this is the weekend of this piece among the opposition parties and so they will lead through the streets on wednesday the crowds once again turned. on the police to use force. forward in the street to show. demonstrators with vastly outnumbered and witnesses to the name then the two thousand and seven protests and which six hundred were injured say that this time around police presence was even greater and the full say yes' just as the western it's already being asked about whether the scale of force used was justifiable. many were arrested and many more injured it's real in the streets and remnants of the violent clash. they set up the main gun from which the leader of the opposition gave the state neither but you know the
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earlier on just before the fighting broke out was saying she would maybe be holding negotiations that didn't happen they wanted out but it's really instead the price and then how it started and things the violent. tortures president has already blamed external influence namely moscow for instigating the popular unaddressed political analyst exemplifies told us here at r.t. it's a favorite blame game and it's getting all. there's a little excuse of sarcasm in it since two thousand and six gold is fine some are foreign or foreign interference in the internal situation of the year remember this area still for military. russian military personnel that was stationed in georgia in those days it was a survey most espionage enforcing door with all the garment under this where that several opposition figures where arrested and then two thousand and seven and not
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around but when he passed another meeting of the same experience it was a given and now again. and you can follow the situation in georgia online and watch the latest videos from there on our website of course r.t. dot com but i forget there's always artie's twitter feed and facebook that continually keep you updated as the events unfold. if. it's a quarter past the hour here in moscow you without see other turmoil in greece is a threatening to turn into a tragedy the country's e.u.
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commissioner thinks so membership of the single currency is under threat was the first time a senior european official has admitted as much that's coupled with the latest of mass protests in athens expressing outrage at austerity cuts economist alexander law says greece is heading for the exit door. the chance is not greece to exit the euro zone mounting by the day the ritu ways out just be very frank about this the first way out is the way out where you go where they say where greece is we can't take your story to measures are we because something's got to give and we're going to default on our debt and leave the euro area if not the only solution is be extreme care about now is a european countries agree to bailouts. indefinitely each and every country which has got problems is in fact in effect a fiscal union and for that we need lot what do we need where we need the country from northern europe to say we accept to pay for us or the neighbors however appear
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to be extremely unlikely so i think that the issue of greece exiting the euro is probably going to be. an outcome which is going to happen. this is r t let's check out some other world headlines for you this hour and an explosion has rocked yemen's capital killing twenty eight people that's according to authorities that the opposition says the cause was the government troops bombing residential areas it comes as fighting rages for the fourth day in the capital during which time over seventy people killed yemen's leader refuses to sign a deal to step down to spite the escalating violence. and in the pool police and protesters have clashed outside the country's parliament after failing to agree on a new constitution the legislative body is said to be dissolved by the weekend leaving the country with no government five years ago the country's communist
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rebels renounced the revolution to start a peace process but the country is still in turmoil but just a few hours of running water per week being one of many problems. well some of breaking news for you this hour the serbian president has confirmed the arrest of a. fugitive bosnian serb army general the queues of war crimes he's been wanted by the hague tribunal on charges of genocide all the way back to the one nine hundred ninety five a lot which is arrest was one of the conditions for serbia joining the e.u. political analyst and historian john a lot of says there's politics going on behind this case. well definitely the rest is ok where the price which they have to pay and which. are paid for it will improve its chances it's difficult to say because of course a lot of people will take it will draw the conclusion that because he's been in serbia there's no longer that serbia must somehow been responsible. in any case i'm
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personally skeptical that e.u. membership is for very soon i think serbia will have to wait a long time whatever happens no doubt that because the price demand paid. the price that has been paid and i think that the lines of political mates are really a piece of this indictment that's really think that it's part of justifying the european or the west coast of serbia. over the last twenty years that approach has been very hostile and aggressive so yeah it's been very mean taking the main blame for the breakup of yugoslavia and for the korean civil war in my view unfairly and of course the west has created a number of institutions most notably the hague tribunal whose very existence depends on proving the theory of serbian people. really it's my understanding of why they are so tenacious in pursuing him and i will be giving after he does throughout the day here on r t all about the capture of the fugitive bosnian serb
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army general record much. a quarter of the world's general population is incarcerated in the united states with more knocked up every day there are even accusations that some judges are cashing in i putting teenagers behind bars for minor offenses parties can extricate reports from washington. two pennsylvania judges have made a killing out of juvenile prisoners mark several and michael conahan were convicted of receiving kickbacks for more than two million dollars from the developers of several private detention centers but the real crime according to parents is that these judges then sent more than five thousand children to those very facilities for crimes as small as fighting on a school bus or posting a parody of their teacher on the web my. pm. i.
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was a god sized sandy fonzo those seventeen year old son edward was a body student and sportsman when he was arrested at an under-age party judge ciavarella locked him out for six months shortly after he got out edward committed suicide eric stefan's he was twelve when judge ciavarella sent him to jail for two years for scratching his mom's car while joyriding or this young man who was a teenager was locked up for months for throwing a piece of steak it is mom's boyfriend so i really cannot believe that being accused of something like thirty steak was all that was needed to be put away the case of the two pennsylvania judges in bed with local private prisons could be just the tip of the iceberg a recent report revealed america's largest prison corporations poor hundreds of thousands into the campaigns of governors state legislators and judges in the hope
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of advancing their agenda and it seems to be working the number of private prisons in the us is growing rapidly old their money every penny is a taxpayer dollar that they get from the government and so what they do is they get bigger but money from the government the house prisoners are going to run out of inspiration and spareness any by giving it back to the politicians who pushed through. does and the policies that we need to work people be grocery work people being grocery right prisms so it's almost a money laundering of tax dollars with the number of prisons out goes the number of prisoners the us has around two point three million people behind bars i've seen prison populations pretty consistently over the last three decades moved up a couple percent a year and you know unfortunately as a citizen that that's not the most exciting statistic however when you look at it from a business model perspective for the private operators it's clearly good news the good news for the prison business turned into
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a nightmare for thousands of under-age victims of the two judges in pennsylvania this so-called cade's casey and sylvania just reversed the incentives can be and raise the question with kids actually interested in sending people away for a longer term thing keeping their benefactors private prisons for one justice plan one count on some kind of check out reporting from washington are. some of the business news with current. there and welcome to business with me clearly can good to have you with me this portion of russ's oil and gas which oxic self is back on track so major b.p. falls by the wayside state run isn't talks with shell about becoming their new partner the nail in the coffin of the b.p. deal came with russia's energy minister saying the strategic alliance between ross and b.p. is unlikely to be revived after the split has been looking for
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a new partner with the full experience like b.p. shell says the share swap deal with is not an option so when he holds a stake in the gas from lead to project and russia's. rushes things like a sleeping for its bankers thirty billion dollars for the russian economy since the beginning of two thousand and eleven that's more than half of what it lost within the whole previous year surprisingly the money flight is fueled by rising oil revenues. question it basically is not able to play just the money in the month supply which is available at the moment so it would have seen that russian banking system the same with the system would have to assume that you know robot responder's it so it didn't have the fluxions but it seems that doing prison local demand as long as spazzes accepted and as a result russian companies it's no good the moment just going to be should be the reason to wish you investment pulled and sold maybe just to develop the business
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and thus a museum in the increase of the revenue says a raid is to have money into basically all this money abroad to diversify their business. let's take a look at the markets now we start with always see crude prices giving up their earlier games than a continuing to fall the light sweet is currently trading about one hundred dollars a barrel mark while brant at around one hundred fourteen dollars a barrel. and the european equity showing makes dynamics the puts his almost half a percent off while the dax is a quarter of a percent in the red bull markets being pulled down by the week of crude prices on the other hand giving broad support is the news that chinese interested in going. out gongs in the in the ocean next month and here in moscow the markets are also makes this out of the altair says in the black while the market says down half a percent here all the market movers on why is it energy majors i have any of the read you to know who prices shares of m m k are also down
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a mental mine and has received a lawsuit from the federal lands in the police service claiming he has tolerated competition last bucking the trend is off the boss that's all news it's considering not paying out that it ends this year instead using the money for investments. well russ is donating gas company gas kong to bait steals crisis with bella was on ukraine small independent companies are going seemingly unnoticed the russian natural gas market has plenty of options for cost less and not all of them a government owns. travel to the countries gas couple of no we are going to find out more about the place. and this is where ninety percent of russia's gas production takes place and about twenty percent is the world's outputs not gas from maybe the king here but it's not the only one as small independent gas companies are also part of the game and we'll find out how.
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this is one of the fields of significance it holds licenses to develop new fields and the company slowing the search and mounts up to months of living near now it's already owned by market sector which is the largest independent gas company russia another part of it is owned by its era which is slightly small but soon one of the largest in the. sentence badly either it won't open wound giving the leaders. the orders given these companies that the simple answer is no better place to hold new exploration then they can make decisions and then haven't spent the money the new plants in the seeds or haven't seen a lot of signatures in the news and also they can somehow get new markets because something that it's not interests against for example would be one simple choice the company simplistic yes no that's right and it's may not be giving dance move
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ever run for its money but it's simply reading the book this isn't something that it's a great step forward for roughly the n.f.l. service business. and as gallic flavor heading to the russian caucus. says france's teacher greeted c.e.o. which would see tourism investment in the troubled region but mr newspaper says the countries may set up a two billion euro venture to build new resorts but the deal comes with conditions russia will have to ensure graceful safety from terrorist attacks french president nicolas sarkozy's to sign an agreement to develop the caucuses during the g eight meeting on things. and that's the latest business for now i have more for you in less than one else so stay with headline news up next.
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