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tv   [untitled]    May 26, 2011 11:00am-11:30am EDT

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so chill in the car on the ground leave the hotel mccann have an issue marco resort hotel resort of the sochi august humid column location results michael beverly plaza hotel mccurry riviera hotel mccann cintra hotel mccann. one of the world's most wanted a war criminals are arrested in serbia bosnian serb general. now faces extradition to the hague for charges of genocide. russia and the us agree upon the need for a missile defense system that meets in both countries security said the president dmitri medvedev holds talks with barack obama at the g eight summit in france and. also calls for an international investigation into georgia's on the crackdown on protesters demanding president saakashvili resigned. and here in business russian equity markets closed breaks down thursday to my sixth round snapping two days
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again says the crew of russia's name it's important to decline to bring out more of a market reformers and i'll just close it up and. he is coming to you live from the most are welcome to a program that's what top stories. fugitive bosnian serb army general and one of europe's most wanted alleged war criminals has been arrested he's been on the run from the hague tribunal for over fifteen years after being accused of genocide and crimes against humanity he's alexy yourself ski reports we do know that a d.n.a. test will be conducted to determine whether this man is actually and we understand that the results of this d.n.a. test will be made public within the next seventy two hours or so now this happens after almost sixty. years that has been on the wanted list internationally serbia
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has been looking for him and he is being accused by the international tribunal in the hague. on the times in the former republic of yugoslavia of genocide and crimes against humanity in particular the infamous. massacre which happened in the ninety's and during the bosnian war and the people behind this tribunals claimed that it was behind the deaths of thousands of thousands of muslims in bosnia so clearly this is the end of the ongoing story in serbia with all my times i've been to so i've been working there i've heard many different opinions about. this close ally who was also arrested three years ago and now i being on the trial in the tribunals in the hague. some people really believe that was a hero so the hardcore nationalist part of serbian particular others those who aspire for the european integration of serbia believe that it was
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a terrorist and wanted prison clearly this is a big day for serbia by all means so one part of the society will clearly be trying to protect not the largest the others will be saying that this is the end of the this is the happy end of the story as long as the detention of. which has been one of the one of the conditions under which serbia could be accepted to their opinion so these people will probably be happy thinking that this would mean probably mean that brussels can now have a different opinion about service accession to the european union but many euro skeptics in particular. one of the leading euro skeptics in europe have been saying that the tribunal is not always making clear decisions and that sometimes decisions are biased. that will mean time to sort of to go for it so be it roger on international affairs simply hague tribunal now trying to confront the two fugitive
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abortion and so. obviously the prosecutors and the hague will try to confront courage first aswad each and i confidently expect their long term strategy to be to have one try to pin the blame on the other and in the end it will be a minor sum game in terms of prisoner's dilemma model you know other words they will both be worse off which would be the best possible scenario for the club in being to the hague both as a an expert witness and as a material witness i'm well aware of the fact that it is a highly politicized institution that has been used over the years to provide retroactive. additional verification of the political position of the western powers that the serbs are indeed the main culprits for all that has come to pass in the former yugoslavia and mark my words over the next few
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days instead of applauding serbia for finally catching law which you will see in the western media yet another orgy of serbia phobia reminding everybody of thread and. a thousand dead that his knowledge is greatest alleged crime so instead of actually trying to bring serbia step closer to normalcy this will be used yet again to show just how nasty it was the last that we serbs are now if serbia does join the e.u. i think it will be the first time in history that a rat has jumped on to a sinking ship and it was a sort of joseph coverage a serbian writer on international affairs he was talking to us a bit earlier from. when i was turn our attention to northern france where the e.u. and the euro zone's financial worries will be among the things discussed by leaders
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of the g eight summit in the french channel do feel some. talks have already been held on the sidelines the presidents of russia and the us met and agreed on the need for a missile defense system that's able to meet the national security demands of both countries that could possibly be put in place by the twenty twenty minutes in our house more from a summit. one of the big topics of discussion here at the summit is of course going to be the economy the crisis especially the one facing the euro and that's actually one of the first strong statements that we've heard come out of the g. eight from herman van rompuy who is the president's european council he said quote we will not let your old fail now this is the most frank statement we've heard from a high ranking official on the euro in months now and it could be assumed that that means after this blunt statement that european leaders are scared that it is actually possible for the euro to fail they're going to be doing their very best to make sure that doesn't happen so we're going to hear a lot of discussion on how best to deal with the growth price of course there's
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a lot of criticism coming from people when it when you look at the fact that these spending cuts are being made at home and will be this money is being spent on military interventions in foreign countries but the one true thing about about the g. eight that it allows for leaders to meet as a group of paper it also allows them to meet one on one face to face the skies the issues that only focus really on their pride lateral relationship with russia and the u.s. one of the hot topics for that now for years has been missile defense they signed the new strategic arms reduction treaty last april and that was a huge step forward but still russia has concerns that america is not as transparent when it comes to its plans are for future missile defense systems and you were here at the russian border we heard some positive statements from both presidents they do seem to think that steps are being taken slowly but they are being taken president obama i say that he believes dialogue could be intensified to
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make sure new approaches are found that both countries find acceptable in terms of their national security and president is saying that he doesn't think an actual agreement will be seen until the year twenty twenty or something but he don't believe that now is the time for him and obama to lay the groundwork. to boyfriend iraq that is not even miss. defense question will be resolved the future probably around twenty twenty so we have to lay the groundwork for future generations of politicians. of all countries in the future. so in general the meeting between obama and medvedev was optimistic and funny noting this often happens for some reason our way russ and america tends to sit down are they tend to mix up the slack so easily see how to meet imitative with the american flag behind him and rock obama with the russians like that once again happened today and also some positive words from brock obama on russia's excessive to the w t l he believes dialogue on that needs to be intensified and of course something that russia and the u.s.
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have always cooperated on that is terrorism in terms of as afghanistan and also when you speak about one of the most wanted international terrorists to local morrow who is to russia said are responsible for some of the most horrific terror acts in russia it was announced today in fact that the u.s. is offering five million dollars for joe course that in itself is a very positive part of the rest of us three sat. in our report right there from a summit well for more on the g. eight we're joined live from brussels of. international consultant and deputy speaker in the belgian parliament so the russian and u.s. presidents they've met they've had positive words about working together on missile defense but is this realistic do you think because washington has been dragging its feet on the subject for years. well of course russian americans have their own reasons to do what they do the thing is the thing is that you see that magic isn't good enough for clothes or something pretty at twenty twenty which is sure we're beyond any president obama administration i mean if a story is it gives you
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a lesson i mean russia has a lot of reason to distrust the military of the united states and you can see sometimes vice versa the thing is nuking is what is missing the fans actually for it it's a system of subsidizing a subsidizing military industry and public money whether it's going to serve the purpose or the stated that is in on the matter i will assert our tension out of the issue of libya that was addressed briefly at the summit germany's leader ayatollah merkel she called on europe to fund fledgling arabic democracy and but with problems at home social economic widespread bailouts can eat you afford to become involved on a financial level but first of all is it really about helping a fledgling democracy in countries where i know today in saudi arabia bahrain secondly. right i mean there is no money for this search and nevers but why do
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so when it's one way of distracting attention from the problems. are now with russia and china as members of the u.n. security council but they could've vetoed the resolution on libya but they did not and now with the operation facing increasing criticism do you think nato leaders could feel a backlash while at the summit in the view. i don't i don't think. summits are never going to get to one of their members in a bad spot when they do is find some diplomatic explanation that suits everyone and doesn't say a thing good of course behind the scenes there is a big moment when there is no consensus on what to do with libya oh i see now where there has been a lot of talk going on from the western countries about supporting these new democracies in the our arab world critics say that it's just a neo colonialist grab for this part of the world where do you think bad true motivations lie. well i don't like cliches to most near korean
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ism it staves do what they do for their food own interests and if it's in their interest to reconquer the scrunch and then it is right there wilt and it's in their interest to support a democracy and that that is also what to do but not for the purpose of democracy or the principle for the version of what suits us at that moment and for the moment real democracy does not suit europe i mean you democracies they have one big flaw. look after the interest of their own population not after the interest of magic and and european companies and international are when you talk about the war time investment head defense industries defense contractors are making money when it comes to issues like libya the u.n. resolution one i seventy three that was all about a humanitarian mission is that it's not the case well as i stated before on your t.v. stations i do not think seriously this is not about humanitarian concerns i mean there have been other occasions i just mentioned to you bahrain why we didn't
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intervene there well the thing is you have to look for russia not to be and all what they do and there is rational it is what suited them but does not suit this issue just to intervene in libya it does not suit is to intervene in bahrain those and those rational economic it's a geopolitical it's not about humanitarian missions russel's a load of an international consultant and former deputy speaker thank you. and while the world leaders gather in france to deal with a new world in greece the parts of the old world are threatening to collapse. the focus is not greece go to the big see the eurozone the non-teaching by the day as a thousands express outrage over austerity measures we ask how likely is it that greece will drop out of the euro zone that's that's coming your way in just a few minutes. now mr says the problem to crack down on mass
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protests in georgia is a blatant abuse of human rights that is demanding an international investigation thousands have taken part in five days of protests calling for president mikhail saakashvili to resign they were dispersed by armed policemen ahead of an independence day military parade dozens right up in hospital almost one hundred in jail sarah furthur is in that middle of events. the day i think the military parades going ahead day as planned. really addressing a military person many of the civilian staying away the heavy military presence many of the races being blocked off quite possibly not many of them wanting to turn out after the violent clashes we saw erupting as police try to disperse a crowd of demonstrators outside the main parliament building president saakashvili said in his speech today about freedom of speech. but of course that comes on the back of this show as violence calls from the police the number of police vastly
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outnumber the number of demonstrators you really didn't want to be in the main parliament area when the violence happened very very quickly they were gassed and the crowd was callous and rubber bullets it is extremely confusing now actually my colleague who was with me at the time to a game away from the spanish channels i was hit by robert philip the scenes of violence really very different it was does this overregulation many of the crowd of demonstrators who are the older generation they were struggling against pensions and high food prices and many of them ended up with quite serious injuries there's still a large number of people in hospital at the scene throughout the evening we can show you more of just how violent clashes unfolded. it was held by the opposition in the day that we did in georgia teacher. people. saying that ousting president delayed and violence and bloodshed this huge pools of
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riot police moved in on the crowd just minutes after midnight to just stay independent from all the way should lay and that really seems to be the way the every right in. the crowd happen from the moment we got police call and in the background here we've got on the other side say the tunnel stated surrounded. as the police closed in water cannons were fired into the crowd. bullets and gas seriously injuring three demonstrators and. a police officer was killed when he was run over by a car and a protester dies in front of the parliament. the scenes of violence all the more shocking given that many of those involved were of an older generation. we were standing peacefully when riot police kicked me onto the ground and started
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beating me with my relatives also suffered they smashed one of my friend's face and left another one unable to stand. you can see from my face the kind of force they used and i think even alive these people don't value human life. and have been dubbed the silver revolution to the older crowd base turned out then facing again. and rising prices. by day they have visual outside the main t.v. building in tbilisi before taking their protest to the main parliament. initial numbers that pay to the weekend. fifty to mung the opposition party and. this thing will lead to an escape so when say the crowd wants. to use force. traitors. demonstrates his will vastly outnumber the witnesses to the ne then the two
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thousand and seven protests in which six hundred were injured this time around police presence was even greater and the. best to the already being asked about whether the scale was justifiable. many were arrested and many more injured if they'd be on the streets when the plan. they set up and then banned from which the leaders of the opposition gave me look at you know the iraq just before the fighting broke out was saying she would maybe be holding negotiations that didn't happen they wanted out but instead the price being how it started and things of violence so. well the georgians political situation on a knife's edge let's look at how this might develop. as a former georgia local representative an expert on politics in the caucasus joins
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me now live from washington d.c. and mr correa five days of antigovernment protests what is it that they're actually protesting about. georgia's basically wants to have changed because i'm sure your people are tired from this environment in which they cannot really express themselves freely without being intimidated by the government forces . the most important questions they were asked. yesterday and previous. previously their lives he spoke rallies and demonstrations was to have. finally free and fair elections in their name the country sees a thousand and three other so-called rose revolution we did not have unfortunately in the free elections but there are a local or the national level so this was the basic demand from a few hundred in demonstrations this is basic demand is that they call it calling
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for a new round of elections and replace the saakashvili regime but considering the heavy handed response from the government do you think that the protesters will be scared to stage any more demonstrations or could you just provoke them into more action even though the georgian authorities. somebody tried to intimidate people and did it last night was the most. painful night in any history and history of my country i say it's not it's it's not going to war the way the tories plan it i think george instead of frustration. outraged and we are expecting more and more rallies in coming days and so you see the mood rallies today it's a calm here but the blame game has already begun president saakashvili pointing the finger at external influences for instigating be honest what's your take on that. this is typical sign of signature of soccer sure it's out there practical rule he
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always tries to find a scapegoat he always. third. tries to find a culprit it's crossing the border of my country and tries to describe a lie situation as a mystical in georgia which is wrong he himself is that the most dangerous in communicating and the stabilizing factor of. the georgian side of the country and he's the one who needs to be blamed for the bloodshed and it's not sometimes the blame lies within russia has a really cool for an international investigation into the events and the european council has also expressed concern do you think is international pressure likely to affect the situation in georgia. this is the only way how can we find a solution to resolve the tragedy in my country in georgia i think there are more international society races royster again think justice in georgia the more
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georgian people have. hope that tomorrow we will be much better much better for their families and the finally georgia becomes a democratic free country like the ones we are trying to. catch we. are based on europe and the united states and all around the world unfortunately right now i don't see it really serious concerns from the international society how would a spy stronger should be condemning the regime from its brutal crackdown. on may twenty fifth in a couple city of. tbilisi and on the other hand i i also strongly believe that the obama administration a real reason these three. excessive violence an excessive use of force against peaceful demonstrations on the accordion former georgia look will represent
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a different political expert thank you thank you so you can always a full of the situation in georgia online and watch the latest videos from there on our web site of course that's all you dot com let's not forget there's always aussies twitter feed and facebook that always keeps you up to date as the events of. it's. got to live from moscow another term all in greece is threatening to turn into a tragedy the country's e.u. commissioner thinks membership of the single currency is under threat that's the
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first time a senior european official has admitted as much that's coupled with the latest mass protests in athens expressing outrage at austerity cuts meantime economist alexander law says greece is heading for the euro door but with the chances that greece is going to exit the eurozone announcing by the day there are two ways out so is it let's just be very frank about this the first way out is the way out where you go down the way say where greece is we can't take your thirty measures are we something's got to give and we're going to default on our debt and leave the euro area if not the only other solution let's be extremely clear about that is our european countries agree to bailout. indefinitely each and every country which has got problems that is in fact in effect a fiscal year year and for that we need what what do we need what we need the country from northern europe to say we accept to pay for us of the neighbors that however appear to be extremely unlikely so i think that the issue of greece exiting
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the euro is probably going to be. an outcome which is going to happen. you with r.t. law from moscow next it's kareena with the business. and . welcome to business thanks for joining me this the ration of russia's oil and gas which is back on track as oil major b.p. falls by the wayside state run rawson have to isn't talks with shell about becoming their new partner the nail in the coffin of the b.b.c. deal came with the russian energy minister saying the strategic alliance between wall snapped and b.p. is unlikely to be revived after the split ross now has been looking for a new partner with arctic drilling experience but a large b.p. shell says a share swap deal with rosneft is not an option shell already holds a stake in the gas prom led so highly into project russian spy east. russia's
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accession to the world trade organization has already taken almost two decades and is still not sealed however the process may get past the meeting a dative and barack obama discussed the issue at the g eight. but look if you're going your consumers we've discussed solicitous achieve improving economic cooperation between our countries and staking out russia is doubly cio excisions and they will be able to bring this procedure to an end and we need a new input just we don't stoop very. well in the first thing to go will be going for the worse in agronomy in europe for us are going to be good for the world because as we are out of there we can go to construct. a second look at the markets oil prices are lower all of the new u.s. government reports provide fresh signs of slowing economic growth light sweet is currently trading above one hundred dollars a barrel brant is are over one hundred fourteen dollars per barrel this hour now stocks in the u.s. it raised gains as government data showed the economy expanded at
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a lower rate than forecast also jobless claims rose unexpectedly offsetting higher than expected corporate profits among the gainers as tiffany thousand five hundred percent up to raising its full year earnings call this profit estimates. european equity markets are mixed this hour the food scene is higher while the tax is trading her bread the markets think by the week a cool price on the other hand giving broad support is the news that china is interested in buying portugal's bailout gongs in the auction next month. and russian equity markets ended mixed on thursday will be our shares position higher demise expel snapping two days of gains as crude pushes main export run as a climb point two percent payroll some of the market moves although lies aches and energy majors are among the main uses due to lowered who prices who call ended in the red to spike posting a seventy percent net increase in profits in the first quarter will begin shares of m.m. k. lost almost two percent let alone has received
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a lawsuit from the federal and not least service claiming m m k has monitors competition law we will offer vast gains that's on news of considering not paying out the. the c.f. seven is among friends. and that's all i have for you this hour but i'll be back with more about forty minutes from now watch.
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the official flick aisha jong phone the i pod touch from the champs to. life. video on demand. she's mine will come. r.s.s. feeds now in the palm of your. question on the call. he.


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