tv [untitled] May 26, 2011 1:00pm-1:30pm EDT
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some country house. the crimean. one of the world's most wanted of war criminals arrested in serbia bosnian serb general. now faces extradition to behave over charges of genocide. russia and the us agree upon the need for a missile defense system the beach both countries security them on you tube it holds talks with barack obama at the g eight summit in from. moscow calls for an international investigation into georgia's crackdown on protesters demanding president saakashvili resign. and in business the expiration of russia's oil and gas which arctic shelf is back on track state
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progress that is now in talks with shell about the comment that you party instead of b.p. will have more on that and other stories of how business policy and presence. international news and comment live from our studios here in central moscow this is r.t. with you twenty four hours a day the top story this hour record knowledge the fugitive bosnian army general and one of europe's most wanted alleged criminals has been arrested he's been on the run from the hague tribunal for sixteen years after being accused of genocide and crimes against humanity and that it is currently at a court in belgrade and his extradition to the hague could take up to seven days alexi has more. we do know that i d.n.a. test will be conducted to determine whether this man is actually and we
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understand that the results of this d.n.a. test will be made public within the next seventy two hours or so now this happens after almost sixteen years that has been on the wanted list internationally serbia has been looking for him. he is being accused by the international tribunal in the hague on the crimes in the former republics of yugoslavia of genocide and crimes against humanity in particular the infamous. massacre which happened in the ninety's and during the bosnian war but all my times i've been to so i've been working there i've heard many different opinions about. his close ally who was also arrested three years ago and now being on the trial in the tribunals in the hague clearly this is a big day for serbia by all means so one part of the society will clearly be trying to protect the law just the others will be saying that this is the end of the this is the happy end of the story and now as long as the detention of outcome i just i
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don't know what kind of this has been one of the one of the conditions under which serbia could be accepted to their opinion so these people will probably be happy thinking that this would mean probably mean that brussels to now have a different opinion about service accession to the european union but many euro skeptics have been saying that the tribunal is not always making clear decisions and that sometimes is the syrians are biased. people have been divided in their. millions shit she was born in has spent most of her life says his arrest could make this decision even greater. i have to say that the rule of law the history books is not very well defined serbia is actually divided into two and something that he was and he still is a national hero that. on the other hand there are a lot of people in syria who want to join the european union and as this was one of
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the main conditions for the entrance for these people it's going to be a really big news as for myself i can see that actually when they first started searching for him he could still be seen on the streets of belgrade which means that maybe they knew as in case of. where he is but they were just waiting for right moment to catch him i also have to say that this will raise alarm questions for the syrian president and unfortunately these could divide the people of syria even more. of them on the story let's talk balkans political expert richard gabriel of riches joining me there in london thank you very much for being with us here on our to you know when outage was arrested in a serbian town on the border with romania how could such a wanted man managed to escape security services for so long without even leaving the country. well that's that's a very good question and we can only speculate on that one the possibilities are quite simply tribunal in the hague who was not ready for him. they probably knew
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were about his whereabouts but they wanted to process this first mr milosevic and currently you know mr courage which is there i would say though i cannot possibly know is there just so you speculate put this would be in government i would have known of the school social as well and the reason he's been found in serbia but not in boston here is to implicate in having supported. militant military operations. these are kids asians who have been maimed many times before that this would be part of that finding also mr carter was well greed would be part of that sort of plot you say someone ready for example you said in the hague they won't ready for this but maybe others weren't ready when you look at the timing of this because the arrest was confirmed right as the european union foreign policy chief arrived in serbia which is of course keen to join the e.u. now she knew she was there going to be there at least
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a week before so she arrived and they were ready perhaps for this incident to occur what do you think of the timing. we've had to many such timings before for example mr middle ship which was effectively kidnapped. by the present government which came to power as a result of foreign support for them mr milosevic was delivered on national day on the twenty eighth of june. two thousand and one which many people thought of going to be a deliberate insult to people to have done it on that particular day i think many of these things to do with the tribunal have been stage managed and personal just yet another one of them can we talk about the aspirations for serbia to join the e.u. many are saying this is now going to open the door to that membership but why would serbia want to join the e.u.
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at a time when it's obviously suffering such financial consequences and and problems at the moment. well that is a is a is a very good question. of the issue of joining the european union has been used for the last ten years as a kind of incentive like let's buy low prices and your and your minds and your national boards by western companies and organizations who will be able to get into the european union let's go live a store called war criminals and that again is going to help you get into this so-called richmond's club but as we can see and you are quite right to point out the rich man's club it once was is having great difficulty is itself and serbia has not really benefited so far anyway from the european union let us not forget that fourteen of the european union countries have actually conducted their war against
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be a live bomb going off nineteen ninety nine so. i think this is just kind of something that's held out. that that's the carrot but the cairo doesn't appear to be very much of a big carrot we heard earlier from correspondent that this arrest could cause division within serbia but just how significant symbolically is the arrest of not only allowed it but also of course waiting for the trial to end of curettage how significant is it that these two men are now behind bars for the sentiment of serbia itself and for its future. well this is something that is of course being discussed in serbia and has not been discussed just today but really since since the tribunal started operations what we need to know from the position of many serbs now is why do we believe
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a. mistake how did you miss them loved it mr milosevic carried out. these war crimes in fact what is the actual crimes that have carried out and for many of. our obvious he is the resistance towards the takeover of the country and replacements of the then existing government by mario next government by the united states and by the nato powers it is something after all that we can see currently being taken place in north africa and you know the country that i'm talking about and it is taken place in much of eastern europe as well as the initial proposition in the early ninety's was let's have multi-party elections and then by supporting opposition parties we can then get the existing socialist governments of eastern europe replaced but in many cases this has worked it has not worked in serbia and this is why initially serbia was described as the bastiaan off
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off of bolshevism and mr milosevic a communist was the number one bolsheviki in europe where police are on it when the united states took over serbia became the last of fascism i mean least two are. obviously mutually in conflict with each other but nevertheless that is the sort of logic that has been used in my view it's fairly obvious mr milosevic resisted that . in eastern europe by the western powers and that is his. crime and that is the war crime of both mr and mr blood each many we're very interested to hear your insight into this thanks very much for sharing us your thoughts with us live here on our team got to love it thank you for joining us there in london thank you. all the e.u. and the euro zone's financial woes which i've just been referring to a little earlier in the interview will be among the things discussed by leaders at the g. eight summit in the french town of ville some talks have already been held on the
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sidelines only presidents of russia and the u.s. have met and agreed that a need for a missile defense system able to meet the national security demands of both countries possibly by twenty twenty and he said now he has the latest for us. one of the big topics of discussion here at the summit is of course going to be the economy the crisis especially the one facing the euro and that's actually one of the first strong statements that we heard come out of the g. eight from from and on rocky with the president european council he said quote we will not let the euro fail now this is the most frank statement we've heard from a high ranking official on the euro in months now and it could be assumed that that means after this one statement that european leaders are scared that it is actually possible for the euro to fail they're going to be doing their very best to make sure that doesn't happen so we're going to hear a lot of discussion on how best to deal with the growth price of course there's a lot of criticism coming from people when it when you look at the fact that these
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spending cuts are being made at home would be this money is being spent on military interventions in foreign countries but the wondrous thing about about the g. eight that it allows for leaders to meet as a group of a bit also allows them to meet one on one face to face the skies the issues that only focus really on their bilateral relationship with russia and the u.s. one of the hot topics for them now for years has been missile defense they signed the new strategic arms reduction treaty last april that was a huge step forward but still russell hantz concerns that america is not as transparent when it comes to its plans are for future use out offensive system anywhere here at the russian border we heard some positive statements from both presidents they do seem to think that steps are being taken slowly but they are being taken president obama is saying that he believes dialogue could be intensified to make sure new approaches are found that both countries find
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acceptable in terms of their national security and president ridge is saying that he doesn't think an actual agreement will be seen until the year twenty twenty or something but he don't believe that now is the time for him and obama to lay the groundwork. to going friend iraq that is mostly to miss. defense question will be resolved in the future probably around twenty twenty so we have to lay the groundwork for future generations of politicians and the partnership of all countries in the future so in general the meeting between obama and medvedev was optimistic a funny note as often happens for some reason our way russ and america tense is to sit down i tend to mix up the slack so easily see how to meet imitative with the american flag behind him and rock obama with the russians like that once again happened today and also some positive words from brock obama on russia's excessive to the w t l you believe style then that needs to be intensified and of course something that russia and the u.s. have always cooperated on that is terrorism in terms about afghanistan and also
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when you speak about one of the most wanted international terrorists tokomaru who is from russia says syria are responsible for some of the most horrific terror acts in russia it was announced today in fact that the u.s. is offering five million dollars for help from our so that in itself is a very positive part of the russell u.s. reset. and he said i'll be there on the first day of the g. eight kickoff with fringe meetings and the main session is now underway michel column an investigative journalist and author on international affairs earlier told me that he thinks the g eight is meeting amid a new wave of colonialism with the u.s. and its allies losing global dominance. there is a group will decline of the u.s. economy because it's a state in blown crypt it's an economy in decline so while the u.s. is trying to do is to keep the domination under world both with the resistance of china with the emerging power of countries of the south like brazil and others it
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is more and more difficult for the us to keep the control and i think this is the cue for their aggressivity i think we are assisting the sort of creation to recolonize the world the usa. are trying to prevent the they don't want a democracy out of the countries in the middle east they don't want a democracy in africa you have to remind almost all the ships in africa and others . protect by deal with in allies so i think what they want is to keep their control of oil they want to keep the control room arterials anyone to impede real democracy in the arabic and african countries and while the world leaders gather in france to deal with the new world in greece part of the old world friends to collapse. the chances that greece go to exit the euro zone of mounting
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by the day. i start and express outrage over austerity measures we ask how likely is it that greece will drop out of the euro zone that's coming up in a few minutes here on our team. in the meantime moscow says the violent crackdown on mass protests in georgia is a blatant abuse of human rights and is demanding an international investigation thousands of taking part in five days of protests calling for president. to resign they are dispersed by armed policemen ahead of an independence day military parade thousands and up in hospitals and almost one hundred in jail. is in the middle of events there. the day of independence military parades going ahead today as president saakashvili addressing a crowd of military personnel many of the civilians staying away that heavy military presence many of the race are being blocked off and quite possibly not many of them wanting to turn out of the violent clashes we saw erupting as police
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tried to disperse the crowd of demonstrators outside the main parliament building with a number of. out number the number of demonstrators they were pouring gas into the crowd watercolors and rubber bullets actually my colleague who was with me at the time to a game away from the spanish and i was i was hit by a brother when we were trying to find a safe place to continue covering the. shark. to the souvenir. different place to stick with your guns i thought. i can't say for sure if it was a bottle or something else but i can't say for sure but the police hit without asking anything they just went to the crowd was dispersed there's a large number of people in hospital at the scene throughout the evening we can show you more of just how violent clashes unfolded. it was held by the opposition as the day that we did in georgia teacher instead
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keep people. protest saying that ousting president saakashvili ended in violence and bloodshed a huge force of riot police moved in on the crowds just minutes after midnight on children's day and independence from that that you should. really seems to be that was everybody was. out in the middle of the maybe we could police cars and that in the background here we go one on the other side. as the police closed in water cannons were fired into the crowd. rubber bullets and gas followed seriously injuring both demonstrators and journalists a police officer was killed when he was run by a car and a protest and dies in front of the pile in their cell this is scenes of violence all the more shocking given that many of those involved were of an older generation . we were standing peacefully when riot police on to the ground
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and started beating me my relatives also saw food they smashed one of my friend's face and left another one on mobile to stay. you can see from my face the kind of force they used and i think god i mean alive these people don't value human life. helping to of the silver revolution gita the older crowd they turned out demonstrating against lay pensions and rising food prices for five days they help each side the main t.v. building in tbilisi before taking their protest to the main parliament. high initial numbers of protest this is weekend of this peace among the opposition parties and. it is they will through the streets on wednesday the crowds once again turned. to use force. podium
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strictures. demonstrators were vastly outnumbered witnesses to the name then the two thousand and seven protests in which six hundred were injured this time around police presence was even greater and the foods they used just this is the. questions are already being asked about whether the scale of pools used was justifiable. many were arrested and many more injured it three on the streets in the violent clash the. main fan from which the leader of the opposition gave us. the earlier on just before the fighting broke out was saying she would maybe be holding negotiations that didn't happen they wanted out instead the price that the ending how it started in things the violent. sea. kuria a former georgian local representative an expert on politics in the caucasus says
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that the violent crackdown on protests will just provoke more action even georgia notoriously is. going to try to intimidate people and the last night was the most. painful. thing in history the story of my country i say. it's just not going toward. the tourist climate i think georgia answer first. outraged we're expecting more and more common in the coming months in the cockpits . and by the way you can follow the situation in georgia or online and watch the latest videos from there on our website it's our to dot com plus we're going to course there's artie's twitter feed and facebook but always keep you updated as the events unfold.
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if. the. turmoil in greece is threatening to turn into a tragedy the country's e.u. commissioner thinks membership of the single currency is under threat the first time a senior european official has admitted as much as coupled with the latest mass protests in athens expressing outrage at austerity cuts economist alexander law says that greece is heading for the euro except of the chances that greece go to exit the eurozone of mounting by the day there are two ways out so is it let's just be very frank about this so the first way out is the way out where you go down where they say where greece is we can't take the austerity measures are we because something's
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got to give and we're going to default on our debt and leave the euro area is not the only or the solution let's be extremely clear about now is our european countries agree to bailout. indefinitely each and every country which has got problems is in fact in effect a fiscal year year and for that we need what do we need where we need the country from northern europe to say we accept to pay for us or the neighbors that however appear to be extremely unlikely so i think that the issue of greece exiting the the euro is probably going to be. an outcome which is going to happen. before corrina joins us with the business news let such out some of the other world headlines at the moment in our world update an explosion has rocked yemen's capital killing twenty eight people according to the authorities there the opposition says the cause was government troops bombing residential areas becomes as fighting rages for the fourth day in the capital during which time over seventy people being killed
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yemen's leader refuses to sign a deal to step down despite the escalating violence. in the pool police and protesters have clashed outside the country's parliament after failing to agree a new constitution the legislative body is set to be dissolved by the we can't even a country with no government five years ago the country's communist rebels were announced the revolution to start a peace process the country still in turmoil with just a few hours of running with opposing one of the many problems that. might be but with a recap of our main news stories for you in just a few minutes now though time for business news with kareena as promised that will be after a short break stay with us for that. completely
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. the. brighton if you remove the ballots from france to. be on time please don't. i don't welcome to business thanks for joining me this hour the exploration of russia's oil and gas which objects south is back on track as well major bt falls by the wayside state run ross they have to is in talks with shell coming to their new partner but nail in the coffin of the b.p. deal came with russian energy minister saying this to teach a class between ross and b.p. is unlikely to be revived after the split has been looking for
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a new partner with optic drilling experience but unlike bt charles has a chance to talk deal with is not an option show where he holds a stake in the gas pump into projects in russia's car east. and russia's accession to the world trade organization has already taken almost two decades and is still not sealed however the process may get faster after dmitry medvedev and barack obama discuss the issue at the. well there you go europe and you're going to discuss solutions achieved improving economic cooperation between our countries and russia is doubly cio position and they will be able to bring this procedure to an end but we need a new impetus for that's very rare for a commitment to the euro will be good for the working across. the u.s. are going to be good for the world because as we are. there we can see that response. let's take a look at the markets now or prices are lower after new u.s.
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government reports provide fresh signs of slowing of slower economic growth lights which is currently trading about one hundred dollars a barrel while brand is one hundred fourteen dollars a barrel and stocks in the u.s. are higher this hour to weaker than your forecast jobless claims and first quarter economic growth kept by as a day the dow jones industrial average up point nine percent leading the declines merck and company home depot and all disney share that microsoft corp is talking the trend up more than two percent and shares of the luxury jewelry retailer tiffany up to worldwide demand needs to look better than expected twenty six percent increase in fiscal first quarter profits. stocks in europe and that makes you case puts it closed higher while germany's dax added in the red man group was among the top performers rising over three percent after the hedge fund manager reported its fiscal year results and russian equity markets and it makes thursday
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with r.t.s. going to sing high up their minds expel snapping two days of gains asked crude russia's main export panic declined point two percent now you see here are some of the markets movers although my six energy majors were among the main losers due to gold crude oil and it in the red despite posting a seventy percent net increase in profit in the first quarter of the year shares of and one k. lost almost two percent in metal miner has received a lawsuit from the federal acting office service claiming and it has my latest competition law meanwhile the vast gains that's all news it's considering not paying out dividends this year instead using the money for investment. isolators we have the back with more in about forty five minutes from now soldier i need a. little
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