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tv   [untitled]    May 26, 2011 10:30pm-11:00pm EDT

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we never got the says they're going to keep him safe get ready because you get her freedom. they tell her and her broadcasting live from washington d.c. coming up today on the big picture a. new website which twenty four seven live streaming news tells us what to do about the ongoing financial hardship unlimited three high quality videos for download.
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and stories you may never find. so. me the political. posts aren't just. hey guys welcome to show itself on the obama show with part of our guests not to sound the topic now i want to hear audio just go on to you tube the video on our twitter profile of a question that we post on you tube every monday and on thursday the show long response is we want to go to her. all right it's time for tonight's tool time award and it goes to disney but i also am part even rich. you probably remember that two days after the navy seal team
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killed osama bin ladin and a dramatic raid in pakistan this new apply for a trademark of the name field team six out folks over at disney said that they were planning a t.v. show it would quote is on the elite military units and the trademark application would also cover other items including snow globes christmas tree ornaments and other usual disney items but it appears the public backlash has caused disney execs of the magic kingdom kingdom to change their minds a disney spokesperson said out of deference to the navy's application for these trademarks we have withdrawn hours late last week the us navy filed to trademark applications for the names of navy seals and seal team with the u.s. patent and trademark office and they said that they are protecting the image and were considering other legal options against disney so that's why the mouseketeers back down the threat of a lawsuit but as they had to be tired of being trashed by late night comedians. this week companies officially bought the trademarks of
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a navy seal team six the name of the unit that killed osama bin laden so get ready for a very disturbing sequel to. the new trailer of seal team six it's like trying to copyright the guy should stormed the beaches of normandy or the statue of liberty or putting a patent on. it belongs to all of us but the legend doesn't follow this point only two days after the story was released. now for their part this new says that they're still planning a t.v. show about seal team six but don't pass on the trademark i would like to hope it was the realisation that snow globes in a t.v. show based around elite military members a travel around the world killing people wasn't really appropriate that's what caused this need to withdraw their application but no turns out it was just the threat of a lawsuit and for that disney is tonight's told time winner. now the clock was ticking down to midnight for the deadline to extend three provisions of the patriot act and it seemed as if kentucky senator rand paul might be able to stall the bill
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but despite his best efforts the senate overwhelmingly passed a four year extension of key provisions just minutes ago now using a procedural tactic even though the senate voted to end debate on the measure paul was trying to call for a full thirty hours of debate which would have put pat's expiration time senators pushing other amendments they gave quick most importantly and then brought up by ron wyden who says the business records provision which allows the f.b.i. to get businesses medical offices banks and other organizations to turn over any tangible things that seems relevant to the investigation isn't being used most americans believe in fact he claims that the obama administration has their own secret and sharper taishan so what do we know about it or the us this with me is julian sanchez a research fellow at the cato institute joined thanks so much for joining us tonight so we just found out minutes ago that in fact it did pass the senate despite all of rand paul's efforts he really did become the lone man here at the end of the day but we'll get back to some of the wrangling amongst the politicians
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first let's talk about this this provision that apparently the government is secretly applying their own their own lives to it the only one of the more disturbing things about the framework of flies and one of the reasons oversight and limits are so important is unlike most other forms of law the decisions of the size of court or for the most part classified your opinions of the office of legal counsel on how the justice department allowed to apply these. provisions of the patriot act are secret or classified and the result of that is you know in reality we think of the law as the statute on the page but you know if you think about how we interpret the constitution you know it's what courts rule it's what courts decide and how they interpret the law but in a way it is as much the law as the text on the page is the original statute so in a lot of ways you know having secret court decisions is like having having secret laws because it means that you know the statute may say one thing that you have no idea how in practice the courts decided that should be interpreted how it was they
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decided in effect it really means and so now we have senators being asked to vote on something that even they and certainly the general public don't really understand because you think the senators don't really know because why did also say that i can't talk any further i can't say anything else because the information is classified are they privy to some of this classified information is that right they didn't want to have any debate about it either yeah well you know a lot of the folks who have raised concerns about this and there are four senators now with different time sort of raised concerns about this in particular about specially section fifty in this business records or tangible things provision or have links to the intelligence committee or judiciary committee so are often privy to this stuff so you can remember that the members of the house or senate in general at that most they might get a ten or fifteen minute briefing you know with no notes and no staff and the idea that they meaningfully understand what is being done really much better than the rest of us is actually having wishful thinking we speculate at all as to what it is
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secretly that they got and i love going back to waiting yeah you know i mean this is of course a gas but there's a fair amount of circumstantial evidence that what they're doing is something we actually just the army has already done with very similar authorities in terms of criminal investigations which is probably they have decided that they can use these business record. were tangible thing warders and combine them with something else called a pen register and basically turn them into. not in order for you know files from a cabinet but in order that allows them to can go out. mass scale geo location tracking basically turning cell phones maybe for individual suspects but possibly for broader data mining purposes where you know large populations are sucked in so that is could be just a terrorism or investigation it could be everybody that might know or somehow be in contact with maybe it might be that they did bring in a lot of people in to identify someone but of suspicious behavior patterns or some
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with a pattern that matches someone with a new they were following previously only to start tracking every little thing i thank you ray i really quickly i want to play a clip. basically the nonsense that was going on even today in the senate over the last couple days let's take a look. he refused to release the government unable to fully pursue these leads. that would increase the risk of a retaliatory of terrorist strike against the home and help our ability to deal. iraq's in response to a scurrilous accusation i've been accused of wanting to allow terrorists to have weapons to attack america can we not have the debate on a higher plane a debate over whether or not there should be some constitutional protections so my god rand paul is right i mean in philly just because there's somebody to decide to stand up for the fourth amendment wants congress to do what they're supposed to do which is to debate an issue now you're a terrorist lover you want america to type this is ludicrous do you think that's
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what finally got it to be passed or that it was going to get it through the house as well so you know it's funny the way they kept having this idea that if it expired for even five minutes or a day it would mean forgetting that all these things are grandfathered for existing investigations that in fact for quite a while nothing would effectively change but it's going to this catastrophe the only thing really that was preventing the vote was harry reid's own determinations were all costs prevent any debate or amendments to which is he allowed but as we saw when he finally allowed it to reach of two amendments they were able to go through so it shows i guess if you really think that this is a national security risk harry reid is more afraid of a debate than of terrorism that's democracy kelly thank you so much for joining us tonight. now this year we've seen it rising food prices help spark political revolutions. thank you.
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ok all of that only the beginning are rising prices and food shortages are once temporary driven by perhaps unusual weather fakes by countries like the u.s. and could serve a global block buffers the problem may now become unstoppable population growth rising consumption decreasing water supplies interior reading soil are all part of the killer politics of food so what do we do to avoid it mass conflict and inequality or is it too late join me to discuss this is lester brown president of the earth policy institute author of the book world on the edge how to prevent environmental and economic collapse he also has the cover story in foreign policy magazine out for may and june titled at the new geopolitics of food lester thank you so much for being here tonight as your let's talk about how rising food prices and the shortages that we're seeing today how they might become a permanent staples not just something that goes away we're seeing record growth in
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demand as you mentioned population growth people moving up the food chain probably three billion of them more and more grain going to ethanol distilleries because fuel for cars and water shortages climate change on the on the supply side of the equation farmer search scrambling now this was to be the year of stock rebuilding because last year we have a russian heat wave a huge cross their stock dropped worldwide about fifty million tons which is very bad and now we have this year with great prices that i think time but for one reason or another we're probably going to see not not only not a rebuilding of stocks but a further decline of stocks that then will be trying to make it to next year's heart that's. again will be moving on the edge it's getting a little a move in their breaking point. these days. tipping points or breaking points are difficult to anticipate we know that rising food prices have played some role in north africa the middle east and the political
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unrest there it's not always easy to tell exactly how much but we also know that rising food prices create political instability and eventually failing states and that's one of the one of my concerns is that the number of failing states gets longer and longer we know the number of hungry people in the world is increasing it was going down for decades but then the last thirty years it's been going up and there's nothing in place to stop that rise and if we don't have a move that certain countries are making is that also give us a signal that they're aware that this might start some kind of conflict that this is something to start preparing or you can look at china you can look at saudi arabia south korea they're starting to buy up pieces of land in other country is so they can produce their own grain of this land grabbing is a huge thing all these all these land acquisitions that which is what the good amounts called murder land grabs which is what the n.g.o.s call them who are opposing them but huge areas now worldwide the world bank population indicates that the area of land acquisitions in other countries now exceeds the corn combined in
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the united states so it's not trivial what happens to those local populations a lot of them get displaced their governments just so huge chunks of land i mean it's not as though there are villages there but but in court villages don't have title they've been living there for generations on the same pots of you know farming the same pots of land they don't have a document they contempt of court and say this is mine and so a lot of governments are accepting the money from foreign investors and just pushing them aside and one thing i thought was really interesting and a good piece of foreign policy that you wrote is that simulation civilization can still survive without oil but we can't go on without our soil can you go further into that well we're losing a lot of topsoil worldwide because of reply going away and that's hardly a roadblock. the winter rose and we see this in china a huge dust bowl forming there we see it in central africa another one they're both these dust poles are part of the us to split the one nine hundred thirty s.
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but another big problem is water shortages and that i think is going to have a major effect on on efforts to expand food production and we see saudi arabia wheat production in free fall now because they've paid to play to their aquifer underground source of water so i think we were moving into. i mean most of the last half century has been here of abundance and in a good surplus there's no i think we're moving into an era scarcity and i don't think we have quite grasp the meaning of all of this and it's not undoubtedly going to cause more of our own rest ever going to see the arab spring continue to spread i mean can we ever see protests like this happen in the united states you could say that we really haven't felt the effect of high fuel prices yet they're just more of a i know it's an inconvenience for us it's not a life or death situation or will countries like the united states the developed nations that have their own grain supplies are they going to be the ones that are ok that start cutting off that supply the rest of the problem is we have one world
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food economy now and if we have high prices in the world market everyone is affected by it it's not as that we could isolate ourselves on the the tricky thing for us is the chinese are probably going to be coming into the u.s. market for potentially massive quantities of grain in the not too distant future and the idea that american consumers we can be competing with one point four billion chinese consumers with rapidly rising incomes for our grain harvest driving up our food prices is something i don't think most americans are quite prepared for alastair doesn't sound like it's a bit of a scary thought actually to think about the left and i thank you very much for joining us tonight thank you have a. full got our thursday edition of happy hour coming up next and call the pillow talk radio host the floods now it shall find yourself. suspended from the mass and the sleeve and why is the west sending a spacecraft from an asteroid they're trying for armageddon to migrate from reason magazine and reason dot com as well as archie producer lucy capping off join me for
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some fun in just a moment. let's not forget that we had an apartheid regime right here and. i think the leader wanted well. we never got the look says they're going to keep him safe get ready because you get . a charge in here broadcasting live from washington d.c. coming up today on the big picture.
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new website which is twenty four seven live streaming news towns what to do about the ongoing financial hardship unlimited free high quality videos for download. and stories you never find on main street you. know the so. meet the political. posturing on our t.v. just. hey guys welcome to shelly's tell me alone a show. we've heard our guests talk to say on the topic now i want to hear audio just go on to you tube the video response or the twitter part of the questions that
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we post on you tube every monday and on thursday we're going to show the responses we play your voice. it's time for show and tell on tonight's program last time we told you about new york city's new smoking ban which gets to go from lighting up in public parks boardwalks and beaches while the city says it's a public health issue a lot of people out there are complaining of this is nothing more than evidence of the nanny state so we want to know what you thought of the new smoking ban let's go to producer patrice and essentially to find out what you have to say. new york city expanded a no smoking ban to include over one thousand seven hundred parks fourteen miles of beaches boardwalks marinas in other outside areas like times square is this an infringement on your personal freedom or an action to protect public health that's going too far so i'm going on you tube told us this moken bad is good i'm sick of
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walking through cancer cause on sidewalks is some scumbag who had nothing to do is puffing away well that's a little harsh considering even the president has been known to a pulp away on occasion tom barrett said on facebook it has nothing to do with secondhand smoke and all to do with revenue collection mike well he disagrees it's partially about revenue but he said that once people stop smoking in these areas the revenue will stop so to say it has nothing to do with health is overly cynical my take this is a case where the government has definitely overstepped its bounds there has to be a way to protect their personal freedom while protecting our house for all of those who enjoy smoking you get to feel like a kid who has to sneak off for a cigarette somewhere or your parents can't find you except now you have to hide from the government. as always thank you for your responses and here is our next topic or you earlier in the program we spoke with daniel ellsberg the man famous for leaking the pentagon papers at the time he was called a traitor by president nixon is now considered
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a national hero so what will gravity manning say tell us what you think twenty years from now do you think bradley manning will be looked at as an american hero hero you can respond to us on facebook twitter and you tube and who knows your response just might make it on the air. all right it's time for our happy hour this thursday and joining me tonight is mike ray associate editor at reason magazine and reason dot com and our keeping certainly thanks i'm going to you guys cheers to you yesterday we all got to laugh at edge schulte because he decided to call or in a slight that's like saying that any adding typical radio host host of fashion he later had to apologize and it was it was pretty funny take a look president obama is going to be visiting joplin missouri on sunday but you
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don't want to talk about what this right wing slut what's your name. yes she's a talk slut all my radio show yesterday used vile inappropriate language when talking about talk show host laura ingram i am deeply sorry and i apologize it was wrong uncalled for and i recognize this is very of what i said i apologize to you laura but as for your forgiveness. guys you just gotta love america is go on air con to be a flat calm or the next day be like i apologize for my vile and inappropriate language and also forgive him i mean the thing is the edge of did get suspended temporarily maybe from his show as i guess is typical fashion but he think that's fair and yet people like glenn beck going on calling people racist and not the socialist every single day why is telling someone a slut that. oh i don't know i mean i guess i was going to say no you don't and i've heard it all there goes to every day first thing in the morning i think it's
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just a really gross thing to say to somebody it's it's definitely more of a slur that it is like a criticism of some of his political beliefs so maybe that's why there's so much like calling people nazis and socialists and over here to call somebody a slut i mean i personally feel like we have this like culture of we're so overly sensitive with these kinds of terms and don't forget that number one first of all it's hypocritical hypocritical time to call her a right wing slut because remember that chilled right wing radio talk show host in north dakota for years before abruptly switching sides but second of all laura ingram has said some pretty indefensible things i mean she compared nancy pelosi to a prostitute and she called meghan mccain fat she said michelle obama look an alien and so you know i mean it's just a bunch of blowhards calling each other bad names and really i mean can't we really maybe focus on actual real and i'm sure you're seeing already a miserable human being why do you have to apologize but i like the idea ok first of all i think apology was fantastic that was like
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a great apology there was no i was really a greeting and it all seems like i'm sorry even though you deserve it it was just like you know if you could argue that i like you know for everyone else that was genuine manish. you know i think is really what i do he is definitely sorry that he is getting suspended ok without pay good wages let's move on to the next one you know it isn't things that i like to call white rich people problems like when you're mark zuckerberg and you just have so much money you don't know what to do with yourself you come up with new challenges for yourself every single day so mark zuckerberg new challenge if he's going to eat only what he kills isn't that just a first world problem like i'm going to challenge myself to have to hunt for my food and then take it to my very fancy butcher in santa cruz where they can do all the dirty work for me i'm sure the goats and sheep. silicon valley are trembling in their habits in their boots of healthcare he's already imported and we should think
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he's actually hunting real animals and this isn't farmville he's going to say i just wasn't clear on that part of the story i like the philosophy i do agree it's like a definite culture and rich person thing that they're a boy growing up in oral florida like we ate what we killed i mean we didn't only eat things we killed because you're saying world you have to do you know yourself a millionaire who obviously does not need to write you that way and what he's also he's also not like starting some campaign or nonprofit saying only eat things you kill you saying it's like something i'm doing like the year before i believe you work every day which is like and i would do it all cheney. well i don't know like good like you know is not going to do it at least he's not trying to force on everybody else because i don't want to be told that i have to eat just squirrels and right he's just forcing his city arctic privacy policies and everyone else and . you know the acknowledging that we kill his food. all right here's something that i don't know i just know he's still very personally engaged in these stories because i do think that asteroids are really scary and today we
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found out in fact the u.s. is going to be sending an unmanned spacecraft to an asteroid that's nearing earth and it's going to go there in twenty sixteen but do you think that armageddon might be coming you guys remember this. the final words are using all of his money to find a way to stop the goddamn asteroid from taking us out so i think those are actually from deep impact not armageddon. is an armageddon they actually stop asteroids right don't they i mean this is told me possible we can we can send some obviously i think this is all kind of damage from the way that we get it by the way i was you know your own mayor called were only there. yeah i do i'm not really worried i'm sure it's i'm sure they're just going up there like look around see if they can
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find stuff on it we're not really trying to like send bruce willis literally to go yeah ok it's not time for bruce willis to go this is an unmanned spacecraft but you know that means we're sending stuff because i thought you know nasa was all screwed because we have to shut down that program the shuttles are not ready for these i'll be retiring i want to send people to the moon anymore now if that's true you know private industry commercial counters i was you know it was and people the moon was like so beneficial to us right. yeah you're right and this is been on my mind for weeks now all good all the melancholy about the end of the retuning of the u.s. space program not the end of it nasa is still there still collecting eighteen billion a year in federal funds honestly if you think that the only way we can explore outer space is through a heavily bureaucratize and inefficient agency such as nasa you have no imagination that's true but i think it's more the symbolic fact that you know americans were great leaders in the space travel the space development programs and then suddenly because of financial issues and other mismanagement we had to shut it down not
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fully but significantly time for our ideas is more the broader trend of not being as great as we used to be as well i think we just don't really want to go to the next frontier as much as we used to write a used to be good mood and then some are and then we start colonizing it now it's like well we've checked out the moon so now we're going to let some private business step in and started giving people little roller coaster rides you know through orbits you can look down to earth but forget about the whole exploration but it's just about fun you know i like the idea of taking care of the frontier we have first of all i mean like you know there are many depths of the oceans we haven't explored that i'm sure equally fantastic. and you know i get my grandfather's doing this why are you do we want to colonize planets when we treat our own so badly here right we're just going to speak in those words that we say yes i mean if you're going to move on to something really drastic is that part of like somebody's going to drag out ahead of us i got to go fortunately thanks for joining me i think tonight's show thanks for tuning in make you come back tomorrow . how politico's they've kept me on the shelf at the latest on the presidential race for try to help me find up again become a fan of the
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a lot of show on facebook and follow us on twitter if you missed any of tonight's show or any other nights ago if college kids dot com slash the line or show replace the interview sound show in its entirety and coming up next day's alex and. let's not forget that we had an apartheid regime right now and. i think. even on the oil. we never got the says there are the people who say get ready because you get their
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freedom. you know how sometimes you see a story and it seems so for lengthly you think you understand it and then you live something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything is ok you don't know i'm tom hartman welcome to the big picture. for.


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