tv [untitled] May 27, 2011 5:00am-5:30am EDT
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began the journey. where did it take. him. captured an encore general ride it waits to hear if you'll be sent to the hague by a user asked on genocide charges start saying girl over a one sided words on which tons. of the g eight leaders ask russia to mediate an answer in the e.u. and convert as the annual summit of the top industrialized nations and the us and second day. leading georgian opposition figure cries foul after police release an allegedly doctored tape calling for an anti-government uprising the steps of a after a blue crackdown a rally protesting against corruption. class in business and russia plans to become the fifteen largest economy in the world within the next
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decade by weaning itself off of rule material dependency join us for the full story around twenty minutes. it is one pm in the russian capital you're watching aren't you in the arena joshie welcome to the program fugitive bosnian serb army general rock n live it has appeared in court in serbia he was arrested on thursday after sixteen years on the run a lot of his wanted by the international war crimes tribunal over the genocide of seven and a half thousand muslims in nine hundred ninety five and other atrocities are. calling developments and belgrade. in lot of just early in the building behind us which is the special war court here in belgrade in the serbian capital we know that
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are his questioning was put off because the official said these health condition was so badly deteriorated that questioning could not continue and we do know that his questioning and of course the issue of his extradition to the hague is put off until today all of the local newspapers have got his picture on his front page that's him after he was arrested of course that's him in his older days we know that according to various sources who are he was armed when he was detained but did not offer any resistance when he was arrested and according to a quote given by the blitz newspaper he himself said that he did not want to harm the two young boys that were sent to detain he looked very pale and very weak and that many believe is due to his poor health conditions he did not venture outside of his house much we obviously could not go to the doctors for medical help to get any assistance we also know that his right arm was paralyzed many believe as
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a result of a stroke after the capture of former president coverage he was still living openly in belgrade and only went into hiding in two thousand and five we know that according to information like this was working at a contract construction site many of his coworkers a very shocked to find out that this was in fact the once famous bosnian general ride none of them recognizing him some of course commenting that he looked like the man but not as of course denying any such similarity saying that many people do look like the audit just a very specific construction site was a project bonser by the european union it was visited by the serbian president plays the audience and many other e.u. officials and local officials so it's very ironic that the man. all of those people have been searching for for nearly two decades was all this time right under their noses but a push here in serbia many people as
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a national hero and there have been whole ready protests in various cities across serbia including belgrade and the city where luggage was arrested we know that lots of people took to the streets hundreds protesting against the capture and the potential extradition over the luggage to the hague tribunal because of course many people view him as nothing but a national hero all the loop newspapers carrying quotes from various international officials like the secretary general of the united nations of course the local president was tied to various members of the european union and the hague tribunal our former a tribunal prosecutor carla del ponte he also commented russia has also commented on the arrest saying that it hopes that should be extradited to the hague tribunal he will be able to receive a fair trial. because it is our reporting there well constantine because the trial
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who has the russian parliament's foreign affairs committee says the hague tribunal makes nagel's actions in the balkans legitimate. i believe that the last hears of the latest hears of the tribunal story here is a body. here's one. option to justify the previous intervention by nato forces in this conflict and supporting other parts in this book no. no the basic idea may be to prove the. in-service sort of church and his subordinate and elsewhere are the main criminals of the nation being responsible for the ridgeview of the former yugoslavia and they can not accept it as a proof or a fear of. belgrade based political analyst so he's out of pocket says that if martin speaks out in court new details about yugoslavia's break up will emerge
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which the west doesn't want revealed the hague tribunal record does not promise any sort of a fair trial but at least. will use it as an arena to voice their side of the story and the side of the war has been neglected by the western media think the main revelations will have to do with western involvement in the breakup of yugoslavia in starting the civil war in helping muslim fundamentalists get the upper hand in bosnia and actually take over because the. party's been hearing now how in some minds manages the rest is more about political ambition than war crimes justice served international affairs writer sergey risk of it says state controlled media is pushing to persuade people the country needs to join the . instead applauding serbia for finally catching law which you will see in the western media you know the. sort of reminding everybody of.
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a thousand birds should be media more politically controlled by the government could they ever be. repeating in unison that the e.u. is some kind of premise that will resolve the problems now if serbia does during the think it will be the first time in history that a wretch has jumped on a sinking ship plenty more on the way here in our team including as a paragon arguable a team and. our record of predicting where we will use military force since vietnam is perfect we have never once gotten it right the man in charge however justify spending more than any other country on the fans by frightening financially struggling americans over keeping them safe. the
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g eight partners want how in the libya crisis and are turning to russia which strongly opposes me or led military campaign there are requests came during a series of french talks have a summit in france and thursday as a summit drastic close the g eight leaders have adopted a declaration on the key things they've discussed i just has more from developed. what's important is that these eight global powers along with their guests get to sit down and really discuss the most pressing issues of course the situation in libya is at the top of the agenda this year delegations from tunisia and egypt took part in their of course discussions on this spring arab uprising for a lot of focus on libya and in fact g. eight leaders asked russia to come in and broker the libyan crisis it's not yet clear if russia will accept that proposal and of course could be looked at a two very different ways one getting in the middle of a very nasty situation on the other side russia is a very different approach to any kind of situation in terms of getting involved in
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the internal affairs of another country perhaps g. eight leaders realize this this is why they want russia to come in and try to achieve some kind of ceasefire present to me to madrid it will be holding a news conference and we will certainly be asking that question of president barack obama sat down with me to menstruate to have been the first day of the summit and there they spoke about many issues but at the top of discussions there was missile defense it's been a. sticking point for russia in the u.s. for years now last year a new strategic arms reduction treaty was signed russia still has reservations that america is not as transparent as it could be a lot of the dialogue at least that we saw as the press was very positive iraq obama saying that he does believe the talks can be intensified so that new approaches that's out of status as satisfied both sides will be found with meet imagery to was very frank he said he doesn't think that's possible in the near
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future and mentioned that now what hans topping is that the ground work needs to be delayed and both presidents from their press conference yesterday we found i do think that it's all going in the right direction and he's in our reporting there and later today or if he is peter lavelle grills he has crossed yes to work again suspect in this and whether it's more of a sig banquet down crucial political platform. as leaders of the group of even france more and more question the usefulness of this elite club of countries is it just a talking shop can it really influence the global agenda like it once did and should the g eight be abandoned in favor of the g twenty. in. particular. and leading towards an opposition figure says he's being framed by security
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services have released a recording where she seemingly calls for an age of stop rising you know gordon aza denies the tapes ability and says her words have been manufactured. and so on just one and we want to contest the princes and state for certain but there is one thing i know for sure i never said that i accept the possibility of saloons being victims as well civil war not only did we do everything we could to prevent it but we did prevent it. the tape was released by georgian police following an eye of mass opposition protests in the capital which were brutally dispersed just hours after the fact our president started feeling player of the government's undying support seem speech during military parade marquee georgia independence day hundreds of demonstrators were beaten arrested and detained for protesting and dancing to surprise or to serve first reports from police. with thousands of violent police closing in on all sides and i we protested letting
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out war cries the main street in tbilisi became a battleground. but the main parliament building now a very different thing to the one that saw violent clashes erupting on the streets as police try to disperse the crowd at protests. then gas filled the streets of police quickly moved among the disorientated crowds firing rubber bullets and throwing people to the ground a police officer take aim at our camera man realizing in time he's from the media but others were not so lucky heeding my colleague diego who's caught up in the confusion the policemen appears ok. we get people. to keep all the people gave don't make any sense with nothing and then suddenly being told. and i'm really hit me with some kind of bullet
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it kind of bullet is believe me i need a selfie. with police vastly outnumber protesters the operation was fun. in severe. the dust settles the struggle continues many are left searching the hospitals for relatives and friends then meeting resistance. here is the easiest thing on boys one. who told them we came to find fifty million aged between twenty and forty. and we don't know where they are we come to fulfil but they won't let us in and they won't give us any information telling us to ask the police. even ninety people have now been placed and what's called administrative arrest carries a penalty of up to two months in prison. the leader of the rally they managing to escape the mayhem in a convoy. to fight to the end
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a little holiday to. me. i can't trust anyone anymore i'll never come to a protest rally again i just want to be. at the military parade for independence day president saakashvili spoke of supporting freedom of speech for all georgians many creators this paid a high price for trying to have their say. to police. around to five minutes from now or santarus reveals how south scientists stay on top of the world. when the research and exploration is done the guys here have to have something to do i'm john thomas in antarctica coming up on our team we explore the daily life around the one thousand. for that american as it's got a big doubts hole to sell and no one looking out the books the world's biggest fans particle looks ripe to plunder defense secretary robert gates is due to leave
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a paragon next month warns the cuts would limit u.s. military role in the world i just tell him for it explains. from another trip as robert gates winds down his time as secretary of defense. he isn't as eager to wind down america's six hundred ninety billion dollars a year in military spending even as the us bases a one point five trillion dollars deficit the defense budget is not the cause of the deficit and debt problem that we have as a country. once the secretary who denounce no bid contracts in redundant military spending in the war on terror the attacks of september eleventh two thousand and one opened gusher of defense spending that nearly doubled the base budget over the last decade the gusher has been turned off and will stay off his last weeks in office to work on that too many cuts could spell danger for the united states it is important that we not repeat the mistakes of the past were tough economic times when the winding down of a military campaign leads to steep and wise reductions in defense he also warned
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against closing some of the u.s. has more than one thousand military bases worldwide our record of predicting where we will use military force since vietnam is perfect we have never once gotten it right. there is there isn't a single instance in grenada panama the first gulf war. the balkans haiti. alone military spending increased by twenty point six billion in two thousand and ten and nineteen point six billion of that was the u.s. alone other countries are closing deficits by reducing their defense dollars the united kingdom for instance has started the process that started the process greece and turkey which had a long time rivalry. i've had discussions about neutral reduction. virtually all the countries in europe face this problem. but the pentagon budget continues to
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grow. the outgoing fact. japan's also called for a continued u.s. presence in iraq even as president obama's timetable mandates a total withdrawal by the end of the year i hope they figure out a way to us and i think that the united states will be willing to say yes when the former defense contractor michael o'brien says the gap is likely to be filled by defense contractors who want to keep the number of soldiers it was possible because it's a political hot potato but nobody bats an eye one hundred thousand contractors school work in the same year of operations. some analysts say america's military spending is too powerful for any defense secretary to control whether he heads into the private sector to it's part of this revolving door culture that we are not install i think feels protective toward things interests he also recognizes that. pentagon
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is big business in the united states as robert gates prepares to him the reins of the pentagon over to leon panetta at the end of june he says quote all of the low hanging fruit have not only been put up and crushed but they think that's across the board many americans say they want to see the pentagon tighten its belt as well keel and ford are at the washington d.c. . meanwhile hillary clinton's arrived in pakistan another country where america's military presence is under the spotlight and secretary of state isn't on an unannounced visit clinton is trying to calm the water with pakistan which is angry at being kept in the dark over america's you know where all action to kill a sound in law and the action was condemned by country's authorities as an attack on pakistani sovereignty. the. two astronauts are undertaking the final space walk to ever been conducted by a nasa shuttle crew install the fifteen year old to the international space station to help repair exam it's caused by meteorites and as
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a last mission for the endeavor shuttle but there's one more flight for the. before it's retired. on everyone words very quiet job ad that man's working in the air around subzero temperatures in an office that's as far away from your home and family as you can get but it's brad empire to the russian antarctic scientists were devoted to discovery at this time thomas joined down. buildings on station it is one of seven permanent russian research stations in antarctica but it's not just the location that makes this place special life here is anything but ordinary. but if you can go in and talk to you you have to have a well developed instinct of self-preservation instincts of camaraderie if you don't have that you'll be able to help each other because in critical situations here people are more open we're kind we're always helping each other but there's a lot in each summer around forty people call this place home and only sixteen
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people live here year round each day is run according to a strict schedule of business hours are between eight in the morning and ten at night where researchers work in their labs and in the field while the rest of the crew work around the clock to keep the place running. every year is getting better and better they do the life and everything else we renovate all our buildings the machinery is getting newer and we hope the new people in the team get used to it. and every person living and working in antarctica have to earn their own house whether you're a scientist a researcher a mechanic or even a journalist. if they gathered together. long hours added responsibility and isolation from civilization certainly can take its toll on a person. so finding time to relax in antarctica is just as important as the work. in this edition i always have something to do when i need to relax i enjoy playing
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pool well we don't have a store here to buy alcohol tonight i have my hobby here that i can always get busy with i still have some unfinished work so i set the goal for myself to finish them and as billings hausen is a true russian station life here wouldn't be complete without a traditional burn yeah. but not only does the buildings housing crew keep each other company. when there is a need for even more culture there is outreach to the other stations as well. actually. station to go there it is a wrong place to get crazy to get you know bad about being lonely being on topic land because here we have lots of different international international but all of our training is in france korea and friends all of them trying to keep one big family and many people working together to make their home at the bottom of
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the planet seem more comfortable in antarctica sean thomas r t. well there is more from santa maura when it includes arts and antarctic expedition healthier don't ask for that. within a mile of. one of the most extreme environments on the planet this is antarctica and people have to be aware that they are far away from civilization sean combs discovers what makes antarctica so special the destructive for many the wildlife in antarctica. and the sun's. expedition to the bottom of the earth. well next one got all the latest from the world of business with katrina.
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i don't thanks for joining us on our business bulletin russia is and to become the fifth largest economy in the world within a decade are the main objectives is to move away from real material dependency of the stress and this means adding value by exposing refined products. i don't think russia is any different than a lot of other countries that have an abundance of crude oil they didn't build refineries and now they find themselves in a position of saying do we want to go to invest billions of dollars to to build these refineries because we want to be able to sell the crude is that we want to be able to put the crude into those refineries and get the higher value products our government put into the world market right now there are other countries that are actually doing that refining and taking a piece of those profits and i think i think we should shorty rabia vietnam is looking and i think they're all looking at it is a way for them to increase the your portion of the take of the crude oil with their producer. t n k b p is looking to buy into one of the largest oil refineries in
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poland and has submitted a bid to acquire around fifty percent in lotus the stake is worth half a billion euros t n k b.p. has no assets in europe and is trying to get a better access to consumers there analysts say it's the right time for a deal as the profitability of oil processing in europe is rising. now having a look at the markets oil continues to rise on speculation that the global economy economic recovery also studying the demand for crude that the g eight said the world economy was strengthening with the weaker dollar boosting the appeal of commodities j.p. morgan expects a picture increase production quotas to meet global demand w t r's around one hundred dollars a barrel while brant is trading just over one hundred fifty dollars a barrel in asian stocks have closed mixed friday with the nikkei almost up a cent in the red as a strong begin ways on exports and mitsubishi was down more than one percent and sony lost almost three percent after posting a massive annual loss meanwhile the hang seng closed plus two at the same up petro
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china added almost four percent on reports its parent company plans to raise its stake in the oil producer. in europe higher commodity prices have given the markets a fancy boost the footsie is continuing to rise. more than one percent and the debts are just under one percent i should say and the fact is following suit that three quarters of a sip is our. money our moscow stocks are trading in the black out part a strong the oil price however uncertainty over the european debt crisis is limiting gains both yes yes and no my six are either a percent this hour and here are some of the market movers on the my six energy majors are among the main gain is crude prices and for shares of rosneft are also supported by the news that a company might join to explore the arctic with shell banking stocks are on the rise with bt gaining more than one percent by itself. although russia's equity markets remain undervalues investors say it is still cautious and i'm not rushing
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to buy the russian market there's no telling the difference if the means. that's why it's very difficult to her. any kind of particle on the right if you believe that the sell off is or who you would buy for instance to me in the media some basics anything actually killed that is barbaric and we will be issuing a deposit to receipts by the end of june there which will support storch. swedish mobile operator tele to has announced plans for a significant listing in russia the company has about ten percent of the russian market it was restored since. you want to place more severe look at should we strive for. a situation sort of should we still want to use the french use the service or shares the.
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leaders were the original version of some of its original mission for good such kind of restructure it. was an interesting experiment for which regions. and the first foreign dealer in used cars is coming to russia aaa also a group of the netherlands will start selling secondhand vehicles in russia from september as the company's second attempt at cracking the russian market aaa first test of the waters in two thousand and eight but failed as the financial crisis hit demand last year four million used cars changed hands in russia but only ten percent were sold through the woods. and that brings you up to date for business and now i'll be back in just under an hour say with us and you've headlines with marina next.
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go below the g eight summit on r.t. . blind russia. which brightened a few pounds fund from feinstein. whose friends totty dot com. in indonesia oh she's available in hotels coming dollar resort and spa. resort and spa only come up come down upon a mode of being turned on. spawn sunny of beach otoh the western resort nusa dua club med sofitel some in your own. resort and spa the risk.
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