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tv   [untitled]    May 27, 2011 11:00am-11:30am EDT

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motoko to lose a club small circles photo in the big old circus hotel was really a ski corinthian the ski planets reticent to say asteroids convinced he might go twins and say look you think of sky phone. now so to. colonel gadhafi has to go russia's president joins the growing international pressure on the libyan leader during a jew eight summit and agrees to send an envoy to help broker peace in the country . general rusko melodic she's ruled a fish for extradition to the hague on charges of genocide despite his health problems it's all in good theories he was a given up in return for a super sunday and a membership fee. and warnings all the further anti-government protests in georgia as the opposition accuses the authorities of playing down the number of victims and those missing after beyond the dispersal of its. business
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past the markets close in the black held by strong the oil prices however the sessions over here in debt crisis limited will bring you the details of the market's performance in about twenty minutes from now trust that. this is r.t. live from moscow imo research showing a very warm welcome sir. subunit court has ruled that former bosnian serb army general ratko is fit to stand trial in the hague his family had claimed he wasn't healthy enough to be extradited and the defense will appeal the decision the rest on thursday was a key condition. and some are suggesting that he was finally given up in exchange for membership i mean as one of our reports from belgrade now all of the local
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newspapers have got his picture on his front page that's him after he was arrested of course that's him in his older days we know that according to your information while this was working at a construction site a project sponsored by the european union it was visited by the serbian president boris tadic and of many other e.u. officials and local officials so it's very ironic that the man that all of those people have been searching for for nearly two decades was all this time right under their noses many of his coworkers are very shocked to find out that this wasn't the once famous general none of them recognizing him some of course commenting that he looked like a man but worse than nine any such similarities here in serbia many people as a national hero and already protests in various cities of cross serbia including belgrade and the city where this was arrested we know that
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a lot of people took to the streets hundreds protesting against the capture and the potential extradition over our. reporter. head of the russian parliament's foreign affairs committee says that the hague tribunal exists only to. those interventions in the balkans. i believe they're the last hears of the latest here is of the tribune all started put act as they had no idea. here's one one option to justify the previous intervention by nato forces in this conflict and supporting other parts in this courtly but not this sort of so now the basic idea may be to prove that serbs in serbia sort of serbs in bosnia-herzegovina and elsewhere are of the main criminals are of the nation being responsible for the tragedy of the former yugoslavia and they can not accept it as a proof or
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a fear threat well radko but it's one face a fair trial in the hague as his conviction has already been assured that's the view of john at laughlin from the institute for democracy and cooperation in paris . he'll definitely be extradited and there are absolutely no chances at all that he will get a fair trial it's a very important point the earlier convictions that have been handed down over with represent so i'm thinking particularly of the conviction of a man called general cursed picture in two thousand and one specifically says that general knowledge committed genocide and had genocidal intent in july nine hundred ninety five in other words general knowledge his guilt has already been ruled upon by the hague tribunal and so if this were proper tribunals which it isn't going on that it's his appearance there could be free so he could simply say here is where you convicted me in two thousand and one there is obviously no presumption of innocence in this court and the proceedings would have to come to an end
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unfortunately is not what will happen. balkans political exploder mission a couple of huge told us around see what he thinks that western powers are so enthusiastic and targeting so army commanders. why do they believe. mr carter objects from his chair and mr milosevic had carried out. these war crimes in fact what is the actual crime that if carried out and for many of. our obvious it is the resistance towards the takeover of their country and replacements or three then existing government by mario necked government and by the united states and by the nato powers in the east of joining the european union has been used for the last ten years as a kind of incentive to like let's buy all to low prices and your
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and your mind and it's your national goods by western companies and organizations who will be able to get into the european union let's deliver a store called war criminals and that again is going to help you get into this so-called richmond's club but as we can see the rich once club it once was is having great difficulties that itself. without a lie from moscow russia has joined international pressure against colonel gadhafi bandits hold the libyan leader has to step down speaking at the close of the g. eight summit being held in france president dmitri medvedev also confirmed it will be sending an envoy to meet rebels in benghazi oscar has agreed to become a peace mediator and that let's get some more details on this are from aussies and he's an hour he was waiting for us i don't feel he's a bit of a change of heart here what lies russia now joining us to remove kind of that. russia has never had any illusions about colonel gadhafi and the fact that
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certainly not been played by the so-called pro quo bull who we've heard that many officials throughout the day from all over the world including of course russia basically in this declaration it says word for word that daffy let's go and russia understand that treatment say to me was final news conference here at the g. eight i've spoken more details about how russia feels about the situation in libya . and the cities we are in touch with both so it's the new forces in benghazi and representatives who did not. break and it's my sixth but if you think it's useful in any case because we're trying to make crazy approaches we would use any reasons for the escalation of violence which is still go east and we discussed this at the g eight it's the new take curation says that it could not be regime has lost its legitimacy people the few must step down. now russia is pretty much it is really only the only g eight member that could in fact try to broker any kind of
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negotiations there the only one that has i diplomatic relations like you just heard from the president and obviously the approach that has been led by the west is not working i there's no illusions about that from the g eight we understand there are some pretty harsh debate behind closed doors and others of course the question of what will happen in syria the declaration. relatively strong words saying that they're appalled by the violence that's happening there president medvedev mentioned in his news conference that sanctions are maybe not the best way that they have been proven to work very well in the past as well as of course the u.n. resolution to intervene in libya and we're hearing his side that european nations the west could be pushing for the same thing to happen in syria and some pretty strong words in fact from the deputy foreign minister today here at the g. eight saying that russia wants even me let alone find a resolution on intervening in syria after the disaster in libya and you saw
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falafel issues were also discussed there at the summit where you are and don't feel i suck even if you have some very frank comment regarding america's plan for a missile defense shield in eastern europe can you touched on that and any other issues like the. right missile defense it's always been a tough issue between the u.s. and russia and it's a complicated history because so many different treaties were signed last year we have the latest strategic arms reduction treaty known as the start treaty that the fine but it's not really a binding document russia has a very serious problem with that here's why. should we have to get guarantees that this is to me is not going to toss you go knowing davison's guarantees what you're giving. countries is a threat was when we all skew these countries on especially keep silence and we all do these countries and it's natures missiles used to tell me they do not like him and he has the missiles russia has come to conclusion is easy but it seems to us.
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this is certainly an issue that's going to be worked on by both sides for that because the president as we commiserated and barack obama when they met on the sidelines they don't deny that it's a problem but they do agree that more intense work needs to be done to come to some kind of compromise that both sides find acceptable for their national security. one more note here is that at the end of the press conference with the russian president he was asked twice by reporters will you run again for the presidency next year and tries he sidestepped the question itself with its use and he said no no. it's not what are still to come this hour on our t.v. will the change of the pentagon chief change the pentagon spending look at why despite america's huge national debt there is such a strong opposition to cutting the country's bloated defense budget. plus what it's like to work on the planet's coldest continent so you can should use explore ation
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all antarctica today we need the russian research is living life in the freezer. well george is opposition says it's ready to hold further protests despite the authorities cracking down on peaceful crowds on thursday they claim of mikheil saakashvili the government is under playing just how many people were hurt in the violence dozens remain in hospital and many including some top opposition figures are missing at this point sarah ferguson in the capital tbilisi and sent this report. with thousands of dollars police closing in on the inside and we protest is letting out wall rise of the main street into the leafy became a battleground. well outside the main parliament building now a very different thing to the one that saw violent clashes erupting on the streets as police tried to disperse the crowd of protesters. and gas filled the street and
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police quickly moved among the disorientated crowd firing rubber bullets and throwing people to the grounds the police officer take aim is our camera man realizing in time he's from the media but others were not so lucky including my colleague diego was cool shot in the confusion the policeman appears ok he was very aggressive with the people and they started to keep all the people gave don't make any answer or nothing and then suddenly being told the pain in my stomach and realized they needed some kind of bullet this kind of bullet is the bullet and they give me and i started to. scores with police vastly outnumber increase has the operation was fast and severe and that's the dust settles the struggle continues many are left searching the hospitals for relatives and friends and then meeting with this. thing that.
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we told them we came to for in fifty million aged between twenty and forty we're looking for them and we don't know where they all come to the hospital but they wouldn't listen and any information telling us to ask the police is. even ninety people have now been placed in the law school did ministry to arrest carries a penalty of up to two months in prison. the leader of the rally they managing to escape the mayhem and a convoy. the fights to the end they're winning a little fall a to me i was a little bit bigger sighted i can't trust anyone anymore i'll never come to a protest rally again i just want to be signed into line. at the military for rape independence day but the fact is pretty stable supporting freedom of speech all georgians but many cases is paid a high price trying to have their say there ought. to be
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a top president saakashvili accuses moscow of instigating the unrest in tbilisi and the georgian media has been quick to report the same but as korea and former georgia local representative told us here in r.t. such accusations are nothing new and they are totally groundless this is typical sign of signature or soccer shorts out there graphic rule he always tries to find a scapegoat he always. third worst cross report of my country and tries to discover why situation in georgia which is wrong he himself the most interest intimidate him and destabilizing factor of. the country and he's the one who needs to be blamed for debauchery. you can always find more analysis of the situation in georgia our web site also first. from the
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violent crackdown on the protest you can find. our facebook account you can see the video of the group. of protesters film crew who also called. much much more. it's now a quarter past the hour. america's going to. keep
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away from the massive budget. would limit the ability of the u.s. to project force wherever it sees fit. from another trip as robert gates winds down his time as secretary of defense. he is as eager to wind down america's six hundred ninety billion dollars a year in military spending even as the u.s. faces a one point five trillion dollars deficit the defense budget is not because of the deficit and debt problem that we have as a country. once the secretary who denounce no bid contracts and redundant military spending in a war on terror the attacks of september eleventh two thousand and one opened gusher of defense spending that nearly doubled the base budget over the last decade the gusher has been turned off and will stay on his last weeks in office to warn that too many cats could spell danger for the united states it is important to we
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not repeat the mistakes of the past or tough economic times where the winding down of the military campaign leads to state and wise reductions in defense it's also warned against closing some of the us has more than one thousand military bases worldwide our record of predicting where we will use military force since vietnam is perfect we have never once gotten it right. i mean there is there isn't a single instance in grenada panama the first gulf war. the balkans haiti. no military spending increased by twenty point six billion in two thousand and ten and nineteen point six billion of that was the us alone other countries are closing deficits by reducing their defense dollars the united kingdom for instance has started the process that started the process of greece and turkey which had a long time rivalry have had discussions about mutual reduction. virtually all the
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countries in europe face this problem. but the pentagon budget continues to grow and. the outgoing fact. kerry of defense also called for a continued u.s. presence in iraq even as president obama's timetable mandates a total withdrawal by the end of the year i hope they figure out a way to us and i think that the united states will be willing to say yes when the time comes former defense contractor michael o'brien says the gap is likely to be filled by defense contractors we want to keep the number of soldiers will always possible because it's a political hot potato but nobody bats an eye one hundred thousand contractors over to the theory of operations. i mean only state america's military spending is you our fault for any defense secretary to control whether he heads into the private sector to be part of this revolving door culture that we have or not and still i
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think feels protective toward us interests he also recognizes that. pentagon is big business in the united states as robert gates prepares to head the reigns of the pentagon over it so we have at the end of june he says quote all of the low hanging fruit have not only been what they've been found and crushed but they think that's across the board many americans say they want to see the pentagon tighten its belt as well keelin ford r t washington d.c. just only twenty minutes past the hour now here in moscow let's check out some of the world headlines for you and the u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton says that american pakistani relations are at a turning point she was speaking touring an unannounced visit to pakistan ties between the two countries were strained after the killing of osama bin laden almost a month ago your profession carried out by u.s. forces was condemned by pakistan's leadership as a breach of the country's sovereignty. flight recorders from an air france plane have revealed details of its deadly crash two years ago but captain it was not in
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the cockpit when the plane began its fatal three and a half minute descent into the atlantic ocean off the coast of brazil it hit the ocean surface and with its nose up and everyone on board was killed and if this black boxes were recovered from the ocean almost a month ago. and in egypt thousands have returned to tear square in cardiff or what's being called the second it revolution protesters are urging the military leadership to speed up the democratic reforms in the country demonstrators are also demanding the country's ousted president hosni mubarak goes on trial over the killing of protesters during the uprising in february. but you'd think that life at an antarctic research station is one of the only seclusion with loved ones thousands of kilometers away however scientists working in the planet's coldest climate have a different story and there are thomas enjoyed a very warm welcome. more than
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a month. in one of the most extreme environments on the planet this is antarctica and people have to be aware that they are far away from civilization sean thomas discovers what makes antarctica so special and attractive for many the wildlife in antarctica is. an. expedition to the bottom of the earth on our t.v. . station it is one of seven permanent russian research stations in antarctica but it's not just the location that makes this space special life here is anything but ordinary going to. keep you going to ask you you have to have it well developed instinct of self-preservation instincts of kamerad if you don't have that you won't be able to help each other because in critical situations here people are more open. and always hold each other. each summer around forty people call this place home and only sixteen people live here year round each day is run
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according to a strict schedule business hours are between eight in the morning and ten at night where researchers work in their labs and in the field while the rest of the crew work around the clock to keep the place money. that they will build a little every year is getting better and better ideally life and everything else we renovate all our buildings the machinery is getting worse and we hope the new people in the team be asked to. every person living and working in antarctica to earn their own house whether you're a scientific researcher or a mechanic or even a journalist would do for him if they hired both of gathered together to clean up the big. long hours added responsibility and isolation from civilization certainly can take its toll on a person. so finding time to relax in antarctica is just as important as the work. and yesterday she was i always have something to do when i need to relax i enjoy playing well we don't have
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a still hits by alcohol to me i have my hubby hate it i can always get busy with i still have some unfinished months and i've set a goal for myself to finish them. and as billings hausen is a true russian station life here wouldn't be complete without a traditional daniel i would not only does the telling tell the crew keep each other company. when there's a need for even more culture there is outreach to the other stations as well. actually these station russian station wouldn't go them it is the wrong place to get crazy to get you know mad about being lonely. on truck land because here we have lots of different international international he would do it with all of our trainees culina why in france korea and france all right frank he's one big gun for a family and many people working together to make their home at the bottom of the planet seem more comfortable in antarctica sean thomas r t. e p.
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s on time was expedition to antarctica continues tomorrow to try to join us for that finale that i was handed over to korea with all the latest isms. they're welcome to business news here in r t thanks for joining me because me of billows is struggling to stay afloat his government is in talks with russia over the emergency bailout but she is ready to provide the cash but this comes with strings attached the key being market reforms including provinces ation reportedly have to sell state assets for over seven billion dollars but the government says it's no pushover and it's going on to sell state run companies and bargain basement price or whatever the price agreed on proposition appears to be only solution to the country's economic data. because if she is so you can probably physician is one
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of the main source of soup tureen currency and it's needed to support the balance of payments and so all the currency problems umbrella was always in would mean not getting these foreign currency and so not solving these problems. privatization is one of the conditions with a loan being issued. and looking at the markets now all continues to rise on speculation the global economic recovery this will sustain the demand for crude that's up to the g eight has said the world economy was strengthening with the weaker dollar boosting the appeal of commodities u.s. stocks rise up through both on high consumer confidence and spending banking stocks are leading on the dow taking morgan chase and bank of america both having one point three percent and european stock markets are high with the nationals has gaining as well on the hopes that you opinion banks could avoid part of the three capital requirements footsies out a percentage of the dax is gaining over half cents the south financials are in the lead in people rebar rose nearly two percent societe generale out of one point nine
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percent in paris in london more banking group two point six percent. here in moscow stocks it's the stock exchanges closed higher helped by a stronger oil price the r.t.s. gained two point two percent the noise six added one point nine percent and here are some of the markets movers on them isaac's energy major is among the main gain is as crude prices go up shows overall snap out of nearly four percent supported by news that the company may join explore the arctic with shell banking stocks were on the rise as well would be to be gaining over two percent and deputy head of the asset management department at alpha capital sums up the week for us. this week was the first week of cross soon so i will start a trick rocket. in the middle of my approval actually after having fallen by
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over fifteen percent since the serious ice we're finally managed to bottom out and to start growing again or i was still quite unstable so we've been watching us date which was controversial however the like was that investors interpreted tuesday to mean less cause a special it was seen on friday with gastro ross now times some of the stocks growing by over true for a person and thank you b.p. is looking to buy one of the largest oil refiners in colons it has submitted a bid to acquire around fifty percent and lotus the stake is worth half a billion euro tank a.t.p. has no assets in europe and is trying to get better access to consumers that analysts say it's the right time for a deal as the profitability of all processing in europe is pricing and swiss mobile operated tele too is taking a ride on cheap borrowing costs in russia and mobile service provider plans to
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issue bonds for around one billion dollars and have raised fungal be used for the development and expansion so that the country rules restored since june we want to we want to play sports here in the uk it's a mystery and of really unique situation sort of close to one mbit in the stores in the friendships and first the women service officers will soon. be needed for the regional extensionally international some of its original it's nothing but sr for restructuring three finishers start looking for additional projects and that's the latest we have for you this hour journey in about fifty fifty forty five minutes from now from the here on r.t. .
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the. rush is going to be so much brighter if you know about someone from first impressions. these for instance on t.v. don't come. in some pieces big on she's available in grandchildren or a grand hotel in room.


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