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tv   [untitled]    May 27, 2011 2:00pm-2:30pm EDT

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would be so much brighter if. someone from fines to. me starts on t.v. don't come. over duffy huster go russia's president joins the growing international pressure on the libyan leader during the g eight summit and agrees to send and envoy to help broker peace. general recommend outages ruled fits french provisions of the hague on charges of genocide despite health problems and theories he was given out in return for serbian membership to the e.u. . warnings of further anti-government protests in georgia as the opposition accuses the authorities of playing down the number of victims and those missing after the dispersal of crowds. as in business belarus struggles to rescue its
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economy and then versions of the bailout for russia that another story is now this political about. international news and comment live from our studios here in central moscow this is r.t. within twenty four hours a day so russia has joined the international pressure against colonel gadhafi and told the libyan leader he has to step down speaking at the close of the g. eight summit being held in france present dimitri medvedev also confirmed it will be sending an envoy to meet rebels in benghazi moscow has agreed to become a peace mediator in libya let's get more now from artie's and he said she's there in france and the summit is over now that was anything significant achieved. it most certainly was a failed b g yes. how wrapped up here into bill frankincense this was reached on
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libya leaders agreeing colonel gadhafi must go and that russia should broker the deal. new world new ideas host france but that concept on the g. eight table at a time when it looks like the old ways aren't working a war in libya on the front line with the euro crisis in the background leads to questions like this will sarkozy be known as the man who saved tens of thousands of civilians in benghazi or will he be known as the man who promised to economic ruin and a never ending war in libya he must go g. eight leaders agreed word for word in their declaration about gadhafi saying he has lost all legitimacy now it's understood behind closed doors there was harsh debate on the sidelines russia was asked to step in and broker a cease fire it accepted and will send an envoy and we are in touch with most of all it's the new forces in benghazi and representatives of gadhafi but we haven't
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broken ties but do you think it's useful in any case because we're trying to make closer approaches to sunni reasons for the escalation of violence which is still ongoing and we discussed it at the g. eight curation says that we could have the regime has lost its legitimacy the must step down russia's approach to interfering in the internal affairs of sovereign nations differs dramatically from the west which appears eager to back some countries but not others and churches to intervene in libya it does not suit is to intervene in bahrain those and those rational economic geopolitical it should not about. the g eight nations agreed a twenty five billion dollars support package to arab nations have toppled autocratic regimes and are struggling to build so-called new democracies on the euro there were statements like this could also make use the euro easier everything to get through as in the future the euro will threaten europe. all the while huge
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spending cuts continue in an attempt to prevent euro extinction so will the mission in libya and spending billions g. eight leaders might have reached consensus on qaddafi but can the west now afford to push pick and choose politics even further russia's deputy foreign minister claims a resolution on syria won't even be read let alone signed by russia after the disaster in libya the question now what will happen to the rest of the arab world basic revolts for now only syria is a possible target with some g. eight leaders going as far to head a similar u.n. resolution could be thought if damascus doesn't back down but i think russia is most likely to use its security council veto to oppose in terms of other issues that came up when it comes to the u.s. and russia is this out of a long standing taking point for the two countries russia still has reservations about american clients here's why. what sort of
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a border unless we reach a deal before twenty twenty in the u.s. anti-missile systems on last you could trigger a new arms race we have to get counties that this system is not going to toss no one gave us any such guarantees we're being told to sit in some countries that pose a threat so when we ask you these countries are we keep silent then we do these countries have no interest missiles no they do not and who has the missiles russia has them and the conclusion is easy it's going to ask us nothing. but the president's meeting with fate and its counterpart barack obama said they were willing to intensify work on the missile defense issue but for now it looks like they're both just laying the groundwork for future politicians. ok thanks very much indeed for that update live in france our reporter on the tonight. well the present
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video of also spoke about the future head of the international monetary fund during that g eight summit he stressed the importance of candidates from developing countries saying that they should be given the chance of taking the job and that idea was echoed by prime minister putin he spoke highly of the candidacy of the french finance minister but also showed support foot. now he's the head of kazakstan national bank and in an exclusive interview with r.t. said that although christine legarde is likely to land the world's top banker job so any amount of time before the tradition of a european head of the i.m.f. is broken. the developed countries and the european countries would like to maintain the status quo which is not necessarily for here and i think that change is. already started but probably do not go far enough. here with
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our to your life here in the russian capital twenty four hours a day still to come for you this hour. making up the u.s. secretary of state says strained relations with pakistan are the turning point a month after the killing of osama bin laden we'll have live expert opinion on the trap and really he's here on our team for you in just a few minutes. past what it's like to work on the plan it's called this continent our team continues expects peroration of antarctica they will meet the russian research is living life in the freezer. but first a serbian court has ruled the former bosnian serb army general that common knowledge is fit to stand trial in the hague and family had claimed he wasn't healthy enough to be extradited and the defense will appeal the decision restimulated told thursday was a key condition for serbia's e.u. entry and some are suggesting he was finally given up in exchange for that membership as are of the reports now from belgrade. success or sellout
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the arrest of former bosnian general. has put serbia and the headlines once again for years no nato action un demands or even a five million dollar bounty put up by washington could help snare hand but the prospect of billions of dollars worth of aid slipping out of reach was too much for belgrade a leaked u.n. report stating that serbia refused to cooperate in the search for europe's most wanted man led most to assume membership negotiations would be cancelled and just a week later serbia achieved what it couldn't for the previous six years so if it wanted to hand him over as the price of entering the european union had every interest in doing it as quickly as possible and the targets government which came into power in two thousand and eight should have done it then and they would have done it then i'm sure if they'd known where he was officials in belgrade very much hope that they can finally get a piece of the euro pie but the people of serbia down who lets. all
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prices. and your minds and your national food supply western companies and organizations you will be able to get into a european union let's not call the war criminals unless a game is going to help you get into this so-called rich man's club and see who the rich ones club who it once was great difficulties itself serbia's are already complied with a lot of e.u. demands including arresting former president slobodan milosevic and political leaders. and each time the response from the e.u. has been enough to keep the dream of membership alive secure this year this is very big news this is a very courageous decision by the syrian president this is one additional step for the intervention of serbia into the european union one day three the arrest of. is a very important step. it's full integration of the entire region in your atlantic
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community i know that people will also be thinking about serbia and its future in the european union. what i know is that we will approach that with renewed energy because of today but some believe serbia's membership ambitions could simply devastate the country and stead of boosting its economy especially during the ongoing financial crisis of several you member states so be media more tightly controlled by the government than they had ever been under the last two repeating in unison that the e.u. is some kind of panacea that will resolve the problems now if serbia does during the think it will be the first time in history that a rat has jumped on to a sinking ship a long and drawn out trial is almost a guarantee and nothing really will be an objective process still it seems for the serbian powers that be no place is too high if they believe the expert analysis
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general awaits his fate in jail but considering the fact his arrest was one of the major conditions for serbia's potential acceptance into the european union it seems to be a question of when and not if they will face the war crimes tribunal in the hague. catherine as our of our team belgrade serbia. by the way can share your thoughts on that story or any other story see on screen on our web site it's our two dot com discussions and opinions are always available for you online. if you are secular state has told pakistan it must do more to target militants hiding on its territory and we clinton made a surprise visit to the countrymen of breakdown in trust between washington and islamabad in the wake of the killing of osama bin laden let's talk about this with lawrence favorites and he's a professor of middle east history at west chester university in pennsylvania dr davidson thanks very much indeed for joining us well relations between pakistan and the u.s. are strained at the best of times of course as i just mentioned not helped by the
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anger generated from by the recent killing of bin laden so do you think the surprise visit from clinton will actually smooth things over as she says it could be a turn. point in relations do you think that's what's a mistake. well i it's probably optimistic yes but the problem is that the u.s. has relations with the state government and with the pakistani military doesn't have very good relations with pakistani people and one of the problems that i could spend any government confronts is that most of it population or at least that would probably more than fifty percent of its occupation and probably higher percentage of its percentage of folks in the security service. are sympathetic to the tali. to not only. better also the tali about in afghanistan and so
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under those circumstances there's only so much the pakistani government can do. if hillary clinton and they are bombing ministration want to do more than that and it's not in their own interests to do that that's why you're getting this sort of yes no yes no no scenario where the pakistanis say ok we're an ally of yours but only do so much but isn't it in the interest of the pakistani authorities to make that opinion within pakistan more compatible and corporative towards america america has invested a huge amount something like twenty billion dollars on aid to pakistan since two thousand and three and of course the pakistani people are being benefiting from that but when you bear in mind that bin laden was able to live on touches one hundred kilometers away from the country's capital you think the u.s. would want something more in return in fact questioning what actually is it getting in return for his money. well you know most of that aid going back to your
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assertion that hispanic people benefit from it most of the aid is you know terry a. high percentage of that know it terry aids spent in the united states. what we're getting back soon is it is this is a holding action so we're not sorry to interrupt but what is crucial here is that new u.s. want help from pakistan over afghanistan isn't it that's the crucial thing yes and they are secured yeah they want the border security except that the pakistani government and the pakistani military are not able to do that it would cause civil war in their country to do that so ok so ok so if you really go after what the americans want you to go after it with the message repercussions would be potentially we'll talk about the insurgency you're talking about those insurgency operations operating from within what some people say is a safe haven in pakistan are you saying that there's no way that even the pakistani
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authorities can concentrate their efforts on that oh sure they could but they're not willing to because of the domestic repercussions i mean you've got incipient civil war now out there for you know military forces attacked a very in a can you can build a road actually in that area without getting an attack so how far do you want to push this pakistanis are not willing to push it as far as the americans want to push it actually the pakistanis you know that their real proper real problem is on the indian border and not on the afghan border so. you know they. don't want the repercussions of what the americans want them to do and they try to walk amid a lot. of very bleak picture a picture of a stalemate in effect now being a historian often of course you are always looking to the past but of course part of your job is to look into the future so where is all this going to be resolved
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how's it going to be resolved when actually you know the story ends are very good question so i'm not sure how this is going to. sensually let's put it this way it's going to be resolved by the americans getting out of afghanistan that's how it's going to yourself and how will afghanistan fare from that once the americans leave just very briefly the future for afghanistan once the americans leave just briefly the taliban will come back or i will leave it there very interesting i want to talk to you more on this but sadly we are out of time dr lawrence davidson thank you for joining us professor of middle east history at west chester university in pennsylvania thanks my pleasure. to georgia now and the opposition says it's ready to hold further protests despite the authorities cracking down on peaceful crowds on thursday they claim because saakashvili is government is under playing just how many people were hurt in the violence dozens remain in hospital and many including some top opposition figures
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are missing the sarah ferguson the capital tbilisi and sent this report with thousands of on the police placing in a little sigh and we play tested letting out war cry the main street and to believe a battleground. well the main parliament building now a very big thing to the one full glass is that right thing on the street as believe it's the crowd that's. then gas filled the streets as police quickly moved among the disorientated crowd firing rubber bullets and throwing people to the ground a police officer take aim is our camera man realizing in time he's from the media but others would not say lucky including my colleague diego was caught up in the confusion the policeman appears ok v. was very aggressively to people they started it all the people they don't make any
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arms with nothing and then suddenly being so big pain in my stomach and i realized they did me with some kind of bullet this kind of bullet is rubber bullets and they give me and then i started to run with police vastly outnumber ing protesters the operation was fast and severe. the dust settles the struggle continues. many are left searching the hospitals for relatives and friends then anything resisted. yet the fact that. this young boy's kill us. we told them we came to point fifty million. people die when you don't know where they all come to the hospital. and they won't give us any information telling us to ask the police is it. even nine hundred people have now been placed and it was cool to minister to arrest carries a penalty about two months in prison. leader of the rally they managing to escape
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them a hand in a convoy. of fights to the end now bringing a little holiday to. the biggest type of i can't trust anyone anymore i'll never come to a protest rally again i just want to be safe and do my job. as a military parade for independence day president saakashvili spoke of supporting freedom of speech for all georgians many protesters paid a high price. trying to have that day. to be the. other way you can find more analysis of the situation in georgia on our website and also the first hand impressions from the violent crackdown on protests in our reporter sarah ferguson blog and by the way you can check out our facebook account to see the video of the brutal dispersal of protest in the film boy our crew who are caught up in the mayhem and much more for you at facebook dot com slash all
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teenagers. it's. easy. to. see. how to look at some of the world headlines at this stage of the day on a world update to egypt first and thousands of return to town here square in cairo and what's being called the second revolution protest as a military leadership to speed up democratic reforms in the country demonstrators are also demanding the country's most of president hosni mubarak goes on trial over the killing of protesters during the uprising infantry. flight recorders retrieved from the air france plane that crashed in the atlantic show the captain wasn't in
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the cockpit when a fatal three minutes the sent began the seconds believe the plane's speed produce their own stop causing faulty information to be displayed the plane hit the ocean surface nose up off the stalling killing everyone on board back in may two thousand and nine about boxes were recovered from the ocean almost a month ago. when you think that life at an antarctic research station is one of lonely seclusion with loved ones thousands of kilometers away well a scientist working in the planet's coldest climate have a different story for us and ought to tell us enjoyed a warm welcome that. more than a month. in one of the most extreme environments on the planet this is antarctica and people have to be aware that they're far away from civilization sean thomas discovers what makes antarctica so special and attractive for many the wildlife in
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antarctica is. an. expedition to the bottom of the earth on our t.v. . station it is one of seven permanent russian research stations in antarctica but it's not just the location that makes this space special life here is anything but ordinary. but if you go in and talk to you you have to have a well developed instinct of self-preservation instincts of camaraderie if you don't have that you'll be able to help each other because in critical situations here people are more open. each other. and each summer around forty people call this place home and only sixteen people live here year round each day is run according to a strict schedule business hours are between eight in the morning and ten at night where researchers work in their labs and in the field while the rest of the crew work around the clock to take place one. that they will belong to those who every
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year is getting better and better the daily life and everything else we renovate all our buildings the machinery is getting newer and we hope the new people in the team get asked to. every person living and working in antarctica to earn their own house whether you're a scientist a researcher a mechanic or even to turn away. and if they gathered together to clean up the. long hours added responsibility and isolation from civilization certainly can take its toll on a person. so finding time to relax in antarctica is just as important as the work. and yesterday issues and yes i always have something to do when i need to relax i enjoy playing pool well we don't have a store here to buy alcohol to. have my hobby here that i can always get busy with i still have some unfinished work so i've set a goal for myself to finish them. and as billings hausen is a true russian station life here wouldn't be complete without a traditional banya i but not only does the building's thousand crew keep each
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other company. and when there's a need for even more culture there is outreach to the other stations as well. actually for a station russian station wouldn't go than it is their own place to get crazy to get you know mad about being lonely about being on topic land because here we have lots of different national international committed with all of our trainees q.n. or why in france korea and france all that's right and keep one big gun for up to an all many people working together to make their home at the bottom of the planet seem more comfortable in antarctica sean thomas r t. e z. and that's from thompson's expedition to antarctica continues tomorrow so stay with us for that in the meantime we have the latest on what a business with kareena. welcome
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to business thanks for joining me the economy of belarus is struggling to stay afloat its government is and talks with russia over an emergency bailout ready to provide the cash but with strings attached it keeping market reforms including products ization those who have to sell state assets for all the seven billion dollars russia's gascón is in talks to buy out the remaining stake in the buy the russian gas pipeline system but pelosi says it's no pushover and isn't going to sell state run companies and bargain basement prices but whatever the price agreed on observation appears to be the only solution to the country's economic ten. inches or so brother position is one of the main source of soup for you currency and it's needed to support the balance of payments and so all the currency problems in belarus and all privatize it would mean not getting these foreign currency and so not solving these problems. privatization is one of the conditions with
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a loan being issued. as a collective of markets oil climbed for the third time in new york this week after leaders of the group of g f g eight said the global economic was strengthening prices have increased zero point three percent this week and thirty five percent in the past year now let's turn to the u.s. where stocks are heading for the third day of gains after reports show high consumer confidence and spending however most of the increase was due to higher food and gas prices banking stocks are leading on the dow bank of america is up over two percent joelson and johnson is also at two percent higher and european stock markets ended high on friday with financial shares gaining if it's a close nearly a percent in the black and the dax screen over half a cent financials were leading of cross europe b.n.p. probably borrows one point eight percent and societe generale added one point nine percent in paris and london lloyds banking group over two and
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a half percent. and here in moscow the stock exchanges both high helped by the stronger oil price the r.t.s. again two point two percent on them isaacs at one point nine percent some of the market movers on the rise it's here energy majors that were among the main gain is as crude prices improved shares of rolleston have added nearly four percent supported by the news the company may join explore the arctic with shell banking stocks or otherwise would be t.v. gaining over two percent and the deputy head of the asset management department at alpha capital sums up the week for its. this week was the poorest week of cross soon so we start a trick rocket. in the middle of fireproof or trim off to heaven for them by over fifteen percent since this year's cards will finally manage to block them all to start growing to do it over i was what i was stable so we've been going.
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to date which was controversial however were booked a lot. roast gods and busters interpreted various data male s. cause of that special it was seen on friday with gastro ross now times some of the stops growing bile were true for the first time and. take it if he's looking to buy into one of the largest oil refinery is in poland and a submitted a bed so quiet around thirty percent in the waters the stake is worth half a billion euro tank a b.p. has no assets in europe and is trying to get better access to consumers that i don't say it's the right time for a deal as their profitability of oil processing in europe is on the rocks and what is well below where the telly too is taking a ride on cheap borrowing costs in russia know about service provider plans to issue bonds for around one billion dollars the raised funds will be used for the development and expansion of the country it was restored since june we want to we
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want to play sports here in the uk it should be stronger for the. situation so much that goes to the biggest worse part of friendships in the first the difference of a saucer sort of city. leaders for the rich an extension of the aggression of some of the people some of us think of sr for restructuring. the finnish seems to be terrible for russian officials and that's all for now thanks for watching.


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