tv [untitled] May 27, 2011 11:30pm-12:00am EDT
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i think. even well. at whenever the government says there's a safe radical freedom. the world. will. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so for like sleep you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you don't know i'm sorry is a big issue. for
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. for. are you ready you're always joining me tonight on our panel of experts political commentators guy benson political editor at townhall dot com and the radio host of the guy benson show eric a democratic strategist and brian darling director of government studies at the heritage foundation as well as a columnist in human events welcome let's get started. on tuesday kathy hope obama's special election in new york's twenty sixth congressional district becoming
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just the fourth democrat since eight team fifty seven to hold that seat democrats were able to turn the election into a referendum on paul ryan's budget plan to privatized medicare take a look at this ad that's been running around the nation. it was funny as paul ryan said he had to do six takes to get that right i mean i thought that was such a great response anyhow as you can imagine voters soundly rejected the republican plan so another paul ryan's roadmap to throwing grandma off the cliff is costing republican seats in congress isn't it time for the party to dump paul ryan and the
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rest of the tea party. by well of course not only that this is first of all the ad is silly so much for the new tone of paul ryan don't bring in old defenseless old woman off a cliff it's a bit macho to really figure defenseless old woman is going to was something that was seven thousand dollars sure she's had two heart attacks and strokes be able to buy health insurance and a lot more than seven thousand dollars voucher if you look at the c.d.o. numbers by twenty thirty it's going to be on average eighteen thousand dollars per senior and it's not quite a voucher it's a it's a subsidy and there's a small difference but in essence it's a voucher and your by the way it works thirty that those numbers are actually not going to cover the costs of people's care it's not going to go up with the cost and placing them at the increases in costs so whereas right now it covers about twenty four percent of people's health care costs people only have to pay about twenty four percent of their health care costs pocket is going to go up to sixty eight percent so by twenty thirty what it was going to cost is double for each paul ryan has the vouchers tracking inflation. the inflation about
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a comic i think started back in your but i think that i it's a good point to make that you know that this was also goes back to the misreading of the mandate and twenty ten is that the republicans felt like they had won this election based on health care and that the reality is that sixty two percent of people who came out of the poll said that it's about jobs in the economy and the republicans won't make that will turn out in the first major bill out of the house was to repeal you know obamacare they're going to cut all this medicare and what they're missing the point is that people like medicare don't want the government to work for them they want to go. that you can all ryan says if you look at the c b o report that the c bureau report projects of the programs in deep trouble in nine years so what he's arguing is this is a way to save it and if you look at obamacare obamacare raided that program to the tune of a half trillion dollars that was stopped after the medicare i was very curious that was the corporate part of medicare it actually increases medicare solvency for and number of years and increase the number of people who are being covered is
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a big portion of medicare that is done by the private sector and you guys kind of ignore that the fact beyond that medicare and the i know there was it was yasser been drilled in by republicans. right here just. my take on this is that a i'm astounded both you guys are still defending paul ryan i'm just you know it's like you should it's like this is going down with the ship and and i think if republicans don't wake up and as newt gingrich tried to i think you're going to have a real problem twenty summit republicans is a drag potential nominee to head up the consumer financial protection bureau elizabeth warren through the mud this week in a congressional hearing baselessly calling her a liar and squabbling over monday in things like scheduling for hearings take a look. at this warrant it was a simple request your staff had a request for my staff so we're trying to accommodate you know we're going to chat here in ten minutes or congressman we had an agreement you had no agreement we had
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an agreement for the time this hearing what you're making the passing of it. this is not the case this is not the case. mr chairman you you can do something to. me what you want which is. using them to make an agreement that i never i think you need to close could start with you throughout. and today republicans in the senate used a procedural move to keep the senate in session through the memorial day recess is to make sure the president can't make a recess appointment of her clearly elizabeth warren is qualified for the job so why republicans sore for eight of her is because she stands up for the middle class and isn't afraid of saying take on the bankers who own the republican party they got interesting the democrats are bellyaching about this now because they of course pioneered these types of tactics during the bush administration to block president bush from making recess appointments so turnabout is fair or not is fair play well he did not seem upset that point i want to just make one more quick point
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republicans are also saying look we're also not going to allow the president to make more recess appointments like craig becker who by the way was rejected by an overwhelmingly democratic senate and president decided to thumb his nose at congress's authority to advise again sent them and he's going to not have that opportunity now that they're here first of all this isn't just any reason i mean this is a branding agency that is part of a lot so i think i really go into effect and to live here but this is the person who's going to head up this agency this is part of the. you know wall street reform bill to have a an agency to protect consumers this is the law so this is it is though you know there's somebody sitting there when this is part of moving the wall street reforms into into action and that republicans don't like those reforms they don't like it and this is a way to kind of stop that in protest that you know what here's the thing is that you know i'm sorry stephanie house hearing the senate confirms presidential nominee
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in the senate is it going to confirm or i think one of the reasons why republicans are blocking the nomination is because they believe that her position is too much power so they don't want to put anybody in that position and they're deeply concerned that she's a far left wing ideologues and she would bring her ideology you know a position where it has no business being well the whole far left thing that they seem to be so afraid of is something like you know control of the day ron. reagan when after three years after he deregulated the cells they blew up and crashed just like the banks did this time he put a thousand people in prison the national he essentially nationalized the s n l's he brought in bill c. when they took him over they put bureaucrats in the government charge every single one of them and then over twenty years the resolution trust corporation sold them back into the private market at a profit and and i just don't get why republicans are now looking at what reagan did and say we should bush didn't do that and why they don't but that's my take on the you moving over the line on credit she wants to help consumers navigate you know this is marxists straightforward stuff i think in the new. jersey supreme
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court smack down governor chris christie calling his massive cuts to education unconstitutional that state's constitution like every other state like country requires a free public education to all students christie figured he could get around that obligation by laundering education funds to private corporations and churches but shouldn't education are made a part of the commons instead of just another industry the profiteers can carve up watered down and sell back to us for a profit no i think ok it's ok to have boaters it's ok to have private competition we need more competition in education because our schools aren't doing that all the more money we don't need these programs no child left behind being a great example our education is not getting better it's getting behind is a disaster right and i am as if i'm going to mandate a lot of i mean i agree that it should be more competition the problem is that he thought it cuts and it's that the curriculum content requirements were not being met and that and meeting those requirements is what's going to make the children of
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new jersey competitive and it's what's going to build the. constitutional obligation to them to provide i forget you keisha and i think that you know we have going to sit there and there's lots of ways to skin this cat but like me again if you're having problems you know there's a lot of it is that's what you have to spend on you know i don't know great taxes during this how you can doesn't mean good your kids right but it disproportionately affected lower. income at risk well here's and that's exactly the point i'm actually. if they former new jersey public school student a product of the new jersey public school system and i'm not saying hey let's get rid of public schools i'm saying let's help people especially underprivileged families whose children have been out there whose children absolutely locked into habitually failing schools let's give them an opportunity to escape that system and let's give them that chance and i think that this is crazy to make this into a david and goliath thing where the goliath somehow are these poor kids who can't escape these schools that we keep throwing billions of dollars out when we have
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tripled education public funding since nine hundred seventy test scores have remained flat that is not a good return on investment let's give these families more inflation just as you're talking you're talking. pretty inflation adjusted dollars actually if you look at inflation adjusted dollars education spending as much. ed let me just wrap this is my take on this you know as a guy who founded a private school twenty years ago on it on the board thirty years ago i've been on the board all this time i know this business and i've written five books about it what happens when you win if you were if you were if you just take as christie eight hundred million dollars out of the public schools and give seven hundred seventy five million dollars in about years what you're going to see is those private schools are going to be picking and choosing the best kids and the kids that nobody can teach are going to end up in the public schools and that's good and we've already seen this happen several cities and you're just basically ghettoizing the problem is i will tell. you times well yeah you're creating an academic
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disaster as any other commodity futures trading commission slaps charges against who will speculators for their role in the two thousand and eight will price surge to speculators brought up eighty four percent of the april two thousand and eight. if only shorted in those jacking up the price then sold the oil back to make a big profit but not before they made even more money by placing a side bet that the price. well would crash which he did as they planned when they dump their futures so that's in this case of a couple of rich guys manipulating the price of the world's most important resource show that laissez faire economics doesn't work and that the tea tea party and the republicans just don't know what they're talking about economically should we regulate these markets or not or i mean before you live in the great country of capitalism and listen this is not capitalism going out on the enemy and you're not israel is gradually are you losing because a couple go now to order that says these guys are not capitalists they're not investing in a factory if you know your corner is a market and if you're distorting the market intentionally and doing so illegally
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and if you're proven guilty of doing so yet these guys should be prosecuted and you know that's as you have no goldman sachs makes a living and i think it was interesting as i look back at what is going on at that time this was like a trail baby trail era where we also had kind of this you know political panic about oil and gas prices and i think my posts show it that when you are so dependent on a particular you know energy supply that is running out we know that limits head and at work and on point points are support it is going to create problems again and again and again we've got to diversify our gas regulator serve a very important purpose i mean may help markets so yes they do not see regularly who yes they do how do. you know futures market the airline is able to lock down the price of oil they're going to be able future that's a good thing right why does a speculator coming into the market say i want to take eighty percent of the oil out of their markets you guys are going to have a big against each other for driving up the price and then dumping it back in and making money how does that help the market know you're talking about to speculators
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or no i'm talking about an entire industry that does this mean of the these guys the sin that these guys committed was that they didn't have to separate divisions doing these two separate things you know and communicating with each other they didn't call themselves goldman sachs those us every day this is the george soros model of making money well you could argue it was that's what it's not on and on like that he didn't curse humor. with the tide bought back in the ninety's and he has of and he has said this shouldn't be legal cannot be as long as video transparency there's nothing wrong with that there's nothing wrong with having a party that is very useful going futures know what happened is these individuals committed fraud and they manipulated the market but it it's very different if you have enough transparency and people are engaging in it's not using inside information there's nothing wrong with it live you can anybody be buying oil futures who's not going to take the livery of oil well because they're buying those futures because they think they can make money off it and they're going to not try
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to manipulate the price they're just trying what happens if the middle crisis you don't to go that if your line will rogers so you can make money off you're going to drive up the price of what happens when the price of oil goes up the price of food around the world goes up and people actually starved in two thousand not new i mean why it's ask even if you go back i know of many as. many entities that are going to ask you to corner the market and buy that much of the market ok all right we get this week pulitzer prize winning journalist in new york times reporter james ries was subpoenaed by the government an effort to force risin to give up his sources risin broke the news that the cia is undermining iran's nuclear program information that he obtained through a leak in the cia former cia officers and dated for his role in the leak the government says they need to rise and testimony in the trial rises and budgie so should journalists have a unity from revealing their sources is not a core american concept freedom of the press i think we're going to agree on this one i do think that it's important for journalists to protect their sources i am for free information and if somebody is leaking information they should probably
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get locked up for doing so if it's classified information and it's not part of an over classification of too much information if it's really important national security information they leak it to make that decision i get i don't think that any person that analyst level had the ability to make that decision but i also i mean i also agree i think will be probably bandings a great example of somebody you. should you have walked up. massive amounts of classified information clearly harmed our national security that's a guy who deserves if proven guilty because they know you have been locked up. some of the information you have to look at it two ways if you're the recipient the reporter receiving the information you have the right to do that you shouldn't have to disclose your sources but if you work for the government you get caught doing it using your position to get the information out there if you're breaking the law that structure works as you go in there understanding that this is the law and that you're making a choice to break you're going to come across or all three of you are disagreeing
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with the nuremberg principles that if you see your government committing a crime you don't have an obligation that you do have an obligation to publicize all you can do it but you have to understand what the consequences are right so let's let's not punish let's not let's not one hundred journalists but i think i think we executed i think it changes it i personally kind of go back and forth can't my case but where i stand very firm is on the side of the journalist that what's so important keeping what makes our nation great is our free press that's what makes us better than other countries if you ask me and tell them oh my god. this is that is that you know journalists can protect their sources in bradley manning's a great case i mean you look at his case it wasn't as if he was sifting through information and trying to get information out there specific information needed to be out there he was just didn't care about you know you got to go on was this video of american soldiers killing the two reuters journalists this is a crime now you know i mean i guess i don't use it it doesn't matter to know him because we haven't even heard statements yet but but. it is more dollars than again
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that if somebody knows that their government is committed a crime and and they don't leak it because they're afraid of being prosecuted that that for that saying that you're not you're not connecting dots here you know what his motivation was doesn't matter right and what he did i'm saying it doesn't matter and it's in the nursery trials does matter i think anything you want convention said i mean actually what's your. which isn't it always says how do we so don't want any part of it if i can i say something but i think i actually read the thought that part of it is that if it's what the content is and you decide you know what you're going to. miss or necessarily disagree that ok quick quick final question point for president obama's europe trip got off on the wrong foot on monday when his car got stuck in ireland.
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and then yesterday the president ended the week with another gaffe this time with the queen of england as he delivered a toast right through god save the queen the equivalent of speaking while the star-spangled banner is playing. to her majesty the queen. the fight to hell with the special relationship. between our peoples. and shakespeare to this. earth. this realm. this thing. that's painful for you. really had the worst week ever was it a guy new zealand who was blown up to twice its normal size after he fell on an air hose and turned to this poster be the guy who tried to join the mile high club
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alone on his airline seat i'll let you put two and two together on that one it was busted by the police or c. mason a dog who crawled on two broken legs all the way home after it was swept away by a tornado three weeks ago mason the dog clearly had the best week because he was able to make it home through adversity that's the american spirit but let me point out and that was a cringe worthy moment there for the president and no one likes to see our president embarrassed like that it was obviously a gaffe he didn't mean to do it however considering what he did there signing the westminster abbey guest book with the wrong year he said it was two thousand and eight in those photos from playing ping pong with david cameron if this had been bush i can only imagine the feeding frenzy that would be seen with all of us the media through i'm not the luncheon the prime. it was horrible to her nobody picked on oh really not not necessarily the best we can with they are going to visit and i am it was quite successful that we should be excited and happy to have been there and i'm going to have to go with the guy on an airplane. and i don't know how you
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define matheny of your friends are called billy graham and now i'm like yeah there you go broke into the protocol officer for the white house that did not brief the president how to do a toast to the queen but yes he or she butchered that helped butcher the briefing on that purse probably no one has a job. or d. the american people as the patriot act and big brother government was extended for four more years that would be like to god benson erica community brian brock darling thank you guys thank you thanks after the break a daily take on how breaking up four states could fix our dysfunctional suburbs. what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions to break through it through it if you've made who can you trust no one who is your view with the obama mission ridge where we had a state controlled capitalism is called sessions when nobody dares to
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every ten years the house of representatives gets reshuffled based on census data states may gain or lose congressional seats depending on how many people enter or leave certain states this is sure is that the house reflects the changing population in america as a result of last year's census the state of ohio is slated to lose for example two congressional seats in next year's election and since republicans control the state legislature in ohio they're picking off the progressive districts most notably the tenth district of ohio a district faithfully represented by dennis because senate for more than fourteen years now can sinuiju a leading voice among progressives has to look for a new district to represent just to stay in congress rumor has it he's been shopping around near seattle in wash and state which is gaining a congressional seat is that state's population has grown so while the house is constantly adding or subtracting congresspeople complaining and how many people have moved into or out of the various states guess what the senate is doing
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absolutely nothing that's because unlike the house which reconfigures itself every ten years the senate stays the same old son and other than adding entire new states hasn't reflected any changes in the population of america since it was created way back in seventeen eighty nine when our nation's first birth. at least in the modern constitution for genie in the most populous state back then head to seven years today still has two senators even those the twelfth most populous state back in seven hundred eighty seven when the current when they were writing the constitution a compromise was made to keep the small states from deserving the republic that compromise was that every state would get two senators regardless of the state's population back then for example virginia had roughly ten times more people than the least populous state rhode island but both had to sunders but today the most
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populous state california has more than seventy times the population of the least populous state wyoming at they both get the same representation in the senate two senators how does that make any sense as a result of this we have a handful of sparsely populated states mostly represented by republicans who conference than sixteen percent of the population but can dictate what the rest of the entire country does that's why during the last session of congress over two hundred pieces of progressive legislation passed out of the house of representatives a body that reflects the will of the people more accurately only to die in the senate at the hands of forty republican senators were only represent a very tiny slice of america because that's why they call the senate a place for good legislation goes to die but i have a plan to fix this mess it's the tom hartman for step plan to fix the senate. here it is step one break california into three different states there's no reason why
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a state that represents nearly one eighth of the population of the entire united states should have only one fiftieth representation in the senate break it into three states and you give four new democratic senators step to break texas into two states again why should a state that represents one twelfth of the population the united states only have one fiftieth representation in the senate by breaking up texas we create a new state with two probably democratic senators senators who i might add probably won't be pushing for secession and will let old texas keep all the slogans like don't mess with texas in the lone star state they can also keep governor rick perry step three break up new york into two states why should new york with more than one sixteenth of the total us population have the same representation in the senate as
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wyoming with less than two tenths of one percent of the total population and by breaking up new york we had two more democratic senators and staff for break up florida like new york florida represents about one sixteenth of the population of the entire country and should have more sway in the senate than one fiftieth blow up make new york state and new york city one state the rest of the state another and you just had two more democratic senators same with the southern part of florida and just like that by reflected by reflecting more accurately the population of america we grow the senate by tense all of them probably belonging to democrats. if we did this last year in the make up of the senate would have been sixty nine democrats and forty one republicans more than enough to overcome a filibuster and we have a public option option i agree may even have or be on the road toward a single payer system we have a clean energy plan we have
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a limit on corporate campaign donations we have stronger wall street reforms we have a new deal to put americans back to work so let's get to work breaking up the biggest states is a straightforward way to fix the senate and help fix america so i think five more stars of the flag would look pretty sure. and that's the big picture for tonight for more information on the stories we visited several websites to check out our websites of thom hartmann dot com and archie dot com also check out our you tube page as a you tube dot com slash the big picture arts week and you tube dot com slash tom parker and this entire show is available as a free video podcast i tunes and don't forget democracy begins with you get out there and show up your it will seem a bit. more
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