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tv   [untitled]    May 29, 2011 3:00am-3:30am EDT

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moscow with a gesture towards digital. upgraded an automated guided by gyroscopes propelled by our fluid engines russian voters really good. use of the future. the president of one of the republics that fought for independence from georgia has died in moscow aged sixty two. and often used as we round up the week the g. eight leaders unite to call for colonel gadhafi to go as moscow moves to mediate a cease fire in libya. the u.s. expands its military presence in poland headed its own missile defense shield and russia says it could spark a new arms race. the georgian opposition and international observers call on to police and to investigate an independent state crackdown on
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protesters which left two people dead. news and current affairs twenty four hours a day watching artie's weekly news if you will first the south the news that the president the public's president has died so he passed away early on sunday morning in a hospital in moscow what's he's tom possible. surrogate bar gaps came to moscow hospital last week for lung surgery it was reported but we have had difficulties recovering from that surgery and earlier today it was announced that he had died. was elected in two thousand and five as the president of our cause here with territory sandwiched between georgia and russia his defining moment as president came in two thousand and eight when the small country for toward independence against georgia
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it won not independence and other times was at its head until now so what now for the future of abkhazia well for the next three months his vice president will take control of the country while elections are held and a new president is chosen. weeks mainly. colonel gadhafi took a major blow at the g eight summit in france as russia joined voices with nato allies to quit he cleared his rule illegitimate discussed ways to broker peace. currency was also on the critical list for the world's richest countries as our teams on the tsunami reports. new world new ideas host france put that concept on the g eight table at a time when it looks like the old ways aren't working a war in libya on the front mind with the euro crisis in the background leads to questions like this and will sarkozy be known as the man who saved tens of
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thousands of civilians in benghazi or will he be known as the man who brought france to economic ruin in a never ending war in libya he must go g eight leaders agreed word for word in their declaration about the taffy saying he has lost all legitimacy now it's understood behind closed doors there was harsh debate on the sidelines russia was asked to step in and broker a cease fire it accepted and will send an envoy there still not so yes we are in touch with both sides lose forces in benghazi and represent. but we haven't broken diplomatic ties i think it's useful in any case because we're trying to make closer approaches which use only reasons for the escalation of violence which is still ongoing we discussed it at the g eight not that duration says that we could go after you regime has lost its legitimacy he must step down russia's approach to interfering in the internal affairs of sovereign nations differs dramatically from the west which appears eager to back some countries but not others and should
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choose to intervene in libya and does not suit is intervening in bahrain those and those rational economically is geopolitical it's not about human. nations agreed a twenty five billion dollars support package to arab nations that have toppled autocratic regimes and are struggling to build so-called new democracies along the euro there were statements like this that schools you know up because the euro a zero everything that could threaten the future of the euro will threaten europe as a whole so a huge spending cuts continue in an attempt to prevent euro extinction so will the mission in libya and the spending of billions create leaders might have reached consensus on could daffy but can the west now afford to course pick and choose politics even further russia's deputy foreign minister claims a resolution on syria one to even be read let alone signed by russia after the disaster in libya the question now what will happen to the rest of the arab world
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facing revolt for now only syria is a possible target with some g. eight leaders going as far to hint a u.n. resolution similar to libya could be an option if damascus doesn't back down something russia is more than likely to oppose reporting from the g. eight and he said no way our team to beat france. well middle east analyst are with but are we are told r.t. at the lack of political will of the parties involved and again call thanks is the cause of the stalemate there has to be political solution to this crisis in order to group good luck. of the car whether it's the union government or go who . will of simply this conflict. and the military strokes i think the goal was the accused the whole underside of nubile was that it would shift the balance of power to the rebels for we feel that the mission now is just
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driven by immersion and. i don't see here if you. end in sight. well libyan rebels a leader has told r.t. that once a good ol thing is gone let me know what's tickles the pics to bring you the full interview and hours time but here's some of what stuff. that's a second. army requirement is that one market up for your son should leave libya among those who served in the previous government that are many refutable people with whom we are really to have a dialogue so that they can become members of the executive bodies of the future of libya it's colonel gadhafi who's not so good at all of this in the first place if you prevent us from creating secure corridors for medicine and food supplies to those in need once he stops doing this route across break of a dialogue will open up through an intermediary.
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nato is losing its military potential their border with russia despite objections from moscow the u.s. says struck a deal to station fighter jets in poland but also house american intercepts in the south came during president obama's visit to also on saturday missiles which are part of the u.s. missile defense shield are to be in place by twenty eighteen russia has called for a joint system and washington wants to separate missile shield. summit on friday the russian person expressed concern about america's position. says washington's reluctance to provide guarantees level security at stake. know what sort of a border unless we reach a deal before twenty twenty in the us and to miss our system is finalized you could trigger a new arms race we have to get guarantees that this is tim is not aimed at us no one gave us any such guarantees we're being told it's against some countries that
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pose a threat when we ask you these countries are they keep silent then we ask do these countries have dangerous missiles no they do not and who has the missiles russia has to the conclusion is easy is saying to us not that you're going to. tell me that america's reluctance to provide legally binding guarantees on missile defense is any a stalling thought system come clean or blames divisions within washington. well they are talking about how to make this a joint system the question is what does joint mean at this point they're talking about sharing early warning information and other radar information which would be a step forward but before they can get there before they can get to a shared system russia needs to be reassured that this system is not aimed at it and again nato and the united states need to make a joint statement to russia saying that this istomin is not aimed at you this is them is no danger to you it's focused on dangers and threats from middle east not
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from russia there is the obama administration which very much wants a cooperative relationship on missile defense with russia and very much wants another arms control reduction agreement with russia certain republicans in the u.s. senate do not want those things so we have to make that clear distinction between what the ministration wants and what some members of the senate want so focusing on what the administration wants what russia wants they both want cooperation on missile defense and they both want to move on to a new arms reduction agreement and given that i think there's enough common interest to move that forward. but the minutes of the program the russians and say enough is enough when it comes to drug prices. this is how some of the activists are trying to stop the madness threat in the country with waterproof dye the citizen campaign to leave an indelible mark on dealers to make sure everyone knows who they are. is on its way. thousands of georgians have bade
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their anger known over this week's heavy handed response to the government protests of those scenes tear gas rubber bullets and also cabins against protesters and lisi who were killed in the fight it's it's national observers once georgia's excessive use of force. with this is it only police closing in on all sides and. a test is letting out war cry in main streets in tbilisi became a battleground. water cannons rubber bullets and tear gas to fight indiscriminately into the crowds many people were injured including a number of journalists parties in spanish correspondent was among those caught in the chaos the policeman appears ok they was very aggressive with the people they started it all the people they don't make any arms were nothing and then suddenly
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being so big pain in my stomach and realized it needed some kind of bullet it kind of bullet is rubber bullet and they give me i'm going to start. this exclusive the riot police didn't come as a surprise to any of us that it was the scale of the operation that was such a shock. when the police dispersed the crowds they were following my friends with the song goal to kill as. journalists have it in a thousand and seven protests that had also resulted in violence so police presence this time with even greater and just as. the violence all the more shocking given the age of many of the demonstrators. there's been topped by some people the still the revolution an older generation that family be in the crowd these people as struggling with life and high food prices in the aftermath worried relatives
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and friends searched the hospitals for missing people. we told them we came to find fifty million aged between twenty and forty people died when we don't know where they are on. the scene and they won't give us any information telling us to ask the police the numbers of people injured or arrested of prefix stream lehi cage we know a lot of people who are who have been arrested and government giving. any information about that there are now international calls for the government to investigate violations of protests human rights. of freedom of speech many protesters have paid a high price for trying to have their say and we are. i can't trust anyone anymore i'll never come to a protest rally again i just want to be safe and. yet pretends this is once again taking to the streets despite wednesday's violence people here are refusing to be
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silenced therof. serbian police are on high alert head of a rally against the arrest of former boston army chief that it he was captured on thursday after sixteen years on the ground to hear when he was sent to the hague on genocide charges he was indicted for war crimes including the killing of almost eight thousand muslim men and boys as reports from belgrade reaction to his arrest has ranged from outrage. official belgrade has called the capture of former bosnian general up on luggage a great thing for their country that sentiment has been echoed by many european officials but with serbia sights set so firmly on the chance of a potential e.u. membership and the billions of dollars worth of grant money that could come with it it seems that they are overlooking the wishes and feelings of the serbian people
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not a single person we have spoken to here in belgrade have said that they believe arresting the former general is a good thing or necessary for serbia to come to terms with its past many going as far as to say that the real criminal in this situation is the current president but his thugs who are selling out his people. are jews who believe he's the biggest criminal who said you know he's a serbian we deserve your blood he's our man he's our general right we could start each music parachuting into he would be eighteen. if the people who hate. the ear of the give to give to them the right to money you know what i mean so far belgrade has reacted quietly to the news of the munches arrest and potential extradition to the hague your crimes tribunal what's a large rally is scheduled for later on tonight we are expecting thousands of people
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to gather outside the parliament building in the very heart of the serbian capital belgrade and of course looking back remembering previous rallies when a former leader of one project was arrested and extradited to the hague thousands of people took to the streets of the capital they were forced violently dispersed by riot police and many are fearing that this situation could repeat itself if that if it is in fact extradited to the hague thoughts as some experts believe the absolute wealth of this people on the disappointment that they have for their government. actually keep them off the streets the thing is people have been so all disappointed about the outcomes of all these different demonstrations and unfortunately in serbia that there's lots of reasons to demonstrate over the years that the movie has missed dropping a little bit so i think millions of people are actually on help but they don't really trust anyone who actually calls them out to the street to demonstrate and
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they're also actually worried that the government should provide all the rest in order to make it easier. for the pressure or that it already is so for that reason it's hard to say the enthusiasm is there but there's a lot of missed a lot of mistrust even for opposition. originally official belgrade forbade any public gatherings following the news of a lot of his arrest hearing of course a repeat of the events of a few years ago when that out of the project was arrested and extradited to the hague in the war crimes tribunals but it does seem that every action undertaken by official belgrade is aimed not at the people of this country but at those within the european union who do have the ability to open its doors for serbia but even with the arrest of their own luggage and his potential extradition not everyone believes that serbia will finally get its dream e.u.
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membership. in the face. of russia has been upping the ante in its fight against drug trafficking and public awareness campaigns are producing only mixed results and that's not enough for some. also taking justice into the hands. it said all is fair in love and war and perhaps even more say in the war on drugs drugs that killed two point five million people every year across the globe and almost two hundred fifty men women and youngsters every day in russia alone some are fighting their own control virtual battle against the threat payson as customers they arrange to meet alleged drug dealers and once they have satisfied the suspect is a drug pusher they serve them a black mark and leave them red faced. people have to know their enemies like
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people will be afraid to go out because the next time police may be there. these guys are not alone in rushing there and conventional methods of fighting against drugs their colleagues from the drug free city movement have been accused of torturing addicts after they used handcuffs to force them to kick their habit they've also more struck to those houses to shame them in the community. it is our uprising against the drug dealers do you think it's better to sit at home and watch how the drug dealers will be killing you we managed to unite our forces and declare war to the drug dealers. sociologists a mob just as occurs when people become disillusioned by official afterwards but the public taking the law into its own hands is an unwelcome trend growth in the boardroom there are a lot of enthusiastic who are striving to eradicate this horrible evil by any means possible when their actions don't comply with the law the law is against them for
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sure we can eradicate this evil but only by legal methods that are over five million drug users in more than russia past amounts of money has been blown on reducing drug demand and treating addicts as statistics are just getting more and more gloomy. this is house they're not activists are trying to stop the madness threaten the country with waterproof dye they mark do as they say will have to hide from the public for at least three weeks some are skeptical about their methods are others even accuse them of all the goodies but the end to drugs event is argue their form of justice is worth it if it helps save at least one life. or if not r.t. moscow. on the way this hour including a look at what's hot in the frozen ocean. the discovery of which is the thrive in the sugary see at the bottom of the planet. it's been
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a rocky few weeks between israel and its biggest ally the united states first person to bomb a said israel should lie in the borders tonight and sixty seven. mr netanyahu told the u.s. congress this country won't give up occupied palestinian territories. it was the main obstacles a place. in town ports and peace deal is unlikely given america's unwillingness to challenge it. president obama's calls for peace under two state solution fell on deaf ears both with israelis for many from the mere mentioning of going back to pre nine hundred sixty seven border lines is unacceptable cannot do. so. because he is going to retrench and with the palestinians who believe there is nothing but words in what the u.s. president has said is that a fraction of pressure on it in you know the prime minister of israel or in
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israel's hour or so it's like process it's like a lose lose thing like it's very hopeless like we hear the right things now kind of implementation addressing the powerful pro-choice really lobby in washington president obama has made sure to reaffirm that no pressure would be put on israel to advance the process and he's proposed solution was because the friend's advice cannot be imposed on the parties to the conflict. no vote at the united nations will ever create an independent palestinian state and the united states will stand up against efforts to single israel out at the united nations or in any international forum israel's legitimacy is not a man afforded by analysts say the contradiction of words and deeds as being a constant source of global frustration about the u.s. foreign policy in the middle east one example feel bomb administration has called these really settlement expansion illegitimate but when it came to actually voting
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at the un security council to condemn the settlement expansion is illegal the u.s. veto the resolution the failure of the united states. effectively with the israel palestine issue. standards that we have virtually the president made a very strong case that we should not tolerate. their rulers but we do nothing when the i mean israelis do all these things for the palestinians the cost of all the pretty high in terms of our credibility and personally and internationally and that's not important as surveys suggest president obama's ratings in the muslim world are as low as ever experts say the inconsistency with which the u.s. reacted to different episodes of the arab uprising is to blame president obama's speech on thursday was seen as a way to reach out to the air war than say the u.s. supports men and women of the street as opposed to suppress the rulers but it seems
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he's worth resulted in more confusion about u.s. policies particularly when it came to these really palestinian conflict when obama said what he said in the last speech for the. most of the palestinians killed frustrated by the speech also i was reading with the israeli media. they are also. so i don't know. president obama is facing pressure from both the international community that has long been suggesting the three state solution of the ninety's if they ever want to live is part of that solution and if that lie is well we tried that proposal unrealistic president obama's attempts to please both the international community and it's real thing to have resulted in get another nonstarter in the middle east peace process i'm going to check out reporting from washington r.t. . some more of today's international stories we're covering for you this out and they tell us right in afghanistan helmand province is left at least fourteen people
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dead thought it was a surgeon's but instead to civilian homes was it follows an insurgent attack on the u.s. marine base in the region on saturday elsewhere a suicide bombing in the north has killed a senior police chief and five others including nato troops and he's commander was on the leaders of the movement and switch off against militants. everyone's president on the run from the struggle street have agreed a ceasefire after five days of clashes in the capital that left more than one hundred twenty people dead and gun battles began our presence they refused to sign a proposal review is here to step down. this week's fighting so fears that yemen could descend into civil war so the pressure to go after months of demonstrations demanding an end to his twenty year. there's a worry ahead for japan's fukushima nuclear plant as
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a powerful typhoon heads its way into the next day or so officials admit the facility is not fully prepared for winds so reactor buildings are wide open and it's from the storm might send radioactive material of the dead sea workers have been battling to fix another broken system five and. now if you ever go on a trip to antarctica diving into its icy season probably wouldn't be high on your to do list of some one it's just in the morning's work sean thomas meets those who are looking around to see all of the science. a backwards plunge into frigid antarctic waters certainly is not for the timid but this crew is making vis dive a regular experience all in the name of science. the main purpose of our trip to antarctica is to establish a foundation for monitoring different species living on the bottom of the ocean and
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we are studying the distribution of animals that live there and we are studying their nature each day during the short summer season this crew makes multiple trips out to sea where they get a firsthand look at what's below the surface. in this case one of the same biological community stretches from a depth of five to almost fifty meters there are certain variations but mostly the picture is the same it's impossible to say anything now it's too early to draw any conclusions we've got too little information just one sectional view working out of the cars the wonders of antarctica will not only help scientists identify the types of animals living here but by coming back over time they can study subtle changes in the environment and how the animals hard fact it by those changes in three to five years we will repeat the it's a collection and we can establish whether there have been any changes some animals might have gone and others may have replaced them we can establish why maybe there are some climatic changes that lead to changes among the populations so it will
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indicate whether it got colder or warmer here what they come up with can at times seem a bit questionable if not simply messy while other times they're catch is quite clear but in all cases important to their research so it is logon ships to russia what is then catalog and still sometimes new discoveries are made constantly because i'm cataloguing many new types of mussels my colleagues are doing the same we're always finding new unknown species proving that there is still much more work to be done and one of the world's coldest ecosystems in antarctica john thomas our team. and there were false antarctic expedition reports online few to watch anytime you like and r.t. dot com but here's what else we've got there for you this sunday russia will assume the putting bread on the table again by lifting the ban on world grain exports in a few weeks yes that's what i also. read west came east sunday
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marks the anniversary of american president ronald reagan's now not because it's meaningless and stop it about ransom which is what else and i started off. well the back of the headlines in just a few moments stay with us here a nutty. world
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. tomorrow's top jumpers come to moscow a quick dash for its digitized radar upgraded an automated guided by gyroscopes propelled by powerful you ancients russian movers ready to move. we've got the future covered. live nation free liquid intake should free liz george agreed.


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