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tv   [untitled]    May 29, 2011 4:00pm-4:30pm EDT

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tonight an artsy clashes in the serbian capital belgrade between police and protesters as thousands rally against the arrest of general. potential handover to the european court. also busted moves to washington police arrest a group of activists for dancing with the morrill to thomas jefferson the u.s. father of freedom. it is now reviewing the top stories of the past week get down feed must go g eight leaders united in the call for the libyan leadership to step with russia agreeing to be made to cease fire in the country's civil conflict. and georgia's independence day saw blood being washed out of the streets after police
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clamped down on protesters demanding the resignation of president saakashvili. watching the weekly around the top news stories from the past seven days my name is kevin owen it's midnight here in moscow and first thousands of people in the center of the serbian capitals tonight protesting at the arrest of the former bosnian serb army chief cold blood each piece of clashed with demonstrators as they rallied outside the parliament in belgrade the protest was organized by serbian far right groups who considered not ensure hero and his arrest an act of treason a corresponding catarina of a report. it looks pretty chaotic on the center of belgrade just outside parliament square we've got loads of you throwing grenades and stones at the riot police there on the streets over there if you can see them in full riot gear there are forming
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basically puja law and stopping people from moving around the city center we've also had a number of riot police vans drive off into the street it was pretty quiet for for the beginning for most part of the protest it was peaceful but then some you started throwing stones at the police sound grenades the police started hitting back using their batons basically just bursting the crowd right now i think what they're trying to do is segregate the protesters into smaller groups so they're easier to control and they're doing this by blocking off different streets around the parliament building and the square where we're standing right now at the moment this main street distorted off completely by the riot police and the protesters mostly have been driven away there in the streets surrounding the parliament building and basically trying to regroup throwing stones at the riot police
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throwing sound grenades basically shouting various abusive slogans at the riot police of course doing everything they can to prevent any further escalation of this violence but it does now look for the moment that everything is more or less quiet here in the center where the rally actually took place but we do know that most of the people here actually left and they are regrouping around the parliament building most of the riot police drove all following them and of course we'll be keeping you updated with exactly what happens tonight general about a lot of these of course awaiting the court's decision on his extradition we know that he still has until monday to appeal that extradition not many people here in serbia believe that appeal will be granted and of course if he does suffer the same fate as the. on the loss of each other one card which he will be extradited to the hague to face a war crimes tribunals are in charge of genocide and crimes against humanity while the president already started celebrates that as a personal feat and
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a win for his country bring him one step closer to a potential even membership the people here in serbia as tonight's events also show disagree. and the sleepy serbian village of laws that have almost nothing looks out of place people garden or simply visit their neighbors but one house has had far too many visitors in the last few days and a permanent police guard. initials on the doorstep are due on the uncle of former bosnian general an allegedly war criminal that out. it was here but after sixteen years the manhunt for him came to an end the house of former bosnian general was arrested belongs to his uncle which is no secret to anyone in the village or indeed the police despite regular visits to this house in all the years that what it was a wanted man the arrest was only made last week and many have already questioned that timing q one report stating that serbia refused to cooperate in the search for
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europe's most wanted man but most to assume membership negotiations would be cancelled a few days later the foreign affairs rep of the european union announced her upcoming visit to belgrade and hinted once again at the financial benefits for neighbors dean helpful serbia really wants to be helpful all. the. some kind of promise whose old problems now those during the think it will be the first time in history that a wretch has jumped onto a sinking ship capturing europe's most wanted man on the day atop a representative is in town is certainly an achievement but really it finally allowed serbia to get one foot in the door to the union large and commissioner for . he said well this is just. a step closer to yesterday but they still need to do major reforms etc the arrest of the ambitions of serbian
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president boris tadic couldn't have been spelled out any clearer but his european farsightedness has caused him to overlook what's happening in his own country he's a serbian with his serbian blood he's our name he's our general right. he's the biggest criminal these feelings have already cost protests to erupt across the country and judging from past experience namely the arrest of another war crimes suspect spark of hope could certainly lead to large scale fires of public interest catherine as are about our team belgrade serbia. several people being forcibly arrested in washington. thomas jefferson memorial among those held was presented to us. he told me police in america for public safety to control the population. you can see from the video footage that while we were doing was entirely peaceful we were expressing ourselves through dance the police force in
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america does not exist for public safety it does not exist to provide for the needs of the people it does not exist to solve crimes or hunt down criminals it exists to generate revenue for the government and control the population and what we did in our demonstration yesterday was the true brutal nature of the police force and the kind of people who are kind of thugs the mentality of those who make up that police force the people who think it's ok to vavi slam somebody and show somebody because they're doing something that you don't like and their excuse yesterday was that while we were doing was causing a disturbance of the memorial and actually making it impossible for other people to enjoy the memorial and if you compare that to the disturbance caused by their arrest which led them to shut. down for about thirty minutes they were clearly the greater disturbance we had out there from a little high n.b.c. affiliate kicked out of the memorial and didn't even reported i mean that's how sad the american corporate media these guys were there they were filming the interview
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before the event they got it all on camera they had their cameramen in there recording this thing and the cops keep them out they failed to report that fact or any of the incidents of police brutality that happened yeah that moment as i was highlighting what you're talking about just now principal of in the dodson say the police violated their right to free expression it is called the big doesn't it in the us constitution that guarantees of freedom of speech and meeting if you look at what i was doing a lot of people are saying there's no way you could get arrested for dancing because you can't dance and i said. that i don't think it meets the cultural definition of dancing what i was doing well on any legal definition of dancing but if there is some legal definition that says moving the body in a rhythmic way of some guy legally qualifies as dancing i gotta give it that the officers because if you see that video clearly i deserve to have. for a coke is this the exhibit earlier on but still a bit duffy suffered
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a major blow at this week's g eight summit in france as russia joined voices with nato allies calling on him to quit they declared his rule illegitimate and discussed ways to growth of peace there are still big differences on syria meantime with russia saying it won't back any u.n. action that is in this in our report. new world new ideas host france put that concept on the g eight table at a time when it looks like old ways aren't working a war in libya on the front line with the euro crisis in the background leads to questions like this will sarkozy known as the save tens of thousands of civilians and garcia well he is the man who brought france to economic ruin never ending war in libya he must go g eight leaders agreed word for word in their declaration about gadhafi saying he has lost all legitimacy though it's understood behind closed doors there was harsh debate on the sidelines russia was asked to step in and broker
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a cease fire and accepted and will send an envoy and we are in touch with both saw it's the new forces in benghazi and representatives. we haven't broken diplomatic ties i think it's useful in any case because we're trying to make closer approaches and reducing the reasons for the escalation of violence which is still ongoing we discussed it at the g eight and decoration says that we could not be regime has lost its legitimacy gadhafi must stick down russia's approach to interfering in the internal affairs of sovereign nations differs dramatically from the west which appears eager to back some countries but not others it's an interest to intervene in libya does not shooters intervene in bahrain those and those rational economic and geopolitical and not about unity. nations agreed a twenty billion dollars support package to arab nations that have toppled autocratic regimes and are struggling to build so-called new democracies but on the
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euro there were statements like this because you know it is the euro everything that could threaten the future of the euro will threaten europe as a whole so while huge spending cuts continue in an attempt to prevent euro extinction so will the mission in libya and perspective of billions to leaders my. every consensus on could daffy but can the west now afford to push pick and choose politics even further russia's deputy foreign minister claims a resolution on syria won't even be read let alone signed by russia after the disaster in libya the question now what will happen to the rest of the arab world facing revolts for now only syria is a possible target with some g. eight leaders going as far as a hint a u.n. resolution similar to libya could be an option if damascus doesn't crack down something russia is more than likely to oppose reporting from the g. eight and he says now a r t v france with colonel gadhafi now increasingly isolated
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and mater jets intensifying their attack some experts believe russia's role as a mediator is crucial for peace but more common from build university in turkey says winning is more important for the alliance than the go see. the rebels feel they have the support of the nation how true is some of the arab states so they have really shown much interest in. all those early on. and i suspect unless those who come from decided that they were. also to achieve a military victory the major countries may decide perhaps we will russia will be able to act as a leader but i suspect the moment. where you go to. is more likely. we've brought a close or his options which makes a. very difficult to imagine. comments from the libyan rebels leader was staffer
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who told us that r t that once colonel gadhafi is gone and he says it will be no obstacles to peace. mere acquirement is one where gadhafi and his son should leave libya as among those who served in the previous government about that are merely refutable people with whom we are really to have a dialogue and so they can become members of the executive orders of the future of libya it's colonel gadhafi who is an obstacle to all of this in the first critical you prevents us from creating secure corridors for medicine and food supplies and intervals in need but once he stops it lingers for the prospects of a dialogue will open up through an intermediary. and just for miles you can see the full interview on air in twenty minutes time here on this channel r.t. from moscow. the u.s. has per head of plans to build up its military in eastern europe but it's telling russia not to worry a new agreement will see fighter jets deployed in poland which moscow says is
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alarmingly close to russia's borders the former part of a u.s. missile defense shield and we are in place by twenty eight russia's repeatedly called for a joint system but washington wants to separate missile shield at the g eight summit friday every two or whether said he is not happy with america's position and warned of an arms race if no deal is rick. what's at the border unless we reach a deal before twenty twenty in the u.s. and he misses our systems finalized it could trigger a new arms race we have to get guarantees that this is tim is not aimed at us no on gave us any such guarantees we're being told it's against some countries that pose a threat when we ask you these countries are we keep silent then we are asked do these countries have dangerous missiles no they do not and who has the missiles russia has said look inclusion is easy and seemed to us. experts were telling us say that about it because reluctance to provide legally by the government is about
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missile defense is aimed at stalling talks on a joint system come clean or blame if it's because of divisions within washington. but well they are talking about how to make this a joint system the question is what does joint mean at this point they're talking about sharing early warning information and other radar information which would be a step forward but before they can get there before they can get to a shared system russia needs to be reassured that the system is not aimed at it and again nato and the united states need to make a joint statement to russia saying that this system is not aimed at you this system is no danger to you it's focused on dangers and threats from middle east not from russia there is the obama administration which is very much wants a cooperative relationship on missile defense with russia and very much wants another arms control reduction agreement with russia certain republicans in the u.s. senate do not want those things so we have to make that clear distinction between what the ministration wants and what some members of the senate want so focusing on
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what the administration wants and what russia wants they both want cooperation on missile defense and they both want to move on to a new arms reduction agreement and given that i think there's enough common interest to move that forward. moving ahead a controversial one of the drugs russian vigilantes wage their own unconventional war on narcotics dealers saying your thought is aren't doing enough we've got a report a story coming up shortly tonight also this too. when the research and exploration is done the guys here have to have something to do i'm john thomas in antarctica and coming up on our t.v. we explore the daily life around one thousand station. great series of reports from shawn though more of that to come but next george's independence day was supposed to create and celebrate liberty but there was little freedom of speech for those wanting to hold the government to account for corruption they were pelted indeed with rubber bullets and tear gas as they tried to make their voices heard calling for president police resignation the opposition claims some of their supporters
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might have been beaten to death. reports of a brutal crackdown on protesters in tbilisi. with thousands of only police closing in on all sides and angry protesters letting out war cries in main street in tbilisi became a battleground. in tear gas fights indiscriminately into the crowds many people were injured including a number of journalists teasing spanish correspondent was among days caught in the chaos the policemen appeared ok he was very aggressive we did people he started all the people they don't make any friends with nothing and then suddenly being sold it pain in my stomach. relates he hit me with some kind of bullet it kind of bullet is probably in the evening and then they started to. deploy into the riot police didn't come as
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a surprise to any of us then it was the scale of the operation that was such a shock. when the police disperse the crowds they were following me my friends with the sole goal to kill us. journalists covered in a vendor two thousand and seven protests that also resulted in violence so police presence this time was even greater and just as. the violence all the more shocking given the age of many of the demonstrators. there's been tarred by some people the silver revolution an older generation that they may be in the crowd these people are struggling with low pensions and high food prices in the aftermath worried relatives and friends searched the hospitals for missing people. we told them we came to point b. fifty men aged between twenty and forty people there and we don't know where they are we come to the hospital but they won't let us in and they won't give us any
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information telling us to ask the police the numbers of people injured or arrested of pretty extreme li hard to carry each but we know a lot of people who are arrested and government giving garson information involving unfortunately. two more. persons have small and i'm afraid this people are very happy to go until. there are now international calls for the government to investigate violations of protesters human rights talks of freedom of speech many protesters have paid a high price for trying to have their say. but i can't trust anyone anymore i'll never come to a protest rally again i just want to be safe and live yet protesters have once again taken to the streets despite wednesday's violence people here refusing to be silenced. r.t.
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tbilisi. the presenters of the cars even republicans died so gave a gasp she was sixty two passed away early on sunday morning in a moscow hospital doctors say failed to recover from complications after a recent lung surgery gaps was the head of a car's years since two thousand and five elliptical cage a republic for its fight for independence from neighboring georgia which would achieve three years ago the next three months by government vice president will take over the country until a new beatles elected. two hundred fifty people die every day from drugs here in russia alone with laws and public awareness campaigns apparently losing the battle to save lives so armed with their own methods some russian vigilantes are on the warpath against drug dealers but it's not his reflection or reports now they're not always welcome. gates said all is fair in love and war and perhaps even more say in the war on drugs drugs that kill two point five million people every year
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across the globe and almost two hundred fifty men women and youngsters every day in russia alone. some are fighting their own controversial battle against the threat tasers customers they arranged to meet alleged drug dealers and once they have satisfied as suspect is a drug pusher they serve them a black mark and leave them red faced. people have to know their enemies would do work like this people will be afraid to go out because the next time police will be there. these guys are out alone in rush in there and conventional methods of fighting against drugs their colleagues from the drug free city movement have been accused of torturing addicts after they'd used handcuffs to force them to keep their habit they've also marks drug dealers houses to shame them in the community but it is our uprising against the drug dealers do you think it's better to sit at
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home and watch how the drug dealers will be killing you we managed to unite our forces and declare war to the drug dealers. sociologists a mob just as occurs when people become disillusioned by official efforts but the public taking the law into its own hands is an unwelcome trend we're through north of the border there are a lot of enthusiastic who are striving to eradicate this horrible evil by any means possible to win their actions don't comply with the law the law is against them for sure we can eradicate this evil but only by legal methods there are over five million drug users in morden russia vast amounts of money has been blown on reducing drug demand and treating addicts but statistics are just getting more and more gloomy. this is how some moscow activists are trying to stop the menace threatening the country with waterproof di they must do as they say will have to hide from the public for exist three weeks some are skeptical about their methods
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are others even accuse them of hooliganism but the antidrug vigilantes argue their form of justice is more fit if it helps save at least one life. written option r r t moscow. well we got more reports about russia's daily battle against drugs on our website r.t. dot com if you want to finish it so with more information while you're there as well the stories are getting a lot of interest israel fearing an escalation of border violence is egypt relaxers restrictions of its crossing with gaza supporters say it will help alleviate the humanitarian crisis in the strip show you could have you would as well culture without story. also a glitch in a u.s. prison computer system did the unthinkable what we released over a thousand dangerous criminals on the streets of california find out what went wrong and our teeth of course. world news in brief afghan president hamid karzai has issued a last warning for american and nato forces after more civilians were killed in the
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suspected coalition air strike two women in twelve children died in afghanistan's volatile helmand province after nato troops opened fire on the target was supposed to be insurgents but instead civilian homes were fired on nato says it was in retaliation for an attack on a u.s. marine barracks in the region saturday. over two hundred suspected al qaeda government of taking control of the yemeni provincial capital after two days of heavy fighting the opposition accuses president saleh of surrendering to stoke fears of a terrorist threat it comes after you have been sleeve tribal chief agreed a ceasefire following five days of clashes that killed over one hundred twenty people so there is under pressure to go forward months of protests it is twenty years. life of the of the earth might seem surprised and lonely but scientists working on top tick of a few ways toward the long polar nights thomas experiences a day in the life of
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a south pole place. building sounds and station it is one of seven permanent russian research stations in antarctica but it's not just the location that makes this place special life here is anything but ordinary. but if you go on you know antarctica you have to have a well developed instinct of self-preservation instincts of kamerad or e if you don't have that you won't be able to help each other because in critical situations here people are more open we're kind and are always helping each other there's a lot in each summer around forty people call this place home and only sixteen people live here year round each day is run according to a strict schedule of business hours are between eight in the morning and ten at night where researchers work in their labs and in the field while the rest of the crew work around the clock to keep the place running. every year is getting better and better ideally life and everything else we renovate all our buildings and machinery is getting newer and we hope the new people in the team get used to it. but every person living and working in antarctica have to earn their
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own house or whether you're a scientist a researcher a mechanic or even a journalist you have to do chores and if they gathered together to clean up the brooch. long hours added responsibility and isolation from civilization certainly can take its toll on a person. so finding time to relax in antarctica is just as important as the work. in this edition i always have something to do when i need to relax i enjoy playing pool well we don't have a store here to buy alcohol tonight i have my hubby here that i can always get busy with i still have some unfinished work to go for myself to finish them. and as billings hausen is a true russian station life here wouldn't be complete without a traditional danya. but not only does the buildings housing crew keep each other company. when there's a need for even more culture there is outreach to the other stations as well.
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actually. the station didn't go then it is their own place to get crazy to get you know mad about being well only about being on topic because here we have lots of different international activity and with all of our trainees culina away in france korea and friends all of them trying to keep one big family and many people working together to make their home at the bottom of the planet seem more comfortable in antarctica sean thomas r t. one of the most extreme environments on the planet this is antarctica and people have to be aware that they're far away from civilization sean paul has discovered makes antarctica so special and attractive for many life in antarctica. and.
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expeditions to the bottom of the earth. prices report from show he's got few more for you as well coming out of that. stuff you makes now in a few minutes tonight we talked to a libyan rebel official to find out how the opposition sees its future right now liberating chart ahead that other sports are with kate after that's not reverse shock russian exit at the french open so that stuff pans out here on r t for moscow the city of monday morning the thirtieth of may i'm kevin oh thanks for being with us.
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if. you live not only next to the big guns of egypt but also on the border of peace and war. they're responsible not only for themselves. but also for their loved ones . they are ready to take any risk. to. the streets.


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