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tv   [untitled]    May 30, 2011 3:00am-3:30am EDT

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them. grows in serbia over the arrest of russia from that which is the former bosnian serb army chief of the hills against his extradition to the hague for genocide. america's new wireless system terror threats and disaster of those your mobile government is accused of wanting to spread fear by thunder. europe is pushing its preferred candidate to take over the i.m.f. asked for phone calls from the rest of the zero to russia india china and south africa say it's time for an outsider to get
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a job. and person market based groups with strongly in the black held by the pilot world price the r.c.s. me myself off the solitudes he is expected to be quite low today partly because the markets in the u.k. and the u.s. are closed for public holiday more in business in twenty minutes. and online twenty four hours a day this is our team welcome to the program europe's most wanted war crimes fugitive is waiting for a serbian court to decide on his appeal against extradition to the hague former bosnian serb general that it is charged with the worst atrocities since world war two but back in belgrade thousands rallied outside parliament to support a man they consider a national hero of course server explains. the outcome of that is of course
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expecting to hear what the court will decide concerning his appeal against his potential extradition to the hague the court's decision is due today of course on that matter and we do know that a repeat of last night's violence is possible for earlier the meeting of some ten thousand people in the very heart of belgrade just outside the parliament building turned violent at some point with the youths as throwing stones bottles and firecrackers at the riot police riot police started throwing things back and at that point a decision to disperse the crowds was made they were a very efficient but also quite brutal in their dispersal we saw some people getting beaten with police the taunts being detained we know that a number of people were injured and i actually saw some people whose faces were covered in blood most likely from being hit by one of the rocks that were flying
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overhead a large amount of bricks literally bricks huge rocks just flying up through the crowds at the riot police it wasn't up to long before the riot was actually over the local authorities that lead up the streets in a matter of minutes all of the overcurrent rubbish bins all the broken the glass everything that was on the streets was gone in a matter of minutes and order restored but some riot police forces still remain in the heart of the serbian capital monitoring the situation of course keeping in mind events of a few years ago with the arrest of former political leader that other projects belgrade exploded in violent protests and it could be possible that a similar thing could happen which is why many have actually said that it is possible serbian officials will extradite him as quietly as possible so in order to avoid protests but of course while serbia official belgrade so. liberated the
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capture of former bosnian general about a lot edge as a great victory for this country a necessary step for serbia to come to terms with its past and hopefully open the door into any future for most of the people of this country the rest is nothing but a betrayal. and the sleepy serbian village of laws that have almost nothing looks out of place people garden or simply visit their neighbors but one house has had far too many visitors in the last few days and a permanent police guard. initials on the doorstep for the one on call a former bosnian general an electorate war criminal. it was here that after sixteen years the manhunt for him came to an end the house of former boss in general was arrested belongs to his uncle which is no secret to anyone in this village or indeed the police despite regular visits to this house in all the years that watch was a wanted man the arrest was only made last week and many have already questioned that
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timing q one report stating that serbia refused to cooperate in the search for europe's most wanted man but most to assume membership negotiations would be cancelled a few days later the foreign affairs rep of the european union announced her upcoming visit to belgrade and hinted once again the financial benefits for neighbors deemed helpful serbia really wants to be helpful. to the e.u. is some kind of. old problems now. i think it will be but first time in history that a wretch has jumped on a sinking ship capturing europe's most wanted man on the day a top representative is in town is certainly an achievement but will it finally allow serbia to get one foot in the door to the union large and commissioner feely he said well this is just today serbia is the closest thing. yesterday but they
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still need to do major reforms that the arrest of accommodates the ambitions of serbian president boris tadic couldn't have been spelled out any clearer but his european farsightedness has caused him to overlook what's happening in his own country he's a serious being with his serbian blood he's our man he's a general right it's. hard to choose he's the biggest criminal in the city these feelings have already caused protests to erupt across the country and judging from past experience namely the arrest of iran and other war crimes suspect be a spark of hope could certainly lead to large scale fires of public unrest catherine as are about r t belgrade serbia. coming up how the fear of terror attacks is keeping americans in check. and makes people valuable it makes them obedient and. terrorists rights the
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us government plans to keep everyone nervous with something that they're full of details and you know. first the motto of protect and serve rings hollow for some of america's boys in blue a group of activists in washington than the rest of this weekend dancing at the jefferson memorial well presented i don't call question was among them he was wrestled to the ground and troops by an officer caught on camera here's his account of what happened. you can see from the video footage that what we were doing was entirely peaceful we were expressing ourselves through dance the police force in america does not exist for public safety it does not exist to provide for the needs of the people it does not exist to solve crimes or hunt down criminals it exists to generate revenue for the government and control the population and what we did in our demonstration was the true brutal nature of the police force and the kind of people the kind of thugs the mentality of those that make up that police force the
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people who say it's ok to body slam somebody and show somebody because they're doing something that you don't like and their excuse yesterday was that while we were doing was causing a disturbance of the memorial and presidential you make it impossible for other people to enjoy the memorial and if you compare it to the disturbance caused by their arrests which led to then what shutting down the moral itself down for about thirty minutes they were clearly the greater disturbance we had a reporter there from a local mom and d.c. affiliate kick out of the memorial these guys were there they were filming the interview both or the event they got it all on camera they had their cameramen it in there recording this they and the costs keep them out. of the excessive use of force by police to every a restrictions of the patriot act. in turn moves i think within the us since the events of nine eleven are now president obama has agreed to extend their the eyes and paolo's this very important i reports he among those will
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soon be able to text terra rightly to people cellphones. the country that created i phones. has more than three hundred million wireless users and in the name of national security the u.s. government will soon have a direct link to each and every handheld device it's like a piece of this is it's there for a good reason to hope that we never have to pull the trigger gathered at the scene of the september eleventh terrorist attacks federal in new york city officials joined the c.e.o.'s of the four largest wireless carriers to announce the nation's new tech tools an alert system enabling the president and government agencies to blast every american with text messages warning of terror threats weather disasters and kidnappings the cell phone alert system will launch in new york city and washington d.c. by the end of this year expanding nationwide there after wireless users may have
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the option of not receiving certain alerts but americans will not be able to opt out of messages sent by the u.s. president opponents say politicians are promoting more fear while providing little protection now we have a system of mandatory and inescapable alerts through every cell phone in the land and the event that the government decides that something is happening that we ought to know about now just as the introduction of the patriot act came right after nine eleven so this new kind of technological invasion comes to us without any public discussion right after the assassination of osama bin laden and why you professor and author mark preston miller says americans are living in an age of creeping authoritarianism and scare tactics they use fear for any kind of government that creates more control over people's thoughts is that it makes people
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malleable it makes them obedient i mean you go to any airport today. you can see this in action people are taking off their shoes meeting they getting groped under the auspices of airport safety babies senior citizens and everyone in between must now endure pat downs or pass through body scanners before boarding in the case of muslim americans that may not be enough six days following the killing of osama bin ladin for a moms on two separate u.s. flights were illegally kicked off planes for looking suspicious and you have a few who who can can can and rouse you know you both emotions you know enough people who they play on people's emotions to play on people's ignorance about islam and muslims you see and also this was created a climate of fear you see if you see something suspicious in the parking lot or in the store say something immediately in december the department of homeland security
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began encouraging americans to report suspicious activity to the country's largest food retailer wal-mart's partnership with washington has been accused of perpetrating a climate of panic and subsequent need for more surveillance you need to create an enemy for people to rally behind and less wars and the fact that we're spending over fifty percent of our taxes on war and our national defense when there's really no threat directly to this country they need to keep this spending following the assassination of enemy number one and american lawmaker called for an increase in rail safety funding and the creation of a no ride list as u.s. officials warn of more terror threats following good lot and death many americans remain concerned others are left wondering about the dangers for seeking too much liberty for security in a fortnight or r.t. need. a few minutes deeply cheap energy consuming when the.
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stakes are high hopes that shale gas is greener the tensions around question. the race to run the international monetary fund of there is not so much about where the candidate comes from europe traditional decides who gets the post and the e.u. is already pushing its preferred choice making it hard for others to get a look in before leading emerging economies say it's time someone else how to get. the brics countries of brazil russia india china and south africa are going to take no for an answer. it's a change they don't believe in with the former director dominic stross current out of the financial picture they're going to zeeshan is looking for a suitable replacement and while the current financial situation in europe may suggest a new approach is needed to solve the problems by looks of it the i.m.f. will go in the other direction the weight of tradition and also the fact that there
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has been a long standing debate between the united states and europe the u.s. will have the world bank and europe has the fun i'm sure the europeans would convince all leading thinkers on the matter that at this juncture you still need someone familiar with the problems of the eurozone the runner up is the french finance minister christine legarde and while europeans hill her is one of the strongest economists in the euro zone some remain skeptical about her progress and christine lagarde comes the next. i think the short run of woodridge bear. more of the same as long as they can sustain its own obvious you know greece maybe at the edge of default. perhaps even leaving europe so they may not be able to meet. the train is for them to continue to try greece's debt just want to fight spain unfortunately are too far ahead and sick to find
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themselves in a very similar situation. very soon still why must there be you know now what happened to promises of friendship basis some at first seem to. be so i think better if christina guy does get the job i think it would be a betrayal of the i.m.f. . if you remember dominic straus can only a few months ago had said that there should be a change in the global order specially since india and china over the last three or four years have been the world's largest economies and it's india and china. they have really pulled the world out of the economic slump that it has been in the last few years one of the world's most powerful organizations the international monetary fund has the power not only to receive countries but to plunge them into despair take russia for example some say they're going to play a crucial role in bringing about the default of one nine hundred ninety eight which
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left thousands of people and desperate i remember when the soviet union broke up and the i.m.f. and the rest of the g seven prescribed economic advice to the new russia and it was completely disastrous this complete leashing of the of the russian economy appetite completely destroyed russia in several ways and i think that's what the i.m.f. has done to several other economies bailing out greece and i've you know bailout for portugal italy and spain are also on the cards sex scandal spoken pledges deepening debt as europe attempts join tyndall itself from its fiscal chaos it seems clear that a new approach is vital to stay afloat but the international monetary fund seems to focus more on keeping rising economies out of the picture and on solving the many problems it now faces. but in just over an hour from now r.t. hears from one on european government support the top job ahead of kazakhstan's
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national bank says it's about time europe's monopoly ended some of what he has to say. developed countries and european countries and would like to maintain the status quo which is not necessary for any and i think the changes. of. the earth are probably big. enough it's about. developing countries for serve themselves and their implications for system maybe it was for in one thousand fifty's and sixty's but not for. or more. as fuel prices rise to painful levels for most consumers think access to cheap gas has become very tempting for world leaders america is keen to tap its own reserves of oil gets. opponents of brass of stocks as well could be
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a boost for europe's energy self-sufficiency but there is a big price to pay for security in advance of reports. it's cheap it's readily available and it's made in the united states washington has to shill gas as the next best thing and energy development over the past five years the u.s. has invested billions of dollars into the filter bringing cheap energy to consumers shill deposits like deep underground and unlike natural gas chambers widely available in the u.s. which means the country doesn't have to be hands on overseas import go out for the shale revolution stemmed from high gas prices us the main question right now is how will the shale gas industry survive now the gas prices are one hundred two hundred fifty dollars a barrel which is four times less than they were five years ago when children element began. another potential plus of shale of course is stopping countries on russia which supplies most of europe with natural gas rights now it's more holds
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then facts and we have really to think realistically about this source of energy we don't want to think in the terms of cause in russia like america have fought some are already suggesting that it shall deposits are found to europe russia will lose the benefit of selling resources to other countries but been haven't so gus grown taller don't seem to be losing any sleep over the likelihood of these iraqi was prospect and arab countries like france have already put in place a ban on shale gas extraction on their territories. we're watching the situation and we think that locally is very viable but it will remain a local gas supply it's impossible to extract last for long if you look at the shale gas whereas right now you'll see most of them were losing money.
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show gas may be easily available but its development does not come cheap and if i was you were to go. you must drill horizontally incessantly and that means the profit margin of the process gets lost very fast with court filings are put out and it's environmentally and human friendly status is also in question about what the board is lots of chill gases extracted by hydro fracking that means special chemicals are added to the water to break up rock formations the components of these chemicals are kept secret by the companies in the united states who claim it's a commercial secret with dark water laced with chemicals ends up in drinking water so shell gas development poses a serious threat to the environment and. chill gas may be forced on its way to becoming a total game changer on the u.s. energy markets but like any seeming miracle cure show gas may prove yes and out a full and dangerous economy if you don't purchase of r. t.
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. but now at some other international news this hour security forces in yemen have opened the car of protesters in the southern city killing at least twenty people scores of others were taken to hospital with gunshot wounds right. police tried to storm the central square and government demonstrations are simple thanks for day it's country's been rocked by protests for months. but the afghan president has given what he says and since last warning to the state of the twelve children killed in a suspected winter night raid this strike was supposed to target surgeons to civilian. clothes i want the us to stop what he called arbitrary operations strikes against militants have increased since about terrorists out of towns which usually kill some. lessons endeavor shuttle
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has undocked national space station after completing its mission at them six. every crew carried out all space walks to finish building construction and devils lost seven touchdowns to wednesday sister ship atlantis and final shuttle flight into not before the fleet is going to return it. on syria is reportedly planning to incorporate wherever its controversial nuclear program according to make the documents from the past three years syria has rejected talks with the international atomic energy agency countries suspected of secretly building a reactor that could be used to make nuclear weapons. we'll have more background and analysis on developments in syria at all to dot com what's online right now of course from inside the us chris to assess whether the arrest is a genuine people score the change at the top of criminal gangs question you know
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record spring. force one lot of ultimate org check out the check or festival. draw our troops to send for summer theater of course more so from the venerable god it's all on our producer. across talkings i mean whether it's time for the i.m.f. to call it a day before that we get this is updated just a few minutes stay with us.
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hello and a very warm welcome to the business bulletin russia is only lifting its grain export ban as drought and flooding threat crops from europe to the u.s. the government says the country has nothing. with exports to start from the first of july than was imposed last summer after the war was drawn to the central slash the harvest in russia was once the second largest exporter in the world and let's hope the resumption of exports who helped drive down prices which have jumped almost eighty percent in the past year. russia central bank will today figure out how to deal with the country's headline inflation which is currently double the e.u. average twelve sided interest rate which regulates the amount of money in circulation the rates risen twice this year because inflation grew ahead of forecasts there are
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signs of consumer prices easing but they are still a major concern. russian economy is still suffering from the lack of saves we know that there is a reserve fund will discuss the savings but russia population doesn't feel safe much so louis inflation pressure in the facial rate will be very much in the world into a similar fashion household to want to see more and also you know in the long term plans because the cut understand that inflation is extremely bad for investments now it's very hard to plan again this week keys for the next then deistic you are not quite sure that the official rate will stay the level but see if the civil suits the sun and the station is flocked to a round the way to eight to ten percent so this is result in there high uncertainty for the companies their concert in the russian household which cannot plan their spending so as a result i think inflation is clues that the. full disclosure
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a strong performance last week russian equity and a broadly dumbell trend stocks changes a raise the past quarter gains and enough however at some levels. after a healthy correction russian equity is gathering momentum. what we've seen certainly with m i six is that in recent in recent months has moved up from a level of five hundred although up to two thousand and then you start to come back off in the last two months or so down to around about fifteen sixteen hundred and the move down has been increased economic concerns with what's going on in europe with what's going on in the middle east and on the back of a potentially a general economic slowdown but what we're seeing is renewed interest in russian stocks so all that money has come out i do think that money could come back into the russian market in the next few days in the in the coming weeks as well. time for a quick look at the markets let's start with the price of oil well it's slightly lower
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on monday with the end rest in the middle east and africa still remaining major concern is trading at just under one hundred dollars per barrel while the branch plant is close to one hundred fifteen dollars. and in asia the stocks are mixed this monday the hand saying is on the rise let buy brands and financial shares come with a poor performance of chinese stocks as capping the gains in japan the strong again waves of supporters i think a finished interrupt both just marginally. and here in moscow the stocks are higher this hour with investors waiting for central bank sitting on its key interest rate both the artist and my six are getting around three tenths of a percent now have a look at some of the individual show moves on the my six oil majors the flight this hour meter perth prices going well telecommunication companies are on the rise with last telecom copper around point three percent. now russia's busiest airports are scorching the brakes on its one to london i.p.o.
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. is spoken in the show float because a week to month it was planning to release twenty percent of the stock to try and raise up to one billion dollars five russian companies failed to enter the london market this year including the retailer you are set and russian helicopters. that's a business for now you can catch up with all the latest business stories on our web site archie dot com slash business.
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culture is the same i think the taxpayers' money i mean when i sit here and a real mess created by issues of romance and even legitimacy as the jostling continues i was going to succeed and now disgraced so many cross cancun in thailand nazis available in the cold bankole can see i'm square otoh super to look three hotels bangkok sign on the landmark hotel bank on the watergate hotel and custom one princess hotel mary called john hotel bank oh my oh gee sweet hotel bank called the imperial queen's pokers house made results and spun its own shores in toto new supply and spawn just had fun the hotel golden cliff results and spun the indian how to be a one world cruise hotel atar discovery beach hotel.


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