tv [untitled] May 30, 2011 4:00am-4:30am EDT
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former bosnian serb army cheap deals against his extradition to the hague for genocide and crimes against humanity as dozens are injured and more than a hundred arrested during a rally supporting right become that which the serbian capital. terror and disaster alerts brought yourself to washington wants to warn the public of possible threats that would see groups say it's taken the fear factor to find out. why europe's debt means it shouldn't choose to follow suit top of the international monetary fund the world's emerging economies demand in forces.
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it's twelve noon here in the russian capital you're watching artier the prime minister able to our top story europe's most wanted war crimes fugitive is waiting for a serbian court to decide on his appeal against extradition to the hague former bosnian serb general not it is charged with the worst atrocities since world war two a crack in the great thousands rallied outside parliament to support an under he consider a national hero correspondent catherine reports. the outcome of that is of course expecting to hear what the court will decide that surrounding his appeal against his potential extradition to the hague the court's decision is due today of course on that matter and we do know that a repeat of last night's violence is possible for earlier the meeting of some ten
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thousand people in the very heart of belgrade just outside the parliament building turned violent at some point with the youths throwing stones and bottles and firecrackers after riot police riot police started throwing out things back and at that point a decision to disperse the crowds boys made they were a very efficient but also quite brutal in their dispersal we saw some people getting beaten with police the taunts asan being detained and we know that a number of people were injured i actually saw some people whose faces were covered in blood most likely from being hit by one of the rocks that were flying overhead a large amount of bricks literally bricks huge rocks i just flying through the crowds at the riot police it was in doubt too long before the riot was actually over local authorities cleaned up the streets in a matter of minutes all of the overcurrent rubbish bins all the broken glass
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everything that was on the streets was gone in a matter of minutes and order restored but some riot police forces still remain in the heart of the serbian capital monitoring the situation course keeping in mind events of a few years ago with the arrest of for a political leader that i thought i j h l a great exploded in violent protests and it could be possible that a similar thing could happen which is why many have actually said that it is possible serbian officials will extradite him as quietly as possible so in order to avoid protests but of course while serbia official belgrade so. liberated the capture of former bosnian general logic as a great victory for this country a necessary step for serbia to come to terms with its past and hopefully open the door into an e.u. future for most of the people of this country the arrest is nothing but
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a betrayal. and the sleepy serbian village of laws that have almost nothing looks out of place people garden or simply visit their neighbors but one house has had far too many visitors in the last few days and a permanent police guard. initials on the doorstep are to unlock the uncle of former bosnian general and allegedly war criminal about. it was here but after sixteen years the manhunt for him came to an end the house of former bosnian general radical knowledge was arrested belongs to his uncle which is no secret to anyone in this village or indeed the police despite regular visits to this house in all the years that not it was a wanted man the arrest was only made last week and many have already questioned the timing q one report stating that serbia refused to cooperate in the search for europe's most wanted man but most to assume membership negotiations would be cancelled a few days later the foreign affairs replicate european union announced her upcoming visit to belgrade and hinted once again at the financial benefits for
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neighbors again helpful in serbia really wants to be helpful. to the e.u. is some kind of time of. the problems now if serbia bills during the think it will be the first time in history that a wretch has jumped on a sinking ship capturing europe's most wanted man on the day a top representative is in town is certainly an achievement but really it finally allows serbia to get one foot in the door to the union large and commissioner feel like you said well this is just. the closest thing. yesterday but they still need to do major reforms that were the arrest of outcome a lot h.t.m. bishan that serbian president boris thought it couldn't have been spelled out any clearer what his european farsightedness has caused him to overlook what's happening in his own country he's a serial being with the serbian blood he's our name he's our general right it's.
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hard to choose. the biggest criminal in the sudan these feelings have already caused protests to erupt across the country and judging from past experience namely the arrest of another one car another war crime suspect serbia a spark of hope that certainly lead to a large scale fires of pop icon artist catherine as are about our team belgrade serbia. well coming up how the fear of terror attacks is keeping americans in check . it makes people malleable it makes them obedient. wiretaps and terror attacks in the u.s. government plans to keep everyone who works with something. the details in a few moments. but first the motto of protect and serve rings hollow for some of america's boys and in the group of activists in washington one hundred and the rest of this week and dancing at the jefferson memorial center
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was among them he was wrestled to the ground and choked off of course on camera his account of what happened. and you can see from the video footage that while we were doing was entirely peaceful we were expressing ourselves through dance the police force in america does not exist for public safety it does not exist to provide for the needs of the people it does not exist to solve crimes or hunt down criminals it exists to generate revenue for the government and control the population and what we did in our demonstration was frozen through the true brutal nature of the police force and the kind of people who kind of thugs the mentality of those made up that the police force the people who think it's ok to a body slam somebody and show somebody because they're doing something that you don't like and their excuse yesterday was that while we were doing was causing a disturbance at the memorial and presidential you made it impossible for other people to enjoy the memorial and if you compare that to the disturbance caused by
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their arrest which led then was shutting down the moral itself down for about thirty minutes they were clearly the greater disturbance we had a reporter there from a local of my n.b.c. affiliate kick out of the memorial these guys were there they were filming the interview with the floor of the event they got it all on camera they had their cameramen in there recording this thing and the cops keep them out. of the excessive use of force by police today encroaching restrictions of the patriot act their innocence in term of sight and question of the since the events of nine eleven the presence of as a way to extend the. pows and as we're in a point in our records and among those will soon be able to text that's directly to people's cell phones. the country that created i phones. has more than three hundred million wireless users and in the name of national security the u.s. government will soon have a direct link to each and every handheld device it's like
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a piece of this is going to it's there for a good reason for you hope that we never have to pull the trigger gathered at the scene of the september eleventh terrorist attacks carol in new york city officials join the c.e.o.'s of the four largest wireless carriers to announce the nation's new tech tools and alert system enabling the president and government agencies to blast every american with text messages were running out of terror threats weather disasters and kidnappings the cell phone alert system will launch in new york city and washington d.c. by the end of this year expanding nationwide there after wireless users may have the option of not receiving certain alerts but americans will not be able to opt out of messages sent by the u.s. president opponents say politicians are promoting more fear while providing little protection now we have a system of mandatory and inescapable alerts through every cell phone in the land
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and the event that the government decides that something's happening that we ought to know about now just as the introduction of the patriot act came right after nine eleven so this new kind of technological invasion comes to us without any public discussion right after the assassination of osama bin laden and why you professor and author mark crispin miller says americans are living in an age of creeping authoritarianism and scare tactics they use fear for any kind of government that would create more control over people's lives and thoughts is that it makes people malleable it makes them obedient i mean you go to any airport today . and you can see this in action or meekly taking off their shoes moving to getting groped under the auspices of airport safety babies senior citizens and everyone in between must now endure pat downs or pass through body scanners before boarding in
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the case of muslim americans that may not be enough six days following the killing of osama bin ladin for a moms on two separate u.s. flights were illegally kicked off planes for looking suspicious and you have a few hate mongers who who can can can. evoke emotions in people who they play on people's emotions who play on people's ignorance about islam and muslims you see and also this was created a climate of fear you see if you see something suspicious in the parking lot or in the store say something immediately in december the department of homeland security began encouraging americans to report suspicious activity to the country's largest food retailer wal-mart partnership with washington has been accused of perpetrating a climate of panic and subsequent need for more surveillance you need to create energy for people to rally behind analysts wars and the fact that we're spending over fifty percent of our taxes on war and our national defense when there's really
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no threat directly to this country and they need to keep this spending in following the assassination of the enemy number one and american lawmaker called for an increase in rail safety funding and the creation of a no ride list as u.s. officials warn of more terror threats following the law and death many americans remain concerned others are left wondering about the dangers of forsaking too much liberty for security cordon i am r.t. new york. but i think that's why the king for cheap energy consuming money. u.s. has high hopes the shale gas that's mean tensions are in question. the race to run the international monetary fund is not so much about who as to where the candidate comes from europe or tradition decides who gets the post but he was already pushing its preferred choice making it hard for others to get
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a look in the for leading emerging economies say it's time someone else erica. reports on how the are brics countries are brazil russia india china and south africa don't take no for an answer. it's a change they don't believe in with the former director dominic stross current out of the financial picture there in addition is looking for a suitable replacement and while the current financial situation in europe may suggest a new approach is needed to solve the problems by looks of it the i.m.f. will go in the other direction the weight of tradition and also the fact that there has been a longstanding deal between the united states and europe the u.s. will have the world bank and europe has the fun i'm sure the europeans would convince all leading thinkers on the matter that at this juncture you still need someone familiar with the problems of the eurozone is the french finance minister christine lagarde and while europeans heal her as one of the strongest economists
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in the euro zone some remain skeptical about her progress and christine lagarde complex. i think. more of the same because one is that you can sustain it's not obvious you know greece. default and. even leaving europe so they may not be able to maintain these policies but the trend is for them to continue to try greece is debt is one of the high speed unfortunately are too far ahead and soon to find themselves in a very similar situation. person asking why it was to be even now and what happened to promises of friendship basis some at first seem to have very short memories i think that if christine guys get the job i think it will be a trio of the i.m.f. . if you remember dominic strauss only
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a few months ago had said that there should be a change in the global order specially since india and china over the last three or four years have been the world's largest economies and it's india and china that have. really the word out of the economic slump that it has been in the last few years one of the world's most powerful organizations the international monetary fund has the power not only to receive countries but to plunge them into despair take russia for example some say they're going to zation played a crucial role in bringing about the default of one nine hundred ninety eight which left thousands of people and desperate i remember when the soviet union broke up and the i.m.f. and the rest of the g seven prescribed economic advice to the new russia and it was completely disastrous this complete sort of thing of the russian economy appetite completely destroyed rational in several ways and i think that's what the i.m.f. has done in several other economies building are greece and as you know bailout for
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portugal italy and spain are all for under god sex scandals broken pledges deepening debt as europe attempts to untangle itself from its fiscal chaos it seems clear that in your approach is vital to stay afloat but the international monetary fund seems to focus more on keeping rising economies out of the picture than on solving the many problems it now faces it involves r.t. . well i did this r.t. hears from one on european and he's a guy who supports for i.m.f. top of the head of kazakhstan's national ranks says it's about time europe's monotony ended some of what he has to say. developed countries and the european countries would like to maintain this the people's work which is not necessarily for here and i think change is. already started probably we do not go far enough. developing countries are sort of
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themselves and their own projections for system maybe it was for in nineteen fifties and nineteen sixty s. but different for in a more. the russian grain that will soon be flowing abroad once again exports were stopped last summer because their record breaking drought and heat wave decimated crops but more on this let's talk to you the other team is there still you there what's changed to allow shipping to resume. here at the russian government to saying the country has enough grain storage and the panchen now believe it you're absolutely right to say that the plan has been in place since last summer after the worst drought in a decade to really hit russian crops but also worth mentioning that russia was the world's second biggest exporter and this then definitely contributed to global cereal prices surging to record highs well the lifting of the raises hopes that
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record breaking wheat prices good weather exports from russia are unlikely to be record so far i take time for shipments to resume so concerned also whether it crops around the world mean the significant price drop should be expected in the near future or in business about two minutes. here thanks for that. but those fuel prices rise to painful the horse for most consumers getting access to cheap gas and can't return for world leaders america is keen to tell its own reserves of shale gas is now laying out poland's massive stocks as well it could be a boost for europe's energy self-sufficiency there's a big price to pay as a country. it's cheap it's readily available and it's made in the united states washington has hailed shale gas as the next best thing and energy development over the past five years the u.s.
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has invested billions of dollars into the filter bringing cheap energy to consumers shale deposits like deep underground and unlike natural gas shale is widely available in the u.s. which means the country doesn't have to be planned on overseas import go out for the shale revolution stemmed from high gas prices the main question right now is how the shale gas industry survive now that gas prices are one hundred two hundred fifty dollars a barrel which is four times less than they were five years ago when shell development began for another potential plots of shale or is it still in countries dependent on russia which the glides most of europe with natural gas rights now it's more holds then facts and we have really to think realistically about this source of energy we don't want to think in the terms of cause in russia like america have thought some are already suggesting that it shale deposits are
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found to europe russia will lose the balloted of selling resources to other countries but been hadn't stopped gus braun tuller don't seem to be losing any sleep over the likelihood of these new records prospect and owner of countries like france have already put in place a ban on shale gas extraction on their territories women because we're watching the situation and we think that locally it's very viable but it will remain a local gas supply it's impossible to extra gas at a loss for long and if you look at the shale gas suppliers right now you'll see that most of them are losing money. chil gas may be easily available but its development does not come cheap about what you order to get shale gas you must drill horizontally incessantly and that means the profit margin of the process gets lost very fast. and it's environmentally and human friendly status is
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also in question with the board the chill gases extracted by hydro fracking that means special chemicals around into the water to break up the rock formation the components of these chemicals are kept secret by the companies in the united states who claim it's a commercial secret dark water laced with chemicals ends up in drinking water so shell gas development pose a serious threat to the environment and health. show gas may be fast on its way to becoming a total game changer on the u.s. energy markets but like any seeming miracle cure show gas may prove yes and out a full and dangerous economy if you don't touch of our t. . but that got some other international news this hour security forces in yemen have opened thora protests in the southern city killing at least twenty people scores of others who were taken to hospital with gunshot wounds and injuries caused by tear gas police tried to storm the central square where i am to government demonstrations are taking place from its country's been wracked by
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protests for months with a presence and. the operator of the plans for the shimmering nuclear plant has admitted it will be possible to stabilize it certainly before the year's end tepco had pinned it's hopes on getting the stricken station a change of again the works been delayed by meltdowns at three other reactors threats of leaking radiation as a result of the earthquake and tsunami which. the afghan president has given what he says is his last warning to the united states twelve children and two women were killed in a suspected nato like ray. they struck were supposed to target insurgents but struck two civilian homes instead amid karzai earlier all of the u.s. to stop what he called arbitron operations strikes against militants creased sense taliban terrorists rather than tense which a mission in the killing of sullivan love. syria
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is reportedly planning to cooperate with us very good controversial nuclear program clinton we don't commits costume wars syria has injected talks with the international atomic energy agency the country suspected of secretly building a reactor that would be used to make nuclear weapons. but i thought we had more background other narcisse on the ballots in syria at all it's a dot com let's take a look at what's on the line there right now to me with quotes from inside the us goes to assess where the rest is a genuine people school to change the talk on criminal gangs and she needn't explain. also at all it's a tough call check out the check off festival it's an opinion american from the troops at the center of some of its across most venerable other new guard details on a website. or
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darkly headline shortly but first series here at the business update. that's right carrie time to catch up with all this business news russia is finally lifting its grain export ban as drought and flooding threatening crops from europe to the u.s. the government says the country has enough crane storage with exports to start from the first of july and the ban was imposed last song after the world's drought in a century slashed the harvest in russia which was spawns the second largest exporter in the world and this hope the resumption of exports could help drive down global wheat prices which have jumped almost eighteen percent in the past year. the rush central bank has held up interest rates despite concerns about high inflation
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prices in russia are rising at twice the european every church has prompted to rate increases this year because such as there are signs price pressure is easing although inflation will raise a major concern. russian economy is still suffering from the lack of savings you know that there was it was it fun with these us they'd save the russian population doesn't feel safe much so louis inflation pressure in the facial grades will be very much in the world and to still it's russian dolls will want to save more and also you know in the long term class because the couple in the sun that inflation is extremely bad for investments it's very hard to plan again this week peaceful not steady is if you are not quite sure that the official rate will stay the level but see it several since the sun and inflation is fluctuates in around the rate of eight to ten percent so this is result in their file certainly before the companies there are higher and certainly for the russian pulse on which plan they are
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spending so as a result this new conflation is blue is that right that. time for a quick look at the markets world prices slightly lower on monday with the unrest in the middle east and africa still remaining a major concern. is stable at about one hundred dollars per barrel and grantees just below one hundred fifteen dollars. the market sentiment remains mixed in asia japanese shares ended lower in sluggish trading it concerns over a contribution before a string of japanese and u.s. economy data for hansen inch high on monday health by banking shares which rose as short term rates in china fell suggesting an easing of liquidity. and european stocks opened flat to slightly high on monday the footsies closed for a public holiday and while the germans acts as a core through percent this hour however shares are on also around two percent off
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to media reports that the german government closed all of its nuclear plants by twenty twenty two. and finally here in the higher this hour though just marginally traders of course is ahead of the release of input. because two later this week including domestic industrial output figures tuesday and do your jobs report on friday investor sentiment is also have been dampened by the lack of news from the u.k. and the u.s. where markets are closed for a public holiday on monday let's not have a look at some of the individual the my six well majors the down this hour i mean for with current prices going well telecommunication companies are on the rise with telecom up around point seven percent. nice and has suspended production and it's only plans in russia to trade on lack of car parts the plans global component distribution was just after the company's main japanese plant was hit by a whole whether neeson hopes production in russia will you know that's.
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border of peace and war. they are responsible not only for themselves. but also for their loved one. they are ready to take any risk. the be. the big. jump in the streets in large. more than a month. in one of the most extreme environments on the planet this is and charge it up and people have to be aware that they are far away from civilization sean thomas discovers flight makes on started just so special and attractive for many the wildlife in antarctica is closing and the floods are.
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