tv [untitled] May 30, 2011 9:00am-9:30am EDT
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twenty years ago the largest country. to such a. janitor . where did it take. general run game larded shuffling sex addition from serbia to the european war crimes court and i made a wise public gang of them being sold out so will brussels. despite the support of most serbs europe's most wanted man it's most likely going to be sent to the hague all the details from belgrade in just a few moments. the u.k. sends apology an accomplice in libya to increase pressure on colonel gadhafi but nato troops could be a greater weight steve. on terror attacks said critics say presidential alerts sends direct him about things in the u.s. that to a c.
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climate the timing. of the business news russia says it's ready to resume the export of grain after maintaining about the labels to find out more business salty and plenty of it is. very welcome to you this is all a team from moscow europe's most wanted war crimes if you ship the sets to appeal in the serbian course against his extradition to stand trial in the hague for more goals in the server general run game luggage is a challenge with watering the mud all the around eight thousand muslim men and boys in one thousand nine hundred five covered in a lot of it is outside the court in belgrade and not many people here in serbia believe that a lot of his appeal will actually be successful despite his deteriorating health conditions. and of the. all the efforts made by his lawyers and his family to
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prevent him being sent to the hague war crimes tribunal now we know that today is the last day that an appeal counsel made on behalf of our commodities by his lawyer he came out of the courthouse a little earlier saying that that appeal will be posted today and after the court receives that appeal it then has to read days to decide on whether to extradite the man or not his lawyer however saying that he might not make it to see the trial. you won't even live to see distorted his trial and genocide charges and ask for a battery of independent doctors to examine the sixty nine year old health condition they capture about kolob which was one of the key conditions for serbia for a potential entrance into the european union and of course access to the billions of dollars worth of ground a that could come with it but for the people here it's nothing but
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a betrayal and that's exactly why they took to the streets of the capital yesterday holding some ten thousand people rally in the very heart of the serbian capital belgrade nearly three thousand riot police deployed to keep the peace but of course that didn't happen to somebody you started throwing stones and bottles lighting firecrackers all things went flying out riot police literally saw bricks flying at riot police shooting them on their helmets on their shields riot police then made the decision to disperse the crowd and started hitting them everybody and anybody basically with their butt taunts trying to disperse the crowd separate them so of course they would be easier to control and we know that nearly thirty people were injured as a result you personally saw lots of people walking around with their faces covered in blood presumably from being hit by one of those rocks that were flying overhead we also know that over one hundred. people were detained following those arrests
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most of them are under the age of eighteen. was artie's competent as of in belgrade following developments of the possible extradition of rod came out it's well for more on this that's not a lot of blood wearing the former chairman of the all party british parliament group he joins me live now from london this is where many thanks for being with us here and do you think that militants will get a fair trial if he's extradited to the hague. because certainly the crime in srebrenica was so great that justice must be done the book must be seen to be done because the and of course there's been so much in the news about. the world at the time the really really difficult to be completely objective now what many people are asking is why is the hague seemingly so keen to prosecute alleged war crimes committed by
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serbs fog appears to leave the other sides in the conflict alone why for example isn't isn't the tribunals interested in war crimes allegations against the former bosnian general. kossovo i mean this has been touchy. well i. i'm not at all surprised because when the law of conflict was out it's how it the western media including the british media was far from objectivity and i will understand why the serbian people demonstrated against the rest of my love each because of course across them to the fact that the western media always gave a bad name during the conflicts and i oafs i've seen for myself a war cry in past years at a place called blog which was completely ignored by the media and about to go
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photographic evidence of the massacre of. civilians in the town. now the serbian government by some in the country has been accused of actually using that it's the sort of call getting chipped to get its must decide e.u. membership do you think that his arrest will actually land belgrade entry into the . well and all that serbia even when i was going there so often during the one nine hundred ninety s. was very keen in the long run to become part of the european union. a lot think of a mixed blessing so that as we've seen from public opinion in our own country and the crisis of the euro fifteen countries like greece. from the e.u.'s perspective doesn't actually need. that but what can it actually brings to the union. world it probably doesn't absolutely need to be as
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a member but serbia is in a very important part of your job it's certainly a link between hong and greece to existing members of the your you and i think that will be there will be an advantage for the transporters. within the european union. going back to the rest of night it's now the serbian president boris tadic said he believes that knowledge is a rest will help to bring the region a step closer to reconciliation do you think that really is the case. i think it probably will be because of course the serbian government has been told by the european union for some time that. if we collaborate. go to war criminals or alleged war criminals. will make it easier for it if your new
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european community. so i think probably yes i hate cold wearing former chairman of the all party british yugoslav poetry group many thanks speaking to us. britain is stepping up pressure on that colonel gadhafi by deploying apache attack helicopters in libya armed with bunker busting bombs well it comes as nato is chief says the libyan leader's reign of terror is nearing an end but as artists or emmet reports the case decision seems to be moving far beyond mere humanitarian objectives. an inexorable trend towards escalation that's what analysts are calling british involvement in the libya conflict as the u.k. prepares to send in apache attack helicopters. they can fly low they can fly slow so they can hit targets that force jets cannot hit from the air they also evolve the term out of risk they can be shot down much more easily than
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a fast jet so the possibility of greater personal be captured on the ground has just gone up the apaches which will be joined by a contingent of french helicopters can maneuver in built up areas and attack fairly small targets they'll make it easier to take out arms stores and target places where colonel gadhafi may be hiding it's part of prime minister david cameron strategy to turn up the heat in libya they seem to think that if they quote the u.n. resolution at the same time as they call for regime change it's a kind of guarantee. frankly they're involved in the civil war in. helicopters apache helicopters there the intensive bombing of tripoli going on this is a war about regime training helicopters markedly the latest escalation of this conflict following the no fly zone in advisors to train the rebels introduce train patrols and by the first week of may have
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a nearly six thousand strike sorties with tripoli subjected to the heaviest bombing . a recent you go pull for the sun tabloid newspaper showed less than half of britons now support the intervention in libya but that number is likely to plummets once u.k. troops are in significantly more danger just like we've rarely crops or god forbid we lose ten people happened we. don't even think about it so the issue is we haven't dropped any blood yeah we've dropped tens of millions of pounds which we haven't got but not one single one of the people who was going up and the game of the p.r. . people have marched against the libya war here in the u.k. but in small numbers compared to the million man march the had to be invasive that rock helicopters bring the fighting closer to the ground with a high risk of death and grew up with this now the government might be able to
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defend that as long as the new strategy makes big progress but it doesn't many see the next step as troops on the ground in clear defiance of the u.n. resolution that is out the original mayflies day to be enforced in libya you're ever see. and it's going to live in minutes past five here in moscow here's what else is ahead if we at this hour busters it moves american sends out a call and she was struck by police adult thing out to thomas jefferson memorial in d.c. firsthand account coming. down the gloves are off the world's biggest emerging economies demanded a break from the tradition of putting the european in the top position at the international monetary fund. well so many has been held for the late president. to his body was laid in state in the russian capital so she died of lung
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cancer at a moscow hospital on sunday while many leading politicians including president the vid of. came to pay their last respects but ups was sixty two years old and had let up here for the last six years during its struggle to retain independence from georgia sovereignty was recognized by russia in two thousand and eight following the georgian military assault on another caucasian republic south of setia bug up his body will be flown to up overnight his funeral will be held on posting. now in america big brother has a mobile and he's learned how to text the u.s. government now has a system which can send emergency alerts to everyone from visits to terror threats the warnings will go straight to people's phones but as marina port ny reports many feel it's creating needless panic. the country that created i phones. has more than three hundred million wireless users and in the name of national security the u.s. government will soon have
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a direct link to each and every handheld device it's like a piece of this is going to it's there for a good reason to hope that we never have to pull the trigger gathered at the scene of the september eleventh terrorist attacks federal in new york city officials joined the c.e.o.'s of the four largest wireless carriers to announce the nation's new tech tools and alert system enabling the president and government agencies to blast every american with text messages warning of terror threats weather disasters and kidnappings to cell phone alert system will launch in new york city and washington d.c. by the end of this year expanding nationwide there after wireless users may have the option of not receiving certain alerts but americans will not be able to opt out of messages sent by the u.s. president opponents say politicians are promoting more fear while providing little protection now we have
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a system of mandatory and inescapable alerts through every cell phone in the land in the event that the government decides that something's happening that we ought to know about that just as the introduction of the patriot act came right after nine eleven so this new kind of technological invasion comes to us without any public discussion right after the assassination of osama bin laden and why you professor and author mark crispin miller says americans are living in an age of creeping authoritarianism and scare tactics they use fear for any kind of government that craves more control over people's lives and thoughts is that it makes people malleable it makes them obedient i mean you go to any airport today. you can see this in action people are meekly taking off their shoes and moving to getting groped under the auspices of airport safety babies senior citizens and
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everyone in between must now and your pat downs or pass through body scanners before boarding in the case of muslim americans that may not be enough six days following the killing of osama bin ladin for him alms on two separate u.s. flights were illegally kicked off planes for looking suspicious you have a few hate mongers who who can can can evoke emotions you know enough with people who they play on people's emotions to play on people's ignorance about islam and muslims you see and also this war is creating a climate of fear you see if you see something suspicious in the parking lot or in the store say something immediately in december the department of homeland security began encouraging americans to report suspicious activity to the country's largest food retailer wal-mart partnership with washington has been accused of perpetrating a climate of panic and subsequent need for more surveillance you need to create an enemy for people to rally behind the endless wars and the fact that we're spending
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over fifty percent of our taxes on war and our national defense when there's really no threat directly to this country and they need to keep this spending following the assassination of enemy number one and american lawmaker called for an increase in rail safety funding and the creation of a no ride list as u.s. officials warn of more terror threats following the law to death many americans remain concerned while others are left wondering about the dangers of for seeking too much liberty for security. archie new york. you don't expect the police and lead to leave you can believe without the exactly what happened to a group of people who flouted a law on dogs saying activists holding a flash mob at the thomas jefferson memorial in washington d.c. this weekend while not a handle on arrested america out of court and she was among them with slabs of the ground and choked on officer all of it caught on camera but he told us. but you can
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see from the video footage that while we were doing was entirely peaceful we were expressing ourselves through dance and actually there to express our objection to a court ruling for monday that the dancing was pretty because it was not in spirit with the memorial in the way that's how most and thomas there was an insult wanted to be remembered and i knew right away that that was another absurd use of government crowd and we had to stand up against that and say no that's not acceptable if you look at what i was doing a lot of people are saying there's no way you could get arrested for dancing because you can't dance we had a reporter there from a local n.b.c. affiliate out of the memorial and didn't even report it i mean that's how sad the american corporate media is these guys were there they were filming the interview would be before the event they got it all on camera they had their cameramen in there recording this thing and the cops kicked them out they failed to report back
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back or any of the incidents of police brutality that i guess. when i was on call can skipping his account of what happened at the thomas jefferson memorial where you can watch the video in full on our website asante dot com here's what else you've got lined up for you right now. calvin a son of a scrutiny as reported on sports and i got faces an inquiry into whether the state funds to cover up his extramarital affair adds. and three hundred fifty thousand dollars for a few filled words russia site beery is ready to splash the cash for a new month so find out why and with his people in affection dot com. the raise took on the international monetary fund is not so much about who but where the counterfeit const from europe traditionally decides who gets the case and the e.u. is aware decommissioning is preferred choice. making it hard for others to get
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a look at but the five leading emerging economies say it's time someone else had a go report on how the brics countries of brazil russia india china and south africa are refusing to take no for an answer. it's a change the souls believe in with the former director of common extras card out of the financial picture they're going to looking for a suitable replacement and while the current financial situation in europe may suggest a new approach is needed to solve the problems by the looks of it the i.m.f. will go in the other direction the weight of tradition and also the fact that there has been a long standing by the states and europe the u.s. will have the world bank and europe has i'm sure the europeans would convince all leading thinkers on the matter that at this juncture you still need someone familiar with the problems of the eurozone the right is the french finance minister christine legarde and while europeans hill her is one of the strongest
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economists in the eurozone some remain skeptical about her progress and christine lagarde. more of the same as long as they can sustain it's not obvious you know. need. defog and perhaps even leaving europe so they may not be able to meet. the trade is for them to continue to try places is one of the heights in portugal are too far ahead and soon to find themselves in a very similar situation. numbers are asking why must there be given the help and what happens to promises of fresh faces some of them at first seem to have their memories i think if christine does the job i think it would be a betrayal of the i.m.f.
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. if you. only a few months ago had said that there should be a change in the global order specially since india and china over the last three or four years have been the world's largest economies and it's india and china that have. the word out of the economic slump that it has been in the last few years one of the world's most powerful organizations the international monetary fund has the power not only to receive countries but to plunge them into despair take russia for example some say they're going to play a crucial role in bringing about the default of nine hundred ninety eight which left thousands of people can lists and desperate i remember when the soviet union broke up and and the rest of the g seven prescribed economic advice to the new russia and it was completely disastrous this complete. of the russian economy appetite completely destroyed russia in several ways and i think that's what the
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i.m.f. has done several other economies bailing out greece and as you know bailout for portugal italy and spain are also under gods sex scandals broken pledges deep in debt as europe attempts to antenatal itself from its fiscal chaos it seems clear that a new approach is vital to stay afloat but the international monetary fund seems to focus more on keeping rising economies out of the picture than on solving the many problems it now faces it involves r.t. . thank you some world news few brief for this hour and germany has agreed to shut down all of its nuclear power plants by twenty twenty two making it the biggest industrial power to give up on atomic energy the reversal in government policy follows a crisis in japan's fukushima plant in march triggered mass protests across germany almost a quarter of the counties and that the power is provided by stations and the government is now seeking alternative sources. security forces in yemen have shot dead at
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least twenty protesters in the southern city of ties but he's trying to storm the bangs where the center of anti government demonstrations. refuses to step down despite nonsuch protests and strong opposition to try and. this is a yemeni warplanes have carried out their strikes on hundreds of al qaeda militants seized the system will be. i've used of five people have been killed and dozens injured of the twin bomb blast in the afghan city of head out to suicide bombers attacks and it's honey and run based on a number of other insurgents tried to get inside the taliban recently declared a spring offensive in afghanistan or the violence follows a recent natally strike in the country which killed fourteen civilians most of them children. well in just a few minutes he said it means to be
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a good soldier first though there is business news for dimitri. circle of the tar called the international film festival in the fall of russia from may twenty third to twenty ninth featuring two hundred films from forty eight countries thirty five russian premieres and fifteen tries winners from the girl in venice film festival appearances by race clients hundred. don't get dozens of forums discussions of workshops the circolo he international film festival fine cinema for a demanding audience. alone a warm welcome to business with. russia's finally lifting its grain export ban as droughts and flooding crops from europe to the us the government says the country
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has enough grain in storage with exports to start from the first of july the ban was imposed after the worst drought in a century slashed the harvest and russia which was once the second largest wheat exporter in the world and the soap the resumption of exports could help drive down global wheat prices which have jumped almost eighteen percent in the past year. this will of course have an effect on the global market russia is returning to the green export trade and has sizable resources to do so with it's also happening at the same time ukraine is returning to the global market i believe global prices will drop as a result of this although maybe not a significantly there are some serious weather related risks hitting american canadian australian and european grain producers which will keep prices and a high level. russian central bank is raising its deposit rates in an effort to draw some of the cash out of the economy but it's
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a regular policy meeting that decided not to rate the key refinance rate the bank is struggling to keep inflation under control which is currently running at twice the european average. russian economy still suffering from the lack of statements we know that there was it was a fun will discuss the savings but russian population doesn't feel safe much so louis inflation gratian the station rate will be very much improving to simulate russian household will the safe move on and also you know in the long term plans because the pump understand that inflation is extremely bad for investments now it's very hard to plan get investment keys for the next ten he is you are not quite sure that the inflation rate will stay the level that see it several six to send inflation is fluctuates around the rate of eight to ten percent so this is result in their high and certain the for the companies and their own certainty for the russian household which cannot plan their spending so as
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a result i think inflation is clues the price. smiles to talk markets now and european stocks lapse pause if you can see that the dax is up point three percent the footsie is actually closed for a public holiday however in germany shares of the all. around two percent off the media reports that the german government will close all of its nuclear plants by twenty twenty two. here in moscow stops on higher this hour barely changed from when we last looked at them and that's the sentiment is being dampened by lack of news from the u.k. and u.s. where as we mentioned the markets are closed for a public holiday on monday take a look at some of the individual share movers on the my sex energy majors bounced back from earlier losses and among the main game is right now gazprom shares are up point eight percent the news it's close to finalizing a takeover of the resupply line operates in bell trans gas into rau is up off the posting
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a profit of two hundred ninety million euros for the last year that's after posting a loss the year before that bucking the trend banking shares big he's down one. in brief now russia's busiest airport is putting the brakes on its london but because of weak demand somebody had a bad plan to release twenty percent of its stock to raise up to one billion dollars five russian companies have withdrawn london i.p.o.'s this year including phone retailer euros that's passion helicopters and nissan has suspended production of only plug in russia due to lack of car parts affirms the global components imply a train with a stop lead after the company's main japanese plant was hit by the march quake however nissan hopes production in russia will get back to normal next monday. we will be back next hour with an update.
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