tv [untitled] May 31, 2011 7:30am-8:00am EDT
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we'll. review the latest in some instances. from. the future. and sarcastic of the hour here in moscow straight to the main developing story all this hour the suspected killer of russian investigative journalist on the police called sky has been detained in the caucuses chechen national a muslim mahmoud all four will soon be set to moscow for further questioning politico's guy was murdered five years ago in her apartment building. a top european court rejects a claim by russian tycoon mikhail for that of course skied the prosecution against
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him was a politically motivated bomb it did rule his rights were violated all the rest a decision moscow is considering appealing it columns a day off of the jailed magnates made his latest bid for freedom. and news just in here on our t.v. it's raised the incident war criminal back a lot it has lost his battle against up to hate and all despite his supporters in serbia claiming the film all meet you won't get a fair hearing in the netherlands the skeptics and believe the record of the tribunals shows it's often been used as a tool of politics rather than just. now as council behind every financial headline you name it he's got it but it's kind says that with his latest report on r.t. . tiger
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this is the kaiser report you know every time you spend your money you increase the debt in the globe which decreases your purchasing power that's why you're going broke that's the word then look it up there but there's a new dimension a new way for you to go broke it's all it's going to dollars we're going to find out all about it but first let's bring in a lovely the talented stays here back so all my headlines today have to do with this sort of neo feudal gulag casino state the first headline reads the european gold confiscation scheme unfolds european parliament approves use of gold as collateral according to their press release yesterday's unanimous agreement by the european parliament's committing on economic and monetary affairs
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e-com they go by to allow central counter parties to accept gold as collateral under the european market infrastructure regulation and here another word for king is further recognition of gold growing relevance as a high quality liquid asset of course you know the history of this is that outlawed gold for a while they try to bring in money which was as good as gold and now that they've discovered that the money is bogus there's got to passive diverging number one they are reminded size and all they're trying to bring it back into the system but they're using all the money that they created willy nilly to use that to acquire the goal of various states like greece for example which has one hundred eleven tons of gold they've been told now that. there's gold can be used to settle the debts that they themselves did not incur these are debts that were forced upon them
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from outsiders and now that they can't pay the debts that they had nothing to do in creating the outsiders are saying well we'll take the gold so that's a really great deal. exactly i mean even in their quote max from their press release it's a recognition of gold's growing relevance as a high quality liquid asset this is this is a currency that has been around for five thousand years and has been accepted for five thousand years or so you know suddenly is growing irrelevance but it looks like we've been playing basically farmville for the last thirty forty years since the beginning of a total global free out currency world and we've all been incurring this debt like thinking we're getting away with something for nothing we're getting free lunches and now they're like mad actually we're going to take this gold oh well another thing of throwing aside from the relevance is the price and the prize goes higher it's becoming more relevant i wonder how that happened and so just know that this
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is of course to get the gold of greece spain and italy and portugal greece as one hundred eleven tons portugal has three hundred eighty two tons spain has to inject an eighty one tons and italy has two thousand four hundred fifty one tons so speaking of gold that's my next headline gold farming in a chinese forced labor camp it's not their physical gold you might think gold farming is actually they force these chinese prisoners to play multiplayer games amassing credits and virtual objects then the prison guards are forcing the chinese slave labor to hand them the virtual credits that they've gained in various games around the world whether it's war world of warcraft or farmville and hand them to the prison guards who then sell them for real cash right this is the beautiful thing about these. dollars farm bill dollars as i explain to the top of the show when you spend your free out money the a levels of debt in the
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world grow which has the effect of reducing your purchasing power it's called inflation you're getting poorer every day because you keep spending this money that's backed by ninety nine percent debt that was then good dollar or a foreign bill dollar is backed by one hundred percent of nothing and the more that use time you spend on the farm dollars the more of the overall money that's in circulation is the base by a quantum leap more in terms of the basement and you end up in prison so these chinese prisoners who are forced to play zingo farmville games to amass credits that are being passed to their prison masters people in the us at home they've effectively checked themselves in to their own home prison where they're playing on zoning of dollars and farmville creating massive amounts of this of this new fee
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virtual currency which is the basing their purchasing power and it's the same thing as checking into prison they're taking their hard earned money that they earn doing menial jobs is ninety nine percent and they're exchanging a proverbial money that's one hundred percent bad well to go along with this headline max about the gold farming headline reads farm ville herd lined up for market is the plans some are floatation so it's millions of users stump up real money i.e. one point eight billion dollars worth last year to pay for virtual cows as they play online phenomenon for the plows on the cows and the artifacts of farmville are virtual representations tied to the cost of electrons of which there is no cost it and it's infinitely reproduceable so you're taking again your labor. you're getting ninety nine percent debt practically out money for in
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your slumping in for a virtual currency that's deep based on the currency again driving all of your net worth down into the prison level where you are to live thanks to zenga dollars and farmville the new prison motif taking the walt disney dream of a perpetual amusement prison to its terminations point of ultimate imprisonment well so we're on the glue. we're on the glue factory a lot of the horses in these virtual farms are made into virtual glue and they stick them together and they create virtual glue sniffers and they get high on virtual glue sniffing made from virtual horses talk about a virtual nightmare that's one of the worst i've heard in the last fifty seconds well we're on the global casino gulag model and this takes me to the next have you actually wrote it but you have such a good picture here on this headline i had to use that global flash crash equals splash crash so i remember the flash crash of may sixth two thousand and ten first
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a massive terrorist attack financial centers of c.p.s. when that was stopped the stock markets collapse. sharply a thousand points it out and then back up well they're now warning about a catastrophic flash crash a dislocated by high speed trading computers that could simultaneously splash across many more asset classes and markets so wouldn't just be the dow it would be the foot sea and the gold market and the oil market all splashing at the same time but you have all these markets around the world big markets oil gold currency markets all going through enormous volatility computer driven as a way to again keep the population completely outside of having any chance of amassing any sizeable net worth that would give them any political power to stop the transformation of their economy and their political systems into the casino google a model that we now seizing and these other i.p.o.'s located companies thanks to
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goldman sachs the ultimate arbiter and purveyor of currency virtual currency nonsensical non non the polls. nonsensical not economical nonsense well the machines these high frequency trading machines typically hold the stocks for two to seven seconds realize a portion of a penny profit and repeat the process over and over the pennies accumulate into astronomically large heat estimates of the unregulated secretive industries profits for two thousand and nine ranged from two billion to five point six billion in profits so one of seconds while is longer than thanks much trust granted rights on may there that's obvious joke there coming from max kaiser but we're talking about high frequency trading i want to say that these are as the article points out you know these are not something that
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a mere mortal can scoop those millisecond fractional arbitrage is so what sort of market is this where it's it's just machines trading against each other the machines are in charge as we've been warning about for quite some time and the people at these banks they don't actually work for a living they just come into the office in the morning they see how much money the machines of raked out of the global economy remember goldman sachs the high frequency trading scandal last year it was estimated that they steal one hundred million dollars every single day through high frequency trading it's an old scam on wall street you put on a thousand trades at the end of the day the ones that are winners you take the ones that are losers you give to the pension accounts out there that are now suffering the people end up with nothing and they all end of course face down in the mud playing casino games for farmville so part of that the splash they envision is that they all they all have their own unique algorithm and some of them are tied into things like twitter so they'll be looking at like any breaking news and a fraction of second they try to get in front of it so and you also know that
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twitter is totally manipulated as well the trending topics on a lot of people put out fake celebrity death notices so the same thing a splash crash could be. caused technically by somebody putting out a fake tweet but not only do the machines read the news and then react to the news but the machines can also write that it in a way that they believe will affect prices to create arbitrage opportunities and manipulator profits on any given moment well as the machines are trading against each other one of the machines could technically write a tweet a hoax tweet and or it to manipulate one of the other machines and we see that similar in the next headline. so you have to see charges oil traders for puking on market so james dyer and nicholas wild goose forward b.p. traders who were working for oil trading house arcadia upon were charged for a scheme to hoard oil make a quote load of money and then go put it in in
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a no never double puking according to e-mails acquired by the c f t c well the inevitable puking is known before and because the system is so highly leveraged we're talking a leveraged ten thousand to one twenty thousand to one and they know that at certain points that the system will automatically puke out positions because they're allowed to continue would mean instant insolvency for half the global economy it's kind of like watching those japanese sex robots have an orgy and then all the sudden they run out of electricity i've never seen that but this scheme happened between january and april two thousand and eight to see f.t.c. complaint alleges that by mid january two thousand and eight the traders had accumulated four point six million barrels of physical oil or two thirds of oil available for delivery against the february w t i future contract and by march they had eighty four percent of all while available for delivery and then they dumped it on the market and then they left the
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market but the profits they made were fifty million dollars so this just shows you this is another theme we pointed out is that these guys take down a fifteen trillion dollar economy for fifty billion in christmas bonuses so it's a it's it's the opposite of how we have to encourage more and more debt in order to have one dollar of g.d.p. growth the same for the way down for these guys to take profit from destroying the economy they need to make the collapse bigger and bigger and bigger mostly they've created a financial cuisinarts they take fifteen trillion dollars economy and they dump it in the quezon are and then they chop right. and then what's left. there they sell for you know what their christmas bonus scavengers in other countries say sarah thanks so much for being on the kaiser report thank you max that's going to do it but don't go away because it's much more coming your way so stay right there. sure is that so much. i mean i think the real. issues of relevance and even
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legitimacy as the jostling continues as to succeed the stories so many chances. for the food we've got the. biggest issues get a human voice ceased to face with the news makers. i welcome back to the kaiser report time now to turn to economist john maternity the former c.e.o. hushmail he's a former chief for extra visa he's also a blogger and monetary future he's been writing about bit coin lately so we're going to talk to him about bitcoin john what's known as welcome to the kaiser report thank you max good to be here all right so what bitcoin well to start off on initially how i got interested in this i'd like to just take a step back and say that as a society i think that i believe that we can do better then centralized monetary
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planning and the basing the currency as the central banks are so i've been doing ok that's a recurring theme on this exactly this is why we really want to dig into this big coinstar is getting a lot of press lately so take us through what's going on here ok the beer at the very basic level bit coin is a peer to peer distributed electronic currency when you say p.d.p. or peer to peer i think music file swapping and there's computers and they have music on the computers and the computers are able to swap files of music p.d.p. in this way and they made famous from napster. you know napster was a very few became very famous and victorians and bit torrent bit torrent for movies ok so you're now this is being applied to currencies right now it's being applied to currency so you can think of it as bit torrents for movies applied to currencies you can also think of it as p.g.p. encrypted email p.g.p. for money there's another way to think of it people know about pretty good privacy
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for email p.g.p. is an encryption technology that that's readily available readily available now it wasn't at first but now you can have and to and secure email rights to take us a place to a transaction so normal transaction using bitcoin on the web so how would i as a consumer how do i how do i interact with it well as a consumer you would initially download the bitcoin client and you do that from bitcoin dot org and it's open source software and the currency is not centrally managed it's not the it's not centrally issued and the transactions aren't centrally verified all those tasks are performed by the collective newts of the network so it it's almost like a headless mob where there is no central direction and that's beneficial that's what you want the main thing because i download the client other bit a bit calling about org which which now i am part of the network so now you've
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downloaded the client you have the option either to generate coins or to perform transaction ok and send so i can either generate coins or i can be involved in a transaction using these coins correct correct ok so let's let's put aside generating the calling for a second because there is some sargon there we're going to revisit but so let's just talk about it transaction of the transaction side how does that work the way the transaction works is you would either have to receive or send coins so let's assume that you already have some coins ok and that you either purchase them or are they were sent to you what you've done when you've downloaded the client is you've generated your own public. i would keep air so you're able to sign your coins and then you have a public key like you would for p.g.p. that you put out for receiving your corks ok so i purchased these bitcoins if i can purchase them with my dollars by u.s. dollars so and there i presumably there's some kind of exchange rate the exchange rate currently is around six or seven u.s. dollars for one declaring and that's floating i would imagine it's it's twenty four
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hours a day it's floating rate right so it's a floating rate depending on very small eye in demand just like any four x. just like any currency there it's it's floating on the exchange and based on supply and demand exactly exactly i mean overall though i do think the of strangers are one of the weakest links in the chain just because that's where the rubber meets the road in terms of converting these so-called math puzzles ok into actual national political currencies ok so that you're saying the exchange mechanism is not is not as robust as it could be because because of the puzzles that go into creating the exchange rate mechanism well i mean the math puzzle is just a it's just a slang term that i use for the digital token you have to remember it's a digital bearer token that i'm sending you so it's like if i were to scrunch up a casino chip or one hundred dollar bill and shoot it through the broadband connection it would shoot out your internet here and you would have represent to you would have the value when you lose bitcoins they're destroyed you can't get
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them back and just like when you burn a dollar bill that hundred dollar bill is gone from the system so that's what makes these so unique and different is that it's not just a counterparty trade like with pay pal it's a digital bearer token that you can actually send to someone over the internet and we haven't had that before on the internet which is a lot of what a lot of people miss them this right digital bearer coupon or digital birth certificate right like a bear or certificate like a bear or bond it's the most frequently see that term it's it's not made out to anyone specifically its own like a dollar is not doesn't. my name on it correct it exists because of the generation that you went through on the cryptographic side but pay pal is has more it is a barrier in the sense that i'm using to name the e-mail disappearance and they're making across not only is it bearer but it is subject to reversibility and people has up to sixty days when they can reverse transactions with with bitcoin you have
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one hundred percent transaction irreversibility so it really is like cash on the internet ok so it's anonymous in the way that dollars should be however sense they are the non digital economy is becoming more dominated by electronic payment systems that are tied to databases and being identified constantly in fact those transactions are not really as anonymous as people think or would hope that they would be or is a big point electronic transaction peer to peer they ever note the central are essential lies is in fact anonymous absolutely it has the potential to be anonymous it's all how you structure it it's not one hundred percent anonymous for the people who don't know how to use it and structure right because you can always look at the block chain in the transactions that have happened you might not be able to associate goes to the people but if you're careful in how you use it point you can't you can make it anonymous for yourself ok so. it's decent for allies and what
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you're describing in this p.d.p. network is a community that is almost self regulating and it's in their interests to make sure that every piece of the transaction is running smoothly similar i guess you could say what we see in the open source movement with software projects like linux where the community is contributing code to the linux operating system in their own self-interest and there's no reason not to contribute the best you could to that system because you used you you yourself use that system precisely to coming out with new releases so it's updated because it is updated and you can download the newest version if you'd like to i think with everything that you're mentioning though max it has so many so many things that are revolutionary but let's look at the economic side of how this will affect things i mean if it's possible to have tax free exchanges you could potentially get this would assist in almost a parallel economy that would exist alongside of a regular economy that wouldn't be counted in g.d.p.
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people people. people would be doing tax free transactions and and as long as they were able to spend a bit coin within the bitcoin ecosystem they would be living in a sovereign individuals now on the government level i think what this is going to actually lead to is a move and a shift away from the model of taxing income and i think you're going to start to see governments move toward some time type of consumption based tax were headcount type tax and the reason is because the income levels of individuals are going to be more and more difficult to ascertain right so it's similar in a way to barter and that you barter your bartering out there and you borrow your barter or go for five chickens let's say and you're not creating a revenue stream taxable revenue correct so you're recreating the digital environment you created the digital bartering system if you well. barter is still
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taxable though i mean even with barter you don't really get out of taxation what i'm stating is that even with bitcoin you would still be liable for the taxes but i think that what what will happen at the government level is that it will be difficult to ascertain true income and in and governments won't be able to use the money to track identity it wasn't really until the income tax in one nine hundred sixteen that government started using money to track identity ok now clearly this is a challenge to the status quo clearly the as you mentioned the one nine hundred sixty income tax which came on the heels of the one nine hundred thirteen creation of the federal reserve which created interest bearing money and when they needed the income tax to pay for the interest and you ended up a lot of people would argue close to one hundred years of the system that got complaints completely away from having what the founding fathers in the us anyway had intended so but you're taking on the establishment in this way so. clearly
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they're going to feel threatened at some point or do they feel threatened or is there going to be a confrontation of some sort or how do you approach that i don't think that coin is large enough right now to be on the radar of many governments the entire economy is approximately fifty million dollars if you take the total number of bitcoins outstanding multiplied by the exchange rate it's fifty million dollars and it used to just be five million a small time ago i can see it growing exponentially and it definitely challenges the status quo but i also think that they're in a quandary because if they were to prosecute it or if they were to prohibit it they would actually be lending with just a mystery to it because it's an intangible math puzzle so i brought a little profit ok getting back to the puzzles and well i just really really talked about it and what we got then two things we have yet to fully explain the puzzles and the point creation i don't even think we're going to have time to get into the coin creation bit we've got to look at that yourself and get going dot org to fill in on that bit but the puzzles we're going to conquer the puzzles here tell me what
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you got for the puzzles well the actually the prop is not for the puzzles i use the term puzzle because i'm so i'm trying to get away from the cryptography discussion that's involved in creating the coins and prop that i brought it is a normal us be thumb drive yet you can put things on now i can have one hundred thousand dollars worth of bitcoin on here and i'm talking about challenge would you mention about how big going and challenge the status quo i can cross the border with this right into france or going into switzerland or going into any country and have it in my pocket and without having to declare anything and there's currently nothing illegal about that because you have one hundred thousand dollars worth of bitcoin but no no governments recognize the value of coin it's still just math is what i'm saying ok so let me ask you this. is there a single point of failure. but other words can knock us out with a somehow if i were a government somewhere because if it's on the internet and it's part of the network
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and the network as we know is there is no single point of failure then is it indestructible i believe that it is and there are certain weaknesses but i will say i will tell you this if it warrants were destructible wouldn't the copyright regimes already have shut those down i believe digital cash will do to legal tender would bit torrent stupid to copy it's all right we're going to leave it there. and that is fascinating and we will follow up on this you have dedicated your blogging monetary future pretty much to the exploration of this correct and the implications it's got more and more in the in the bit going to action as this is starting to pick up i want to focus on the exchangers there's about two thousand exchangers global you that i want to start to focus on more with the blog ok now it's monetary future dot com is that the the monetary future dot blogspot dot com ok the monetary future dot blogspot dot com yes all right john matel honest thanks so much for being on the kaiser report thank you max and that's going to do it for this edition
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