tv [untitled] May 31, 2011 10:30pm-11:00pm EDT
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abraded and remember those who fought for our country they will take a closer look at a specific group of female veterans do they really get the respect that they deserve to speak with one of them after the break. let's not forget that we had an apartheid break. i think. we have to go that shows they're going to keep safe get ready because you get your freedom. they charge in here broadcasting live from washington d.c.
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coming up today on the big picture. new web site which twenty four seven live streaming news towns like to tell you about the ongoing financial hardship unlimited free high quality videos for download. and stories never mainstream news. media so. the political. parties are such. a guys welcome to shower and sell on the obama show we've heard are just not the same. on the topic now i want to hear our
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audience just go on to you tube the video response part of twitter for fun the questions that we've posted on you tube every monday and on the first day of the show longer sponsor we let your voice be. heard it's time for tonight's suicidal war dance night think it's pat robertson the right wing loony preacher has a habit of saying stupid comments on his t.v. show the seven hundred club and purely kind is really tired of being called a bigot for all of his embarrassingly hateful rhetoric towards this law so i first want to play you a very short clip of how he began his little rant i was thinking you know if you oppose muslims well what is said well you're a bigot right it's a terrible bigotry i wonder what will people who oppose the nazis will they believe gets. there is your first hand as to why you are called
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a big you just compare being a muslim to being a nazi hello do you still have any app think brain cells working in your mind do you realize that you are not comparable the power wasn't done of his rants against muslims oh no he was just getting started why can't we speak out against the this to choose of the isn't it all dominating us and in posing surreal and making us all poured over universal kayleigh fleet of the goal of some of these people why's that . where do we start here not everyone in the muslim world is out to impose sharia law the world they're not all trying to form a giant muslim caliphate believe me i think that's been watching a little too much glenn beck because since the arab spring began glenn has been pushing the caliphate ery pretty hard but back to pat i'm sorry but a sane person can't simply state that the muslim population is just like the nazis yes there are some muslims that are extremist we also have christians here in the
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us who are also experienced when you just made broad statements like that pat that's why people call you a bigot and others call you stupid and crazy so maybe it's time for you to retire stop spreading islamophobia the whole name of ratings and donations and that's why i found roberson is tonight's time winner. yesterday president obama participated in the morial day ceremonies here in washington d.c. to remember those who have served our country he also laid a wreath at arlington national cemetery to remember those who have died but what about those who come back alive and scarred from war are these as they see it in a tells about one group of veterans who are often overlooked with e-mails. first their heroes the millions of us soldiers that have marched off to war on a government whim then on their return our souls they come home and see the truth about what they've been asked to do and i think this current glorification of the troops can't hide the reality of what happens when these young kids were men and
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come home and they are the real truth tellers it is often an unexpected truth and many us war veterans come from simple places like this one often not the best off neighborhoods some are following a dream others are lured in by promises of a better life but there are also those that sometimes join the military because they don't have any other economic choice and what many people don't realize is that american women can also fall into that category. women like chiquita a mother of two homeless to see her children lost in a custody battle she served america for three years in prison was tell you that in the beginning you know it's going to be so glamorous the money is not as great as they say is going to be any more than what i'm making now and when you get out it's kind of you know difficult in a glimmer of hope amidst a daily fight for survival she's in the process of moving into this temporary home
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provided by a local shelter to chiquita america's wars are not worth the pain they cause a lot of lives. for no reason in the beginning it was because of mass destruction but there was no weapons of mass destruction so. lives could have been a lot of. women make up fourteen percent of america's armed forces officially banned from direct combat pay increase and we end up in it playing a more active role in america's war fare than ever before more than two hundred thirty thousand women have served in iraq and afghanistan in the last. he hears but few welcome mat set to receive them on return well better insight chiquita's suffer neglect and physical disability others are tormented by demons like jessica goodell spent eight months in iraq collecting and sending home the bodies of fallen marines i can leave my apartment you know i didn't have friends and talk to anybody. and
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a lot of them you can't deal with. you know until it seems he pushed that alcoholism drug abuse and depression are widespread post-traumatic stress disorder affects the overwhelming majority of today's veterans there are some estimates of hundreds of thousands are actually think it's much more than that in my opinion anyone who stepped foot inside of iraq or afghanistan some around ninety percent of them are suffering from p.t.s.d. do you think that if chelsea clinton if alexandra pelosi had there on israel legs blown off could we all are that it would be doing more for the veterans do you think there would be different treatments. of course there would instead there are an estimated one hundred thousand veterans who was on any given night one third to one fifth of the homeless population in america a minority are female five percent they often keep their plight to themselves the
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military is trained to have a very. what they call the top mentality. we've been taught at least what i was taught was that. what we experience we should keep it to ourselves and that it's no one else's problem and that we need to bear it but how much is too much obama has vowed to eliminate veteran homelessness by twelve fifteen but i don't see him doing more than present and to be honest anything but an end to wars would be a band-aid on a wound that requires are turning to stop bleeding as they see turpin r r t gary indiana. so it was a moral day like yesterday for the more than two hundred fifty thousand women who have served in iraq and afghanistan for they get the respect they deserve are they stuck in the shadows a number of u.s.
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lawmakers are pushing for a change right now to the combat exclusion policy to include women to allow them technically to fight in combat you have to ask if it's the attitudes or the policies that really need to change or to discuss this with me is genevieve chase founder and executive director of american women veterans genevieve thanks so much for coming back on the show now i just have to ask you from your personal experience yesterday was morial day do you feel as a woman as a veteran that you get the same type of respect the same type of acknowledgement do you get the same handshakes and the same looks from people do they say thank you the same way as your male counterparts it's difficult because a lot of people don't look at us all the time and think oh that's a better and so what we really need to do and it's. in a way of get the message out there that we are veterans i was in the doing a press conference about you know the combat exclusion policy we were driving through fort lee new jersey and in front of the v.f.w.
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post they had a large fine i had a quote specifically addressed the men who've served to include you know photos in quote. about men who served there wasn't anything anywhere except a small poster of rosie the riveter where they said thank you for the women who supported the men in world war two so you know. images like that don't help really go well i just wonder you know when it comes to changing attitudes to people realizing that women are very much a part of war these days make up fourteen percent. of the army do you think that it's more the men that you actually serve with that have these different attitudes or is it the people that are so far removed from our wars they don't really know what the makeup looks like i think it's a little bit of both encountered that i've worked with him. worked with females or women and have sort of skewed ideas and perceptions but for the men who have you know they seen both sides of it just like you do with any any soldier or sort of a male or female you may work with somebody who just isn't
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a good soldier and it may be male and it. could be male or female but oftentimes we get a lot of support even in the organization where men who have served alongside women who are very supportive and then the general public the biggest issue is that people just don't know they don't understand the capacity with which we serve you know i was just recently asked if i was allowed to carry a weapon while i was deployed and if i was issued this i mean those types of things that make it public perception and understanding make it very difficult in the combat exclusion policy is part of that because people assume that because the law the policy states that we're not allowed in combat that we aren't actually serving in combat so on our facebook page on our website we started we created sort of a moral to the women who fall and killed in action every week and that's helping to sort of educate the american public about the fact that these women are dying while they're serving overseas when i think it's interesting you say that some people don't even know are you allowed to carry a weapon and i think that
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a lot of people probably don't know what it means with the combat exclusion policy means you aren't able to have the same amount of training that you aren't able to have the same amount of advancement to be in some of the higher ranks in the military so it's talk about the combat exclusion policy you were on the show earlier this year in january when a panel had actually recommended that it be changed that women be included and yesterday you were at a press conference with a number of senators there who are pushing for it but what's not momentum really looking like it's still a couple of different issues so women in combat versus women in combat arms specialties like special forces or the infantry or a navy seal you know clothes direct and clothing and directly engage the enemy there's still that sort of the issues and i wonder if that's why they just haven't done anything to change it at this point because the reality of the situation is. women have been in combat for the last decade in both iraq and afghanistan there are women in congress who are working in potentially very dangerous ok situations so that policy we really want to see revised to at least reflect at the very least
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reflect what is already been happening for the last decade but you know given. single team six and women to be you know. if you think about that there were women in that compound so would they have been able to would it have been different if there had been women with to talk to their wives to talk to the women that were there i don't know it's an interesting question i think and i think. maybe the word be a little bit of change too i wonder do you think that it should be left to congress after all these people sitting here in washington d.c. that are the policy makers to make those decisions or should it be the commander on the ground or is the commander on the ground to be the one that's going to have i think it limits the commanders on the ground it limits the commanders from being able to pick the best people for the job so if you have a team of medics you are supposed to start the medic out to a remote combat outpost to an infantry unit and all you have or your best medic is
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a female and you can't stand her what are you going to do that you don't need a medic so you're going to something about it and it's probably going to be you know and that have happened time and time again we have we heard from women all the time who said this is the situation i was then and this is what happened so and you know people are like well the physical part of it may be given to all these debates the seals flew in helicopters and you can't be around you know. i mean i can shoot better than most so you've also you know i mean the debate the debates are dated and everybody knows this from mcchrystal to betray us to the current perception of the navy to the secretary of defense everybody coming and we need to make sure it happens if congress doesn't work together with the department of defense to make this happen then we'll see something like what happened with d.d.t. where it went through the courts. and it was pushed you know this is this is it over here well stephanie over to you are especially if we consider the fact that our national security is something that's constantly used as an excuse to push so or so many things that often will you know
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a fringe on our rights will violate the constitution and yet here when we just talk about some basic equality and some respect that's not being an agenda thank you so much for joining us tonight. i don't go anywhere there's still much more to come tonight after recent al jazeera port shows proof of boots on the ground in libya i want to give you my two cents on the progression of this unofficial war and all raise a glass in tonight's happy hour p.b.s. gets hacked answer the country's most notorious the extremist groups go head to head at arlington national cemetery stick around for all that after the break. we. heard. we really love the. show you ready for freedom.
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you know sometimes you see the story and it seems so. you think you understand it and then you give them something else here's some other part of it and realized everything you thought you know i'm sorry. tonight i'd like to bring you an update from libya recent story from al-jazeera as tony berkeley has revealed six westerners on the front lines working with rebel forces take a look at this clip from burley's report but help is on hand evidence for the first time of the allied boots on the ground here a group of foreigners possibly british seen liaising with the flight is it could be
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to facilitate forthcoming helicopter attacks the men left hoadley when they spotted us. now as you can see this group shows five of six westerners armed and wearing cotton arab scarves in tan colored clothing the other man was unarmed was wearing a pink t. shirt with has led a lot of people to speculate that he might be an intelligence officer along we have yet to officially identify who these six westerners are associated with it is the most recent sign or the words recent fighting of western armed forces on the ground british press a report in the past on the special air service serving as spotters for nato warplanes even detail how members of m i c. their meeting with rebel forces in benghazi however whenever the press asked the ministry of defense about special forces on the ground in libya the ministry spokeswoman denied any knowledge of it so why is this a big deal oh how about because when the u.n. security council passed a resolution months ago it's pacifically excluded a quote foreign occupation force of any form on any part of libyan territory even
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president obama said that no matter what there will be no boots on the ground i also want to be clear about what we will love your. united states is not a voyage of the order of troops into libya. and we are not going to use force to go beyond that you will decide to go. now frankly i am not even the surprise of the nato coalition including the u.s. the u.k. france but they've gone against the original guidelines of the un resolution i've expressed my criticism about this unofficial war in libya since they want the day that obama decided to get us involved in another war unilaterally without house in congress where there was no immediate threat to the united states aka illegally and let's remember that there's been no clear mission no end goal in sight at least not at first it was supposed to be a humanitarian intervention no boots on the ground only last a few weeks no assassination attempts on get off you know selling weapons to the
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rebels and all that's changed the sixty day mark for congressional approval is come and gone i'm still waiting for lawmakers to take a vote to put some pressure on there's been a clear mission creep from the start here and president obama and the u.n. have been shifting their objectives right before everyone's eyes so i say it's time to stop playing games call a spade a spade or in this case call the war a war. ok it's tuesday keep thinking that it's monday but we had a long weekend and joining me for our tuesday segment of happy hour tonight is our producer jenny churchill and jim hansen retired special operations master sergeant and military blogger at black five net thanks for joining me everybody who has had
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a good weekend. obama was golfing obama was actually at arlington national cemetery last week celebrating loreal day i was out having fun and party all weekend so terrible. i don't know if it was allowed to go all that all right we'll but wait let's look into the boy here so this is memorial day it's a day that most americans probably forget that they really should be thankful for the people who deserve the armed forces but the westboro baptist church decided to get in on the fun and of course go protest because they always like to protest because they think that america's acceptance of homosexuality is a lie our entire country is going down and therefore the killing of american troops is justified but this time i had counter protesters and it was the k.k.k. take a look. day and night. my. mama better
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that's right now here's the military i've got brothers and sisters in the summit. and i think it's an absolute they show up and disrupt the rules. were just you and supporting the troops. yeah it's a sad day when somebody makes the k.k.k. look like the normal ones in this situation that's what it's got until i guess i find it to be one of the craziest things ever that people were walking by thanks gary things k.k.k. you're such upstanding citizens where's my old fashioned hellfire and brimstone guy with some lightning could we get the k.k.k. and the westboro losers together and. just. for the good of them in the media they love the troops just not the black let's. just let it go wrong what i thought was really interesting too is that the westboro baptist people think that the k.k.k.
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is deplorable and then they were quoted as saying all types of things about how what they do is against the bible and their site is really funny and they're standing there and you know protesting soldiers yelled racism is it ok to the westboro baptist homophobia totally. desecrated their graves god hates fred phelps and those idiots all right let's move on to another story this one is a little bit more serious but you know we're in the longest war in american history the war in afghanistan and there have been a number of moments lately when civilians have been killed in afghanistan and so following that president karzai decided to make this announcement. people can no longer try to reach the attraction there. and. it will be forced if you do not come to an interest only based. solution to this that is the prevention of. homes going to go which will be forced to take unilateral
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action industry jobs. i mean i think there's a lot you can probably say about how many cars i write to somebody in the us if you look at wiki leaks cables our diplomats think that he's on antidepressants and he's doing drugs all the time but the l.a. times decides to maybe delve into any of those stories they just say well western officials saw this as a merely symbolic move and we really does have to be always symbolic is that just because i made cars i said it or is it because any time anybody who's the leader of a country where we're an occupying force says that maybe they don't want as raiding homes at night we just want to pretend like it's symbolic and not really a real request jim. is playing domestic politics let's be perfectly frank times right about that you know everything we've done has been negotiated with them when it's new mcchrystal took over the rules of engagement were tightened to make sure that we were just bombarding homes and killing civilians which we were
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indiscriminately but it happened we take that as took over and we got through all of those rules are general mcchrystal out the window well i think the really sad thing here is that we're supposed to be there fighting for freedom and democracy for the afghan people yet when the president of those people comes out and says this is not ok this is an issue it's kind of a choke nobody takes it i mean does that not bother you that's all of those numbers it's tremendous it's tremendously bad visual but the reality on the ground is that any time we have hit an afghan home in the past several years it was because someone was doing something horrendously bad there it's not as. it's not only going to be waiting for civilians die but let's get to something more fun because i feel like we're just going to get in a long debate here this is supposed to be happy hour got to have it so let's talk about some hack attack that happened over the weekend first of all representative anthony wiener. his twitter account got hacked and somebody then.
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posted a fixture of his underneath his underwear now he's claiming it was a hack i think this is so funny it's so. juvenile but it's just so hilarious i mean i think that we've all kind of been through all the with wiener gate and just trying to figure out who the players are you know who's to blame and i think the best part is that if you're right part again is right in the thick of things like master. i swear you think that's andrew breitbart crotch. i've seen. that's not that's not it no it also was informed by your standards of practice committee that's all i'm allowed to say wieners wieners. ok well the other person that got hot is the p.b.s. excuse me web site because last week we critique their frontline documentary on a weekly leaks and it turns out that somebody actually went after them and put still in new zealand i like that one but i think i like the winner better when he
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gets that he's made more money since he was dead than any artist itself so i think it's broke so either you probably use a new zealander the next album coming out next year i think is the only person i haven't heard that before yeah i think he's in new zealand with elvis is kind of the result was still the hobbit with peter jackson as well. i can't wait to hear about maybe. the hobbit two part i'm serious the people you know p.b.s. even knew who tupac was so i think i really got the figure you know we had the you know you know it was. you know they got a very good break for joining me tonight that's it for a night show things refuting and make you can back tomorrow alex sites offering progress is going to be here for tomorrow's installment happy hour but in the meantime don't forget to become a fan of the lower show on facebook and follow us on twitter if you missed any of tonight's show or any other night you can always catch you tube dot com watch the law to show the interview in its entirety that we have tonight is an inverse of the
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