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tv   [untitled]    June 1, 2011 1:00am-1:30am EDT

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former bosnian serb general robert she's in the hague to stand trial for war crimes his defense questions the validity of the evidence while there are fears he won't live long enough to see the verdict. the prime suspect in the case of a murdered russian journalist anna politkovskaya is flown to moscow for questioning also being captured in chechnya. the battle on the home front millions of americans struggle to find jobs three costly military campaigns and sees us budgets.
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to become a global financial center that's the heart of this is man who gathered in north korea for a meeting and they say the boom times are ahead more in business in ten minutes. are you watching us he broadcasting live from moscow welcome to the program. nicknamed the butcher of bosnia story his former boss. in the hague a sixty nine year old army commander now awaits prosecution of genocide but it's expected to be months before his trial begins and question the legitimacy of the evidence the tribunals using to base its case on. explains. sixteen years on the run six days in serbian court and the rest of his life in the hague official belgrade was more than ready to extradite former bosnian serb army
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chief. in a matter of hours but the i.c.t. y. is not as ready to prosecute. a war that is accused of ordering the mass murder of muslim men and boys in the village of severing meets or in one thousand nine hundred five the hague tribunal does have a lot of evidence regarding the massacre put is all of it valid forensic evidence certainly those not support their extravagant charges over eight thousand victims and. much of evidence of legitimate combat that's occurred during that period is studiously ignored by the hague tribunal and by the press because have to do with if they are to bolster the number of casualties to come somewhat closer to the figure afraid. there are
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questions about the way the evidence has been interpreted for instance with the autopsy reports the i.c.t. why presents three thousand five hundred sixty eight reports as corresponding to three thousand five hundred sixty eight bodies but many researchers who went through the files say most of them are body parts which means all lot less people but even if the hague tribunal moves forward without gathering for their evidence it will still be many months before the trial can begin the hague always says. kind of things as they mean it's it's been an improvisation they've changed indictments on people they've written indictments on people who've actually been banned already exported to the hague i mean first. you get arrested and then you get an indictment against so best the way the hague works so it won't be a surprise if they just get right into it a few more times they did it with the walsh rich people with others they've done it
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. so it's just standard procedure for a tribunal in the case of former president slobodan milosevic it took over a year for proceedings to start because no loss of a child to familiarize himself with over a million of pages of case files and time is precisely what i can leverage doesn't have. you don't need to be an expert to understand my father is in a very poor condition he can't even read he has to go through thousands of pages to be able to testify in court but he's simply unable to do that he has difficulties with speech too how will he consult with his lawyers it's impossible he's got problems with his memory he may remember things that happened long ago the same time he can remember what happened yesterday or the day before yesterday how can a person with these health problems appear in court. so the i.c.t. wind may well find itself in a tight spot again and more and more people are criticizing their lack of
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objectivity and they have yet to complete a high profile case and that is a worry for belgrade which wants to complete this particular episode to history official belgrade extradited that a lot of china matter of hours hoping to close this chapter of their history as quickly and painlessly as possible but then you're guaranteed that his trial in the hague will take at least a few years means that for serbia this chapter will remain open for just as long catherine as artsy of the serbian capital belgrade but his story and the boys told r.t. but another trial is not an effort to bring justice to justify nato his intervention in the bosnian war ninety ninety five he managed. care set of political and police need shouldn't be a citywide just one trying to demonstrate that everything that happened in washington c.n.n. tonight is
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a grand spirit you know really putting watching trouble putting all the fears and all should be untrue all to peace serbia's give us your end of the trigger crisis you justify detention that newly formed e.u. community in one thousand nine to one recognize the breakaway republics of permissions in the news and states the problem is when you need to intervene in ninety five and over again in something called civil war boston and when you get all the bullshit all of those things build up as justification secu we do school and went in just because these are evil people will not repeat them as evil people you have to put them on trial run. through the motions and it's a very black and white philosophy back to not have black hats in the old westerns you have to have you that you can get yourself. yes balkans a historian of our family it's there sharing his thoughts on the upcoming trial of
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iraq about it. well still to come this hour the british a political marriage that's on the rocks. that it's up to play used to be like so serious that i talk. about how bad decisions are to describe public sentiment the u.k.'s coalition governments into disarray. the man suspected of killing a russian journalist anna politkovskaya has been brought to moscow for interrogation a star was detained in chechnya on tuesday after almost five years on the run as artie's peace all over has been carving out it's still unclear whether the arrest all reveal the masterminds of the murder. prosecutors are convinced that they're close to solving the murder. and of course one of the most high profile slayings in recent russian memory. a mood of his accused of having fired the shots that killed her and after years on the run in belgium he was arrested in his home village in
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chechnya. all. the rest was carried out with the help of belgian police where he had been hiding for several years we've been in constant contact with them and it was this cooperation that helped us capture the suspect belgian police triggered the manhunt a market of was forced to leave the country investigators are currently questioning him in connection with the murder of anna politkovskaya mahmood of two brothers along with a former police officer who were acquitted of the murder in two thousand and nine q to lack of evidence but the russian supreme court no verdict and ordered the investigation reopened. son told me the family hopes this arrest will bring them closer to finding out who killed his mother of course it's a very important step but we have to wait and see if what are still to will be proved but even that is not enough we have no clue who the mastermind of the murder is nor about the organizers it's a significant part of the journey but it's certainly not the end and
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internationally renowned journalist anna politkovskaya was shot dead in october two thousand and six as she returned home choose famous for her investigative work particularly reports into human rights abuses former colleagues believe that due to the close family ties of those accused of a murder there will always be some unknowns surrounding the crime. it's hard to tell how many people are involved we have the three mood of brothers and their own call he's a criminal boss and could easily be the. good riddance it was especially chechens unlikely to testify against one of. the political skier murder isn't the only high profile case to see a recent breakthrough journalist nina or beyond of a thinks that this arrest along with the conviction of the killers of freelance journalist minister syrup aboard a. and human rights lawyer stanislav markelov sure these type of murders do get solved in today's russia this is definitely a landmark victory in the fight against.
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murderers not destroyed but also human rights defenders lawyers. and we see that as a very significant step forward. mood of currently in moscow where his lawyers are preparing is to friends while for the family and friends of. the long wait for justice continues. terrorists are using blackmail to recruit people and set them against governments that's what the head of russia's republic of english. poor of told r.t. his interviews coming next hour but here's a quick preview. young people are certain future for disasters attributed to the secret services because this is how they are presented to the public and terrorism must mean a lot of the details and it's. many get screwed and think is the end of everything i think we will be tortured there kneels to an ad homs and next was broken they were disturbed by organizations and websites approval of the activities of bombs
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and leaders and militant groups they look at these images and i truly believe that the government may be sort of true and ruthless enough to kill its own people and annihilate religion. when the coalition government was formed in the u.k. the public and media were sweet talked into thinking it was a match made in heaven but after a string of painful reforms and biting budget cuts seems to be splitting apart recent polls suggest more than half the population of disappointed with the government. reports from british capital very few believe it will last its full time. what. a difference a year makes back then it was spring smiles and a rosy reception as britain emerged from a power vacuum. within a range political marriage but the honeymoon is over and parliamentary insiders reveal you can cut the atmosphere with a knife in the corridors of power last year the unhappy couple agreed on health
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reform three key principles freedom fairness and responsibility but doctors and nurses find that it's too bitter pill to swallow hard and say here is a frontline knows what cameron story and loosely still isn't just a good thing to take personally to put it on the n.h.s. becoming a market is it doesn't sync with good health care for the country it's a good read this which is then it is being at least speak to take the kids and treat the dr as a system. if and as we did the embattled leader of the junior coalition party nick clegg says he's prepared to overrule and undermine a bill well there's a lot of tensions with our plan because clegg feels he's the last straw was exposed by to return to the jury be a feed it's
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a failed electoral reform the so those of which are used to be lights the truth is that parts of the leading liberal democrats insist it's business as usual and although clear cracks are showing they're adamant they'll keep the coalition soldiering on for another four years oh i have no doubt it will survive for four years because we have a free program. on all natural of which there is no controversy clegg is understandably wary the british care passionately about their health service and politicians meddle at their peril cash needs to be cut but clegg knows first hand the feeling of the knives being out for you like when students marched on mass blaming him personally for increasing college days when he promised not to. the speed of slashing spending pitted the government taking the people and when the lib dems buckled into plastic cups it brought the coalition to breaking point i think
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the politicians of the type who did it to them start to feel like the westminster leadership speaker mode for. the party will actually be not like that i think that will crush some of the recent referendum on political elections to put the liberal democrats on the back goods that response to that has been to come out by saying the health reforms are now undergoing what's being called a listening and then they'll be put back in the ring with cameron and clegg barely on speaking terms at times it's difficult and keeping it going for another four years looks even harder you are at it see. if you want the stories we're covering. as a quick look at what we have online few right now all the talk around russia's most famous prisoner continues course of human rights as rule of the case against time.
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was not politically motivated. believing in the old adage less is more number of billboards across. the disappearing. on the world famous amber room it may have been. the nazis creationists and mesmerism tourists from around the world. it's take a look on the web site. if . three ongoing military campaigns are costing us a fortune on little comfort for millions of unemployed americans food stamps and the minimum wage for many. reports even that.
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there the golden arches that stretched across the globe from london to brussels to moscow millions flocked to mcdonald's in search of french fries in big macs but what about those in search of a career if i was in dire straits i might go to mcdonald's but the entire time i was there i'd be looking for something better to offend with donald's employee says i would look for other things first that's for sure i don't know but it's yeah. i think a it's just the words that you would say about the jail forever. meanwhile just across the atlantic the same or roma. but a much greater sense of appreciation for spirit work and here i was able to go from person to restaurant manager. the benefits on going benefits of working with people. it is a secure career in
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a secure in the u.s. where nearly fourteen million people are unemployed a career at mcdonald's has become appealing back in april the fast food chain launched its first ever national hiring day nearly one million people applied for a job but only six out of every one hundred applicants were hired. mcdonald's created sixty two thousand new minimum wage u.s. jobs in one day but for the past seven weeks more than four hundred thousand americans filed new claims for unemployment this as forty five million americans are reportedly already receiving food stamps khana missed an author less leopold says washington is ignoring a ticking time bomb we have the richest country on earth who can put its own people to work that's a disaster waiting to happen that's by far the biggest threat to people in the wake
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of those. some of bin laden's assassination he wants leaders say terrorism continues to be the biggest threat against americans there is no doubt that al qaeda will continue to pursue attacks against us against a country where some forty four million americans don't have health insurance are reported one in seven children are homeless america's double war bill tops one point two trillion and the richest four hundred americans hold more wealth than the bottom fifty percent combined to one hundred words and tax cuts for the super rich they've lost their focus they no longer have their eye on the prize which is you have to put the american people back to work back to work in what's been dubbed a make jobs us recovery we're a nation wide recruitment drive by a low wage employer still sends ninety four percent of applicants back to the golden arches q arena porton i am artsy new york. more international news in brief
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for you we're covering today the libyan government has a nationality day to day race claiming they've killed more than seven hundred civilians since the start with much more than four thousand others a set of injured thanks in a question because the reiterating that its role is to protect civilians from the graph his forces both the rebels on nato have refused to accept the ceasefire until greece to step down. syria's president bashar assad resisted a general amnesty after the months of protests against his rule that will cover all political currency or muslim brotherhood. was declared as the u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton strongly condemned the country after reports that security forces were tortured and killed. sure source in the recent violence incident to collapse somebody for the syrian government to work with and listen to its people. had underestimated the risk of a tsunami hitting
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a machine a nuclear power plant a notch according to u.n. safety inspectors a country failed to plan for a wave that would overrun the breakwater and despite multiple forecasts such risk was imminent top nuclear experts are visiting the country to highlight weaknesses contributed to the worst nuclear disaster since chernobyl japan has also been advised to closely monitor public health. five men accused of planning the not eleven attacks facing fresh conspiracy and murder charges the group includes the self-proclaimed mastermind of the atrocities shake from it or five previously in charge at the guantanamo bay detention center but they were set aside when president obama unsuccessfully tried to move the case to a civilian court proceeding to say they will face the death penalty if convicted.
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because one the russian charles dying wish to the president to see you hospital bills for kids to ease the pain youngsters like him have to go through so the cancer sufferer never lived to see his dream become reality there was a center now about to officially open his memory and live out what he said sort of what. it was supposed to be a happy ending six years ago the moraga child was successfully recovering from leukemia he was already strong enough to give them president vladimir putin a tour around these overcrowded cancer wards and insightful enough to ask when the country would build a new more spacious hospital how much would be it's very expensive out of five thousand russian kids who are diagnosed with cancer every year less than half managed to get specialized medical how do you know who was born in a small town of kaluga in central russia was sent to moscow for treatment and opportunity that cancer patients in russia don't often get. there now
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hasn't left this more exposed six months for fear of contracting an interaction with a little girl show symptoms of a rare form of leukemia but so far it hasn't responded well to treatment but it has already suffered a number of infections despite being bills to antibiotics and her primary diagnosis is still unclear who was recently dr savoy so many theories of what's wrong with those but nobody can come up with a diagnosis my only hope is going to moscow they have better laboratories their doctors are more experienced what baffles doctors here may turn out to routine diagnoses from moscow doctors. this is where you learn a hoax her daughter will be found to a top notch child cancer hospital once at full capacity will be able to accommodate five hundred children. at a time he pursued he has its own air perfect system development team hygiene
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without committing parents to manzano and hospital confinement and without subjecting children to loads of antiviral drugs it looks like something from the future but it's ready to accept patients right now. we won't be able to cure everybody about thirty percent of children who are going with cancer called cured because we don't yet fully understand the cancer mechanisms or the drugs have not yet been invented yet will still be able to help thousands of children who until recently had only two options search for treatment abroad. two years after asking the president for the new century give him a diet of a long hemorrhage he didn't live to see the new hospital that now bears his name offering something many kids for his diagnosis don't have hope that is now tangible
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is the only hospital of its kind in russia and possibly all of europe because every little thing here is designed with cancer in mind has a big bass equipment and employs some of the bright as doctors. over its uniqueness want to spare and would do everything in their power for their kids to never go near this hospital but others with give up everything they have put it children to add up here so i boycott artsy. when he is here with the business news so far today. so that's right time for your business update to emerge as the new global financial center that's the verdict of a group of european businessmen meeting in the capital who believe boom times are ahead when a course or reports. leading business companies and analysts here say that russia is well on this way to establish
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a moscow as the next global financial center then boosting foreign investment they say that they see the potential but they want the government to take action and not just give them promises they say that volatility in the exchange rate in terms of trade and a volatile g.d.p. is scaring foreigners away they want russia to reduce its risk premium and get the international community more involved investors want to see a better regulated financial sector a better migration scheme for highly trained workers and more modernize the economy now they think that the w.t.r. membership will help change things around and become a security blanket for investors in the past year russia got three hundred billion dollars in foreign investment and that's a twelve percent increase from the year before now everyone here is really optimistic about russia's business potential and they've described twenty eleven as the girlfriends issue which will eventually lead to a boom during a call service business artsy. under spike rose economic prospects russia seems
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unable to stem an increase in capital outflow central by its specs the total thirty two thirty five billion dollars the country this year alone part thirty billion dollars have already flap economy in the first four months of the year high oil prices have always been drawing cash into russian assets but now analysts say investors last year and clear of the country for investment climate. russia's second biggest bank will be much more international in three years time and he pointed c.e.o. feature be comfortable like seek of its could discuss the bank's expansion plans with business archie. we're hoping to be able to open offices in both are all going to be in the united states will be other this year initially all international locations are measured distribution hubs the sewing. fixed income instruments the course of. it we're going to swim in the money measures across the ring and.
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we are entering the news the. international development we recently made a number of you hires and we're going to see you all for a london operation which is the center in the heart of the international expansion . we are going to be a much more international forum for years from now that's let's. take a quick look at the markets where prices have stabilized signal stop the european union will provide financial aid for greece without forcing a debt default parking speculation fuel jamal's will increase light sweet is trading at around one hundred three dollars per barrel brant is that around one hundred seventeen dollars. and of course asian markets are mixed stocks well as economic reports from the u.s. and china raised concerns that global economic growth may slow is flat as sentiment is helped by weak u.s. data on tuesday and in the country japan's prime minister is expected to face his
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second vote of no confidence in most than a year after the position lawmakers demanded resignation over poor handling of the nuclear crisis. and finally here in moscow the markets will start trading at about one all's time on tuesday the r.g.s. of the might six each gain to help one point three percent to end through a kind values as you can see let's have a look at some of the individual show moves on the mites and so on tuesday. well may just well majors were among the main gainers meat high current prices on shares also on the rise supported by strong first quarter results profits russia's biggest lender doubled to three point one billion dollars and the expectations. ok we'll be bringing you updates from the forum which is underway in russia it's called russia calling that's a forum which is intended to improve russia's investor climate and of course you
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can find more stories on our website r.j. dot com slash business. mission. critic you should read.


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