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tv   [untitled]    June 1, 2011 11:00am-11:30am EDT

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of course our court acquits seven polish soldiers of killing six out counts for billions including a pregnant woman and a child citing lack of evidence to support the war crimes charges. bosnian serb wartime commander rocco moderates begins his weight at the u.n. present in the hague to be tried for genocide but the evidence is in question. and not enough jobs for americans even low paid work runs out in the u.s.
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with economists warning a ticking time bomb of unemployment threatening the nation. and it's hitting the markets as well the latest job figures across the atlantic dragged down wall street and pull moscow down in its wake we're about the day's trading on business and around twenty minutes time. it's seven pm in moscow how many so now way and you're watching our chain our top story seven polish soldiers standing trial for the killing of afghan civilians in two thousand and seven have been acquitted a court in warsaw just missed the war crimes charges over a lack of evidence the soldiers were accused of opening mortar and gunfire on an afghan village that killed six people are european correspondent daniel bush has the details. on sixteenth of august two thousand and seven pows troops for twenty
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six more to show and machine gun fire all in afghan village killed reportedly ready for his wedding as well as the pregnant women and children other troops claimed they were all due to do so. and the firing on civilians was an accident now the judges ruled that there was not enough evidence for the false accuser and prosecutors want to twelve years. in jail for the suspects this is the first time that polish troops have been caused of war crimes in the afghanistan war and if in fact this is added to the calls for the nato troops to leave afghanistan of course the war here is extremely unpopular throughout the european union already we just saw president. hamid karzai of afghanistan saying that america was on its last chance the nato troops having killed another fourteen civilians recently
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really gave. have cans no choice but to declare war on the nato troops if they continue to kill civilians to kill innocent afghans he said really there was no excuse for the amount of this nato have apologized but the civilian casualties are considering continue to mount they have been hundreds of civilian deaths from nato bombing and military experts here really see no sign of the toll fully. artie's daniel bushell reporting there. former guard new third army chief rocco melodic just set for his first appearance for the hague war crimes tribunal on friday and sixty nine year old will be asked to enter a plea on charges of genocide is accused of ordering the killing of some eight thousand muslim men and boys at several in one thousand nine hundred five but it's capturing those are one has found out many are questioning the legitimacy of the
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evidence. sixteen years on the run six days in serbian court and the rest of his life in the hague. official belgrade was more than ready to extradite former bosnian serb army chief. in a matter of hours but i see why it is not as ready to prosecute more bitches accused of ordering the mass murder of muslim men and boys in the village of three needs or in one thousand nine hundred five the hague tribunal does have a lot of evidence regarding the massacre but is all of it valid but if you look at the forensic evidence and. it should be looked at very carefully it was not supported by anything close to the conclusion that the crowds of people were summarily. assert the sort of pollution. from. any criminal case of this nature the first thing you look at is
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the forensic evidence and the forensic evidence is the flimsiest part of the kane's there are questions about the way the evidence has been interpreted for instance with the autopsy reports the i.c.t. why presents three thousand five hundred sixty eight reports as corresponding to three thousand five hundred sixty eight bodies but many researchers who went through the files say most of them are body parts which means a lot less people even but. if the hague tribunal moves forward without gathering for evidence it will still be many months before the trial can begin the hague always has kind of plan things as they call or i mean it's it's been an improvisation they've changed indictments on people they've written indictments on people who've actually banned them already exported to the hague meaning first to get arrested and then you get an indictment against so that's the way the hague
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works so it won't be a surprise if they adjusted like me and like a few more times they did it with the welsh rich they did it with others they've done it chesham so it's just standard procedure for the hague tribunal in the case of former president slobodan milosevic it took over a year for proceedings to start because you know lawsuits have to familiarize himself with over a new unifications of case files and time is precisely what outcome luggage doesn't . have the ordinary. you don't need to be an expert to understand my father is in a very poor condition he can't even read he has to go through thousands of pages to be able to testify courts will be released simply unable to do that he has difficulties with speech to his printed how will he consult with his lawyers it's impossible to tell problems with his memory he may remember things or how long ago the same time he can remember what happened yesterday or the day before yesterday
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about going to person with these health problems appearing cools. so there i see g y may well find itself in a tight spot again more and more people are criticizing their lack of objectivity and they've yet to complete its case and that is a worry for belgrade which wants to complete this particular episode to history official belgrade extradited from logic in a matter of hours hoping to close this chapter of their history as quickly and painlessly as possible but in europe guarantee that his trial in the hague will take at least a few years means that for serbia this chapter will remain open for just as long. catherine as our r.t. from the serbian capital belgrade. still ahead for you in this hour of the british political marriage that's on the rocks and find out how deep the split in the u.k. is coalition is and how big the public's discontent after the government's controversial decisions and painful reforms also. shaping their future
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thousands of russian kids diagnosed with cancer are given new hope for the new state of your hospital bill to help fight it's the. first nato is extending its operation in libya by another three months the alliance chief says the decision is meant to signal to colonel gadhafi because the coalition is determined to fill the u.n. mandate to protect the libyans well let's get more on this development from political when you walk north you know joins us live via broadband thanks for being with us nato says gadhafi his days are numbered do you think the ninety extra days will be enough to get rid of him. i don't think there's any doubt that eventually he will ultimately have to leave the scene the question is how long it's going to take and i think with nato expanding their presence publically by ninety days there seems to be little doubt in my mind to be expect this thing to go on for many months to come perhaps ninety days is actually
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a stopgap measure maybe it's going to go on for much longer i really don't think that gadhafi is going to simply walk away and it seems very clear that in the absence of having him agree in advance to consider stepping down that the opposition is unlikely to take any peace talks seriously that tripoli says over seven hundred people have been killed by nato airstrikes how thier are the alliance claims that it aims only to protect civilians in this operation i don't doubt at all that it is entirely sincere but i also think that there's no way for them to know accurately exactly how many people have been impacted by the airstrikes how many civilians. i think gadhafi is doing what some other leaders in history have done and that is take soft targets are targets that are sensitive and fill them with civilians so that if a nato air strike is intending to hit a military target there's and it's entirely possible that it will because of the.
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but rest of the u.n. resolution was to impose a no fly zone doesn't it and not tripoli you know that's exactly right well the no fly zone proved to be pretty ineffective pretty quickly and it didn't take long for nato and the allies to realize that that simply isn't going to have the desired effect let's not forget that this whole episode started too late too little too late in my estimation on the part of nato if they really wanted to have an impact and have a better chance of having their own objectives met they really should have started within two weeks of there's a conflict starting that a horse takes much more time to when she would. an organization like nato and i didn't know they were the realisation that. short of ground troops were short of taking some more dramatic action the role. dramatically impact the outcome of this conflict it's unlikely to change anytime soon but that said do you think that
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there's any way for nato to claim success without the actual removal of it dappy no i really don't think so i think everyone's objective on that side of the coin is to have it up and be moved. really ultimately the question becomes really how to not defections on his side to actually have one of his own people kill him i think short of there i would not be surprised if your committee leaves first because i don't think he is simply going to say i'm no longer interested in being in power and i'm going to get a sincere dialogue with the opposition that just doesn't seem to be likely in syria the country's been ripped apart by anti-government protests president assad declared a general amnesty for all members of opposition political movements do you think he is another desperate dictator. the i think you've got a really good dictators dilemma and the dilemma is how do i stay in power and how do i get them to believe that i don't want to stay in power and it seems to me that he realizes the end game is not in power but he doesn't want to say so and he
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doesn't simply want to walk away and go same slow mo that there are other if yours in the arab world will ultimately have how do you stand up against a nearly unanimous opposition among your people in the case of syria there are so many. eruptions going on throughout the entire country there are so many people who are allowed to lie against him it just seems to be overwhelming odds and short of gassing his own people i really don't see how he can stay in power let me just tell you when i say short of gassing his own people syria has the largest collection of chemical weapons in the middle east service is reputed to have so the question is will he do what saddam hussein ultimately did and gassed his own people right political consultant daniel wagner thank you very much for your analysis. fourteen million americans are unemployed and it's
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a number rising relentlessly and with so many people on the breadline economists say forget the war on terror the lack of jobs is the biggest threat facing the world's wealthiest nation report has more here the golden arches that stretched across the globe from london to brussels to moscow millions flock to mcdonald's in search of french fries in big macs but what about those in search of a career if i was in dire straits i might go to mcdonald's but the entire time i was there i'd be looking for something better not to offend but all its employees i would look for other things. that's for sure i don't know but it's yeah. that's like to think hey it's just the words that's you would say about the delta i have a. meanwhile just across the atlantic the same or roma you come into but a much greater sense of appreciation for this great work and here i was able to go
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from person to restaurant manager. for benefits ongoing benefits of working with people. it is a secure career in a secure or in the u.s. where nearly fourteen million people are unemployed a career at mcdonald's has become appealing back in april the fast food chain launched its first ever national hiring day nearly one million people applied for a job but only six out of every one hundred applicants were hired. made donal's created sixty two thousand new minimum wage u.s. jobs in one day but for the past seven weeks more than four hundred thousand americans filed new claims for unemployment this as forty five million americans are reportedly already receiving food stamps from qana missed and offer less leopold says washington is ignoring
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a ticking time bomb we have the richest country on earth and can put its own people to work that's a disaster waiting to happen that's by far the biggest. in the wake of osama bin laden's assassination u.s. leaders say terrorism continues to be the biggest threat against americans there is no doubt that there will continue to pursue attacks against us against a country where some forty four million americans don't have health insurance a reported one in seven children are homeless america's double war bill tops one point two trillion and the richest four hundred americans hold more wealth than the bottom fifty percent combined two unfunded wars and tax cuts for the super rich they've lost their focus. which is you have to put the american people. back to work in what's being dubbed a make jobs u.s. recovery where a nationwide recruitment drive by
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a low wage employer still sends ninety four percent of applicants back to the golden arches. r.t. new york. there's always more news and eye catching videos for you when our website r.t. dot com just what's on your computer and this is what you'll find online right now u.s. congressman face is reaping criticism out for calling for every arab looking person to be searched before boarding a flight he says political correctness is what led the so-called real terrorists go . and moscow is waging a battle to save the city's good books bamanga huge billboards that cover many buildings around the metropolis for more on the of our go to our team dot com. the u.k. is not used to coalition governments but when the current one was formed all involved insisted it would be a match made in heaven but after a string of painful reforms biting budget cuts and political sniping the cracks are
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showing and many now doubt the government will last its full term as archie's lore and our ports what difference what a difference a year makes back then it was spring in smiles or no bruising reception as britain emerged from a power vacuum within a range political marriage but the honeymoon is over and parliamentary insiders reveal you could cut the atmosphere with a knife in the courage or the power last year the unhappy couple agreed on health reform three key principles freedom fairness and responsibility but doctors and nurses find that it's too big a pill to swallow the children as a frontline nurse was covering story in linsley still there's still a good thing that patient care is going to lead to repeat all over the n.h.s. becoming a market is it doesn't sync with good health care for the country it's
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a good thread. which is just don't exist at least speak to think it's a joke and she is a she is going to keep me from this. the embattled leader of the junior coalition party nick clegg says he's prepared to overrule and undermine the bill while there's a lot of tensions with her. plan because clegg feels he's come out strong this exposed by choice what sort of jury be aisy to the bail let's rule for arms to those of such a useful light so serious now it's quite hard leading liberal democrats insist it's business as usual and although clear cracks are showing they're adamant they'll keep the coalition soldiering on for another four years oh i have no doubt it will survive for four years because we haven't a preprogram. on almost all of which there is no controversy clegg is understandably wary the british care passionately about their health service and
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politicians meddle at their peril cash needs to be cars but clegg knows first hand the feeling of the knowledge being out for you like when students marched on mass blaming him personally for increasing college fees when he promised not to the speed of slashing spending pitted the government against the people and when the new dems buckled into past the cuts it brought the coalition to breaking point i think that the politicians of the type who determine start be with the westminster leadership see the most fit for the party will actually be highlights that i think that will decide it's crushed. the recent referendum and local elections have put the liberal democrats on the back foot their response to that has been to come out by saying the health service reforms are now undergoing what's being called a listening exercise and then they'll be put back in the ring but with cameron and
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clegg barely on speaking terms at times governing it's difficult and keeping it going for another four years looks even harder nor am it out see london. a look now at some international news in brief for you this hour at least forty one people killed in overnight clashes in the yemeni capital violence started after a cease fire broke down between security forces and groups belonging to rival tribes militants have taken over several government buildings in sanaa including the headquarters of the ruling party at least three hundred twenty people have been killed since protests against president so they began three months ago. spanish farmers are demanding compensation after it was proved they were not responsible for producing cucumbers contaminated with a lethal strain of e. coli terminally worst hit is still trying to find the source of the outbreak which continues to infect people sixteen have already died and almost five hundred are
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suffering severe symptoms after eating the vegetables. hundreds of children suffering from rare forms of cancer have been given new hope with the opening of a new hospital in moscow the center officially opened by prime minister vladimir putin is said to be the biggest and most well of quipped of its kind in europe the launch date of june first was chosen because it's recognized worldwide as international children's day or geezer son of boyko books of a little boy whose dreams of the hospital came true but he never got to see them. it was supposed to be a happy ending six years ago. was successfully recovering from leukemia he was already strong enough to give then president vladimir putin a tour around these overcrowded cancer wards and insightful enough to ask when the country would build a new more spacious hospital how much would that be it's very expensive out of five thousand russian kids who are diagnosed with cancer every year less than half
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managed to get specialized medical how do you know who was born in a small town of kalugin in central russia was sent to moscow for treatment and opportunity that cancer patients in russia don't often get. there now hasn't lost this war it's pushed six months for fear of contracting infection a little girl shows symptoms up around former flu kenya but so far it hasn't responded well to treatment but it has already suffered a number of infections despite being dosed with antibiotics and her primary diagnosis is still unclear. it was recently dr savoy so many theories of what's wrong with us but nobody can come up with a diagnosis my only hope is going to moscow they have better have oratory is there their doctors are more experienced what baffles doctors hane kaluga they turn out every teen diagnoses from moscow doctors. this is where you land
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a hoax her daughter will be sent to a top notch child cancer hospital that wanted full capacity will be able to accommodate five hundred children at a time the facility has its own air pretty thick ation system will maintain hygiene without committing parents to mom's and that hospital confinement and without subjecting children to loads of antiviral drugs it looks like something from the future but it's ready to accept patients right now. we won't be able to cure everybody about thirty percent of children who are doing ms with cancer can't be cured because we don't yet fully understand the cancer mechanisms or the drugs have not yet been invented yet will still be able to help thousands of children who recently had only two options for treatment abroad and. two years after asking the president for the new century gmo died of
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a lung hemorrhage he didn't live to see the new hospital that now bears his name offering something many kids for his diagnosis don't have hope that is now tangible is the only hospital of its kind in russia and possibly all of europe because every little thing here is designed to help cancer in mind has been vast the quick when in a while some of the brides as doctors get over its uniqueness to most parents would do everything in that power for their kids to never go near this hospital but others with everything they have for their children to end up here. artsy. up next is the business update with katrina stay with us. hello and welcome to your business update here on r.c. the russian government is once again turning to the gas industry to help balance the books the finance minister likely couldn't say as the tax burden on the sector
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will grow by over seventeen billion dollars over the next three years the proposed increase is most likely to concern gazprom and believes the government could generate the needed funds i'll swear. to you literally. the tax hike amount being talked about at the moment could be covered by revenues from increased gas sales we can see what is happening on the market right now and boy much still does ok as well as export delivery so this some doesn't have to be generated through the hike all of the energy extraction tax would be let's take a look at the markets now as i've gone into a speedy retreat after the poor us jobs and manufacturing jobs that undermine hopes for recovery looking at all first both brains blamed on light sweet down nearly dollar wall street is also suffering with the dow nasdaq solidly lower after a four day winning streak reading stopped are among the worst performers with j.p. morgan chase off three percent it's
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a similar story in europe as worries over the state of the global recovery overshadow progress on resolving the greek debt crisis oh supports the end the checks are over a percent down now. here in moscow the markets get up early against a close in the red with my six almost a percent down. it's about it's an individual share movers on the my six lukoil end of the day among the top losers after a jump five percent in the last minutes of tuesday's trading session colleen is also retreated amid lower pressures metal prices meanwhile across telecom advanced with seven of a percent. russia second largest mobile phone operator been simple calm has seen a fifty five percent increase in net profit for the first quarter. every film i six hundred million dollars much better than ls expectations the company benefited from the successful merger with egyptian are as common as that's how you went. wrestling manufacturing flat growth is slowing down the purchasing managers' index from
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a drop to just above fifty points its lowest level for seventeen months businesses are saying declining orders and sales forcing them to cut production. the united states risks to faltering on its debt in ten weeks if it can't raise more money and the country already has reached its debt limit of around fourteen trillion dollars still needs of our more but the house of representatives has voted down a bill to raise the debt ceiling patrick young editor of a gathering storm the voc about the financial meltdown believes american politicians are suffering from a collective loser. we're in a very very dangerous game of chance once we i mean it's quite incredible that the americans are so oblivious to the real politic of their economic situation but they're even willing to breach their debt ceiling and go towards the fact that they could run out of money pragmatically we really must hope that they don't do so but at the same time well i'm not very confident because quite honestly the democratic
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party you don't seem to have the slightest understanding of the real world or and do the real america the good news is that at least for those of us who are some way away from america we won't have to head to the hills and manage to knit or room sweaters and tree and beans in order to eat or something but it is certainly going to be a very difficult situation i mean the old guard that america will come up with a a fog of the eleven far and it will go forward the problem is it won't be a solution it will be a project just means they're kicking the can down the road if the good boston there is obviously going to be a very very significant crisis and about a point in time we really have an issue with the business of money itself would be advised to hold ourselves rather than pure fear couch and that brings you up to date with business for this hour i'll be back in just under an hour's time with more they will as the headlines next.
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question is that so much given to each musician on the market is the chaos me playing out in yemen turning the country into a failed state how should the international community be reacting to events there and will be. wealthy british style. sometimes the title of my book.


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