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tv   [untitled]    June 1, 2011 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT

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and he has to live from washington d.c. coming up today on the big picture a. new web site with twenty four seven live streaming news tell us what to do about the ongoing financial heart unlimited high quality videos for download. and stories you may never find remove. the. posts aren't. you guys welcome to shell or tell me alone a show we've heard our guests have to say on the topic now we want to hear our
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audience just go on to you tube to video respond or to twitter for part of the questions that we post on you tube every monday and on thursday the show long response is we let your voice be heard. for the night's jewels and award and tonight it goes to sarah haven't heard the former governor of alaska is touring the northeast on a bus and she's calling it the one nation tour many believe that she's just testing the waters for a possible presidential run in two thousand and twelve but she claims that this tour quote isn't about her now her political action committee sarah pac is reportedly paying for the bus of the family's riding around it and by the way this is a luxury bus it's got all the bells and whistles but now sarah the family are having sticker shock every time they pull into the gas station just. listen to her
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complain about gas prices last night on fox news this is all mapped out i mean i don't i don't know where you're going to but will match because i know i'm told to go to the web site but you know where you're going to you sort of call and as you as you travel the next couple days we know where we're going there's a couple of different resort record profits into the whole world going to security issues but there is if the price of gas pipes much higher right time we're going to be able to go to cars so in fact i think one of the one of the details on the bus that is drill baby drill over the gas to treat my people you know when you post a five bucks a gallon you can't go too far in every going this. oh sarah you know there are a lot of americans out there right now who are worried about gas prices many of them probably won't be able to afford a vacation this summer so do you really have a right to complain about gas prices when you're a multi-millionaire when you're riding on a luxury bus staying in fancy hotels all paid for reportedly by your pack we held the bus is nothing more than a tour to drum up during nations for your political action committee and most
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people don't even think they are running for president it's just a way to keep your name in the spotlight and keep making more money now for the record drill baby drill that got a little bad news for you you ask any economists any oil expert out there and they'll tell you that really no more at home is going to bring prices down but if you really want to save some money sarah just park the damn bus we did a little bit of quick fact checking online today on orbitz dot com and get a nice ford or a car from two hundred fifty up to nine hundred bucks for one week that includes taking the car up here in d.c. where your tour started and dropping off in manchester new hampshire so you have several options to choose from which are something that would fit your family's needs right but somehow i'm betting that we're not going to see sarah in the family roll up to a rally in a toyota prius or a chevy volt that if you want to save some extra cash as well try camping and set up staying in fancy hotels i'm sure the tea party faithful would just love to see us. leaping under the stars you know on our website today we've got numerous times
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the prices range from two hundred up to five hundred dollars and more just think of all that money you'll be saving and those are just a couple simple suggestions sara to help you stretch your dollar during these hard times please please just stop trying to convince the american people that you are one of them real americans don't quit their job as governor and then cash in on their political fame when they finally get a taste of the spotlight on fox news where you get a nice and very very quick she salary and that's why sarah palin it's nights tool time with her. now one element of us foreign policy that cannot be overlooked is the emphasis of the military places on drones have taken on an increasingly large role in america's strategy under obama and it looks like we plan to give them an even bigger one the pentagon just released its thirty year plan for all things involving war planes and robotic planes and drones have a very very crucial role here the twenty five billion dollars a year budget is called the aircraft procurement plan we should note none of this
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plan has been officially approved yet this is just what the pentagon is requesting points be on its own the pentagon wants something they usually get it now according to the plan the robotic air force will double within the next nine years with approximately one hundred unmanned aerial vehicles permanently on station that means going to twenty four seventh's so that it seems that pretty clear the military shifted its strategy to include a much larger number of perhaps there are some things that the government should review before they agree to this aircraft procurement plan let's start with how drones are currently being used they become key players in our wars abroad especially in afghanistan and most importantly our shadow war in pakistan you know the u.s. has never declared war in there on pakistan once they figure that the militants were located along the afghanistan pakistan border though the drones became the first weapon of choice and if you look at statistics drone strikes as collated in two thousand and eight and it's become clear that two thousand and ten was the hero
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with one hundred eighteen separate strikes now these strikes reportedly did prove effective in killing militants over the past course of three years but the number of civilian deaths in drone strikes are quite shocking and two thousand and nine alone it's estimated that over five hundred civilians were killed and keep in mind these statistics they don't reflect the true number of people who lose their lives to unmanned aerial vehicles as hundreds more attacks going report each year but it's quite a large number of casualties the calls from foreign governments to stop using these drones it seems as if the u.s. wants to use the. and even more places i'm sure pakistan is a hot spot right now but keep in mind the u.s. has also expanded drone use to include our unofficial wars in yemen and in libya oh by the way drones could very well become domestic devices q however i feel like there's just this one thing that we have to point out here that i can understand why it's consistently overlooked how about the fact that the use of drones is by many standards illegal philip alston the un special rapporteur on extra do just
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roll x. extrajudicial executions concentrated the refusal by states who conducted targeted killings to provide transparency about their policy violates the international framework that limits the unlawful use of lethal force against individuals a lack of disclosure give states a virtual and in permissible license to kill so in other words countries like the u.s. can use these weapons without getting any kind of confirmation or approval after all anybody nearby is flying these robots the cia has a center based in nevada where quote pilots fly these these in search of their targets so when they push the button to strike they're just doing it really really far away and frankly the idea of expanding this u.s. arsenal is a little scary gone are the days of precision expertise several levels of confirmation before attacking people and now it's all about mimicking video games where a simple push of a button thousands of miles away means mission accomplished even if hundreds of
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civilians get killed in the meantime but hey that's what the pentagon really wants for christmas. now what does it mean when a supposedly staunch advocate of civil liberties what flops and less than a week that's exactly what we've seen with senator rand paul last week i was singing his praises for being the sole voice to try and stop the reauthorization of patriot act provisions for four more years with no debate and he said i believe that america can successfully protect itself against potential terrorists without sacrificing civil liberties the rest of our spineless lawmakers did almost nothing to stop this is also in the constitution but that when speaking to sean hannity on his radio show about profiling in airports all said this. on the color of their skin or on their religion but i would take into account where they've been traveling and perhaps you might have to indirectly take into account whether or not they've been going to radical political speeches by religious leaders it wouldn't
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be that they are islamic but if someone is attending speeches from someone who is promoting a violent overthrow of our government that's really an offense that we should be going after they should be deported or put in prison. did you hear that paula suggesting that people be in prison or deported just pretending of political speech not only that a violation of the first amendment who gets to decide what's considered radical is just another sign that in this age of war on terror civil liberties have no chance of winning joining me to discuss this is james poulos host of the bottom line and reform school. thanks so much for joining us tonight some percentage closure i'm curious james do you think people should be thrown in jail or deported for attending a radical political speech. well a radical political speech certainly not but this isn't just any radical political speech we're talking about here right this is a this is talk of what i believe it is that actually rand paul did specify everywhere what kind of political speech he just had
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a radical political speech if you don't look at the jurisprudence in constitutional law it's true of course that a lot of stuff to appeal to all kinds of restrictions that it placed on speech political or otherwise but one thing that it won't budge on is if you've got people who are advocating the overthrow violent overthrow of the government the united states of america it's a different beast different kind of speech and it's treated differently in constitutional but the thing is if you look at perhaps rand paul's record some of the speeches where he's then some of the events that he's been at and he goes with these militia members perhaps some of these health keepers these are people that constantly talk about overthrowing the u.s. government these are people who talk about killing liberal journalists i say these ask you put himself in jail here. well i think that you raise a good point because if you take brand polls if you take it in polls example which is gosh we don't want people who consort with terrorists showing up to to rallies and events around the world where we're at that violent revolution and lucian overthrow the united states government is being treated her allies educated i mean
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look at this way if you've got say a right wing right wing of parliament area say from chinon where the right wing group is just just claims election victories there comes over to the united states and it turns let's say a white supremacist session is a terrorist klan rally somewhere in texas or idaho and he's a cameo as the session is terrorist and those are a lot of worth a try to gather and as you can imagine right and there's the rally and there's this guy and he's not a citizen and he's hanging out he's meeting people what do you want done with this person i don't think that the answer of nothing is either in tune with common sense or constitutional powers are not into the constitutional law that i'm just very curious i mean how can only be for free speech but with certain exceptions here either stand for these fundamental values or you don't well again the first amendment was not created to permit insurrection or the overthrow of the government and i think that the court has been firm even while recognizing that in many cases
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of the case law needed to be needs to be revisited in order to protect civil liberties here's a spot where you don't want where you don't want free speech but don't vote because it isn't consonant with the very political order that's maintaining the environment what free speech is not all possible but at the same time that's why america is america is because of the founding fathers people that decided that their governing body wasn't properly representing that was a you know was a tyrannical ruler and so they had to stand up against i mean you completely irrelevant entire idea that people can actually stand up to to a dictator to somebody that isn't giving proper rights to its citizens when you put the restrictions like our free speech well i don't think you can. you know you start of the right of course to peaceably assemble or no means assemble not to overthrow the government but through what i could very peacefully say that i think i would i would love to overthrow the us government so what's the difference that well i think the difference is one of the interpretation of constitutional law and
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the courts aren't going to come down on the side of someone to say ok i'm just very peaceably advocating that you know that the leadership of this country be executed and that the government be overthrown and that everyone that i'm talking to right now goes sterger an illusion you know i owned or stands for what it is that you're driving at said liberties are important and you know and it's no surprise i don't think that ron paul himself was able to get a guy like sean hannity who's been soft on national security issues to come around on his radio show and say you know what i'm. with you on this one you are right to stand up in congress and say the patriot act is not something that we can just keep renewing infinitely this is an emergency measure hasn't emergency shouldn't one day the emergency yes i think the obvious problem there at least where you and i disagree jane is that i feel like we constantly keep bring new ng infinitely if it infinitely certain measures that we think are protecting us from freedom and they rode on our civil liberties be it the first amendment they have the fourth amendment now we have the president who has american citizens on assassinations
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lists that's what happens when you set a dangerous precedent like that when you think that well perhaps there are certain examples where it's ok to just throw due process out the window place people on assassination less or place them in jail or deport them without ever taking them to any kind of court. oh no i'm i'm all in favor of due process and i think that rand paul very cautiously couched his remarks you know let's remember to go back to the beginning of the tape where he says you might want to indirectly take this into account you know this isn't a trap tony and guy i think he's very well aware of where the case law is on this subject he's not interested in you know three people in the brig without trial for years and years on end and you know no the cessation of americans is not at the top of my list or rentals list but i think you know it's it's illustrative that you know a guy like him who's very clear about this stuff and is it down on libertarian recognizes when it comes to the constitution protections that are in the constitution there for american citizens first well i think you know that's one of the worries though
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is that people like people like rand paul even when they start making concessions when it comes to civil liberties that's when you know that you're in trouble and rand paul by the way did say they'd like to keep on time of day open for as long as he could so he's totally down with throwing people in a break and keeping them there but james i want to thank you very much for joining us tonight. once again. militants who are not lawful soldiers in war we don't know right because we've never given them a fair trial and they're people that we just saw whooped up on the streets but i guess we'll never really truly know the answer james baker happier parts were at it i'm sure until my son. all right so the cons and i there's new technology the part of homeland security is catholic which is designed to prevent crime that's a little bit crazy we'll have details on that in just a moment and then grab a cocktail car happy hour segment one g.o.p. presidential hopeful is trying to garner votes with a weird music video and a study shows that americans think affairs are worse than polygamy if they can argue for lester and they progress as alex i thought about that and much more after
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the break. we. heard. we never got the chance to get in shape get ready because of freedom. hey guys welcome to shellings tell the obama show we've heard our guests talk to say on the topic now i want to hear. just go on to you tube video response or to twitter first part of the questions that we've posted on you tube every monday and
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on thursday to show your responses please let your voice be heard. you know somebody should see a story at the scene so. you think you understand it and then you did something else here's some of the part of it and realized everything you thought you knew you don't charge.
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i just have one thing to say right now down you tom cruise the u.s. department of homeland security is reportedly trying out new technology that may identify a terrorist before a crime is even committed think pre-crime minority report style now the program is called the future attribute screening technology or fast and d.h. has been conducting tests for several months at an undisclosed location in the northeast u.s. according to nature dot com the technology uses remote sensors to measure a person's heart rate and their eye movement and it uses that data to determine their mindset so essentially they're saying that they can sense if they're going to commit some sort of crime so we have actually come to the time in our surveillance obsessed nation where did chasse's was watching dystopian tom cruise movies for ideas. for howard barker. or.
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just. sort of more. places. so let me give you a few more details the thing is kind of like a polygraph but also measures your heart rate and steadiness of gaze as you're walking through that terminal and that's just great because i know i get a little bit of nervous when i go through that old porno scanner thing next thing i know i would be arrested for suspicion of being a terrorist now d.h. s. is really not saying a whole lot about this new system but they claim that it has seventy percent success rate so far those tests have only taken place in a lap so i just wonder what will happen when those remote sensors are moved into a crowded airport or a bus terminal and god knows that a terminal of angry holiday travelers can see like a world cup group of would be criminals now as you can imagine there are critics out there and i say rightly so sometimes scientists question if there are enough unique signatures for quote mal intent that's the homeland security's term for the
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intention to cause harm scientists say trying to differentiate malintent from the normal anxieties of a traveler traveler is it nearly impossible and i have to agree with the scientists there how many times have you really wanted to commit a crime at the airport because of a delayed flight or of a screaming baby sitting in the seat behind you ask her when this fast technology coming to an airport near you the h.s. is keeping that information a secret we just thought you should know about it in the meantime. it is time for our wednesday edition of happy hour and joining me tonight is artie correspondent lauren lyster and alex sites all reporter and blogger for think progress dot org and the progress report thanks for joining me this evening he's
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writing out i'm really excited for republican candidates to finally just jump in and just admit that they're running because i love nothing more than cheesy campaign ads but they're. hurdy a really really good one from someone who's been in the race for quite a long time coming from herman cain take a look at this. now sarah palin gets a fancy buzz herman cain as a zone trade i kind of like the better of you guys i find this whole thing really endearing and it can i have it up i think about the little engine that could because herman cain you know he's the underdog doesn't have a whole lot of money and the production value of this thing is
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a little bit if you know it's him paul and you know michael bay produced you know it's simple and yet for sure but the it's just so endearing you know he's out there talking to the people they're saying he's going to raise cain they've got the little footage of the train going by but a curious thing in there my colleague leif who is no ally of herman cain makes like a twenty second cameo in there i'm not really sure what the purpose of that is i don't even see if i missed of yeah he's just you know talking just just talking about obama normal constituent that herman cain hopes to get the vote in the g.o.p. . you cite something which i have picked up on and i feel like there's all these simple little messages or not so simple no like through the whole thing you have to keep raising the point like look the tea party can't be racist because herman cain is black and i hate muslims because they're became won't put it in the cabinet i'm sorry but we cover so i mean i've seen already movements that definitely have racist undertones and then i was like what is going on are the koch brothers behind this or something that just seems too weird and when you go i mean i did not use an
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in-depth reporting on this but when you google there are times i certainly do i mean herman cain clearly has a questionable to say the least stands. the muslim issue although he's walked that back tremendously in trying to somebody like you try to block you back in so i did say that i would absolutely hire anyone who is muslim and put them in my cabinet just like big twice about it was the one williams like well i just makes me a little nervous admit that that bad that i didn't i mean he you know he said that he would hire any muslims who practice sharia law but all muslims practice sharia law so you know you get in kind of a catch twenty two situation there but you know i just i can't help but feel little bit of love for herman cain the underdog even though he is a crazy total out there bigot just like the rest of the. song was kind of doing it for her. and they kept saying a raise let's raise some cain let's raise and cain and it kind of all sound like they're saying like something about mccain mccain mccain is. going to look the same and i think trying to play off of some of that last election cycle there like i
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already. where i just know i should vote for we have to move on. let's talk about fox news for a moment we went on their web site today check out you know what's the top story on fox news and one of the top stories was that iran is building its secret missiles herb secret missile installation in venezuela. so just some guy decided to fear monger about that right about that but i just thought of fox news gets away with this stuff i mean i understand it's not the rest of the media's job to sit there or through every ridiculous story found in a fox news website and go and correct it but i mean but there are a lot of americans actually watching really fox news and they really think now that iran is building you know a secret missile installation in venezuela you've got to give you will and there are a lot of mainstream media outlets and critics who want to discredit our t. for any kind of thing that we do or any kind of opinion that we put on that people read as being you know conspiratorial or outside of the mainstream but fox news
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didn't just get away with that nobody bats an eyelash just the way they place and even shows that they were like a little iffy about. this situation was on fox news latino and it was an earth. that was under attack and what if you read it it doesn't read like an opinion piece . like it is the reason his piece yeah so they clearly like. the author wrote it up as a news piece and they were like who were going to put opinion in front of his ego and those in like when i have the stories how i think is a lie how monsters it has. it's infiltrating the u.s. through the mexican border that then you know as well ok very quickly there is a new gallup poll out there that says that americans think that affairs are worse than polygamy and i'm just wondering do you think americans really feel that way. they can and i don't want. to feel that way i think if you close. let's talk about what happens how it happened and perhaps how the governor got caught and we seized
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on this and begins to tear out a stack of the affidavits the core papers and you've had more time to go through this than i have what jumps out at you the details is that the stronger native was doing more than pumping. and he has a child i mean these guys are out of control just my opinion. i love joy behar's but i don't know is polygamy or is an affair worse than polygamy or polygamy is it legal of having an affair is it ok well i don't have to. pay for you to divorce over that but you know i kind of see it as like this is like a short circuit on the puritanical american spirit they're like well i know i love marriage so that's you know if there's no that's bad for sure polygamy like the marriage just just how do they use services you want just use just throw them all in and call them all your wives to get everybody getting that everybody's getting you know to be recognized and getting fair treatment and
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a fair someone's you know getting screwed so if newt gingrich. had just you know kept his three wives under one roof which sure newt gingrich would be into and you could buy them all tiffany rings every so often to keep them happy maybe he would be the future president which is not looking very likely ok and i like you and maybe it was that are you going. to really i just don't think my turn afford multiple women really are you guys thanks for joining me tonight that's a pretty nice show thanks for tuning in make sure you come back tomorrow erica kane from the agenda project has me back on the show to discuss the point let's go back and forth we've been seeing on the debt ceiling how to resolve that if you once and for all in the meantime don't forget become a fan of the lower show on facebook and follow us on twitter if you missed any of the night's show or any other nights you can always catch all the you tube dot com slash you want to show where you can find the interviews as well as the show in its entirety and coming up next is adverse is the next.
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we'll. bring you the latest in science and technology from around russia. we've got the huge earth covered. fists first. culture is that so much different and there's a huge music is there a person on the mark when is the chaos being laid out in yemen turning the country into a failed state how should the international community be reacting to events there and will be.
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much more news today violence is once again flared up. and these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada after. the giant corporations are rooted a. mum.


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